2 -. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - -,42-r' ", fr x I~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, - ~ ~x '>---7~,,,-T ~ _~,-, , g 7 ; ~ ,'' , /': "? ''-C°n~mimiatlon' :;'-"ho" , - lard,' and'-they, have- gone o~rward in' th Mie-andohin Club,. is:also .:worthy- of of file old' enginie and somes conflicts .',:;.'? g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .1.. '~~~T T:/[e¢ ': ,,C,. ,.; .. , --. ;'"- -:...?-/ K trnsted to;them.: ?We ,would'i, bei~er ,,.Tilebe~ se~etons'-,y.,Ii&GJee. IPiuio.the Th teologica.1/Seminary,?and,; ' _c,' : [[¢ :,-,:~ ~; :,, : ~ It /z ;a" axmn of ~htail glad to:-let';the chioo)l Vdecide whether OI Iub~were :,,-,. To P'lhee,,_ 0 ' Oiintr.y" f;the ."Femnoem"! Jield. a plaie, i; their.:,::.:;¢¢ · I"-'-":,economists tatcertim classes of men ;Jthey will'abide lwy tfIr~ iwn-deeiio 'an,0h~Why. ajithow not net'e { Ille;, -. 1'rof. ~Iearclosedwith an' eo-,' ';,v:? :"[[, L-~"are aglit~tors, and*,anarelustst because orallow-Skerrye atnd'Olar k to decidle'{Thiebest- piee. of the-evemnng.xwas,.{ quent-tribnf~e to Dr~..Talor'.? 11e"was , : -,:'-. :"i: :: tlhe~;have nothing.o,]sea, everr - I th at-frte.:-,....: ..- :.[ wdu-obt. "!n; absence,' wlnl. ~the man of the Hi.' r. Asa teacher he-.'~.;,' : thi~ '.."lng'to gain by such~ a course. -- .- F E,Ws:¥EtAUES'' the hit'of thie~ emn'.s program'-was could', airouse- o, etuis vr-:. . : ,. ,- 7~ - - ~: . : We areW'elt,/'aare ? ~mi. thatie~na- ' - " "v L. (W.- SM!T"' ' :2-":_,:"Sunday &hol.oI-$cholar'," whichi ? was two hie~sof Greek-than ainy t.'eaclher ;"c, ., tack ~h~c ha been made o- '-. ,. .'A. 8nFYTlz, _ :, well, sung by Mr. Barlow and, the c~ub. jsine xnown.. He was, i, all phases. . .:,.. opponents were ii the adrnt-g:- be- : P. -R.- LESTER-,-'-'-" The hits on the-different fellows Were of Andover life, from.'presidng..at, a.,---:s ' (; ,; :cause they had nothinig ar- stake.and ['0':- . '~0..rt1. - , I LA~. ood-natured and witty,-and free from faculty mneeting to rumung with the,_-:_.,' '¢ ;' hey .iem1ht-ossiblyibymisrer6ese-z~~ "J ~- ;:'-'-.¢7$olmnlu¢ile- c-{unpleasant p~ersonalites, themreby giv- Academy fire-eiigi ie.-¢:..- ',-,? -'I ',''/"'ich, unjure tile-committee 0r the magad-,','... . .'," , -~ - ',|ing no occasioni for' indue eriticism.'" Prof. Grav es of the Andover faculty -, . _;,X~, '-[1ui "u,/~./.eboard to-.some extent.':Maiy. (";mec-,';- -"- ; : -: -' -- -Tle programwas as' follows-: -_ was the next speaker.' Ums theme was.- - ;'~ !- ;.,their statements and ifeiences have . : :,.' _ :.- -, -- '.,_ I ·- _-" '' '.. - ' - ~-ti ]cA/dovex ~ of to day" Prof' Graves", (-:---f b:l ~" : een:'too:.habsurd4.;or too appar~ently' .;~ Ea .. ' . 4 - -- :... ,''-,.k -: . '.io club'' - - - =.said. thathle brought a greetnig from:...L'/... ' [ / " :~;aise,:-toX-'deserve ' noitie:: All-'thieF '-. ',.-::-:", *:/:...''-::[-To Thee, 0OUountr, , - - '"Eichilerg ,the AlmnaMater to her:- sons; at',Wil-':,-,::. ,,· ~ .'.others we tbelieve wve--ave. dlsprovec, ' *- '-'"':'.&.J''f,~ '-': . '' -.- -,,;' - t a special meetitg held Thuirsday i '-~'' ,_~ f~., --. : ham li Iba:pok';-:e' av"t'; :":e ":ntl of'~ ¢-, '.'; excojfl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-. ,/ ',.,- - :- ,, tw in th la commeiupoce =om .llctl ·.. u' b , % :-,[[, ,s,/. -. :..... - :,-,".