Physics & Astronomy Faculty Publications Physics and Astronomy 2-17-2019 Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision Model for the Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision Model for the Repeating Fast Radio Burst Repeating Fast Radio Burst Jeremy L. Smallwood University of Nevada, Las Vegas, [email protected] Rebecca G. Martin University of Nevada, Las Vegas, [email protected] Bing Zhang University of Nevada, Las Vegas, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/physastr_fac_articles Part of the Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons Repository Citation Repository Citation Smallwood, J. L., Martin, R. G., Zhang, B. (2019). Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision Model for the Repeating Fast Radio Burst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 1367-1376. Oxford University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz483 This Article is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by Digital Scholarship@UNLV with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Article in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s) directly, unless additional rights are indicated by a Creative Commons license in the record and/ or on the work itself. This Article has been accepted for inclusion in Physics & Astronomy Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Scholarship@UNLV. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision

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Physics & Astronomy Faculty Publications Physics and Astronomy


Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision Model for the Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision Model for the

Repeating Fast Radio Burst Repeating Fast Radio Burst

Jeremy L. Smallwood University of Nevada, Las Vegas, [email protected]

Rebecca G. Martin University of Nevada, Las Vegas, [email protected]

Bing Zhang University of Nevada, Las Vegas, [email protected]

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/physastr_fac_articles

Part of the Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons

Repository Citation Repository Citation Smallwood, J. L., Martin, R. G., Zhang, B. (2019). Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision Model for the Repeating Fast Radio Burst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 1367-1376. Oxford University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz483

This Article is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by Digital Scholarship@UNLV with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Article in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s) directly, unless additional rights are indicated by a Creative Commons license in the record and/or on the work itself. This Article has been accepted for inclusion in Physics & Astronomy Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Scholarship@UNLV. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Page 2: Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision

MNRAS 485, 1367–1376 (2019) doi:10.1093/mnras/stz483Advance Access publication 2019 February 17

Investigation of the asteroid–neutron star collision model for therepeating fast radio bursts

Jeremy L. Smallwood,‹ Rebecca G. Martin and Bing ZhangDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA

Accepted 2019 February 13. Received 2019 February 12; in original form 2018 August 17

ABSTRACTThe origin of fast radio bursts (FRBs) is still a mystery. One model proposed to interpretthe only known repeating object, FRB 121102, is that the radio emission is generated fromasteroids colliding with a highly magnetized neutron star (NS). With N-body simulations, wemodel a debris disc around a central star with an eccentric orbit intruding NS. As the NSapproaches the first periastron passage, most of the comets are scattered away rather thanbeing accreted by the NS. To match the observed FRB rate, the debris belt would have to beat least 3 orders of magnitude more dense than the Kuiper belt. We also consider the rate ofcollisions on to the central object but find that the density of the debris belt must be at least4 orders of magnitude more dense than the Kuiper belt. These discrepancies in the densityarise even if (1) one introduces a Kuiper belt-like comet belt rather than an asteroid belt andassume that comet impacts can also make FRBs; (2) the NS moves ∼2 orders of magnitudeslower than their normal proper-motion velocity due to supernova kicks; and (3) the NS orbitis coplanar to the debris belt, which provides the highest rate of collisions.

Key words: minor planets, asteroids: general – pulsars: general – radio continuum: general.


Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright transients of radio emissionswith millisecond outburst durations. Despite the rapid observationalprogresses (Lorimer et al. 2007; Keane et al. 2011; Thornton et al.2013; Burke-Spolaor & Bannister 2014; Spitler et al. 2014; Masuiet al. 2015; Petroff et al. 2015; Ravi, Shannon & Jameson 2015;Champion et al. 2016; DeLaunay et al. 2016; Keane et al. 2016;Spitler et al. 2016; Chatterjee et al. 2017), thus far we still do notknow the origin(s) of these mysterious bursts. There are about twodozen FRBs with a known source. Of these, there has been onlyone repeating source, FRB 121102 (Scholz et al. 2016; Spitler et al.2016; Law et al. 2017). Due to their high dispersion measures (∼500– ∼3000 cm−3 pc; Thornton et al. 2013; Petroff et al. 2016), FRBsmost likely originate at cosmological distances. The repeating FRB121102 was discovered to be associated with a steady radio emissionsource and localized to be in a star-forming galaxy at red shift z =0.193 (Chatterjee et al. 2017; Marcote et al. 2017; Tendulkar et al.2017), firmly establishing the cosmological nature of FRBs at leastfor this source. The bursts of FRB 121102 are sporadic (Scholzet al. 2016; Law et al. 2017). Spitler et al. (2016) reported 17 burstsrecorded from this source, which suggests a repetitive rate of ∼3bursts per hour during the active phase (Palaniswamy, Li & Zhang2018). Recently, Michilli et al. (2018) reported almost 100 per cent

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linear polarization of the radio burst emission from FRB 121102with roughly a constant polarization angle within each burst as wellas a high and varying rotation measure.

