AMER. ZOOL., 32:557-565 (1992) Invertebrates in Endosymbiotic Associations' MARY BETH SAFFO Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 SYNOPSIS. Endosymbiosis is a phenomenon of central importance to the biology of many invertebrate animals. Parasitic, commensal and mutu- alistic endosymbioses are widely distributed among invertebrate taxa, and have arguably played a major role in the evolution of several invertebrate families, classes and phyla. Sometimes accounting for as much as 50% of invertebrate volume or biomass, endosymbionts can profoundly affect the ecology, physiology, development and behavior of invertebrate hosts. Endosymbiosis raises a number of questions that are worth the serious, sustained attention of a broad range of invertebrate biologists. INTRODUCTION Barring the complexities of clonal inver- tebrates, we tend to think of an individual invertebrate animal as just that: an individ- ual genome, a representative of a single taxon. But many invertebrate organisms are not merely individual genomes or single taxa; as hosts of persistent, intimately asso- ciated endosymbiotic communities, they can also be viewed as morphological, physio- logical or genetic chimeras of several taxa. With recent research, the pervasiveness and importance of symbiosis among inverte- brates are beginning to be appreciated, but they have not yet been integrated into everyday teaching and research perspec- tives on general invertebrate biology. To stimulate such integration, a workshop, The Impact of Symbiosis on Invertebrate Phys- iology, Ecology, and Evolution, was spon- sored by the Division of Invertebrate Zool- ogy for the Centennial Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists. DISCUSSION Symbiotic associations vary in their selective consequences, in their mode of transmission, and in their pervasiveness throughout invertebrate host populations. Endosymbiotic interactions can be harmful (parasitism) to host or endosymbiont; they 1 From the Workshop on The Impact of Symbiosis on Invertebrate Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution presented at the Centennial Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, 27-30 December 1989, at Bos- ton, Massachusetts. can also be mutually beneficial (mutualism), or have a beneficial effect on one partner, but a negligible effect (commensalism) on the other. Most commonly, the selective effect on the host or endosymbiont is either too poorly known, or too complex, to define in any of these three simple terms. Endosymbionts can be intracellular or extracellular inhabitants, transmitted hereditarily (vertically) with their host, or non-hereditarily (horizontally), necessitat- ing re-establishment of the symbiotic asso- ciation each generation. Some endosym- bionts (as in many parasites) infect only some members of a given invertebrate pop- ulation. Others (as in many "mutualistic" or other endosymbioses which apparently benefit the host) are chronic symbionts (Saffo, 1991a), inhabiting 100% of the host population for a significant portion of the host's life history. Nevertheless, whatever the exact nature of symbiotic dynamics, endosymbionts can have profound effects on the biochemistry, physiology, morphol- ogy, behavior, population biology, ecology and evolution of invertebrate hosts. This impact can be demonstrated in a number of contexts: • Symbiosis is taxonomically wide- spread among invertebrate animals, involv- ing members of virtually every invertebrate class and phylum. No invertebrate taxon is entirely symbiont-free. At minimum, at least some percentage of individuals in every invertebrate species are hosts to parasites, commensalistic symbionts, or to pathogens. Beyond the ubiquitous distribution of 557 at The Univesity of Calgary on September 18, 2012 http://icb.oxfordjournals.org/ Downloaded from

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Page 1: Invertebrates in Endosymbiotic Associations

AMER. ZOOL., 32:557-565 (1992)

Invertebrates in Endosymbiotic Associations'


Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064

SYNOPSIS. Endosymbiosis is a phenomenon of central importance to thebiology of many invertebrate animals. Parasitic, commensal and mutu-alistic endosymbioses are widely distributed among invertebrate taxa, andhave arguably played a major role in the evolution of several invertebratefamilies, classes and phyla. Sometimes accounting for as much as 50% ofinvertebrate volume or biomass, endosymbionts can profoundly affectthe ecology, physiology, development and behavior of invertebrate hosts.Endosymbiosis raises a number of questions that are worth the serious,sustained attention of a broad range of invertebrate biologists.


Barring the complexities of clonal inver-tebrates, we tend to think of an individualinvertebrate animal as just that: an individ-ual genome, a representative of a singletaxon. But many invertebrate organisms arenot merely individual genomes or singletaxa; as hosts of persistent, intimately asso-ciated endosymbiotic communities, they canalso be viewed as morphological, physio-logical or genetic chimeras of several taxa.With recent research, the pervasiveness andimportance of symbiosis among inverte-brates are beginning to be appreciated, butthey have not yet been integrated intoeveryday teaching and research perspec-tives on general invertebrate biology. Tostimulate such integration, a workshop, TheImpact of Symbiosis on Invertebrate Phys-iology, Ecology, and Evolution, was spon-sored by the Division of Invertebrate Zool-ogy for the Centennial Meeting of theAmerican Society of Zoologists.


