IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel #TIMETOSHINE

IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

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Page 1: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

IoIC Central & North Awards DinnerFriday 26 February 2016,Leicester Marriott Hotel


Page 2: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER





past & present





Write The Talk @WriteTheTalkAlways struck by the quality, energy and aspirations of internal comms professionals. Same experience at #icpurpose today.

Laura Upson @laura_upson Fingers crossed for a win or two...! #timetoshine



past & present




Page 3: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

Demonstrating excellence in designing, delivering and evaluating communication strategies


Award of Excellence: Nature WatchProduced for: NWG EmployeesProduced by: NWG Internal Communications Team

Certificate of Merit: People Experience CampaignProduced for: Vodafone Internal Communications TeamProduced by: Vodafone Internal Communications Team and 44 Communications

Certificate of Merit: Sharing PWC CEE StrategyProduced for: PWC CEEProduced by: Allman Communication/PWC CEE

Certificate of Merit: Well, Well, Well, What a communications campaign!Produced for: WellProduced by: Well Internal Communications Team

Award of Excellence: Our Business PlanProduced for: AnchorProduced by: Anchor and H&H Communications

Certificate of Merit: LCS Transformation ProgrammeProduced for: Team Leidos/Kuehne + NagelProduced by: Allman Communication Limited

Certificate of Merit: The 2015 acquisition of Lafarge Tarmac by CRH Produced for: Tarmac EmployeesProduced by: Tarmac Internal Communications Team



WINNER Celebrating Water WeekProduced for: Severn TrentProduced by: Internal Communications Team

WINNER Well, Well, Well… What a communications campaign!Produced for: Well Produced by: Well Internal Communications Team

Recognising and celebrating the work you do to make a difference through internal communication. The awards were presented by Steve Doswell, IoIC Chief Executive.


Page 4: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

Outstanding examples of razor sharp IC skills and leading edge expertise

Demonstrating excellence in designing, delivering and evaluating communication strategies


WINNERThe GlobeProduced for: BarclaycardProduced by: The Barclaycard Channels and Content Team, Write the Talk and 44 Communications

Award of Excellence: Nature WatchProduced for: NWG EmployeesProduced by: NWG Internal Communication Team

Award of Excellence: The Face of CarlsbergProduced for: Carlsberg UKProduced by: Alan Barton for Words & Pictures and Carlsberg UK

Award of Excellence: The Big PictureProduced for: BenendenProduced by: Limehouse

Award of Excellence: RAF Lossiemouth Produced for: Carillion ServicesProduced by: 44 Communications

Certificate of Merit: People Experience Campaign: Matthew ThomasProduced for: Vodafone Internal Communications TeamProduced by: 44 Communications and Roy Kilcullen Photography

Certificate of Merit: It’s wi-fi Jim but not as we know itProduced for: Billypix/FlightglobalProduced by: Pictures 55

Certificate of Merit: Leading a normal lifeProduced for: NutriciaProduced by: Pictures 55




No awardWINNER Idea LabProduced for: Direct Line GroupProduced by: Words & Pictures

WINNER Pride in London for The GlobeProduced for: BarclaycardProduced by: Debra Hurford-Brown, the Barclaycard Channels and Content Team and 44 Communications

No award

No award





Page 5: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

Vibrant and engaging publications to capture imagination and masterfully inspire audiences

Nothing but sheer professionalism, resolute dedication and top class talent Print


Award of Excellence:Alan CoatesProduced for: 44 Communications

Award of Excellence:44 CommunicationsRed Publications

Certificate of Merit:Words & PicturesH&H


CLASS #14 newspaper/NEWSLETTER

winnerThe GlobeProduced for: BarclaycardProduced by: Barclaycard Channels and Content Team, Write the Talk and 44 Communications

winnerThe CableProduced for: UK Power NetworksProduced by: Words & Pictures

winnerInterviewAbby Fisher for National Grid and 44 Communications





Award of Excellence: The Barclaycard Channels and Content Team

Award of Excellence: Vicky Burman

WINNER Limehouse

Award of Excellence: OneProduced for: Mercedes-Benz UK Produced by: Words and Pictures

