VOL. XXVn. No. 29, iP»ERVISOBS IN ^ USUAL SESSION Worthy Confcder^ lUeeircs S f M U PMMion fifwa BmH —>Otktr BnaiiMM. ^t a meeting of tb« board of lup- erv&on (Mid laat Tnwday, there were •- present, J. Q. Dawaon, chairman; B. Lynn Rob4»tion, Wm. Crow, IfcDufT Green, 0. C. HutchiaoD and T. M. Rus- jpiil The following: buaineaa waa ttenaacted: A warrant waa ordered in faror of T. iL Grimsley for t250.0O^or proae- \'cntiiif a certaipi feleiiy. > A warrant WM ttrclwwi drawn on tho special penaioa Alpd in favor of ADTCplOBILB ACCBDBNT NiMse of Mra. L.'S. BeachWy KMM Acd4eKt BaHimora. !^ MANASSAS, V m c l N U r FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1»21 TOirNCOUN m MEETS T SESSION ' Motto* waa received h«*« kat W«d- amUr by Mrs. E. L. BeMsUtT. of OM doath of her niece, Miss I>B«Uik Bakcr^ of Baltimore. Miss Baker with sever- al companiona in a lante care were runniat akms tfwaMi* ia Baltimore, when aaothat C4me rapidly UMBMI ^ eonicr. "The driver of the car b which Hiss Baker waa, in Ua awieavor to torn his car aside skidded, atriUng the curbintr with s«eh force as to throw the oeeo- caiviag injoriea died. Miss Pauline Beachk eukst dau^h ter of Mr. a«d Mrs. fc»j"hldy, of Ma na#sa«, who was also aa f^wiwurt.of ^\.^- i*"*h ''^'Lf^''?*' r ^ ^^i^pJr^nUoMly eaeaMf ^ ,' •oldier, for the sua of |2S, SMlilao few brutaes. Mrs. Beacbi^ aeooti; ordered that Si^erviaor RoK»^*tii'r«ail..-^.--j .^^ •_ . ... ' - zTTi i}irected to ascertain and the physical and financial - iin. Bridwey and Myy-JT^ A warrant draw%ii^i&vor e| JBU* H. Bailey for ^0.00 fte • ri^>i.«Mmv to Medley's, bi^gre over Bull Km. to Ibe delivered wbea said Bkiley shall de- ^w a deed coMsying a rifht-of-way t o Frince VJUliaaJ^county. Tbt coanty trsMurer WM d i n e M t o debit himself n t ^ o M I t «M 91,811.50 to «be eooBty toad. t o the order of the bowd.' The snm of |400 was apfwi^riatad t6 B(q>plemente4 by. a liln amn to lie contributed by private rabMr^^ttoq, the whole to be expended fisr fMiiai> 9rov<kiaaat in MaaaaMs diatslat A warrant waa izawa a i <^-«W iroad fond fw |eS46 and cM.. i. ta Colaa district read foad. The boa^ atade wpUeation to tha BnltrgMunt of Powar P||at CoBtMaplatMl^OUMr W • portafit BariiMM. A regul^i; maattaff of the Town Council wa^bdfl on Monday, Mayor ,__ .Harry P. &vis, presiding wHh the wlthaat wamiag following eoaDclLmen present: 1. H. d eanur. Tt.« ^xaik*, 3. M.^U, B. C. ComweB, B- d. lEynsoa. D, J Arriagtoa and S.,iC. Cooper. * TJia minat«8 of tiie three last ia«at- , „, „v^»- ings ,were read and after wtdit kar- paata of the ear ottf^ ifias Baker ra- xpctiMw were aaproved aa rsa4 - CAiimSG CLUB GfitL —- I ,.^ TBB COnLUON CLtTHf' WINS p B i z s OFFBarasf ' ' ^-^—- -"••• nm Daaee Givaa Ust MfM^lRr *»a- aiag Largely Atteade4,, Cora Shaannko- Wlas Bnipea CM Scaler Offarad' by tha, Fanoera' Ezchaasa. f 1.S0 A YEAR IN ADVANq^ led by her daughter. Miss CareOS^ her *oai». Bdwia, attended tha fhi* era! which a » s held on Friday at tb* Cathedral «Maetery ia WslMpem - - Mi« SalA< had iiiiiiliijiiii-^ Manassas, i ^ i a c oftMLjKtsd W anat hara. ^ IDFQ9 B|l^TOWX# (W. L. Browuug, Cbaatr Afaat) After taUdng with aaita a ^ of fooHrr aaotber year. Ws ^ b^sva b tha paoltey laJarttj «t tha aeaaly hava doddad tkat to h ^ a good conaty poattiy shew wbaU be a At- ^^W^^araMrs Exchange, Manassas to ^eoaiag^^rodaetioB and consorva- tien of feeds by the Canniog Club Girls offered to the gtol putting up the greatest amount of ]^«dneta from dab garden, home garden and orchard a Burpee Caa Sealer. TMs sealtf k equipped for aealhw both quart and pint cans. Oas, dosea of each quart --.;-- -- f-^-^j" 1"-- ~' I »»*1 obt cans goes with the seakr as arbieh Aa latsr R. 8. Hynson, fhairmaa e< the sbiaet the gift «rf tha Viiglida Can Osmpaay, comntil^tee, r e p o r ^ that he had re- Roanoke, Va. ceivedill favoraWf report froas Sa^t.] This sealer has been won by Oars Buddin of tf»« Se^them Railway, ha Shomaker, Haymarket, Va., AKhoo^ ConiMcti«|^ Wtth ioatalling a wei^iig the.season was the dryestand garden wales tofm* benefl^ of the town.. t pro|iuction the lowest for many years The sufter report^ fines impoiediCoia put if^ 806 containers 9t vege- iar the mflg|fr of Noveyaber amoun^gf tahlea, fruits, preserves, pkkles, jelly to $86.06. J t was ordaM that tiie and 6 quarts of Moshronas. Of the smountinir to 111,661.70 number S7 <piarts Is fruit and 68 asp«gt-:g;ls«aes of JeDy. She hss as a net *erga|^<|^%)fit 881.60. Cora is the first girl ia " his fe^e caaaty to attempt the caaning of A :• "mushroams. When asked how it was The mayor prea»ntwl a sUteni|a* done she said, "I did just aa Uaela shoeing the town's., floa^jg bidebla4-|ea«'la BoUetin said and my mush- nasi to he |20,»1.8t, re|»rea«a*4£oom# *'*''f'Mflf *•"" MadaUne ing ia obUgatiMia taVa<9» and fur<fc» Tp4titi coiuiPNRIid with 188 coatahi- reported that tha rwiolrements forfiejcrs, a net pn» of $46.89; Olivia Atbey year of 1922 fbr inteiVt and retira- 16« contaiaei£a net pisAt ef t68.r/ meat of bonds, would b e ^ 4 0 . 0 0 tea «»via Sbtd 8«iB||^>oaads ef rmtM^ that the i m tax aaavaUHPt as^as- bits fraah and ]9tofad$I&aO. Mar asased, for qyaeUc iHffVMI^^ i<^a| total yirid of vacataMia »ai; IfTi X4I foBows: Ponads, the Ughaat yield ia As«Bin«y. AUea Braedpa 140 —h*TlW aad t i . t t « « Hetea Arthte 124. These t«a «iria made tha WglMat avara«s in «M o o o . PiHiItir Sh««r HitiiRy C^ 1» iSNifav^ Work OM State Highway Comndssioner under |ttn# climax to tha seasoBs work. We the law provMlng state money aid for j beUeva that a good poohry show would apportionment of foad to be allotted.> a stimulent to bettar and more to improvement of roads in3n|rti<(il]ai poaltry another y e y . ' We b^iieya district from Kewitt's corner ^ f l i f o - liesviUatv Greenwich. - ?CauntyFa^l"'''. :'S" t C. L. Reading, clerk of eltetion and returning polls .V ' ^. W. ArodU, ajectiod jodfe. ^hf fc-^nrithj aamgu£.iS;^E :^;;.iifvMr4fax9h»afwmwi::..:...::::4. j-^^m B. Kerlin, OaA- alection...,..„ \ E. J. Shaffer, room.xa^.;, . J. M. Keys, judgeijeifipn.:....;.^ W. W. Keys, sante, rettm polls W. U. Vamer, same. „.. S . W. Hensley, cleric ele«rfion.... S. B. Spitzer, same. _ B. H. Keys^:xooai rent. :.: L. B. Pattie, jnda uid retumia|r polls also that thaaaia no foiw of livestodc .kept on the fans that wfl yield; tijd ;r«turAs'ior £l|«|as«ant of foqiTyc^i sumed as will a fiock of well ttf^ I5.7a^care of,b||dli^ . ^i, iJ»\ iA-toiafhre datis-flf Decembar,l£tb The M e n k e s CotiUion Club gave its first dance of the season at Con- ner's Hall on Monday evening. The club has besp »*:ently organised with J. C. Albrig^,-prea«ent; O. D. Wat- ers, treas«er; W. C Bice, tecreUry. and the following aianbers: Uii^n. iloha Adams, ^fcSfaipson AdaaM; Foots Peters, John L. Hynsee. William H, Leachman. Peyton Larkin, Carroll Bice, * . E. ^ i c s , Taylor Weir, J. C. Kiaeholas, Gilbert Gray, Norn^a Bai. ley, C. H. lion, W. T. Aylor, W. L. Hombaksr, W. J. Davis, J. B. Leach, auut. Ham Hntchiaon, Leon Waters, W. E. Meta, J. P. Lyon, A. A HoofT, Jr., Bdf Robertson and B. Lynn Rab- ertson. _ The music was furnished by Cxvird- er's Musical Aces, of Washington, iud the patronesses "were Mrs. B. Lynn BoberUon, Mrs. John L. jllj^paon, Mrs. R. B. Larkjs, Mrs-Maif Moran, Ma. J. C. Albright and Mrs. M. H. Kinche- >oe. Among the out^af town guests wsiV Miss LucUe HbtelllBoa, Mr. Ham Hutchison and Mr. Ed. Carter of Hay- maHclttf'HMuiira. cinrtim An> miik msm. follows For pobUe BtiUties—roal and personal property. Bank's eapttar in baai- For street puipiissa . JWI and persutt vm^iilg: Intangible prepstty. For eorpmratioB purjKaaa T h a d w a ^ destroyed BOBM of the maHUtt; Messrs. Curtis CiU sad Willis c CONIiQtENCE Bfaoiy Intcrcstinar and Inatmetiae AUreaaas Ma4« By Lcadlm IplncatorB of Stata. H. Osboum, Prinslpal Ma- nassas Sdiool) Tha State Educational Coaferenee held in Bjchmond during Thanksg^* ing we^ gave enthusiastic evUenpe «< the steady advaaca beiag tiJBt in d ! edncatitwal lines in Virginia. Iwa|> moral eoBfereaecs w«e held—^for aa* perintaadents, for trustees, for sapeB> visors and jtriae^s; for high, graal> mar, priamry and rural school teach- ers; for 0i lines ef academic work; for music and sctjMtor sgricultaral) home economies, mdoatrial and com- mercial education; for the Virginia Division ol the National Council ^ AdAinktrativa Women in Educatioii, and a whole series for the Co-Cpaca' tive Education Assoeiation, ondar whose auspices the patrons leag^ work of the state is carried on. , . ^-^- 7 - —— in addition to the toaa^ oonferMtees, H^aden, «f Oiteg«r MiK 'iSmlyn, dinhen and luncheons were given by ^ M ^ « t J « e a h a r g , and<i||(;; Macel^tha alaalid af the Univwsitr of Vir- WaVvaBsiaf Paris, France. gink, and of Celnmbk Univarritr> Willkm and Mary aad Raad^t^-iaL eoa Gelkgs, and ef tim stafa aorai^ •elxKda. Farthar «istiriMea wm aMa ^ to tho wade by the eisthesiastie gnsst of l i s City of Richmond on Wod> aaadar aad Tharsday.. OP LAND 1^^^ MedUal BM^ Settiad Wk«i PmHirtit SikaM Bir Among tlM priaeipal speakers of tiha «»alstaM«a wars Ptasidsut ftMisiiiMi ta-tham^rum-i"^'.^ mSStlr^m^n' STi^jLTy: Ifci^^T^S ^i£?ti ^ B^Bk-s capital in bu«^ idx to the giri mMk^g the Best Year'.'«.p in tha i-Ulon^^^iS?l*« SnSS^^t?SL?il^^ ^^ril<*aol purposes, bank'.' . K««d. ^ * o A « a e t be completed i wvealed kst M««h by A t t o ^ - S J £^22^2^ A S ^ , ^ ^ V .^iial m b«sine«i....... 1 4 ^ W October Si, 1822. . Thk ««*«r will *ral Palmer k m. opinion ^ ^ ^ ' '°*^*^ ^ ^ ^ Hart, Governor Wsa^ *S«pt.Gue reported that 14** pre23;|#69ai,««d »ith tiaea iiset dkhesUas nothing k the VoUt^wi act to ?f!^t,i^ "^ Om«»es«a,m rtoin^ftc tmsInman.Lji^ jiiti..W^»"-'-^ -^•-'^-•-- .^~ ^ ^ uuer. » -wuivu«. | p^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ stressed ^ Wida- .8.00: waht^to make thk the best iilC1iB«- large to take fcare of the present and one ktwest^d k |he girl% wofkVffl' ^f-ToZ? 8.00lest poultry exhibit ever held id tlia future rwkiwments. which worJlddost offer a.third; ^ ^ ^ "^^ wiBnd,„g evolved Howard Haislip, judge alection IS. B. SQison, same W. L. ganders, derk deetioB.... ft H. Akcp, same... . Stonewall Council, room rent.!, M. J. Keys, judge decti«m. .^ lastman Keys, jadga and ta^ tamkg polk -.„..,. T. C. CUne, judge . W. S. Brawner, cleric. Wilson Merchant, same. Hampton Mclhteer, room reat.. H. A. Boley, judge and ' in* polls E. W. Sda: jndg«.""..'"!ZI Wallace Wood, —""•.^ P-M. Boley, ckrk..:HZ. C. E. Alku, sarnr...!!^... 0- ^.' A. GjwdVtaom ^^•Wha.jMga pdk ...^ „..„ Winter Owens, jndge.„ 4|3.00 T. S. Meredith, samaL^, 'o^' »M E. /». Ganiett, dsik^ . ,:. V. 8.00 A. B. Rust, same s.OO Town of Haymaritet, room r«it 1.50 Rolfe Bobertsoa, judge and re- toning polk _,•, ;.^_^ 8.50 Wm. C. Latham, jndgaJ™L__*t*%00 Renbea Utterback, M » a - ' tJDO ^Uhor Pawner, deck . 8.00 ^«J«T lykr, saoM -^ :&0& Chaa. todwell,roomi«rt__^ 1.50 W. F. George, jnAg^ ' . J- 0. Dnffey, same C. T. Hemdm, judgs and n- . *«a»mg polls .. s\n. i ^^W M. a Southard, cktiu.__ . _ 8.00 J- a Stewart, sanw '^' 84tJ W. w. Fritt«, roam iaat_„iV \M «• K. Shapsoa, jadga... .... - 8.08 <*^ l". Pattit, —— • . • ' XM f*^ JD**k, sama .; %M »• T. fiffmlk, dstk. 8.00 P. S. DsTfc, „ « , , _ ^ . M 8 » « W Baid, l a s a r « t ™ - _ i . . \M 8.00lest poultry exhibit ever held id ^ 1.80 eaanty, and will necessarily hamia lb 3.00j'giaf to some enMM€( for p 6.60 j hall rent, ete^p^rtU appradata 3.00 j.contribotions rawurjl thu expense __ 3.00 breeder W»h|^ to send us. We wouM~ 8.00 also like ta h*ae More hand as krga .1.60, a Ikt of \kT^% lllrt^you wiB promise I to exhibi* o >:dC:«a may tiave soma 6.5d|idea the a..ountjP^spaee and pens to 3.001 fix. We will offer prizes for both pens 8.00^' and single exkEbfts of all the most po- 8.00 pnlar toeeds now r^sed k lb* county. The comity sgent just (Msircd a letter from former cooaty a t « ^ W. P. Sadler, of Fauquier, who now haa charge of tha live stodc department t\ the farm ef Mr. Singletoa, tA i^Loodoan county, saying that the cal- jyes flkt they, bong^ m Prince WU- flam kst fall aad pushed and made baby beeves out of them were shipped last week, to Jexi«r O^ aaufcet and KM|<brou^t 11 eaat j>ar poalL. If we cadhaead calves that top 1 ^ niarket Uka theae,^hy cannot wa feed them, at-hotee instead, of feeding tin com- mon grade'of s^ ijiat tha majori^ of us ate aav faedins-. ft costs no 8s grow that high class se« than it does the ones that bring from 6 to 7 cents. It seems that we need more of th* kind of baaf bulk that get these hi^ grade calns, th«i we WM^d be producing at home our feed- ei^iBstead of aending away frad|hj)ins aad paying nnresson|hla frd ,_^—^ «eannissioas, etc., aafciag ijMm ««a(;' after publication of Mr. ing kterest in education Jhroaghont IJSO 3.00 8.00^ 8X10 8.00 1.80 6.70 ftrture r«H«ments, which worJldd^ ofita- a .thirtl ' ^ — r """^ *- tI^"^Tr ^\ ' - - . ' ^ f ^ " '**''" ^ J " * * " * ! * ' ^ baf1^,«MU«.dfif^tHbu«indiol- •n.ese^willnothegi«mun.rerdav;^.^"f ,?KT^^ " T ,'"'^ hetter «*ook, ^ i ^ matter was raferred to the J«« t h « a ™ a , m « V a . fi^c^- TJLT^^ «^^^^^ .. i for a longer «=hool term «d more ^ t.nblfc utflitks contoittee for tevesti- testants. ^' " L ^ T ^ ?^" _^"f/• "* *** ^J*^^^, ^^^^ '"""°«- »• eatien lu wsii jilan^hA m%<MtiM. of fi.^, W>i^^ v^-i. *\. n ^v.. pannmg legisk.tare, withheld awuaaes referred s k a to tha krga per cent of being deferred until ti«regukr»eit^ ing to do the r ^ S ^ w T r t a^ ^'^^'^''"'^^ "^"*''-'^'"^ the n.ce«iity for_^a««* te^rhers andj^ in»fti Tl«>««h»r ' ^ ^ hJr «-.A^^I/^^ T- *'".f**P <*• wguktMBs w«e issosd shsot h^ compulsory attaadanee k w , if thk evil TT ^ T ^ . . _ ^ , _ Sl/Xi E T L T " ^ * ^ • *>«» hrwrm. have obtaked per- *«* to be wip«l out. More financial Thecl«kwasmstructodtoforw«d «*;«*«» »^th» County Hoaaifcmits ts^mmatfactara.^ ^omrt due for d«W ta»s to osmmk. amnstratton A«ent. - : ^ purposes, tat owtag to the mnneroa. Ul funds of aD counties k not now sHosr rfyma u^ mUi^m«ti6> . _^_;—"—-—^—,^_^ dianges made necassazy k kstraet, over 61% af the sum neede<^ for tha and to o«kd one hundred and fareaiy- WBDDING ANNIVMSAW kms to prx>kT.itiTd^rs « d ^ effective w«ridng of the school system. .^€. femak * « * ^ * » ths year ^ - T ~ - . w *^ ^. <«• offldak H k not bdievad that nnidi Inyhk fiaal^aummary he endorsed tha M ..-, J ^ ^^7^,?!^f;:^***"^'*",*«^hasbeenpiaaera»dasmedid^ fWkwiag WeommsBdations of the re- New ordmances and amandmenk hratofllk«.A.rfv«a.^ | Pssaage of the anti*«r i T-I^ «««* «^ •*««««J " ^ ^ s»naw step forward k the enfercemsat *!•. I***"****^ *" ** 0 « « ^ ^sssaiddy were presented by the (odinaiKe c(»a mittee and upon being zaad, waia en- Ur. and Mrs. Robert A. Waters cd- . r.r'"— —~ ••«•••—» ^j- ._.-, acted separatdy and as a whde by a rf»«rted the silver anniv<«ay of their i '^ Vrobibitim. CommissKmer Hsynss " " ' " " recorded vote of the above n>m«l ««n- manrkM on ftidav .veniiup. N<mm. .«*«»"»• IOTTMI steatement. HM act . 1 - * • * recorded vote of the above named coon- manrkge on ftiday evening, Novaa-1 f*^ T, • J ^ ™ * ! •*«*««'«»«•>*• *">••«* JK "J**'. ",,-: ^ „ : ^ dlmeb aad ^ww ordared pnUkhed h* 3». at thdr home k Dumfries: j " ^' •*»«««t»>eas the hands <rf the f«nid, to basr at kaat one-half of tSe m^^A'.^-^^A...... 4.V 1 ^ •. Ikmm. ixr>k_ I : I ••• . ^.prohfldtiaB forces k dealing with the **"* af ipatxaetiai. Material iaereaae m the state ""**."*C^ vki A-«uMf ewlUIUC. l^OTSBl-k * .- * . dlmeb aad 'were ordared pnUished -3.—r , »-. , ._,^ . and spread upon tha mlnatss.- ^tn. Waters, becomingly sttirad m ^ i ~ 3 * ^ ? ? * ? *" *^*"^ ^^ *"" o *«i—u- -* - -# ^ -*.^ . Ameodmeots with naw proviikns « b k * salAagown w d l ^ * omamento "^^ » » « » i ^ l Prescriptions soW on f-AJI^tka«rf a part rf^ to the town diartor w%re prea«>te4 and «o*ara, |did Mr. Waters m hk *^ ***" •"«*** sad used for bevar- ^ *«» « « « » « • educational comB- and tnnied over to tl«, ordinance ««. wadding-ia*. recdvad tiiek guasta fSL''"'?f!^ " ^ " ^ _*_ ^^ u ^ 1^ ^ttoe to be reported hade at tliaaaxt iftth thdr usual pkasant smilsTwd *"«'- <>* *»« "*«» I*>akiaa.-wkr ._A P* ««»«y » « » « » <* •d««^- ^—«~ ^»»s tt-sn a most enjoyable ev«ring. ^^ " T ^ Pwacriptiona for liqnsr «^tt««- « ^ , S^p»bowlWMpr.dd.dW^*-J^«t«*»^ I ti^^Snj^lSSfr^iS^^ n|fc W.^SssoB. ssdsted by' '^o emharrassmsBt in tha anforee- Jii^^^^^^^L^^,,^^^^ CoBstanoe Waters. Made raa- »»«» of pn,hibiti<m.- Mr. Haynea ST !L!i^j^2f^ T^^El^w by l&s. Ckad Brawner on tha;"**^, "is aatkipated from the imivi- - . ^ J T f ^ " J J * * Co-Operatt»a _ doa imoo.inp' B««i u.viii*., — - - - Education Assodatioa were nch m ra- o. r. A« SOU) ssamat Bull Run Comudl. No. « , a F. A , "T" ! i J S ^ ! l T'J" ***) dT tanoskTo^liS^, H, ^ t B d u c a t i « A « ^ t i o n were ri^Tk «. accordkg to a pradamattsU kmmd hr t^^^f^,T!L^^^ T ' « ^ ^^.^M^^^^'T °"" P o ^ •»* dkeusdons of how the work the preddent of the G^ 0>,m>^ ht iT^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^ ^^te^f^lwlr^^w !l!!f: '^ ^ P**"**- ^^^ had aided Ja tn—!_,^ ^^,M _• .4. zsaaamaaB eoneisima oifa sand^anrse '*nia ana searchmg etiier property _ _ J 1 ^U V > . . . . . . .«H « v . - ! ! ! without warr«,t. JLi«^i,^J^ unprovkg the schods, k obtainks and cake were us often mora thi^ w i ^ i ^ k S l e t ' a ^ * * * ^ ' ^ *** ^'^ ^ *• <*«*. Son*- S t i T ^ ^ ^ Rose RatelrfTe irTU. ^w « ^ ..,-. ,^ ;. .a«* to the occadon. Sl^^^ '^^^J.'"^ "<» ^- B. Cok, Jodca aad paOs s *»«• Kiachdie. Jad«au Thea. Woolfeodaa. aaa A T. Woodyard. slsrii- ^- S- Storira, ame _. 2; '• A. Cauncil, room W. B. Abd, judge aad *"» P<^k .. _ JJ Umkg, Jadga .... - • • * h « SoUasoa, sama ^^-^99, dark aad ra« (thafteaad 1 It k tnw that Oese calsfa M k Londoim'Wtte aet bought fdi tha priea ^af common cattle^ but it paid teth the 8 4 t ^kodacOT and the tssder hwbomdy S3S] nknager of tim eo-operati*aVfa stock Joht the sama. A report just received from the shinang sssorktion says that tlie sa- OMsd co^oparattva d^^^ent was asada from Nekesvilk lot Saturday, aad mrimg to th« fact that tbay did not hava a fall, ear load the hi^Mr tfeaa it shovM be; sko that tits aattk did not hrkg aay SMMTS thaa have been rsaHis* at hoaM, bat ti» laas and eatves k thk ship- aittad tha paedacer a IkUe bet- 8.4S tar thaa $60 mora thaa waa beiiw tJO offered fiar hogs aad sahas at hoasa. 8U» WoaJd yU Bka ta get k tlik savkgT Msa,Jllds aasodatioe k far yoo. Oat k tsadi with M^nngeT Will Adamaoa k^advlss him when yon wfl} hava r ready to go and haw aMch. LW Virginia, attended c h u r ^ j a a b«dy Z ? ^ ? . ^ on Sunday last. •SVIA^ ^y * » The sarmon, whkh was a "nianks- .' ^, Vina and M<^ioriai aermea combk- t J ^ « » * who attended the cele- ' deUvwed by Rev, William " • * ? ? * ^ = ¥'• *^ **"• G- Ray- ^_ to the occaaion. -^. - - . ^ _ ^«i|.ac«o«><t «t the stertnass of the J f c *!!»'' ^^^ ^l^elk Fon«A«, i^tiie givaa, aaly •boat ft»ty of the ^ ' J J " ^ ^ ^"^ ^ ^^ M . faaadiad ami foortosn maadiers, S Z L ^ J ^ f^' " ^^ ^^^'' "' jTSfiMsm. I •"••• *»^ *^ George Waters, Mr. At a aieetinghsy T«e«l«rni«ht'2l 'S'"JT^t!^ ^^ * " " • ^ ^ a rasdation was aaZd to J L - T . ! ! ? ^ ^^"^ » « » » . ^ "d |bf- K a y ^ l K and Mra. A m e s vote etf thaaks to Bav. vmUma St^- for for Us aasdknt sarme«aad dhs WsalUmwy Ue hsr IwnJPt •Mr. Fraak t i m h a a j l , a fermar residsBt at Msasssas, k k town today. M{. Barahaagh aaw Uvaa at Camp ud. / nUDGHTCAE BKOCSIf DTTO About four o'ekek aa Sunday asora- ing kst, Sergeant Milln- was awaken- ed by a mmasagsr snnnMsrkg that a rabbet was haing cesamMMfaa bsa ear a a * Rrawa A H a a f t adlL Upon hasteaiag to the sesae aC astisa Mr. hs eoald ealy iee eaa laaa, bat heard atiters k the car. He fired nal shots v^iieh were TshiiiwJ by the robbers, after which they taek a harried dapartora. 9tt%Balsly only a snisir am<ma( was sislaa fram tlm ear, sndi aa tebssas, sipmittaB, ar- aagns. appka, ete.. awiag tt &a VtomjH arrlasl a< Mr, <knkoB. • & tod Mrs. Randolph Mr. aad Mra. Elvaa Ksya. ^artdd Brawnei'> Mis. 3mA Iba. Cky Brawaer, MMk WB- •^ apmikm, Mrs. Bthal Kkg, ilr. Mai • H t Oaefl Garriaaa, aD «t Damfrka. Baaatifd aad asafai glAi «f dkar fl>dr frkadi ««a« tokens cf Md gaed vkhsa tat sf ths w^hout warranto m d k k u d y « d with J X ^ ^ H ^ J : ! ^ A ^ •at reasonable cause ThTd^Irs hatter bsalth aeaditkaa and better aiwa f.iii w.rT,i«. •».-* .1..^^°^ **!•*••<*• *•** «• davdopiag strong caat- Sl^h i ^ ^ ^J^ ""^ "* """rfty 'PW*. Mrs. B. B. Munfsrd., I ^ . S l i ^ l * i r ^ „ ' ! ! " ' ^ . P ^ i ' * « « * •>' «* a«««ati«^ kiS LTI tJr " t T ^ * c.«. m whidu aU to.rihr..«,cktioV^rthe ^ ^der the act. an <^k«- ^ n be pro*.- \ ^^ having raised nearly $200,000 for S^nron.^'lL'^ "^ " ^ ^ »* educti«»I pnrpo«», wiL, thr;. hun- ^Z^'II^J^^ZI^ !S^t<«^ ^ saventy-th«e new kagui ^ 1 ^ T tf^T^, V * * «• •'««i«««. *rt*in» the total w n S « ^ ^ Z 1,'^ "*' " ' ^ ^ ^ «b« to W»6. with a totel memberdUp of f°<*'"o «^ l^^a-a waraat hat that: 4a#>a he acted probable It, aa a prdiftitioa eOkar traand for siisiiiillai the prohWtimi net he for sesrrhk£ ss WtMt jomtmooKD Mia. Raleigh C fttrother, of G a ^ axhibftwi her Mammoth Braaaa aad WWta Halknd turkeys at the Na-' tk«a8 PealtiT Show k Wadtkgtoo. ksf week. iRer wiaal^h wara:— Braise gobbkr. 1st; btanss hsaa, 1st sad Sad; WUte Hdkad.gohbkr, 1st; WhMa HalkBd hsaa. lat aad 2KI, en six im that so ioag a reaaoaabk vidadea of ha pan- other withaot a warrant, k ths actlvi. thaa No tiss tl paahAMan aOesrs fa patad asto*lamM of the awa act, aad I am eathaly ceeAdsnt that tta XM- kd States akmnay aad the Dapart- •saat o€ Jaatke ax« not going to k- sthate proeeedkgs agaiT^t oflkars, k the eaae of a wilfai«p|«aa- •sarch by an oAcer wiili for daing as.' Among the auuiy notaUa speekl meetaoaaheuld be important addrass of Sfeu Profaaaor of Vocatioad Cohnabk Univsnity, ed the vital aeeemi^ aC some form for sH aa waU as prof' hafihasard aad —Tha ragakr ssoathly meeting «< the DaaghtasB of tha Confederacy win be held oa Wadaeaday aftsmasa aftH)«' 3 p. m, at tha haam «d MR. W N«amaa. gettmg **'»'«t"g (III liimtjofts was * kss sad waste ta thanatisa. Ai«M dan's addraa^J^ state sodaty flar vaeatioafer the aim k pkyar aad ^aplsjas Anoflier vary vihwtli _ f i n a W Dr. O'Sbaa ef tta af WiseoQaia. wwo jMTtka A^fldMIt « 9 aM^IH;

