Semantic Web 0 (2017) 1 1 IOS Press Social Internet of Things for Domotics: a Knowledge-based Approach over LDP-CoAP Michele Ruta a,* , Floriano Scioscia a , Giuseppe Loseto a , Filippo Gramegna a , Saverio Ieva a , Agnese Pinto a , and Eugenio Di Sciascio a a Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione, via E. Orabona 4, I-70125, Bari, Italy E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Ambient Intelligence aims at simplifying the interaction of a user with her surrounding context minimizing the effort needed to increase comfort and assistance. Nevertheless, especially in built and structured environments, current technologies and market solutions are often far to provide the required levels of automation, coordination and adaptivity of the ambient. This paper proposes a novel semantic-based framework complying the emerging Social Internet of Things paradigm. Infrastructured spaces can be intended as populated by device agents organized in social networks, interacting autonomously and sharing in- formation, cooperating and orchestrating resources. A service-oriented architecture allows collaborative dissemination, discov- ery and composition of service/resource descriptions. The Semantic Web languages are adopted as linguistic layer and mobile- oriented implementations of non-monotonic inferences for semantic matchmaking are used to give decision capabilities to soft- ware agents. Finally, the Linked Data Platform (LDP) over the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) provides the knowledge organization and sharing infrastructure underpinning social object interactions. The framework has been implemented and tested in a home automation prototype integrating several communication protocols and off-the-shelf devices. Experiments advocate the effectiveness of the approach. Keywords: Semantic Web of Things, Objects Social Networks, Building Automation, Linked Data Platform, Constrained Application Protocol Eventually everything connects – people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se. Attributed to Charles Eames [5] 1. Introduction In the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) vision, built en- vironments interact with their inhabitants in a “un- obtrusive, interconnected, adaptable, dynamic, embed- ded and intelligent” way [36]. Personal requirements and preferences are grasped, deciphered and formal- ized as well as the environment can adapt to them, and even anticipate people’s needs and behaviors. The AmI * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. idea leverages technological progress in the Internet of Things (IoT), where large numbers of everyday objects are augmented with communication and computation capabilities. People in their usual environments are in- creasingly surrounded by networks of micro-devices, endowed with embedded sensors for data capture as well as processing units for deriving context informa- tion. To create real cohesive AmI, such devices should communicate and coordinate autonomously, making decisions dynamically based on manifold factors, in- cluding the state of surroundings objects and places as well as user activities and profiles. While tradi- tional human-computer interaction has been explicit and mediated by input peripherals, in AmI predomi- nate implicit, effortless interaction paradigms, where relevant information about users’ goals and intentions is inferred automatically by analyzing their actions and 1570-0844/17/$35.00 c 2017 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

IOS Press Social Internet of Things for Domotics: a ...2 M. Ruta et al. / Social IoT for Domotics: a Knowledge-based Approach context, through sensors integrated in the environment

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Page 1: IOS Press Social Internet of Things for Domotics: a ...2 M. Ruta et al. / Social IoT for Domotics: a Knowledge-based Approach context, through sensors integrated in the environment

Semantic Web 0 (2017) 1 1IOS Press

Social Internet of Things for Domotics: aKnowledge-based Approach over LDP-CoAPMichele Ruta a,∗, Floriano Scioscia a, Giuseppe Loseto a, Filippo Gramegna a, Saverio Ieva a,Agnese Pinto a, and Eugenio Di Sciascio a

a Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione, via E. Orabona 4, I-70125, Bari,ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Ambient Intelligence aims at simplifying the interaction of a user with her surrounding context minimizing the effortneeded to increase comfort and assistance. Nevertheless, especially in built and structured environments, current technologiesand market solutions are often far to provide the required levels of automation, coordination and adaptivity of the ambient. Thispaper proposes a novel semantic-based framework complying the emerging Social Internet of Things paradigm. Infrastructuredspaces can be intended as populated by device agents organized in social networks, interacting autonomously and sharing in-formation, cooperating and orchestrating resources. A service-oriented architecture allows collaborative dissemination, discov-ery and composition of service/resource descriptions. The Semantic Web languages are adopted as linguistic layer and mobile-oriented implementations of non-monotonic inferences for semantic matchmaking are used to give decision capabilities to soft-ware agents. Finally, the Linked Data Platform (LDP) over the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) provides the knowledgeorganization and sharing infrastructure underpinning social object interactions. The framework has been implemented and testedin a home automation prototype integrating several communication protocols and off-the-shelf devices. Experiments advocatethe effectiveness of the approach.

Keywords: Semantic Web of Things, Objects Social Networks, Building Automation, Linked Data Platform, ConstrainedApplication Protocol

Eventually everything connects – people, ideas,objects. The quality of the connections is thekey to quality per se.

Attributed to Charles Eames [5]

1. Introduction

In the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) vision, built en-vironments interact with their inhabitants in a “un-obtrusive, interconnected, adaptable, dynamic, embed-ded and intelligent” way [36]. Personal requirementsand preferences are grasped, deciphered and formal-ized as well as the environment can adapt to them, andeven anticipate people’s needs and behaviors. The AmI

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

idea leverages technological progress in the Internet ofThings (IoT), where large numbers of everyday objectsare augmented with communication and computationcapabilities. People in their usual environments are in-creasingly surrounded by networks of micro-devices,endowed with embedded sensors for data capture aswell as processing units for deriving context informa-tion. To create real cohesive AmI, such devices shouldcommunicate and coordinate autonomously, makingdecisions dynamically based on manifold factors, in-cluding the state of surroundings objects and placesas well as user activities and profiles. While tradi-tional human-computer interaction has been explicitand mediated by input peripherals, in AmI predomi-nate implicit, effortless interaction paradigms, whererelevant information about users’ goals and intentionsis inferred automatically by analyzing their actions and

1570-0844/17/$35.00 c© 2017 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

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2 M. Ruta et al. / Social IoT for Domotics: a Knowledge-based Approach

context, through sensors integrated in the environmentor in wearable stuff.

Current solutions for Home and Building Automa-tion (HBA) are still far from the above levels of intel-ligence, automation and adaptivity. They grant limitedflexibility, as devices are logically associated at the ap-plication level by means of static profiles, defined atsystem deployment stage. With most established HBAstandards, changing the set of possible configurationsor introducing new devices require the intervention ofqualified practitioners. Recently, product manufactur-ers and system integrators have proposed more user-friendly “smart home” devices and platforms, lever-aging the IoT [23]. Unfortunately, solutions are pro-prietary and centralized, and they still require man-ual configuration. This seemingly improved usabilitycomes at the price of providing only very basic au-tomation [24], typically using Event-Condition-Action(ECA) rules on simplistic threshold or on/off condi-tions.