There have been many ideas proposed in the literature to explainthe repeating bursts from FRB 121102. Widely discussed modelsinclude supergiant pulses from pulsars (Connor, Sievers & Pen2016; Cordes & Wasserman 2016) or young magnetars (Katz 2016;Metzger, Berger & Margalit 2017; Margalit & Metzger 2018).Zhang (2017) interpreted the repeating bursts from FRB 121102as due to repeated interactions between a neutron star (NS) and anearby variable outflow. Michilli et al. (2018) suggested that thesteady radio emission of FRB 121102 could be associated witha low-luminosity accreting supermassive black hole. As a result,the source of variable outflow can be this black hole. Zhang (2018)showed that this model can interpret the available data satisfactorily.

This paper concerns another repeating FRB model that attributesthe repeating bursts as due to multiple collisions of asteroids on toan NS (Dai et al. 2016). Geng & Huang (2015) initially described amechanism where asteroids/comets may impact an NS to produceFRBs. As the impactor penetrates the NS surface, a hot plasmafireball forms. The ionized material located interior to the fireballexpands along magnetic field lines and then coherent radiationfrom the top of the fireball may account for the observed FRBs.Since the acceleration and radiation mechanism of ultrarelativisticelectrons remains unknown, a more detailed model of an asteroid–NS impactor was proposed by Dai et al. (2016), where a highlymagnetized NS travels through an asteroid belt around another

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star. They suggested that the repeating radio emission could becaused from the NS encountering a large number of asteroids.During each NS–asteroid impact, the asteroid has a large electricfield component parallel to the stellar magnetic field that causeselectrons to be scattered off the asteroidal surface and acceleratedto ultrarelativistic energies instantaneously. Furthermore, Bagchi(2017) argued that the model can interpret both repeating (when theNS intrudes a belt) and non-repeating (when the NS possesses thebelt itself) FRBs. Asteroid impacts on NS were among early modelsfor gamma-ray bursts (Harwit & Salpeter 1973; Colgate & Petschek1981; van Buren 1981; Mitrofanov & Sagdeev 1990; Shull & Stern1995) and soft gamma-ray repeaters (Livio & Taam 1987; Boer,Hameury & Lasota 1989; Katz, Toole & Unruh 1994; Zhang, Xu &Qiao 2000).

Debris discs are thought to be the remains of the planet formationprocess (Wyatt et al. 2012; Currie et al. 2015; Booth et al. 2017).They are observed to be common around unevolved stars (Moro-Martın et al. 2010; Anglada et al. 2017; Ballering et al. 2017).Debris discs around white dwarfs have not been directly observed,but their existence is implied by the pollution of their atmospheresby asteroidal material, perhaps from a debris disc that survivedstellar evolution (Gansicke et al. 2006; Kilic et al. 2006; von Hippelet al. 2007; Farihi, Jura & Zuckerman 2009; Jura et al. 2009;Farihi et al. 2010; Melis et al. 2010; Bonsor et al. 2017; Brown,Veras & Gansicke 2017; Smallwood et al. 2018b; Xu et al. 2018).However, the existence of debris discs around NSs is more uncertain(e.g. Posselt et al. 2014). The pulsar timing technique has a highlevel of precision that allows for the detection of small, asteroidmass objects around millisecond pulsars (Thorsett & Phillips 1992;Bailes, Lyne & Shemar 1993; Blandford 1993; Wolszczan 1994,1997). No asteroids have been confirmed by observations and eventhe detections of planets around pulsars are rare (Johnston, Walker& Bailes 1996; Bell et al. 1997; Manchester et al. 2005; Kerr et al.2015; Martin, Livio & Palaniswamy 2016). Although Shannon et al.(2013) suggested that an asteroid belt, having a mass of about0.05 M⊕, may be present around pulsar B1937+21.

Putting aside whether collisions between asteroids and NSs canemit coherent radio emission with high brightness temperaturesto interpret FRBs, here we only consider whether an NS passingthrough a debris disc around another star, either a main-sequencestar or a white dwarf, is able to produce a collision rate to match theobserved rate in the repeating FRB 121102 during the active phase.In Section 2, we examine analytically the expected rate of asteroidcollisions for reasonable debris disc parameters. In Section 3, weuse N-body simulations to model a binary system with a debris discof asteroids around another star to determine the tidal disruptionrate on to the companion NS. We then consider the case that thecentral object is also an NS and investigate the impact rate on to it.Finally, we draw our conclusions in Section 4.


We follow the approach of Dai et al. (2016) to calculate the collisionrate of asteroids with an NS passing through an asteroid belt. Thisanalytical approximation is only relevant for the first periastronapproach of the NS. As shown later in Section 3, numericalsimulations allow us to test the collision rate over several periastronapproaches and to model a system that represents a captured NSsweeping through a belt. Dai et al. (2016) considered an NSsweeping through the inner edge of an asteroid belt at 2 au. Each

asteroid collision may give rise to an FRB. The impact rate isestimated as

Ra = σaν∗na, (1)

where na is the number density of the belt, σ a is the impact cross-section described by Safronov (1972) given by

σa = 4πGMR∗v2∗

, (2)

where ν∗ is the proper velocity of the NS, R∗ is the radius of theNS, and M is the mass of the NS. The two parameters on whichthe rate depends sensitively on are the number density of asteroidsin the belt and the NS velocity. We consider reasonable values foreach next.

