Locally owned since 1867 www.iolaregister.com Monday, November 5, 2012 60/35 Details, A2 The IOLA REGISTER Vol. 115, No. 7 75 Cents Iola, KS ALL SMILES SATURDAY Register/Susan Lynn Cheerleaders helped encourage runners as they crossed the finish line Saturday on Iola’s square. The girls are, from left, Skyler Walden, Beonka Lazzo-Barahona and Maci Miller. At right, Charles Quinsay, 23, and Marsha Xiong, 22, hold hands as they cross the finish line. Each ran the full mara- thon. Quinsay is stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. Xiong is from Kansas City, Mo. Strong debut for Iola-to-Chanute race By SUSAN LYNN [email protected] Sue Dispensa, 43, credits a strong support system for seeing her through her first marathon in Saturday morning’s Portland Alley Marathon. Dispensa, Chanute, ran the hilly backroads from Chanute to Iola in 3 hours, 56 minutes, mak- ing her the first female to com- plete the marathon. “I couldn’t have done it with- out my crew,” she said of friends of family who were placed along the 26.2-mile course, cheering her on. Meanwhile for Dann Fisher of Manhattan, the race was old hat. It was Fisher’s 150th “or so,” marathon. Fisher, 49, completed the course in 3 hours, 20 min- utes. “I loved the course,” he said. “It was beautiful running along Register/Susan Lynn Best friends and avid athletes from Chanute won first place in the relay division of Saturday’s Portland Alley Marathon. From left are Angie Stanley, Betsy Olson, Robin Childers, Katie Holtzman, Tricia Dillow, Tonya Caldwell and Tara Small. Not pictured is Kristen Feeback. The eight women each ran a little more than 3 miles as their legs in the 26.2-mile course from Chanute to Iola. HHS journalists carry on legacy By STEVEN SCHWARTZ [email protected] HUMBOLDT — The secret to the success of Humboldt High’s student newspaper, Cub Tracks, is its ability to adapt. New on the horizon is the pa- per’s move to include a web edi- tion, cubtracksonline.com. The 40-year-old student news- paper has a record of success. Its program, once led by Allen Wil- hite and now led by Kim Isbell, has won 16 Kansas Scholastic Press Association (KSPA) cham- pionships, more than any other school in the state. Isbell said they have won four out of the last five championships. “We set a very high standard for ourselves,” Isbell said. “Because of our history, we don’t want to be the first to falter.” Anna Setter, editor-in-chief for the paper, said it is important to have the online aspect of their program. “With the online news, it helps us get more ‘up-to-the-minute’ news than with the paper,” Setter said. Over the years, Isbell said the classroom has become more digi- tal, enhancing programs they use to design pages and work with photos. Now the publication of the paper runs on a completely Submitted photo Juniors Kolbyn Allen and Anna Setter organize issue No. 4 of the Cub Tracks as Kim Isbell, right, advises. The six-page paper is published 10 times over the course of the school year. It has been published since 1973. Allen County Meltdown is com- ing to an end and it is the moment of truth — it is time for partici- pants to weigh-out. During hours of operations, participants can go to Marmaton Valley, Terry’s Flower Shop in Humboldt or Thrive Allen County office and officially weigh-out. The person who lost the most weight will receive a six-month wellness program with health coach Todd Roger. For Meltdown participants who got a ticket for attending classes or participating in Wear it, Walk it, Wednesdays, will be entered to win a second place prize of having the signup fee waived at Cedar Brook. The goal of the eight-week, county-wide program was to pro- mote a healthy lifestyle, through better eating and exercise and to increase male participation. “Our goal was to raise it by 12 percent and we raised it to 22,” Thrive program director Damaris Kunkler said. For more information contact Thrive Allen County at (620) 365- 8128 or visit the website, www.al- lencountymeltdown.com. Meltdown members weigh-out See MARATHON | Page A4 By JIM KUNHENN Associated Press MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Presi- dent Barack Obama and Mitt Romney storm into the final day of their long presidential contest, mounting one last effort to pro- tect their flanks while engaging in the toughest battleground of all — Ohio. The two campaigns were ready to leave matters in the hands of voters and their schedules left little doubt where the election would be won or lost. Obama was holding rallies in Wisconsin and Iowa today. Romney was cutting a broader swath, with events in Florida, Virginia and New Hamp- shire. But the richest prize is Ohio, and both Obama and Romney were rallying their supporters in its capital, Columbus. Whoever wins Ohio has a sim- pler path to amass the 270 elec- toral votes needed to claim the presidency. With national polls showing the two candidates locked in a virtual tie, the out- come in a handful of key states will determine who occupies the White House for the next four years. For Obama, Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio are his firewall. “I think it’s going to hold firm,” Vice Pres- ident Joe Biden told a rally in Ohio Sunday. Victories in those three states, barring a huge up- set in a state like Pennsylvania, would virtually assure him re- election. “I think we’re going to win clearly,” Biden said. Romney voiced more guarded optimism. In Cleveland, discuss- ing the chances of Obama’s re- election, Romney said, “It’s pos- sible, but not likely.” A final national NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll showed Obama getting the support of 48 percent of likely voters, with Romney receiving 47 percent. A Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll had Obama at 49 and Romney at 48. A Pew Research Center poll released Sunday showed Obama with a three-point edge over Romney, 48 percent to 45 percent among likely voters. Defying the odds, Romney drew one of his largest crowds Sunday in Pennsylvania, a state where Obama was holding onto a lead but where Romney aides said they detected soft support for the president. Despite a delayed ar- rival, Romney rallied thousands on a farm in a Philadelphia sub- urb on a cold night, taking the po- dium as loudspeakers blared the theme from “Rocky.” The sign of energy in a key swing area of the state was only tempered by some early exits by supporters seeking to escape the cold. Meanwhile, about 30 million people have already voted in 34 states and the District of Colum- bia, either by mail or in person, although none will be counted un- til Election Day on Tuesday. More than 4 million of the ballots were cast in Florida, where Democrats filed a lawsuit demanding an ex- tension of available time. A judge granted their request in one coun- ty where an early voting site was shut down for several hours Sat- urday because of a bomb scare. Both men were spending the fi- nal days of the campaign present- ing themselves as can-do leaders willing to break partisan logjams in Washington. The former Massachusetts governor warned that a second Obama term would threaten the American economy because of the president’s inability to work with Congress. “He’s ignored them, he’s attacked them, he’s blamed them,” Romney said. Obama cited bipartisan work on middle-class tax cuts and on ending the Pentagon’s don’t-ask- don’t-tell policy, but warned that he would not compromise away his priorities, such as health care. “I’m not willing to pay that See NEWSPAPER | Page A4 On final lap, Romney, Obama focus on key states Robert Duyos/Sun Sentinel/MCT President Barack Obama speaks at Mcarthur High School Sunday in Hollywood, Fla. Adrin Snider/Newport News Daily Press/MCT Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves to the crowd after his arrival at Smithfield Foods flight center hangar at Newport News Williamsburg International Airport in Newport News, Va. on Sunday. See CAMPAIGN | Page A4 He’s ignored them, he’s attacked them, he’s blamed them. — Gov. Mitt Romney in regard to President Barack Obama’s working relationship with Congress. FOOTBALL Area schools falter in playoffs See B1

Iola Register 11-5

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Iola Register 11-5

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Page 1: Iola Register 11-5

Locally owned since 1867 www.iolaregister.comMonday, November 5, 2012

60/35Details, A2

The Iola RegIsteRBASEBALLIola AA Indians split

with BaldwinSee B1

Locally owned since 1867 www.iolaregister.comWednesday, July 6, 2011

88/72Details, A5

Vol. 113, No. 209 75 Cents Iola, KS

Iola Municipal Band— Since 1871 —

At the bandstand Jim Garner, directorThursday, July 7, 2011 8 p.m.

PROGRAMStar Spangled Banner ..................................................arr. J.P. SousaAmericans We — march .......................................... Henry FillmoreRock, Rhythm and Blues — medley ......................arr. Jack BullockArmy of the Nile — march ...................................Kenneth J. AlfordBegin of the Beguine ...................................................... Cole PorterInvercargill — march ...................................................Alex LithgowHymn to the Fallen.................................... John Williams/SweeneyMen of Ohio — march ............................................. Henry FillmoreA Sixties Time Capsule — medley .............................. arr. JenningsThe Washington Post — march ...................................John P. Sousa

Rained out concerts will be rescheduled for Friday evening.

Register/Richard LukenMules Pat and Pete pull an antique sickle bar mower piloted by Ray Whiteley of Le Roy. Whiteley was joined by Greg Gleue in cutting an 18-acre prairie hay field Tuesday.

By SUSAN [email protected]

If you’ve got enough of it, Fri-day night is the night to let your hair down.

One sure test is to participate in the “Drag Race” as a runup to the Charlie Melvin Mad Bomber Run For Your Life race.

Men and women alike are en-couraged to dress in a cross-gen-der manner and then “compete” in teams of four in a relay. Last

year a woman’s garter was trans-ferred from one participant’s leg to another.

“It’s better than a baton,” said David Toland, executive director of Thrive Allen County and one of the organizers for Friday’s events.

If you don’t have a thing to wear — no worries.

Dresses, hats, purses, jewelry and other accoutrements will be available at Elizabeth Donnelly’s

The Shirt Shop, 20 W. Jackson, where participants will have a wide selection from which to choose. Doors open at 10 p.m.

Registration to participate in the drag race is $5. That also gains participants entrance to a 9:30 p.m. pre-party at the Thrive office, 12 W. Jackson. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Thrive office or Friday night on

By RICHARD [email protected]

LE ROY — Unlike the mecha-nized behemoths of today, Ray Whiteley’s mowing outfit was considerably quieter.

His “engine” — a pair of 1,200-pound mules — needed only an occasional break from the sti-fling summer heat as Whiteley traversed his way around an 18-acre prairie hay meadow.

“It’s a little warm, so we’ve been taking it easy,” Whiteley said. “It’s our little hobby.”

The mules were pulling White-ley’s antique sickle bar mower, a small wagon with cutting bar

attached. The bar was triggered through a gear box engaged as its wheels roll.

With no mechanical engine to speak of, the only noise emanat-ing from his unit was from the teeth of the seven-foot cutting bar rotating back and forth.

Joining Whiteley was neighbor and friend Greg Gleue, with his own mowing outfit, another sick-le bar mower pulled by a pair of Percheron draft horses.

“We’re having some fun with it,” Whiteley joked. “Greg’s kind of a wimp about it. He needs a

Mowing effort recalls yesteryear

Ray Whiteley

Register/Susan LynnThese men are ready to leave their inhibitions at home as they participate in Friday night’s favorite race, the drag race. From left to right are Matt Skahan, Brian Wolfe, Nic Lohman, David Toland and Fred Heismeyer. The race begins at 10:30 p.m. on the courthouse square.

By BOB [email protected]

Calls to the 911 dispatch center average one almost every 10 min-utes.

And while that may sound a lit-tle slow, played out over 24 hours a day and every day of the year, the total comes to 55,000.

“That’s what we received last year,” Angie Murphy, dispatch center director, told Allen County commissioners Tuesday morn-ing.

The call total — she figures half or more are for true emer-gencies — wasn’t the point of her appearance, but the magnitude of the number captivated commis-sioners.

Murphy was before commis-sioners to request a 20 percent increase in the department’s bud-get for 2012, up $126,000 over this year’s $490,000.