Hence, significant technological advances are neededto fully accomplish the AmI vision. Flexible and mean-ingful relationships among devices in a given environ-ment should be possible, established automatically tosupport articulate orchestration and coreography pat-terns. Recent research in the so-called Social Internetof Things [2] is starting to define models and archi-tectures to reach this goal. Paradigms are often bor-rowed from Social Networking Services (SNS) for hu-man users. If properly adapted to the peculiarities andrequirements of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), theycan support powerful approaches. This is not enough,however, for true AmI: versatile cooperation, organi-zation and integration can be achieved only if con-nected things can represent, discover and share infor-mation and services described in an articulate way bymeans of high-level formalisms. Semantic Web tech-nologies are natural candidates for such a role, as theyprovide interoperable languages and tools groundedon formal logic semantics [38]. Semantic Web stan-dards enable knowledge modeling, assertion, organi-zation, querying and inference in distributed systems,but technologies and tools require proper adaptationto work efficiently in resource-constrained environ-ments like the IoT. The Semantic Web of Things [33]aims at the convergence of the Semantic Web and IoTvisions, endowing environments with intelligence bymeans of semantic metadata dynamically produced byubiquitous micro-devices to characterize sensor data,detected events and phenomena, objects, places andother relevant entities in a context. Due to the volatility

and unpredictability of mobile and IoT environments,device and service discovery are two major challengesin the SWoT. Achieving acceptable performance alsorequires attention, as Semantic Web tools, protocolsand languages are typically too resource-consumingfor current IoT devices. Application-level protocolsand reasoning tools for the (Semantic) Web must beproperly adjusted, tailoring their feature set to perva-sive computing contexts.

This paper presents a possible approach for a Se-mantic Social Internet of Things grounded on Am-bient Intelligence scenarios. According to the SWoTparadigm, standard technologies were adapted to pro-vide a cohesive knowledge and service discovery ar-chitecture. The proposal leverages: i) the Linked DataPlatform (LDP) [40] to annotate and organize informa-tion resources and ii) the Constrained Application Pro-tocol (CoAP) [8] –a proposed IETF1 standard RESTfulprotocol– for resource exchange in constrained envi-ronments, as it is more efficient than HTTP. Above thisknowledge/service interoperability layer, a semantic-enhanced application level enables social networkingamong ”agentified” things.

Borrowing core relationships and structure frompopular SNSs, devices enable specific interaction pat-terns for information sharing and cooperative de-centralized service/resource discovery. Such selec-tive choreography is triggered autonomously, basedon the kind of managed resources and other con-textual factors; this capability enhances scalability indense multi-agent environments. Resource discoveryexploits semantic matchmaking between ontology-based annotations which describe requests and avail-able resources. Non-standard, non-monotonic infer-ences [32] implemented in the Mini-ME mobile match-maker and reasoner [37] allow supporting approxi-mated matches, resource ranking and aggregation forcovering complex requests. The framework also sup-ports basic and legacy devices, which do not have com-putational power enough for on-board reasoning, byallowing them to select a more capable friend as infer-ence facilitator.

The general framework outlined above has been fo-cused on smart HBA, to provide AmI experiences inresidential and workplace settings. It was implementedand evaluated in a real prototypical testbed, encom-passing diverse device types, communicating acrossdifferent wired and wireless HBA protocols. Experi-

1Internet Engineering Task Force, https://www.ietf.org

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M. Ruta et al. / Social IoT for Domotics: a Knowledge-based Approach 3

mental evidences are reported and assess frameworkfeasibility and effectiveness.

The remainder of the paper is as follows. Section 2discusses the state of the art, while the framework isdescribed in detail in Section 3. Section 4 presents acase study to further clarify the proposal and its bene-fits. Experimental evaluations in Section 5 provide anassessment of both practicability and efficiency of theproposed approach, before conclusion.

2. State of the art: pervasive computing in thesocial networks epoch

In latest years, social networking services havechanged personal interaction habits and relationshipsmanagement on a global scale. Members of SNSscreate personal profiles with basic information aboutthemselves; connect with other users in either bidirec-tional (e.g., friendship, group) or unidirectional (e.g.,follower) relationships; post text and/or multimediaitems on their wall (i.e., log) for sharing with their con-tacts; flag (tag) some contacts to associate them anddraw their attention to a certain element; respond tocontent published by other users with comments andreactions (e.g., like). SNS adopters generally mani-fest an intention to continue using them [27], becauseSNSs provide both utility (extrinsic value) and gratifi-cation (intrinsic value). Their usefulness also grows asthey connect more users, and particularly complemen-tary ones [27], since opportunities increase for discov-ering interesting information and services.

A social evolution of pervasive computing [2] envi-sions objects acting as independent agents, capable ofestablishing relationships and using them to share in-formation and services more effectively. This may al-low to reap the above benefits in advanced IoT sce-narios; actually, it is reasonable to expect them to behigher in large and heterogeneous networks, such as inHBA. An in-depth analysis of object social networksis in [41], which discussed key metrics about nodesand links by adapting from and expanding upon the so-cial network analysis literature. Definitions were for-malized in an ontology that objects can use to managetheir policies, friends and reputation (main differencewith the present paper is that the considered friendshipmodel is asymmetrical). Further ontology proposalsexist to formalize models of the social networking do-main, e.g., [4]. Particularly, in [2], things engage withone another in social networks independently from hu-man SNSs and from user interactions. A relevant case

[31] included social object capabilities in control net-works, aiming at distributed Web Ontology Language(OWL) Knowledge Base (KB) management and infer-ence. When connecting to the network, every objectproactively exchanged information with other devicesin a handshake process. “Requester” devices, equippedwith reasoning facilities, could then distribute queriesautomatically among “known” devices. Unfortunately,the adopted query language supported only very sim-ple inferences, limiting the practical usefulness of theproposal. Another research direction has been focus-ing on the integration of the IoT into the social con-text of human users [4], either to improve adaptivity inAmI [22] or to monitor users and assist them in per-sonalizing their SNS experience and interactions [29].In [21] semantic-based situation detection and goal re-trieval were used for matchmaking with task profilesto recommend activities to users, based on their cur-rent context. Unlike our approach, social interactionsoccurred only between devices and users; furthermore,adopted rule-based reasoning could not retrieve ap-proximate matches when exact ones did not exist. Afurther effort to achieve social capabilities is objectblogging, defined as an object’s capability of annotat-ing and publishing its history and context on the Weband/or in a mobile ad-hoc network, supporting intelli-gent machine-to-machine interactions. Some proposedapproaches required user intervention [13], while oth-ers aimed at autonomous self-description and decision-making [9].