Symbiotic associations vary in theirselective consequences, in their mode oftransmission, and in their pervasivenessthroughout invertebrate host populations.Endosymbiotic interactions can be harmful(parasitism) to host or endosymbiont; they

1 From the Workshop on The Impact of Symbiosison Invertebrate Physiology, Ecology, and Evolutionpresented at the Centennial Meeting of the AmericanSociety of Zoologists, 27-30 December 1989, at Bos-ton, Massachusetts.

can also be mutually beneficial (mutualism),or have a beneficial effect on one partner,but a negligible effect (commensalism) onthe other. Most commonly, the selectiveeffect on the host or endosymbiont is eithertoo poorly known, or too complex, to definein any of these three simple terms.

Endosymbionts can be intracellular orextracellular inhabitants, transmittedhereditarily (vertically) with their host, ornon-hereditarily (horizontally), necessitat-ing re-establishment of the symbiotic asso-ciation each generation. Some endosym-bionts (as in many parasites) infect onlysome members of a given invertebrate pop-ulation. Others (as in many "mutualistic"or other endosymbioses which apparentlybenefit the host) are chronic symbionts(Saffo, 1991a), inhabiting 100% of the hostpopulation for a significant portion of thehost's life history. Nevertheless, whateverthe exact nature of symbiotic dynamics,endosymbionts can have profound effectson the biochemistry, physiology, morphol-ogy, behavior, population biology, ecologyand evolution of invertebrate hosts. Thisimpact can be demonstrated in a numberof contexts:

• Symbiosis is taxonomically wide-spread among invertebrate animals, involv-ing members of virtually every invertebrateclass and phylum. No invertebrate taxon isentirely symbiont-free. At minimum, at leastsome percentage of individuals in everyinvertebrate species are hosts to parasites,commensalistic symbionts, or to pathogens.

Beyond the ubiquitous distribution of


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parasites and pathogens, chronic endosym-bioses (Table 1) are also broadly distributedthroughout invertebrate phyla. Associa-tions between invertebrates and autotro-phic endosymbionts are among the mostwell-known chronic symbioses. For exam-ple, a wide range of fresh-water and marineinvertebrate taxa from temperate and trop-ical latitudes are habitually associated withprotistan or cyanobacterial photoauto-trophs. Chemoautotrophic (especially sul-fur-oxidizing) bacteria are chronic inhabi-tants of vestimentiferan and perviatepogonophorans; lucinids, thyasirids andother bivalves, and several species of nem-atodes, oligochaetes and turbellaria (Ott etal, 1982;Caryera/., 1988; Wood and Kelly,1989).

Many more invertebrate taxa containchronic heterotrophic endosymbionts, mostof which have received little study. Severalspecies of bioluminescent sepioloid squid(Wei and Young, 1989; Mcfall-Ngai andRuby, 1989) harbor luminescent bacteria,as do Pyrosoma (Leisman et al, 1980) andsome insect pathogenic nematodes (Neal-son, 1991). In the above symbioses, at leastone effect of the endosymbionts (biolumi-nescence) is obvious, although the ecologi-cal significance of the luminescence is notalways clear. Less is understood about otherheterotrophic endosymbionts. For instance,although dicyemid "mesozoans" colonizethe kidneys of 100% of the populations oftemperate and boreal octopods, the meta-bolic and ecological impact of the symbiosisis not known (Hochberg, 1983). Heterotro-phic bacteria are found in placozoa (Grell,1981), demosponges and sclerosponges(Vacelet, 1975; Bergquist, 1978); in leechesand earthworms (Buchner, 1965); in thecytoplasm of Nephromyces, a protistanendosymbiont of molgulid ascidians (Saffo,1990, 1991a); in shipworms and terrestrialprosobranchs {Pomatias elegans: Buchner,1965); and in species of echinoids, brittlestars and asteroids (De Ridder et al, 1985;Walker and Lesser, 1989; Bosch, 1992).Mollicutes (mycoplasmas) and walled bac-teria have been reported from larval andadult bryozoans (Lutaud, 1969; Woollacott,1981; Zimmer and Woollacott, 1983; Boyleet al., 1987). Ten percent of all insect species

(Douglas, 1989; Ishikawa, 1989), as well assome arachnids {e.g., ticks and mites), har-bor non-pathological bacterial endosym-bionts, either as extracellular intestinalsymbionts (as in termites and cockroaches),or as intracellular inhabitants of "myce-tomes" or other organs (as in grain weevils,aphids, sucking lice, and cockroaches). Onlyin shipworms (Waterbury et al., 1983),luminescent symbioses and herbivorousinsects have the metabolic activities of het-erotrophic symbiotic prokaryotes beenclearly demonstrated.