iP»ERVISOBS IN ^ USUA SESSION L c CONIiQtENCEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · C4me rapidl UMBMy ^ eonicrI "Th. e driver of the car b which Hiss

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VOL. XXVn. No. 29,


Worthy Confcder^ lUeeircs SfMU PMMion fifwa BmH

—>Otktr BnaiiMM.

^ t a meeting of tb« board of lup-erv&on (Mid laat Tnwday, there were

•- present, J. Q. Dawaon, chairman; B. Lynn Rob4»tion, Wm. Crow, IfcDufT Green, 0 . C. HutchiaoD and T. M. Rus-

jpiil The following: buaineaa waa ttenaacted:

A warrant waa ordered in faror of T. iL Grimsley for t250.0O^or proae-

\ ' cnt i i i f a certaipi feleiiy. > A warrant WM ttrclwwi drawn on

tho special penaioa Alpd in favor of


NiMse of Mra. L.'S. BeachWy KMM l» Acd4eKt i» BaHimora.




' Motto* waa received h«*« k a t W«d-amUr by Mrs. E. L. BeMsUtT. of OM doath of her niece, Miss I>B«Uik Bakcr^ of Baltimore. Miss Baker with sever­al companiona in a lante care were runniat akms tfwaMi* ia Baltimore, when aaothat C4me rapidly UMBMI ^ eonicr. "The driver of the car b which Hiss Baker waa, in Ua awieavor to torn his car aside skidded, atriUng the curbintr with s«eh force as to throw the oeeo-

caiviag injoriea died.

Miss Pauline Beachk • eukst dau^h ter of Mr. a«d Mrs. fc»j"hldy, of Ma na#sa«, who was also aa f^wiwurt.of

^\.^- i*"*h • ' ' ^ ' L f ^ ' ' ? * ' r ^ ^ i pJr nUoMly eaeaMf ^ ,' •oldier, for the sua of |2S, SMlilao few brutaes. Mrs. Beacbi^ aeooti; ordered that Si^erviaor RoK»^*tii'r«ail..-^.--j . ^ •_ . . . . ' - zTTi i}irected to ascertain and the physical and financial -iin. Bridwey and Myy-JT^

A warrant draw%ii^i&vor e | JBU* H. Bailey for ^0.00 fte • ri^>i.«Mmv to Medley's, bi^gre over Bull Km. to Ibe delivered wbea said Bkiley shall de-^ w a deed coMsying a rifht-of-way t o Frince VJUliaaJ^county.

Tbt coanty trsMurer WM d i n e M to debit himself n t^oMIt «M 91,811.50 to «be eooBty toad. to the order of the bowd.'

The snm of |400 was apfwi^riatad t6 b« B(q>plemente4 by. a liln amn to lie contributed by private rabMr^^ttoq, the whole to be expended fisr fMiiai> 9rov<kiaaat in MaaaaMs diatslat

A warrant waa izawa a i < -«W iroad fond fw |eS46 and c M . . i. ta Colaa district read foad.

The boa^ atade wpUeation to tha

BnltrgMunt of Powar P||at CoBtMaplatMl^OUMr W

• portafit BariiMM.

A regul^i; maattaff of the Town Council wa^bdf l on Monday, Mayor

,__ .Harry P. & v i s , presiding wHh the wlthaat wamiag following eoaDclLmen present: 1. H. d '» eanur. Tt.« ^xaik*, 3. M . ^ U , B. C. ComweB, B-

d. lEynsoa. D, J Arriagtoa and S.,iC. Cooper. *

TJia minat«8 of tiie three last ia«at-, „ , „v^»- ings ,were read and after wtdit kar-

paata of the ear ottf ifias Baker ra- xpctiMw were aaproved aa rsa4 -

CAiimSG CLUB GfitL — - I ,. T B B C O n L U O N CLtTHf' WINS p B i z s OFFBarasf ' ' ^-^—- -"•••

nm Daaee Givaa Ust MfM lRr *»a-aiag Largely Atteade4, , Cora Shaannko- Wlas Bnipea

C M Scaler Offarad' by tha, Fanoera' Ezchaasa.


led by her daughter. Miss CareOS^ her *oai». Bdwia, attended tha fhi*

era! which a»s held on Friday at tb* Cathedral «Maetery ia WslMpem - -

Mi« SalA< had i i i i i i l i i j i i i i - ^ Manassas, i ^ i a c oftMLjKtsd W anat hara. ^


(W. L. Browuug, Cbaatr Afaat) After taUdng with aaita a ^ of

fooHrr aaotber year. Ws ^ b^sva b tha paoltey laJarttj «t tha aeaaly

hava doddad tkat to h ^ a good conaty poattiy shew wbaU be a At-

^^W^^araMrs Exchange, Manassas to ^eoaiag^^rodaetioB and consorva-tien of feeds by the Canniog Club Girls offered to the gtol putting up the greatest amount of ]^«dneta from dab garden, home garden and orchard a Burpee Caa Sealer. TMs sealtf k equipped for aealhw both quart and pint cans. Oas, dosea of each quart

- - . ; - - -- f - ^ - ^ j " • 1"-- ~ ' I »»*1 obt cans goes with the seakr as arbieh A a latsr R. 8. Hynson, fhairmaa e< the sbiaet the gift «rf tha Viiglida Can Osmpaay,

comntil tee, repor^ that he had re- Roanoke, Va. ceivedill favoraWf report froas Sa^t.] This sealer has been won by Oars Buddin of tf»« Se^them Railway, ha Shomaker, Haymarket, Va., AKhoo^ ConiMcti«| Wtth ioatalling a w e i ^ i i g the.season was the dryestand garden wales tofm* benefl^ of the town.. t pro|iuction the lowest for many years

The sufter report^ fines impoiediCoia put if^ 806 containers 9t vege-iar the mflg|fr of Noveyaber amoun^gf tahlea, fruits, preserves, pkkles, jelly to $86.06. J t was ordaM that tiie and 6 quarts of Moshronas. Of the

smountinir to 111,661.70 number S7 <piarts Is fruit and 68 asp«gt-:g;ls«aes of JeDy. She hss as a net

*erga|^<|^%)fit 881.60. Cora is the first girl ia " his f e ^ e caaaty to attempt the caaning of

A :• "mushroams. When asked how it was The mayor prea»ntwl a sUteni|a* done she said, "I did just aa Uaela

shoeing the town's., floa^jg bidebla4-|ea«'la BoUetin said and my mush-nasi to he |20,»1.8t, re|»rea«a*4£oom# *'*''f'Mflf *•"" MadaUne ing ia obUgatiMia taVa<9» and fur<fc» Tp4titi coiuiPNRIid with 188 coatahi-reported that tha rwiolrements forfiejcrs, a net pn» of $46.89; Olivia Atbey year of 1922 fbr inteiVt and retira- 16« contaiaei£a net pisAt ef t68.r/ meat of bonds, would b e ^ 4 0 . 0 0 tea «»via Sbtd 8«iB||^>oaads ef rmtM^ that the i m tax aaavaUHPt as^as- bits fraah and ]9tofad$I&aO. Mar asased, for qyaeUc iHffVMI^^ i<^a| total yirid of vacataMia »ai; IfTi X4I foBows: Ponads, the Ughaat yield ia As«Bin«y.

AUea Braedpa 140 —h*TlW aad t i . t t « « Hetea Arthte 124. These t«a «iria

made tha WglMat avara«s in «M o o o .

PiHiItir Sh««r HitiiRy C ^ 1» iSNifav^ Work OM

State Highway Comndssioner under |ttn# climax to tha seasoBs work. We the law provMlng state money aid for j beUeva that a good poohry show would apportionment of foad to be allotted.> a stimulent to bettar and more to improvement of roads in3n|rti<(il]ai poaltry another y e y . ' We b^iieya district from Kewitt's corner ^ f l i f o -liesviUatv Greenwich.

- ?CauntyFa^l"'''. :'S" t C. L. Reading, clerk of eltetion

and returning polls .V ' ^. W. ArodU, ajectiod jodfe. ^hf fc-^nrithj aamgu£.iS;^E

:^;;.iifvMr4fax9h»afwmwi::..:...::::4. j -^^m B. Kerlin, OaA- alection...,..„

\ E. J. Shaffer, room.xa^.;, . J. M. Keys, judgeijeifipn.:....;.^ W. W. Keys, sante, rettm polls W. U. Vamer, same. „.. S . W. Hensley, cleric ele«rfion.... S. B. Spitzer, same. _ B. H. Keys^:xooai rent. :.: L. B. Pattie, jnda uid retumia|r


also that thaaaia no foiw of livestodc .kept on the fans that wfl yield; tijd ;r«turAs'ior £l|«|as«ant of foqiTyc^i sumed as will a fiock of well t t f ^

I5.7a^care of,b||dli^ . ^i , iJ»\ iA-toiafhre datis-flf Decembar,l£tb

The Menkes CotiUion Club gave its first dance of the season at Con­ner's Hall on Monday evening. The club has besp »*:ently organised with J. C. Albrig^,-prea«ent; O. D. Wat­ers, treas«er; W. C Bice, tecreUry. and the following aianbers: Uii^n. iloha Adams, fcSfaipson AdaaM; Foots Peters, John L. Hynsee. William H, Leachman. Peyton Larkin, Carroll Bice, * . E. ^ i c s , Taylor Weir, J. C. Kiaeholas, Gilbert Gray, Norn^a Bai. ley, C. H. lion, W. T. Aylor, W. L. Hombaksr, W. J. Davis, J. B. Leach, auut. Ham Hntchiaon, Leon Waters, W. E. Meta, J. P. Lyon, A. A HoofT, Jr., Bdf Robertson and B. Lynn Rab-ertson. _

The music was furnished by Cxvird-er's Musical Aces, of Washington, iud the patronesses "were Mrs. B. Lynn BoberUon, Mrs. John L. jllj paon, Mrs. R. B. Larkjs, Mrs-Maif Moran, Ma. J. C. Albright and Mrs. M. H. Kinche->oe. Among the out^af town guests wsiV Miss LucUe HbtelllBoa, Mr. Ham Hutchison and Mr. Ed. Carter of Hay-maHclttf'HMuiira. cinrtim An> miik msm.

follows For pobUe BtiUties—roal

and personal property. Bank's eapttar in baai-

For street puipiissa . JWI and persutt vm^iilg:

Intangible prepstty. For eorpmratioB purjKaaa

T h a d w a ^ destroyed BOBM of the

maHUtt; Messrs. Curtis CiU sad Willis

c CONIiQtENCE Bfaoiy Intcrcstinar and Inatmetiae

AUreaaas Ma4« By Lcadlm • IplncatorB of Stata.