-'-- ..... no~on for the' election of offi-es o- t he+,. vase la~'rojan, ...... .them hit- 1w im, present pros-.....,-,-_ ,.....-- -I ~/,--t~oi.',- ;-- -- ,-.,':. :--' :,-/]comning teiin,:P.R A:llen,, '92, Wa~]-.ACannibn~d~ ,.: -/ --- -,~"te 't and- future-hopes ofthe- school.-,-: ~f,< .... t..- ... o...e<i, .. o.say.t..e.l..., to, c ,.rr elected presb~clent; W. 'TA:Miler,'183,- ....- "~ec - Th rai grwt of te ... hool. in.: th us ''"-.'Swiilh forgery whenu we lraveipve president N .......... ,' 93 s- :nai~ 'as~paoe ' '~ -t .. wi las fe. yer mad 't imeatv to'- "' '~"-:; ~said tha/t the sign-l/'chlcatd'e i I retar-; y .. Lalke, "- t c,:_orrespond: Ma:-o.: Cl, ,., e ::.%:..n . ,- .. ; m6 re- buildiilg',teaceter and'-': ''~;{ " x' - ;-7nefit contaiing"woras of whlichi we ingecretary, \D. L. VaiI, 92 tre=:as {a.-Sunay Sciaooi cholar. ' _,'[m~j. 'ff/,r~ndmn ogi, -/.';S '.]/- ~have the original manuscript vei'batim'.{ .- - -." - ' :" ; sige ... ' ,t a.'_ :'_.-, ,..-a'eady ~65,000 ,ras pledged Prof. ;.·: ;i ' _'<:We did not sti, 'their name~s'but said |:- PBILO -. FICERS:: " ol- c:.;[::L ,' - _CG l, . ",,[Graves said ihait athletics held anl ima' "",'~~ ,~I , ' 1_ ,~' i,5~,lnD n e Goe I o-~'/(;Utside of, thie; qu6'ttioif:',niarks"6f;t~e '-:.-Th' :,-',homatt~eanf :. . 'eet. has_~ - ..... ld ;.ce. Ba'o - -Gu .r-/portant place in thie student life -of "/ :%-~' Society i -" ' -" Cl-ub. ,**article a document of t iese Wvozds:wa : ,-'.;-:;, elete the follwin oficr .; r the Da . J.|-~ one", '... - ~zorio'- [hllips Academy They gave inoto-'- .- ::: '- ~ '~~~-I' , ~.... ~..., - , - .;'lcel tl.I~oll- m esJttl/ y, '¢-.',.~----',;L:, Iy./,-' ,,-,.-, "' ',....,,, ·...- ' ,;' -"z -? .- ;',~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ge ~n r<-Clar to-.ther sholave hameve'd- an el.....ev.at.+... "6-1~,- "stne-W.IFMd 0 sprigter0 l....---. · , - ..... l-ng, effectonthemids oftestudent. .- ` Car ¶,i _"ae t a, to - viceepresident. , ,al 'ec.-:- Mesr. laste Barlow;Stone an Cmn- ,, /, - " : .... ,- : ", n'tte th{',"~ine a 'y hcl etr WFDfytraue C PieotesuhProf-"Grav"es'speech wfasi'fullo11hp is; excty a' we stte W" tWoul' fman,; executve, committee¢t.'v e,- ...- , ,, ,-'~ C%.u, for -. ,: th-ot-edP sei ida Thou not Year Me? l~Iara~h.: ''acemeit of the ica em' Iike u~ u a t hsc . , T, ,. ,- -- 0 . o 8 wa .... itr e 'lhAeMApr l d ohed rul - N Stonet h - ' . h dced Gavs, speec wshope had ,-- : --. eatle.groun~o- - t - - , AnothefaI'tatenien1i8 in:ear ..... :,. a n ,.s e. ,., o:,ej anqut. e ,, lie ie, e OS.t y ±a adfd "- to,\ ' onei! ceurtni dsn'eter othee; co6 a:'P 'I :-r~-lrt¥ ;> / '" T"' ....- .... Glee aCua.-',:tem into ,a;'oii ".- .." ,, o he Wl ; []ryer~u -Ca~ N'tor~i he lmseaed tif'anonh-.¢a.]. the. - annual..- .... er gie/soiiCassfo ;'' to '9 - ,9ds~e"u fred] at oppose. the iemaier Abbot , ,- o, , set o- .; f , .. ;'= .... nmieeas b ,.--~-- .. arg.d'M'-l xlre da ,'-ii~~ ~, - .:. arudt,~ -. - .......- .. J...........~,- ....... ,i 'ucd· aste onelho hd taet...,...-~ ,. :, ,"I -;---4'W.--,;,I,;,,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ', ,-%.:b'; .... ~ - , ''; ; , c--, .. ,, ,.Te lea n ano lus'o 't - ' -... ; " " - -- ~,..... ': ~ - .' ,-,- I -'-,., "'"" I; 'i- ~ ~ ~ ~be Ih u dife so .'-. ; the.. l is n 'fli tu had that t'e co..ncert .~ -" ........ :' "- -~', 'would Ryder, 89'-,-,- - ,p- themuto-stone wal oastmaste r;'f-- 1. "i -- : e- .: ,n.. ,; oie:,.ertg embens tofthe- copr f-avorably-.