Investor Presentation December 2008

Investor Presentation December 2008. Disclaimer DISCLAIMER NOTICE This presentation has been prepared by Forte Energy NL (“Forte Energy” or the “Company”)

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Investor Presentation

December 2008



This presentation has been prepared by Forte Energy NL (“Forte Energy” or the “Company”). It should not be considered as an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities in the Company or as an inducement to make an offer or invitation with respect to those securities. No agreement to subscribe for securities in the Company will be entered into on the basis of this presentation.

This presentation contains forecasts and forward looking information. Such forecasts, projections and information are not a guarantee of future performance, involve unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and developments will almost certainly differ materially from those expressed or implied. Forte Energy has not audited or investigated the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements and opinions contained in this presentation. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Forte Energy makes no representation and can give no assurance, guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to, and take no responsibility and assume no liability for, the authenticity, validity, accuracy, suitability or completeness of, or any errors in or omission, from any information, statement or opinion contained in this presentation.

You should not act or refrain from acting in reliance on this presentation material. This overview of Forte Energy does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all information which its recipients may require in order to make an informed assessment of the Company’s prospects. You should conduct your own investigation and perform your own analysis in order to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and completeness of the information, statements and opinions contained in this presentation before making any investment decision.

Presentation Overview

Strategic Alliance with Arevain MauritaniaForte Energy OverviewCorporate SummaryWest African Uranium Projects– Mauritania– Guinea

Australian Projects– Maroochydore Copper/Cobalt Project– Millennium Copper/Cobalt Project

Outlook & Growth Strategy – 2009

Areva Agreement

Cooperation agreement with Areva announced 25 June 2008Areva is French-based global industrial and nuclear energy conglomerate and a leading world expert in nuclear power generation and electricity transmissionAreva to acquire initial 5% stake in Forte Energy via cash placement at A$0.135 per shareFurther 10% stake approved at AGM, in return for access to extensive Mauritanian geological database, technical services, equipment and personnelMauritanian JV may be formed if 60-80Mlb U3O8 resource delineated within 2 years

Forte Energy Overview

Listed on ASX (FTE) and AIM (FTE)

Extensive West African uranium portfolio– 15,458km2 of prospective tenements in Guinea and Mauritania

Excellent results from 2007 exploration programme

Multiple targets – – first drilling completed May 2007, at Firawa prospect, Guinea

5,000m follow up diamond drilling commenced October 2008 – Initial drilling completed July 2008 at Bohoduo prospect, Guinea– 4,000m initial drilling in Bir En Nar region, Mauritania,

completed Dec 2007, downhole logging shows high-grade uranium, assays pending, planning underway for follow-up drilling H1 2009

Substantial copper/cobalt resources in Australia:– 50% of Maroochydore Project - WA

(0.33mt contained copper, 16,500t contained cobalt)– Millennium Copper Project - Queensland

Strong cash position – A$4m

Corporate Summary

400m fully-paid shares on issue, to be 444m after placement

Code “FTE” (ASX and AIM)

Major shareholders– HSBC Nominees, Cosign Nominees, Challenger Trading

– Areva currently 5%, moving to 14.5%

Market capitalisation A$20m

Forte Energy share price12 month performance












































Board & Management

Chairman: Glenn Featherby– 20 yrs experience in corporate advisory and as finance director in

resources sector

Deputy Chairman: Lady Barbara Judge– 25 yrs experience with numerous public & private directorships– Currently Chairman of UK Atomic Energy Authority

Managing Director: Mark Reilly– 15 yrs corporate advisory experience in mining, banking &


Technical Director: Bosse Gustafsson– 35 yrs geological experience, including 10 years in uranium


Non-executive Director: David Grannell– Extensive London capital market experience in resources sector

NOMAD: RFC LimitedBroker: Fairfax I.S. plc

Why West Africa?

Established mining region and culture

Highly prospective – minimal exploration for uranium

Good access and infrastructure

Stable economic and social environment

Ability to secure large tracts of exploration acreage

Increasing levels of international mining investment

Republic of Mauritania – Key Advantages

Numerous historic uranium prospects within Reguibate Massive– part of West Africa Shield

Availability of recent airborne geophysical data and geological maps from World Bank’s “PRISM 1” project Uranium anomalies identified from digital airborne data and processing radiometric line data interpreted in Sweden10 “group 4” uranium exploration permits issued covering 13,195km2

Radiometric logging from initial drilling returned grades of up to 18,280ppm eU3O8 (1.83%)Potential to secure additional exploration licences

Bir En Nar Regionepisyenite

French drilling early 1980s

200 km

Mauritania - Bir En Nar Region

4,000m drilling programme Dec 2007• Up to 18,280 ppm eU3O8 from

downhole radiometric logging.• Resource drilling planned for

H1 2009.

Mauritania - Bir En Nar Region

World-class high grade opportunity.

