National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008 IPEDS: The Next Chapter SHEEO/NCES Network Conference IPEDS Workshop April 15-18, 2008

IPEDS: The Next Chapter

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IPEDS: The Next Chapter. SHEEO/NCES Network Conference IPEDS Workshop April 15-18, 2008. Agenda. IPEDS data collection 2007-08 wrap-up Help Desk report 2008-09 and beyond HEA Reauthorization IPEDS R&D IPEDS data use tools College Navigator Updated Data Feedback Report & ExPT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PowerPoint PresentationIPEDS:
COMING!!! IPEDS Data Center
IPEDS Technical Review Panel
Acronyms used
FSA = Office of Federal Student Aid
HEA = Higher Education Act
PPA = Program Participation Agreement
IPEDS Survey Components
E12 = 12-Month Enrollment
IPEDS Data Tools
College Navigator
2007-08 Wrap-up
Spring Collection
Collection open
March 5
Keyholder close
April 16
Coordinator close
April 30
12-month Unduplicated Count and Instructional Activity (old Parts E & F)
Reported in Fall 2007 on E12
Part G, Retention Rates
Rather than collect only the rates for full-time and part-time students, collect the numerator and denominator and have the system calculate the rates
Mandatory in 2007-08
Graduation Rates
Eliminate these sections from IPEDS GRS
Institutions will no longer be required to report these data to IPEDS, but will still be required to disclose these data, per SRK
Add item to report URL used for disclosure
Reporting Compliance
Mandatory reporting of IPEDS
Reporting IPEDS is mandatory for all institutions with PPA with US Dept of ED for Title IV federal student financial aid
Penalties for noncompliance include
Fine of up to $27,500 per violation
FSA Noncompliance Actions:
Total Fines Assessed
FSA Noncompliance Actions:
Institutions Fined, Warned
2007-08 Nonresponse:
# of Institutions
IC = 2
C = 4
E12 = 4
HR = 4
Unfortunately, it takes a lot of work to make these low numbers happen
We are doing a lot of follow-up, during and after collections
Institutions have only one opportunity for special post-collection help
We now send email/letter thanking CEO of institutions that lock ALL surveys by 4 wks before close of each collection
Letters refer to KH by name so CEO knows who was responsible for this good thing
Letters sent, 2007-08 collections
Help Desk Report
Collection schedule
August 29
Fall Collection
Collection open
September 3
Keyholder close
October 15
Coordinator close
October 29
Winter Collection
Collection open
December 3
Keyholder close
January 21
Coordinator close
February 4
Spring Collection
Collection open
March 4
Keyholder close
April 15
Coordinator close
April 29
Follow-up schedule
Letter to CEO (no registered KH) Close – 4wks
Email to KH (no data) Close – 4wks
Phone to CEO (no registered KH) Close – 3wks
Phone to CEO/KH (no data) Close – 2wks
Email to KH (no data, not locked) Close – 2wks
Email to KH (no data, not locked) Close – 1wk
Proposed Changes for 2008-09 and beyond
Elise Miller, NCES
Proposed changes
Posted on IPEDS website in Newsroom http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/
Federal register notice 1/30/08
2nd comment period to come
Proposed changes
Eliminate first-professional degree category
Revise Finance data collected for both GASB and FASB institutions
Introduce phased implementation of new R/E reporting categories
Collect more detailed
Why collect these?
So OPE can see how students at different institutions are using particular fed grant programs
Substantial expansion of private loans
To address recommendations made by Secty’s Commission on Future of Higher Ed
financial transparency
Data collected (full-time first-time cohort)
# recipients
State/local grants
State/local grants
First-professional degree classification
Why change?