- i-ththseof-o ....... r.. ws th-gt . e' ven Lie -Tasmatr e. fi is -hed - I-, -4 ..,. ,, .. .... ;.,.,,, ., ~ .... , ,...~, .,,. .... :. .... ;: ...... , ,, ... , , .... _ ~ _ ~ ..,- _. :_ L ,,-The annual dmne~ [-~the,, W dhams- .: ......- '- ' -, ,: :' ,,,, - ."';.-.,.' -. -.' `-, ~- ' ':-` -: --,' .. r..g..xe- of '_H taids. ox reaisswastthe coetention h~at sag, Prof Grave :t A'o-r an"d':' at th .......... ii Th -jsrto ' -- P- - .... '- -more. ' b_, wh.~=,,at ~,.L-,,,,e did t,-i' .we.d- ..... p' oft the yearh an consider- ,AdIee t fculy' wshecoildsono trt 'evenrngj .. e 'jh,- , hol-...-'' _,,~- ~ ' .. ..... men--s'a-s~atl~ fead , t~,,,in ~oi~ie~<Th~their~e,, .... -urt ,.i .... . seas . . . ,.... o the atoas~t O hleuc oatae who ete-e . . ..- thei ' oito hav -on alos of a. . 'eloe ,?' lx.-biessrs. even-m -tfuowHll' athi:ea'arcr11 g'ti the-TcnaIn-1'- 'itz of the ; *:,- -. ' " "" ' : .. "Sd ,r - rd -a-: ... I ...-.... --. :. : - .. .. ,, .- ... awa`',fa' n the v loped. ,-e-_lub ma wel1 f: ... n_. a epc , ,' . wih a .usno A hee, -- -,"': - i',.L, and (C ,ra.e usV'eoitt!ies o thesucess ' oftheu sasnalonsefrts thvencl atsthe:. labsenc of b'0two-9 Ad--:,;.,'-' .,',x'., -'".4'-, - ;-'-. " ' -' at~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,;. -,e ihh" n- l ' te .te . .... - .f . . . O . i , w w 'e'r "k~~~~~~~~~~~~r .--, -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ advice~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~' "~~,.,I '-" :, .... _, ,n;1m,..~:~,oe:h!:~m~i~b-th lead :lb- Mo-'eerer l'i _ --. ,. . _I, .A po . . S , . . "/- [~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~t~,apaue ' n:w h'meicdmmfii; '-Re'w' Ias' foloe by '"ilwig ofi~r ' ........ Pri - - - -. ~... ;= :, %.... ,~:.'7-d, ?~,medyeeeo', Te,'l asrce-h ztoe-ud'to tble--:" , . _ , , ,- ... '=.- ;, ;: - ,'Ili~;, ~"-_ '_-,_`- !- ian .df the oe :-od InRI.9:th.ded itast ateoda- i 1. J. . . . ~~~~t` ~ n 11 al m' . ... -- ; . . ,.-'. ... I ', , ... ,, ... rmkso l0 0.iiea c. o n e .. , ,~, 1,'7 ~, :> '..;',',--',..,_ .... i- ? .. . . . . . . . . . .'-' .... ,, '- -; ... ~ ' ' l_.'u' ,' .'. . . .. '.... _-, .~~~~, ." I I " ,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" "-' . ,,:I ...... . , . . . *...... -`. . . ,.-.; ,~/,,- -,. -,I~,, :..,I.,-I-.I.,',, ,,,"7:; '':,''':-? · , -'.,tl,pehm kn, - h s `rto- :-,,: ,,. ;:, , -.- ~~~~~, , ,- .1,"--7 -- -,I, 1I- -, ~ 1 ' . _ :/ - " ,,:; ,: - - :a , :,-mI.n o- htcP-,,.. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{~i, ""I's mate J~~_ oe'lnse '-,'I. ,,-7 - , _ ~I -- .- .-.- 11 - - -,, -,~~~~~~~~~~~~,_-,I- I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ;:."",, ,:stn wps ~~--- , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-~~'~7r '~".7~- .... .~ !1- - ,'. . .. -_1zt-,rum , cheer -... , - _,_-,...,- . I})I .2 :.~-.... -, , .,r,. I%~ . ,~ -L..*~ ,.,-:,*,' t.~'-~ ':,",",--"3 , , -J* ,"-'7- - ~',' -... , , ~-:......'.NO -. .. .. " -' ... ,- ,,*' .'%,,. z.~r- .¥::'i~~~~~dver~~~fiielr-,we~~~~l~~uess;~< ~,:~<~,,'~.~,,.¢-.,~,., " " ~ .....- " ~r ,: -'- --- 7 .....- -- ,,- : - : ;'.j%-:/I~-' '-;-'.,-'- -'-, ....- Ill'.,I:4,¢,,_1 ,,'.,- - : , - 1-49'- -, . !. T ':'~ ',;I[Yi e, ~.w men ,hid,-', bee ahn o,..+ _,. . . . . a -p ~ , ...- 5..~~.:,o ' .;~~ ~.. .~.~.n ~. ..- ,' :,