The increase seemed pretty hefty. Murphy reasoned health insurance will cost an additional $50,000 and another $6,000 was expected for Kansas Public Em-

Put that ego on the shelf, boys

See EGO | Page B6

By JOE [email protected]

When Brian Pekarek was hired as superintendent of the Iola school district in February, he saw an opportunity to “reinvigo-rate” USD 257.

With a focus on academic achievement and public transpar-ency, Pekarek hopes he can fur-ther success for the district and the more than 1,300 students rely-ing on it.

Pekarek walks his talk. A na-

By BOB [email protected]

An anticipated field of a thou-sand runners and walkers, who will flee Iola’s downtown busi-ness district early Saturday as Charley Melvin did in 1905, can be thankful that Melvin chose to do his dastardly deed in the mid-dle of the night.

Had the event being commemo-rated occurred in mid-day, par-ticipants would battle oppressive heat and humidity, with both forecast at the upper end of the discomfort scale during daytime Friday and Saturday. As is, they will run and walk in somewhat more inviting temperatures pre-dicted for the low 70s by 12:26 a.m. Saturday.

The race — many walkers will be out for a stroll — will cap activ-ities that start late Friday after-noon and will go on throughout the evening. Included will be the much-awaited “drag race,” fea-turing some of the area’s finest men and women dressed in drag.

Chris Weiner at Thrive Allen County, co-sponsor with Allen County Crimestoppers for “The Charley Melvin Mad Bomber Run for your Life,” said total of partic-ipants was approaching 450, with about 200 signed on for the 5-kilo-meter run. The walk will follow a 3-kilometer course.

“Registration, including prob-ably a fifth online, has really

picked up,” Weiner said Tuesday afternoon. As in the past, “we ex-pect a lot of people to sign up Fri-day night.”

Cost is $12 for the walk. Run-ners’ fees are $14 for youth to age 17, $20 for adults and $17 each for members of teams.

Runners in the third annual event will aim for best times of 15.40.06 for males and 20.44.78 for females, set last year.

Sticks of “Melvin Dy-No-Mite” will be awarded the first three places for males and females in each of five ages groups, 15 and under, 16-30, 31-45, 46-60 and 61 and over.

All participants will break from in front of the post office. Runners will follow a course that will take them on West to Wash-ington, then Jackson, Jefferson and East to Cottonwood. They

Temps for runlook inviting

See TEMPS | B6


ATLANTA (AP) — Former Atlanta schools Superintendent Beverly Hall knew about cheat-ing allegations on standardized tests but either ignored them or tried to hide them, according to a state investigation.

An 800-page report released Tuesday to The Associated Press by Gov. Nathan Deal’s office through an open records request shows several educators report-ed cheating in their schools. But the report says Hall, who won the national Superintendent of the Year award in 2009, and other administrators ignored those re-ports and sometimes retaliated against the whistleblowers.

The yearlong investigation shows educators at nearly four dozen Atlanta elementary and middle schools cheated on stan-dardized tests by helping stu-dents or changing the answers once exams were handed in.

The investigators also found a “culture of fear, intimidation and retaliation” in the school district over the cheating allegations, which led to educators lying about the cheating or destroying

Pekarek finds home at USD 257

Brian Pekarek, center, visits with Barb Geffert and Marcy Boring at the USD 257 board office.

Cheating scandal detailed

See CHEATING | Page A5See MOWING | Page A5See COUNTY | Page A5

See PEKAREK | Page A5

Vol. 115, No. 7 75 Cents Iola, KS


Register/Susan LynnCheerleaders helped encourage runners as they crossed the finish line Saturday on Iola’s square. The girls are, from left, Skyler Walden, Beonka Lazzo-Barahona and Maci Miller. At right, Charles Quinsay, 23, and Marsha Xiong, 22, hold hands as they cross the finish line. Each ran the full mara-thon. Quinsay is stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. Xiong is from Kansas City, Mo.

Strong debut for Iola-to-Chanute raceBy SUSAN LYNN

[email protected] Dispensa, 43, credits a

strong support system for seeing her through her first marathon in Saturday morning’s Portland Alley Marathon.

Dispensa, Chanute, ran the hilly backroads from Chanute to

Iola in 3 hours, 56 minutes, mak-ing her the first female to com-plete the marathon.

“I couldn’t have done it with-out my crew,” she said of friends of family who were placed along the 26.2-mile course, cheering her on.

Meanwhile for Dann Fisher

of Manhattan, the race was old hat. It was Fisher’s 150th “or so,” marathon. Fisher, 49, completed the course in 3 hours, 20 min-utes.

“I loved the course,” he said. “It was beautiful running along

Register/Susan LynnBest friends and avid athletes from Chanute won first place in the relay division of Saturday’s Portland Alley Marathon. From left are Angie Stanley, Betsy Olson, Robin Childers, Katie Holtzman, Tricia Dillow, Tonya Caldwell and Tara Small. Not pictured is Kristen Feeback. The eight women each ran a little more than 3 miles as their legs in the 26.2-mile course from Chanute to Iola.

HHS journalists carry on legacy

By STEVEN [email protected]

HUMBOLDT — The secret to the success of Humboldt High’s student newspaper, Cub Tracks, is its ability to adapt.

New on the horizon is the pa-per’s move to include a web edi-tion, cubtracksonline.com.

The 40-year-old student news-paper has a record of success. Its program, once led by Allen Wil-hite and now led by Kim Isbell, has won 16 Kansas Scholastic Press Association (KSPA) cham-pionships, more than any other school in the state. Isbell said they have won four out of the last five championships.

“We set a very high standard for ourselves,” Isbell said. “Because of our history, we don’t want to be the first to falter.”

Anna Setter, editor-in-chief for the paper, said it is important to have the online aspect of their program.

“With the online news, it helps us get more ‘up-to-the-minute’ news than with the paper,” Setter said.

Over the years, Isbell said the classroom has become more digi-tal, enhancing programs they use to design pages and work with photos. Now the publication of the paper runs on a completely

Submitted photo Juniors Kolbyn Allen and Anna Setter organize issue No. 4 of the Cub Tracks as Kim Isbell, right, advises. The six-page paper is published 10 times over the course of the school year. It has been published since 1973.

Allen County Meltdown is com-ing to an end and it is the moment of truth — it is time for partici-pants to weigh-out.

During hours of operations, participants can go to Marmaton Valley, Terry’s Flower Shop in Humboldt or Thrive Allen County office and officially weigh-out.

The person who lost the most weight will receive a six-month wellness program with health coach Todd Roger.

For Meltdown participants who got a ticket for attending classes or participating in Wear it, Walk it,

Wednesdays, will be entered to win a second place prize of having the signup fee waived at Cedar Brook.

The goal of the eight-week, county-wide program was to pro-mote a healthy lifestyle, through better eating and exercise and to increase male participation.

“Our goal was to raise it by 12 percent and we raised it to 22,” Thrive program director Damaris Kunkler said.

For more information contact Thrive Allen County at (620) 365-8128 or visit the website, www.al-lencountymeltdown.com.

Meltdown members weigh-out

See MARATHON | Page A4

By JIM KUNHENN Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Presi-dent Barack Obama and Mitt Romney storm into the final day of their long presidential contest, mounting one last effort to pro-tect their flanks while engaging in the toughest battleground of all — Ohio.

The two campaigns were ready to leave matters in the hands of voters and their schedules left little doubt where the election would be won or lost. Obama was holding rallies in Wisconsin and Iowa today. Romney was cutting a broader swath, with events in Florida, Virginia and New Hamp-shire.

But the richest prize is Ohio, and both Obama and Romney were rallying their supporters in its capital, Columbus.

Whoever wins Ohio has a sim-pler path to amass the 270 elec-toral votes needed to claim the presidency. With national polls showing the two candidates locked in a virtual tie, the out-come in a handful of key states will determine who occupies the White House for the next four years.

For Obama, Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio are his firewall. “I think it’s going to hold firm,” Vice Pres-ident Joe Biden told a rally in Ohio Sunday. Victories in those three states, barring a huge up-

set in a state like Pennsylvania, would virtually assure him re-election. “I think we’re going to win clearly,” Biden said.

Romney voiced more guarded optimism. In Cleveland, discuss-ing the chances of Obama’s re-election, Romney said, “It’s pos-sible, but not likely.”

A final national NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll showed Obama getting the support of 48 percent of likely voters, with Romney receiving 47 percent. A Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll had Obama at 49 and Romney at 48. A Pew Research Center poll released Sunday showed Obama with a three-point edge over Romney, 48 percent to 45 percent among likely voters.

Defying the odds, Romney drew one of his largest crowds Sunday in Pennsylvania, a state where Obama was holding onto a lead but where Romney aides said they detected soft support for the president. Despite a delayed ar-rival, Romney rallied thousands

on a farm in a Philadelphia sub-urb on a cold night, taking the po-dium as loudspeakers blared the theme from “Rocky.” The sign of energy in a key swing area of the state was only tempered by some early exits by supporters seeking to escape the cold.

Meanwhile, about 30 million people have already voted in 34 states and the District of Colum-bia, either by mail or in person, although none will be counted un-til Election Day on Tuesday. More than 4 million of the ballots were cast in Florida, where Democrats filed a lawsuit demanding an ex-tension of available time. A judge granted their request in one coun-ty where an early voting site was shut down for several hours Sat-urday because of a bomb scare.

Both men were spending the fi-nal days of the campaign present-ing themselves as can-do leaders willing to break partisan logjams in Washington.

The former Massachusetts governor warned that a second Obama term would threaten the American economy because of the president’s inability to work with Congress. “He’s ignored them, he’s attacked them, he’s blamed them,” Romney said.

Obama cited bipartisan work on middle-class tax cuts and on ending the Pentagon’s don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy, but warned that he would not compromise away his priorities, such as health care. “I’m not willing to pay that


On final lap, Romney, Obama focus on key states

Robert Duyos/Sun Sentinel/MCTPresident Barack Obama speaks at Mcarthur High School Sunday in Hollywood, Fla.

Adrin Snider/Newport News Daily Press/MCTRepublican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves to the crowd after his arrival at Smithfield Foods flight center hangar at Newport News Williamsburg International Airport in Newport News, Va. on Sunday.See CAMPAIGN | Page A4

He’s ignored them, he’s attacked them, he’s blamed them.

— Gov. Mitt Romney in regard to President Barack Obama’s

working relationship with Congress.

FOOTBALLArea schools falter

in playoffsSee B1

Page 2: Iola Register 11-5

A2Monday, November 5, 2012 The Iola Register www.iolaregister.com

Thank you to everyone for their generous support of the benefit held on my behalf last Friday evening. Thank you to all who donated or solicited items and baskets for the auction/raffle. A big thank you to those generous souls who cooked, served, and cleaned up the meal. It was delicious and your hard work was very much appreciated. Thank you to all who came that evening and ate with us. Your participation in the meal and the auction and raffle made the evening a great success. Thank you for the many monetary donations from many kind, generous people. Thank you to the people who organized the evening and to the auctioneer who gave so freely of their time and effort. All of you put in so much of your time and resources, I am very grateful for everyone’s support and generosity. My Family, friends, co-workers, church, and community are truly a group of generous, wonderful people. I will carry your giving hearts with me always. I truly thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your kindness is a great blessing.