Certificate of Merit: CTSI PublicationsProduced for: CTSIProduced by: Cambridge Publishers

Certificate of Merit: InsideProduced for: Kuehne + NagelProduced by: Pages Creative

Certificate of Merit: Tulip TimesProduced for: TulipProduced by: Sequel Group

Awards of Excellence: The InternationalProduced for: BRUSH GroupProduced by: BRUSH Group and 44 Communications

Award of Excellence:Service MattersProduced for: Carillion ServicesProduced by: 44 Communications

Certificate of Merit: ConnectedProduced for: Helen Hasted from Drax Group Internal CommunicationsProduced by: Red Publications

Certificate of Merit: One MagazineProduced for: The @One AllianceProduced by: Grant Tuffs, Laura Upson and Red Publications

WINNER Northumbrian Water Group Internal Communications Team


Page 6: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

CLASS #16 Stakeholder Publications


winnerUniversity of Derby magazineProduced for: StakeholdersProduced by: External Relations

winnerNetwork Pocket GuideProduced for: Vodafone Internal Communications TeamProduced by: 44 Communications

Award of Excellence: Streets AheadProduced for: Kelly Conn from City of York CouncilProduced by: Red Publications

Certificate of Merit: UPLIFTProduced for: BiffaProduced by: 44 Communications

Award of Excellence: ConnectingProduced for: National Grid UK Produced by: National Grid UK and 44 Communications

Certificate of Merit: The SourceProduced for: SABMiller PlcProduced by: Cambridge Publishers

Awards of Excellence: Our AMP5 JourneyProduced for: The @One AllianceProduced by: Grant Tuffs, Laura Upson and Red Publications

Awards of Excellence: Red MagazineProduced for: BiffaProduced by: 44 Communications

Vibrant and engaging publications to capture imagination and masterfully inspire audiences

Print channels

CLASS #17 Video / Audio

winnerMarston’s Agile Working Animated FilmProduced for: Marston’sProduced by: Top Banana

winnerWe, DLGProduced for: Direct Line GroupProduced by: Words & Pictures

Award of Excellence: Getting to know you - our transgender colleaguesProduced for: AsdaProduced by: The Mill Group

Award of Excellence: Our Bright Green FutureProduced for: Severn TrentProduced by: Internal Communications Team

Innovative use of technology to deliver fresh, dynamic communicationElectronic


WINNER H2INFOProduced for: NWG EmployeesProduced by: NWG Internal Communications Team



Produced by: 44 Communications


No award


Page 7: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

The Tom Dawson Award, a special award made to the publication that, in the opinion

of the judges, is the best of all the print channel class winners.

Winner The Globe

Produced for: Barclaycard Produced by: Barclaycard Channels and Content

Team, Write the Talk and 44 Communications

Tom Dawson



Page 8: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, which means how we communicate and engage with employees is evolving too. People are demanding a stronger sense of purpose

in their lives and in their work.But what does this mean for you and your work?

At the IoIC’s ninth annual central region seminar we heard from some of the UK’s leading communication and employee engagement experts.

Understanding the importance of purpose in 2016

@LottieOdySome really great info about how to write inspiring speeches – thanks!

Sarah Hawkewill @sarahVMAGroupWhat a brilliant day of inspiration and insight at @IoICNews seminar! Have dun later and good luck to all finalists! #icpurpose #timetoshine

Cheryl Slack @chezzaslackgirl Time out today spent with comms colleagues. Reminding me why I love my job. #icpurpose Thanks #IoIC, great day!

Some really great info about how to Some really great info about how to Some really great info about how to

Understanding the importance

job. #icpurpose Thanks #IoIC, great day!job. #icpurpose Thanks #IoIC, great day!

Understanding the importance Understanding the importance Understanding the importance Understanding the importance Understanding the importance Understanding the importance


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Work – What’s the point? The impact of employee engagement in organisations in 2016 and crucially, what it means for how we communicate with each other

Imagine a world where we actively look forward to Monday mornings...!

Cathy encouraged us to think about ‘our perfect day at work’. These were Cathy’s priorities. What are yours? What’s your purpose?

executive director at Engage For SuccessCathy Brown

Video with Voom! Develop a video strategy that engages people in your vision, mission and purpose

A thought to ponder on...