Many of the above works combine social networksof pervasive objects with semantic technologies. In-deed, semantic-based approaches have wide adoptionin pervasive MAS, and smart building automation isone of the most relevant areas [17,35]. Ontologieshave been used in all stages of the lifecycle of HBAsystems, including design and deployment, infrastruc-ture description, data modeling and access, and de-vice control [14,7]. In [16] an ontology-based build-ing automation system delivered context-aware infor-mation in a customized way to different kinds of users,e.g., upkeep and healthcare operators in a clinic. OWLdevice and user descriptions were matched throughSPARQL queries and SWRL rules were used to imple-ment temporal and extra-logical constraints, achiev-ing capabilities similar to classical Complex EventProcessing (CEP) systems. Nevertheless, the solutionwas affected from poor maintainability, because in-stalling new devices required not only manual con-figuration, but also changes to the reference ontology.The proposed architecture in [7] included a reason-

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ing module exploiting rule-based inferences. Unfor-tunately, the system state should fully match the rulehead in order to trigger its body. Full matches seldomoccur in realistic scenarios, whose entities are featuredby detailed, heterogeneous and often contradictory in-formation, unless one uses very basic rules. In our ap-proach, non-monotonic inference services allow sup-porting approximate matches, which can yield “goodenough” results whenever full matches are not avail-able.

3. A social framework for smart linked objects

In what follows the proposed framework, architec-ture and technologies are described.

3.1. Knowledge-based architecture

The approach proposed here aims at object coordi-nation in purposely infrastructured environments andparticularly in domotics scenarios through interactionparadigms borrowed from social networks. The maingoal is allowing devices (a.k.a. nodes) to gain wideagency and autonomy in sharing information and ser-vices, enabling them to distribute requests and ob-tain responses through fully decentralized peer-to-peer(P2P) interactions also assuming decisions.

Service-oriented architecture. Each node is a so-cial object, which exposes an individual profile, de-scribing its basic features (device type, location, hard-ware details) and the resources/services it can pro-vide, e.g., its possible configurations and functionalprofiles. A node makes posts on its wall when its set-tings or capabilities change, and also when it producesnew or updated information through context sensingand analysis. Posts are expressed as semantic annota-tions referred to ontologies in Web Ontology Language(OWL 2) [30], formally grounded on Description Log-ics (DLs) semantics. A decentralized service-orientedarchitecture (SOA) underlies the whole proposed so-cial network model, where shared knowledge frag-ments about devices, functional profiles and contextrepresent annotated service/resource advertisements.

Semantic matchmaking. Service/resource discov-ery conveys decision capabilities of nodes. As statedbefore, this collaborative process leverages semanticmatchmaking, i.e., the overall process allowing the re-trieval and ranking of the most relevant resources fora given request, where both resources and requests aresatisfiable concept expressions w.r.t. a common ontol-

ogy T in a DL L. From a linguistic point of view,this paper refers to the OWL2 DLs subset correspond-ing to the ALN (Attributive Language with unqual-ified Number restrictions) Description Logics, as itis supported by an embedded matchmaking and rea-soning engine which provides the required inferenceservices [37]. Standard reasoning services for match-making include Subsumption and Satisfiability. Givena request R and a resource S , subsumption verifieswhether all features in R are included in S : its out-come is either full match or not. Satisfiability checkswhether any constraint in R contradicts some speci-fication in S , hence it divides resources in compati-ble (a.k.a. potential matches) and incompatible (a.k.a.partial matches) w.r.t. the request. The boolean full orno-match approach is inadequate for advanced scenar-ios, because full matches are rare and incompatibilityis frequent when dealing with articulated concept ex-pressions from heterogeneous sources.

In order to produce a finer resource ranking and alogic-based explanation of outcomes, the frameworkproposed here extends the basic subsumption/satisfiabilitysetting exploiting the following non-standard inferenceservices [37]:– Concept Abduction: whenever R and S are compat-ible, but S does not imply R, Abduction allows to de-termine what should be hypothesized in S in order tocompletely satisfy R;– Concept Contraction: if request R and resource Sare not compatible, Contraction determines which partof R is conflicting with S . If one retracts conflictingrequirements in R, G (for Give up), a concept K (forKeep) is obtained, representing a contracted versionof the original request, such that K u S is satisfiablew.r.t. T ; – Concept Covering: pervasive computingscenarios often require relatively large number of re-sources to be aggregated in order to satisfy a complexrequest. To this aim, a further non-standard reasoningtask based on the solution of Concept Covering Prob-lem (CCoP) has been defined. It allows to: (i) satisfyfeatures expressed in a request as much as possible,through the conjunction of one or more small instancesof a KB –seen as elementary knowledge blocks– and(ii) provide explanation of the uncovered part of therequest itself. Given a request R and a set of availableresources S = {S 1, S 2, ... , S n}, all satisfiable in thereference ontology T , Concept Covering aims to find apair 〈S c,H〉 where S c includes concepts in S coveringR w.r.t. T and H is the residual part of R not coveredby concepts in S c.

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N1 N2





service listgetList()


service annotationgetDesc()









readDeviceProfile()device profile

wall data

Fig. 1. Sequence diagram for device relationships: a) friend; b) fol-lower

Social entities and relationships. The above infer-ence services are used to regulate the interactions be-tween social objects. Nodes are grouped in two fami-lies:- Smart: devices able to perform reasoning tasks ex-ploiting non-standard deductions;- Basic: low-memory, low (or no)-computing powerdevices. They can only provide sensing/acting ser-vices, but don’t perform autonomous reasoning.A pair of objects can establish a social relationship fol-lowing the basic interaction pictured in Figure 1. Twoschemes are implemented:- Friend: a bidirectional relationship where nodes Ni

and N j can exchange both information and services.In particular, a device N j sends a friendship request;since the receiver Ni accepts it, they became able to:(i) read and write on each other’s wall; (ii) request thefriend’s service descriptions; (iii) activate or deactivatethe friend’s services. A basic node, when becomingfriend with a smart node, can select it as semantic fa-cilitator i.e., reasoning supporter.- Follower: a unidirectional relationship where a nodeNk is interested only in receiving the updates publishedby Ni on its wall. In other words, if Nk sends a followerrequest to Ni, Nk becomes an observer of Ni behavior.

The decision of N j to require the Ni’s friendshipis based on information in Ni’s profile. For example,if two devices are located in the same room/area orshare annotations referred to the same ontology, theyare good candidates for friendship. On the other hand,Nk asks to become a follower of Ni if there is low util-ity in a strict interaction –e.g., two devices are deeplydifferent or belong to distinct owners or areas– but in-formation produced by Ni can still be useful to Nk tocharacterize its own context.