God bless, Sherry and Morgan Henry

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T han k you so m uch to m y w on derful fam ily an d frien ds w ho cam e to

help m e celebrate m y birthday, an d for all the cards an d phon e calls. A special than ks to R on an d R yan w ho cam e, it m ean t

so m uch. It is great to hav e so m an y frien ds.

Donna Culver Donna Culver

ObituariesDot Ellis

Dorothy E. “Dot” Ellis, 92, Iola, passed away Fri-day, Nov. 2, 2012, at Foun-tain Villa in Iola.

Dorothy was born March 5, 1920, in Iola, the daughter of Aloy-sius “Al” and Rose C l a r a (Zeller) Ketter. She grew up in Iola where she graduated from Iola High School in 1938 and Iola Ju-nior College in 1940.

On April 28, 1941, Doro-thy married Altis Lee Ellis, Jr. at St. John’s Catholic Church in Iola. They made their home in Madison, Wis., while Lee served during World War II. They returned to Iola after his honorable dis-charge from the service, where he was associated with his family in Dodge dealerships, farming and nursing homes. They were also partners in Country Lanes Bowling Alley in Iola. He preceded her in death March 7, 1988.

She was a member of St. John’s Catholic Church and Altar Society, Sorosis Club, three bridge clubs and had been a sewing leader in 4-H and a former Jaycee Jane. Dorothy en-joyed playing tennis, sew-ing and decorating.

Survivors are two sons, Altis Lee Ellis, III, mar-ried to Ping Ellis of Mu-rietta, Calif., and Thomas E. Ellis of Los Angeles, Calif., and daughter-in-law, Heather A. Ellis, Minot, N.D. Other survi-vors are her grandchil-dren, Lasha Dawn Den-nis, married to Joseph B. Dennis, May, Texas, Holly Lynn Ellis, Brook-lyn, N.Y., and Brad Dou-glass, married to Keryn Douglass, Mission Viejo, Calif; seven great-grand-children, Joshua Dennis, married to Sarah Dennis, Shannon Dennis, Jessica Dennis, Caleb Dennis, Caroline Dennis, Kinsey Douglass and Bryce Dou-glass; one brother, Robert L. Ketter (Ila), Denver, Colo.; two sisters, Lois Ruth Turnbaugh, Gran-ite Bay, Calif., and Anna Mae Frappier (Mike), Waterbury, Conn.; and sisters-in-law, Jean Ket-ter, Waterford, Mich., and Carol Ketter, Laguna Miguel, Calif.; and many nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by brothers William Eugene Ketter, Richard Joseph Ketter, Charles (Chuck) Edward Ketter and Donald James Ketter and sisters Marie Mildred Myers and Esther Eileen Ketter.

Parish rosary will be at 7 p.m. Thursday at St.

John’s Catholic Church in Iola. Visitation will follow in the Parish Center.

Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at St. John’s Catholic Church in Iola.

Burial will be at St. Jo-seph’s Cemetery, Hum-boldt.

Memorial choices are St. John’s Catholic Church or American Cancer Soci-ety and may be left with Waugh-Yokum & Friskel Memorial Chapel, Iola.

Online condolences for the family may be left at www.iolafuneral.com.

Georgia CleaverGeorgia M. Cleaver, 92,

Iola, passed away Satur-day, Nov. 3, 2012, at Wind-sor Place in Iola.

Georgia was born June 3, 1920, on the fam-ily farm at Geneva, the daughter of Edward An-thony and Anna Thresa (Mabie) Fitzpatrick.

On Oct. 20, 1941, G e o r g i a m a r r i e d Harlan F. C l e a v e r in Iola. T h e y m a d e t h e i r home and farmed most of their married lives north of LaHarpe.

He preceded her in death Nov. 13, 1996.

Besides being a farm- wife, Georgia also had a daycare and later worked in the laundry and dietary departments at Allen County Hospi-tal.

She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary, LaHarpe, and was past president of the Red Cross Gray Ladies at Allen County Hospital where she did much volunteer work. She en-joyed sewing, gardening and grew beautiful lark-spur and hollyhocks.

Survivors are son Har-lan E. Cleaver and wife, Becky, Iola; daughter Sandra F. Marvin, Iola; brother Theron Fitzpat-rick, Neosho Falls; five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren

Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Waugh-Yokum & Friskel Chapel in Iola.

Funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Wednes-day at Waugh-Yokum & Friskel Chapel.

Burial will be at Gene-va Cemetery, northwest of Iola.

Memorial choices are Allen County Hos-pice or Allen County Animal Rescue Facility (ACARF) and may be left with Waugh-Yokum & Friskel Chapel.

Online condolences for the family may be left at www.iolafuneral.com.

Georgia Cleaver

Dot Ellis

— NOTICE — Our carriers’ (under contract) deadline for home

delivery of The Iola Register is 5:30 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. Saturdays for Iola carriers.


If you have not received your paper by deadline, please call your carrier first. If unable to reach your carrier, call the Register office at 365-2111. Rural

Carriers 6:30 p.m. weekdays – 10:30 Saturdays

Deadline: Notify the Register about calendar announcements by 7 a.m. Mondays in order to have your event listed.

Today Moran Public Library board meeting, 5 p.m., Moran Public Li-

brary. Moran City Council meeting, 7 p.m., Moran City Hall.Iola Community Theatre meeting, 7:30 p.m., Warehouse The-

atre, 203 S. Jefferson, public is invited.

Tuesday Allen County Commission meeting, 8:30 a.m., Allen County

Courthouse. Iola Kiwanis Club, noon, Allen Community College Student Cen-

ter meeting room. Knights of Columbus meeting, 7 p.m., Knights of Columbus

room in St. John’s Parish Center. Allen County Hospital board meeting, 7 p.m.Iola Masonic Lodge No. 38 meeting, 7 p.m. Allen County Historical Society board meeting, 7 p.m., at the Al-

len County Historical Society, 20 S. Washington Ave.

Wednesday Prenatal classes, 6 p.m., Mary Ellen Stadler Conference room in

the basement of the Allen County Hospital. Vespers rehearsal, 8:15 p.m., choir room at the Bowlus Fine Arts


ThursdayRotary Club, noon, The Greenery. Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. KS 880, Iola, 5 p.m. weigh-in, 5:30

meeting, Calvary United Methodist Church, 118 W. Jackson.

Friday Senior Citizens and Card Club potluck dinner, 5:30 p.m., senior

citizens center, 204 N. Jefferson.

SaturdayHunter’s breakfast, 6 to 10 a.m., Mildred Methodist Church. Kincaid-Selma United Methodist Church Turkey Supper, 5 p.m.,

709 E. 5th St., Kincaid. $8 for adults, $4 for 4 through 12, ages 3 and under free.

Katie Armiger Trio performance, 7 p.m., Creitz Recital Hall of the Bowlus Fine Arts Center, free to the public.

SundayIola Area Symphony Orchestra, 3 p.m., Bowlus Fine Arts Center.

Nov. 12 Unity Club meeting, 1:30 p.m., Donna Lower-Nord’s residence,

1109 Meadowbrook Rd. W., program by Mary Martin.

Nov. 13 Allen County Fair Board Association, Inc. annual meeting, 6 p.m.

is the buffet, 6:30 p.m. annual meeting and 7 p.m. regular monthly meeting, Iola Pizza Hut.


Coming soon

Tonight, cloudy. Lows 35 to 40. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Tuesday, partly sun-ny in the morning then clearing. Warmer. Highs in the mid 60s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.

Tuesday night, most-ly clear. Lows 35 to 40. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Wednesday, sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Northeast winds around 5 mph becoming southeast up to 5 mph in the afternoon.

Wednesday night and Thursday, mostly clear. Lows near 40. Highs near 70.

Thursday night, warmer. Mostly clear. Lows 50 to 55.Friday and Friday night, breezy. Partly cloudy. Highs

near 70. Lows near 60.

Partly cloudy

Sunrise 6:52 a.m. Sunset 5:18 p.m.

TemperatureHigh Sunday 63Low Sunday 46High Saturday 59Low Saturday 38High Friday 75Low Friday 39

High a year ago 62Low a year ago 30

Precipitation72 hours ending 7 a.m. 0This month to date 0Total year to date 26.04Def. since Jan. 1 8.23

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A 35-year-old man bit a police officer while being arrested after police used Tasers to subdue him for refusing to drop a knife at a Wichita bar.

The Wichita Eagle re-ported police were called to The Place bar at 1:25 a.m. Sunday and found the man with a knife. Police spokes-man Sgt. Scott Brunow says officers ordered him to drop the knife, but he refused.

Police say the man bit a police officer on the hand

while he was being arrest-ed. A 42-year-old man who tried to help the suspect, and a 34-year-old woman who tried to get other bar patrons to join in the alter-cation, also were arrested.

Man bites officer


By SERGIO L. LOIKOLos Angeles Times

MOSCOW — More than 5,000 young nation-alist protesters took to the streets of the Russian capital on Russia’s annual Day of National Unity hol-iday Sunday, denouncing President Vladimir Putin and demanding his ouster.

Carrying imperial Rus-sian black, yellow and white flags, and wearing Cossack uniforms includ-ing black boots, hoods and masks, they marched peacefully for four miles along the Moscow River before rallying in front of Gorky Park.

In contrast to many pre-vious liberal opposition rallies, the march was al-lowed by the Moscow gov-ernment and police stood aside. Police didn’t dis-play clubs and shields and didn’t provoke demonstra-tors the way they had done at past rallies.

Yet the attitude of the authorities did not pre-vent the crowd from also chanting that Putin was “an enemy whose place is in prison” for ignoring the interests of the Rus-sian nation and allowing migrants to work and live in Russia. One demonstra-tor near the front of the march carried a poster that read: “Putin is better than Hitler?”

In recent years, the Kremlin has continued to court Russian national-ists despite a significant transformation of their agenda, said Andrei Piont-kovsky, a senior research-er of the System Analysis Institute, a Moscow-based think tank.

“Putin’s idea of suit-ing Russian nationalism with his ongoing effort to restore the might of the Russian empire and to advance beyond the Cau-casus and even claiming

break-away republics of Georgia no longer plays well with this new breed of Russian nationalists,” Piontkovsky said in an interview. “They don’t want to expand Russia, they don’t want to hear about its greater Eurasian status — Putin’s favorite game. They want to get rid of the troublesome North Caucasus and its inhabitants they refuse to acknowledge as Russian citizens.”

Piontkovsky said the Kremlin had miscalculat-ed in being soft with the right-wing nationalists in hopes of using them to its advantage against the lib-eral opposition.

The nationalists have instead sided with Putin’s sworn enemies as five of their leaders entered the recently formed Coordi-nating Council uniting opposition forces from the extreme left to the ex-treme right.

Police stand asideas nationalists rally

They don’t want to expand Russia, they don’t want to hear about this greater Eurasian status — Putin’s favorite game. They want to get rid of the trou-blesome North Caucasus and its inhabitants they refuse to acknowledge as Russian citizens.

— Andrei Piontkovsky, senior researcher of the

System Analysis Institute, a Moscow-

based think tank

Page 3: Iola Register 11-5


The Iola RegIsTeR Published Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings except New Year’s day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, by The Iola Register Inc., 302 S. Washington, P.O. Box 767, Iola, Kansas 66749. (620) 365-2111. Periodicals postage paid at Iola, Kansas. Member Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to use for publica-tion all the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. Subscription rates by carrier in Iola: One year, $107.46; six months, $58.25; three months, $33.65; one month, $11.67. By motor: One year, $129.17; six months, $73.81; three months, $41.66; one month, $17.26. By mail in Kansas: One year, $131.35; six months, $74.90; three months, $44.02; one month, $17.91. By mail out of state: One year, $141.35; six months, $76.02; three months, $44.97; one month, $17.91. Internet: One year, $100; six months, $55; one month, $10 All prices include 8.55% sales taxes. Postal regulations require subscriptions to be paid in advance. USPS 268-460 Postmaster; Send address changes to The Iola Register, P.O. Box 767, Iola, KS 66749.