H. Osboum, Prinslpal Ma­nassas Sdiool)

Tha State Educational Coaferenee held in Bjchmond during Thanksg^* ing w e ^ gave enthusiastic evUenpe «< the steady advaaca beiag tiJBt in d ! edncatitwal lines in Virginia. Iwa|> moral eoBfereaecs w « e held—^for aa* perintaadents, for trustees, for sapeB> visors and j t r i a e ^ s ; for high, graal> mar, priamry and rural school teach­ers; for 0i lines ef academic work; for music and sctjMtor sgricultaral) home economies, mdoatrial and com­mercial education; for the Virginia Division ol the National Council ^ AdAinktrativa Women in Educatioii, and a whole series for the Co-Cpaca' tive Education Assoeiation, ondar whose auspices the patrons l e a g ^ work of the state is carried on.

„ , . ^-^- 7 - —— in addition to the toaa^ oonferMtees, H^aden, «f Oiteg«r M i K ' iSmlyn, dinhen and luncheons were given by ^ M ^ « t J « e a h a r g , and<i||(;; Macel^tha alaalid af the Univwsitr of Vir -WaVvaBsiaf Paris, France. g ink, and of Celnmbk Univarritr>

Willkm and Mary aad R a a d ^ t ^ - i a L eoa Gelkgs, and ef tim stafa a o r a i ^ •elxKda. Farthar «istiriMea wm aMa ^ to tho wade by the eisthesiastie

gnsst of l i s City of Richmond on Wod> aaadar aad Tharsday..


1^^^ MedUal B M ^ Settiad Wk«i PmHirtit SikaM Bir

Among tlM priaeipal speakers of tiha «»alstaM«a wars Ptasidsut ftMisiiiMi

ta-tham^rum-i"^'.^ mSStlr^m^n' STi^jLTy: • I fc i^^T^S ^ i £ ? t i ^

B^Bk-s capital in b u « ^ idx to the giri mMk^g the Best Year'.'«.p in tha i - U l o n ^ ^ ^ i S ? l * « S n S S ^ ^ t ? S L ? i l ^ ^ ^^ril<*aol purposes, bank'.' . K««d. ^ * o A «aet be completed i wvealed kst M««h by A t t o ^ - S J £ ^ 2 2 ^ 2 ^ A S ^ , ^ ^

V . ^ i i a l m b«sine«i....... 1 4 ^ W October Si, 1822. . Thk ««*«r will *ral Palmer k m. opinion ^ ^ ^ ' ' ° * ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ Hart, Governor Wsa^ * S « p t . G u e reported that 14** p r e 2 3 ; | # 6 9 a i , « « d »ith tiaea iiset dkhesUas nothing k the VoUt^wi act to ? f ! ^ t , i ^ "^ Om«»es«a,m

r t o i n ^ f t c tmsInman.Lji^ jiiti..W^»"-'-^ -^•-'^-•-- .^~ ^ ^ uuer. » -wuivu«. | p^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ stressed ^ Wida-

.8.00: waht^to make thk the best iilC1iB«- large to take fcare of the present and one ktwest^d k |he girl% wofkVffl' ^ f - T o Z ? 8.00lest poultry exhibit ever held id tlia future rwkiwments. which worJlddost offer a.third; ^ ^ ^ "^^ wiBnd,„g evolved

Howard Haislip, judge alection IS. B. SQison, same W. L. ganders, derk deetioB.... ft H. Akcp, same... . Stonewall Council, room rent.!, M. J. Keys, judge decti«m. . ^ lastman Keys, jadga and ta^

tamkg polk -.„..,. T. C. CUne, judge . W. S. Brawner, cleric. „ Wilson Merchant, same. Hampton Mclhteer, room reat.. H. A. Boley, judge and ' in* polls E. W. Sda: jndg«.""..'"!ZI Wallace Wood, —""•.^ P-M. Boley, c k r k . . : H Z . C. E. Alku, sarnr...!!^... 0- ^.' A. GjwdVtaom ^^•Wha.jMga

pdk ...^ „..„ Winter Owens, jndge.„ „ 4|3.00 T. S. Meredith, samaL , 'o^' »M E. /». Ganiett, dsik^ . ,:. V. 8.00 A. B. Rust, same s.OO Town of Haymaritet, room r«it 1.50 Rolfe Bobertsoa, judge and re-

toning polk _,•, ;. _ 8.50 Wm. C. Latham, jndgaJ™L__*t*%00 Renbea Utterback, M » a - ' tJDO ^Uhor P a w n e r , deck . 8.00 ^«J«T l y k r , saoM -^ :&0& Chaa. todwell,roomi«rt__^ 1.50 W. F. George, jnAg^ ' . J- 0 . Dnffey, same C. T. Hemdm, judgs and n- .

*«a»mg polls .. s\n. i ^^W M. a Southard, cktiu.__ . _ 8.00 J- a Stewart, sanw '^' 84tJ W. w. Fritt«, roam i a a t _ „ i V \M «• K. Shapsoa, jadga.. . . . . . - 8.08 <*^ l". Pattit, —— • . • ' XM f * ^ JD**k, sama .; %M »• T. fiffmlk, dstk. 8.00 P. S. DsTfc, „ « , , _ ^ . M 8 » « W Baid, l a s a r « t ™ - _ i . . \M

8.00lest poultry exhibit ever held id ^ 1.80 eaanty, and will necessarily hamia lb 3.00j'giaf to some enMM€( for p 6.60 j hall rent, ete^p^rtU appradata 3.00 j.contribotions rawurjl thu expense __ 3.00 breeder W»h|^ to send us. We wouM~ 8.00 also like ta h*ae M o r e hand as k r g a .1.60, a Ikt of \kT^% lllrt^you wiB promise

I to exhibi* o >:dC:«a may tiave soma 6.5d|idea the a. .ountjP^spaee and pens to 3.001 fix. We will offer prizes for both pens 8.00 ' and single exkEbfts of all the most po-8.00 pnlar toeeds now r^sed k lb* county.

The comity sgent just (Msircd a letter from former cooaty a t « ^ W. P. Sadler, of Fauquier, who now haa charge of tha live stodc department t \ the farm ef Mr. Singletoa, tA

i^Loodoan county, saying that the cal-j y e s flkt they, b o n g ^ m Prince WU-

flam k s t fall aad pushed and made baby beeves out of them were shipped last week, to Jexi«r O ^ aaufcet and

KM|<brou^t 11 eaat j>ar p o a l L . If we cadhaead calves that top 1 ^ niarket Uka t h e a e , ^ h y cannot wa feed them, at-hotee instead, of feeding tin com­mon grade'of s ^ ijiat tha major i^ of us ate a a v faedins-. ft costs no

8s grow that high class s e « than it does the ones that bring from 6 to 7 cents. It seems that we need more of th* kind of baaf bulk that get these h i ^ grade c a l n s , th« i we WM^d be producing at home our feed-ei^iBstead of aending away frad|hj)ins aad paying nnresson|hla f r d ,_^—^ «eannissioas, etc., aafciag ijMm ««a(;'

after publication of Mr. ing kteres t in education Jhroaghont


3.00 8.00^ 8X10 8.00 1.80


ftrture r«H«ments, which worJldd^ ofita- a .thirtl ' ^ — r """^ * - t I ^ " ^ T r ^ \ ' - - . ' ^ f ^ " '**''" ^ J " * * " * ! * ' ^ baf1^ ,«MU«.df i f^ tHbu«ind io l - • n . e s e ^ w i l l n o t h e g i « m u n . r e r d a v ; ^ . ^ " f , ? K T ^ ^ " T ,'"' hetter «*ook, ^ i ^ matter was raferred to the J«« t h « a ™ a , m « V a . fi^c^- T J L T ^ ^ « ^ ^ . . i for a longer «=hool term « d more ^ t.nblfc utflitks contoittee for tevesti- testants. ^' " L ^ T ^ • ? ^ " _ ^ " f / • "* *** ^J*^^^, ' « ^^^^ '"""°«- » • eatien lu wsii jilan^hA m%<MtiM. of fi.^, W>i^^ v^-i. *\. n ^ v . . pannmg legisk.tare, withheld awuaaes referred s k a to tha krga per cent of

being deferred until ti«regukr»eit^ ing to do the r ^ S ^ w T r t a ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ ' ' " ' ^ ^ "^"*''-'^'"^ the n.ce«iity for_^a««* te^rhers andj^ in»fti Tl«>««h»r ' ^ ^ hJr « - . A ^ ^ I / ^ ^ T- *'".f**P <*• wguktMBs w«e issosd shsot h ^ compulsory attaadanee kw, if thk evil

T T ^ T ^ . . _ ^ , _ S l / X i E T L T " ^ J ° * ^ • *>«» hrwrm. have obtaked per- * « * to be wip«l out. More financial Thecl«kwasmstructodtoforw«d « * ; « * « » »^th» County H o a a i f c m i t s ts^mmatfactara.^

^omrt due for d«W ta»s to osmmk. amnstratton A«ent. - : purposes, tat owtag to the mnneroa. Ul funds of aD counties k not now sHosr rfyma u^ mUi^m«ti6> . _ ^ _ ; — " — - — ^ — , ^ _ ^ dianges made necassazy k kstraet, over 61% af the sum neede<^ for tha and to o«kd one hundred and fareaiy- WBDDING ANNIVMSAW kms to prx>kT. i t iTd^rs « d ^ effective w«ridng of the school system. .^€. femak * « * ^ * » ths year ^ - T ~ - . w *^ ^ . <«• offldak H k not bdievad that nnidi Inyhk fiaal^aummary he endorsed tha

M ..-, J ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ , ? ! ^ f ; : ^ * * * " ^ ' * " , * « ^ h a s b e e n p i a a e r a » d a s m e d i d ^ fWkwiag WeommsBdations of the re-New ordmances and amandmenk hrato f l lk« .A .r fv«a .^ | Pssaage of the ant i*«r i T - I ^ «««* « ^ • * « « « « J " ^ ^

s»naw step forward k the enfercemsat *!•. I***"**** *" * * 0 « « ^ ^sssaiddy were presented by the (odinaiKe c(»a mittee and upon being zaad, waia en- Ur. and Mrs. Robert A. Waters cd- . r.r'—"— —~ ••«•••—» ^ j - ._.-, acted separatdy and as a whde by a rf»«rted the silver anniv<«ay of their i '^ Vrobibitim. CommissKmer Hsynss " " ' " " recorded vote of the above n>m«l ««n- manrkM on ftidav .veniiup. N<mm. .«*«»"»• IOTTMI steatement. H M act . 1 - * • * recorded vote of the above named coon- manrkge on ftiday evening, Novaa-1 f*^ T, •J^™*! •*«*««'«»«•>*• *">••«* J K "J**'. " , , - : ^ „ : ^ dlmeb aad ww ordared pnUkhed h * 3». at thdr home k Dumfries: j " ^ ' •*»«««t»>eas the hands <rf the f«nid, to basr at kaat one-half of tSe m^^A '.^-^^A . . . . . . 4.V 1 ^ •. Ikmm. ixr>k_ I : I ••• . ^.prohfldtiaB forces k dealing with the **"* af ipatxaetiai.

Material iaereaae m the state " " * * . " * C ^ vki A-«uMf e w l U I U C . l^OTSBl-k * . - * .

dlmeb aad 'were ordared pnUished -3.—r , » - . , . _ , ^ . and spread upon tha mlnatss.- ^tn. Waters, becomingly sttirad m ^ i ~ 3 * ^ ? ? * ? *" *^*"^ ^^ *"" o * « i — u - -* - -# - * . ^ . Ameodmeots with naw proviikns « b k * salAagown w d l ^ * omamento " ^ ^ »»«» i^ l Prescriptions soW on f-AJI^tka«rf a part rf^ to the town diartor w%re prea«>te4 and «o*ara, |did Mr. Waters m hk * ^ ***" •"«*** sad used for bevar- ^ *«» «««»«• educational comB-and tnnied over to tl«, ordinance « « . wadding-ia*. recdvad tiiek guasta fSL''"'?f!^ " ^ " ^ _ * _ ^^ u 2» 1^ ^ t t o e to be reported hade at tliaaaxt iftth thdr usual pkasant smilsTwd * " « ' - <>* *»« "*«» I*>akiaa.-wkr ._A P * ««»«y » « » « » <* •d««^-^ — « ~ ^»»s tt-sn a most enjoyable ev«ring. ^ ^ " T ^ Pwacriptiona for liqnsr «^t t««- « ^ ,

S^p»bowlWMpr.dd.dW^*-J^«t«*»^ I ti^^Snj^lSSfr^iS^^ n | f c W.^SssoB. ssdsted by' '^o emharrassmsBt in tha anforee- Jii^^^^^^^L^^,,^^^^

CoBstanoe Waters. Made raa- »»«» of pn,hibiti<m.- Mr. Haynea S T ! L ! i ^ j ^ 2 f ^ T ^ ^ E l ^ w by l&s. Ckad Brawner on tha;"**^, "is aatkipated from the imivi- - . ^ J T f ^ " J J * * Co-Operatt»a

_ doa imoo.inp' B««i u.viii*., — - - - Education Assodatioa were nch m ra-

o. r. A« SOU) ssamat

Bull Run Comudl. No. « , a F. A , " T " ! i J S ^ ! l T ' J " ***) d T tanoskTo^liS^, H, ^ t B d u c a t i « A « ^ t i o n were ri^Tk « . accordkg to a pradamattsU kmmd hr t ^ ^ ^ f ^ , T ! L ^ ^ ^ T ' « ^ ^ ^ . ^ M ^ ^ ^ ^ ' T °"" P o ^ •»* dkeusdons of how the work the preddent of the G^ 0>,m>^ ht iT^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^ ^ ^ t e ^ f ^ l w l r ^ ^ w !l!!f: '^ ^ P**"**- ^^^ had aided Ja tn—!_,^ ^^,M _• . 4 . zsaaamaaB eoneisima oifa sand^anrse '*nia ana searchmg etiier property • _ _ J 1 U V > . . . . .

. .«H « v . - ! ! ! without warr«,t. JLi«^i,^J^ unprovkg the schods, k obtainks and cake were

us often mora thi^ w i ^ i ^ k S l e t ' a ^ * * * ^ ' ^ *** '^ ^ *• < * « * . Son*- S t i T ^ ^ ^ Rose RatelrfTe

i r T U . ^w « ^ . . , - . , ^ ;. .a«* to the occadon. S l ^ ^ ^ '^^^J.'"^ "<»

^- B. Cok, Jodca aad paOs

s * » « • Kiachdie . Jad«au Thea. Woolfeodaa. a a a

A T. Woodyard. slsrii-^- S- Storira, ame _. 2 ; ' • A. Cauncil, room W. B. Abd, judge aad

*"» P<^k .. _ J J Umkg, Jadga....-• • * h « SoUasoa, sama ^^-^99, dark aad ra«

(thafteaad 1

It k tnw that Oese calsfa M k Londoim'Wtte aet bought fdi tha priea

^af common cattle^ but it paid teth the 8 4 t ^kodacOT and the tssder hwbomdy S3S] nknager of tim eo-operati*aVfa stock

Joht the sama. A report just received from the

shinang sssorktion says that tlie sa-OMsd co^oparattva d^^^ent was asada from Nekesvilk l o t Saturday, aad mrimg to th« fact that tbay did not hava a fall, ear load the hi^Mr tfeaa it shovM be; sko that tits aattk did not hrkg aay SMMTS thaa

have been rsaHis* at hoaM, bat ti» laas and eatves k thk ship-aittad tha paedacer a IkUe bet-

8.4S tar thaa $60 mora thaa waa beiiw tJO offered fiar hogs aad sahas at hoasa. 8U» WoaJd y U Bka ta get k tlik savkgT

Msa,Jllds aasodatioe k far yoo. Oat k tsadi with M^nngeT Will Adamaoa

k^advlss him when yon wfl} hava r ready to go and haw aMch.


Virginia, attended c h u r ^ j a a b«dy Z ? ^ ? . ^ on Sunday last. • S V I A ^ ^y * »

The sarmon, whkh was a "nianks- .' , Vina and M<^ioriai aermea combk- t J ^ « » * who attended the cele-' deUvwed by Rev, William " • * ? ? * ^ = ¥ ' • *^ **"• G- Ray-

^_ to the occaaion. -^. - - . ^ _ — ^«i|.ac«o«><t «t the stertnass of the J f c *!!»'' ^^^ ^ l^e lk Fon«A«,

i^tiie givaa, aaly •boat ft»ty of the ^ ' J J " ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^^ M . faaadiad ami foortosn maadiers, S Z L ^ J ^ f^ ' " ^^ ^^^'' "' jTSfiMsm. I • " • • • * » ^ *^ George Waters, Mr.

At a aieetinghsy , « T « e « l « r n i « h t ' 2 l 'S'"JT^t!^ ^^ * " " • ^ ^ a rasdation was a a Z d to J L - T . ! ! ? ^ ^^"^ » « » » . ^ " d |bf-

K a y ^ l K and Mra. Ames vote etf thaaks to Bav. vmUma St^-for for Us aasdknt sarme«aad dhs W s a l U m w y Ue hsr IwnJPt

•Mr. Fraak t imhaaj l , a fermar residsBt at Msasssas, k k town today. M{. Barahaagh aaw Uvaa at Camp

ud. /


About four o'ekek aa Sunday asora-ing kst, Sergeant Milln- was awaken­ed by a mmasagsr snnnMsrkg that a rabbet was haing cesamMMfaa bsa ear a a * Rrawa A Haaf t adlL Upon hasteaiag to the sesae aC astisa Mr.

hs eoald ealy iee eaa laaa, bat heard atiters k the car. He fired

nal shots v^iieh were TshiiiwJ by the robbers, after which they taek a harried dapartora. 9tt%Balsly only a snisir am<ma( was sislaa fram tlm ear, sndi aa tebssas, sipmittaB, ar-aagns. appka, ete.. awiag tt &a VtomjH arrlasl a< Mr,

<knkoB. • & tod Mrs. Randolph Mr. aad Mra. Elvaa Ksya.

^ a r t d d Brawnei'> Mis. 3mA Iba. Cky Brawaer, MMk WB-

• ^ apmikm, Mrs. Bthal Kkg, ilr. Mai • H t Oaefl Garriaaa, aD «t Damfrka.