Like in SNSs, in the framework proposed here ob-ject’s wall is the main mean for sharing knowledge.Both push and pull models are supported, through theabove relationships. In a nutshell, if a node wants to re-ceive updates from another node automatically, it willask to become a follower; if it wants to be able to ac-cess the other node’s wall on demand, it will ask to be-come a friend (and in doing so it will also grant accessto its own wall). Every agent will select either model–or even both– depending on its application require-ments.

Collaborative adaptivity. When a node detectschanges in internal or contextual conditions requiringadaptation, it writes a post on its own wall. A post Pis modeled as a pair 〈R, L〉. R is the reconfiguration re-quested by the node; L is the like value, i.e., the per-centage of coverage w.r.t. R. The post triggers a col-laborative service discovery process to reconfigure theenvironment, as exemplified in Figure 2. It consists ofthe following steps:1) When a node Ni detects a reconfiguration is needed,it writes a post Pi on its own wall. Initially, Li is set to0.2) If Ni is a basic device, go to step 3. Otherwise, Ni

executes the Concept Covering task on the local set ofservices S . Upon completion, Ni adds a comment Ci toPi as a pair 〈Ui,Ti〉), where Ui is the uncovered partof Ri and Ti tags the local selected services/resources.Moreover, the value of Li is updated to the obtainedscore.3) If Ri is not completely covered, Ni selects a friendN j and writes a post P j=〈R j, L j〉) on the its wall. Par-ticularly, if Ni has executed step 2, R j is set to the un-covered part Ui, otherwise R j is equal to Ri and L j isreset. Furthermore, N j requests to be notified when acomment is added to P j. N j recursively executes thetasks 2) - 3).4) When Ni receives the notification of P j, it reads thecomment from the friend’s wall, which is appended toPi to update the status of the request. Finally, Ni up-dates the like value according to the overall coveringscore.

Some remarks may be useful:– The recursive discovery procedure can be applied ina depth search with no theoretical bounds. Agents canmanage heuristics to decide the practical depth limit.– The choice of friend(s) to call in the above step 3also depends on heuristic preference criteria, such asthe number and type of services exposed by the friend(known at friendship establishment time), network la-tency or friend’s computational resources.

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N1 N2







covering(U1) addComment(P2) updatePostLike(P2)


readComment(P2) comment

updatePostLike(P1) notify()




readComment(P3) comment

updatePostLike(P2) notify()




ACK postInWall(P3)






Fig. 2. Sequence diagram of distributed reconfiguration

– Main purpose of comments is to keep track of theprogressive fulfillment of an adaptation request, ex-ploiting tagging to avoid duplication of service/resourceselection.

3.2. Interoperability layer: LDP-CoAP interface

At the application layer, the reference above archi-tecture is implemented on a LDP-CoAP framework[28]. The Linked Data Platform W3C Recommenda-tion [40] provides standard rules for accessing andmanaging Linked Data on the Web. Basically, it de-fines a set of communication patterns based on HTTPmethods and headers for CRUD (Create, Read, Up-date, Delete) operations as well as different typesof LDP Resources (LDPRs): RDF Source (LDP-RS),whose status corresponds to an RDF graph and can befully represented in an RDF syntax; Non-RDF Source(LDP-NR), not represented in RDF (e.g., a binary ortext document without useful RDF annotation); Basic(LDP-BC), Direct (LDP-DC) and Indirect (LDP-IC)containers, defining collections of LDP resources ac-cording to specific membership patterns.

LDP specification only supports the HTTP proto-col, which requires not negligible bandwidth, pro-cessing and memory resources for most IoT devices.LDP-CoAP variant, on the contrary, aimed to integrateLDP in resource-constrained devices and networks justleveraging CoAP [8], a compact counterpart of HTTP

conceived for machine-to-machine (M2M) communi-cation. Some CoAP options are derived from HTTPheader fields (e.g., content type, headers and proxysupport), while some other ones have no analogousin HTTP. In any case, the HTTP-CoAP mapping, in-cluded in the LDP-CoAP framework, can be exploitedto support all LDP features with CoAP.

In the present case, social devices communicateover the network through CoAP messages. Basically,each message is composed of: (i) a 32-bit header,containing the request method code or response sta-tus; (ii) an optional token value, used to associatereplies to requests, (iii) a sequence of option fields(containing information such as resource URI andpayload media type), (iv) the payload data. CoAPadopts the CoRE Link Format specification [39] forresource discovery. A client accesses the reserved/.well-known/core URI on the server via GETto retrieve available resource entry points. FurtherGET requests will include URI-query options to re-trieve only resources with given attributes. Standard-ized query attributes include resource type (rt), inter-face usage (if), content-type (ct), and MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension) type for a resource.Further non-reserved attributes can be freely used.CoAP also provides push notifications without polling[18], a useful feature when data have to be monitoredover time (e.g., in case of follower relationship). CoAPalso supports proxies, enabling Web applications (i.e.,HTTP clients) to transparently access the resourceshosted in devices based on CoAP.

Each device in the social network is modeled as anLDP-CoAP node exposing the resources reported inTable 1. The profile resource exposes main device fea-tures as an RDF-based annotation. An example is re-ported in Figure 3. In addition to well-known RDF vo-cabularies, a so-called Semantic Web of Social Things(SWST) ontology has been defined to model basic el-ements of a social device. In particular, each profilecontains the following properties:– type of device, according to the classification pro-posed by the M3-lite taxonomy [1], a lightweight ver-sion of the Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3)ontology used to describe sensor measurements andobservations;– device name, using the dcterms:title property of theDCMI Metadata Terms vocabulary [15];– supported ontologies (dcterms:requires) used as ref-erence vocabularies to define the OWL-based annota-tions of the functionalities exposed by the device;– location of the device (e.g., in a area/building/department/apartment),

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Table 1LDP-CoAP interface of a social device

Resource URI Resource TypeLDP-CoAP


/profile LDP-RS GET Returns the device profile

/friendship LDP-BCGET Returns the list of friend devices

POST Receives a friendship request/friendship/<device-name> LDP-RS GET Returns the profile of a specific friend device/services LDP-BC GET Returns the list of the functionalities exposed by the device

/services/<service-name> LDP-RSGET Returns the RDF-based description of a specific functionality

PATCH Updates the status of a functionality according to the received commandHEAD Returns the LDP-CoAP headers (e.g., Etag value) to verify the presence of updates

/services/<service-name>/owl LDP-NR GET Returns the OWL annotation related to a specific functionality

/wall LDP-BCGET Returns the device wall containing the list of published posts

POST Publishes on the wall a post received from a friend device

/wall/<post-id> LDP-BCGET Returns the detailed description of a specific post

POST Publishes on the wall a comment related to a post/wall/<post-id>/owl LDP-NR GET Returns the content of a post as OWL annotation