I~~~pdf.phillipian.net/1892/03231892.pdf1J~~~~ije~~~~ III p~~~~~ni~~~'il'ot im Whl eli', Pfor-~Ann-A ual- 2.6. *ubscriptn,- fledto iprove tlitime caHprofit'1:3star off it e y3DS, MqLAit'4

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  • 2 -. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- --,42-r' ", fr x

    I~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, - ~ ~x '>---7~,,,-T ~ _~,-, , g 7

    ; ~ ,'' , /': "? ''-C°n~mimiatlon' :;'-"ho" , - lard,' and'-they, have- gone o~rward in' th Mie-andohin Club,. is:also .:worthy- of of file old' enginie and somes conflicts .',:;.'?

    g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .1..

    '~~~T T:/[e¢ ': ,,C,. ,.; .. , --. ;'"- -:...?-/ K trnsted to;them.: ?We ,would'i, bei~er ,,.Tilebe~ se~etons'-,y.,Ii&GJee. IPiuio.the Th teologica.1/Seminary,?and,; ' _c,': [[¢ :,-,:~ ~; :,, : ~ It /z ;a" axmn of ~htail glad to:-let';the chioo)l Vdecide whether OI Iub~were :,,-,. To P'lhee,,_ 0 ' Oiintr.y" f;the ."Femnoem"! Jield. a plaie, i; their.:,::.:;¢¢

    · I"-'-":,economists tatcertim classes of men ;Jthey will'abide lwy tfIr~ iwn-deeiio 'an,0h~Why. ajithow not net'e { Ille;, -.1'rof. ~Iearclosedwith an' eo-,' ';,v:?:"[[, L-~"are aglit~tors, and*,anarelustst because orallow-Skerrye atnd'Olar k to decidle'{Thiebest- piee. of the-evemnng.xwas,.{ quent-tribnf~e to Dr~..Talor'.? 11e"was , : -,:'-.:"i: :: tlhe~;have nothing.o,]sea, everr -I th at-frte.:-,....: ..-:.[ wdu-obt. "!n; absence,' wlnl. ~the man of the Hi.' r. Asa teacher he-.'~.;,' :

    thi~ '.."lng'to gain by such~ a course. -- . - F E,Ws:¥EtAUES'' the hit'of thie~ emn'.s program'-was could', airouse- o, etuis vr-:. . : ,.,- 7~ --~ : . : We areW'elt,/'aare ? ~mi. thatie~na- ' - " "v L. (W.- SM!T"' ' :2-":_,:"Sunday &hol.oI-$cholar'," whichi ?was two hie~sof Greek-than ainy t.'eaclher ;"c, .,

    tack ~h~c ha been made o- '-. ,. .'A. 8nFYTlz, _ :, well, sung by Mr. Barlow and, the c~ub. jsine xnown.. He was, i, all phases. . .:,..opponents were ii the adrnt-g:- be- : P. -R.- LESTER-,-'-'-" The hits on the-different fellows Were of Andover life, from.'presidng..at, a.,---:s