Baaatifd aad asafai glAi «f dkar fl>dr frkadi ««a« tokens cf

Md gaed vkhsa tat sf ths

w^hout warranto m d k k u d y « d with J X ^ ^ H ^ J : ! ^ A ^ •at reasonable cause ThTd^Irs hatter bsalth aeaditkaa and better aiwa f.iii w.rT,i«. •».-* . 1 . . ^ ^ ° ^ **!•*••<*• *•** «• davdopiag strong caat-S l ^ h i ^ ^ ^ J ^ " " ^ " * """rfty 'PW*. Mrs. B. B. Munfsrd., I^ .S l i^ l* i r^„ ' ! ! " '^ .P^ i '*««* •>' «* a«««ati« k i S L T I tJr " t T ^ * c.«. m whidu aU to.rihr..«,cktioV^rthe ^ ^der the act. an <^k«- ^ n be pro*.- \ ^ having raised nearly $200,000 for S ^ n r o n . ^ ' l L ' ^ "^ " ^ ^ »* educti«»I pnrpo«», wiL, thr;. hun-^Z^'II^J^^ZI^ ! S ^ t < « ^ ^ saventy-th«e new k a g u i ^ 1 ^ T tf^T^, V * * «• •'««i«««. *rt*in» the total w n S « ^ ^ Z 1 , ' ^ "*' " ' ^ ^ ^ «b« to W»6. with a totel memberdUp of f ° < * ' " o « ^ l^^a-a waraat hat that: 4a#>a he acted probable

I t , aa a prdiftitioa eOkar traand for siisiiiillai the prohWtimi net he

for sesrrhk£

ss WtMt jomtmooKD

Mia. Raleigh C fttrother, of G a ^ axhibftwi her Mammoth Braaaa

aad WWta Halknd turkeys at the Na-' tk«a8 PealtiT Show k Wadtkgtoo. ksf week. iRer wiaal^h wara:— Braise gobbkr. 1st; btanss hsaa, 1st sad Sad; WUte Hdkad.gohbkr, 1st; WhMa HalkBd hsaa. lat aad 2KI, en six


that so ioag a reaaoaabk vidadea of

ha pan-other

withaot a warrant, k ths actlvi.

thaa No tiss tl paahAMan aOesrs fa patad as to* lamM of the awa act, aad I am eathaly ceeAdsnt that tta XM-kd States akmnay aad the Dapart-•saat o€ Jaatke ax« not going to k-sthate proeeedkgs agaiT^t oflkars,

k the eaae of a wilfai«p|«aa-•sarch by an oAcer wiili

for daing as.'

Among the auuiy notaUa speekl meetaoaaheuld be important addrass of Sfeu Profaaaor of Vocatioad Cohnabk Univsnity, ed the vital aeeemi^ aC some form for sH aa waU as prof' hafihasard aad

—Tha ragakr ssoathly meeting «< the DaaghtasB of tha Confederacy win be held oa Wadaeaday aftsmasa aftH)«' 3 p. m, at tha haam «d MR. W N«amaa.

gettmg **'»'«t"g (III liimtjofts was * kss sad waste ta thanatisa. Ai«M dan's addraa^J^ state sodaty flar vaeatioafer

the aim k

pkyar aad ^aplsjas Anoflier vary vihwtli _

f i n a W Dr. O'Sbaa ef tta af WiseoQaia. wwo

jMTtka A fldMIt « 9 aM^IH;

Announceniert OB ftecouiU of 01 faealUi, the inieraat of Hcniy Caaip-«,i | i tli««ni of Cwpw & Jenkins has l»e« sold to A.H.J«iAiiis,totak«^«etJaBaai7l,1922. Onuai «f(w UaA date the i m name wffl be

JENKINS & JENKINS Mr. Camper, who will remain with the firm vstil the first of the year, wishes to eqtress his appreciation of the liberal patronage accorded this basinMS dnrinc the many years he has been associated with it, and asks that the new firm be flv«n a goieroas portion of yoor fatore bosiness.

AH who ar« indebted to the o^ firm are requested to make pnmipt settlement, so that the bodks can be properly babueed by January Ist.


Anno tin cement! We wirii to annoonce to the peojple of iHacwssaa and anr-

roimding commtmityj tfeai we lr^ eyen la the Snitli Bidd­

ing, oivteite Ihs MawsBisii Uoto» GOi, aBral ifee ndtddk of

next'Wedt ' •


Aiitwill keep at (01 times a fnlattd fresh ffiptl7 «iV»

kaif* M bi GROCE^UIS aadllAl^aED GOOOB. Itisitore wffl be knewB as the

(4«iimii# Come in—boy what yon w8at --S«rTe yoorseif, and save a piece flf every deBar.

limiENEWSNOIES tynthibmg Maacoa mn conpleUaB

plans fM the orguiation of • Seottdi Bite coilaiatory at iba plao*. Tban lore only torn otitm meh organintima iitth«atat#.

Raports of tha oflklal elaetioB flg-urea on the goTarnorahip, wKh tan oounttoa aad o w city miaaing, indi> eata that tha ma}ority for Trinkla will go to aboat 70,000. Hia majoi!^ at thia tima ia 6e,fi39 ovar Tuckar, 62,-090 oirar Andaraon and Mitchell. Mra. Cnrtia raaaivM 190 and Goodman 191.

The location of a acbool at Lynch­burg for the training s>i nagro girla, t« be backed by tha Woman'a Uoma Misaionary Society of the Northern Methodiat Church, is now practicaUy assured, the chamber of commerce has been advised. The school is to be built, it is axpectad, early in the com­ing year oh the site of the old' Morgan collage, a school fornegroaa, which waa burned aix or eight yaara ago. The city haa already amunigad to ax-tend the cUy water system to th« ptt-party. —-^

Samuel F. Kitchen, of Yale, Suasax county, was accidently ahot Tburaday afternoon while hunting with aav«ral friMida. Mr. Kitchw waa standing on a stump with a gun by Us side, wh«i it slipped from hia grasp, fell to tha ground and exploded. A fall load of ahot penetrated hia abdomen and in­flicted a aeTwe injury. He waa taken to a hoapital in Petersborg by Dr. Crawford of that.county, where 1M waa opnstad on by two aargaoaadBr-log the Bight. Hi* candittoB la vary aaciooa.


Mxi. Kate Whortoa- is sfitoualy UL Mn. C%arlaa Lawia, of Masisaaa.

waa a yisitor to Gaineayille «n Wed-naaday.

Mr. Pendle^n Douglas ia recover-ing from rhenmatiam and haa moved into the Wood bungalow. Mr. L«onard Sloper at Maryland, will move l»ta. tha Galleher pK>perl(sr, vacate^ hy Mr. Douglas and recent^ purchased by Mr. Thomas Sicker.

Mr. W. H. Jeffriae haa secured em­ployment with the Manassas S eaid and Milling Company, and ia moving his family to Manassaa.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gragory, of Manassas visited friends In the vfllage on Monday.

Mr. E. H. Murphy, of New York, who l>a« been living near Haymarltet tor several months, accompan{e<t by Mr. Tom Percy, pasaed through Gain­esville on Tuesday, with his pack of hounds, numbering' twenty. We iMrn Mr. Murphy may reside in Prince Wil­liam county permanently, KfiA If ao, ydU organize a Hunting Club, having been granted the privilege of hunting from the Purcy farm to the Boll Bon mountains.

Mr. Willard Pearson broke the re­cord hunting recently, witii the aid of hia fox hound, "Nlmrod." Mr. Pear­son caught fifte«i oposrama in ooa night's sport.

The patrons of the Gafaieavflla achool and all who are tntereated in civic improvement are requeated to attend a meating at tha achool hbaaa on Tueaday evening, December Stii. Hon-'d J. Meetae, Of Manakaaa will 'addraaa the meeting and wa faspe to orgKibce a Community Laagtw.


a B. MCDONALD, Prop.

^ . ^

There Are KscriiiiDatag PmJe

m TheirGoodJmlgmait

Chaiiaa Thoanaa Price, Confadnata veteran with a distingaiahed war ra-Qord, died Novembar 25, at Gala, Va., aged; aeveety-aeven yeara. He waa «se of the few aurvivhig veterans <>f the war between the atataa t^ho paiti-eipated in tha hanging a<-John Brown at,Harpers Ftny in 18W. He served with distinction throughout the -war, his company bring in 119 battlca and al irmMiai iit!iiUC^-S0ivaa at w U A he took part. Be was- • tradiiata of Vkginia MSitary laatitate at Laxlng ton, V*.

Mrs. T. M. C<»nar, r<q;mblican, has anccseded har daaoaaed hnafaaad, a democrat, aa poatmaater at Haxpara Ferry, W. Va., her nomination having bean confirmed by the Senate, fol­lowing Mr. Conner's death, an exwul-nation was held, and LaaKe Duke, ac­tive democrat, waa reooamended for appointment. After he had spent aav-eral months getting a auitable build­ing, he found that his nomination had not been confirmed, Mrs. Conner he-came a eanadidate and her nsinimticm went throu^.

Andrew Haley, fourteen yean old, of Warrentcm, waa IdUad by an auto­mobile <m East Main street, at that place November 25th. He waa in a bugg y with Joe Bryant, a young white boy, who was delivering milfc. He jiunped over the wheel directly iii front of a car driven fay a eidored man named Bell from Casanova, who ran over the boy befcwe he could turn his- car. Haley was taken into Or. Trow's office, where he died in a few minutes. Bell and his aompanion stop­ped and gave help, and eye-witnesses believe they were not re^ouibla for tiia aceidrat. Haley leaves Us mothr, BOW living in WasUagton, and a num­ber of btoth^s and aiatmra.

Deserted on a kmely Virginia X!oad by five young men who attempted to aaaault her, Mary Chiam, twebty-five yeara old, 1146 21at atraat, WaaUng-ton waa picked up by a paasing auto-mobilaat and iriifle aaroot* to Waah-ingtoo, the marhjiw waa forced off road and Miaa Odsm was cut hj brek-


A Civic League was organized at Bellehavcn school Monday., evening with iihe'following oiUcera appointed: Presid«it, Thoa. J. Woolfendeii, viise-preeident, Mrs. G. C. Wright; secre­tary, Ifias Althaa Wamaley andixeaa-urer, Mrs. M. O. Ode. Several'main-hers enrolled and we hope to make thia a succeaaful year in leagdib work.

Mr. George Harvey and brother, of Richmond and Mr. Jeaae Payne and aon of Waahingtoo, apeht Thaidcsgiv-ing at the liome tit Mr. Thoa. Wool-fenden and sona.

Mr. Howard Lobk of Manaaiaa high achool, reea&tily visited r^tivM near here.

Miaa Maud Lee Nomum, teacher of Smithfleld achool, spedt ThanksglviBg week at hw home here.

Ulaa Althea Wamsley, teacher of EMIehaven achool, spent Thankagivintr vacation at her home in Stafford.

Mrs. G. C. Wright, and Miss Myrtle Lynn were Manassas afaoppua Saturn day. ^ \ Mr. D. Bryan 'Norman and sister. Miss Maud, made a business trip to Manassas, Saturday.

We are glad to know that Mrs. L. D. Donohoe u much, improved, aud able to be out again.

Mr. J. S. St(Hrke spent Sunday with Mr. W. T. Jones.

Hiss Marguerite Jones, recently vis­ited at the home of Mr. and Mra. &. L, TiAbs.






s I

SILENT ALAMO f Light yosr home, mn the ebon, washinff sewing nuehbie, beat the iron, and get fresh wat«r from yoor weO—all witfc the SILENT ALAMO FABM UGHTIN6 Mjurr. f No ribnUioB, depcadaUe power» leaf yeasi «f «K«IN faanateed. Serriee may be always haifnMVik His a n aUe to Mvpty afl yoisr needs. f O i to ••• » bafen b«yli« yev yiaaA.



'Can yon remember that Chriatmaa when you first received The Youth's Companion among your Christmas presents T You can periuipa refill the titles of some of tiie serial stmries in jQiose early numbers^ and yon can wen rBmember how everyone in the family wanted to read your paper.

Today Hie Companion makes the ideal Chriatmaa praeant. No family, especially one with growing boys and giris, shooid be without the bried and traa Yeeft's Conqtaniim—the fti«id and aatartahMT af faesia of p a a i ^ eU aadyonag.

en glaaa, according to a atory aha told I * 2 ^ 1 ? * " ; 5 ! ^ J " , . ? ~ J ' * ^ **^ the^poBce fflTtoin G e o r g ^ Unl- ' ^ T * * ' ""^^ «* hf^giving avary

iajnriea, and the polioe are aaarrbing for the fiv* yontlw. Tha woman told the poUca that ahe mat tha man near 28th and K atraats and accepted tbdr invitatiaa to take an aatomoUle ride. Near the Virgfada side o< ChataOnidg^ aheaaid, the young man attada^ her, hot bar aeraana frightanad

stories, cnrrant avants, ooounenta on tha world's (toings. witti special pagw tor Boys, for Girla and for tha Famfiy.

The 62 iasuaa of 1922 wiU b« crowd-ad with aerial atoriaa, abort storlaa, afitoriala, poetry, facts and fen. Stf». acriba new ,and saceiva:

1. The Youtii'a CompaUmi—fi2 is-aasf inl922.

After lUang out of an airplane a* ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ f . ^ a height of 100 feet into thePWamac , ^ ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ^^^^"^ river and b«ng injur*! five time. i a / V ^ i»SL i 5 ^ ,',. an equal numbar of aotomoUl. acd-^ J " ^ J ? ^ ^ * J ^ • d«ta «.u , ^^^^^^7^1^T^t^^ bey, pilot of a government man boat r m YmTTW'Q^trB*«T«», at Colonial Beach and form* Q««ga-, Q . ™ J 2 S . ^ L ^ ! f i ® ^ . town Univaralty foot ball a t ^ T w ^ I * ^ " » ? ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ « « » «*• « ^ ceived the greatest shodc of his life' ^ "° '**^ *'***• Toasday in a lettar from a trm ia MinneiQ>ol(s, MLan, n^iag him to purchase a wooden leg. Despite his aomareas accidents. Captain Sobey atm is in perfect physical conditiMi, exc^t that he limps aiightly from the affecta of a leg which waa broken sev-aral montha ago, whMi aa aatonM>bila in which he waa riding tuned tartia at Kmg George Courthouse. The lat­ter pointed out that if C i ^ Bobey had no immediate ase for a wooden lag, he probably wouM need it aara,

«o have hia maaanramaBts. n m i e a n Ta.



B U S Y $ No transaction is too sinall to receive the eara-ful ecmsideration of The Peoples Naticmal Bank,

' and we are never too bysy to attend to our cus* tomers' requirements promptly, or to extend tok them the fullest measure of co-operation.

\, The business and professional men, the farmers and wage earners, and the women of this city and section, will find it to their advantage to make

'MSib of our exceptional facilities.

"It's a Pleasure to Serve You"


The Peoples Natioiud Bai& MANASSAS, TIBISINIA

eresota "tifPan' Ikead F)Mr af &• Wor'dr


iWMaket the Bread

That Makes the Banm

'Ask your grocer for CERESOTA. a %>riatlWheat .• r

'"^fleiai widiotit ei ual.





• ; ^ ,




Pnmpt A4^HteicBt B. A. s u n G. J. 6ILU88

SoUeUad A.a.1

InOMrMfl tad lve^I^^ f lUs is one of the ddest Mutual Fire Insuranee Coapuaim in Virginia. It has been in <H>aYtion for 87 yesa.

LOn account of a recent revision of its Coastitatioa and Bf> swB and Classified Bates, wbkk are so k>w, snaUfla «• t»

quote TOO sn<di ratn that are sioa to interest yon. f You can't afford to carry tha risk. We will cany it for you. We are ready to serve you. YOU BETTER HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT, THAN TO

^ NEED rr AND NOT HAVE IT I We pay three-fourths apftrsised value. Come to see ur <» have us come to see you and we wiU tell you all abovt i t f Call OQ (M* write to any one of the f oDowing direet(»a art to yon:

JNa M. ELIN^, Manassas, Va. W. E JARNER (Breotevflle), P. O, ^ ^ * ^ ^ « 0 N . WefflvgtoBi, Va.' a W. SBAHM, NekMivyie, Va.

arMeer, V««

J. S. GOKRSLL, MaasMaa, V». Seeretsfy-I^aaaanr, W. A. CBOWMB

MAIN omGMUdlaad, Va. • ^

Ten wnat year PSZNtlMG OBT TBS KMWP BulaailN

nomnLT trr Tha JOUSNAL. TBS J0UBNAL-4LM the ;

EstsUiahed 1896

21^ MumBBUB 3wmml . PnbJiahsd Erery Friday by

TB^ MANASSAS JOURNAL Pl^L|^VQ^G fX>. (iBcorpantifrf).

D. R. JUEWIS, BosiiMM tUmttt

btOMd at the poet offic« »t ManHMa, Va., M —«!*iwd<lMa mail matt«r

4/® Subscription—11^ a year in Advance


"GETTING THINGS" FOR VIRGINIA In his address before the Richmond First Club,

Governor-Elect Trinkie made a homely remark ' <v hich at once explains many things about which

Virginia complains, and ^ould be bonie in m ^ when it is inclined to become querulous and ask why it is not going forward more n^idly. "We cannot get things for nothing," said th« man who during the next four years will be nqiiected to "get things" for Virginia, and who wHl be meaaured largely by his ability as a "getter." Leading edu­cators having agreed recently that a moderate use of slang is permiSK^Ie when it fa ei^ressiye, it may be permitted wt to observe that when 24^.

-Trinkie said that he "said a mouthful." ' . As he pointed out to tiie busipeas men who hea;rd U m , Virginia has no reason to be ashamed of its status among the States along educational, road or other lines of St&te endeavor when It0 pregent standing is gauged by the amount of money it has been w i l l i n g ^ spend. What we have spent, we have spent well. While there may have been a ceirtain amount of waste because of oocaaonall/ injudicious methods, llhe loss chargeable to thai; score has been reaaonahly smaD, and.it is the State'a proud boaat'that the waat^ tbrouj^ graft or wilful extravagance has been nothing.

Our schools and our roads today xepraaent prac­tical^ full viJue received tor the money that has bett} expendad on them. Our oheelDi flush when we see how far down the list of States Virginia stands in the item of education, but It is improv­ing ^ts relative position even with the funds, now provided, and if it wishes to go to the top of the list, as it says it does, then o n ^ a more liberal ex-peaditure will place it there. We are disgraced and humiliated by our shameful roads, but we are building as rapidly as the money availaJble will pei -mit, and if we really want an ade<2;uate system,, such as other ^^^es hate or are tKBildin|g, cash altme win bring i r t o t i s .

"We cannot get things for nothing." That old-fashicmed formula; of the incoming Gk>vemor should be effective when the General Assembly convenes. No one realizes more keenly than he

v'^^^e difficulties of the position in^which he will be placed when he takes o^er the reiQS of office, l ^ r e among ourselves let it be admitted that We have talked much and loud and long -about the things we want in Virginia, but we have not always been wiHIbg to looses the purse strings to satisfy our own desire. Time now is almost at hand when we must produce the money if we want results. I f we have not the finanqial courage of our convic­tions, then we should cease our talking and rest

' satiisfied with what the money we are willing to looviik will purchase. Virginia is no longer a poor State, and while extravagai^ce would not be tdl-««6ed, it is in position to purchase those things w l ^ h it must have if it is to rank in progretAive-ne|8 with its sister Commonwealths.

JN igied by his recent addoesses, t ^ new Gover­nor WJEI SO into office in a liberal and open, yet sandy conservative, frame of mind. He knows yrhiit t3ie State seeds. He knows what it wants, Itot even he does not know how far It win be will­ing to go to obtain its desires. At least his leader-shii> pzomises to lie atong the tine of progress. Vizgiiila can follow if it will.--Ric]unond Tizbea-D«9>a|ch.

Corporation announced a reduction of $7 a ton in 'the ^ ice cf steel rails—a natter of direct eoncenj to the railroads—Judge Gray preached a little seiv mon which the railroad managers might well take to heart. In tlM couraci of it he si^d: "Present floats of production do aot justify this action, but it is hoped and expected, inf^uctiona in freight ratte and otherwise, togethar *rith larger operations, will soon have a biapefi^ eSeci upon our costs."

In those few wbrds is said all there is to say about the only practical process of deflation. And it is a process in which the railroads necessiarly «>•> must share, despite the fact that government; con. V y trol deprived them of all opportunity to partici­pate in excessive war profits and at the same time burdened them with tremendous operating costs in the determining of which the owners of the roads had no voice.—Washington Star.

What Can We Do for You?



CANCELLATION AND THE TAXPAYER Out of the $26,000,000,^00 of war debts creat<rf

by America, approximately $10,000,000,000 is y v ftioney loaned to Allied governments and now over- y V due. The country has been deluged with propa^ *^^* ganda looking toward the cancellation of thiese debts. If it were simply a question of the Ameri­can people paying the $10,000,000,000 representad by these debts we could, periiaps, afford to do t h i ^

However, the cancellation of the war debts is but the first step of the international financiers. Thedr big idea is the stabilization of the world's flnancef. This is a proposition that involves, not a policy of inflation fbMi wlO make money aa cheap as that of the bankrupt nations of Europe, but a policy that will give an Ainerican guaranty that Europe^s al­most worthless money shall be equal in purchasing, value to ours. This means, of course, that Ameri-,^9n labor and, America's patural resources shall underwrite the financial d^ciencies of an inilated Europe.

