Investment climate of Uzbekistan

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  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Investment climate of Uzbekistan and prospects

    in investment cooperation with Lithuaniancompanies in implementation of high-tech

    investment projects

    Mr. Djamshed AbdurakhimovActing Director of the Uzinfoinvest Information Support & Foreign

    Investments Promotion Agency under the Ministry for Foreign

    Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of

    the Republic of Uzbekistan

    July, 2013

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    1. Political & macroeconomic stability

    3. Rich raw material base

    4. Energy advantageous

    5. Diversified industrial base

    6. Advantageous geographical location


    Intellectual potential

    2. Sound legal base

    Factors of success in Uzbekistan

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    GDP growth

    (% to previous year)

    Inflation rate

    1. Main

    macroeconomic parameters

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    Law On Foreign Investments in 1998

    Law "On Investment Activity in 1998

    Law "On Guarantees and Measures to Protect the Rights of Foreign

    Investors in 1998

    Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan #1731 "On

    additional measures for stimulation of export manufacturers and

    expansion of export supplies of competitive output, March 2012


    Sound legal base

    Decree of the President of Uzbekistan On additional measures to

    stimulate attracting foreign direct investments #UP-4434, April 2012

    Over 50 normative legal documents on regulating of investment

    activity adopted in Uzbekistan

    6 legal documents on regulating of investment

    and business activity adopted in Uzbekistan in 2012

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Decree of the President of Uzbekistan

    On additional measures to stimulate attracting

    foreign direct investments #UP-4434

    1. Enterprises with the investment volume for at least 5 million USD

    reserve the right to pay for 10 years for all type of taxes that

    operated at the date of their registration

    2. Investment projects

    - more than 50 million USD

    - share of foreign investors no less than 50%,

    external engineering-communication networks will be provided by

    state budget.

    3. Selling low liquid state objects at zero redemption cost through

    signing direct contracts with the investor under concrete investment


    4. Obtaining of multiply visa for a period of12 months

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    I. For all regions of Uzbekistan (except Tashkent region and

    Tashkent city)

    II. Tax and obligatory payments exemption

    Decree of the President of Uzbekistan

    On additional measures to stimulate attracting

    foreign direct investments #UP-4434

    5. Extension of incentives and privileges of the Presidents

    Decree #UP-3594 on April 11, 2005

    Period of Tax Exemptions :

    3 years, if amount of direct investments is 0,3 - 3 mln. USD;

    5 years, if amount of direct investments is 3 - 10 mln. USD;

    7 years, if amount of direct investments is more than 10 mln. USD.

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    Decree of the President of Uzbekistan

    On measures on radical reduction of statistics,

    tax, financial reporting, licensable businesses

    as well as permit issues procedures #UP-4453

    In accordance with the Decree, 80 licensing procedures (26% of

    the total number) and 15 licensable activities (20%) have been


  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    1. Enterprises are exempt from obligatory sale of foreign

    exchange earnings:

    a) for a period of 5 year's from the moment of the

    registration of enterprise, involved in production of consumergoods and, where share of foreign capital exceeds 50%;

    b) by microfirms, small and medium enterprises, from

    export of goods of own production

    c) investments in the form of cash in foreign currency

    in the sale of state assets with investment commitments

    Decree #245 On measures to develop and

    strengthen off-the-board exchange market

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Uzbekistan possesses unique resources:

    solid raw materials, including metallic and


    Over 1 644 of deposits and 100 sorts of

    mineral resources

    3. Rich raw material base

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    4. Energy advantageous

    solar energy

    wind energybiofuel

    Alternative energy sources

    in Uzbekistan:

    Average prices for:

    Gas - $56per 1000 m3

    Electricity - $0.05per kWt/h

    Coal - $21per 1 ton

    13thermal stations and 28hydropower

    plants fully provide the needs of theeconomy.

    Total energy capacity 12 472 MWt

    Additional capacity1 101 MWt


    Coal reserves80-100 years

    Water - $0.12per 1 m3

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Oil, gas & petrochemicalMining & metallurgy



    Construction materials


    engineering ElectronicsAgricultural


    PharmaceuticalsTextiles Food processing

    5. Diversified industrial base

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    East As iaLondon










    Phnom Penh











    South -East andSouth Asia






    Middle East& A f r ica

    Central As ia





    CA & Afghanistan: 90 mln. people

    CIS: 300 mln. people


    Most Favorable Nation


    with 46 countries, including US, EU

    countries, Japan, China, India,Republic of Korea, and others

    6. Central geographical location to the

    largest markets

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    65 universities and


    affiliates branches of

    foreign universities:

    Moscow State University

    Westminster International


    Singapore Institute of

    Management Development

    Turin Polytechnic Institute

    850 directions

    300 thousand students

    Oil&Gas Institute named


    Russian Economic

    University named after


    7. Intellectual potential

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan



    over 4500 enterprises with

    foreign capital, 16 in

    cooperation with Lithuania

    Foreign enterprises in Uzbekistan
  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    368 435 421 201 212 272459 446 527 464

    68080 167 334 547 684

    1 014

    1 423

    2 4962 757

    3 165

    3 270

    2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Foreign direct investments and credits

    Foreign loans under Government guarantee

    Foreign investments in Uzbekistan

    3 284

    3 629

    2 942

    1 882

    1 286


    3 950

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    Foreign direct investments in Uzbekistan

    by country in 2012




    3,32,8 2,5 1,9


    in %

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Amount of bilateral trade volume in 2012 was 47,2 million USD:Export 7,7 million USD (fertilizers, cotton fiber, services & etc.)

    Import 39,5 million USD (mechanical and electrical equipments, plastics & etc.)