2.1 Number density

We estimate the number density of asteroids in the belt by assumingthat the density is spatially uniform over the belt. For a belt of widthand thickness ηRa with an inner radius Ra, the number density is

na = Na


. (3)

Taking the parameters of Dai et al. (2016) of Na = 1010, η =0.2 and Ra = 2 au, the number density is na = 4.97 × 109 au−3.With these parameters, the collision rate may be sufficiently high toexplain the repeating FRB (see also Section 2.3). For comparison,we estimate the number density of the asteroid belt and the Kuiperbelt in the Solar system by assuming a cylindrical volume withheight determined by the inclination distribution of the asteroidsand comets.

2.1.1 Comparison to the Solar system asteroid belt

If the total energy released during an FRB is solely due to thegravitational potential energy of the asteroid and not due to themagnetic field energy of the NS, then the mass of an asteroid neededto produce an FRB can be estimated as done by Geng & Huang(2015). The asteroid mass required to enable an FRB as it collideswith the NS is about 5.4 × 1017 g (Geng & Huang 2015), which isin the range of observed asteroid masses (1016–1018 g, e.g. Colgate& Petschek 1981).

The present-day asteroid belt extends from about 2.0 to 3.5 au(Petit, Morbidelli & Chambers 2001a). We can estimate the numberof asteroids that are above a mass required to produce an FRBfrom the main belt size frequency distribution given by Bottke et al.(2005). In their table 1, the number of main belt asteroids witha radius greater than ∼4 km is approximately N ∼ 2.3 × 104. Toestimate the number density of the asteroid belt, we assume a volumeproduced by the inclination distribution of the asteroid belt beinguniformly distributed between −30 and 30 deg (Terai & Itoh 2011).Thus, the number density of asteroids that are massive enough toproduce an FRB is nasteroid ≈ 2.75 × 102 au−3.

Dai et al. (2016) considered a typical iron–nickel asteroid tohave a mass of m = 2 × 1018 g, which is an order of magnitudelarger than the minimum mass required to produce an FRB foundby Geng & Huang (2015). With 1010 asteroids, their belt has a totalmass of 16.7 M⊕. The mass of the present-day asteroid belt is about5 × 10−4 M⊕ (Krasinsky et al. 2002). While this is thought to beonly 1 per cent of the mass of the original asteroid belt (Petit et al.2001a), the mass would need to be over 5 orders of magnitude higherto reach this level. Furthermore, the mass of a debris disc decreases

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Asteroid–NS collision model for repeating FRBs 1369

overtime due to secular and mean-motion resonances with giantplanets (Froeschle & Scholl 1986; Yoshikawa 1987; Morbidelli et al.1995; Gladman et al. 1997; Morbidelli & Gladman 1998; Bottke,Rubincam & Burns 2000; Petit, Morbidelli & Chambers 2001b; Ito& Malhotra 2006; Broz & Vokrouhlicky 2008; Minton & Malhotra2011; Chrenko et al. 2015; Granvik et al. 2017; Smallwood et al.2018a,b). These resonant perturbations cause eccentricity excitationthat causes collisional grinding, which reduces the mass of the beltovertime (Wyatt 2008). A debris belt undergoes significant changesas the star evolves. If a belt is located within ∼100 au of the centralstar, as the star loses mass the belt undergoes adiabatic expansionin orbital separation (Veras, Hadjidemetriou & Tout 2013). Sincedebris discs lose mass overtime due to collisional grinding, anasteroid belt around an NS may not be sufficiently massive toprovide enough collisions.

2.1.2 Comparison to the Kuiper belt

A Kuiper belt analogue, which is much more extended in size thanan asteroid belt, may be a better source for FRB causing collisionswith an NS. The current observed mass of the Kuiper belt rangesfrom 0.01 (Bernstein et al. 2004) to 0.1 M⊕ (Gladman et al. 2001),but there is a mass deficit to explain how the Kuiper belt objectsaccreted at their present heliocentric locations. Thus, the massestimated in the initial Kuiper belt may be as much as ∼10 M⊕ (Stern1996; Stern & Colwell 1997a,b; Kenyon & Luu 1998, 1999a,b;Kenyon & Bromley 2004; Delsanti & Jewitt 2006). The currentKuiper belt extends from about 30 to 50 au (Jewitt & Luu 1995;Weissman 1995; Dotto, Barucci & Fulchignoni 2003). The numberof discovered comets is only a small fraction of the theoretical total.The number of Kuiper belt objects that have a radius greater thanRmin is

N>Rmin = K





− 1

]+ 2K

7, (4)