/wall/<post-id>/<comment-id> LDP-RSGET Returns the description of a comment

PATCH Tag a device functionality on a comment/wall/<post-id>/<comment-id>/owl LDP-NR GET Returns the content of a comment as OWL annotation




“Air Conditioner Living Room” (xsd:String)

“” (xsd:String)






“” (xsd:String)

dcterms:title dcterms









“” (xsd:String) sioc:follows sioc

“” (xsd:String) soron sor:friendOf

rdf:type iot-lite:endpoint


Fig. 3. Ontology-based modeling of a device profile

exploiting the iot-lite:relativeLocation property of theIOT-lite ontology [3], a lightweight vocabulary basedon SSN-XG [12] to describe IoT concepts and rela-tionships;– address of the CoAP endpoints, both server (iot-lite:endpoint) and client (swst:clientEndpoint) side;– (possible) friend devices, exploiting the sor:friendOfrelation of the Social Relationships Ontology (SORON)2;– (possible) followed devices, using the sioc:followsproperty defined in the Semantically-Interlinked On-line Communities (SIOC) Core Ontology [6].

Friendship is an LDP-BC listing the friend devicesof a social object. Sub-resources are identified by thename of the friend and are connected to the con-tainer through an ldp:contains property, according tothe LDP guidelines [40]. Each of them corresponds to



ldp:RDFSource iot-lite:Service “2017-02-09T11:25:41.198+01:00” (xsd:dateTime)




rdf:type iot-lite


“AC Cooling Service” (xsd:String)




“Service Container” (xsd:String) rdf:type

ldp:contains rdfs:subClassOf



“on” (xsd:String)


“10” (xsd:integer) swst:activationValue


Fig. 4. Service container and device functionalities

the object profile retrieved after the friendship was es-tablished.

As depicted in Figure 4, also the functionalitiesexposed by a device are contained in an LDP-BCnamed services and characterized by a set of RDFproperties: dcterms:title specifies the service name;iot-lite:interfaceDescription indicates the IRI of theOWL individual modeling the service within the ref-erence KB; dcterms:modified reports the timestamp ofthe last modification applied to the individual descrip-tion; swst:hasState and swst:activationValue identifythe service current state and the specific value to beused to activate the functionality (set point), respec-tively.

Figure 5 shows the modeling of a device wall. Itis an upper LDP-BC containing one or more postsdefined as nested containers. Each post can includeseveral comments represented as LDP-RS. Post de-scriptions include: creation date (dcterms:created);sender device (sioc:has_creator); content of the post

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ldp:BasicContainer sioc:Post “2017-02-09T11:25:41.198+01:00” (xsd:dateTime)

swst:RequestID “”








“0.83” (xsd:float)

swst:likeValue sioc:content


“Device Wall” (xsd:String)



dcterms:title rdf:type

Fig. 5. Wall and posts


ldp:RDFSource tsioc:Comment

“2017-02-09T11:26:02.088+01:00” (xsd:dateTime)


“” (xsd:String)



rdf:type sioc/tsioc

ldp dcterms:created








Fig. 6. Comment to a post

(sioc:content), as IRI of the individual representing thereceived OWL annotation; like value (swst:likeValue).Finally, a comment annotation (Figure 6) consists of:creation date; sender device; content of the comment,corresponding to the part of the post the friend deviceis not able to cover; tagged (i.e., activated) services(sioc:topic), selected through the covering process.

According to the resource modeling described above,all social network interactions can be implemented asrequest/response messages over LDP-CoAP. In orderto clarify the proposed approach, some reference ex-amples are shown in Figure 7. RDF annotations arereported in Turtle syntax [11] but can be also retrievedin JSON-LD [26], setting the Accept header appropri-ately. As shown in Example 8 and in Table 1, OWLannotations are treated as LDP-NR resources, in orderto support any OWL concrete syntax, not only RDF-based ones.

4. Case study: semantic web of (social) things forbuilding automation

This section presents a case study, devoted to clarifythe social and collaborative features of the proposedframework in terms of orchestration of smart devices

in a complex HBA context. Let us consider the ex-ample scenario, depicted in Figure 8. Two apartmentson the same floor of a building, H1 and H2, include aset of semantic-enabled devices forming a home socialnetwork. In particular, H1 is configured with an alarmsystem (AS), a rolling shutter controller (SC1), an airconditioner (AC1) and a dimmer lamp (L1). A weatherstation (WS), a rolling shutter controller (SC2), an airconditioner (AC2) and a dimmer lamp (L2) are in-stalled in H2 instead. The blue arrows in Figure 8 spec-ify the existing friendship relations between the differ-ent devices. As said, when a friendship relation is es-tablished, each friend is able to directly read the wallof an object, write a post on its wall and use the ser-vices of the device. Within the two apartments, eachobject has sensing and/or actuating capabilities and ex-poses a set of features to its friends. It’s evening, thereis no one in the apartment H1 and the AS detects anintrusion in the house. Immediately the AS writes anew post on its wall representing what it has sensedas an OWL annotation. A possible formalization of thepost (reported in OWL2 Manchester syntax [20] forthe sake of readability) w.r.t. the reference ontologyfollows:

AS_Request ≡ (detectsOutdoorLuminosity some)

and (detectsOutdoorLuminosity only

LowLuminosity) and (detectsIntrusion some)

and (detectsIntrusion only Intrusion)

and (detectsOccupancy some) and

(detectsOccupancy only (not Presence))

The AS starts a Concept Covering process us-ing the post content as request, whereas availableresources are represented by the functionalities ex-posed by all the devices directly involved into afriendship relation. The AS verifies if the servicesof the connected objects, SC1 and L1 in our exam-ple, were modified and (only in this case) retrievesupdated annotations, listed in Figure 9 and 10 re-spectively. According to the semantic service descrip-tions, the matchmaking procedure highlights as theshutter should be fully closed and the dimmer lampturned on to completely satisfy the request. This isdue to the fact that the Intrusion concept was de-fined as more specific than IntrusionForLampand IntrusionForShutter in the reference on-tology, as shown in Figure 11. With a modestly expres-sive DL like ALN , such a modeling pattern allows toactivate, during the covering process, functionalities ofdifferent devices that are fired when the same event isdetected. Therefore, the AS writes on its wall a com-ment to the post, containing only a tag for each service

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Example 1. Read the profile of a social device

[REQ] GET coap:// Accept: text/turtle

[RES] 2.05 Content Content-Format (ct): text/turtle ETag: W/’1234’<coap://> a ldp:RDFSource, m3-lite:AirConditioner ;

dcterms:requires <http://sisinflab.poliba.it/swot/swst>, <http://purl.oclc.org/NET/UNIS/fiware/iot-lite> ;dcterms:title "Air Conditioner LR" ; iot-lite:relativeLocation swst:LivingRoom ;iot-lite:endpoint <coap://> ; swst:clientEndpoint <coap://> ;sor:friendOf <coap://> ; sioc:follows <coap://> .