    ' (; ,; :cause they had nothinig ar- stake.and ['0':- . '~0..rt1. - , I LA~. ood-natured and witty,-and free from faculty mneeting to rumung with the,_-:_.,''¢ ;' hey .iem1ht-ossiblyibymisrer6ese-z~~ "J ~- ;:'-'-.¢7$olmnlu¢ile- c-{unpleasant p~ersonalites, themreby giv- Academy fire-eiigi ie.-¢:..- ',-,?-'I ',''/"'ich, unjure tile-committee 0r the magad-,','... . .'," , -~ - ',|ing no occasioni for' indue eriticism.'" Prof. Grav es of the Andover faculty -, . _;,X~,'-[1ui "u,/~./.eboard to-.some extent.':Maiy. o£ (";mec-,';- -"- ; : -: -' -- -Tle programwas as' follows-: -_ was the next speaker.' Ums theme was.- - ;'~

    !- ;.,their statements and ifeiences have . : :,.' _ :.- -, -- '.,_ I ·- _-" '' '.. - ' - ~-ti ]cA/dovex ~ of to day" Prof' Graves", (-:---fb:l~": een:'too:.habsurd4.;or too appar~ently' .;~ Ea .. ' . 4 --- :... ,''-,.k -: . '.io club'' -- - =.said. thathle brought a greetnig from:...L'/...

    ' [ / " :~;aise,:-toX-'deserve ' noitie:: All-'thieF '-. ',.-::-:", *:/:...''-::[-To Thee, 0OUountr, , - - '"Eichilerg ,the AlmnaMater to her:- sons; at',Wil-':,-,::.,,· ~ .'.others we tbelieve wve--ave. dlsprovec, ' *- '-'"':'.&.J''f,~ '-': . '' -.- -,,;' - t a special meetitg held Thuirsday i '-~'' ,_~ f~., --. : ham li Iba:pok';-:e' av"t'; :":e ":ntl of'~ ¢-, '.';

    excojfl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-. ,/ ',.,- - :- ,, tw in th la commeiupoce =om .llctl ·..u' b , %:-,[[, ,s,/. -. :..... -:,-,".-'-- ..... no~on for the' election of offi-es o- t he+,. vase la~'rojan, ...... .them hit- 1w im, present pros-.....,-,-_ ,.....---I ~/,--t~oi.',- ;-- -- ,-.,':. :--' :,-/]comning teiin,:P.R A:llen,, '92, Wa~]-.ACannibn~d~ ,.: -/ --- -,~"te 't and- future-hopes ofthe- school.-,-: ~f, '..;',',--',..,_ ....i-? . . . . . . . . . . . .'-' ....,, '- -; ...~ ' ' l_.'u' ,' .'. . . . . '....

    _-, .~~~~, ." I I " ,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" "-'

    . ,,:I ...... ., . . . *...... -`. . . ,.-.; ,~/,,- -,. -,I~,, :..,I.,-I-.I.,',, ,,,"7:; '':,''':-? · , -'.,tl,pehm kn, - h s `rto- :-,,: ,,. ;:,

    , -.-~~~~~, , ,- .1,"--7 -- -,I, 1I- - , ~ 1 ' . _

    :/ - " ,,:; ,: -- :a , :,-mI.n o- htcP-,,..

    ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{~i, ""I's mate J~~_ oe'lnse '-,'I.,,-7 - , _ ~I -- .- .-.- 11

    - - -,, -,~~~~~~~~~~~~,_-,I- I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -;:."",, ,:stn wps

    ~~--- , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-~~'~7r '~".7~- .... .~ !1- -,'. . .. -_1zt-,rum , cheer -... , - _,_-,...,- .I})I .2 :.~-....-, , .,r,. I%~ . ,~ -L..*~ ,.,-:,*,' t.~'-~ ':,",",--"3 , , -J* ,"-'7- -~',' -..., , ~-:......'.NO -. .. .. " -' ... ,- ,,*' .'%,,.z.~r- .¥::'i~~~~~dver~~~fiielr-,we~~~~l~~uess;~< ~,:~

  • 1J~~~~ije~~~~ III p~~~~~~ni~~~'il'ot im Whl eli', Pfor-~Ann-A ual- *ubscriptn,- 2.6. fledto iprove tlitime caHprofit'1:3star off it e y3D

    S, MqLAit'4 'inaE i EdlIorYfom taJ. ]. N-EALL, lusins ^ -' Irtoiorfibakinticmos Uao -teYotrN; FEPL l4nal F It at-'..'- ' , **'''' ''*wa ean te^ col^ei. ^'ac ^able' imprei,4ti-aiuig,'!

    -"*".-"" ___EDITORS - I But't^i'aIalike we v wi^h' apeasant 'i~'iens ' C?- ^f' ^O '^'T-'^-' : *-. G.x -icL ,'. ' - vaciiaiioii,', aiid' irs^afe T to AU- * Bfadley lias-made special prepara .