European war securities are held by the inter­national financiers. These securities (nominally representmg lidHions of dollars^ are.almost worth­less. An fkSpeeeBoeat on the part of America to cancel the war debts and stabilize the finances of the world, would mean that European war securi^ ties would be increased in value to par at the ex­pense of the American taxpayer. The intematiori^ al financiers would be the real beneficiaries, and the American people would be the piroWbial fgai^":-r^spearboni Independenl


U We are always ready to assist our friends in investigating the financial or credit standing of penons, fims or corporations with whfHn they contemplate dealing, no matter where located.

If Our facmties arc such that we probaUy eaiC b« of great help in this respect, and whether you are a custoner or not, pleas* feel free to call on us for such service. We wUl be glad to s«ffv«> you without charge.

1 Oar amUaoB ia to Bwkc t U t a bank of real "pMMMd 8«tw


' HELP FOR FARMERS If the government .would see that just what

equitable laws are: passed abolishing discriminah tion in favor of manufacturers and speculators, and give the fanner a chance to get pay for his products in proportion to the investment, the B»- criftce land t*e labor he uses, there would be no necessity for ft commission to improve the country homes. With .money the farmer will, do, it himself.

But artificial lavra, and schemes to enrich Hie few at the expense of many, are b"k artificial heat and bum out when the meai^ by which they are kept in force shall be supplanted by a natural or­der. In the long run nature asserts itself, igid the oppressed rises above the oppressor.

The increase in consumption i s greater by more than ten t o one than production. Cities are grow­ing almost beyond the means of calculation. These vast centers of population have to be fed and cloth­ed or perish. The time will shortly come when the finandters qf these centers must see t ^ t unless they diange thethr tactics, the entire population of cities win be at the m»cy of the country. Hien will come tha scheme to get cqntzol of the land, and if t h ^ succeed we shall finally become a nation, of renters, simiW to Ireland. Each day that rolls around it is getting harder to get land and own a home. Jh) less time than 60 years, 100 acres of land in Surry county will represent a fortune. With a population of 150,000,000 the scramble for land will be(»)me the problem of the age. It is possible that some b«iefactor of the race, not engaged in polities, win modify and adjust tjie questicm of tax-

LOWERING FREIGHT RATES **'<™ advocated by present economist, and by such

Agreement by th i railway executives to effect " ^ P™**«* *^« peopje frcmjhe encroadunents

I, A U C H A N D L I V E

a vgluBtary reduction of 10 per cent in freightj** ^ °°»f3r power, a^d mtim i t so tbat a man nitos on agricultural products is a wise move and ™ ^ * " ^ * "**?*• • ^ ^ ^. a aeeaaaary one if the railroads are to continue to ^ I T L ^ ^ J ' wants to serve his country haveimblic support in their efforts to struggle out i «*^ ^ '*<» ,^ "«; ?«? »*« a home, m a « n upw it, of thalbancial morass into which the war and t h e ' « « » « * ^ ^ * ^ mtereste of the agiicultiird Periotfof government operation plunged them. Thaj ' = » ? " ^ ' ^ Oaremonl HMaU. anaotmcament comes none too soon nor is the Q>aMBze ef the reduction any greater than is ne-<:«Mary to satisfy puUic expectations. Had the nUlway managements gone ahead with tiieir idana to pnaa for further wage reductions without any coneeaaiona in the way of cheapened tranaport»' titm H 1B more than likely that when asothor criaia funa ia nlationa with their «aq>loyea llMiy woold'scamM trooi aa mtmV

T M . ^ , " «*• «ha qoM M ^ , -nm wctly." .

*W«n, Prafawot, I wooUat SkpaU jvn watd tar aa inataot, bat I a a COM ttat I aawr l i i in i l i i fraa an i ta.*

Tha ptwftaMr froBi evar Ua ayaetaclas eaxafbOy aenrtia-is«i amcyiadi of tfaa yoaag asali pan«a baian ntijim.

1 Vdtaacraa with TOO, Ifr.X. T< fraai aa apau Aa rat ya« hatva aat wawfcd ^aila tfaa* ia tka

NOT A DESCENDANT A caoatic prof eaaor af tMogj waa azpoondiBf tha av«-

intiooaiT tiiaory, whm ba waa tatacraptad by a AJae," who iBqtdred:

'TM I nndanUad jrav ts aar, Pwflwaw,

Wkei tke piblc speaks, ywhm to fisteB^inr ks verdkt is final a i l h H s f i i i i ^ t T e r / blsmess, large or snail no natter what 1 naj be

STANDS OR FALTERS We aH kDow today b w slriclly k force is the pobBc degree of economx. The war is DO longer accepted as an excese for infiatd prices. Bnt the demaQd g o e s M e r than this, in as moch as its basic reqoirements is for something better—MerchaoAse whicb is not thrown aronnd u a shipsbod manned, bnt goods bongbt in quanttties and h a n ^ in an effident way m order that overhead wiU be reduced. People bare kd deir eyes opened as nerer before, and m longer are they satisfied wkb nere sicelr wonled a^ertisenenls. THEY MMAND TO BE SHOWN.

We have always tried to anticipate the ddres of o v cnstoners and we have therefore boib an addituNi to oar meat market ni t hfeafier oCer i i season, THE MARKETS BEST ^£CnOH$ Hi

It win now 10 bi^er be necessaiy for the anions honsewife to bve to Istoi wkh ai unexpected ear a i l sometmes i n n i i b r Ae cry of the meat and fish vender. For she can merely phone as and rest absohtely assnrdd that it wlH be deiivared at the appointed tine. T h e c o s t w i b e BO qnestion and no forty and one families w i have ha«yed &e food that's for her and her chihfam in tl& ttamer yoo economze, not n pike ahme, bnt Aat''SOIKTHfliG BETTER" It the sane price. That and t k t tbne is tme ecraoi^; Ua^ we serve j M n t i r wmj^wi

nSH, GAME AND MEATS In the same sanitary way? Y o u r presence w i R ^ great ly a^preiaetad.


^Kf jand much diminiahed TotoiBa «f ptdsttc " " I V W I I M ^ of their contentiois.

B««qr laduction in freight rates is bound to ze-*<^ taiitrreaaed bnainaBS and inczeaaad zav«inaa for QM earrier^ and the swing at tha dvda 1*9 ^ * ^ kweted coats of eipupmeait and mateciala for

^^^^aewnent and iomnd cost of living f<» raiJ-V i t a d workers, so that gradual wage reduetkma

Biay eoae logically and without injustice, and the I ' ^ i ^ kaa a ri^ht to expect that thte process will ®"*ntiBae until the cost of transportation in brought ^ * la*lt at relative equity in leqwct to the cost o'ottM»4anBodltiea.

^>h«ie« Oetohar 32 kat tlM Unitad Statea Steel I

mrr KB A^SD "Ma, do we keep a ban anj plaaa ?" "Wky, no, my aon. Why do yoa aak that?" • bMH pa taU tfaa amr aaid ha maU tt^ b

lidiac wha ba aaot tba aid 1MB aw^r iK th» i T7uacn|ff»

' aot aalo

Gaa Da Baker Undertaker




W U m OK CALL C 6 . PARB, A f w l



DB. y. T. 6ILLUM


First National Bank A L B A m a U . TA.

T or

l u » s s a s Tranfar C§. W. & ATBST,


B R l g LOCAL NEWS —ICn. W. D. G»rr»tt, of Biqmuir-

k*t. wM a calkr at Tb« JoOnal oOe* Thanday.

—Mr. T. E. Dkllak* apMrt Sunday in Baltimot* ai the K«Mt of Mr. W. H. Taliaferro.

—MT«. C. A . Sinclair viaitad har cousin, Mr*. Galaa Hutchiaon, of AMia, on Friday laat

—Miss Beatrice Luk« and Miaa Gladys Perry, of Eastam Collag, cpant Saturday In Washington.

—Miss Mamie Lynch, who has been nursing near Nokeaville, baa ratozBad to her home in Manasaaa.

—Rev. A. Stuart Gibson attended a meeting of the Caucus at Eptphaiiy Hall, Washington, on Tuesday.

—Mrs. Peter Po!en and her daugh­ter, Miss Audrey, of Haymarket, spent WedBMday in Manaasaa shop­ping.

—Miss Annie L. Baebe and Miia Evelyn Johnston, of Eastam College, were shopping hi Washington on Wed­nesday.

—Mr. John Adams, of Wellington, spent Monday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harry D a i ^ in Grant avenue.

—Mr. Taylor Adama and Mr, Frances Timiar, of Aldie, -were vial-tors 8t the home of Mr. B. V. Adama recently.

—Little Miss Katheriae Browning entertained a few of her friends on Friday last, th« occasion bring bar birthday.

—Mr. Grou Donohoa, iriio baa been visiting his mother, Mrs. Ida Donohoe, returned to his home m White Fish, Montana, on Wednesday.

—Mrs. George Berry and bar B(m, Chadwell, of CulpQMr; viaitai H n . Berry's mother, Mra; P. H. Softie^ fn Fairview avraoa laai Wtwk.

—Miss Myrtle Johnaon, principal of Greenwich school, spent several days laat week at Hie borne of bar iiarwiti, Mr. and Mr*. L«e Jobason.

—Mr. James Biricett, ar., is spend­ing the week with his son-in-law md daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lewb, at their home in Wiiuiaor, N. C.

—Uf. and Mnb Gales Hutehiatai vis­ited at l^a borne of Mrs. Hotebiaim'a sister, Mra. T. R. Gallei^R, in Sontii Main stMet on Wednesday laat .

—Mrs.'R. M. Weir bad aa bar gnesta on Tuesday her aunt, / Mra. George Powdl, of Fairfax, and Mr. and Mra. Frederick Monay, of Inqiton, Ohio.

—Miss Loeile Hutehison, of Hay-maik^ and Miaa Carolyn Suale, of Leesburg, ap«tt M<»day. night with Miss KatlMriae Lewia fai Woat street.

—Mias Leslie Foster, of Richmond, secretary of the Virginia Tnbereuloaia AssociaSon, was a recent gneat of Mrs. A. Staart<Gibaon at the rectory.

—Mrs. Cotirtney McNamara ' of Washington, was a guest at the home of her brotlier-in-taw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eweil Evans, the past wedc

—Mr. C. M. Dodaon, of Weliing^ton, spent savoal boora in Manaasaa' on Wednesday en roote to M*. Jadtatm, where he especta to viait relativea for ten daya. \

—Mrs. TboBuw H. BaHengsr, of Alexandria, witii bar onaB aon, J a ^ is spendi^ aomctisM at Hnt borne of her sister, Mra. Gay AOen in Praa-cott avanoe.

—Mra. Bryan GerdoQ. of Roaejnoot, accompanied fajy bar two diOibaa, Ju­lia and KTaa, apaat TlMidcaci^iac with bcT tnrn^ D». aad Mn. WO^ iiam Stavana.

—Mra. C F. M. Lewis, aeeompaniad by her little daoglitar, »"TVrifi. via-ited her aiater-in-law.-llra. W. B. Da-maine, in Alatcsadria, on Wtdneaday and Thsrsday.

—Miaa Annie Adama haa rstomed to her borne hi Waabfaigton aftar bav-ing viaited her sistert, Mrs. S. B. Lar-kin. d Manaasaa. aad Mrs. mffiaai LarUa. e< WaWngtaK

-.Mr. P»d Hynaq*. of Qwnitto,'ia in Maaaiwia, on IIMIMII Miqr.'

i—Miaa Mattia Matfaew, of Pleasant of Plaaaaat VUley school, LoBdoon county, waa the week-end guaato< ber^

-r-Mia* Fannie Boydon of Char- ^^Qthar, Mr. B. P. Matthew, recantly.' lotteeviUe U viaitiag the Miaaaa Balth ^

- i _ D r . John Idea now stationed at the Naval H9af^l In WaahiBjlao,'

Mr. J. W. Waiflay is a^ynding , p ^ ^ ^ ^ waek-«nd at Tud^r HaU, the

West street


his family, MI Fair-some time with view avenue.

—Mr. Gamett Lee of Waahingtwi waa in Msnirtas on boaiaaaa ooa day this wadE.

—Mra. Walter Wright, of Del Ray, is visiting her parents, Mr. apd Mra. Charlie Tisher, in Ei|^t street

—Mrs. F. E. Saffer left this morn­ing for Leesburg, where she will visits her daughter, Miss Sadie Saifer.

—The Udies' Aid Socie^ of Grace M. E. Church, South will meet on Thursday, Decanber 8, at the home of Mrs. A. E. Spies.

^Amohg those shopping in Wash­ington today are Mrs. C. R. C. John­son, Mrs. Bernard Trimmer, and Mrs. L. MilU and daughter, Miss Mildred.

—Miss Mattie Mattbew,. principal Valley school, attended the Teachers' Conference in Richmond Thanksgiv­ing week, and spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister in Washington.

—Mrs. J. B. Brown, of Bristow, had as her guests laat week her daoi^ter, MJTS. Seefcford aad Misa Kathw Lay­man, both of Hairisoaburg and her daughter, Miss MiQr Brown, of Manaa­saa.

—The Community League of Brad­ley will hold ita regular meetiag ^ -day; December 9, at 7:S0 o'clock. A •program wiD be rendered and refreah-mmts will be served for thabeneflt of the league.

y-County Treasurer J. P. Leac^an has so far recovered from his recent accident as to be able to return to hia home at Bristow, and wv Ue glad to learn that he is, waUda^ About;* littta witii the aid of a' cane.

home of hia pareata. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Iden. I

—^Dont forget the Episcopal basaar on Monday, (court day.) Do your, Chrisbnas shopping at the fancy Ubie and doll booth and not only have the satisfaction of knowing you have, bought a real nice preaent, but have helped in a worthy cause.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. King and family left on Sunday afternoon for their new home in Spartanburg, S 0. Mr. King has held a responsible posi­tion here with the Southw^ Railway Co4 for the past two years «h|d will be greatly missed by his large number of: friends.

—A dau(ghter, Virginia Lee, waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Johan Gustavo Middleth<)n ia a daughter of Mr. and. in Baltimore on NovemW 3. Mrs. j Middlethon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lee near Gaineaville and liaa many friends and relativea in th}a commimity. '

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Washington were Manassas visitora on Friday. They report part of the road between | Greenwich and Manaaaas to be practi-1

Yesterday, Today I and Tomorrow-

—tilt. quite sick at her home on Eaat CeatM street, is much iniproved. Her daugh­ter, Mrs. P. L. Proffltt of Waahiag-toa, who has been viaitiag her, ^ returned to h a home.

I cally impassible owing to work bav-jl • ins been started on i t A datour by *** way of Nokeaville bring npw the oa^i way to reach town. /

—We are sorry to hav^ to reject \ tlie Fairview n«ws notes this week. I Unfortunately the writer failed to sign his or her name, and as we have be-| fore remarked no unsigned articles'. can be accepted. We do not wish tlie j name of the writer for publication, bat | aa an evidence of good fatth.' '

— Tbe Patron's Leagi^ Tvill bold titeir annual bazaar ii) Coimer's hall, Friday, December, 9. A <i icken aad

Ada'bavis. who haa b e e n L ^ * " « « • » « ' « ^ « ™ P P « ; ^ ' ' / « « ? ^ hies and pie will be served for fitftr cents. There will be many attractive booths where yon can hay fancy ar­ticles, doQa, ptetare books aad CMidy.

It's ALWAYS time to support YOUR store

A few years ago you and your neighbor formed an association wluch made it possible for us t6 start a real Farmers' Store^ organized by farm­ers, operated by farmers and designed especially for their benefit

We keep in stock a fiiU be of staple goods -tfae tlmgs yon will need erery day—and yoi are remiiuled that yoo bye a coihdial, slandiDg ientatioi to mab your psrdiases kere. If wt cannot supply any special need £rom our tUA, i wiB give us pleanre to order it for yon, thus cittHiig yoi to eiKt tb sane saviig wkidi goeswitk m

Groceries, Notions, Farm Machinery of every type, Lime^ Fertilizers, Seed-yire have everything for the farmer. Our busini^ is your <buMness. ThU inviiation, while directed especially to our fanner patnHM, b just aa cmrcyaUy addresaed to all other* in die town and country %dho wUl di*re their fkatronaf• with' «•* We ahatt be- glttd te murm you. SEEr US TODAY.

—Among tiMoe froaa Manasaaa who attended a iiiasllag of the Sbriaara la Waahiacton en laat Monday a<tbt were Meaars. Thoa. H. Ucm, .C B. Nash and G. Walker Marchaat

—Mra. C A. 6riflth, of WaaUagtoo, viaited her motfaar, Mn. WQUsm FooU, aad her aiater. Mra. D. R. Laada, at Uiair heiaa tutaet • Mapla at—taad Qnarry road, on Wedneeday.

Messrs. ?nUiam BW Brawn, Jr^ aad Waliar Saadoia, who visitiac at their rsapectlva ing the holiday, rctaraed to the Uai-varatty of Virgmia Sunday night

—lbs. Jamea R. aad Mra. F. Nor-voU Larkin were hosteases to the Mon­day Afteraoon Bridge Chib at their hooM in Wast vesriier 21, Mra. winning

The Rev. H. P. Hamill, prwddiag rider, wiQ hold the third qoan-terly eon-f»eace at Manaasaa M. E. (Siareb, South, Saturday, December 8, at 7:30 p. ni. Dr. Hamill will ineadi at Bodt-hi^ at 11 a, m., Sunday.

—Mra. A. M. Wheaton has returned to her home near Bradley aftor spend­ing a few days in Waahingtmi with her mm, Mr.. Irvin Dodd. Slie was accompanied home by h ^ daughter, Mias Mabel, of Waaliington.

—Mr. L M. Dunn, formerly with the State Highway atationed at Ma­

ts, stopped with frieada .* few houra on Thanksgiving Day en rwtte to the Georgetown aad Waaliingten and L«e football game, in Waahtng-tori. - ' ' • / , ' ,

—Among the guesta at the home of M('.'and Mra. Raymoi^ Davia; at Tltanksgiving, were Mra. Rata J<mea, Mr. Stanly Homer, and-Mr. Tbompir soa^ ' all 0^ Waahingtoa, and Mis. Davis' brother, Mr. Gordon Brown, of Warrenttm.

—Mr. J. W.' Smith, forineriy vrith the Metropolitan Life Xaaoranei Oonii-pany, who has recently porehaaed the bakery KUI lunch room from Mr. J. M. Bdl, todc posajiaaton. on Thon^ay' Mr. Bdl ha»aiM4alM4efia«t»piaa»ftr the fatnre.

—Servicea will be kdd by Rev. J. M. BeU at Bradley M. E. Church Sun­day, December 4, at i l a m., aad at Pareeil acbotd honae at S p. m. There win atoo be aarvieea at tiie adbeol lionae thnm^MMt tiia wedc. hetiirwiiag at TM p. ai.

—Mr. and Mra. Max CelUas, of Sadley, are roeaiviBg coagratolationa ea'^the Mrth of a 'aon. Mrs. C4dliB8, wlio before bar asartiage waa Miaa Amia Laatie Swart, ia well kaowa ia Manasaaa, batag % giadaata of the bigb acheo].

—Mr. and Mrs. GJUymoad RatcliSe and their two children, Jack aad Roac, Mra. R. J. Adamaoa aad Misa Con-ataaee Waters spent tita Thaakagtv-nig hoUday ia Dnaifriae aad attsaded the silver aanivaaaiy of Mr. aa4 Mrs. Robert A. Watna.

—^Mra. J. M. Franklin and SMI, Gil­bert of Cidlon, are ahoppiag ia towa today, aad yaid The Jooraal eAee a plaaaaaftcan. Mra. FraaUia says tbey have Joat botcheaed lour bogs, their coaibiaed weiglit besot l,iSl poaada. Tfasae hega ware Dtfaae of i t e fear ware ootf oU.

