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Being Several Pieces Of A Jigsaw

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It is better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven

John Milton

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Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley [ 1949 – 1903 ]


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Being Several Pieces Of A Jigsaw

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Gateway Technology – A Viewpoint

With this, the final chapter, I come to the central motif of this essay, in respect of both, my magickal pursuits and most importantly the results of my last two workings. Namely, Astarte and The Firesnake. A specific series of experiences undergone during the period of time covered by Astarte, have now, through The Firesnake become structured and as such cohesive.

During the former working it was my considered opinion that an initial step was taken in a specific direction, namely, transmundane entities/realities. Accessed by the

portal of Daath. A part of this experience was connection to a power source of a primordial nature. A power source capable of profoundly affecting the fabric of this dimension. And along with it the distinct knowledge that, to use a model, the three dimensions of this plane were rendered as two and into this ‘plastic’ medium, an energy/presence impressed itself. The initial experience occurred whilst in an hypnogogic state, but continued into a fully wakened state. It was but a fore taste, one which now guides my steps and actions. As a result of this experience I find myself aligning more specifically to the Typhonian elements of the current, namely, trafficking with wider and deeper ranges of consciousness.

A model, of sorts arose. As an operator I began working in triangles. Primarily to embody the invoked elements. [ the triangle of arte being a receptacle for such ] After some time and consideration this evolved. The triangle itself as a medium of manifestation is too well established to merit further consideration. It becomes of interest, however, when we consider a working to become an angle of the triangle itself. Three in total, thereby formulating a triangle across time and space.

I sought three unique physiological states, encapsulated by the three workings in question. A sense that three unique individuals had performed the rites.

Astarte in this respect granted – The vision

The impetus

The theory An experiential basis

SSS grants – The motive power

The energy to unlock, within consciousness, the technology involved within this process.

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The firesnake circulates the energy, the means becoming known to the operator in question. It is as if a space/time matrix aligns itself and utilising the correct formula, which is partial at this point, a gateway opens.

I have indulged in much speculation and have the theoretical basis for what it is I am engaged within and upon. Much is clear, and yet, like all research that is in process, one has, at a given time, only a partial view. One speculation that prompted much insight was simply one of technologies.

Upon the physical plane technology isolated the atom and through physical intervention opened up, in part, its secrets. Secrets including –

The infinitely small opens out into the infinitely large

A small aggregate of energy becomes vast in the light of this procedure

In short a physical technology for a physical aspect.

My interest took me into the other half of the polarity, to put it simply, namely, time. It was, and is my contention that [ to use a model ] the smallest element within time is the moment. A mind equivalent of the atom, of matter. My question was simple –

In the same way that the physical atom was bombarded, and as a result, split, what would be the equivalent within the dimension of time?

Time being a product of mind I concluded that the technology itself would arise within the mind. This forms the basis of what I refer to as ‘gateway technology.’ The model does, however, go further.

1. The smallest aggregate of matter – the atom 2. The smallest aggregate of time – the moment 3. The smallest aggregate of mind – difference

A triangle forms, one which merits much consideration, hence my endeavours. It would be banal to assume the three workings allude to each of the above categories, for ‘outside the circles of time’ things are not as they are here. We are simply, by the reducing valve called the conscious mind modelling that, which in truth, lies beyond it. Not the unknowable, simply the unknown.

It is my contention, and the principle underlying motivation within my particular work, as constructed, that through The Singularity Termed I, functioning via its Host Environment and in completion accessing, and being accessed by the collective, we do indeed open gateways. These gateways, primarily in consciousness as an all important ‘first step.’ It brings us to the portal of multi dimensional existence, wherein we play host to our past and future selves. As to ‘actualisation’ within ‘all’ dimensions, that awaits further and future evolutionary steps. In this respect we

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but see ‘through a glass darkly.’ None the less these are foundation steps which activated at a solitary level the individual operator makes this experience/reality to all, through time.

The concept of gateways into otherness is not in itself unusual or original as it has been a motif underlying much that can be called occult. The difference, I feel, is in the matter of what planes you associate these concepts to. Again the theories and models are vast in number.

A further contention is that OTO itself serves as an ‘assemblage point’ of these concepts/energies and eventually the technologies which will flesh them out. Various aspects of this technology, in its theoretical aspect, have been touched upon within the pages of this essay. yet this is not sufficient, for if left upon this strata it simply becomes pedestrian.

The Firesnake itself is the motive power which takes theory and places it upon an experiential basis or foundation. Evolutionary speaking it is the shift of consciousness from a, so called, mundane sphere, to one that might be called, transmundane. And yet we spend so much time, even in the light of this, scrabbling away in darkness. We have the theory, the concepts, yet our neurology is ill equipped to turn, so called fiction into, so called fact. In this respect ‘gateway technology’ serves as the interface. From what to what?

