Intro to jQuery Mobile @ChrisGriffith h+p://bit.ly/Jd1pxk MBRea2 0b0ea2

Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

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Page 1: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

Intro  to  jQuery  Mobile  

@ChrisGriffith   h+p://bit.ly/Jd1pxk  MBR-­‐ea2  0b0ea2  

Page 2: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

What  does  jQuery  Mobile  do?  

jQuery  Mobile  makes  it  easy  to  develop    user  interfaces  for  mobile  web  apps.  

Page 3: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

What  does  jQuery  Mobile  do?  

The  interface  configura;on  is  markup-­‐driven,  which  means  you  can  pre+y  much  create  your  enLre  basic  app  interface  in  HTML,  without  needing  to  write  a  single  line  of  JavaScript.  (Of  course,  you'll  sLll  need  to  write  JavaScript  if  your  app  is  to  do  anything  useful!)  

Page 4: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon
Page 5: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

What  does  jQuery  Mobile  do?  

It  provides  a  series  of  new  custom  events  to  let  you  detect  mobile  and  touch  specific  acLons  like  tap,  tap-­‐and-­‐hold,  swipe,  and  orienta;on  change  (i.e.  rotaLng  the  device).  

Page 6: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

What  does  jQuery  Mobile  do?  

It  uses  themes  to  make  it  easy  to  customize  the  look  of  your  app.  

Page 7: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<!DOCTYPE  html>  <html>  <head>  <Ltle>Page  Title</Ltle>  

 <link  rel="stylesheet"  href="h+p://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0/jquery.mobile-­‐1.0.min.css"  />  

 <script  src="h+p://code.jquery.com/jquery-­‐1.7.1.min.js"></script>    <script  src="h+p://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0/

jquery.mobile-­‐1.0.min.js"></script>  </head>  <body>      </body>  </html>  

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<body> <div id="homePage">

<div> <h1>Page Title</h1> </div> <div> <p>My page content</p> </div> <div> <h4>Footer</h4> </div>

</div> </body>

Page 9: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon


data-­‐  a+ributes  are  a  wonderful  new  feature  of  HTML5  that  let  you  add  any  a+ributes  you  like  to  an  element.  All  you  have  to  do  is  start  your  a+ribute  name  with  the  data-­‐  prefix.  

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<body>  <div  id="homePage"  data-­‐role="page">  

 <div  data-­‐role="header">      <h1>Page  Title</h1>    </div>    <div  data-­‐role="content">      <p>My  page  content</p>    </div>    <div  data-­‐role="footer">      <h4>Footer</h4>    </div>  

</div>  </body>  

Page 11: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<div  data-­‐  role="header">  

This  lets  you  create  a  toolbar  at  the  top  of  the  page,  used  for  things  like  the  page  Ltle  and  bu+ons.  (Typically  there  is  at  least  a  "Back"  bu+on  which  the  user  can  tap  to  return  to  the  previous  page.)  By  adding  data-­‐posiLon="fixed"  to  the  header,  you  can  make  sure  the  header  always  stays  at  the  top  of  the  screen.  

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<div  data-­‐  role="content">  

Contains  the  main  content  of  the  page,  such  as  text,  images,  bu+ons,  lists,  forms,  and  so  on.  

Page 13: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<div  data-­‐  role="footer">  

Creates  a  toolbar  at  the  bo+om  of  the  page,  which  is  useful  for  things  like  main  funcLon  bu+ons.  By  adding  data-­‐posiLon="fixed"  to  the  footer,  you  can  make  sure  it  always  stays  at  the  bo+om  of  the  screen.  