• Especially among chronic endosym-bioses, a significant percentage of "inver-tebrate" biomass can be microbial symbi-ont biomass. A typical termite gut, forinstance, contains as many as 107 protozoancells and lO9"10 bacterial cells (Smith andDouglas, 1987), accounting for 33-50% oftotal termite weight (Whitfield, 1979). Sim-ilarly, bacterial symbionts make up 37.5%of the uncontracted mesohyl volume of thedemosponge Verongia, equal to, or slightlyexceeding, the volume of host cells (Vacelet,1975; Bergquist, 1978). In larvae of the grainweevil Sitophilus oryzae, there are 1 to 3million endosymbiotic bacteria, compara-ble to the total number of host cells (Nardonand Grenier, 1991). Parasitic symbionts{e.g., rhizocephalan symbionts in crabs,acanthocephalan symbionts in pill bugs) canalso take up a significant percentage of hostvolume (Moore, 1984a, b\ Schmidt andRoberts, 1989).

• Endosymbiosis has played a major rolein the evolution of several invertebrate taxa.The ubiquitous distribution of endosym-bionts among several groups of inverte-brates suggests that chronic symbionts havebeen intimately involved in the evolutionand radiation of a number of invertebrategenera, families and orders (lucinid bivalves,molgulid ascidians, hermatypic scleractin-ian corals: Saffo, 1991a, b), classes (Hiru-dinea: Buchner, 1965) and even phyla(Pogonophora: Vetter, 1991). Endosym-bionts can affect the evolution of their hostsdirectly, by coevolution or cospeciation withtheir hosts, or indirectly, by their impact onhost metabolism and ecology.

Many invertebrates are themselves sym-bionts. Several orders and classes, especially

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among flatworms, nematodes, and annelids,consist exclusively of endo- or ecto-para-sites, and some phyla (orthonectids,dicyemids and acanthocephalans) containonly endosymbiotic species. Several otherorders and classes (e.g., polychaetes, iso-pods, copepods, cirripedes), include manyparasitic or commensalistic members. Theseorganisms show striking morphological,developmental and physiological adapta-tions to endosymbiotic life.

Endosymbiont-induced speciation hasbeen demonstrated, thus far, in about adozen species of arthropods (Thompson,1987; Nardon and Grenier, 1991). Patho-logic or nonpathologic symbionts can effecthost speciation either through reproductiveisolation of individuals with differing (orabsent) endosymbiotic communities, orthrough divergent selection of host popu-lations which differ in symbiont composi-tion or in dynamics of host-symbiont inter-actions (Thompson, 1987;Saffo, 19916).

• Invertebrate endosymbioses can havemajor ecological impact, both on the habitatrange and inter-species relationships of theinvertebrate hosts themselves, and on theecosystems of which they are a part.

Many invertebrate hosts of chronic endo-symbioses, such as termites, cockroaches,scleractinian corals, and molgulid ascidiansare abundant or globally distributed taxa,conspicuously present in terrestrial ormarine ecosystems. For these and othersymbiotic invertebrates, the physiologicalcontributions of chronic endosymbionts canallow exploitation of profoundly new niches.Symbioses with autotrophic symbionts haveallowed species from at least 7 phyla (Table1) to lead partially or exclusively autotro-phic lives, where some of them, such asscleractinian corals, Pogonophora, andlucinid bivalves, play significant or even keyroles in tropical reefs, sulfur-rich habitatsand other marine communities. The met-abolic contributions of cellulases, aminoacids, B vitamins, sterols, and nitrogen fix-ation or nitrogen recycling by intracellularbacteria and microbial intestinal symbiontshave allowed insects, bivalves and others toexploit specialized, nutritionally limitedplant diets such as wood, phloem, and grain.All blood-sucking invertebrates, including

sucking lice, leeches and ticks, are obligatelyassociated with bacterial endosymbionts.