Due to changes in graduate education, first-professional category is outmoded
Increasingly important to distinguish research-focused doctor’s degrees from professionally focused doctor’s degrees
Based on suggestions from the IPEDS TRP and comments from additional members of the higher education community
First-professional and Doctor’s degree categories to be revised
Current Award Categories
Post-master’s certificate; First-professional certificate (post-degree)
Post-master’s certificate (combines current post-master’s and first-professional certificates into one category)
Doctor’s degree – research/scholarship
A PhD or other Doctor’s degree
Requires advanced work beyond the master’s level including dissertation or original project
Doctor’s degree –
Doctor’s degree
Completion of program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice
Requires 6 FTE academic yrs (including pre-professional)
Some are former first-prof degrees
Plus others, as designated by institution
Doctor’s degree - other
Doctor’s degree that does not meet the definition of
doctor’s degree – research/scholarship or
doctor’s degree – professional practice
Master’s degree
Requires completion of program of generally one or two FTE academic yrs of work beyond the bachelor’s degree
Revise IPEDS Finance
Jason Hill, ESSI
Proposed Finance changes
TRP held Jan 17-18, 2007
Suggested forms be modified & some data elements be redefined
FASB Institutions
Change asset categories
Definitional change to “Property obtained under capital leases”
Add caveat box
FASB Institutions
Add caveats box
FASB Institutions
GASB Institutions
Change asset categories
GASB Institutions
Report local operating grants and contracts separately from private operating grants and contracts
Add line for sales and services of educational activities
GASB Institutions
Allocation of Operation and Maintenance of plant (O&M)
Allocation of Depreciation
GASB Institutions
FASB for-profit institutions
No changes proposed
Full details
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Final guidance on Maintaining, Collecting, and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data to the U.S. Department of Education
Published in Federal Register 10/19/07
For implementing 1997 OMB standards
Samples of 2-format question
Final guidance
Calls for implementation by Fall 2010, in order to report data for the 2010-11 academic year
Encourages institutions already collecting R/E in new format to begin reporting immediately
For IPEDS, immediately means 2008-09 collection
Final guidance
Reporting of aggregate data to US Dept of ED
Collection by institutions
Two-question format REQUIRED:
American Indian or Alaska Native
2-question format
Ethnicity question must come first
Standards call for self-identification of race/ethnicity
Reporting aggregate data – 9 categories
Nonresident aliens
Race/ethnicity unknown
R/E Technical Review Panel
IPEDS R/E TRP in fall 2006 to discuss implementation issues, such as:
If students are no longer at the institution, how to report? (C, E12, GRS)
Proposed implementation
3rd optional year for C, E12, GRS
5+7+2 format
Will be used in data collection system in optional years
5 = current categories
7 = new categories
Mixed reporting
Proposed timeline
Current (5+2) New (7+2) Mixed (5+7+2)
Current (5+2) New (7+2) Mixed (5+7+2)
Current (5+2) New (7+2) Mixed (5+7+2)
Data Release
College Navigator
Data Release
Navigator categories
Questions for institutions
More info
Mary Sapp & Carol Yoakum
HEA Reauthorization
Elise Miller
HEA Reauthorization
Current HEA through 4/30/08
Both Senate and House have passed versions of bill, now in conference
S 1642 passed in July 2007
HR 4137 passed in February 2008
S. 1642
Net price defined as “average yearly tuition and fess paid by full-time undergraduate student…after discounts and grants from institution, Federal Government, or a State have been applied to the full price of tuition and fees at the institution”
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
Higher Education Price Index
“Commissioner of BLS, in consultation with Commission of Education Statistics and representatives of institutions of higher education, shall develop higher education price indices that accurately reflect the annual change in tuition and fees for UG students” in the following categories: 4-yr public, 4-yr private, 2-yr public, 2-yr private, <2yr public, <2yr private
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
Higher Education Tuition List
The Secretary shall annually report, in a national list and in a list for each State, a ranking of institutions of higher education according to such institutions’ change in tuition and fees over preceding 2 years. The purpose of such lists is to provide consumers with general info on pricing trends among institutions if higher education nationally and in each State.