‘Culture trumps strategy every time.’

So is purpose where culture and strategy meet?

We all understand the power of video, but do we actually embrace it? Effective video for internal communication should be thought about strategically.

Consider Richard’s six video strategy tips above.

richard thomsonmanaging director at Kaptcha


Page 10: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER


What’s the secret to a successful leadership presentation?

More TED, less dread!

Take inspiration from the hugely successful TED talk style – start with one bold idea supported by three strong opinions, illustrated by short and inspiring stories. Think like a three-legged stool! Once these are in place, everything becomes easier…

And follow these eight ingredients for an inspiring speech…

Purposeful Presenting. Learning the secrets from the world’s most respected speakers and how you can apply them in your work

Craig millarprofessional speechwriter and TEDx speaker coach

Take inspiration from the hugely successful Take inspiration from the hugely successful


Page 11: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

Your career, industry and future. Andrew rounded off the afternoon in style sharing the results of VMA’s biggest ever employee communications survey.


Andrew talked us through VMA Group’s fifth annual Internal Communications survey, completed by a whopping 526 internal comms people completed. The report shows interesting insight and analysis, not least that over 50% of respondents have a decade of experience or more, meaning IC can no longer be deemed a ‘new’ discipline.

If you work in IC, this survey report is required reading.

Get your hands on a full copy by contacting [email protected].

executive director, internal communications practice, VMA Group


A truly remarkable journey!

The challenge Helping people to feel like they belong, uniting them over a common purpose.

The key to success Empowering women – one clear and simple purpose. Putting people centre stage, giving true purpose and meaning and celebrating them as individuals.

The results- Significant growth in fans on social media.- Employee retention rates improving. - Breaking down departmental silos.- Breaking down internal/external barriers.

Natalie shared the journey to purpose at Avon.

Natalie Deaconexecutive director, brand and corporate communications EMEA, Avon


Page 12: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

Entering awards is a great way to demonstrate the value you deliver for your clients, companies and colleagues. We’d love to see more excellent examples next year!

• Tell the judges a compelling story.

• Identify your audience(s).

• Set out your objectives and achievements.

• Evaluation is key. Make sure it links back to your objectives.

• Demonstrate how your entry added value. Think outcomes as well as outputs.

• We seek excellence. Let the judges know what makes your entry stand out, what is different about what you achieved.

• Ask someone else to check your entry before you send it.

• Make your entry exciting. Make sure your passion shines through.

Top tipsfor a winning entry


Page 13: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER

Who can best influence purpose in organisations? Well, organisations need to be really clear about their purpose. And that starts with understanding what they are there to do, and then communicating it well. At the same time, people in an organisation need to be able to connect with their own purpose, so it resonates with the broader organisational purpose. They needn’t be the same, they just need to be aligned.

Tell us about a time you’ ve seen purpose truly shine. I love what Avon have done with their Purpose. It’s simple, clear, authentic and very inspiring. Hell, their purpose even includes the word purpose in it!

How do you define purpose?Lots of people will have their own definitions, but for me it’s the reason we do something. It’s what motivates and drives us. In this context, it is why we come to work and is closely aligned to our values and beliefs. For an organisation, it is why it exists; or the problem it solves. Organisational purpose should never be about making a profit for example. Making money is the by-product. What can a successful, collective purpose achieve?

It achieves alignment, creates personal flow, exceeds objectives, reduces ambiguity and the need for control, improves productivity, drives innovation and engages employees!

What is YOUR purpose? What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? I’ve always been the same; to want to make a difference to people’s lives. I believe in making things better. I think we should strive to help people find purpose in their work and for the organisation to prosper.

He helps organisations improve performance by connecting people with purpose and has over 20 years experience with companies including McDonald’s, Virgin Trains and Carlsberg.

Rich writes about internal communications, leadership and engagement at linkedin and curates internal communications and engagement articles at hiyu.co.uk.


Q&A Rich Baker – IoIC Central Region Director – On PurposeRich is Internal communications and employee engagement director at andpartnership, experts in the human side of change.