• Beyond the contributions of symbiontsto host nutrition per se, both parasitic andmutualistic endosymbioses can have pro-found effects on many other aspects of thebiology of invertebrate hosts. In severalmutualistic endosymbioses, some of theseeffects can be interpreted nevertheless asgeneral consequences of symbiont contri-butions to host nutrition, underscoring theimpact of endosymbiont metabolism inmany such symbioses. In bacterial-grainweevil symbioses, for instance, aposym-biotic populations of the hosts, Sitophilusoryzae and S. zeamais (Nardon and Gren-ier, 1991) cannot fly. Further, the devel-opment time of aposymbiotic weevils islengthened, and their fertility reduced, com-pared to their symbiotic counterparts. Allthese effects are plausibly linked to the con-tributions of vitamins and amino acids andenhancement of mitochondrial enzymeactivity by the bacterial symbionts of Si-tophilus.

Other effects of symbiont infection sug-gest biochemical interactions that are nottied to nutrient exchange between symbiontand host. In rhizocephalan-parasitized crus-taceans, for instance, the alteration of sec-ondary sexual characteristics of hosts, andreduction or elimination of host reproduc-tion by parasites result from hormonalinteractions between parasite and host. Inseveral insects and mites, bacterial or pro-tozoan symbionts can alter sex ratios of hostpopulations, usually through selective mor-tality of male embryos or juveniles (Hugeret al, 1985).

Parasites can also dramatically alter hostbehavior, especially that of invertebrateintermediate hosts. Acanthocephalan infes-tation of arthropods (Moore, 1984a, b) canreverse typical host responses to light (ininfected amphipods and cockroaches),humidity, shelter and background color(infected pill bugs). Individuals of the gas-tropod Ilyanassa obtusata parasitized by thetrematode Gynaecotyla adunca crawl higherup into the intertidal zone than eitherunparasitized individuals, or individualsparasitized by other species (Curtis, 1987);G. adunca and other trematode species

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TABLE 1. Chronic endosymbioses among invertebrates.

Host phylum











and Sclerospon-


and Calcarea








perviata and vesti-mentifera


Trichoplax ad-haerens


SpongillaVerongia, Cerato-


about 38 genera


Velella, Millepora

Mastigias, Cassio-peia

scleractinian cor-als


Paracatenula spp.neorhabdocoelsAstomonema jen-

neriXenorhabdus spp.

Placobdella, ich-thyobdellids

Hirudo medicina-lis

Phallodrilus leuko-dermata





Chlorellaheterotrophic bac-







prasinophytes, dino-flagellates, diatoms


luminescent bacte-ria


1. Pseudomonas2. bacteria




Symb. locale

fiber cells: cister-nae of E.R.



gastrodermal cells

gastrodermal cells

gastrodermal cells

gastrodermal cells

host vacuoles nearbody wall

mesenchymegut rudiment


esophageal ceca

1. intestinallumen

2. urinarybladder

nephridial ampul-


Symbiont activity*



photoautotroph?some facultative


photoautotroph+(?) nitrogenfixation







entomopatho-genesis of host

suppl. nut.

1. blood feeder:suppl. nut.

2. ?





Grell, 1981; Grelland Benwitz,1981

Smith and Douglas,1987

Bergquist, 1978Vacelet, 1975; San-

tavy et al., 1990

Wilkinson, 1983;Smith and Doug-las, 1987

Smith and Douglas,1987

Smith and Douglas,1987

Smith and Douglas,1987

Smith and Douglas,1987

Smith and Douglas,1987

Oltet al., 1982Douglas, 1987Ottet al., 1982

Nealson, 1991

Buchner, 1965

Buchner, 1965

Giere, 1981; Fel-beck etal., 1983

Buchner, 1965

Smith and Douglas,1987




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TABLE 1. Continued.

Host phylum















sacoglossans, nu-dibranchs

terrestrial proso-branchs

lucinids, thyasi-rids, Calypto-




Euprymna sco-lopes



Bugula spp.