(Holman 1995; Tremaine 1990), where R0 is the largest comet radiusand K is related to the total belt mass M with

M = 4π


0 KC, (5)

where ρ is the comet density and the constant C = 3 (Holman1995). We assume an upper limit for the current mass of the Kuiperbelt, M = 0.1 M⊕ (Gladman et al. 2001). We take Rmin to be theminimum radius needed to produce an FRB. We assume a sphericalcometary nucleus with density ρ = 1 g cm−3. With the critical massrequired to produce an FRB being 5.4 × 1017 g (Geng & Huang2015), the minimum radius of the object is set at Rmin ≈ 5 km.Thus, from equation (4) the total number of objects with a sizelarge enough to produce an FRB is N>Rmin = 8.38 × 108. If theinclination is uniformly distributed between −10 and 10 deg (Gulbiset al. 2010), then the number density of objects in the Kuiper beltthat are large enough to create an FRB is roughly nKuiper ≈ 1.2 ×104 au−3.

Next, we compare the estimated number density of the present-day Kuiper belt to the estimated number density of the primordialKuiper belt. In the Nice model, the outer Solar system beganin a compact state (from ∼5.5 to ∼14 au, e.g. Levison et al.2008), and eventually Jupiter and Saturn migrated inwards to theirpresent-day locations and Uranus and Neptune migrated outwards.When Jupiter and Saturn crossed their mutual 2:1 mean-motionresonance, their eccentricities increased. This sudden jump in theireccentricities caused the outward migration of Uranus, Neptune,

and the destabilization of the compact primordial Kuiper belt. Thetime-scale for Jupiter and Saturn to cross the 2:1 resonance wasfrom about 60 Myr to 1.1 Gyr (Gomes et al. 2005). Thus, we canassume that the compact primordial Kuiper belt was stable duringthis period of time, which may give enough time for an NS to becaptured and plummet through the compact disc. Based on the Nicemodel, the primordial Kuiper belt was compact (15–30 au) and hadan initial mass of ∼10 M⊕ (Gomes et al. 2005; Levison et al. 2008;Morbidelli 2010; Pike et al. 2017).

Assuming that the mass for the primordial Kuiper belt is M ∼10 M⊕, we find that the total number of objects that are capableof producing an FRB is N>Rmin = 8.38 × 1010. This calculationassumes that the comet distribution is equivalent to that of the cur-rent Kuiper belt. We estimate the number density of the primordialcompact Kuiper belt to be nKuiper,p ≈ 4.8 × 106 au−3, which is about2 orders of magnitude higher than the current Kuiper belt.

2.1.3 Extrasolar debris discs

Next, we compare extrasolar debris disc architectures with theSolar system and the theoretical belt used by Dai et al. (2016).There have been hundreds of extrasolar debris discs that have beendiscovered over the past couple of decades (e.g. Wyatt 2008). Sincethe emission from debris discs are optically thin, observations usingsubmillimeter continuum can be used to estimate the disc masses,with the caveat that large bodies are missed. Since one cannot detectasteroid-sized objects in debris belts, the presence of dust is used asan indicator of total disc mass. The majority of dust in debris beltsis produced from asteroid and comet collisions due to eccentricityexcitations from orbital resonances. Thus, the dust mass can be usedas a predictor of the total mass of the disc by


tage≈ Md

tcol, (6)

(e.g. Chiang et al. 2009), where Mpb is the mass of the largest parentbody at the top of the collisional cascade, tage is the age of thesystem, Md is the dust mass, and tcol is the collisional lifetime. Themass of largest parent body can be used as the minimum mass ofthe disc because larger bodies may exist collisionless over tage (e.g.Dohnanyi 1969).

The dust mass residing within debris discs have been observed ina plethora of planetary systems. Depending on the size of the grains,dust masses have been observed to be in the range 10−6–10−1 M⊕(e.g. Matthews, Kalas & Wyatt 2007; Su et al. 2009; Hughes et al.2011; Patience et al. 2011; Matthews et al. 2014; Jılkova & PortegiesZwart 2015; Kalas et al. 2015; Nesvold, Naoz & Fitzgerald 2017).Exozodical dust is the constituent for hot debris discs, and these dustenvironments have been detected around two dozen main-sequencestars (Absil et al. 2009, 2013; Ertel et al. 2014). Kirchschlager et al.(2017) analysed nine of the two dozen systems and found that thedust should be located within ∼0.01–1 au from the star dependingon the luminosity and that the dust masses amount to only (0.2–3.5) × 10−9 M⊕.