Lists to be compiled by 9 sectors and overall
Two lists: one showing % change, one showing $ change
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
Higher Education Price Increase Watch List
Secretary shall annually report, in a national list, and in a list for each State, a ranking of each institution of higher education whose tuition and fees outpace such institution's applicable higher education price index
List includes tuition and fees and net price
“to be widely published and distributed in paper form and through Department’s website”
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
Secretary shall annually report, in charts for each State —
A comparison of the % change in State appropriations per enrolled student in a public institution of higher education in the State to the % change in tuition and fees for each public institution of higher education for each of previous 5 years; and,
Total amount of need-based and merit-based aid provide by the State to students enrolled I public institutions of higher education in the state
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
Net Price Calculator
Within 1 yr, Secretary shall develop and make available several model net price calculators (for each sector)
Within 3 yrs, each Title IV institution shall adopt and use net price calculator –based on model developed by ED or developed by institution
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
UCAN (University and College Accountability Network)
Secretary shall develop a model document for annually reporting basic info about an institution of higher education that chooses to participate to be posted on College Navigator
UCAN similar to mandatory reporting requirements in House bill
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
S. 1642
Bans student unit record system, education bar code system, or any other system that tracks individual students over time
State and consortium of states databases ok
State pilot program – assist up to 5 states in developing state data systems
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137
College Affordability and Transparency Lists (on College Navigator)
List of top 5 percent of institutions in each sector and overall that have highest tuition and fees
List of top 5 percent in each sector and overall with lowest tuition
List of top 5 percent in each sector and overall with largest % increase in tuition and fees over 3 yrs
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137
College Affordability and Transparency Lists (on College Navigator)
Institutions on list of largest increase will submit report on contributing factors and establish quality-efficiency task force to set annual benchmarks to reduce costs
Secretary will compile info from reports and submit to authorizing committees and publish on College Navigator
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137
Post on College Navigator —
A comparison of the % change in State appropriations per FTE student in each public institution of higher education in the State to the % change in tuition and fees for each public institution of higher education for each of previous 5 years; and,
Total amount of need-based and merit-based aid provided by the State to FTE students attending an institution of higher education in the State
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137
Net Price
Defined as “average yearly tuition and fees actually charged to a full-time undergraduate student receiving student aid after deducting an y discounts and Federal and State aid, and any other institutional aid, that reduce the full price of tuition and fees at the institution
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137
Net Price Calculator
Within 1 yr, Secretary shall develop net price calculator that “permits students to determine an estimate of their individual net price of attendance for an institution”
Within 3 yrs, each Title IV institution shall adopt and make available on the institution’s website ED’s net price calculator
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137
Higher Education Price Index
Commissioner of BLS, in consultation with Commission of Education Statistics and representatives of institutions of higher education, shall develop higher education price indices that accurately reflect the annual change in tuition and fees for UG students
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137: Consumer Info
Residency/migration data
Retention rates
Graduation rates
HR 4137: Consumer Info
Not Already in IPEDS
# of students with disabilities
Average time to degree
Percentage of faculty with highest degree in field
% change in net price over 3 years
Average grant aid by income categories
Total grant aid available to students from all sources
Net price by income categories
% of student living on- versus off-campus
Transfer of credit policies
Links to institution’s website on student services
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
HR 4137: Higher Education Pricing Summary Page
To be displayed in sortable and searchable format on College Navigator
UG tuition and fees for UPCOMING academic year
Average annual net price by income category over 3 preceding years ($0-$35k; $35,001-$70k; $70,001-$105k; $105,001-$140k; $140,001 and up)
Average annual % and $ change in tuition and fees over 3 preceding academic years
Average annual % and $ change in instructional spending per FTE over preceding 3 years
Difference between average annual % change in institution's tuition and fees and higher education price indices
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
IPEDS R&D Activities
NPEC meets to review IPEDS R&D projects and suggest new ones
NPEC serves as core of IPEDS TRP
More info on TRP topics in TRP Update
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Other IPEDS R&D Projects
Minimum Data Set
Updating the CIP
Review of Edits
Review of Instructions
Review of Glossary
Minimum Data Set
Minimum Data Set (MDS)
Project came to a close in March 2008 with internal distribution at NCES of a field test Working Paper
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Project Background
NCES begin to systematically collect information to produce reliable estimates of the number and characteristics of non-Title IV postsecondary institutions (MDS)
MDS continue on biennial basis
Data be made available via a web-based search tool
Eventually, MDS would become a universe collection
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Long History
Due to interruptions & delays, over 3 years elapsed between construction of sampling frame and start of data collection
Highly fluid, volatile population
Study findings affected
No way of knowing extent
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Findings affected
With bi-annual project, would have been possible to assess impact of births
In the absence of that strategy, or different study plan, that is not possible
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Not sufficient federal interest (e.g., federal program effectiveness) to justify cost and burden
Given demands being placed by Congress, OMB, and others on IPEDS data collection, opportunity costs of investing staff and resources in non-Title IV data collection are simply too high
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Finance Data Quality Study
Finance Data Quality Study
Table 2
Stratification variables
Stratum label
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.