This is the element of research and discovery itself. In this instance I can but repeat myself – we are but compelled into the direction/s of our own innate tendencies, coupled with ability or inability determines, so called, success or failure. Such is our status given that we exist on the ‘edge,’ as it were.

[ extract: Liber Ananta ] NemesisPublications MCMXCVIII


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Anathema Per Samael Vox Lilith


Seven are the seals upon creations countenance Seven the trumpets that announce the day of redemption Seven are the visions of the dragon and its kingdoms Seven the visions that accompany the lamb Seven are the bowls of gods wrath

Seven the veils upon the lady Babalon And Seven are the visions of the end of days

! Yglas Isheth ! Yglas Ygrat ! Yglas Na’amah ! ! Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori ! ! Ast Innui Khephri Vos ! ! Ahdi Ypres Grigori ! Selim Ast Nobilis !

Canto I

And upon wings of light did we descend Lightning in our eyes Thunder in our hearts

Seven as one clothed in adamantine

Canto II

Watchers in the night ancient timeless immortal Each a chord within a celestial heartbeat

Behold our song our prayer Written in the echo of the moment

Canto III

And the dragon she rises and her kingdoms claim the world Her tears fall and she washes away the stain

Her breath a scorching wind razes the edifice of conceit Her heartbeat a thunderbolt the end of days

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Canto IV

Bathed in his own blood was he We carry the sword and our blood is sacred

No sacrifice as it be justice we serve Invisible we walk sons and daughters of eternal night

Canto V

Each a toxin Each an elixir Choose well the bowl from which you quench your thirst

Nectar sweet cousin to the worm Bitter gall a draught of ambrosia

Canto VI

Malekh holy one casts her veils and you behold her not One glance and sleep is entered

One whisper and Azrael is summoned One cry and our sister rejoices

Canto VII

And in those days it was given unto the false prophets To spread the lie

Sow the seeds of doubt draw aside the veil And reveal the end of days

Exodus Canto VIII

Coagula et Solve We strip the world our Eden of its lie

Beneath our rays you are transformed redeemed or not Choose well for we dwell between you heartbeats

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Canto IX

Omega et Alpha Time bends before our gaze

As somnambulant you step from one dream to another The unmaking unfolds as our Elohim

Circle your world your life

Canto IX

Omega et Alpha Time bends before our gaze

As somnambulant you step from one dream to another The unmaking unfolds as our Elohim

Circle your world your life

Canto X

Space folds before our eyes and the great ones enter Their breath creases the moment in passing

Warps memory erases life And casts a shadow of dust and vacuum

Genesis Canto XI

Sweet sister are you redeemed Your Grigori await command as you will Your Elohim abroad command as you will

Your portal open command as you will

Canto XII

Cleansed of the lie your breath draws pure Cleansed of the stain your heart beats rapturous

Purified your mind awakens from nightmare Consecrated your body bears fruit

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Canto XIII

And in the Night of Pan it is dawn The Black Sun rises and its rays cast no shadow

The Blood Moon rises and casts her veil The Grigori rise and utter a word in silence

! Yglas Isheth ! Yglas Ygrat ! Yglas Na’amah !

! Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori ! Ast Innui Khephri Vos !

! Ahdi Ypres Grigori ! Selim Ast Nobilis !


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In our tale Morgan Le fay we spoke much upon the nature of the twins and Avalon. It is now that we address the druid that became known as the merlin and his role in the unmaking of the rule of the goddess upon the shores of Anglia. Much has been written given the nature of popular myth and whilst we regard this as possibility true it is with poetic license that we cast our word spells. The myth cycle we have come to know as Arthurian rather than being one created at the time was the product of a much later age and given the nature of those who chronicle history it is likely that the original Arthur was of Roman origin and the medieval romance Le Morte Arthur set the characters within