Amphipholis squa-mala

tropical didemnids









1. cyanobacteria2. heterotrophic

bacteriamollicutes (myco-






cyanobacteria (in-cluding prochlo-rophytes)

Symb. locale

gut or digestive di-verticula



siphonal tissue


renal sac

epithelial light or-gan

visceral coelom

pallial sinus (lar-vae); funicularbodies (adults)

intestinal cecum

extracellular; sub-cuticular regionnear gut

bursae and devel-oping embryos

atrial cavity

Symbiont activity*


urate recycling?



cellulase, nitrogenfixation



1. N fixation?2. ?


sediment process-ing?


embryo growthand develop-ment?

photoautotrophyand N fixation


Smith and Douglas,1987

Buchner, 1965

Wood and Kelly,1989

Smith and Douglas,1 0871 7O /

Waterbury el al.,1983

Hochberg, 1983

Wei and Young,1989; McFall-Ngai and Mont-gomery, 1990

Smith and Douglas,1987

Zimmer and Wool-lacott, 1983;Boyle el al, 1987

Lutaud, 1969;Woollacott, 1981

De Ridder et al,1985

Bosch, 1992

Walker and Lesser,1989

Smith and Douglas,1987









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TABLE 1. Continued.

Host phylum

Arthropoda(partial list)








gamasid mites (Li-ponyssus)

ixodids and arga-sids


Periplaneta ameri-cana

scale insects

aphids e.g., Eusce-

bed bugs (e.g., Ci-mex)

sucking lice, e.g.,Pediculus hu-manus

tephritid fruit flies

Culex, AedesDrosophila spp.

screwworm Cochli-omyia homini-vorax

tsetse flies (Glossi-na)

cranefly larvae


Nephromyces(with intracellu-lar bacteria)











Wolbachiamycoplasmas, spi-

roplasmas, rick-ettsias, viruses

bacteria (Providen-cia rettgeri)



Symb. locale

renal sac


mycetocytes nearintestine

Malpighian tu-bules, ovaries


1. hindgut2. fat body




mycetocytes nearmidgut wall

midgut cecum(larva); esopha-geal pouch andhindgut (adults)

egg, germ cellsvarious tissues,




Symbiont activity*

urate catabolism


blood feeders:suppl. nut.

blood feeders:suppl. nut.


1. cellulase,suppl. nut.?

2. uraterecycling?

xylem and phloemfeeders: suppl.nut.

B vitamins, sterols

blood feeders:suppl. nut.

blood feeders: Bvitamins

suppl. nut.?



blood feeders: Bvitamins



Saffo, 1990, 1991a

Leisman el ai,1980

Buchner, 1965

Buchner, 1965;Hayes and Burg-dorfer, 1989

Smith and Douglas,IQS71 7O '

Smith and Douglas,1987

Tremblay, 1989

Douglas, 1989

Douglas, 1989

Douglas, 1989

Buchner, 1965;Smith and Doug-las, 1987; Gass-ner, 1989

Gassner, 1989Thompson, 1987;

Gassner, 1989

Gassner, 1989

Douglas, 1989

Smith and Douglas,1987



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influence, both positively and negatively(depending on the species), the response ofnonbreeding /. obsoleta to carrion (Curtis,1985). As Moore (19846) noted, field obser-vations of invertebrate behavior need to takeinto account that some observed behaviors"may have been 'rigged' " by the presenceof endoparasites.

In some cases {e.g., the symbiotic lightorgans of sepiolid squid, colonized by Vib-rio fischeri: McFall-Ngai and Ruby, 1991)the development of symbiont-containinginvertebrate organs is affected by the pres-ence or absence of symbionts. In others, theabsence of chronic symbionts may affect notonly the development of the symbioticorgan, but larger developmental patterns:Schwemmler (1989) has asserted, though notwithout controversy (Douglas, 1989), thataposymbiotic leafhoppers do not developabdomens. In addition, the function andevolution of several other invertebratestructures (e.g., mycetocyte tissues of otherinsects, the renal sac of molgulid ascidians,the trophosome of pogonophorans) areclosely tied to the chronic presence ofmicrobial symbionts in such tissues.

Given such data, it is clear that symbioticinvertebrates are not marginal exotica, butrather a significant phenomenon of inver-tebrate biology worthy of the serious, sus-tained attention of a broad range ofresearchers. From this perspective, work-shop participants have exploited novelexperimental approaches and less familiarinvertebrate systems to provoke fresh viewson several symbiotic questions:

• (Mark Patterson) How is the metaboliceconomy of endosymbionts affected by theirlack of direct communication with the out-side environment? How does the architec-ture of the host-environment interface affectnutrient and oxygen flux in the endosym-biont?

• (Wayne Sousa) What factors determinethe diversity and density of symbiotic com-munities within an invertebrate host? Whatrole do interspecific interactions, such ascompetition, play in structuring commu-nities of endoparasites?

• (Michael M. Martin) How do mutu-alistic endosymbioses evolve? How does

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mutualism and endosymbiosis affect pat-terns of speciation in symbiotic partners?