    C-X. X1CLANAITAT.i, L. W.SSI1ITII, d - lQ IL1D.' L. VAILL,-- w. 31. . WAiIIIA1s, dover.- ''' '; tilifor thib, h-RaeiingtueLatt c toe

    F. E. F VyEtiIEVsl iaK "FIL. Style hats on hiis counters, octher:xsteamer iLnrid.PRmDE I"'" ,. i va. . - ,, ---------------- ... . -„;,>' -*,,,';'- „'i m! i "'"„„,„,', r' 7.,'r issoiloni. Pl~uiiu Ian VestlbuleiU,Express Tra »n,.com-

    W. T. JI: WILLIAMS. W. i.tPAI.R, ed'tli a reniably-SWELL hue o puAilof tiioriarsaui reIn "* it. OiwnoiiE, M.. S:' - Ath etiO C oods "

    - - " quantity of matter givdii. -But even --, ' Of dcti Ions.ntl o ianEntered as second-class matter at the Andover P">t here, il tie matter of gr-inds, We fear ;'.'-s A ; '

    Office. - that quality and surely good taste ' -wer.~eriicdib ~ua'iv.J_.:M 8. BBRADLEY, Wgt&rtn 1id'CoTHE ANDOVER PRESS. PRINTERS. erieificed-lbr -qua t ta____________________________________ ~~7Patron~ze thetAcademe 7Athetio store

    grreat utumber of grids on a few i d i CreditgiveniIiAesrei-

    W ft To-day closes a lerm which Ihas viduals is' out o proportion. Then, Tailr and Furnisher. Ceit given INf desired.seen ma changes take pt oo,ypographical errors appear quite - Who c t -late SM IH & HP :rn-.

    -' 1 ~~school life, ad mannv planis arranige~d often. C- ^ .- * " j '^ ^ ^ ^\yTT i' the ulfilwelt 'of whicl tend -Aside trrofiithis tile e i is

    toward bringlig increased p e deservigiiCTinuch-praise. Thestoies styler for fS. i-to thie Academy. Two gatherings of are go9d and hLave 'the- advantage of Uheviot-&irtS,, Gentemen 's" urmSnig Goods, Athletic Goods- alumiii .~~~ereheldu~~uringthie~~~erm, o oWI n t nit radi,- An tw-'eaW a_- amuni .-were-hleld,--iuriug-lie-nerm,ot bei- t o hiv it e a ei"' And Shoes, will-be at "Cmnp.'severy twoweeks to take orders. Bostonand the deep illterest that the gradtn- The cuts are more numcrous, than ill - - - ' I -------- - .' S -: " . -'ates manifested for their Alma Mater' the preceding nninbezr, and are.. 'much -'. * - ' ' A- -' 2- -. - - -on tese occasions, together with the better, several being worthy _-phecial MdDI Pho| o ie .

    zelou maeri wbich they have atnin - [Q.(||d fe /-yrfijr~ nrf-taken up -the question of re endow- The editors have shown some idi-iiienf, assures us that they still loie'ld viduality in iot praising all the organi- Ai45mother Phillips, that they are zations of the' school without acriti- Althoroughly awake to herneeds, and cism or-a suggestion here and there, --' P, Ai'92;tha she 'will he -' well piovided for 'i as' is often the case with .Mirror '-'-' -- .. - "'2i 4- -

    fuiture' - * : .-- editors.' On he whole this last di-a reutation asaPhoWtsphlArtist of ^the'ghestclass a-beeni~~~~~~ti ~~~~~~~-wyeaoleo tbcessfl wokf His Bo~ston studio is tbi~.entrie of photoRIapbio- dtr.' i h intses yero scnslwr

    W, -a. .- a red-Yancement-lias-eeii- -lOnis-zelL rlya pcemngi ^vi S ^S^^^ ,*ffiLW~ileilitle~ad-vaicemen-~hia.~beei Lwor a- place aimAng its ew England.- 'His exbibltiin of Crayons3 Pastels 'Watez' Colors abid'Itdiia 'hk-PrratR,64~~~~~~~~tle ~~ -'is sn fficlent evidence of ability-aid skifl. The bestairtista aremiployedin producingwrmade n11 winiter athletics, on the other predeess .the finest 'delicaey and'finisli. -Piices as low as consistent with od d f workhand we are glad to note that tle ________________ Sati _ _ __ a 'ted -

    facilities for literary work in the school ' aeof"tiof 493 Wash 't~n S4t, l fact ,a -Or_;- * I .-- I w I" ' 'at ' - - -, '-'',"2' ^- '" -'hlave increased, and tat Aidoverbidfair to keep pace W~~~~~~~~~ - -~~ Professors Cur ~anid Co11-todc will

    air to keep pacewth other prepara Continuedtory schools in this respect. Lite a : ( i npage4.) EDW4rD M. ^URI~ir,effort, independent of class room obli- _ ---- (.D. Hlde"berXD. Hamrd.) -gations,' hastoo long gi ven place toathletics, and now-shice a PIew-society M * Rafr f1and a literary magazine have been es- 7M UU'^*.'b Oilkermng 'all,ftibhlie~d, it s hpd thaitese oppor- ,~' fmy11Teott.Doo t''