Monday, November 5, 2012The Iola Registerwww.iolaregister.com A3

When Mitt Romney or Barack Obama open their elec-tion box to see what they’ve won, they may quickly shut the lid and cry for a recount.

President Obama will deal with the fiscal cliff, regardless. He will be in charge until Jan. 20, win or lose.

But the fiscal challenges will remain. A new tax structure must be created; a new budget tailored to fit the revenue to be collected must be made. Both must have integrity: that is, the tax structure must be accept-able to the people and must gen-erate enough revenue to pro-vide a path to a balanced budget and debt reduction and the bud-gets to come must be created with that end clearly in view.

Whoever is president, whichever party controls Con-gress, must adopt economic policies that will bolster long-term growth. That imperative is most likely to be achieved if the next administration puts the brightest economists it can hire in charge. Ideological road maps are most likely to take the country over the cliff rather than down the road to a stronger economy.

About 12.3 million Ameri-cans still are unemployed. The middle class is struggling. Only long-term answers will meet these challenges. The next administration must do what can be done to prepare America’s workers for the jobs today’s world economy produc-es. This demand is directly tied in to the need to increase mid-dle class family income and re-duce the yawning gap between

the rich and the rest.Today 1 percent of the peo-

ple control 20 percent of the wealth — that is a moral abom-ination that represents a seri-ous threat to our democracy.

A better answer to the health care crisis must be at the top of the next president’s agenda. It is a crisis because the U.S. spends about 17 percent of its gross national product on health care and still has about 50 million of us uninsured. The burden will only grow larger as the population ages unless the system is rebuilt and ad-ministrative costs are greatly reduced. Coming up with an efficient, effective universal health care delivery system will be one of the biggest chal-lenges the president — either one of them — will face.

President 2013 must also end the war in Afghanistan — al-ready the longest war in U.S. history — without obligating the U.S. to accept any further responsibility for that nation’s future.

Ending the war will begin a discussion on future mili-tary policy and future military spending. At present, the Unit-ed States of America spends more on its military than do the next 17 largest countries. Should that enormous differ-ence be continued? Reduced? Increased? The next president must answer the question.

Those are just the biggest, ugliest, unsolved problems that will be dumped in Presi-dent Whoever’s lap come Jan. 20.

— Emerson Lynn, jr.

Election presentstough challengesto whomever wins

It’s an ill wind that blows no one good, sailors say — and economists agree.

Hurricane Sandy did an es-timated $50 billion in property damage along the east coast, mostly in New Jersey and the coastline around New York City. The devastation offers op-portunity. As soon as the res-cue and cleanup crews leave, construction companies will move in to repair, rebuild and replace.

The billions of losses will be offset to some extent by bil-lions in construction costs and in retail sales growing from the need to replace clothes, fur-niture, cars and the long, long list of damaged or destroyed possessions.

Because the damage was so great, the amount that insur-ance companies will pay and victims must shell out from

savings and borrowings will also be huge.

Big enough, economists pre-dict, that the economy will get a modest but significant boost.

State and local governments will add to the stimulus by spending on damaged roads and bridges and, in the longer term, preparing for the next storm in ways that will limit the damage it will cause.

New York and New Jersey were hit hardest and can ex-pect to see the biggest boost. Unemployment will drop in those states. The hardest hit areas will seize the opportuni-ty to replace destroyed areas in creative ways.

It will be many months away, but the post-Sandy Atlantic coast will rise better than the one the storm surge left in ru-ins.

— Emerson Lynn, jr.

Sandy’s good side

Letters to the Editor must be signed and must include the writer’s address & telephone number. Names will be omitted on request only if there might be danger of retribution to the writer. Letters can be either e-mailed or sent by traditional means. E-mail: [email protected]

A look back in time50 Years Ago

October-November, 1962Oct. 11 — A proposed county-

wide levy, of not more than 1.5 mills, to support the Iola Junior College will be submitted to Allen County’s citizens at the general election. County Commissioners, after conferring with Ennor Ho-rine, superintendent of schools, and Klein Boyd, president of the board of education, agreed to sub-mit the proposition to the voters. If the levy is approved, the county will appoint a six-member advi-sory board of regents to confer with the board of education on college policies. The law autho-rizing county-wide support of ju-nior colleges was enacted in 1957. Horine points out that many of the 253 young men and women en-rolled in the Iola Junior College do not live in school district 10.

*****Nov. 2 — Humboldt residents

began getting mail Wednesday morning from their brand new post office at 811 New York St. Postmaster Helen Lacy and her crew completed the move from the old building at Seventh and Bridge late Tuesday, in time to put out Wednesday’s mail from the new location with no inter-ruption of service.

3 — Bids for the erection of the Thomas H. Bowlus Fine Arts Center have been accepted and construction should begin in the near future, the Allen County State Bank, trustee of the trust fund, reported this morning.

*****The 1962 Allen County Fair

made a profit of $917.38, H. J. Nicholson, secretary, reported to-day. The exposition also closed its 1961 season in the black, although in recent decades the fair has lost money more often than it has earned a profit.

*****6 — Plans for a science and home

economics building for Iola Se-nior High and a new wing for the Lincoln Elementary School were approved last night by the Board of Education. The structures are being designed by Brink and Dun-woody, architects and engineers. Last spring the voters approved a $325,000 bond issue to finance the science unit and $120,000 to fi-nance the wing at Lincoln.

*****7 — TOPEKA (AP) — Kansas

Republicans swept all state and national races Tuesday in an ex-pected victory. Given new terms were Sens. Frank Carlson and James B. Pearson, Gov. John An-derson. Rep. J. Floyd Breeding, the state’s only Democratic con-gressman for the past two years, was defeated by Rep. Robert Dole, Republican, in the new 1st Dis-trict. Their previous districts were consolidated by reappor-tionment. Joe Skubitz, Republi-can, won in the new 5th Congres-sional District.

*****In yesterday’s election, Allen

County gave Republicans the majority vote. The one excep-

tion was Norene Hobart, Moran school teacher, who defeated Mil-dred Cooksey, Iola, for superin-tendent of schools, 2,807 to 2,255. Robert Finney, Humboldt, was elected representative to the state Legislature from this district, de-feating Jack Jordon by 900 votes. George Brinkman, Humboldt Re-publican, nosed out Charles Lash, Elsmore Democrat, for commis-sioner from the first district, 770 to 717. The vote in other county contests: county clerk: Anderson 2,630, Abbott 2,411; county trea-surer: Eisenbrandt 2,838, Voisi-net 2,251; sheriff: Lorance 2,863, Fowler 2,273; coroner: Pees 3,511, Lenski 1,585; clerk of the district court: Smith 3,232, Evans 1,815.

*****9 — The proposal to establish

a 1.5-mill county-wide tax levy to help support the Iola Junior Col-lege carried after all. An official canvass of the votes today re-vealed a 42 margin of yes votes. It was thought the issue was defeat-ed by 58 votes, 2,353 yes to 2,411 no.

*****14 — Moody Ralston, 74, who

has been a mortician in Allen County for over 50 years, died last evening in a hospital in Springfield, Mo., while on a trip to Gainsville, Mo. He started an undertaking business in Elsmore in 1911 and opened the Ralston Funeral Home in Moran in 1925. In 1962, Ralston sold his funeral home to Kendall Hutton and asso-ciates, but continued to assist in the business until his death.

If Congressional Republicans get their way, expiring cuts in the estate tax for America’s wealthi-est families will be extended in 2013. But under their cruel plan, enhancements to tax credits for low- and moderate-income work-ing families, which are also set to expire at the end of the year, would end.

Extending the estate tax cut would benefit the estates of the wealthiest 0.3 percent of Ameri-cans who die in 2013 — about 7,000 people. Ending the tax credits would hurt some 13 million work-ing families, including nearly 26 million children, many of whom live at or near the poverty line.

Republicans in the House have already approved legislation — and similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate — that would undo a compromise tax plan approved in 2010. Back then, Republicans demanded estate tax cuts in exchange for extending the bolstered earned-income tax credits and child tax credits for working families that had been part of the 2009 stimulus.

Under duress, the Obama ad-ministration agreed to temporar-ily raise the value of an estate that would be exempt from tax to $5 million ($10 million for mar-ried couples) from $3.5 million ($7 million for couples), the level in 2009. It also agreed to cut the top estate tax rate to 35 percent

from 45 percent. In exchange for that tax cut, Republicans agreed to preserve improvements to the earned-income tax credit and child credit that help to ensure that low-income working families with children do not fall below the poverty line. Now, with another year-end showdown looming over expiring tax cuts, Republicans want to keep the generous provi-sions for the estate tax and end the enhancements to the working family tax credits.

THE WINNERS would be the few and the wealthy: the Tax Policy Center has estimated that the estate tax breaks save wealthy heirs an average of $1.1 million per estate, compared with the 2009 estate tax law. The losers would be the many and the hard pressed: a married couple with three chil-dren and earnings at the estimat-ed poverty line ($27,713) would lose $1,934 in tax credits in 2013,

according to a study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

The divide is especially note-worthy in the swing states. In Florida, 900 estates would get an estate-tax break, while nearly one million Florida families, with 1.7 million children, would see a tax increase. In Ohio, 140 estates would get a tax cut, while nearly 500,000 families, with nearly one million children, would face high-er taxes. In Virginia, 220 estates would get a tax break, compared with 275,000 working families, with nearly 500,000 children, that would have their taxes rise.

The heirs of the wealthiest people in America do not need continued tax breaks, nor can the nation afford the giveaway. Low- and moderate-income work-ing Americans need all the help they can get. That is not the way Republicans see it, but that is the way it is.

— The New York Times

Republican tax priorities

Extending the estate tax — or the death tax, as Re-publicans like to call it — would benefit the estates of the wealthiest 0.3 percent of Americans who die in 2013 — about 7,000 people. While ending the tax cred-its would hurt some 13 million working families, includ-ing nearly 26 million children, many of whom live at or near the poverty line.

Page 4: Iola Register 11-5

A4Monday, November 5, 2012 The Iola Register www.iolaregister.com

Bolling’s Meat Market

201 S. State, Iola 201 S. State, Iola (620) 380-MEAT (6328) (620) 380-MEAT (6328)

Open Mon. through Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Now Open Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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In The Fresh Case


the country roads.”Runners braved the

chilly north winds to run either individually or as part of teams in the first ever Portland Alley Mara-thon, organized by Thrive Allen County. County.

A dozen runners ran the race individually to make it a full marathon.

Chandler Summers, 15, of Chanute, was the young-est marathoner. He came in second place with a time of three hours, 25 minutes.

On the other end of the spectrum, Ross Abbuehl,

61, also of Chanute, ran the marathon with a time of 4 hours, 13 minutes.

Anita Cooper, 51, of Cha-nute, was the oldest female marathoner, completing the run in four hours, 53 minutes.

The bulk of the 80-plus runners competed as teams. An all-women’s team from Chanute placed first.