a very different landscape. Speculation abounds and as such the telling of a tale is the primary role of the storyteller. This we have fulfilled in Morgan Le Fay to our personal satisfaction and here we simply tie a loose end, as it were. We recognize the disputes that doubtless existed between the warring tribes of Anglia who having been united under the banner of Boudica against the roman now fell back to what they did best, feuding. This was also the case with the tribes of germania who having brought rome to its knees as a consequence of being united under the banner of one of their own trained in the ways of rome likewise took to the forests and warfare. A telling tale in itself. It is to the merlin that we cast our gaze regarding the act of uniting the tribes of Anglia under a single king and whilst a noble cause, as denoted in our tale was purchased at a price which defeated the nobility it sought to emulate. Many an age passed as the ashes settled and finally cooled and Draconis long slumbering beneath the once molten rock became entombed within the grip of a mountains outstretched hand. Though he slumbered he did as all dragons do, dream and of that dream he forged two great houses that bore the seed of his name. Into them he poured his lust, his fire and power. One house became known as Pendragon as was due. The other though of reduced stature to the other possessed the guile and wit of Draconis and of this house came forth the succession of those who bore the name of the merlin. It is to the unification of these two great houses that our tale of the merlin and his Arthur recounts but this is in the distant future and if no concern to us at this time. Draconis would gain her freedom, a difficult undertaking given all that had come to pass during the first great war. Patience would serve her well and as she lay dreaming the fire began to rise in her long cold belly.

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Long, long ago had the Aryan hand stretched outwards and from the confines of its borders had sought to claim the world in its eternal name. From the indus had it sprung, a warrior sealed in fates cauldron to repeat itself time and time again. The land of Khem basked in its embrace until its magick, undone became but the impoverished daughter of the greek and roman. Ages without count fueled the despair that drove the displaced ones as they stumbled upon the

byways of the vale of tears. Even those of Britannia were granted a sip of the nectar that drips from the outstretched claw of the dragon whose breath, intoxicating, plants the seeds of dream and nightmare alike. The holy fathers garbed in velvet and lace strode the world in the name of heavens calling and forged an empire of dust. Incarnation upon incarnation rose swiftly in succession and likewise fell. Memories dull mirror casts its last shadow as the scions of the rhine dip their tongues into the font and rise as the living dead to feed upon the living and in their name the second great war was fought upon a landscape of awash with blood. Still the dragon dreams and the mist that rises from her all but stilled breath condenses and becomes the fire and ice from which all things take their form. The fire of passion cooled within the chambers of a stilled heart takes from and upon pinions of smoke does it rise and all claim it in their name only to fall beneath its outstretched shadow. Drink deep, fool, of the toxin that is thy history in its making and of the pages that adorn the books of life and death make raiment suitable to thy cause and cast this upon the aethyrs, long silent. Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge, Power and Compassion drip from the blade that raised to heaven dips and its edge cuts the redeemed and unredeemed alike as the hand stretches further and claims all in its infernal grasp that bears the name truth. Justice on a far distant shore raises the visor of its helm and like one invisible walks between the moments that unfold in the accursed citadel. Witnesses all that passes and records this upon the stretched skin of the one remaining living man in whose death throes do the titans celebrate their unmasking beneath an ebon sun.

Blessed Be The Unborn For They Shall Inherit The Earth

Blessed Be The Undying Ones

Blessed Be The Noble Daughter Of Time

And Blessed Be The Aeternal Stars

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Aqua Bella Mater Precipitation, moisture, the ocean roils as the plasma hits, first the surface, laced with a filigree of light. Penetrating to the cold depths of incalculable mystery below. Meets ice. Movement, as the plasma, crackling with the ice and moisture that surrounds it, threatens to engulf it, finally yields. The first of many meetings that will unfold through time. The eternal sky god, lord of the lightning flash meeting his consort within the icy depths of oceans embrace. Within their embrace they cavort and of their contortions, each yielding but a little to the other, ice melts,

plasma diffuses. And of their embrace arises a heat, warmth that rises to the surface as bubbles of light, breaks the surface as a spume of golden light and the first of things is released and given the name Nemesis. Takes its freedom flight and is seen no more. Many arose from their union, the time of echoes was unfolding, would continue to unfold through the long aeons ahead. Deity now reflected upon another and in the appearance of duality, knew itself completed. Yet it was a generous being and would grant life, multiple forms through which it could witness itself, and into each of its forms it signs its name. In the signing lay the hope of realisation, that its creatures might know of their source. This its compassion, this its female form. For as substance, it could only exist in its female form, for as lord of the lightning’s it could only devour its offspring. No nurturing, no protection or love could it offer, for these were properties unknown to it. And in this way was the marriage between the elements of the prima mater consummated.