table 4
Table 4. Number of Institutions sampled, included in analysis, and excluded from analysis: by sampling domain: 2003-04.
4-year institutions
Less-than-4-year institutions
Private, for profit
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.
table 5
Table 1. Number of institutions in population, sample, and analysis, by Table 5. sampling stratum 2003-04.
Sampling domain
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.
table 6
Table 6. Number and percentage of discrepancies, by accounting standards: 2003-04.
Number of discrepancies
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.
table X
Table X. Number of institutions sampled, included in analysis, and excluded from analysis by institutional control: Table X. 2003-04.
Reasons for Exception
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.
table A
Table A. Percentage distribution of exception, by accounting standard and variable type: 2003-04
Number of exception
† Not Applicable. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. SOURCE:U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), financial data for FY 2003-2004.
table Za
Table Z. Number and percentage of exceptions, by accounting standards: 2003-04.
Number of exceptions
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Lessons and recommendations
Finance training for respondents
Human Resources (HR)
Data Quality Study
Sabrina Ratchford, NCES
HR Data Quality Study
Purpose –
Compare HR data collected in IPEDS to HR data from several external sources
Evaluate IPEDS HR data collected in optional (even-numbered) reporting years
Reference period: 2004-05
External HR Sources Considered
Full-time and/or part-time faculty
College Board ASC
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
External HR Sources — Continued
CUPA Mid-Level
Data Elements Compared
Number of part-time faculty
Full-time executive/administrative/managerial staff
1Full-time faculty data were also evaluated by faculty and tenure status, contract length, academic rank, and/or gender in some comparisons, but not all comparisons.
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Next steps
Results of study should be released in a Methodology Report in Spring 2008
NCES staff evaluating how IPEDS HR study should look in post-NSOPF environment
Review of IPEDS HR Component part of NPEC project list of 2008-09 (background paper and TRP)
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Graduation Rate
Graduation Rate Data Quality Study
This is the third in a series of data quality studies on IPEDS data. The results of this study will help to ensure that the GRS is capturing the correct students in the cohort as defined by the Student Right-to-Know Act
Work was began in October 2007
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Graduation Rate Data Quality Study
Compare IPEDS data to three states that have student unit record systems
Compare IPEDS data to an outside source that collects graduation rate data
Evaluate the effect on IPEDS graduation rates that result from false positives and false negatives
False Positives – students being counted that should not be counted
False Negatives – not including students that should be counted
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Graduation Rate Data Quality Study
Report will be released as a Research and Development paper in late-2008
From this report, NCES will try and implement any necessary changes to instructions and Frequently Asked Questions in order to give a better understanding to respondents
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Updating the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)
Michelle Coon, NCES
What is the CIP?
The CIP is a taxonomic coding scheme of instructional programs
CIP titles and program descriptions are intended to be generic categories into which program completions data can be placed
The CIP is not intended to be a regulatory device
The CIP is intended to code programs of study that result in a degree, certificate, license or certification and is not intended to code majors
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Who Uses CIP?
IPEDS Keyholders and Coordinators to complete IPEDS Completions Survey
Statistics Canada to code responses to questions on their surveys about program of study
Federal and State data users
Institutional Researchers
Why update CIP?