To calculate the minimum mass of the discs discussed above,based on the observed disc dust mass (see equation 6), we wouldhave to calculate the collisional lifetime that is outside the scope ofthis paper. The main point about discussing some of the observeddisc dust masses is to compare that to the Kuiper belt, which has adust mass of (3–5) × 10−7 M⊕ (Vitense et al. 2012). The reason whythe dust mass is so low in the Kuiper belt is that the belt has reacheda steady state, where the amount of dust being ejected equals theamount being injected. The observed debris discs may not be in a

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steady state, thus some have up to 6 orders of magnitude more dustthan the Solar system. From equation (6), if the amount of dust islarge and the collisional time-scale is short, then this suggests thatsome extrasolar debris discs may be more massive than the Kuiperbelt or the asteroid belt. Heng (2011) estimated the total mass ofthe debris disc in the system HD 69830, based on the dynamicalsurvival models of Heng & Tremaine (2010), to be 3–4 × 10−3 M⊕,several times more massive than our asteroid belt. Chiang et al.(2009) found that low mass limit of Fomalhaut’s debris disc to beabout 3 M⊕, an order of magnitude more massive than the observedmass in the Kuiper belt.

2.2 Neutron star velocity

One well-studied type of an NS is a radio pulsar. We use themeasured pulsar velocities to represent the proper-motion veloc-ities of NSs. Identifying pulsar proper motions and velocities iscritical in understanding the nature of pulsar and NS astrophysics.Applications of pulsar velocity measurements include determiningthe birth rate of pulsars (Ankay, Guseinov & Tagieva 2004), furtherunderstanding supernova remnants (Migliazzo et al. 2002) and theGalactic distribution of the progenitor population (Chennaman-galam & Lorimer 2014), and for this work, calculating the collisionrate of asteroids with an NS. Pulsar velocities are calculated bymeasuring their proper motions and distances.

The origin of pulsars high velocities at birth, also known as theirnatal kick velocities, is thought to be driven by an asymmetricalexplosion mechanism (e.g. Lai, Wang & Han 2006; Wongwatha-narat, Janka & Muller 2013). For a review on pulsar natal kickvelocities, see Janka (2017). The observed supernova explosionsare not spherically symmetric (Blaauw 1961; Bhattacharya & vanden Heuvel 1991; Wang et al. 2001). Natal kick velocities havetypical values of 200–500 km s−1 and up to about 1000 km s−1, witha mean velocity of 400 km s−1 (e.g. Cordes, Romani & Lundgren1993; Harrison, Lyne & Anderson 1993; Lyne & Lorimer 1994;Kaspi et al. 1996; Fryer, Burrows & Benz 1998; Lai, Chernoff &Cordes 2001; Arzoumanian, Chernoff & Cordes 2002; Chatterjeeet al. 2005; Hobbs et al. 2005). The large eccentricities that areobserved in Be/X-ray binaries also suggest large kick velocities(Brandt & Podsiadlowski 1995; Bildsten et al. 1997; Martin, Tout& Pringle 2009).

The average observed pulsar velocity is several hundred km s−1

(e.g. Bailes et al. 1990; Caraveo & Mignani 1999; Hobbs et al. 2005;Deller et al. 2012; Temim et al. 2017; Deller et al. 2018). There havebeen several mechanisms put forth to explain high natal velocitiesof pulsars. Asymmetric neutrino emission was thought to be amechanism that could provide kick velocities up to ∼300 km s−1

(Fryer & Kusenko 2006), but this mechanism may be ruled out dueto the dependence on a very large magnetic field (> 1016 G) andnon-standard neutrino physics (e.g. Nordhaus et al. 2010, 2012;Wongwathanarat, Janka & Muller 2010; Katsuda et al. 2018). Also,Harrison & Tademaru (1975) suggested that the electromagneticrocket effect from an off-centred dipole in a rapidly rotating pulsarcan accelerate pulsars up to similar high velocities. Another mecha-nism is non-radial flow instabilities, such as convective overturn andthe standing accretion shock instability (Foglizzo 2002; Blondin,Mezzacappa & DeMarino 2003; Foglizzo, Scheck & Janka 2006;Foglizzo et al. 2007; Scheck et al. 2008), which are able to produceasymmetric mass ejections during supernova explosions that canproduce natal velocities from 100 km s−1 to up to and even beyond1000 km s−1. Next, we explore the collision rate of asteroids on apulsar with a pulsar velocity of 100 km s−1 (Blaes & Madau 1993;

Ofek 2009; Li et al. 2016). The low value leads to a larger cross-section area for the collisions and hence the maximum value for thecollision rate.

2.3 Collision rate

The collision rate given by equation (1) is estimated as

Ra = 1.25


10 km


1.4 M�


100 km s−1




4.97 × 109 au−3

)h−1. (7)

Instead of an asteroid belt, we use the primordial Kuiper beltto calculate this rate. We set na to equal the density of theprimordial Kuiper belt, nKuiper,p = 4.8 × 106 au−3. We estimate acollision rate of 0.0012 h−1, which is about 3 orders of magnitudeless than the analytical rate calculated by Dai et al. (2016), thatrequires an extremely high debris disc density and a low NSvelocity. Our analytical calculation suggests that this mechanismcannot produce a comet collision rate of 3 h−1, even in theextremely dense primordial Kuiper belt. In the next section, weexplore if our analytical findings can be supported by numericalintegrations.