FOR THOSE inspired to get moving, Chanute will have a 5K Turkey Trot run/walk at 9 a.m. Saturday. Signup begins at 8:30 a.m. Call 620-432-5379 for more information.

H MarathonContinued from A1

Sue Dispensa Dann Fisher

digital process. It is print-ed by Osage Graphics out of Burlingame.

THE HUMBOLDT stu-dents have a passion for the process, and for getting information to their stu-dent body.

Stevie Barfoot, the on-line editor-in-chief for the class, said the work envi-ronment more resembles a real newspaper than a classroom.

“It’s a lot more relaxed than other environments,” Barfoot said. “But we still work hard and get our stuff done.”

Isbell said she sees her-self as more of a “coach” than a teacher. She said she has a working relation-ship with the students, and she is learning new things every day as well. She said her program has sent many students into the field of journalism, but be-

lieves the program teaches much more than a trade.

“It is not just journal-ism, it builds more well-rounded skills,” Isbell said. “They learn teamwork, multi-tasking and a lot of other things. They can be successful at anything.”

It seems the paper can be successful at anything as well. Isbell said the paper has faced some challenges in its past. In 2005, state government looked to pull the funding that goes to programs like Humboldt’s journalism program. The funding, which came from the Career and Technical Education (CTE) aspect of the school, was being pulled due to what legisla-tors cited as a lack of inter-est for the field of journal-ism.

State legislators eventu-ally decided to maintain funding the programs, but Isbell said the program would have kept going if

they had taken their funds. She said the students care too much for journalism and they could have relied on advertising funds to carry them on. Situations such as this one show-case the confidence that has grown throughout the classroom.

Overall, the paper has endured budget cuts and a dwindling economy to remain as what Barfoot de-scribes an essential tradi-tion of Humboldt High.

“When we start handing out the papers, students start to swarm us,” Barfoot said. “They want to see themselves in the paper.”

Now the students will be able to see themselves on the web as well. Barfoot said Cub Tracks Online is currently running, but just needs some “kinks” worked out.

The Humboldt journal-ism team will compete in regionals for KSPA at Pittsburg State University in February and then the state competition in May at the University in Kansas in Lawrence. Before then, the students will attend the Journalism Education Association’s annual con-vention for high school students in San Antonio, Nov. 15-18.

H NewspaperContinued from A1

It is not just journalism, it builds more well-rounded skills. They learn teamwork, multi-tasking and a lot of other things. They can be successful at anything.

— Kim Isbell, instructor

price,” he said.At stops, Obama has

been telling crowds, “If you want to break the gridlock in Congress, you’ll vote for leaders who feel the same way, whether they are Democrats or Republicans or independents.” But the local candidates he often cites are inevitably Demo-crats.

As the race approached its conclusion, the two can-didates engaged in their own personal moments with friends and close aides, an acknowledge-ment that no matter who won, this was the end of the campaign.

Longtime Obama chums Mike Ramos, a childhood

friend from Hawaii, and Marty Nesbitt, a friend from Chicago, joined the president on Air Force One. Today, longtime ad-viser and former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and former personal aide Reggie Love were to join the entourage.

Aboard Air Force One, the president also was making calls to Democrat-ic candidates to wish them well, including Senate con-tender Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts.

Obama will also ben-efit from some star power today. Rock legend Bruce Springsteen is joining him at all three campaign ral-lies, and rapper Jay-Z will join them in Columbus.

Romney, for his part, has appeared more relaxed on the campaign trail, where he’s been joined by most of his longtime senior aides. Much of the planning and strategy is finished, they say, and they wanted to spend the final days of the campaign at Romney’s side.

Adviser Kevin Madden said Romney was spending much of his time working on his laptop, reading and writing in his journal. The Republican candidate also recently joined his aides in an hour-and-a-half dis-cussion about their favor-ite movies. Romney’s? “O Brother, Where Art Thou,” which stars Obama pal George Clooney.

As aides for both can-didates looked for early marks of success, there were signs for the supersti-tious. Since 1936, with only one exception, whenever the Washington Redskins won on the Sunday before the election, the incum-bent party would retain the White House. On Sun-day, the Redskins lost to the Carolina Panthers, giv-ing hope to Republicans.

But the Obama camp of-ten compares this election to 2004, when President George W. Bush held the White House in his race against Democrat John Kerry. That year was the exception to the rule; the Redskins lost, and so did Kerry.

H CampaignContinued from A1

Allen County residents can now give U.S. troops the gift of communication.

The “Cell Phones for Troops” initiative is set up for donations in Iola. Drop boxes for gently used cell phones and chargers are available at Iola Pharmacy and at Mark Alexander’s residence at 503 N. Jeffer-son. No car-chargers are needed. Monetary dona-

tions are accepted as well.The “Cell Phones for

Troops” program was founded in 2004 with the goal of helping troops con-tact their families. Along with AT&T, 2.9 million free minutes have been donated to troops. In Afghanistan, one minute of phone-time costs $3.99. The program will continue as long as any troops are overseas.

Helping troops communicate

By JENNIFER PELTZAssociated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — In a big-city mayor’s bid to spur colleagues to think boldly around the country, 20 cities from Chicago to Springfield, Ore., are final-ists in a $9 million urban-innovation contest cre-ated by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The cities, which came up with novel ideas for tackling issues as dis-parate as recycling and infant mortality, were to be announced today by Bloomberg Philanthro-pies, the billionaire may-or’s personal foundation. The list is being unveiled as Bloomberg himself grapples with the unprec-edented challenges that Superstorm Sandy creat-ed in New York City.

The finalists, picked from more than 300 ap-plicants, will get to hone their proposals and com-pete for a $5 million grand prize and four $1 million awards.

St. Paul, Minn., wants to create the TurboTax of permit-application sys-tems. Lafayette, La., is seeking to create games around civic behavior. Phoenix wants to create “smart-energy districts.” Cincinnati wants to have community health work-ers visit every new moth-er in the city’s poorest ZIP codes, in hopes of reduc-ing infant mortality.

Houston officials had brainstormed for years about taking the task of sorting recyclables out of the hands of residents — or anyone. The city has been disappointed in recy-cling rates in some areas but wasn’t keen on having sanitation workers do the separating instead.

The idea that made Houston a finalist: Let people throw everything — trash, recyclables, yard trimmings — into one bin and meld a range of tech-nologies to sort it all out automatically. While the idea has been tried in piec-es and on smaller scales, “this is an opportunity for us to test and see whether the technology is scalable for what we would need for a major city,” Mayor Annise Parker said by phone.

Milwaukee turned Bloomberg’s competition into a mini-contest of its own, asking residents and community groups to submit ideas. The city got about 120 proposals, picked 10 to be present-ed at City Hall, and was pleasantly surprised to see more than 100 people turn up to hear them, Mayor Tom Barrett said.

“It really created an en-ergy here that, honestly, I haven’t seen before,” he said by phone. “A lot of times in local govern-ment, unless people are mad, they don’t show up.”

The process produced a plan to tackle two prob-lems — home foreclo-

sures and a lack of fresh produce in some neigh-borhoods — by fostering agriculture and home-steading on many of Mil-waukee’s 4,000 city-owned vacant lots and foreclosed homes. People who would work the vacant land or improve the empty homes would get the property for free.

In Lexington, Ky., the experience of getting 440 ideas from citizens turned into an idea in it-self: an ongoing system that analyzes data on how the city is doing and in-vites volunteers to sug-gest solutions and even implement them.

“Giving the people more of a say is challenging for elected officials,” Mayor Jim Gray said in a state-ment, but “the democratic fabric is stronger when democratic processes are encouraged.”

While government as-sociations often seek to highlight and share good ideas, Bloomberg’s compe-tition adds the prospect of seven-figure prizes to start putting the concepts into practice. Various other private foundations also work with local govern-ments, often on specific topics. Bloomberg’s grants are directed at improving municipal government it-self, in whatever way the cities chose.

Called the Mayor’s Challenge, the contest invited cities of 30,000 people or more to propose ideas that would address a major social or economic issue, make it easier for residents or businesses to deal with city govern-ment, increase efficiency, or enhance accountability and public participation — or all of the above.

20 cities make cut in NYC contest

It really cre-ated an energy here that, hon-estly, I haven’t seen before. A lot of times in local government, un-less people are mad, they don’t show up.

— Mayor Tom Barrett

By KEVIN BEGOSAssociated Press

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A mother’s attempt to give her 2-year-old son a better view of wild African dogs turned into a fatal tragedy after the boy fell into the exhibit and was attacked by a pack of the animals as relatives and by-standers looked on.

The mother had picked the child up and put him on top of a railing at the edge of a viewing deck at the Pitts-burgh Zoo late Sunday morn-ing, Lt. Kevin Kraus of the Pittsburgh police said.

“Almost immediately after that he lost his balance, fell down off the railing into the pit, and he was immediately attacked by 11 dogs,” Kraus said. “It was very horrific.”

It’s not yet clear whether the boy died from the fall or the attack, said Barbara Baker, president of the Pitts-burgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium. Zoo officials at first estimated the boy fell 14 feet, but police said it was 11. It’s not clear which is correct.

The Allegheny County medical examiner planned an autopsy today, and the boy’s name was not expected to be released until that was complete.

Authorities said that zoo staff and then police respond-ed “within minutes,” but visi-tors described that time as being filled with screams for help. Zookeepers called off some of the dogs, and seven of them immediately went to a back building. Three more eventually were drawn away from the child, but the last dog was aggressive and po-lice had to shoot the animal.

Steve Feldman, a spokes-man for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, said no one he’s spoken to can recall any deaths of children at an accredited zoo over the last 40 years or more. Feldman

said the Pittsburgh Zoo suc-cessfully completed its 5-year review in September, which means it meets or exceeds all safety standards.

Authorities didn’t release the name of the woman, but say she is 34 years old and lives in Pleasant Hills, just outside Pittsburgh. The boy’s father arrived on the scene soon after the accident, po-lice said.

The zoo was immediately

closed, and it was not clear when it will reopen, authori-ties said.

The attack happened in a 1.5 acre exhibit called the Painted Dog Bush Camp that’s part of a larger open area where elephants, lions and other animals can be seen. Visitors walk onto a deck that is glassed on the sides, but open in front where the roughly four-foot railing is located.

Boy dies, dog attack at zoo

Page 5: Iola Register 11-5

Monday, November 5, 2012The Iola Registerwww.iolaregister.com B1

Sports Red Devil womenimprove to 2-0

Details B4

Allen men pick up first win of season

Details B4

By RICHARD [email protected]

MORAN — For the first 7½ minutes of their playoff game Saturday, Marmaton Valley High could do little wrong.

A pair of run-fueled drives powered the Wildcats to an ear-ly 16-0 lead over visiting Rock Hills-Mankato.

That trend changed in a hurry.In Rock Hills’ next nine snaps

from scrimmage, the Grizzlies scored five touchdowns, turning that 16-point deficit into a 38-22 lead.

Marmaton Valley responded with much of the same spirit that led the team to a 10-0 record leading into Saturday’s tilt, but Rock Hills had an answer for ev-ery challenge.

The Grizzlies defeated Mar-maton Valley’s 76-48 in the sec-ond round of the Kansas Eight Man, Division I playoffs. The loss ends the Wildcats’ season at 10-1.

“They were able to capitalize on all of our mistakes, and we couldn’t do the same,” Wildcat head coach Kent Houk said. “We had some trouble fighting off their blocks.”