Results of December 2007 drill programme include:

Drill Hole RC SectionFrom (m)

IntersectionThickness (m)


BNR02 58.30 0.70 5,750

BNR04 6.25 1.00 7,180

BNR08 70.80 2.35 11,250

BNR08 87.45 1.55 5,060

BNR11 85.35 1.55 18,280

BNR11 114.20 5.35 9,310

BNR14 33.35 2.90 6,100

BNR21 46.05 0.95 5,500

BNR41 26.15 0.30 5,100

BNR41 28.25 0.35 8,140

Republic of Guinea

Eight Uranium Prospecting Permits over three separate concession areas:– Firawa– Bohoduo– Sesse

Bohoduo: anomaly extended a further 12km initial drilling completed July 2008, awaiting assays

Firawa: encouraging assay results from initial drilling in May 2007. 4,000m resource drilling program commenced October 2008

Republic of Guinea – Firawa Prospect

Previous exploration using detailed ground spectrometry, EM, magnetic measurements and soil geochemistry by Davy McKee

Field visits confirmed 25-year-old deep pits and trenches

Identified anomaly extends over 5km

Initial drilling completed in May 2007, further 4000m diamond drilling commenced October 2008 aiming to delineate initial JORC compliant resource in H1 2009

Encouraging assay results received. Awaiting further analysis to assess optimal methods of uranium extraction

Republic of Guinea – Firawa Prospect

Resource drilling programme currently underway

Republic of Guinea – Firawa Prospect

Results of May 2007 drilling programme include:

Drill Hole RC

Intersection Length (m)

Section (m)

U3O8 (ppm)

Maximum 1m Section U3O8 (ppm)

FRW9 14 20 – 34 555 680

FRW12 10 39 – 49 652 1,325

FRW14 6 39 – 45 715 883

FRW30 5 30 – 35 749 1,020

FRW31 5 1 – 6 678 983

FRW33 20 22 – 42 524 726

FRW35 12 13 – 25 771 995

Republic of Guinea – Bohoduo Prospect

700m long anomaly identified from previous work

Limited diamond drilling and extensive ground work completed historically

Uranium mineralisation confirmed in 2006 site visit

Airborne geophysical data indicates a 12 km long extension to the east

1,000m initial drilling completed July 2008, awaiting assay results

Republic of Guinea – Bohoduo Prospect

Initial 1,000m drilling programme completed July 2008

Australian Projects

Maroochydore JV Copper Project - WA

Millenium Copper Project - Queensland

Maroochydore Copper Project

50% JV with Aditya Birla Minerals Limited – project operator

Scoping study completed by Aditya Birla

JORC Code compliant Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 41.2 million tonnes at a grade of 0.8% copper and 0.04% cobalt

0.33 million tonnes of contained copper and 16,500 tonnes contained cobalt (at a 0.5% Cu cutoff)

Reviewing options to realise value

Millennium Copper Project

Historic mining leases

35km north-west of highly prospective Cloncurry mineral province

Recent independent geological review

Copper and cobalt potential

Reviewing options to progress exploration

Outlook – 2008/09

Focus on West African uranium strategy

Cooperation Agreement with Areva to accelerate uranium exploration & development in Mauritania. Aim to delineate 60-80Mlb U3O8 resource within 2 years then consider entering JV agreement

Major uranium exploration programmes continuing:

– Mauritania: initial drilling at Bir En Nar completed December 2007, downhole logging results up to 18,280ppm eU3O8, follow-up drilling planned H1 2009

– Guinea: initial drilling at Firawa completed May 2007, 4000m follow-up drilling at Firawa underway, initial drilling at Bohoduo completed July 2008

– JORC resources: aim to identify initial JORC resources at Bir En Nar and Firawa during 1st half 2009

Continue to expand West African uranium portfolio

Assess options to realise value from Australian copper assets

Other strategic acquisition/joint venture opportunities


DISCLOSURE NOTESThe information in this report that relates to exploration results in West Africa is based on information compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson, who is a member of the European Federation of Geologists a Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation (“ROPO”). Mr Bosse Gustafsson is a full time Technical Director of Forte Energy NL and is responsible for exploration activities in Mauritania and Guinea. Mr Gustafsson has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and the type of deposit under consideration and to the activity, which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserve’. Mr Gustafsson consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.

Down hole gamma logging/probing of drill holes provides a powerful tool for uranium companies to explore for, and evaluate, uranium deposits. Such a method measures the natural gamma rays emitted from material surrounding a drill hole out to around 0.5 metre from its centre - the gamma probe is therefore capable of sampling a much larger volume than that which would normally be recovered from a core or RC hole. These measurements are used to estimate uranium concentrations with the commonly accepted initial assumption being that the uranium is in (secular) equilibrium with its daughter products (or radio-nuclides) which are the principal gamma emitters. If uranium is not in equilibrium (viz. in disequilibrium) – as a result of the redistribution (depletion or enhancement) of uranium and/or its daughter products – then the true uranium concentration in the holes logged using the gamma probe will be higher or lower than those reported in the announcement.

Total count gamma logging does not account for energy derived from thorium and potassium but is calibrated on the uranium band and factor applied to account for the average effect of thorium and potassium and thus the result is expressed as an equivalent value or ppm eU308. The logging programme was undertaken by Poseidon Geophysics (Pty) Ltd utilising an Auslog Logging System using instruments calibrated at Pelindaba, South Africa, an IAEA accepted and approved standard facility. Data was converted from raw counts per second of natural gamma rays to eU3O8 using the calibration constant obtained from measurements made at the Pelindaba calibration borehole. Poseidon Geophysics carried out regular checks to validate the accuracy of probe data using a test hole, BNR14, located on site. Uranium mineralisation grades through this report annotated with a sub-prefix ‘e’ have been reported as uranium equivalent grades derived from down-hole gamma ray logging results and should be regarded as approximations only.

The information in this report which relates to the Mineral Resource for the Maroochydore project is based on and accurately reflects reports prepared by Mr Geoff Bullen (MAIG). Mr Bullen has the necessary experience relevant to the style of mineralisation, the type of deposit and the activity undertaken to qualify as a ‘Competent Person’ under the JORC Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (2004 Edition). Mr Bullen has given his consent to the inclusion of the material in the form and context in which it appears. Mr Bullen is an employee of Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd.

Investor Presentation

December 2008