Previous works used the tidal disruption radius to calculate colli-sions, instead, we use the impact radius associated with equation (2).Colgate & Petschek (1981) defined the break-up radius due to tidalforces to be

Rb = ρ0r20 GM



= 2.22 × 104


1018 g


8 × 1015 g km−3




1020 dyn km−2


1.4 M�


km, (8)

where ρ0 is the density of the asteroid, r0 is the cylindrical radiusof the particle, and s0 is the tensile strength. The impact radius isdefined as

RImpact =√


= 2.73 × 104


1.4 M�


10 km



v∗100 km


km. (9)

We find that the impact radius is larger than the tidal break-upradius. Dai et al. (2016) specifically required asteroids rather thancomets to produce FRBs. This is because the size of the asteroidis small enough to produce a duration of order of milliseconds,which is consistent with the typical durations of FRBs. With aspherical comet nucleus with a radius r0 = 5 km, the duration canbe estimated as

�t � 12r0





, (10)

giving a duration of 3.3 ms. This duration is consistent with the pulsewidth of FRB 121102, which is observed at 3 ± 0.5 ms (Spitler et al.2014). However, this calculation just encompasses the cometarynucleus and neglects the cometary tail. A long cometary tail couldpotentially destroy the coherent emission responsible for producingFRBs.

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Page 6: Investigation of the Asteroid - Neutron Star Collision

Asteroid–NS collision model for repeating FRBs 1371

Figure 1. 3D models of the debris disc distribution (shown by the green dots) at t = 0 yr (initial distribution, left-hand panel) and at t = 100 000 yr (finaldistribution, right-hand panel). The orbit of the NS that sweeps through the debris disc is shown by the dotted red curve, with the red dot signifying the positionof the NS. The red dot has been inflated in order to visibly enhance the location. The NS has an eccentricity of 0.5 and is initially located at apastron. Thereference frame in centred on the central star (where the debris disc is orbiting), which is located at the origin (not shown).


We investigate whether asteroid/comet collisions can occur on anNS at a rate high enough to explain the repeating FRB 121102. Weexamine two scenarios, in the first scenario, the NS formed in abinary. In the second scenario, the NS was captured into a binary.

In the non-capture scenario, the NS orbit is coplanar to the debrisdisc, with an eccentricity of e = 0.5, a semimajor axis of a =100 au, and an orbital period of Porb = 597.6 yr. The assumptionof coplanarity gives the highest collision rate possible. As the NSis formed from a supernova explosion, the NS will receive a kickthat can lead to an eccentric orbit (Blaauw 1961; Bhattacharya &van den Heuvel 1991). In the capture scenario we also assumecoplanarity, along with an eccentricity of e = 0.9, a semimajoraxis of a = 500 au, and an orbital period of Porb = 6681.5 yr. Eventhough an eccentricity of 0.9 is technically bound, for simplicity, weassume that this eccentricity resembles a capture. In both scenarios,we assume the binary system to be of equal mass of 1.4 M�, with theframe of reference centred on the central star with the debris disc.We create a Kuiper belt-like fiducial disc of 10 000 test particleswith the orbital elements described as follows. The semimajor axis(a) is randomly allocated in the range 0.1 au - 60 au, the eccentricity(e) is randomly distributed in the range 0 - 0.1, and the inclination(i) is randomly selected in the range 0◦ - 10◦. The remaining rotationorbital elements, the argument of pericenter (ω), the longitude of theascending node (), and the mean anomaly (M), are all randomlyallocated in the range 0◦ - 360◦. The NS companion begins atapastron.

Since in both cases, the intruding NSs are in bound orbits. Wecalculate the periastron velocities in both scenarios and compare thatto the NS natal kick velocity used in the analytical approximationin equation (7). For the NS with eccentricities of 0.5 and 0.9, theperiastron velocities are 6.1048 and 6.8707 km s−1, respectively,with each having a periastron distance of 50 au. These velocitiesare about 2 orders of magnitude lower than the average NSvelocities, which means the number of collisions from the numericalresults should be heightened due to the extremely low periastronvelocity.

We model the NS system along with a debris disc using theN-body sympletic integrator in the orbital dynamics package,MERCURY (Chambers 1999). We simulate this system for a duration

of 100 000 years, which corresponds to a time of 166.67 Porb forthe non-capture scenario and a time of 14.97 Porb for the capturescenario, where we calculate the number of test particles that impactthe central star and the companion. We physically inflate the radiusof the NS and the central star to the impact radius. When a testparticle collides with either star, it is considered to have beenimpacted and removed from the simulation. The system is in aninitial stable configuration without the intruding NS.