    \^:4.-tn ^lsepihtv dPS^ " ̂*i1?^8^0,1^ 11 Tre ont-St.iV.^^^' -,`-:,; .Boston. ^ l ™ ^ ^ ^ ^

    -^ - The expected monotony of tli~i i urof any ̂ pionises~or clelay -ii dein+. :Special atentiOn toall Gold Crown^ :^ -- - tr term was brokeni up ,qeta eringany'orders tl e'pai: ekf 'Th '1 *-:*ahd'"Br^ie : ol ; '' 6Caig^oe~~h 'Oiy- - -j :

    -' -- - usual this year by agreat ivalnety of -rasiis eirni ~iiy - f.- iy- - - .. Z.,3 . ^PnAD ^TqE ^?-VD 'i:

    2'- ' ;- t't.m t' a- ive--'af rad t

    . ..- -. r - ^ 1 ROA- '. * ';:.- 1. -. ';.. --- £u~ ~ ^- ^ .- ^:. r^' FIi 'mc-pesr- profit: nd thiose .;- *,- - - 11l .»eai-rof the. AC ort~ve t^Sc,.q DQaW^h.Y ^ -'AWREN V- -

    - wwo~ailedl themsele ofj tie privi tihy tanik al^ ihir veylibera ' '

    - * iege~ofbearingsuchfamous meuas patronage and their paiencefat die NWThreBariOppsiirBn M,~orairnBad Esten u' cProf. Gates, Joseph Cook, Prof-Yoiig, una voidabl delay in recent delIeries. K -

    late I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- , ~~~ ~ -i-- -

    and Mr.i Clappwere doubtless tgeatl$. -l- ihave tried in pastterms to meri h *' ' ' 2' ^ 22'in.,; spired througi'1hie influence ofthese the patronage of the P A students: 2:.'h ^ ^^ ^ , -'.^^-'-" 'F'N BO T -\ SO

    .: **',: men-to attain to greater excellence in'' - yo;'ia the.-..„- tugivc 2'. 2:hM

  • .. "-,-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vr''..'N vrj4.*r

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    ado iu~~~~ 1~~.kt~~~ case, ~~~~1riua~ ~-ay -,-

    lii".I CIiU L 88il:B

    ibeas oud'nam . eit V, '- ..-.- n i Large,.- s

    ~~TOM 4-? - ,, ;~~St ".'7r l'BPY T-i1421`1-1r, 1rv ,- F, sen

    tie os epnsvoI~OR QT11,h -. 1,, Cho--ice Goods~~l~;,,"I,,TANI", -'"-A D

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    ~H~SE I~I~B~II P- :Z.nc~ "6 -*. !f;. , ~ :::' 1· i S4 I

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    sQ~~~~~~~~~~- ing.; -LD~R ~ t~si ~ ;·pp·,asler th rollcal ndad;·-J9Uci4~,ig ~ndrse byrnatnAheicCu aeh-e-

    D Prde.,tieaitiei L '1illdrth micelanou hnxiss-a tnke ,ufr - I", ics, Cry,530.Whte £0

    ,,-T ,-' ;iido~r ~aa

    -. onuced it prfet naimit, vcepreidet alolr the sprng- termt .AY'S~ : N' OUTFITTE

    ., .. 4iU~~~~~~~~~~~~~gt~~~~-,,c. · ·. PI~-

    J-i; acclamat ion, are worthy of comz'ine was nt esent. ?ce 2 '- , - - - -

    Grai~ an RUSI LAEr as sudr isnlyte cs at i~ the 1 The aesas thencjiutdd· rea-b- .