The following articles document the par-ticipants' perspectives on these questions,drawn from their studies of symbioticinvertebrates in marine and terrestrial hab-itats. While focused on particular cases ofsymbiotic interactions—biomechanicalaspects of algal-cnidarian symbiosis, thecommunity ecology of trematode parasitesin marine gastropod hosts, and the evolu-tion of insect-fungus symbioses—we hopethat the questions raised by the workshopwill play a broader role in helping restruc-ture our general perspectives both on sym-biosis and on invertebrate biology.


Bergquist, P. R. 1978. Sponges. University of Cali-fornia Press, Berkeley.

Bosch, I. 1992. Widespread symbiosis between bac-teria and sea star larvae in epipelagic regions ofthe North Atlantic. Mar. Biol. (In press)

Boyle, P. J., J. S. Maki, and R. Mitchell. 1987. Mol-licute identified in novel association with aquaticinvertebrate. Curr. Microbiol. 15:85-89.

Breznak, J. A. 1984. Biochemical aspects of symbi-osis between termites and their intestinal micro-biota. In J. M. Anderson, A. D. M. Rayner, andD. W. H. Walton (eds.), Invertebrate-microbialinteractions, pp. 173-204. Cambridge Univ. Press,Cambridge.

Buchner, P. 1965. Endosymbiosis of animals withplant microorganisms. Interscience Publishers(John Wiley), New York.

Cary, S. C , C. R. Fisher, and H. Felbeck. 1988. Mus-sel growth supported by methane as sole carbonand energy source. Science 240:78-80.

Curtis, L. A. 1985. The influence of sex and trema-tode parasites on carrion response of the estuarinesnail Ilyanassa obsoleta. Biol. Bull. 169:377.

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Douglas, A. E. 1987. Experimental studies on sym-biotic Chlorella in the Neorhabdocoel TurbellariaDalyellia viridis and Typhloplana viridata. Br.Phycol. J. 22:157-161.

Douglas, A. E. 1989. Mycetocyte symbiosis in insects.Biol. Rev. 64:409-434.

Felbeck, H., G. Liebezeit, R. Dawson, and O. Giere.1983. CO2 fixation in tissues of marine oligo-chaetes (Phallodrilus leukodermatus and P. planus)containing symbiotic, chemoautotrophic bacteria.Mar. Biol. 75:187-191.

Gassner, G. 1989. Dipteran endocytobionts. In W.

Schwemmler and G. Gassner (eds.), Insect endo-cytobiosis: Morphology, physiology, genetics, evo-lution, pp. 217-232. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Flor-ida.

Giere, O. 1981. The gutless marine oligochaete Phal-lodrilus leukodermatus. Structural studies on anaberrant tubificid associated with bacteria. Mar.Ecol. Prog. Ser. 5:353-357.

Grell, K. 1981. Trichoplax adhaerens and the originof Metazoa. Atti dei covegni Lincei 49 (Originedel Grandi Phyla de Metazoi):\01-\2\. Accade-mia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome.

Grell, K. G. and G. Benwitz. 1981. Erganzende unter-suchungen zur ultrastruktur von Trichoplaxadhaerens F. E. Schulze (Placozoa). Zoomorph.98:47-67.

Hayes, S. F. and W. Burgdorfer. 1989. Interactionsbetween rickettsial endocytobionts and their tickhosts. In W. Schwemmler and G. Gassner (eds.),Insect endocytobiosis: Morphology, physiology,genetics, evolution, pp. 217-232. CRC Press, BocaRaton, Florida.

Hochberg, F. G. 1983. The parasites of cephalopods:A review. Mem. Natl. Mus. Victoria 44:109-145.

Huger, A. M., S. W. Skinner, and J. H. Werren. 1985.Bacterial infections associated with the son-killertrait in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia (=Mormo-niella) vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae).J. Invert. Pathol. 46:272-280.

Ishikawa, H. 1989. A synthesis: The types of inter-action system between bacteria and insects. In P.Nardon, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson, A. M. Grenier,L. Margulis, and D. C. Smith (eds.), Endocyto-biology IV, pp. 355-360. INRA, Lyon.

Leisman, G., D. H. Cohn, and K. H. Nealson. 1980.Bacterial origin of luminescence in marine ani-mals. Science 208:1271-1273.

Lutaud, G. 1969. La nature des corps funiculaires descellularines, bryozoaires chilostomes. Arch. Zool.Exp. Gen. 110:2-30.

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