The left-hand panel of Fig. 1 shows the initial set-up of the non-capture scenario. The orbit of the intruding NS that sweeps throughthe fiducial belt is shown by the red dashed line. The frame ofreference is centred on the central star (which is not shown), whichis located at the origin, (0,0,0). The NS is initially at apastron, withthe red dot being inflated in order to visibly enhance the location.MERCURY uses the mean anomaly as one of the rotational elements.In order to construct the orbit of the NS in Fig. 1, we use the first-order transformation from mean anomaly to the true anomaly (ν)given by

M = ν − 2e sin ν, (11)

where e is the eccentricity of the NS.The right-hand panel of Fig. 1 shows the final distribution of the

surviving debris disc after a time of 100 000 years. The majorityof the debris belt becomes unstable except for a population thatresides close to the central star. We show the eccentricity versusthe semimajor axis distribution of the test particle population attimes t = 0 Porb, 0.67 Porb, 1.67 Porb, and t = 166.67 Porb shownin Fig. 2. The NS begins at apastron and has an orbital period ofroughly 600 yr. As the system evolves, the outer parts of the beltbecome unstable, increasing the eccentricity of the test particles. Asthe NS approaches periastron, the majority of the debris disc hasalready been scattered. This unstable nature extends throughout thebelt as time increases. The belt is stable close to the central star inR � 15 au.

Next, we examine the scenario that resembles the NS beingcaptured by a star with a debris belt. The left-hand panel of Fig. 3shows the initial set-up for the NS capture model, while the right-hand panel shows the final distribution of the debris belt. Muchlike the non-capture scenario, the belt becomes unstable as theNS approaches periastron. Fig. 4 shows the eccentricity versus the

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Figure 2. The orbital eccentricity distribution of the fiducial debris disc as a function of semimajor axis at t = 0 Porb (top left-hand panel), at t = 0.67 Porb

(top right-hand panel), at t = 1.67 Porb (bottom left-hand panel), and at t = 166.67 Porb (bottom right-hand panel). Initially, the orbiting NS begins at apastronand has an orbital period of about 600 yr.

Figure 3. Same as Fig. 1 but with an eccentricity of 0.9.

semimajor axis distribution of the test particle population at timest = 0 Porb and t = 14.97 Porb. Again, as the system evolves, theouter parts of the belt become unstable, increasing the eccentricityof the test particles. Next, we examine the impact rate of the testparticles that have become unstable in each scenario.

3.1 Numerical collision rate

The fate of test particles with heightened eccentricities includeimpact with the central star or the NS, ejection from the system,

or remains within the simulation domain. If a test particle collideswith either of the stars, the test particle is considered impacted andremoved from the simulation. Fig. 5 shows the impact rate on tothe central star and on to the intruding NS in both non-capture(left-hand panel) and capture (right-hand panel) scenarios. We alsoshow the time of first periastron approach for both models. Withinboth scenarios, the NS literally goes through the belt on the firstperiastron approach, however, there are only two collisions duringthe first periastron for the non-capture scenario. For the capturescenario, there is one collision during the first periastron passage.

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Asteroid–NS collision model for repeating FRBs 1373

Figure 4. Same as Fig. 2 but with an eccentricity of 0.9 and at times t = 0 Porb (left-hand panel) and t = 14.97 Porb (right-hand panel). Initially, the orbitingNS begins at apastron and has an orbital period of about 6681.5 yr.

Figure 5. The number of impact events as a function of time for the non-capture scenario (left-hand panel) and for the capture scenario (right-hand panel).In the left-hand panel, the intruding NS is denoted with blue and central star with red. In the right-hand panel, the intruding NS is denoted with yellow andcentral star with purple. The times of the first periastron passage are shown by the horizontal dotted lines.

This is an interesting prediction, which states that the rate dropsquickly with time, the highest being in the first orbit, but dropsquickly in subsequent orbits. FRB 121102 has been observed foralmost 6 yr. It becomes active time and time again, which does notseem to be consistent with the prediction. However, since the orbitalperiods of the simulations are long, the source for FRB 121102 maystill be in the first encounter phase. In this case, we focus on the firstencounter and comment on the deficiency of the rate (as above).In any case, the periodicity mentioned by Bagchi (2017) should beirrelevant. Thus, an NS simply passing through a belt may not havea large amount of collisions.

Dai et al. (2016) used an asteroid belt analogue as the source ofdebris. The numerical set-up in this work used a larger Kuiper beltanalogue. We now estimate the density of a Kuiper belt analoguethat is able to produce the repetitive rate and then compare that withthe densities of the current Kuiper belt and the primordial Kuiperbelt.

The observed rate of FRB 121102 during its active phase isabout 1000 yr−1. According to our simulations, the total numberof collisions on to the NS for each scenario is of the order of 10collisions per 100 000 yr with a disc number density of the order of