    - -, "-- PS9 a el nro ~9~Sekig"Teadrs bwe-cr. HORACMPARRIDG & CO1-,

    O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~,,' ,·,--,· ,-- .,,,··:1CP i · -·t'o ;

    ,,,~ ~~ .tp~v. , " .,' .- - -?,t:,'~~~-'-'":~' , ,··J,0'·-':~",,, ~ ~ ~ t·ta, p .4, ,,,,, 1 ,,II11 i,·,-4 O a 1 ~ -

    , , , ,-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,:~~~~~~~denhemantme rdrtbogbor giis-S i

    ; i flIdY - -M

    WI_, r statxsticiaii' ,~"-g, G Le. convened -- -,

    , ---- ~ ~ ~ , " nllU - ,R a: ~ rg ; a.. .. J.I~lU;,- tl ,'I-,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r, ,-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~.- * - ,

    I,'z, -,7-*~~PA9 lced ofcr Mntescrtr ald h olan ed~rnigmnama emd wt b iTfU 5 A1JJGU hiI,,5~~- .- Pae a ffrdb rnh Ta rvt -Tuor.Dl #~d~f~ - class dereigned?, a te~cher o? muchexperiouce, for47 da~ ~eaatoy ban;es.~I,,~~~ ,BOSTO . foow presde-,W '1B'th ~uial " u previou meetin rivat intutini tevriu colg~ - I ~hild-;W l ias, versie , FReA hzews omselnosbs , -.' F.r L. W, rPIrA

    -.LL, -sc-:iyadtesrr J -,~nsada qou wsio rB-~:TPilp*hi, hooiavmay'I ,1:iiixf II- ct toelec-sentrs he istbi- 6____________________________________-.--- ~~~~~~~--,>- s chaii~~siii$~-.ti`nsin'the,-outb---, £~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ ,"'-,',~,-', ,,, --5- - - -. - - , o ' * -

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    " - -~F,,:--:," e -(~', 1, tion1 of oficrs. ljjb]Iwmgme -place" , of rehig- fordepse moar I " - H , ,~ L "L'. 1av nie be d~'- foaii- u uaIUiN~Vliiiia wer ,os- reidetL- O ilow asdicuse pr adco wt CDII~ ,ZLtv -, nadi -an $ -ta-e. -. , ,. I r-. du in- r- A a edm n

    -. V; ,..--~~,-,,-~ -',mnn\- Gwillow',' and-Hhids was~ap ,~c-hsiteiaIc was mal. -It I .-.11 I -,-,.1- 1 I, - - ,,

    .. , -, -,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-~~~5 -,, . g,]

    a, .5, - -'~ "' ~--5 -,- - -- .

    loQ~~~~jhap--eV,~~,treet ;- and-n- ~ :~> ~,~ nriiis~ier. A-eiit foi' -ri-ture's Ljuud 'f - , p --;;~~~~,Z1 - - , , , - t

    -- -- 11~,..~~- -~---,~,, ,~ , %~ -,1 -"

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    ' " ........ & -R. ;- HA «IY :( ,, '~ %, - " * - - : ... 'i

    ____ ~~~~D:LMIN''ROOM ,'

    ON .1511r-, -'

    JB3L " - ' .,.,..For Hartford, New Haven" and' vlc hafsae t:" c^Thf- ~jawa^^as8|^ .. ', *"-*'; ; *:-(TQ„, ' ~.,*1,. -. * :"-'-' teawr Luundry *'o frtLwrence is doing -'"i :- .. / -. ie Yo .-... ge washig anc._nending b;oh ,in t;- - . - .. *-*--- . -.gB^^^^_- (Via Sprngie1 ine) most fin.sh.edand. satsfacto3 mni ner, ;

    -' '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

    -~ ~ liii! -t-he mteof 0cents adozeu!th:"~~~~Clae and Repai~ :.-,z _ -_:-,*;'Sret~so.'-.; NO IS .TH: ",'-teli~ev.n*es o ,nit-Cl:|,-:t, _/,!~~l0l ~ ' [~:i' - ..... il - . , . . . '- - ' '· -, *- , , ~ *' - . .~'-,'~. , >,, - . .".·- ': "' %'';' ~'~' I,~-~R4 -~ 2-: . , -: ~ -'v,;! ' .~' ~'~ - ~ "' . ~; , . :~ -:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a d -, - E. V -N L R:, :: -l~~~~~~~~iM c WLN; ' I''''"-~-- prlir for-~'l ne' e-' ed on our counep:er:,:;.a-dto early'.th::.os~ 0.ie'~:o~.."e'~ tlie~~~hea~~~d Ie aii associate~~~~~:1:4tbe,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1o. ul::;,.:';-~,-'_ "--., -' - '~ '' ~ ~: " ........ .' :L', ~.:!~- a~r0ti¢ ':::'~: ~ilte~:s.':a:r,,y, 4,,; -er¢:va":2~:.bi:-:,r,'-o"'ual ? ,"~,"-'H :-":sl ~ ~o xT; :¢:,-AN

    ,- lp--coni.e to, -uale ,a

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