“They did what few teams could do — stop our run,” add-ed Daylen Houk, Coach Houk’s son and a senior running back. Daylen Houk aggravated a knee injury in his first carry of the game and saw limited action.

A PAIR of turnovers, cou-pled with big plays from Griz-zlies sophomore speedster Joel Broeckelman ignited Rock Hills after Marmaton Valley jumped out to its early lead.

Broeckelman returned a kick-off to the Marmaton Valley 16 following the Wildcats’ second touchdown, which led to a score one play later on a run by the Grizzlies’ Aaron Broeckelman.

A delay of game penalty on fourth down thwarted the Wild-cats’ next drive. Joel Broeckel-man returned with a 25-yard touchdown run two plays later to cut the lead to 16-14.

The Grizzlies retook pos-

session on Marmaton Valley’s next play on a Robbie Dean in-terception, then took the lead

High school playoff road reaches bitter endMarmaton Valley falls at home to Rock Hills

HANOVER – A 30-point out-burst by Hanover High put Crest High’s Lancers in a hole too deep to escape Saturday.

The Wildcats poured on the of-fense, turning a 16-6 lead after one quarter into a 46-18 cushion at the break.

Hanover continued its offen-sive explosion in the second half in an 80-30 win.

The loss ends the Lancers’ sea-son at 7-4.

Kyle Hammond’s storied high school career ended with the loss. Hammond rushed for 127 yards and two touchdowns, while throwing for 165 yards and two more scores.

Jordan Morton was his prima-ry target, catching eight passes for 117 yards, including a 41-yard touchdown. Brock Ellis hauled in four catches for 38 yards.

Hammond and Clayton Miller shared the team honors with 14 tackles apiece.

Miller also registered a sack. Codi Vermillion had nine stops.

Jesse Boone had eight tack-

By RICHARD [email protected]

PITTSBURG — Humboldt High’s Cubs had lived by the pass all season, setting a litany of school records en route to the Class 3A playoffs.

On Saturday, the Cubs died by it.

Host St. Mary’s Colgan High of Pittsburg turned the tide against Humboldt in a disastrous sec-ond quarter in which Cub quar-terback Nathan Whitcomb was picked off four times.

Colgan turned a 14-14 tie into a 49-14 lead by the latter moments of the opening half.

Humboldt scored in the final minute of the second quarter, but could not cut the gap within three touchdowns in the second half of a 63-28 loss.

The defeat ends Humboldt’s season at 8-3.

“Offensively we played really, really well between the 25-yard lines. We just could not finish

Hanoverscores often in win overLancers

Register/Richard LukenAbove, Marmaton Valley High’s Lucas Hamlin, center, cannot pull in a pass while being de-fended by Rock Hills’ Robbie Dean (23) and Aaron Broeck-elma (14). Hamlin later caught a touchdown pass in the Wildcats’ 76-48 loss. At right, Grizzlies’ runner Clay Cosand, center, is tackled by Marmaton Valley defenders Jared Kale (72), Nathan Smart (70) and Cole Becker, right.

Photos courtesy of Mike MyerHumboldt High’s Tanner McNutt (3), above, and Nathan Whitcomb, at right, connected on a pair of touchdown passes in a 63-28 loss to St. Mary’s Colgan Saturday.

Turnovers doom Humboldt in 63-28 loss to Colgan

MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) — Collin Klein piled up more than 300 yards of offense before leaving in the third quarter with an undisclosed injury, and No. 3 Kansas State remained unbeaten with a 44-30 vic-tory over Oklahoma State on Saturday night.

Klein had thrown for 245 yards and run for 64 more before sneaking in for his 50th career rushing touch-

down with 9:47 left in the third quarter. The Heis-man Trophy front-runner didn’t return to the field on the Wildcats’ next offen-sive series.

Allen Chapman picked off three passes and re-turned one 29 yards for a touchdown, John Hubert had a pair of TD runs, and Tyler Lockett returned a kickoff 100 yards for an-other score as Kansas State

kept alive its hopes of play-ing for a national champi-onship.

The Wildcats entered the weekend No. 2 in the BCS standings behind Ala-bama.

Clint Chelf finished 16 of 27 for 233 yards and a touchdown for the Cow-boys (5-3, 3-2),.

Chapman’s interception return for a touchdown made it 31-17 at halftime.

Register file photoKyle Hammond, shown here in a game earlier this season, ran for 127 yards in a playoff loss Saturday at Hanover. The loss ends Crest’s season at 7-4.

WACO, Texas (AP) — Nick Florence threw for 367 yards and three touch-downs, running back Lache Seastrunk had 194 total yards and Baylor won its first Big 12 game of the season, beating Kansas 41-14 Saturday.

Baylor (4-4, 1-4) led 20-14 at halftime before pulling away in the second half to snap a four-game losing streak.

Florence was 26 of 42 and surpassed 3,000 yards passing for the season. The senior had touchdown passes of 11, 68 and 40 yards.

James Sims had 126 rushing yards for Kansas (1-8, 0-6), which lost its eighth in a row and 18th straight Big 12 game. The Jayhawks last won a con-ference game on Nov. 6, 2010, against Colorado,

now of the Pac-12.Glasco Martin rushed

for 157 yards and Terrance Williams had 11 catches for 137 yards, including an 11-yard touchdown on Bay-lor’s opening drive.

After Ahmad Dixon intercepted a pass at the Kansas 40, Florence had a 7-yard TD run to extend Baylor’s lead to 34-14 with 2:24 remaining in the third quarter.

See WILDCATS | Page B4

See HUMBOLDT | Page B4

See CREST | Page B4

Baylor pulls away from HawksKlein injured, K-State goes to 9-0

Page 6: Iola Register 11-5

Garage Sales

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Associated PressNEW YORK (AP) — Storm

victims went to church Sun-day to pray for deliverance as cold weather settling in across the New York metro-politan area — and another drenching in the forecast — added to the misery of people already struggling with gasoline shortages and power outages.

Hundreds of parishioners in parkas, scarves and boots packed the pews and stood in the aisles for Mass at a chilly Church of St. Rose in storm-ravaged Belmar, N.J., where the floodwaters had receded but the streets were slippery with strong-smelling mud. Firefighters and police offi-cers sat in the front rows and drew applause.

Roman Catholic Bishop David O’Connell said he had no good answer for why God would allow the destruc-tion that Superstorm Sandy caused.

But he assured parishio-ners: “There’s more good, and there’s more joy, and there’s more happiness in life than there is the oppo-site. And it will be back. And we will be back.”

With temperatures dip-ping into the 30s overnight and close to 700,000 homes and businesses in New York City, its northern suburbs and Long Island still with-out electricity six days after the storm, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned that many homes are becoming uninhabitable and that tens of thousands of people are going to need other places to stay.

Over the weekend, the city opened warming shelters in

areas without power and Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged elderly people without heat to move to them. The city also began handing out 25,000 blankets to those who insisted on staying in their homes.

“Please, I know some-times people are reticent to take advantage of services. The cold really is something that is dangerous,” Bloom-berg said.

Staten Island resident Sara Zavala had no power and was relying on a pro-pane heater, but she was us-ing it only during the day. She didn’t want to go to sleep with it running at night.

“When I woke up, I was like, ‘It’s freezing.’ And I thought, ‘This can’t go on too much longer,’” Zavala said. “And whatever this is we’re breathing in, it can’t be good for you. Mildew and chemi-cals and gasoline.”

A rainy storm was in the forecast for the middle of the week, worrying those who got slammed by Sandy.

“Well, the first storm flooded me out, and my landlord tells me there’s a big crack in the ceiling, so I guess there’s a chance this storm could do more dam-age,” John Lewis said at a shelter in New Rochelle,

N.Y. “I was hoping to get back in there sooner rath-er than later, but it doesn’t look good.”

After the abrupt cancella-tion of Sunday’s New York City Marathon, some of those who had been plan-ning to run the 26.2-mile race through the city streets instead headed to hard-hit Staten Island to volunteer to help storm victims.

Thousands of other run-ners from such countries as Italy, Germany and Spain poured into Central Park to hold impromptu races of their own. A little more than four laps through the park amounted to a marathon.

“A lot of people just want to finish what they’ve start-ed,” said Lance Svendsen, organizer of a group called Run Anyway.

Though New York and New Jersey bore the brunt of the destruction, at its peak the storm reached 1,000 miles across, killed more than 100 people in 10 states, knocked out power to 8.5 million homes and busi-nesses and canceled nearly 20,000 flights. Damage has been estimated at $50 billion, making Sandy the second most expensive storm in U.S. history, behind Hurricane Katrina.

Falling temps add urgency to recovery

Well, the first storm flooded me out, and my landlord tells me there’s a big crack in the ceiling, so I guess there’s a chance this storm could do more damage. I was hop-ing to get back in there sooner rather than later, but it doesn’t look good.

— John Lewis

By GENE JOHNSONAssociated Press

SEATTLE (AP) — The U.S. soldier accused of carrying out one of the worst atrocities of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is due to appear in a military courtroom today, where prosecutors will for the first time lay out their case that he slaughtered 16 people, including chil-dren, during a predawn raid on two villages in the Taliban's heartland.

Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, a married father of two from Lake Tapps, Wash., is accused of slipping away from a remote outpost in southern Afghanistan early on March 11 with an M-4 rifle outfitted with a grenade launcher to at-tack the villages of Balan-di and Alkozai, in the dan-gerous Panjwai district of Kandahar Province.

The massacre left 16 dead — nine of them chil-dren, and 11 of them mem-bers of the same family. Six others were wounded, and some of the bodies were set afire.

Today marks the start of a preliminary hearing, called an Article 32 hear-ing, before an investiga-tive officer charged with recommending whether Bales’ case should proceed to a court-martial. The hearing is scheduled to run as long as two weeks, and part of it will be held overnight to allow video testimony from witnesses in Afghanistan.

“This hearing is impor-tant for all of us in terms of learning what the gov-ernment can actually prove,” said Bales' attor-ney, John Henry Browne. “The defense’s job is to get as much information as possible. That’s what our

goal is, in preparation for what is certainly going to be a court martial.”

Bales, 39, is an Ohio na-tive who joined the Army in late 2001 — after the 9/11 attacks — as his career as a stockbroker imploded. An arbitrator entered a $1.5 million fraud judg-ment against him and his former company that went unpaid, and his attempt to start an investment firm in Florida also failed.

He was serving his fourth combat tour after

three stints in Iraq, and his arrest prompted a na-tional discussion about the stresses posed by multiple deployments. Another of his civilian attorneys, Emma Scanlan, spent the past week at Joint Base Lewis-McChord to pre-pare for the hearing. She declined to say to what extent the lawyers hope to elicit testimony that could be used to support a men-tal-health defense.

Bales faces 16 counts of premeditated murder, plus other charges of attempt-ed murder, assault and us-ing steroids. Prosecutors have kept mum about the evidence they plan to pres-ent.

Scanlan said she expects them “to try to narrow the issues to the events of 10 March and 11 March,” but

added, “We believe it’s much broader than that.”

One thing is clear: Bales himself will not make any statements, his lawyers said, because they don’t think he would have any-thing to gain by it. Dur-ing Article 32 hearings, defendants have the right to make sworn or unsworn statements. Making a sworn statement opens the defendant to cross-exami-nation by the prosecutors.