    Investment cooperation:

    16 functioning companies with Lithuanian direct investments in Uzbekistan2 accredited in Uzbekistan representatives of Lithuanian companies

    Trade turnover & investment cooperation between

    Uzbekistan and Belgium

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Newly implemented investment projects

    Steam-gas plant on

    Navoi thermal power-

    station in cooperation

    with Japan Mitsubishi

    Second stage of a newcomplex for the

    production of trucks in

    cooperation with

    German MAN

    First stage of liquefied

    gas production on the

    base of Mubarek Gas

    Processing Plant

    Production of enginesfor automobiles jointly

    with GM

    Construction of an

    unique complex

    Ustyurt Mubarek Gas

    Processing Plant on

    the base of Surgil fieldin cooperation with

    Korean companies

    consortium started in


  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan






    FIEZ Navoi: Location

    Within a radius of 2 thousand kilometers from the airport Navoi there are 10

    capitals of various states with a total population of100 mln. people.

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Destination to:

    Airport 2 km

    KAL Complex2 km

    Samarkand 120 km

    Bukhara 95 km

    Territory - 564 ha

    FIEZ Navoi: Location

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    29 flights per week

    (Delhi, Mumbai, Bangkok, Frankfurt,Istanbul, Dubai, Doha, Dhaka, Hanoi,

    Moscow, Milan, Brussels, Vienna, Zaragoza,

    Incheon, Paris)

    Navoi International Airport

    1st stage Cargo processing ability300 tons/day

    2nd stage Cargo processing ability1000 tons/day
  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Pharmaceutical industry & Medical products

    Precision machinery & OEM parts for automobiles

    Electronic & electrical products

    Food processing and packaging

    Plastic goods and polymers

    FIEZ Navoi: Profile

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Navoi FIEZ residents are exempted from all type of taxes

    and customs duties

    FIEZ Navoi: Tax preferences

    7 years

    if amount of direct investments is from 3 mln to 10 mln euro

    10 years and 50% reduction of profit tax for the following5 years

    if amount of direct investments is from 10 mln to 30 mln euro

    15 years and 50% reduction of profit tax for the following 10

    years if amount of direct investments is more than 30 mln euro

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    12 operating projects

    10 projects in progress

    FIEZ Navoi: Current projects

    Enterprises working in FIEZ Navoi

    started production of such good as:

    Automobile components

    LED lampsADSL modems

    Set-up boxes

    Polyethylene pipes

    50 new projects

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Establishment of Special Economic Zone Angren

    (Degree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan April 13, 2012 No.UP-4436)

    Distance between large cities:

    Tashkent 80 km

    Ferghana 240 km

    Samarkand 220 km

    Special industrial zone Angren

    Total territory of SIZ Anger more than 1 634,0 ha

    500 ha

    178 ha

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Creating a competitive advantage for the country in the

    international logistics market

    Capacity of storage facilities5,4 mln. tn./year

    Total area 36,7 hectares

    Registered about 400 vehicles

    SIZ Angren: Logistic center

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    Angren SIZ residents are exempted from all type of taxesand customs duties (except custom fees):

    Period of privileges and incentives:

    3 years

    if amount of direct investments is from 0.3 mln to 3 mln USD

    5 years

    if amount of direct investments is from 3 mln to 10 mln USD

    7 years

    if amount of direct investments is more than 10 mln. USD

    SIZ Angren: Tax preferences and


  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Synthetic motor oil Automobile tires

    Ceramic tile Silicon

    SIZ Angren: Current projects

    Cooper pipes

    Electro diode bulbs

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Construction of confectionary & procession of cocoa beans

    Production of stoneware tiles

    Production of architectural glass

    Production of detergents

    Production of textile machinery (weaving equipment)

    Production of polycarbonate, ABS-plastics & other polymers from

    natural gas

    1,4 butanediol production from natural gas for subsequent usage in

    production of polymers (rubber, spandex, etc.)

    Production of disposable test (pregnancy test, alcohol test and etc.)

    Production of LED light bulbs

  • 7/27/2019 Investment climate of Uzbekistan


    Project name Production of stoneware tiles

    Project cost 16,0 million USD

    8,5 million for purchase of equipment7,0 million for construction works

    0,5 million working assets & others

    Plan of financing FDI 16,0 million

    Sales of products 60,0 % - domestic market40,0 % - export

    Annual production capacity 2,0 million square meters

    Existing infrastructure electricity, water, gas, sewage system

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    Project name Production of detergents

    Project cost 20,0 million USD

    12,0 million

    for purchase of equipment4,5 million for construction works3,5 million working assets & others

    Plan of financing FDI 10,0 millionLocal partner 10,0 million

    Sales of products 50,0 % - domestic market50,0 % - export

    Annual production capacity 30,0 thousand tone

    Existing infrastructure electricity, water, gas, sewage system

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    Project name Production of textile machinery (weavingequipment)

    Project cost 10,0 million USD

    Plan of financing FDI 10,0 million

    Sales of products 50,0 % - domestic market50,0 % - export

    Annual production capacity 42,0 thousand units

    Existing infrastructure electricity, water, gas, sewage system

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    Project name Production of disposable test (pregnancy test,alcohol test and etc.)

    Project cost 5,5 million USD3,0 million for purchase of equipment1,5 million for construction works1,0 million working assets & others

    Plan of financing FDI 5,5 million

    Sales of products 95,0 % - domestic market5,0 % - export

    Annual production capacity 20,0 million units

    Existing infrastructure electricity, water, gas, sewage system

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    Project name Production of LED light bulbs

    Project cost 3,5 million USD

    2,0 million

    for purchase of equipment1,0 million for construction works0,5 million working assets & others

    Plan of financing FDI 3,5 million

    Sales of products 50,0 % - domestic market

    50,0 % - export

    Annual production capacity 2,5 million units

    Existing infrastructure electricity, water, gas, sewage system

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