Fanners Exchange Store —There will be an entertainment, and box' supper at l^stow, school, Sa|-1 urday evening, December 8, begia^j ning.promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Re-; freabmenta will be avrrtd for the btt?' efit of the Bristow C<«nmnnity'Civi^

^sr:;Ki : ''a::' t^^^ N. E. Hyde, Secretary. .


^ --.


. . l a . . ' •TIKXVILLE TO BROADWAY" When a demure village maiden dia<^

guiseb herself as an artists' mpdel, and foUqwf her village ilance to. New Tork and the Great White Way to test his character and loyalty, things are apt to happen. If yon want some iivdy comedy entertainm«it be sure aad pee thia ahow. Also .£ao||'a Fabje. A4-miairieB, Ilc-22c.




Marria' "THE PENALTY" Thrffl aft» thrillf Not only the

tiirQl af alieer ^ys ica l excittane^t,; but the thiD of a great ati ry, pro- I dnced with a realiam ttiat gripa! Yonll aever forget Blizsard, the aataaice! cripple lAo hated humanity wit hthe! frosxy of a diawdared braia. Coma' early and make aar* of a aeati Also AJaddia eoasedy-aad Patbe News. Ad-adaaioii l i e aad S2c Matinee «e and l i e .


. . i n . . A Gee. Fitxawariec Prodaetioa

"IDOLS OP d A Y -Everything the man had vrorship-

ped—tamed to clay! Hare—in a place Hke Uiis—the girl whose first loss wa^ Ma—dragged, down by the woman who liad wredced liia HM Coase and thrill through the reatr And don't ariai Mae Murray's 'K iiTon Dance!" A beaaty-reauaee of aoathera seaa aad the gay night life of London. A ParasMBnt pietore, adnuaaioa Haggle.

—Mr. Fiaak W. Les of Briatvw, met with a paiafal aceid^t on Wed neaday. On retaming home with a wagon load of huaber from **'finfftiM Mr. Lee got off t» straightaa tiie lumber en the wagon. Just at this time the horses started, caasiag the vriMel

en Monday, No-i to-pass over hie foot. Si^gical aid waa BayBMBd RatettTa' given by Dr. Payne and Mr. Lee Ik

jtanawlwi «t tUa tiaie:

TUBn>A¥,~D«C • Nadaiva ia ^THB BtUT"—j^gh wlU hsi^-Oy wWi-W-8yaipattiae

In the charity homes, in tli» dtoraa, and in the dark haunta of the dty's riaatt—people called bar T h e Brat." She never knew aay otfser name. One aigfat an aotiwr fboad her among the drab dereKets of a Priie* Coot. ' He too|t her home and aha met Us Aaaeee


Bii^t NOW latlMtliM to boy jtmr Christmas Una is now oArokM ndl yea can have FlBiST PIi

Too can ehooae your presents now and wc wiD set than aside.. Ton can pay for them iHwn yen tako thenu

Onr dmc stwo is the ace to boy yoor Cluistaus fifts. Ton: can get presorts for creryone and a little mwMy bays b«atrtiMi» oseltf glfls tnm « .

Come to US for It

rSAT IT WlIB PLOWEBS." tmQmim9rm.C».



Brady ia "HUSH MONSY.'

Cocke's Pharmacy GEORGE B. COCKE, Profrieter

•*Wo FIB Preecrlptisna.*'

i'>f,l ; '><-.: ; • > < . '


• . ' - > < • ' .

;>< . • -

V'Xi! ".'X^l •'X.l

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uX; 'X'

rx.' vx,^ >X;:

vvp^/a%A^, V U H s i n i A


For Sal*—TraiiMd B««s;U koond. PriM, $26^ JUymond <yUmn, Ax-cola, Va. 29-2*

For Sale—Pure-br«d Rboda laland Red cockerels, rich in color. Pric*^ |S

W. D. Kline, Rout* No. 1, t o t 4 each. •jK^^asaaa.

For Sale—New 8-raom faouM, never been occupied;'Water, light And heat; iocatad on East Centre street, Manat aas. Apply Journal OAca. 29-4

—Mra. W. A. in Atoacandria. •

(Sam qpant Ifondar

For Sale—Wind mill, 46 ft. ateel tower, with 6 ft. wheal, pump aqd 800 gallon steel tank, cheap. Apply at Journal Office. 29-tf

Beginning December 4, the Sunday ottce hours of the Mutual Telephone Co. will be from 8 to 9 a. m. After January 2, the hours will be from 7 a. iD> to 9 p. m. daily, except Sunday. 1*

For Sale—Lot of fruit traaa at half price. G. W. Leith, Agent. 28-2

Wanted—To rent ^t/um with avary-thii^ furnished, tfttiigtiietory refer­ence. E.>|l. Fitawat«r, Nokesvilla. 1^

For Sale—^Bicycle, in flrst class con­dition; will sell cheap. Apply Lae V. Sprinkal, Maaaaaas, Va. 28-4

Tuesday,. December 13, 1921, at my fbnaer home near Hickory Grove, aball sell at public auctioB my drivhig' )iois^ and my hoosflhold foxnitnra. M.71Bma Latham. 28-2

For Bent—^Hoase on Churdi street Mid Quar^ road; posaasawn givca at coca. Apply E. B. Conner., 29

Wanted—Man with cat to sell low priced Graham Tb«a. flSO.OO per week a«d commissions. Graham Tira Co., 8740 Bbulavard, Benton Rartior, M i ^

For Sala—AcatalyB* plant, J. B. Colt make, ii^, nevw been uncrated, complete with pipe and fixtorea with •hades for 10 rooms. Also gas stove with 4 bumMs and oven. Coat $326.00. Will sail for less than half price, any reaaonaWe offer wQl not be turned down, t T. O. Latham, Hayjnarket, Va.

'" _28-tf.

F«Hr Sale—Six well barrad Plymouth B»ck cockrels, first of April hatched. AQ f ^ m birds with traB nest recsorda of b « t ^ - ^ b 0 20O tffgti „ if yon want the Iwst'^inbamd roda I have them,

—Mrs. G. G. A l l ^ sp«rt Tuaaday ia Washington shopping.

—Mrs. Chaa. R. McDonald apmt Thursday shopping in Manassas,

—Mr. C. B. Roland, of Haymacketi was a Manaasas visitor Thunday.

—Mrs. Joel Camithera, of AUta, was a Manassas visitor on MaMay.

—Mr. Chas. K. Ruifnar, ft^marly of Manassas, was in town on Monday.

—Mr! Grayson tyiar, of Buckland, was a Manassas visitor on Monday.

—Mrs. 0. C, Hntjdtiaon, of Haymar-ket, waa a Manassas viaitor on Thurs­day.

—Mr. Sam Swagar, of New Jarsay, wai a recant guest at Eastern Col­lege.

—Mr. J. P. Lyon is spending the waak in New Tfork, WVK»IAK and Boston.

—Miss Helen Haislip spant Thurs day at the home of bar Uotbar.in Washing^n.

—Miss Erma. Bjshoi), of Warrastcm, visited har ccmain, Mrs. J. L. JMaaar^oo Monday last.

—Xr. and Bfrs. Na«l Lyna and fami* ly motored to Waahingtao an Saturday whara they spent the night w i ^ Mrs. Lynn's sister. Mrs. Isaac a i f ^ M *

—The Monday Aftaraoon Bridga Club BMt at the hooM of Mrs. G. R^-mond RatoliVe in Grant avenue with all the ragoiar maatbara in attendance. The higiteat scare waa made by Mra. Walter' A. Newman. Among the guesU of the aft«noon ware Mrs. Joae^ Praatott Lyon, Mrs; M. Bruce Whit-more, Mrs. Albright and Mrs. A Stuart Gibson. A delightful luncheon waa served during the aftamoon, after which the club adjourned to meet with Mrs. V. V. Gillum.



1 "

—Mr. E. B. Qiddiags h«a bem con­fined to his home on aoeoont o( aick-ness, recently.

-yMr. Vernon days Uut weak Fairriew avenue.

Lake sp«>t several hia family m

' ~Mx%. Wffl Garrett, of Haymarket, came to Manaasas on Monday to have aotnia' dental wox^ done.

—Mr. W. D. Kline, of Bnekhall, has been cmifined to tiie houae for wtmtwik days Mt account of ritaumatlsm.

—Miss Aryrin DeWasse, of Eaatem College, haa returned front a vb|t of saveml days in Now York.

—Mr. York, is father, Mr.

Keith Leaehman of New a gueat At the hom^iof: hia

J. P. Laaduiian.

• ^ W. tn Brownilo«r. ziaii

Loat—Fox Hound; small black and tan, white blase on £sce and liag neck, female. Liberal reward for rctWB to E. 'W. Murphy, Haymaricet, Va. 27-tt.

For Sale—Ford truck, 19M, three speed tranamlaaion. Apply Box 136, Manaasas, Va. 27-4t*

Fo^^ale—Ford touring car, practi-aally new, with electric starter and de- motmtable ripis. B. Lynn Robertson.

Furaishad apaetmaat for rant; light, Irtat n d water fumiakied. Amitly* at Jeanwl Office. 18-tf

POR SALE, C^lAP—Four Ford tradta -with gear tranamiaaion, com-piataly overhauled; idao two 8 h.p, fta aagiaea and one 9 h. p. gaa engine. Anyone IntOTeated will do w«l to iook thua ovar. W. E. McCoy, Manaaaas, Va. I9.tf

—Mt. T. Raymond Galleber, of Quantico, spent the we«dc-end with hk family on South Bfain street

—Misa Edith Lipacomb, of Waah-ington, spent the^eek-eiid with her aunt, Sfaa. Whocfred Miloea, aa Cen­tre.street. ,' '•

-rDexter, the mneh prised and val­uable eld hMTse banging to Mr. J. C. Barbeei, of Bnx^ckuid, D. C, died Fri> day night.

—Miaa I'Ardalla, formeriy of Ha. naasas bat now raaiding in Waahing-ton, ^.apent Sunday withv ^risnds in

Miss Lulu D. Metx, teacher of Latin an^ Home Eeonomictf in Manasaa* high school, waa ra-etected in Rich­mond last week to the board of dir< actors, and also to the executive com<, mittoe to the Stato Teachers' Associa* tion. Of the fifteen mMnbers of the board of directors, Miss Mets was tlt« only one re-elected to the board thk| year and h also the only woman mea^ her on the board. As member of tt# board of directors and as one of the members of thf executive committee,, (the other -two baing the presidai^ and treasurer of the association) a w will have large TespoaaibiUty fai hal^ii iag to shape tfie sUte-wida work off the aasoeiattea tor the year, .

Slqin fakK

Hailroad Standard C. R ADAMS


..Dealer ia . .

Watches, Clocb aad Jewelry Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty


The Rotogravure Sectiop of Thi Washington Sunday Star pubiishea photographs of the most in^xtrtaaf events of the day and portraits of pov sons active m tfae world's happenings. All big mcidents in politics, history, vorta, society and the drama are par-bayed. Artistic (pialitiw aadhistort* cat vahias make many of the pietom aqkahte.^ lb»miBg. Order yew e^iy of next Sunday's Washingttm Star W


IN MSMOBIAM MATTHEW—In sad but loving

membranee of my dear mother, Mar< thtf A. Matthew, who departed thte' life a year ago, November 4, 1920. / HomMita of sadness still come o'er me.

Years of sorT«# sUently Qow; Memory ke^s you ever nedr me;

Though God to<A you a year ago. ' Yon dont kriow the sorrow to be lafsfc

• alone Till God s4nds

home; "Rs aid wimi He calls to an^to the'




8tk and k Streets, N. W^ WASHINGTON. D. C.


W. E McCOY Local and Long Distance Truck

Hauling Special Baifls OB MeTJbi

I jwwigyCMB for Hire 00000000000000000000000000

FIRE I N S U R A N d The old reliaUe Fauquier Mu-

^tual has been doinje busineai for a mesaage to yoon ji ar 85 yeaTs. No M|^ salaries

^ pay. Svery member has liis ,a«y at the annual meeting ert ry

Tractor Saw Miil DeinmstratioD —7h—

In co-operation with the Universal Motor Company, of Richmond, Virginia, the diatributora for Fordaon Tractor Implements for this territory, who are holding a series of demonatrationa of a Turner Saw Mill, operated by a Fordson Tractor, among the Ford dealer* under the Washington Branch of the Ford Motor Ck)mpany, we are pleased to an-

; nounce that one of these demonstrations is scheduled to be held on lot in the rear of our place of business at MftneHBea MONDAY^ECEMBER 6, 1921

MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1921 Beginning at l e A. H.

This demonstration should be of interest to every per­son engaged in the lumbering business and to many others who have small tracts of timber to cut; therefore, w^are sending out a letter of invitation to every one we think that this demonstration should interest, and we hope that you will arrange to be here on the date mentioned; this dem(«-strati<Hi will be something very unique in its character, as the entire oatiit is mounted on wheels and transported from I ace to place by its own power. i

It ^ convince you of the quicknes and economy hi which a saw mill can be moved, set up and operated in con­nection with a Fordson Tractor.



ntav ^na

the saddest of all is wban God calls our mother.

By her daughter, H. S. IC


Newswaper A4f^erti8ing Bttiee Thaa AllOtho-—SOBM Say

^ o Neilf to Advertise.

year; strictly mutual; no inaots; rates the lowest

JOSH M. KLINE, Agent. 15- lyr t MsMswis, Va.

TYPEWRITER FOR SALE—RMB-iagtoB Modal 10, in good coBdiKoit: «iMap for cash.. Manaaaaa Joaraa!, Manassas, Va.'



Under and by virtue of a deed of trvBt aaueuted by Aucnstas G. Harris to the undersigned truatee, dated De-eoAer t, 1920, and recorded in the cleric's office of Prince William county,

^ in Dead Book No. 76, p. 14M, the nn-daieigued trustee, at the reqnaat ot n a m M. Payne, the h<ddar of the noto •aeured by aaid truat (dafauMf having bem made in the paymaat of the in-taeaat of auch not*), aeU by way of Piihlie aoethm, to the hicheat Udda^, <er eaah» oe

M(»n>AY, D B C E M B K R K, I t t l

(that baing court day), at noon, in< froot of the courthouse, at Msnsssas, Va., ml] x4 that lot or parcel of ladd, •itaato at Thoroni^rfara, said coanty, cMrtaiaing fAB acres (nearly two aad a half acres), with the buildings tbere-aOi whidi was feraerly eeeupied by Howard S. Bell aa if store property, and by him sold to said A. G. Baxris.

VA tli is is a good stand for a stMa, anil costaina all necessary bnUdinga.

Poaaesaion will be givsa as soon aa tan&s of sale are complied with. The toxea for &e year 1821 wfll be paid b^ the trustee.

^or further information, apply to * ^ i>ttd«ra>gn<d> • '<

KOBT. A. HUTCHISON, Trustee, Uanaaaas, Va.

—Miss S. V. Dewnea and Mra. Sofneia, of Washiogtso, were gneata at the home of Mrs. B. J. Adamaoi^ on Thursday. "

—Miss Margaret Lyn«h, who haa. a position in Baltimore, qpent the paat week-end at the home oi hm tadbtr, Mra. P. H. Lynch.

—Miss, Mary Jane Sanders, of JEUch-j, , , , . , mond, has been the rhcant gaaet of Uir ^^^}^ » « ^^ !«»''• hMtsei' and sister-in-law, Pro£ and Mrs. d. ^ . Sanders.

Mrs. John O'Neil with her children, of Alexandria, simit Iluraday with her mother, Mrs. Deoia O'NeB, oa Weat Centra street.

—Miss Madne Hall, who ia amphty. ed in Washington,, waa a visiter at the heme of her parents, Mr. sad Mra. Snowden Hall, Sunday.

—Mrs. CeeQ Moffett, of The Plains, QMmt MoaAy wMi har fMiier, Mr. Jose^ Lewis, iriio'haa faasn vary iB at hk home near town. I

—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ashted, of Washiagtoa, are i|r-vting siiHirtlmi with Hra. AahfoRfk aistar. Mis. C M , Lartin, oa Weat street.

—Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Riley, of In­dian Head, Md., bad as thair gneat laat week and TbtantttMat, OeceBa Rowa, «f WasUagtoa.

, —We have been retioeated to an­nounce that the water «iid Ught bOla due, will be received by Mra. BayaMttd Davie, at the Nataond Bank.

—Mrs. Maude Boggeas, aceompaid-ed by her daaghtar, lOss CaraUM, and Miss, Katharine Marte Monday a ^ p i n g ^ Waskinctoa.

—lOaa Tbalma Maakert of Bastem Celleg% aeeoaipasiad by har frWnd, Miss Margaret Graaa, spent Tteaka-givfng at bcr home in Aaaap^ia.

—Mrs. IsabsUe Warrell Bail and Gen. George WaahingtoB Gardner, of Washington, ware raaant g n w U t l f c a home of Mra. Roberta Lyaa,aad Mra. Bessie ^liott. *•

—Mr. R. S. Hynson has rseeatly added to his farm, near Mansssas, tweaty-f oar head of very fine Htflstein cows, which he bought from a fans ia OeoiKwiowoc, Wiacaasia.

Subscriptions and advertising are the only sonrcee of revenue a Bewsp% per has, 'and often the subscriptions do not pay for the cost of vriuto paper.

Advertising today, especially in newspapers, is the greatest businesa getter in the land. Thia is aeknow-

Fettle read advertisemento in newspapoa. They have been educated to do ae. Every mecehant in our..town.ought to adver­tise. You remember the story about John Wanam^cer. The first day he waa in businesf his receipts wwe IZ4JI4. He I^pt the «4 cento and q>ent the |S4 tha next day in advartiasBg. We an oaa^ dnpbeato thia feat, but according to tiia lleat stotieties avafl-aUe 8 per cent of the e«aa sales should be put aside for advartiatng.

PoaaiUy you wiU say, "I dont nea^f "f** to adv«Ktiaa. I've been fai this town thirty years and everybody kaowa me.'

PoeaiUy they do, bat did yes aver stop to tUhk of tiM sales yoa Iqaa ba-eauaa yoor frilow cosapatitw advo--tiaaaT Ha may advertiaa ttie aamr goode you hav« in yoor stock, but tba people dont know that yoa have them. The other faOew geta the aida baeansa, be advertiaas. And than how mneh mora bo^naaa woold you d» if yon did adverthe?

We know of one mweliant who ad-vwtjaed a lot of gbada at 10 esnts a yard. They eeet hia 27 eanta. He task a dean loas, but wUIa Oa sale waa going on ha conld tay tiMm in witirtke other goeda and tiM result waa tiuit he deaaed hia sbalvaaof tba oM goods sad ha brake cvan on the deal. Advartartng and good baying tiqnidatad Ua ritoek withont a leas.

Wa aan^ d l be M B . Wanaaakar, bat wa all can advertiBa in prapertion to oar basin iss. Baaotta wiO be sure if y«e advertiaa honaatiy and gtta swviee. A newspaper eaa hxiqg pa»-I ^ to yo«r store, bat tt 'ean\ awles people bay your goods. YOSD darks must do that and it depend^ oa the aervtee you giva as to honr taeeaasfnl your boainaas will be.

What ia done In the big citiaa can be done ri^bt here 19 thif toyrik iX J^>^.

Farm aituatad about four mOea aoutii of Briatow, eontainlag 86 aeraa;

; JM aoaa cleared and 46 aeras in tim-W . Lays level and good abO. Good hMaa and bam and miti>nildings; young <«ehard at one ncfn; on. good tanoa to suit buyer. Reaaan for nla , going into etfa« busineas.