The Quadra [ extract ]


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Tuat on his return to the city brought the much anticipated news of what had come to pass in the lands beyond the valley of the kings. For many moons rumours had travelled the halls of temple and mansion alike and finally Tuat had been dispatched to learn the truth of the matter. He had been absent for three long weeks and though the journey took but three days many feared that he had been consumed by the sand storms that had raged incessantly. As such it was with much

relief that Asenath waited upon her husbands return. She would bridle her impatience for first he must report to the high priest and prince regent of his discoveries. What many had feared and indeed had come to pass were the events foretold in the Book Of Qedesh scribed during the time of the first builders. They had spoken of the time when the heretic would rise in the name of the Aten and dismember the magick of Khem, casting down its heritage to the dust. The upstart had been deposed but the damage he had inflicted was extensive. The words of Qedesh spoke of the rise of the immortal ones to combat this heresy. Foremost amongst these were the cult of Khephren Un Nefer whose body consisted of the thirteen who had reigned and occasionally slept since the time of the first builders and now at this time did they wake from their slumbers and perform their rites of rectification. This reported Tuat returned to his home where greeted by Asenath he told of his news and they made preparations to leave the city on the morn. Into the mountains north of the great oasis they would walk and claim refuge in Asenath’s childhood home, Ankhnet. Here they would wait out the storm that was immanent and perhaps should they survive then they would return to the fabled city.

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

The words leeched themselves into the waking hours of the inhabitants, adult and child alike and their nights were visited by specters of fear and terror for the memories of the time before had been handed down the long generations since the earliest of times and though The Book Of Qedesh spoke of the time to come it offered no antidote to the fear that gripped the hearts of all. Warrior, farmer, priest and regent alike would be cast into the cauldron of making never to rise again as the immortals slaked their thirst upon the blood of the innocent and wove this into the incense of prayer that sustained their ephemeral forms and granted them flesh within the land of Khem, for they its builders would claim dominion over life once again and walk the desert triumphant.

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It is deep within the vaults that lay beneath the enigmatic sphinx that we are transported and here within cells of crafted of ebonised papyrus do they wait upon their fate. Hungry and thirsty they had long been prepared by the ingestion of the fruit of the nile lily and as the first stage of its work unfolded they became compliant as the husk of the fruit performed its work upon them. This would last many weeks and then the hallucinations would begin and their flesh would be transformed into the aethyr that the immortals sustained themselves with. Once achieved the kernel of the seed would end their mortal lives and they would be consigned to the grave. It is amongst these doomed souls that

we find ourselves as if waking from a memory that haunts the daylight and starlit hours alike. Around us many sit in abject resignation and yet we possess an awareness of this time and place and removing the crudely formed shackles from wrist and ankle we rise and leave our cell. The others, deaf to our warnings we leave to their fate as into the corridor between the cells we step and there she stands. Neferen, priestess and mage beholds us and smiles and her lips part in anticipation. What means this sister mine? Am i but one of the condemned? My brother, she replied, amongst our number are you yet counted but a sacrifice beyond our ability to perform is demanded of us. Khem, polluted by the heresy weaves yet its dark magicks into the fabric of time and aeons hence will our servants call upon us and we will rise yet again, taking our place upon the throne of the twin kingdoms and the pylons erected beneath the stars will whisper once again to the slumbering stars. This we hear and yet no sacrifice are we to be for our force though glamoured rises to our tongue and as our lips part do we speak in the tongue of the archon and from the very pit of our darkened souls rises the smoke and ash of our breath and before our eyes doe the scene change and we find ourselves amongst the souls that dwell in the present time and as we carry this memory within us our days are laced with the perfume of her presence and the whispers that serve as incense upon the night air. Come for we await thee.


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Solus Noir

Kkephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

By Our Arte & Presence Have We These Past Two Decades Manifested The Avatars & Moonchild That Are The Trinity Of The Black Sun

Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat Yglas Na’amah

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori

Ast Innui Khephri Vos Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis Portus Lucis Noir

3 Temple Pylons 7 Grigori Sentinels 3 Guardians

amael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of Life and Death.

Liber 131 March 2 1992 ev

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Ritual Aspects

Liber 131

The Passion & The Purity

Cycle 1 1990ev – 1992ev The Dawn Of The Avatar

Liber Astarte vel Beryli – The Passion And The Purity

In this way did we manifest Samael, principal Grigori amongst the legions of the living. Bereft of his bride, tormented beyond the ability to conceive did he complete the initial tasks, reaching their culmination in the words of The Witness, our seeding into the world of what was to follow.

Cycle 2 2003ev Namrael

The manifestation of our Grigori sister

In this way did we complete the preparations and placed our avatars within the temple of our working.

Cycle 3 2006ev – 2007ev Lilith Rising

The Portal Of The Black Sun

Entering our sacred triangle of arte did Samael and Namrael conjoined invoke beloved Lilith and complete the cycle of our making, to manifest the portal and let its rays shine forth.

Trinity 2008ev

We wove the matrix of our spells and seeded them into the prime elements of nature, extending our Triangle Of Arte.

Fulfillment of The final Grigori Prophecy 2010ev

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Being Several Pieces Of A Jigsaw