No motive has emerged. Bales’ wife, Karilyn, who

plans to attend the hear-ing, had complained about financial difficulties on her blog in the year before the killings, and she had noted that Bales was dis-appointed at being passed over for a promotion.

Browne described those stresses as garden-vari-ety — nothing that would prompt such a massacre — and has also said, with-out elaborating, that Bales suffered a traumatic in-cident during his second Iraq tour that triggered “tremendous depression.” Bales remembers little or nothing from the time of the attacks, his lawyers have said.

The hearing will also feature the airing, for the first time publicly, of a surveillance blimp video that depicts Bales return-

ing to Camp Belambay and surrendering.

Testimony from wit-nesses, including an es-timated 10 to 15 Afghans, could also help fill in many of the details about how prosecutors believe Bales carried out the at-tack. American officials have said they believe Bales broke the slaughter into two episodes — walk-ing first to one village, returning to the base and slipping away again to carry out the second at-tack.

Members of the Afghan delegation that investi-gated the killings said one Afghan guard saw a U.S. soldier return to the base around 1:30 a.m. Another Afghan soldier who re-placed the first guard said he saw a U.S. soldier leave the base at 2:30 a.m.

Some witnesses suggest-ed that there might have been more than one killer. Browne said he was aware of those statements, but noted that such a scenario would not help his client avoid culpability.

Browne is traveling to Afghanistan to question the witnesses in person as their testimony from a small base near Kanda-har city is beamed back to Lewis-McChord.

Scanlan said the Army had only recently turned over a preliminary DNA trace evidence report from the crime scenes, but de-fense experts have not had time to review it.

Bales, who spent months in confinement at Fort Leavenworth, before being transferred to Lewis-Mc-Chord last month, is doing well, Scanlan said.

“He’s getting prepared,” she said, “but it’s nerve-wracking for anybody.”

Hearing begins for suspect in Afghanistan massacre

This hearing is important for all of us in terms of learning what the government can actually prove. The defense’s job is to get as much information as possible. That’s what our goal is, in preparation for what is cer-tainly going to be a court martial.

— Attorney John Henry Browne

Page 7: Iola Register 11-5

Monday, November 5, 2012The Iola Registerwww.iolaregister.com B3


ZITS by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

HI AND LOIS by Chance Browne

BABY BLUES by Kirkman & Scott

BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker


BLONDIE by Young and Drake

DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES - Here’s how to work it:

Sudoku is like a crossword puzzle, but uses numbers instead of words. The puzzle is a box of 81 squares, subdivided into 3x3 cubes of 9 squares each. Some squares are filled in with numbers. The rest should be filled in by the puzzler.Fill in the blank squares allowing the numbers 1-9 to appear only once in every row, once in ev-ery column and once in every 3x3 box. One-star puzzles are for begin-ners, and the difficulty gradually increases through the week to a very chal-lenging five-star puzzle.

Tell MeAbout It


Dear Drs. Donohue and Roach: My granddaughter has had diabetes and a fatty liver since she was young. She is 16, overweight and refuses to exercise. She has black rings around her throat. I've been told it’s from the diabetes not being prop-erly controlled. Also, I’ve no-ticed a dark tinge to the skin around her shoulders under the arms. — A.C.G.

Answer: It sounds like your granddaughter has ac-anthosis nigricans, a skin condition strongly associated with diabetes — specifically with type II diabetes, the kind where the problem is re-sistance to insulin, not a total lack of insulin, as it is in type I diabetes. Type II used to be called “adult onset” or “non-insulin requiring.” However, more frequently, adolescents and even children are being diagnosed with type II dia-

betes, and some people with type II require insulin. Ac-anthosis nigricans happens most commonly in the nape of the neck, the underarms and the groin, but in more severe cases, it can include areas around the eyes or around joints.

It is important to know that this darkening of the skin (often associated with a thicker, velvet-like texture of the skin) has nothing to do with hygiene, and does not even necessarily relate to diabetes control. It relates to the degree of insulin re-

sistance (the amount of in-sulin needed to reduce blood sugar is much greater in a person with type II diabetes than in a person without it), and is more common in darker-skinned people.

Being overweight almost always increases insulin resistance, so losing weight usually improves the dark pigmentation. More impor-tantly, weight loss can re-duce the fatty liver, reduce the amount of medication needed and make exercise easier. But weight loss can be very, very hard to accom-

plish, and particularly so for adolescents. I cannot over-emphasize the social stigma some adolescent girls feel when they are overweight, and combined with a serious condition like diabetes, it can have a devastating effect on these young women.

A family that is accepting, supportive and encouraging can make all the difference. Helping her choose a better diet and get some exercise — even if it’s inside the house, if she is uncomfortable getting out — likewise can begin to turn around this problem. Working with her doctor and honestly discuss-ing her body-shape issue is important, as many diabe-tes medicines make losing weight harder — and a few, such as metformin (Gluco-phage and others) and ex-enatide (Byetta and others) make weight loss easier.

Black rings around neck associated with diabetesDr. Paul Donohue

To YourGoodHealth

Dr. Keith Roach

To YourGoodHealth

(First appeared in The IolaRegister, November 5, 2012)


CIVIL DEPARTMENTDeutsche Bank National Trust

Company, as Trustee for Meritage Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-1

Plaintiff,vs.Mandy Trester and Clinton L.

Trester, et al.Defendants.

Case No. 12CV38Court Number:

Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60NOTICE OF SALE

Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Allen County, Kansas, the undersigned Sheriff of Allen County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the Front Door of the Courthouse at Iola, Allen County, Kansas, on No-vember 28, 2012, at 10:00 AM, the following real estate:

Lots Eighteen and North Half of Lot Nineteen (18 & N/2 19), Block Two (2), Amos Addition to the City of Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas, commonly known as 620 North 10th Street, Humboldt,

KS 66748 (the “Property”)to satisfy the judgment in the

above-entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further sub-ject to the approval of the Court. For more information, visit www.Southlaw.com

Thomas Williams, SheriffAllen County, Kansas

Prepared By:South & Associates, P.C.Brian R. Hazel (KS # 21804)6363 College Blvd., Suite 100Overland Park, KS 66211(913)663-7600(913)663-7899 (Fax)Attorneys For Plaintiff (141754)

Dear Carolyn: The love of my life was killed last week-end in a car accident. I am lost. What do I even begin to do? Everyone’s asking me what I need, and I don’t even know. My head is full of ques-tions. What am I going to do now that the future I planned is gone? Where do I even sit at the funeral? His parents are beyond kind, but there is no official role for the girlfriend. And I’m afraid to think about him or my future. I’m afraid that if I let go I’ll fall into a deep, dark well that I may never come out of.

I am meeting with a grief counselor today. Any thoughts on books or things that have worked for people? I don’t know what else to do. — Bereft

Oh, I am so sorry.The only answer to, “What

do I do?” is this: Get by. You don’t need to accomplish any-thing, answer anything, fig-ure out anything right now. You just don’t. Right now is for raw grief; anything else can wait until you feel ready for it. When your friends ask what you need, don’t be afraid to say, “I have no idea.” When you get to the funeral, you will sit where someone steers you to sit, and if no one steers you, just choose a seat with people you love. As for your future, your fu-ture is this evening, and this evening, your future will be tomorrow morning, and so on. Shorten it into something you are capable of managing, even if your future becomes

“an hour from now.”Enlisting the help of a

grief counselor says you are indeed functioning, and

that’s something you can count on as you get through these days.

You might find comfort in Kay Redfield Jamison’s mem-oir, “Nothing Was the Same.” It’s about her challenge to grieve her husband’s death while managing her bipolar disorder, which required me-ticulous self-care. It’s moving and grounding at the same time.

After loved one dies, take life one day at a time

Public notice

Page 8: Iola Register 11-5

Humboldt   14  7  0 7 — 28St. Mary’s Colgan 14 35 7 7 — 63

Colgan — Grimaldi 61 yd pass from Dechant (Twarog kick)

Humboldt — Nathan Whitcomb 15 yd run (Boring kick)

Colgan — Hoffman 70 yd pass from Dechant (Twarog kick)

Humboldt — McNutt 28 pass from Whitcomb (Boring kick

Colgan — Gilbert 20 yd run (Twarog kick

Colgan — Cedeno 10 yd pass from Dechant (Twarog kick

Colgan — Hoffman 84 yd inter-ception return (Twarog kick

Colgan — Dayton 49 yd run (Twarog kick)

Colgan — Cedeno 33 yd run (Twarog kick)

Humboldt — Thornbrugh 28 yd pass from Whitcomb (Boring kick)

Colgan — Cedeno 51 yd pass from Dechant (Twarog kick)

Colgan — Dayton 43 run (Twarog kick)

Humboldt — McNutt 27 yd pass from Whitcomb (Boring kick)

  Humboldt ColganFirst downs 30 13Rushes-yds 12-32 34-238Passing yds 497 329Total offense 529 567Passing 36-66-8 10-16-1Fumbles 1-1 3-0Punts 1/19 3/34Penalties 9-79 8-85

Individual statistics:Rushing: Humboldt – Whit-

comb 9-14, McNutt 1-13, Boring 1-5, Carpenter 1-0; Colgan – Day-ton 14-154, Cedeno 10-68, Gilbert 1-20, Battitori 1-8, Stewart 1-3, Dawson 1-1, Yoakam 2-0, Dechant 1-(-8).

Passing: Humboldt – Whitcomb 36-65-487-3; Colgan – Dechant 9-16-280-4.

Receiving: Humboldt – McNutt 13-179, Crawford 9-113, Thorn-brugh 8-117, Murrow 5-85, Boring 1-3; Colgan – Cedeno 2-61, Hoff-man 1-70, Grimaldi 1-61, Mar-quardt 1-36, Dayton 1-27, Dawson 1-21, Casey 1-10, Twarog 1-(-4)

B4Monday, November 5, 2012 The Iola Register www.iolaregister.com


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for good three plays later when Joel Broeckelman scored on a 14-yard run.

A three-and-out by the Wildcats gave Rock Hills possession again. Another long Joel Broeckelman punt return set up the Grizzlies at the Marmaton Valley 30. Rock Hills quar-terback Clay Cosand took the ensuing snap 30 yards for another touchdown, ex-tending the lead to 30-16.

The Wildcats’ Cole Beck-er stemmed the tide with a 48-yard touchdown run early in the second quarter, but only briefly.

Rock Hills took all of three plays to respond, on a 26-yard Cosand touchdown run.

A 2-yard loss on fourth-and-2 at midfield by the Wildcats gave Rock Hills possession, and Cosand completed his first-half hat trick on a 2-yard touchdown run and a 46-22 lead.

Marmaton Valley gar-nered momentum in the third quarter. Becker cut the lead to 46-28 on a 57-yard touchdown run, and the Wildcats put Rock Hills in a key third-and-long midway through the third quarter.

The Grizzlies regained control in a big hurry. Co-sand found Dean on 52-yard

scoring pass. Rock Hills retained possession when Becker fumbled the ensu-ing kickoff at midfield. Joel Broeckelman’s 23-yard touchdown run put Rock Hills out of reach at 60-28.

“The two turnovers killed us,” Becker said. “They made some big plays.”


services of senior quar-terback Ryan Smith in the third quarter on an ankle injury.

His replacement, Jim-my Frye, tossed a pair of fourth-quarter touchdown passes, a 13-yarder to Lucas Hamlin and a spectacular 22-yard toss to Carlos Gon-zales, in which Gonzales was able to deflect the ball to himself with one hand and stay inbounds and rush past the Rock Hills defend-er into the end zone.