SEGALS FOR HUNTERS DecemliCT 1st to lOth


SHELLS Blade Powed at per box... . .85 SmokdesB Powder, at per b o x . . . . . . $1.05

DR. FAHRNEY Haceislowa, Ifaryiud




• : V - « T


Tha D». FaHraey* hava Imn piadidaa mia a ipaaiaky of

for e«ar lOO raoi» I a i ' wnrWeg o ^ wiA dueoic diaeaaaa * bMl hJMd* • dificvk CM** . aiid I diaf •aaa voai caae befofo I IMOI jrtm. ff yarn ka*« a tRMbla nr w«aV»«»» «r dcfoaaity,

•nri fU M«i4r TM* *—• aad

SMART FOOTWEAR ftehioM aooght fos bjr tksM IriMiaaMea

Riors ItM F. StiMt, CenMr Tmtk,

— •• D. C.

will show 't& pep, give and advartiae. Make Yoo can do it throogh tUa :



We Sell Larro-Feed ancf Feed for Your

Cows Krause


Our atodc of HOBSE, HOG aod POULTRY.FEEDS is of the same HIGH QUALITY and it ia BCONOMY t&iecdtlMBL

Lai^ki i i -Dorre l l C<mipany,I i iCe Distravtara of

aUH Fseda, Catten Seed Maal. and Mind Feeds te aB Unisafatoefc


Having Jaat opened a Wheelwright and Bla^aaJth i M v la Hiehary Qrov* I am vnfmni to do aO'kiadi of work beloqgiar to the branch ti bnaineaa. Bzpert - Hnaters and Baaa Skedag. also AMa aprtags anida and rapairad. Many long yaara expsrienea in 8 t a ^ Carrira abopa at PnrealMUa. We wfll always appreciate yoar eominf to ear shops and wQl alwvys be beri to serve yev.

FiSr Jala Tunrfpa at 60 eseta par tmshel at the hosM tt CL. Dova, Ma-

The Journal $1.50

The Year




Byrd Clothing Company MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

DUED & Martin Co. 121B F Stnct ai4 U14-18 G Straat, WaaUvtM. D. C.

EDDY REFRIGERATORS —are &n iBvestment. Tliey are aubttantially built ajid so scientifically constructed that max* imum refrigeration is secured witit nmimiuB consumptloBo Us asodierate price. wHh the sort* ice it renders makes the investment the best to be secured in a refrigerator.

Refrigerators: : : : $27.00 to $164.25 IceBoxeis : : : : : $15.65 to $ 60.00

Exclusive Local Agents f<Mr Eddy Refrigera-^ tors for the last thirty years.

Complete line of equipment for your Dining Room and Kitchan.

Maul Qrdefs receive prompt attention.


Hie Hickory Gwve neighborhoad h u h«d r»th«r more th«a its niasl amoaat ol gaiety recently.

On Friday. November 18, the P»-tPOM' LeaKse «« Hickory Grove school wa« moet deUghtfuUy entw-t«ined by some of the talent of East-em College as well »• by the popular pre»ident o l the Prince William School League, the Hon. C. J. l l e« t« . Those taking part in the program being Miss Basel Nelson, teacher of expressi<»> and two of her little pupils, Esperence HoUday snd Virginia Bog-gess. Miss Nelson completely charm­ed her audience by her quaint ^ p e r ­sonations and her pupils, who both show decided talsnt, added much tO the occasion.

Miss Beatrice Luke also entertained us with several violin selections whieh were much enjoyed.^

On the following Friday, Novembw 25, a baiaar was held under the aus­pices of the Badiss' Auxiliary of Grace Episcopal Church for the benefit of the parish. '

The sale of fancy articles including scarfs, aprons, center-pieces, etc., at­tracted a Isrge number of buyers, M did also the Christmas cards and hom»-made candy. Light refreshments, such as pies, cakes, sandwiches and hot drinks were sold throoghout the day.

Though the crowd waa not a Urge one every one bou^t generously apd a neat sum was realised. .. '

Great credit is due tiie Misses Ewell of Edge Hill in their unselfish partici­pation; as is their wont in all pablic affairs.

Among those who attended the ba­iaar were Rev. T. M. Browne and Mrs. Browne, of Haymarket, also Miss Bessie G. Meade and Mr. Browne's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Asbton. ^

Mrs. W. P. Wilson, of Hickory Grove, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, T. O. T a ^ , at Ma­nassas.

Miss Jennie EweU^ of Washington, spent several days last week wltli ber sitters at Ed ge Hin, and very ably as­sisted at the ehoreh tasaar.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Latham bave returned frote their wedi&ig trip and are at home to tiieir friends at Locust Bittern. . ^^Kfs. jJoseph Turnor had as her galssts knst week i& aunt, Mrs. G«orge Powell, of Fairrax, and her eous&u, Mr. and Mrs. Frederfck Mumry, pt Iroiittm, Ohio, and Mnt I^Aier Beall, of QreeaviUe, Ohio.




Phonographs k N«w IB Progress at Ab Store

You will have to Huny if you would get in oa t^ Phonograph* of high quality are offered at prices that are unequcde . Tho»e who have always wanted a phonograph c«m now have one for very littfe iqoiiey.

TERI^ AS t l t t i l AS



' !• i ' . '


MODEL 80, BE6ULAKL¥ %15fk(Kk SALE PRICE.....

MODEL 40, REGULARLY $175.00 TO $225.00 SALE PRICE.... I * • • • - « ! • • >

149.50 69.50 89.50



*^f^ Ckcscolates-wUh

YCXnX bvra to Ute into ooe of diaac

chooolata to kam joit wbattitatmeHit. Vlanrar 4oMD't dx>w oo tibe nr-fiwe. In tiie tneimtime, •topatoorcaDdyoonntcr •Bd fBt aoow tB tdpl borne. Packed in i •tYikinfljr bMHteoMM

Mr. Berkley Anderson, of Washing­ton, recently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L Andenon.

Miss Annie Troth spent the- week­end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wheelw, at their hom* near Ma­nassas. '•

Mr. E. N. Pattie and son, Edward spent last Wednesday in Washington.

Miss Alice Mets visited her motikev, Mrs. Susie Mets^ of Manassas, last wedc-end.

Mr. Lee Fattje and sister. Miss Margaret, who are attMiding school m Towsoa, Md., i^eat Ttuudtagiving with tiieir i^rents, Mr. and Mrs. &. N. Pattie. |

A beautifid flag was presented to Sndley Church last Sunday morning by Mrs. Isabel Worrell BaD, of Wash­ington, assistant editor of the l^Mion-al Tribune. In the preaentatioa iQ eeeh .Mrs. Ball gave many interesting facts concerning the American Sag as well ,«s the flags of other natJons. A short' speech by Gen. Washingtea Gardner, Commissioner «f Be penue, w«» also; enioye^ by the large eongiesation I»eaent.

Mrs. L. B. Pattie, Mrs. M. E. WiOc-;ins and Miss Miniue WiUdas were jgoests^ at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. 'E. N Pattie on Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kidwell have re-eeetly novM from Welliagtea to the RMk BaD Vam, near this ^aee.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mcintosh,- of Manassaa spent Saaday^witlk tiieir rel-1 ativea, Mr. aa4 Mm Jaa. MAitoeh of this' place.

Mr. Praid» Bttowar hae xatexned from a visit to Boanoke.

Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Newtm, of Cherrydale, spent a few daye saeeistly witii their eonsins, Mr. and Mza. Wal­ter Ward.


Ibe Samtarf frocerif a id I M Maifcd i _ ' i ' \*'"I ii ^mm^mH^mm

e e * •*•*

Oxne to See ua h^ore y w buy. We save you money on


\ =

Dowett'ft niarmacy


Rector & Co. H A V M A R K E T , V A .


Meat Prices Loin Steak — -Round Steak • Roast Beef - • Bmling Meat -Pork Chops 20c Frei&Ham 20c

- - 23c to 25c • - 20c to 22c - - 15c to 18c

- - 121-2C Pork Saui9ge 20c Pork Roast 16-18c

If you cannot cmae in, i Kme us. We pay special attenticm to aH pbooe orders u or out of town.

Cuk hmi M (a Alliakrf h*^Oil, Eon, Caivei,BH Elt.


i I


fle Tried SmOCO Ofl And this is what Iw said:

"That SUNOCO OIL I got from you proved to be "'' &XM; especially for the Hayqes. It ha« worked bet-ter than it ever has sinc^ I bought i t I have beoi trying to buy some more of the oil since my return* but no one seems to handle it out here. I am writ­ing to the factory today to have them send me som*. TeU Ludd (I think that is the name of the itOgm that works there with you all the time) that AB i have to do with the Hajmes is give it lots of 8pB«oo oil and gasoline and drive it like Sun HilL"

T&e writer is Mr. J. B. Gibson, who rocaat^ left here in his Haynes for WeW) City, Mo.

What Mr. Gibson thinks is ^ opinion of many otiier SUNOCO users. Have you ^ e d it on your car?


• p ^ ^ - * " * ^

.A.SMO0T&OO..1N0. L. UM BE R— flooring. Sidinji ' CeiUxi tath. Shitigles, "Vnt bitja and Georgia Pioe Framing, Etc.

i^iiiL W^ORK:— Sash. Doors, BUnda, Frames, li&nildlngs, hiidde Finish, Stair Material, Etc.

B^UILDING M A T E R I A Lime, Cement, Ivory Piaster, Beaver Board, ft i ^ Slate Surfaced Asidialt Shingles, Etc.


eunos Mr*. Suite, who dM «n S«tarday,

after a few dityi AIIMM, WM barM froB h«r Wte tem* on Monday after-aootk Tbo taatni Mrvjee ynt eoa-tlaeted bjr i w . J. C. Pryo, intenn«at M n ( ouMto ia tlu ecmeteiy at Canter villa. Mn. Suite is BorvlTwi by h«r Inabaad aad tltraa childran. Sh« alM hfftTM ftva Ogttn, and h«r mothar, wiu> rarida ia England, and on« teoth-«r to Canada.

TIte coninujiity was vary mneh afaoekad to hear of her death, sot many having even heard of her ilhieaa.

Bev. T. H. MacLeod ia«ached Sun­day morning on "Chunsh Unity."

Among the Thanksgiving visitors to the village and vicinity were Mra. Grimes and her son., who spent a few days at tlt>eir home> Mr. and Mrs. Swan and Mr. Longstreet from Dahl-gren, Va., who visited Mr. and Mr«. J. B. Ui>p; Miss Mary Qulgg and Iryin M. Quigg at the Quigg home; Mias Marian Buckley and the Misses Burks, who were guests at the home of Iff Vernon Wright. 1

Mrs. Upp entertained at cards W t Priday n i ^ t in honor of their guMp, Mr. and Mrs. Swan, and Mr. Lon f-street Miss Rath Rit^iards making the highest score received the first prize and Mr. Lewis Qaigg tile eonseladto price. Saturday nii^t.

Mr. ntomas Bockley aad family have moved to the village aad are oc­cupying rooms in the old,hotel nHUl the bungalow baii^ bnilt by Mr. Bn-^ rett is ready for oecnpaaey. ',

Paul Quigg, a student at V. P. 1. was in tiie parade given in lumor of General Foch last week in Bidimond. The cadets of V. P. I. were pronounced ihe best la tite parade by the judges a fo«tbidI.game played with the V. M. L boys in B«anoke. They were a hap^ •W -Tictorlwis bunch when tii«y nadwd their sdiael Friday.

Fmak, eldest aon-jif Mr. mai l b s . Detwiler of this place, was married a w e * before Thanksgiving. They will reside in I%iladelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Richards and daog^: ter. Miss Ruth, have^gooe into Waii^-iagtoa for the winteir Months. ^ . ^'Dr. Sanford succeeded in killing (#» wiM torkeys lest Wednesday, a ^ WSIBtei t>etwiler idiot another oD 'SH.. day. .

The school reopened Monday ing after a holiday of two days, ^ teachers having gone to t h ^ hoqMB for the holiday and week-«id.

Mrs. Stalm haa been a recent visitor at the home of h<Hr mother, Mrs. Tit; dot MatJiiaa.

Mr. John Fergnsma was among those who came htnne for iJbe holiday season.

The rainfall was excee£ngly heavy in this seeticmj 1%e rain beguming on Sunday and lasting thron^^ Mon­day night The weather cpntinQcis quite mild, however, in spite of tiw fi|ct that tise northwest payt «f ths United estates is in tiie giip ^ of a tenrt-Me storm of sleet UBAnaw^-wHatnvef low t^B^erature. -,





Your honif

Suppose it were! Suppose the Fire Demon wiped out your home—your fortune—tonight!


The ladies of the Brentsville Eenr sington, were delightfully entertained at the hospital home of Mr. A. L. Em-taoBia, last w e ^ Among the visitors were, Mrs. SeyiBOor, Mr. and Mis, KneveU,. irf'Ben' Lomon^ taaii Mrs. Sound and Miss IJiBaa QiA«rt;«f Ma

RflOMnber that the Hartfettl Fire •ot only mains good jnor lose bvt effete to

^ t e ^ ^ j o u p i e e e a l i L Tlahateae:


General Insurance Agency, Inc. v.~* TH06. W. UON, Seerelaty, MANAf^Aa. TA*

^^ 4 km

The Journal Only $150 4he Yeal*

Miss Akna Bdl is visiting in this viebi3y.

Misses Hazel aad Elmyna Young were given a deliajitfol sunulae party last &itarday n i | ^ at the home of tbdr 8ist«, l b s . BHI} CoofcMy, wtete tbsy were visitiBg. Aboat twaaty ef tbesT ymmg bieada were pnasat aad pertidaated ia the gantea. Tbe gr». Jippi^:farBisked ansie fte'lfte oee». •ioa aad ninOmmta wm Mrved by tteheetMaaa.

lOsa GoUia Beavers, of Maasias, ia viaitiac bar eonaia, Mn. Dewey Xaya.

Mr. Oarlc W<^, of BaltinKHe, vis­ited hfe home recently. Ifr. Wolf is amdt teproved la healtt.

Bas'. aad Mn. E. Z. Penee and A M -gliter, aad Mr. aad Mrs. ftmOmt Bow> met aad aoas, visited Mr. aad Mn. FMl Ceoksey, last Satoidiv.

THOBOUaHFASE Mr. C J. Meetse, of

wpdkB at TfaraogUara sdiool Jlaaday la the fart««M of 0 1 ^ tsagos

^ Mr. aad Mrs. O. M. Dea^am leesnt-ty aotorad-to WatsaatiiB.' '

Misa Beasio Jacobs was tka on Sunday of Mr. aad Mis. 8. B, (SaAe, of WatsriUI.

Mr. W. H. Butler w M ^ iMlcead visitor ia WaaUngtoa.

Tie in^eetes^, Coilbta, of W f s U « -ton. «aa in ^owa l l^iiay.

Mias Saab GbstMa ^ s e t IWsday ia i*«»«-t*t

Mr. Joe KcOonaM, Miaaaa Oertrode aad C^andie McDoaald, aad Mr: Wil-boar McDonald, of Msnssaae, —tatsJ to Thoronghfax* ca Taeaday.

Thaak^[iv1ag was very qolally ob> saned here:

Mr. O. H.ininrti. e« Hi iiiiMi. ia ipMiding MBMtiBa atToaMr BaZL"

BAPnST Baptist Chareh. Bsv. T.

D. D. Clark, pastor. &UKiay—Snaday Sdiool at 0:46 a.

m., moraing sarvice at 11 o'clod^ B. Y. P. U. at 6:46 and evening serviee at 8 o'clock.

Wednesday—Prayer meoting at 8 p. m. Bev. Baraett Grlmaltfy'a AppeiataiMto

Hatcher's Memorial—Second Soo-day, 3 p. m.; fourth Sunday, 8 p. m.

Broad Ron—Second and foarth Saa-days. H a. m.

Mt. Holly—Third Sunday, 11 a. ai.. aad Saturday preceding.

Summerduck—First Sunday, U a. m. and Saturday preceding. Re*. J. A. GoUhew'a AppoiataMats

Preaching service at the Woodbiae and associated Baptist Churches, Rev. J. A. Gotihew, pastor:

Woodbine—Every second Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Young people's meetiag every Sunday at 7:80 p. m. exc^t on preaching day. Prayer aweting every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.

New Hope—Svery fourth Snaday at 11 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. Suaday School at 10 a. m. - Oak Dale—First Sunday at 7:80 p. m. and third Sunday at 11 a. ai.

Auburn—^First Sunday at 11 ». ai. aad third Sunday at 7:80 p. aL

Orlando—Every foorth Soaday at 8 p. m. I

CHUBGB OF THE ratBTHBXK Rev. E. E. BIoui^ paator. Bar. J.

M. KlfaM, aasiataat CannoB Braacb—Snaday School ai

10 a. Bi. Preachlag first aad third ftgudaya

at 11 a. m. Christian Workers at 8 p. m. Bradley—Sunday School at 10 a. ai. Preaching second and foortii

days at 11 a. m . CATHOUC

All Satnte' Catholic Chareh, WOUam WJaatoa; pa§tor.

Mass at: 7:80 a. Bi.,^rst, third and fifth Sundays. Seeond and fonrttk Sundays at 10:80 a. at., foUowad by benedietion of the Bleesad SaerasMbt On the first Sunday of every moatk fecial devotion in hMMxr «f tlw Bar «red Heart of Jesna.

0ISOOPAI. Trinity Episcopal. Onneh, Bev. A.

Stuart Gibaoa, rector. Snaday School at 10 a. m, First, seccmd aad fourth Snadaya at

11 a. aa., aad third Saaday at 8 9. »« S t Anne's, NoUav«»-11rat 8aa-,

day at 7;80 p. m. and third &axiay at 11 a. m. (Services in Fr«a% warereom rinea boraiag of ebardi.)

LUTBBBAN Bethel lAtiietaa Chordt, Bsfv. Sdcar

Z. Pence, pastor. Saaday School at 10 a. m. Preadtmg at 11 a. in.

MEIBODiST Grace Methodist Episcopal drnrch.

South, Rev. William Stevens, p^Mor. Sunday School at 9:46 . a . » . Pieachlncr at 11 ti. m. and 7:80 p. m. lESpworth L««agne at 6:80 p. m. BnA»~Fizst and third Sundays at

*e.p. m. BuckhaU—Second awTfoartit aon-

days at 8 p. m SttiBey Charge.

The appointments of Rev. J9(»Berl Wekh follow:

Sudley—First, second and fourth Sundays, 11 a. in.

Gainesville—First Sunday, 8 p. ax. Third Sunday, 11 a. m.

Fairvien*—Second aad fouth &ia-day8,Bp. n .

Woo^wn—^Third Saatey, 8 p. BL : GreiBwood, 11 iu m. *

Bra&y, 8 p.m. PBESBYTEBIAN

Presbyterian Chareh, Bev. A. & Jiuaiaen, Pastor.

Saaday Bcbool—10 a. m. 11U» a. air-'The Bo<* (rf Boolai.'' 7:80 p. m.—Presidant HoOiday of

Eastern CoUege wiQ wpeA «n "SoeM Modwn Social ProUams." Tlia col* l^«a US] faraiatt qpsdal araafe.

Prayer meeHag Wedaaaday 7:80 p m.

PBDorrni BAFTIBT Priaitiva Bi^tbt CkaA, Xiitr T.

S. tMUm, paster. Slrvteaa aeaty third Saaday at 11

a. at; atad the Satafday yraeadiac at S:80p>.in.

UNTTBD BBBTHBBlf ^IViace WUBna Chaxsa^ Bar. S. D.

tUrd Bad toufftk i at 81^ Bk

Beasall—Seeoad aad ftwrtli Sna days at 7:80 9. a .

Adw> SaeCBd and foartb Sandaye at 11 a. an.

IQdlaad—Third Snadaya at U a. ak aad every first Saaday at 11 a. • . by Bev. D. P. BeU, aaaistaBt paator.

EYcr^rthing Good to Eat

I f l line cmbrmces Sta{rfe %td fVtney Groceries Qneenaware, Tin and








Coupe $595

THE Ford car is so simple ia constniction, eo dependable in its

action, so easy to operato and handle that ebnoet anybodj and ewrybo^ can safely drivo it

The Ford Coupe, permanently eodosed with sUdtng g ass windows, is cozy, and roomy—nxxlest and refined— a cor that you, your wife ordmi^itar wiUbe prood to own and drive.

And of coarse it has all the Ford ecoor* ocnies of operatioh and matnteocoaoe.

Can and look over tiie Ford Coupe» ReasonaMy prompt deUviecy can be made dr you onier at oooe.

Mdfiassas Motor MANASSAS, VA.



Will make our store his

Ouristmas Je H. Burke £^ {Company


Ar^YouOyster Hungry f 'The melaacholy days are come," bat there is absohtely no ose in beins sad aboat it, if yoa win only cmsider what a Us, hot, BiBliBg fried oyster will do with tiie bhies. Glooms and oysters just can*t live together, lliey don't mix. The next tiBM joa are not feeling it,coBe down oar way and try aoBie of oarddidotiaseafood. tfyo^ had rather take tbem hone, we can famish them in aay qawatify. Obey ihtk kvpaia^


ynd^^yim « b t itmr PBINTINa o n TBK tfrnwrt Bijbaulba far PBOMmT try Ite JOUBMAL. JTHS JOUBNAZ«-«1.60 the year.