Example 2. Send a friendship request

[REQ] POST coap:// Accept: text/turtle...payload (RDF device profile)...

[RES] 2.01 Created Location-Path: coap://

Example 3. Read the wall of a social device

[REQ] GET coap:// Accept: text/plain

[RES] 2.05 Content Content-Format (ct): text/turtle ETag: W/’4567’<coap://> a ldp:BasicContainer ; dcterms:title "Device Wall" ;ldp:contains <coap://>, <coap://> .

Example 4. Read a post on the wall

[REQ] GET coap:// Accept: text/turtle

[RES] 2.05 Content Content-Format (ct): text/turtle ETag: W/’a235’<coap://> a ldp:BasicContainer, sioc:Post ;

dcterms:created "2017-02-09T16:02:56.993+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; sioc:content swst:WS_Request ;sioc:has_creator <> ; swst:likeValue "87,15"^^xsd:double ;ldp:contains <coap://>, <coap://> .

Example 5. Write a post on the friend wall

[REQ] POST coap:// (OWL annotation)...

[RES] 2.01 Created Location-Path: coap://

Example 6. Tag a device functionality on a comment

[REQ] PUT coap:// W/"a872" Content-Format (ct): application/rdf-patchA <coap://> sioc:topic <coap://> .

[RES] 2.04 Changed

Example 7. Read the RDF-based description of a device functionality

[REQ] GET coap:// Accept: text/turtle

[RES] 2.05 Content Content-Format (ct): text/turtle ETag: W/’bd72’<coap://> a ldp:RDFSource, iot-lite:Service ;

dcterms:title "Air Condition Cooling" ; dcterms:modified "2017-02-09T16:02:48.698+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;iot-lite:interfaceDescription swst:AC_Cooling ; swst:activationValue "10"^^xsd:integer ; swst:hasState "off" .

Example 8. Read the OWL annotation of a device functionality

[REQ] GET coap://

[RES] 2.05 Content Content-Format (ct): text/plain ETag: W/’bd72’...payload (OWL annotation)...

Example 9. Read LDP-CoAP headers to check (possibile) modifications in the description of a device functionality

[REQ] GET coap://

[RES] 2.03 Valid Content-Format (ct): text/turtle ETag: W/’bd72’

Example 10. Activate/deactivate a functionality

[REQ] PUT coap:// W/"bd72" Content-Format (ct): application/rdf-patchD <coap://> swst:hasState "off" .A <coap://> swst:hasState "on" .

[RES] 2.04 Changed

Fig. 7. Examples of basic device interactions over LDP-CoAP

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L2 AC2

Friend Follower


Fig. 8. Case study scenario

to activate, i.e., Full_Close (SC1) and Lamp_On (L1).The uncovered part of the request is empty because therequest was completely satisfied. Finally, according tothe covering results, the like value of the post is au-tomatically updated to 1 and no further operations arerequired.

Full_Close ≡ (detectsPrecipitation some) and(detectsPrecipitation only Rain) and(detectsWindSpeed some) and (detectsWindSpeedonly StrongWind) and (detectsIntrusion some)and (detectsIntrusion onlyIntrusionForShutter) and (detectsOccupancysome) and (detectsOccupancy (not Presence))

Hal f_Close ≡ (detectsPrecipitation some) and(detectsPrecipitation only (not Rain)) and(detectsWindSpeed some) and (detectsWindSpeedonly ModerateWind)

Open ≡ (detectsPrecipitation some) and(detectsPrecipitation only (not Rain)) and(detectsWindSpeed some) and (detectsWindSpeedonly LightBreeze) and(detectsOutdoorLuminosity some) and(detectsOutdoorLuminosity onlyHighLuminosity)

Fig. 9. Shutter controllers SC1 and SC2 service annotations

Simultaneously, devices within the apartment H2

could exploit the knowledge shared by the home so-cial network in H1 to adapt their configuration accord-ing to the detected conditions. As shown in Figure 8,a follower relation exists between the weather stationand the alarm system. As explained in Section 3.1, theWS follows (i.e., continuously observes) the wall ofthe AS, so when the alarm system posts the intrusion

Lamp_On ≡ (detectsOutdoorLuminosity some)and (detectsOutdoorLuminosity onlyLowLuminosity) and (detectsIntrusion some)and (detectsIntrusion only IntrusionForLamp)

Lamp_Medium ≡ (detectsOutdoorLuminosity some)and (detectsOutdoorLuminosity onlyMediumLuminosity) and (detectsOccupancy some)and (detectsOccupancy only Presence)

Lamp_O f f ≡ (detectsOutdoorLuminosity some)and (detectsOutdoorLuminosity onlyHighLuminosity) and (detectsOccupancy some)and (detectsOccupancy only (not Presence))

Fig. 10. Dimmer lamps L1 and L2 service annotations

Fig. 11. Intrusion ontology class modeling

message, it is immediately notified. The WS reads theannotation and shares it on its wall as a new post. Thisevent triggers also in H2 a Concept Covering processinvolving the services exposed by the friends of WS(SC2 and AC2), which are listed respectively in Figure9 and Figure 12.

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AC_Cooling ≡ (detectsTemperature some) and(detectsTemperature only HighTemperature) and(detectsHumidity some) and (detectsHumidityonly MediumHumidity)

AC_Heating ≡ (detectsTemperature some) and(detectsTemperature only LowTemperature) and(detectsHumidity some) and (detectsHumidityonly LowHumidity)

AC_Dehumidi f ication ≡ (detectsTemperature some)and (detectsTemperature onlyMediumTemperature) and (detectsHumidity some)and (detectsHumidity only HighHumidity)

Fig. 12. Air conditioners AC1 and AC2 service annotations

Only the Full_Close service, provided by SC2, is se-lected to partially satisfy the request. WS commentsits post including a tag to the shutter service and theuncovered part of the request as content. In this case,to further satisfy the post, the WS can forward the un-covered part to one of its friends. The WS selects theSC2, since it provided the highest contribution to cov-ering in the initial step, and posts on the wall of SC2

the following OWL annotation of the uncovered part:Req_Uncovered ≡ (detectsOutdoorLuminosity

only LowLuminosity) and (detectsIntrusion

only IntrusionForLamp)

Moreover, the WS starts to observe the post it justsent to the friend’s wall. SC2 in turn receives the mes-sage, starts a covering process involving the servicesexposed by L2 (Figure 10) and selects the Lamp_Onfunctionality that completely cover the remaining partof the initial request. SC2 comments its post taggingthe activated services and updates the like value withthe percentage of covered features. The request is fullysatisfied so the uncovered part is empty and no otherposts are needed. Thanks to the observer pattern, theWS receives a notification about the post, reads thecomment and understands that the initial request hasbeen completely served. As a consequence, it updatesthe like value of the post on its wall, not forwardingfurther requests.