“I’ve tried that in prac-tice, but it’s never worked before in a game,” Gonzales said.

Coach Houk had high praise for Frye’s relief work.

“Jimmy’s the type of kid who will do anything we ask,” he said. “We’ve played him everywhere. We’ve used him at tight end, full-back, tailback and quarter-back. He knows what he’s

doing.”Houk also praised Ham-

lin, whose offensive line position was dictated by Rock Hills standout defen-sive lineman Wyatt Flinn. Hamlin was able to contain Flinn, despite being out-weighed by 55 pounds.

“The kids never quit — they’ve never quit before and they weren’t going to tonight,” Coach Houk said.

“Even on the last series, when they were kneeling on the ball, we were trying to get in there and swipe it away.

“These seniors are going to be hard to replace, and the community support we’ve received was tremen-dous,” Houk continued. “The kids have a lot to be proud of. The season just ended earlier than we want-ed it to.”

Rock Hills            22-24-14-16—76Marmaton Valley  16-6-12-14—48

MV – Smith 12 yd run (Frye run)MV – Becker 31 yd run (Smith

run)RH – A. Broeckelman 16 yd run

(run failed)RH – J. Broeckelman 25 yd run

(Flinn pass from Copple)RH – A. Broeckelman 15 yd run

(Flinn pass from Copple)RH – Cosand 30 yd run (Flinn

pass from Copple)MV – Becker 48 yd run (run

failed)RH – Cosand 26 yd run (Flinn

pass from Copple)RH – Cosand 2 yd run (Copple

run)MV – Becker 57 yd run (run

failed)RH – Dean 52 yd pass from

Copple (Copple run)RH – J. Broeckelman 23 yd run

(run failed)MV – Becker 2 yd run (run

failed)MV – Gonzales 22 yd pass from

Frye (run failed)RH – A. Broeckelman 4 yd pass

from Copple (J.Broeckelman pass

from Copple)RH – A. Broeckelman 40 yd run

(Copple run)MV – Hamlin 13 yd pass from

Frye (Becker run)

Rock Hills MVFirst Downs 9 14Rushes-yds 36-291 60-345Passing yds 72 94Total Offense 363 439Passing 4-7-1   7-14-2Fumbles 0-0 2-1Punts/ave. 3/34 2/35Penalties 10-70 6-60

Individual statisticsRushing: MV – Becker 40-284,

Smith 8-43, Frye 8-26, Houk 3-(-2), Gonzales 1-(-5); Rock Hills – J. Broeckelman 12-112, Cosand 14-107, A. Broeckelman 4-57, Copple 6-15.

Passing: MV – Frye 3-4-55-2, Smith 4-10-39-0; RH – Copple 4-7-72-1.

Receiving: MV – Hamlin 2-35, Frye 2-21, Becker 2-18, Gonzales 1-22.

Tackles: MV – Frye 9, Houk 2, Smith 1, Becker 9, Hamlin 2, Gon-zales 4, Smart 11, Kale 3, Hamm 3.   

By the numbers

H WildcatsContinued from B1

drives and turned the ball over too many times,” Hum-boldt coach K.B. Criss said. “When you give a team like Colgan that many extra pos-sessions they are definitely going to make you pay.”

Humboldt did not go down without a fight.

Whitcomb continue to throw the ball downfield in the comeback attempt and wound up with 497 pass-ing yards and three touch-downs.

But the Panthers forced nine turnovers — eight on interceptions — to take con-trol.

The game began as a barn-burner.

Whitcomb’s 15-yard touchdown run midway through the first quarter knotted the score at 7-7.

After the Panthers re-gained the lead, Whitcomb connected with senior wideout Tanner McNutt on a 28-yard touchdown pass to even the score at 14-14.

Then disaster struck.Colgan scored five touch-

downs in a nine-minute stretch, including an 87-yard interception return

by Trevor Hoffman, which gave the Panthers a 35-14 lead.

Whitcomb was able to stop the bleeding with 48 seconds left in the half on a 28-yard touchdown pass to senior receiver Noah Thornbrugh.

The Cubs moved the ball consistently throughout the second half, but turn-overs frequently ended scoring chances.

Whitcomb connected with McNutt a second time, on a 27-yard pass late in the game to cap Humboldt’s scoring.

McNutt led Humboldt with 13 catches for 179 yards, followed by Blake Crawford’s nine for 113 and Thornbrugh’s eight for 117. Hunter Murrow added 85 yards on five catches.

“Five hundred twenty-nine yards of total offense and four touchdowns is nothing to be ashamed of and most of the time that will win you plenty of games, we just simply gave them to many extra posses-sions,” Criss said. “Words cannot say how proud I am of this football team. They came such a long ways over

By the numbers

the last six months and we had a lot of fun along the way. We all wish the results would have played out dif-ferently, but this team will be able to look back on this season with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

“We are excited about the future of our football pro-gram and hope to use this as a springboard for next

year. We are going to work harder than ever to make sure we are in a position to maximize our potential,” Criss concluded.

Conner Dayton paced Colgan with 154 yards on 14 carries. Dyan Dechant passed for 280 yards.

Colgan advances to take on Rossville Friday in the state 3A quarterfinals.

H HumboldtContinued from B1


Register file photoIola High sophomore Emery Driskel was voted Friday to the second team All Pioneer League Volleyball Team. For the season, Driskel registered Emery 187 kills in 599 attempts (31 percent, including a season-high 14 kills against Pittsburg and Central Heights. She also had 41 solo blocks, 14 assisted blocks and 27 aces on 74 percent serving. She averaged 1.9 serve receives on the year as well and was named to the all-tournament team at the Anderson County Tournament.

les, two sacks and recov-ered two Wildcat fumbles.

Crest 6-12-6-6—30Hanover 16-30-14-20—80

Individual statistics:Rushing: Crest – Hammond

16-127, Morton 3-16, Sedlak 3-13, Ellis 1-1, Miller 1-0.

Passing: Crest – Hammond

14-27-165-2-1, Morton 0-1-0-0-1.Receiving: Crest – Morton

8-117, Ellis 4-38, Green 1-7, Sed-lak 1-3.

Defense: Crest – Boone 8 tackles, 2 sacks, 2 fumble recov-eries; Morton 2 tackles; Ham-mond 14 tackles; Ellis 3 tackles, 1 interception; Miller 14 tackles, 1 sack; Sedlak 6 tackles; Vermillion 9 tackles; Stephens 8 tackles.

H CrestContinued from B1

TRENTON, Mo. — Allen Community College’s men made several key plays down the stretch and were able to corral a hard-fought 72-68 win Saturday over North Central Missouri.

The win marked the first career victory for Red Dev-

il coach Andy Shaw.“This was a special

game for me,” Shaw said. “The guys really fought hard. It was a back-and-forth game.”

Allen’s Cameron Blue drove through the lane for a bucket in the game’s final

minute to give the Red Dev-ils a one-point lead.

“Bryce Schippers hit a key 3-pointer and free throws for us,” Shaw said.

Ce’Zanne Burnes also played well down the stretch, Shaw said.

Statistics were unavail-

able, “although I’d be sur-prised if Cameron didn’t get another double-double for us,” Shaw said. “He’s played very well.”

The Red Devils return to action at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday on the road at Butler Coun-ty Community College.

Red Devils pick up first victory

TRENTON, Mo. — Al-len Community College’s women picked up their sec-ond win in as many games on the young 2012-13 sea-son Saturday, fending off a strong challenge from North Central Missouri, 73-70.

The Red Devils erased a five-point halftime deficit, 37-32, in the win. Allen out-scored the Lady Pirates 41-33 after the break.

“We certainly did not shoot the ball as well as we would have liked, but we did seem to knock down some timely shots and our effort and energy was relentless all day long,” Allen coach Mark James said. “North Central Mis-souri is a very tough, phys-ical team that executes extremely well. This was a very good team road win for us.”

For the second consecu-tive game, Allen limited its turnovers while spreading the ball around on offense. Five Allen players scored in double figures, led by DaNara Day’s 14 points, while committing only 11 turnovers as a team.

The Red Devils also lim-ited North Central Mis-souri to six offensive re-bounds.

“If we continue to do that, we’ll be able to hang around against anyone we play this season,” James said.

Hannah Blackwell fol-lowed Day with 12 points and 11 rebounds. Leslie Ware added 11 points, while Brittney Redmond

and Miracle Davis added 10 points each. Davis also grabbed eight boards and dished out five assists.

Iolan Kendra Taiclet connected on both of her 3-point attempts for the Red Devils, scoring six points.

Allen travels to El Do-rado Tuesday to take on Butler County Community College, which also sits at 2-0 after a 72-64 win over Cowley County.Allen (32-41—73)No. Central Mo. (37-33—70)

Allen (FG/3pt-FT-F-TP): Jones 0-0-3-0, Davis 2-6-4-10, Morton 0/1-0-0-3, Day 2/2-4-1-14, Red-mond 2/2-0-3-10, Peel 0/1-2-2-5, Taiclet 0/2-0-0-6, Ware 2/1-4-1-11, Blackwell 4-4-4-12, Hall 1-0-1-3-2, Molisee 0-0-1-0. TOTALS: 13/9-20-22-73.

Class 4A State TournamentSecond Round

Chanute 53, Girard 6Buhler 45, Concordia 14Eudora 31, Tonganoxie 10Holton 28, Wichita Collegiate 0KC Piper 27, Baldwin 21Louisburg 23, Coffeyville 7McPherson 42, Andale 36Mulvane 7, Maize South 0Class 3A State Tournament

Second RoundPittsburg Colgan 63, Humboldt 28Beloit 60, Holcomb 8Caney Valley 28, Wellsville 6Garden Plain 33, Conway

Springs 28Rossville 28, Sabetha 27, OTScott City 55, Salina Sacred

Heart 7Sedgwick 38, Hillsboro 34Silver Lake 63, Hiawatha 26

8-Man, Division II State Tournament

QuarterfinalHanover 80, Crest 30Baileyville-B&B 48, Caldwell 0Thunder Ridge 28, Otis-Bison 18Wallace County 37, Fowler 0

8-Man, Division I State Tournament

QuarterfinalRock Hills 76, Marmaton Val-

ley 48Hamilton 66, South Haven 28Ness City 46, Pretty Prairie 0Solomon 22, Hodgeman

County 18Class 6A State Tournament

First RoundDerby 70, Wichita North 7Dodge City 38, Manhattan 6Hutchinson 42, Wichita

Heights 7Lawrence 34, Gardner-Edgerton 32Lawrence Free State 38,

Olathe North 22Olathe East 17, SM East 7Topeka 42, Wichita Northwest

13Class 5A State Tournament

First RoundAndover 31, Arkansas City 14Blue Valley Stilwell 17, Shaw-

nee Heights 10BV West 54, Topeka Seaman 21Emporia 55, Andover Central

27Salina South 62, Goddard 21St. Thomas Aquinas 50, Lan-

sing 20Wichita Bishop Carroll 52,

Hays 27Class 2-1A State Tourna-

mentFirst Round

LaCrosse 35, Ell-Saline 6Lyndon 44, Wabaunsee 0McLouth 42, Jackson Heights 8Meade 47, Oberlin-Decatur 0Oakley 14, Johnson-Stanton

County 6Olpe 28, Onaga 20Sterling 26, Smith Center 16

ACC women improve to 2-0 with 73-70 win

Prep playoff results