CIP was last updated in 2000
Since the last update, there has been an increase in the number and variety of postsecondary education programs
Similarly some instructional programs no longer exist
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
How is the CIP Organized?
The CIP is composed of 53 two digit series
Series can be broadly be classified as:
Academic Programs of Study
Dental, Medical, and Veterinary Residency Programs
ROTC Programs
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Anatomy of CIP
4 digit CIP code
6 digit CIP code
Represent a single instructional program
Used by institutions to report degree completions and fields of study data
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Example of a CIP Series
22.00 Non-Professional General Legal Studies. Instructional content for this group of programs is defined in codes 22.00000-22.001
22.0000 Legal Studies. General. A general program that focuses on law and legal issues from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities.
22.0001 Pre-Law Studies. A program that prepares individuals for the professional study of law at the post-baccalaureate level.
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Process for Updating the CIP
Update includes adding CIP codes and establishing and illustrative examples
Sources of new CIP Codes
Data from IPEDS Completions Survey
Catalog Scans of Postsecondary Institutions
Suggestions from IPEDS Key holders and Coordinators, Federal and State Agencies, and TRP Members
CIP will only be published electronically and will not be published in hardcopy
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Who’s Involved in the CIP Update?
Tom Weko, Postsecondary Studies Division of NCES
Non NCES Staff
Denise Glover, Westat
John Milam, Highered.org
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Abbreviated Timeline for CIP Update
Feb. 2008- Proposals for new CIP Codes were solicited from IPEDS key holders and coordinators
June 2008- TRP meets to review proposals for new CIP codes and make recommendations
August 2008- List of recommended changes posted to the IPEDS website and IPEDS key holder and coordinator asked to comment
Dec. 2008- NCES staff review data from IPEDS Completion Survey for additional programs of study
March 2008- List of recommended changes and comments on changes is submitted to NCES Commissioner for consideration
April 2008- NCES Commissioner gives final decision on changes to the CIP
June 2009- Updated CIP is published on NCES website
National Center for Education Statistics SHEEO/IPEDS Workshop 2008
Tools Help Desk!
Don’t forget….
[email protected]
College Navigator
COOL’s successor….
College Navigator
Offers a wide range of information previously found on COOL, such as
Programs offered, degrees awarded
Retention and graduation rates
But also
New features - Search
Modify or change search from any page
Guided search feature
New features - Search
Expanded search options
% admitted and test scores
School size and type
Intercollegiate athletics programs
New features –
Compare & Favorites
Make comparisons of up to 4 institutions in a single view
New features -
Save & Export
Save sessions and receive an email with a link back to session
Export search results to easily-used formats, such as Excel
Demonstration of
College Navigator
Plans for the future
Navigator Webinar
Data Feedback Report & Executive Peer Tool
2007 report was emailed to KHs in October and mailed to CEOs in early November
2007, 2006, 2005 reports are available through ExPT at http://nces.ed.gov/ipedspas/
DFR & ExPT 2007
New figures for ExPT
Enrollment – detail by level
Personnel services by function (salaries, benefits) as % of total operating expenses
Core revenues and expenses figures by both percentage distribution by source and by per FTE enrollment
Endowment per FTE
IPEDS Online Data Center
More info and demonstration
Technical Review Panel Update
What is TRP?
IPEDS Technical Review Panel
Meetings of the IPEDS TRP are conducted by RTI International, IPEDS contractor
to obtain peer review of IPEDS-related project plans and products
to foster communications with potential users of the data
Dates for upcoming meetings
Summaries from previous meetings
Current summaries
Upcoming meetings of the IPEDS TRP
If you’re interested in serving on a panel, contact Janice Kelly-Reid at [email protected]
IPEDS Training Report
Randy Swing, AIR
Wrap Up Q&A
Private, for profit1,548755322
Table 1. Number of institutions in population, sample, and analysis, by
Table 5. sampling stratum 2003-04.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education
Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2004.