10−2 au−3. To achieve the repetitive rate of 1000 yr−1, the density ofour Kuiper belt analogue would have to increase to 107 au−3. Thisdensity would predict 1010 collisions per 100 000 yr, however, thevelocity of the NS at periastron within our numerical simulationsis 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the observed NS proper-motion velocity, which is of order of 100 km s−1 (see Section 2.2).Since the rate is inversely proportional to v∗, this means that thenumerical results overestimated the collision rate by 2 orders ofmagnitude. Thus, scaling our number density of the Kuiper-likebelt by 9 orders of magnitude would match the repetitive rate of1000 yr−1. This density is 3 orders of magnitude greater than thecurrent Kuiper belt and still an order of magnitude greater than theprimordial Kuiper belt. Keep in mind that this scaled density is fora coplanar intruding NS to capture the highest rate of collisions.Realistically, the intruding NS would be misaligned to the planeof the debris belt and therefore the density of the belt would begreater than 107 au−3 to match the repetitive rate. Recall, that Daiet al. (2016) analytically found the number density to be 109 au−3

for an asteroid belt to match the repetitive rate. Thus, our numericalsimulations suggest that a Kuiper belt analogue could match therepetitive rate with a density greater than 107 au−3. If the debris

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Figure 6. The number of collisions as a function of time between each collision for the non-capture scenario (left-hand panel) and for the capture scenario(right-hand panel). In the left-hand panel, the intruding NS is denoted with blue and central star with red. In the right-hand panel, the intruding NS is denotedwith yellow and central star with purple.

disc was instead orbiting the intruding NS (i.e. the central star inour simulations), the rate of impacts would be much lower and thedensity required to match the observed repetitive rate would haveto be larger than 108 au−3.

We find another drawback to the collision model based on ournumerical simulations. The repetitive rate of FRB 121102 is quiteerratic, with a peak rate of about 3 hr−1 during its active phase(Scholz et al. 2016; Spitler et al. 2016; Palaniswamy et al. 2018).We explore our numerical results to identify if a short time-scaleerratic component is present. Fig. 6 shows the number of collisionsas a function of the time between each collision. The left-handpanel shows the time interval distribution for the case where theNS eccentricity is 0.5 and the right-hand panel is when the NSeccentricity is 0.9. For the former case, the distribution shows aclose to one-component Gaussian distribution with no short time-scale erratic component. For the latter case, the distribution isalso close to a one-component Gaussian distribution. With moreinitial test particles, such a one-component Gaussian distributionmay be enhanced without developing a short time-scale erraticcomponent.

4 C O N C L U S I O N S

We have examined the FRB–asteroid collision model that has beenpostulated to explain the repeating FRB 121102. We summarize allthe findings of the scenario next:

(i) We first estimated the analytical rate of debris colliding on toan intruding NS with a density of a primordial Kuiper belt and with alow NS natal kick velocity. The primordial Kuiper belt is an extremecase since the current mass of the Kuiper belt is 1 per cent of itsinitial mass. Given this extreme case, the rate is still about 3 ordersof magnitude lower than the observed rate of 3 h−1. This supportsthe findings of Dai et al. (2016) that the source is most likelynot located within a Milky Way analogue, and that the potentialprogenitors could be in an extremely rare arrangement.

(ii) We find that the analytical duration to produce FRB by cometsis consistent with the pulse width of FRB 121102 (3 ± 0.5 ms),assuming an average cometary nucleus radius of 5 km. This suggeststhat a comet may be able to produce an FRB assuming that the long

cometary tail does not disrupt the coherent emission needed toproduce FRBs.

(iii) To compare our analytical interpretation to numerical inte-grations, we model a Kuiper-like debris disc around a central starwith an NS on a highly eccentric orbits (e = 0.5 and e = 0.9).Within each scenario, the debris disc becomes unstable before theNS approaches periastron, which leads most comets to be scatteredaway from the belt rather than being accreted by the NS.

(iv) We estimate how dense our Kuiper belt analogue wouldhave to be in order to reproduce the repetitive rate. We constrain theestimated density to be larger than 107 au−3 to match the observedrepeating radio bursts for an intruding NS. If the disc happenedto be around the NS, the density required would have to be largerthan 108 au−3. These densities are 3−4 orders of magnitude greaterthan the current Kuiper belt and 1−2 orders of magnitude greaterthan the primordial Kuiper belt even if (1) one introduces a Kuiperbelt-like comet belt rather than an asteroid belt and assume thatcomet impacts can also make FRBs; (2) the NS moves ∼2 orders ofmagnitude slower than their normal proper-motion velocity due tosupernova kicks; and (3) the NS orbit is coplanar to the debris belt,which provides the highest rate of collisions.

(v) Another drawback of this model is that the numerical simu-lations lack evidence for the erratic behaviour of FRB 121102.

We conclude that if repeating FRBs are produced by cometscolliding with an NS, the progenitor system must be in an extremelyrare arrangement (i.e. an intruding NS plummeting through anextremely dense Kuiper-like comet belt or asteroid belt) to causethe repeating behaviour as observed in FRB 121102. Thus, we donot rule out the mechanism proposed by Dai et al. (2016), but theevidence for such arrangements is sparse.


We thank Z. G. Dai for discussion and an anonymous referee forhelpful suggestions. JLS acknowledges support from a graduatefellowship from the Nevada Space Grant Consortium (NVSGC). Weacknowledge support from NASA through grants NNX17AB96Gand NNX15AK85G. Computer support was provided by UNLV’sNational Supercomputing Center.

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