It is useful to point out how social capabilities al-lowed apartment H2 to compensate for the lack ofan alarm system, taking advantage of the sensing ca-pabilities of the one in H1 to appropriately config-ure and modify the status of its devices. This is justan obvious example of the benefits of the proposedsemantic-based social framework in information andservice/resource sharing in complex settings and het-erogeneous networks. Furthermore, request and ser-vice descriptions in the case study were kept short for

easier understanding of the proposed framework, butthe adopted inferences allow managing more detailedspecifications with articulated constraints.

5. Evaluation

A prototypical testbed was developed following theproposed social framework described in Section 3. Itimplements a basic environment (similar to the one de-scribed in the above case study) consisting of a sub-set of home areas, i.e., a hall door, a living room, akitchen, and a small outdoor space. An IEEE 802.11network was exploited as a fast backbone including3 smart nodes, each implementing a single social de-vice. Moreover, a KNX sub-network was connected tothe main area by means of an additional smart node,acting as gateway toward the social network, allowingKNX-based devices to interact with the other socialobjects in a transparent way. As detailed in Table 2,KNX installation consisted of 8 off-the-shelf devices,produced by Gewiss Inc.3, connected through a twistedpair bus in a hierarchical network. Each device (exceptthe KNX router, used only for the communication overIP) corresponds to one or more LDP-CoAP endpoints,exposed by the gateway node, representing the socialobjects in Table 2. In this way, all devices in the homecan interact through the proposed LDP-CoAP interfaceindependently from the specific HBA protocol.

Table 2List of KNX devices

Product ID Description Social DeviceGW90707 KNP/IP router —

GW90740Switch actuator4 channels

Air conditioner (2 ch.) +Garden watering system (2 ch.)

GW90740Switch actuator4 channels

n.4 Simple on/off lamp

GW12782Push button4 channels

n.4 Basic on/off button

GW90800Weather Stationwith GPS

Weather Station

GW90746 Dimmer actuator Dimming lamp

GW10948Burglar alarmsystem interface

Alarm system

GW90754Roller shutteractuator

Shutter controller

According to Figure 13, a Java-based managementsoftware was implemented to run on each home de-vice. The main Java package it.poliba.sisinflab.swst


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was partitioned in the following sub-packages to sep-arate developed classes in well-defined sections eachproviding the following specific functionality:- core: contains the HomeDevice reference imple-mentation. It extends the CoAPLDPServer providedby the LDP-CoAP library4 and exposes one or moreDeviceEndpoint managing the resources described inTable 1. At network level, LDP-CoAP provides also amodified version of the Californium CoAP framework[25] supporting LDP features over CoAP;- resources: several Java classes model the differ-ent device resources. LDP-CoAP RDFSource, Non-RDFSource and BasicContainer base classes were ex-tended, providing common attributes and methods tosave, retrieve and update the home data. All informa-tion is stored within an RDF repository based on theRDF4J 2.1.3 library5;- rdf.vocabulary: contains RDF ontology filesmapped as Java classes to simplify creation and query-ing of RDF triples. Ontologies cited in Section 3.2(e.g., SIOC, IoT-lite, M3-lite) were mapped throughthe Sesame Vocabulary Builder6 tool and included inthe package;- owl: provides basic functionalities to load the ref-erence KB, to manage all generated OWL annotationsthrough the OWL-API 3.4.10 library [19] and to in-voke the Mini-ME reasoner [37] implementing infer-ence services;- knx: an additional package implemented to sup-port the communication over the ISO/IEC 14543-3EIB/KNX protocol stack [34]. Calimero-core library7

was exploited for network management and to ex-change data with KNX devices (e.g., read state valuesor send commands). An import utility was also imple-mented to parse data from an XML-based project fileexported from ETS48, the official software tool used todesign and configure home installations based on KNXsystems, and to model the same device features withinthe home social network.

Performance evaluation of the proposed approachwas carried out developing each smart node on threereference platforms with different processing capabili-ties. In particular, the following embedded boards wereused to implement the social devices:



















Fig. 13. Reference software modules

(a) Raspberry Pi Model B9, equipped with a single-core ARM11 CPU at 700 MHz, 512 MB RAM (sharedwith GPU), 8 GB storage memory on SD card, Rasp-bian Wheezy OS;(b) Intel Edison Kit10 equipped with an Intel Quark x86CPU at 400 MHz, 1 GB RAM, 4 GB eMMC flash stor-age and Yocto Poky Linux OS (32-bit kernel 3.10.98);(c) UDOO Quad11 equipped with quad-core ARMCortex A9 at 1 GHz clock frequency, ARM Cortex M3coprocessor, 1 GB DDR3 RAM, 32 GB storage mem-ory on SD card, UDOObuntu 2.0 Minimal Edition OS.All platforms included a 32-bit Java 8 SE Runtime En-vironment (JRE, build 1.8.0-b121).

Experiments have been carried out performing the10 reference tasks described in Figure 7, to identifyand evaluate specific features characterizing their per-formance. Each test was repeated five times and av-erage values were taken and reported in Figure 14. Inparticular, the processing time is defined as the timeelapsed on the device receiving a request to processthe message and send the related response, whereasthe communication time represents the time needed toexchange request/response data (i.e., CoAP packets)over the home network between the sender and thereceiver device. As expected, RaspberryPi required alonger time to process the requests due to the reducedcomputational capabilities. On the contrary, Intel Edi-son was the fastest platform in case of tasks only re-quiring simple I/O operations, thanks to the internalflash memory.

Concerning communication time, it should noticea significant variation, due to the different hardwareadopted for connecting to the home network. In par-ticular, RaspberryPi and UDOO were equipped with a



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Table 3Request Dataset

Processing Time (ms)







R1 1381 1 28.57 89.2 20.8 12.8R2 1967 2 61.54 122.2 30.8 14.2R3 2468 3 73.68 132.0 37.6 17.8R4 2902 4 79.17 140.2 47.0 18.0R5 3309 5 82.76 146.4 64.4 23.2R6 3651 6 84.85 154.6 78.8 29.8R7 4202 7 87.18 160.8 81.4 35.4

Wi-Pi IEEE 802.11 USB Dongle, whereas Intel Edisonexploited the on-board WiFi transceiver.