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How do you define purpose?

The Oxford Dictionaries definition:1. The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

2. A person’s sense of resolve or determination

“For me, purpose is about ending the day

feeling you’ve made a positive contribution

to something worthwhile...”

David Wraith | Internal Communications and

Employee Engagement Manager

“It is important to address the question whose purpose is it anyway? There’s a balance between imposing a view and

inviting an interpretation.”Chris Gamble | Group Communications Manager

“Purpose is subjective. It’s why I do something,

and for me that boils down to motivation and

results. Why do I do it and what do I want

the outcome to be? At work, and in life,

that’s making a difference, adding value,

and a tangible benefit to me, the business,

the client, colleagues, family and friends.”

Fiona Broomfield | Senior Content Manager

“Purpose is the invisible and powerful thread between our values and the ultimate aim of the place we work. It inspires us when we are demotivated, it gives us courage when we are faltering, and it pushes us to do our best work.”Rich Baker | Internal Communications & Employee Engagement Director

“For me, it’s all about making a difference.”

Cathy Power | Communications

Lead, Global IT Transformation

“One has to define who’s purpose

it is first. Once you define that,

you define the end-point. You

then define the drivers and

motivators that eventually lead

to an output.”

Jayne Sibande | Internal

Communications Specialist

“Purpose is an organisation’s reason for being.”Alan Crozier | Managing Director

“For me, it’s why what I do makes a difference. I look forward to the

summary of your findings.”Karen Slupinski | Communications Consultant


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About IoIC IoIC MembershipThe Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC) exists to support internal communication practitioners in their careers, promote high professional standards within the sector and raise general awareness of the value of internal communication.

It is the only professional institute in the UK dedicated to furthering internal communication knowledge and practice. IoIC is a non-profit making organisation,limited by guarantee. All proceeds from its activities are re-invested in the Institute. IoIC prides itself onproducing high-quality, value-for-money events on both a national and regional basis. All the activity teams are made up of volunteers.

To find out more go to www.ioic.org.uk

Individual standard membership is £178.50 + £60 one-off joining fee. The joining fee is waived when booking a place at the national annual conference at the same time.

Members receive Inside Out magazine, significant discounts for attendance at regional and national events, preferential rates for IoIC’s comprehensive training and qualifications programme, reduced entry fee for national and regional awards, discounts for awards events, a monthly ezine, automatic membership of the FEIEA European internal communicators network, access to the members-only area of the IoIC website and to the IoIC’s LinkedIn group and Twitter feed for the latest news, job vacancies and training courses.

To find out more, email [email protected]


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Sources and thanks

The theme for this year’s IoIC Live event will be: ‘Humanising Internal Communication: it’s a people business’, examining how we connect across our functions and audiences to bring people to the forefront. The conference will aim to make our communication more relevant, more engaging and more human.

IoIC Live will take place, this year, at the fabulous Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Birmingham, beginning with an evening session, networking and supper, on Thursday, 5th May and then followed by a full day of practical and interactive sessions on Friday 6th. To find out more, or to book your place, email [email protected]

Internal communications is playing a more significant role in business strategy and the IC professional is having to adapt and change to these new demands.

Join IoIC North region at MediaCityUK, Manchester, on 16th June, 2016, where our Better Connected strategy will be reflected throughout the day. Listen to speakers from various sectors, based across our region, who are all connected in some way to getting

internal communications on the map and covering the subjects we know are at the top of the IC agenda.

Our event is set to be informative and engaging, providing IC professionals like you with the opportunity to be better connected with other professionals to share, learn and exchange.

To find out more, or to book your place, email [email protected]

Many thanks to all of our award entrants, the IoIC Central & North region committees and to our event supporters:

This book has been loving crafted by the fabulous folk at Alive With Ideas, The Ideas Agency. They make mundane comms marvellous - inside and out!

IOIC Live 2016

Get Better Connected!www.alivewithideas.com







Page 17: IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner · IoIC Central & North Awards Dinner. Friday 26 February 2016, Leicester Marriott Hotel. #TIMETOSHINE. 80. 5. MARVELLOUS. Countless. ... FREELANCER