(CoBtiaB^.teaa | M * « M ) 8.00 T. F. Uming, clerk....- -

P. A. liBKomb, ivit^ Vtdjf taxtdng poU» — • —

8. W. Bntdg*. •*•»«. -4. H. Bnrite, lam*.,. •• C. C. LeMhnum, eterk.^— R. M. W«tor», i*ifkt.^.. -.— Town of Min»i»M, room Mrt.. B. K. BOWMWI. «o«r<L^. J. B. HaipiM, iuig^—^^ A. J. Mkhaal. w«i«-. . . :-L B. FiUwatir, lamow— B. a . Hedrick, elwk- •#?• W. R. Fro* Mme- -H. J. Jonas, room r « i t ~... J. J. NictiolaoB, iaigt aad i«-

taminf poU» --L. T. Cwrter, judg* — 8-00 H. F. fflack, Mme. „ -..-.. ' 8.00 E. 8. Broekett, dark —• 8.00 iL H. Woodyard, umc _...- 8.00 Masth* Slack, room rtnt.w-.J..-. IM E. L- Penrjudg* and room rent 4.B0 Fnuik Mclnteer, judfo iM J. R. Fiek, »ame - 8 . 0 0 W. E . U o y d , clerk. , 8J08 A. E . Mclntoer, aamc. —.^— SJOO W. S. Smith, jods* and x«tani-

iug poUa __..; 8^*0 W. B. Bell, jodgfc - . . . - . — 8i»0 B. B. Payno, aam*. —. 8.00 R. W. Comwell, clerk....,— - 8.00 Delly Comwdl, uuse. - 8-00 Cordelia Poeey, nam reiit...^.. 1.60 R. O. HiyinWh. iwlK* 3.00 O. E. Kibte, same. - 8.0ft S. R. Claric. judge and retom-

iag polla " - 0.80

Robt Meek, hawk walp.—-.— M BrMtariOe INatiM R M 4 Fnmi

C. R. C. Jttamtm, 4jrwM>»''" •' « ; g H. Michel, rnnniac rnkglatty. ''COO John Flory, work oa road.." 4LM li . L. Pnrne. aama. — . 81.75

, ^ BUweod Weeks, aama 4 ^ . t^O. W. aedrick. Ijibor and ax-

pease _ - " . 61.50 J. A. Herrinc, work on road.— IM Henry Canrico, aame. ... 8.7S H. C. Allen, same...- -^ 10.00 l>«us Dept Store, dynamite.... 42.88 F. M. Swarta, work on road..„. 9M

(Mm IMatrict Read Fvid C. R. C Johnson, dynamite 7.26 E. R Earhart, work «• road..- iZM Ed. Wheaton, same....!.. L60 Ai«hie Lowe, same IJM T. M. Hemdon, sfme..., 4M C. T. Hemdon, same-.. .. 8.00 D. T. H e r t ^ B , sameu., 6.00 W. W. f i t t e r , warn*. 80.00 3. C Poeey, 6 gaL gas 1 ^ L. C Lew*, work oa road. 48.28


S.0O 8.00 WSO 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 IJO


R. B. Gossom, clerk..- _ -W. M. Foley, same, room r e i ^ W. P. Larida, judge and reton-

lag polls —".-. Jas. D. Wheeler, judge. Joa. S. Wood, samei.. O. WeUs, clerk. :—:——_ N. A. Wheeler, clerk and room

rent._ , - — -, Jna. H. Burka, eowmi—to«er„ E. K. Mitchell, same™.: — R. E. Simpsco, sanSL—„.—__. X B. Harpins, saaMi J. W. Mamiel. 14 k«wk. 8 ewb,

9 crow ecalpa '.-.. ,,,, ,,y^ Joa W. Brown, hawk aealp Victor aatith, hawk at^ owl

iealp • M. F. Googh, 2 hawk, 8 owl, 4

er«w scalpe ....__ ; Lanring Payne, nse ot Gea. Q.

Tyler, hawk scalp ..- „.._ D. H. Maconanghey> 10 hairk,

6 crow scalps ._... _ _ Raymond Hubbard, hawk scalp Datuey S. Gamey, 10 hawk. Iff

crow, 9 6^1, 1. weasel s e ^ — Morris Polen, 6 hawk, 10 crow,'

1 owl sCalp. R. B. Gossom, 4 hawic, 6 eryw, 1

owl scalp . P. S. Davu, hawk scalp_.:__-.._ Wm. W«eks, 2 hawk scalps_—. V. G. Duva^, 9 crow scalps. . Edgar Jones, 1 hawfc^ 2 crow

#cw pff .. . ._ CUiTordHedridE, 3 owl seaIpB_ W. a MiJIer, 2 hawk ao i tos—.-G^ H-'RatelUrek reg is trar- . .. E. P. Davis, same- - . ._ ._.: ._ Central Motoal T^dephene Co.,

P. A. Lipscomb, treasorv, l ight conrtboQse and jiSL..—.—.__

Eyerett Waddey Co., mpplies dark's office . . . . — _ _

R. H. Woodyard,^ registrar.—. Oias . A. Baibee, hmyey ease..-. J. L. Dawson, attendance and

Bdleage ; ' B. Lynn Robotson, sam«—— William 0 « w , same.. McDnir Green, same.-.. -._ O. C. Hutchison, same -T. M. Rnssell, same-.-... Oiaa. A- Barl>ee, same. Homhako' Tiwhnsn, janitor. AHoB S. OamweQ, 5 hawk, 1

crow scalp _ J. H. Hendey, havrtc scalp C. R C. Johnson, siqyIieB J. P. Leaehman, cash minttetA G«>. G. Tyler, daric. aaae . . - . . : -R A. Mnddimaa, d e a n i a s

diimncya , James Wataee,jaow. 9 hawk, 2

owl aealpa _...—.. Walter CerwaB, weaad w i » -Roland Sadi«r, hawii sealpL. . J. M. Read, poM* daim ^ O. W. Hedrick, w e a a ^ 6 wwi, S

hawk s c a ^ P. P. Weber, owl, t hawk a e a ^ Madisni Holmas, 2 hawk, i

Wade WMtfaeriMte, hawk a c a ^ Weatwow) Hotddsea.

on leeal boanL L. P. MawTT, 2 hawk i Joaapb:

8.00 4JW

6.10 SM 3.00 SJW

LOO *M *M iM tM

.9M M



6.90 .60


3 ^


M LOO 4.60

.86 1.60 1.00 9.20 4J0



6&17 6.80 SJ88

8.00 6.00 7.80 7J0 7.20 6.70 iM


Z.66 JSO

18.06 7.S0



6.86 ijoe

M 10.00



Damfriaa Diatriet Baad F u d James Luck, woric on road- 10.00 H. L. Tubba. same. 20.46 Allen Mil8t«ad, same. 6.00 J. M. Roaadl. oak lumber VIM

GaiaeaTille Diatriet Raa4 VwU A. M. Smith, work on road-.-,., 11.60 John M. Duncan, same- 46.00 A. R G. Bass, bridge ptanl^-... 22.96 L. J. Mcintosh, work on rSaU.-. 89.00 Robt. Wataon, sama „ |6.75 M. C. BotU, samoL 46.00 E. M. MeCum, same. — 66.60

Maaaaaaa Diatriet Read F n d C. R C. Johnson, dynamite. 82.80 Ihoa. Sloper, brldga boarda : ^ . 0 0 R. L. Lewis, work on road-....- nM H. L. Hundley, same. 29.99 H. L. Hundley, use of treasurer . 28.00 Turner WaatharlioltZH work on

road .-_. .——.„.. ....... F. Warner Le^ia, bridge dOa..., Beeij Weatherb<rits, w w k oft

road , ,,


The iuUm 9t at. Paul's Chweh Gaild wiU hold a saU of p r e ^ and useful articks saitabk foi: Chriatmaa gifts , at the parteh haO, oa n a r s d a y , Deotasber 8. from 4 t e 10 p. as. lee cream, cake and ceffoa wiB be. en sale doriag the aftamoan and eToniag. There wOl also be a U U e of Superior flavoring eatzacte in a v a r » t y * f flav­ors, for sale at modaeate pritiss; joat what yoa «K)1 need in makiag your Chriatmaa Qdua.

Mr. A. » . G. Bass, sixty4hrae yaars aid. of HaymariMt, was knocked ^avn hf an automobile while crossing at 17th and K street* last n ight He was taken to Eaiergeney Hospital, where Dr. Bray found he had recdved a fr*c-ture of his left leg and wits f<Id bruisee to hl» head, face and body. The police were told that tha driver of the automobile failed to stop and disdoae his idaitity^—WashJwfton Star, Wednesday.

Mr. Bass' family w « « notified of

Svi-uaynancet ims year^ m w ^ , ^ F«W- xaauiji w» •wpun, G«U«U g^as, and it is hoped tha^ fks people of Mr. j a d Mzt, Uttchdl of the community will respond to the day. call as they have dene in the pastj Mr. Horace DaVaughan eontiaucs in order that we nay sustain *t leaaC very ilL to a good extent oar obligatiena. -^i

W. H. Evana, sama-E. A. Payne, sama-A. M. Payne, saau.. R. S. Payne, aame— -T

Joaeph Browa, aama..

20.02 U 4 0

6.00 16.00 28.00 48.76 ILOO 87.60

8.16 Harbwt W. Batter, same Oeeevaaa Oiatilct Baai I W i

Geo. F. Pettit, work oa rMid—- 82.28 FiRtjp«4>awaon, aantSLJ :

Spadal Read fa l i i J^m Fiery-, woric oa ( B. F. Hedrick, < T. M. Roasell.' rqiaita.-Henry Kayser, repairs... Va. State Highway CoBi., Clws

B liberty trade _ Same, repairs for Holt tractor. F. E. Briggs, waA on engine.... Occoquan district rotui fund,

.nqS^ementcil ._.. ._, |^^. • D^Tax'FnBd

C L. Reading, killing two dogs Confederate Remioa Fnad

G. W. Nutt, relief.......... ....;... 25.00 Adjourned to meet tiie tUrd TOes-

day in-Deeember (20th).



his accident early on Wednesday and Mrs. Bass and their daughter, Mrs. Talloaa, k f t fanmadiatdy for Wdah-ington, but no further news aa to hi* eonditJon has beoi reeaivad.

Mrs. Charles D. S. Claricsoa and daughters, Cordelia and Helen, haye joined Mr. Cladcson at Flanatoa, 41a.. whare the family will for a time re-^ side.* Mr. Glarkaon, as auuiager «ad Iffeddeat of a raceotly organised land and gravd eompany, it operatiaig' a mine near the tdwn, but loeat«d in FlorMa. i '

Mr. Parsons Rector, of Fraderidca-bnrg, waa a vidtmr at U s home lare last week. • " • r*-

Mr. Wallace Shumate, who has haen abeoit for seme months wiih a gedog-ieal sarvqr par^, ia ait Ua h o ^ a here for a viait

Misses Jos«)phine and Kath«rine.Pa-ters, of Washington, were at hooM for lluadcsgiviag and the a^ak'.and.

The aaaaal Bad Crciai i ^ caS, a ikh has baso Mnaarhat d^yat| In

aieeting wiU be heU at the Pariah haO on Moaday availing at 7:30 fdr tha electiaD of oOcers. Reports of the' work of tha past year will be read:

Mra. Thorn Williamaoa and Mrs. C a r ^ Hall have daatd tfasir boaw, "Shirley," for the remainder 4^ th« winter, and with Miss Aaae Walker WUliamson will visit relatives la the d t y of Waahington bffota going to tbdr home in Annapotta.

Tha Miaaea McGiU wOl shortiy dose their home "Loingilt," n«ar Haymar-ket, to q^ead several mooths ia Waah­ington.

6 1 S E N W I C H

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. WMUaSton, delightfully entertained at a dimmer oa Tuesday in honor of their gruest^ Mr. isnd Mrs. SlTaee Atkenson, of

''Washingtaa, the -fpeaaion being the < fifth wed^^v anaiversary of Mr. and

Mrs. Atksaaea. Those present other I than the goasts of h<m<» were Mr. aijd 'Mrs. Bruce Whitmore, Hon. C ^ J . . Meetze, Mrs. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. I Robert M. Weir, of Manassas, and M»^ Frank Cockerell, of Greenwich.

Mr. Eugene Wiaa, of Washington,

BUP fDBAL ESTATB tfndar a n d . h y t irtoe of a eartate

4aed of trnat^»xa^al»d by J. T. Patt«o m<i l ^ l « B , Pattak, of reoard ia the «terk'i <«ka ii M a o e WllUam Cmaty ia deed bock 76, pagaa 180-7, to secnas the payment of 1 ^ note therein mea-tioned, in the payment of which note default has been made, and having been requested so to do by the b m i . eiary therein, the undeJhigned t n K i ^ named in said trust will i—rifl^'lt •eall, as provided in said trust, at pah. Uc auction, to the highaat bidder, oa



Tha people in this cbnimuni^ spent s very quiet and pleasaat Thaakaglv-mg.

Miss Edith Comwdl, of Washingtoo, spent the week-end with her aMtbar, Mrs. Gaor|« CamwdL Mias Cofhwell retmrned to Washington, Monday af-taraoon.

Mr. W. T. Abel is visiting relatives and friends in Washingrton, this week.

;Mrs. Mabd Anderson called at the home tS Mr. and Mrs. Gsllilun, of Dumfries, Tuesday. ^^

Mr. and Mrs. J. F^JSjfbn and two daughters, Misses U | | f ^ ^ Ruth, and Mrs. 'MMm I>ayi% WiSf Washington,

weel(«4aii,'|i« Crianda and here, i dtunilng t» WasliiBC>

81, l»2l at twdva o'doek m., ia front of tha soHrthetiw , in tha-Town of iffiii»^,^, aforesaid coontf, all that eertahi tract or pared set land, lying and be-

r<^P*s hei cMMnaliay.

Mrs. J* E. Tapaeott, of Quantico, and two dan^ttwa, I fn . SusiaDtrrad anCl in- Fraidc Darkl and davghtet', 9ff0, of Vaahagtfl^ vidted at tha iMte of 1^. aad I f i E x H. WflOaaMH Saadayc;

Miaa A. K. Dona oaBad at AM homa of Mra. Era Aadatadiii flaaday.

Mr. and Un. M m ^ Umlar and

visited his parenU, Dr. aAd Mra. Wkf : ing situate, partiy in Gainesville Dis-at their ho«e ia Ndcasville. on Sunday trict, aforesaid county and parUy in Idat. I Lortdoun county (being about 811

Mr. George Wood, who waa, paia- * « « in the former and 816 .in the lat-fulhr injured somatime ago by tha *«">. *djoining the Tecumseh Urm, limb of a tree fallfatg an him, 4s aWa Ayree Bros., A. de Zerega, Harris, to be out again. Buckley and others, known as tha Put-

Mr. OscM Ellis, who haa been ill n«m property, (save and except three at Ms home near hare, ia much im- P«reels sold therefrom by said Pat-proved in haaltli.

The Nokaaville Taiephona Con Muty will hold an oystar supper at Nokaa­ville on Wedneaday, Daeaml>ar 7. Cima and bring a friend.

tons in 1921, to Bynea, in Loudooa county, a^d. HoAnaa and ^Thinias la Prince WUUhiB. Fo# doseriptioo and amounts of these salaa see tha rsapae-tive deeds.

Messrs. Eugene Marstdler and CfllfJ . ^ ^ • ><>* oi idieat raised on said CockrdI, pf Waahingtoa, 'wsiij ^I^^P*^ <« 1«21-

wasfc-ead guasU at tJM hoaia of HraTr This i M very fine farm, with dwdl-Mazatallnr's sister, Mrs. Clyde Bodiaa, j *"«•- *>•*»». outbuildings, etc. thera-inMtAsrdlle.


fa M u ^ m e m j ^ of my dear 90^ Tbomaa Mutoa Tm«ri»dt , who 'died tJiraa ^ e a n a«o today, Daeambef 6, 1918. Steep on, dear aoa, and sweetly rait; I naaded yon, bat God knows bast; God^ win be doos; TU death waU, Ba* hwr l a d a a yoo BO toogaa eaa taU.


OB, aod should be ioapaetad before sale. TERMS CASH.


RlRNntM msE Haviag moved mi f n a i t a r a bosi.

ness to the fiixson property, conmr ^ a t a ateek a i apoa aa n o m wOl par. a U t Ffttare ftamisa and Fnuttag. C ^ a t 7 and c k M at 8 p. m.


(Continued ttwa page one) a very wide scale in our present Amer­ican Bfe they were coming to a too soon, and thus losing tbdr dianea of coming to a fiill maturity fai dtbcr ^ody, mind or seuL This, if eontinuad, would soon mean a wideQread daea-doMie of the national life. . He especially pretesd f w reform in the overstrained onotioiial appeal of tha motion iMcture world, and of the modem dance, the high school boys -and .girls should have in tbdr social life tha beautiful ehivakk dances of im «ld«r day, the minuet and the Vir­ginia red . and not the mod«n Tango and ita like>.

The Conference waa doaed Mlday night by an important ad^keaa by Congressman Towner, fai which tha speaker urged the educators to for a national r e c ^ a i t i a i of education through the creation of a Dcpartmaat of Edocatioa, the head of whidi sboaM be a mMnber of tha Presidanfa edi i -

K d t h e r state nor nattai , tiia qteaker said, could have a more vita) cooeem than universal education; for by ita UMaaa alone could Oliteraey ha daatroyed, om largo-fordgn Amerieaaiaod, jBid a cured a ^ a h l e -ai aphoMJag add petaathv tiia great tgmmOtm «<

Hfe. ^*"


j»fl ...-Laariag Puyae, hawk aealp. Joa. W. %«wa, 2 hawk W. H. SUeett, hawk X i . Otftar, poor e U a i

HETHER it's f«r TliinrikggrriBg dinnor or a

«f MiM<JiaM for


fonatant iaereaaa ia

Jeha SoIBvaa. poor ftaim J. M. RassaO, laaritar for shod Hcary Kaiaa^ 2 hawk aealpa— A. E.

aealp ^ J. L. Dawsoa, 81 hawk sfalpa,.,. A . B. Maanal, havrii aealp L. F . Keya, 10 hawk aealpa. B. W. CeraweU, 2 sMw aealpa— W. F. T. B.



Thia ia the reaaoa I laok iqton sgro ttiing. Tho < dofeeta is

BVitty toe to lamiopdHl-fitted ghisass. Tlta fiiat tadfcatiea of diaeonfort, mt hhiiiad

yoa ta aaeartala tha «d tha troaUa, whether ft. ta

throagh tha «yo itaalf sr fnm phyri-eal aihaiati. If coaM w t a tho fan wffl ha

a d a ^ hi a great aumy, that ia 1

for thirty years, I teve giraa aO to the stmiy of optfeal

DR. O. W. H D m

' " " ^ •" • |pfl<Jiahe


Volatility k iaiportaiit to good fasottae. It Urjgily js^venu Aie fttatbtg apsmd e l 7oflp»«H»tor « i d A e cidnieaa of die vOxtnre yam hacn to nae. For mmij pau>er that enables jaa to'eaneptiimg ia traffie or wiuri up ateep grades uMioot a lot of gear thiftiiig your •lator fuel mvat have h i | ^ flame qifififrtwri a hif^ rate of presMire devdo]^Mat. For teonamtied opemUom gaM^ine oMMt give jvm j ^ mOeage per galka mp ao eoMpktely IIMI ft


• d o p a frolaneed gMoline to all dicM ^eeiflMCieM. Bi t it has been doiie.

**StaBdard*' Motor Gasoline ia best not in one or two reapacti oidy. Under the moat r ^ d testa covering every fe^UMe of



Yoa can eanlf prove this. Draw np ^^ben yoa see the familiar **S. O.** «%&. T e * ^ tankfuL Notice the «'p^'' a n < ^ w e r year car has. See how e a ^ H climbs Jkard hills. W^ tabs «a the. mileage yoa gN. One ^puOity





M*am i^aH'nv-mK - i«*r ' /