Test results about the Concept Covering task per-formed on a single node are reported in Figure 15. Ex-periments were conducted exploiting a shared datasetof 7 requests (see Table 3) with growing size andrestriction complexity. As a consequence, a differentnumber of services was selected (from a set of 50 in-stances) and tagged after the reasoning step. It canbe pointed out that like value was lower for simplerrequests and increased for more complex ones. Thisis due to the fact that ontology and service annota-tions are modeled to fit articulate and specific descrip-tions, such as device operating requirements; genericrequests result less significant, leading to a relativeloss of the semantic-based score. For all platforms, thecomplexity of the request affected time only slightly,showing a similar trend. As expected, the processingtime was longer for complex annotations, because ahigher number of services was retrieved to satisfy therequest. Moreover, memory usage values are shown inFigure 16. Framework requirements were low on allplatforms, with a memory peak always under 18.5 MBfor stack memory and 16.5 MB for heap memory, rep-resenting reasonable values for embedded systems.

Another relevant parameter of the social frameworkperformance is the amount of data exchanged overthe home network. In order to reduce the number ofpackets used to transmit each message over CoAP, theLDP-CoAP implementation described in [28] was ex-tended to support the following encoding algorithms,aiming to reduce the size of resource descriptions: (i)GZIP and BZIP2 (both included within the ApacheCommons Compress library12), general-purpose andsuitable for annotations described with RDF Turtle[11], JSON-LD [26] and all OWL syntaxes; (ii) Bi-


nary JSON (BSON)13, Universal Binary JSON (UB-JSON)14 and Message Pack (MsgPack)15, specific forJSON-based annotations.

Selected algorithms were tested on three basic re-sources corresponding to the LDP-CoAP resourcetypes available in the proposed framework: RDFSource (LDP-RS, e.g., device profiles and comments):Basic Container (LDP-BC, e.g., walls and posts); Non-RDF Source (LDP-NR, e.g., OWL annotations ofposts, comments and services). LDP-RS and LDP-BCwere described with RDF Turtle and JSON-LD to testboth syntaxes supported by LDP-CoAP, whereas LDP-NR was described through the OWL 2 Manchestersyntax. Figure 17 reports on the size of the referenceannotations with and without compression. GZIP pro-vided better results, achieving a compression ratio ofabout 48%. In this way, each device sends on averagethe half of CoAP packets (which must contain a maxi-mum of 64B as payload), so reducing the overall com-munication latency. On the contrary, JSON-specific al-gorithms were not particularly useful for short mes-sages, being designed to encode large documents.

Finally, benefits of the devised semantic social plat-form were assessed in a comparison w.r.t. the fol-lowing IoT-oriented frameworks in the HBA market:KNX IoT16; IzoT Platform17, originally developed byEchelon Corporation for the Industrial IoT but alsoexploited for building applications; Dog Gateway18

[7]; Eclipse SmartHome19. Table 4 highlights as onlythe proposed approach combines fitness for resource-constrained environments (by using CoAP and a P2Parchitecture), expressiveness of device modeling (byexploiting RDF and OWL2) and support for both exactand approximated matches, with formally groundedservice composition.

6. Conclusion and Future Work

This paper introduced a novel semantic-based frame-work for Social Internet of Things, particularly use-ful for home and building automation but inherentlygeneral-purpose. The proposal adopted a decentral-ized service-oriented architecture to manage, pub-


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14 20



26 14












7 11

7 7 5 7 6

9 5

7 8



2 5





71 39 35

15 8











Read Profile Send Friendship Read Service Description

Read Service Annotation

Read Wall Read Post Write Post Tag Device Read Headers Activate Service


e (


Processing (RaspberryPi) Processing (Intel Edison) Processing (UDOO) Communication (Wi-Pi) Communication (Intel)

Fig. 14. Processing and communication time for the social tasks

Table 4Comparison with current IoT-oriented frameworks for HBA

Features Proposed Approach KNX IoT IzoT Platform Dog Gateway Eclipse SmartHomeHome Area Networkreference protocol

multi-protocol over CoAP EIB/KNX LonTalk multi-protocol over HTTP multi-protocol over HTTP

Network architecture full P2P centralized centralized centralized centralizedNetwork/devicesconfiguration

autonomous socialagents configuration

via ETS softwarevia LonBuilder software orXML configuration files

XML configuration filesDomain Specific Language(DSL) configuration files

Add/remove devices agents self-configurationedit network/devicesconfiguration

edit network/devicesconfiguration

edit network/devicesconfiguration

edit network/devicesconfiguration


smart node actingas gateway

KNX gateway IzoT gateway Dog gatewaynode actingas gateway

Device bindingdynamic, based onfriendship relationships

static, defined duringnetwork configuration

static, defined duringnetwork configuration

dynamic, based ondevice profile

static, defined duringdevice configuration

Scenarios configurationdynamic, exploitingnon-standard inferences

static, defined duringnetwork configuration

static, defined duringnetwork configuration

dynamic, exploitingrule-based reasoning

static, based on an ECArule engine

Service compositionyes, through distributedcovering

no no no no

Message data formatRDF Turtle, JSON-LD,OWL 2

proprietary, accordingto KNX spec.

proprietary, XML-basedaccording to LonTalk spec.


Standardised frameworkinterface

LDP-CoAP RESTfulinterface

KNX IoT Web Services HTTP RESTful APIWebSocket and HTTPRESTful API









R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7


e (


RaspberryPi Intel Edison UDOO

Fig. 15. Processing time for the Concept Covering task

Fig. 16. Memory usage

lish, discover and compose semantically annotatedservice/resource descriptions. It adopted LDP-CoAPto join the benefits of efficient RESTful machine-

0 150 300 450 600 750

LDP-RS (Turtle)

LDP-BC (Turtle)




Size (Byte)


Fig. 17. Size of encoded payload messages

to-machine communication and structured LinkedData organization. Non-standard, non-monotonic in-ferences enabled semantic matchmaking for service/resourcediscovery with support for approximate matches, logic-based ranking and composition via request covering.The framework was developed on a multi-protocolHBA testbed with single-board computers and embed-ded home devices, exhibiting effectiveness in AmI sce-narios.

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Future work includes a wider testbed implemen-tation and experimentation, to validate scalability ofthe proposal in very large object networks. Moreover,heuristics governing decisions about the creation andremoval of friend/follower relationships will be ex-plored, including behaviors based on agents’ past ex-perience, possibly by means of machine learning tech-niques. A similar approach can be adopted to endowsocial objects with proactive adaptivity to environmen-tal modifications. Finally, further object interactionschemes will be investigated according to the LinkedData Notifications protocol [10].


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