Page 14: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

Pages  within  pages  <body>  <div  id="homePage"  data-­‐role="page">  

 <div  data-­‐role="header">      <h1>Page  Title</h1>    </div>    <div  data-­‐role="content">      <p>My  page  content</p>      <p><a  href="#about">About  this  app</a></p>    </div>    <div  data-­‐role="footer">      <h4>Footer</h4>    </div>  

</div>  <div  data-­‐role="page"  id="about">  

 <div  data-­‐role="header">      <h1>About  This  App</h1>    </div>    <div  data-­‐role="content">      <p>This  app  rocks!  <a  href="#homePage">Go  home</a></p>    </div>  

</div>  </body>  

Page 15: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

Page  transiLons  •  slide  •  slideup  •  slidedown  •  slidefade  •  pop  •  fade  •  flip  •  flow  •  turn  

<p><a  href="#about"  data-­‐transiLon="flip">About  this  app</a></p>  

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To  turn  a  link  into  a  bu+on  in  jQuery  Mobile,  simply  add  data-­‐role="bu+on"  to  the  a  tag:    <p><a  href="#about"  data-­‐role="bu+on">About  this  app</a></p>  

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Icons  &  more  

An  icon  can  be  added  to  a  bu+on  by  adding  a  data-­‐icon  a+ribute  on  the  anchor  specifying  the  icon  to  display.  For  example,  the  following  markup:  <p><a  href="#about"  data-­‐transiLon="flip"  data-­‐role="bu+on"  data-­‐icon="info">About  this  app</a></p>  

Page 18: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

Grouped  Bu+ons  <div  data-­‐role="page"  id="about">  

 <div  data-­‐role="header">      <h1>About  This  App</h1>    </div>    <div  data-­‐role="content">      <p>Does  app  rocks?</p>      <div  data-­‐role="controlgroup"  data-­‐type="horizontal">        <a  href="#homePage"  data-­‐role="bu+on">Yes</a>        <a  href="#homePage"  data-­‐role="bu+on">No</a>        <a  href="#homePage"  data-­‐role="bu+on">Maybe</a>      </div>    </div>  


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Lists  are  used  for  data  display,  navigaLon,  result  lists,  and  data  entry  so  jQuery  Mobile  includes  a  wide  range  of  list  types  and  formanng  examples  to  cover  most  common  design  pa+erns.  

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List  Code  -­‐  Sample  

<li>    <a  href="#"><img  src="images/rush.png"  

class="ui-­‐li-­‐thumb">    <h3  class="ui-­‐li-­‐heading">Fly  by  Night</h3>    <p  class="ui-­‐li-­‐desc">(1975)</p>    </a>  


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Lists,  part  deux  •  Nested  lists.  If  you  nest  another  ul  list  inside  an  li,  jQuery  automaLcally  creates  a  

second  "page"  for  the  embedded  list,  linked  to  from  the  original  li.  This  is  very  handy  for  creaLng  trees  of  menu  opLons,  senngs,  and  so  on.  

•  Split  buDon  lists.  By  placing  2  links  inside  an  li,  you  can  create  a  list  item  with  a  verLcal  divider  bar  on  the  right  side  of  the  item.  The  user  can  then  tap  either  the  leq  or  right  side  of  the  list  item  to  achieve  different  things  (such  as  viewing  or  purchasing).  

•  Count  bubbles.  If  you  include  an  element  with  a  class  of  ui-­‐li-­‐count  in  a  list  item  then  jQuery  Mobile  creates  a  li+le  "bubble"  icon  on  the  right  side  of  the  list  item  containing  the  element's  contents.  This  is  great  for  things  like  message  counts  in  mailbox  lists.  

•  Search  filtering.  If  you  add  the  a+ribute  data-­‐filter="true"  to  a  ul  or  ol  element  then  the  list  becomes  searchable.  A  "Filter  results..."  text  box  appears  above  the  list,  allowing  the  user  to  narrow  down  the  opLons.  Perfect  for  large  lists.  

•  List  dividers  for  splinng  lists  into  secLons.  Just  add  data-­‐role="list-­‐divider"  to  any  list  item.  

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Back?  <div  data-­‐role="page"  id="twenty-­‐one-­‐twelve"  data-­‐add-­‐back-­‐btn="true">    OR    <script  src="h+p://code.jquery.com/jquery-­‐1.7.1.min.js"></script>  <script>  $(document).bind("mobileinit",  funcLon(){  

 $.mobile.page.prototype.opLons.addBackBtn=true;  });  </script>  <script  src="h+p://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0/jquery.mobile-­‐1.0.min.js"></script>  

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<script>  $(document).bind("mobileinit",  funcLon(){  $.mobile.page.prototype.opLons.addBackBtn=true;  

 $.mobile.page.prototype.opLons.theme="a";  });  </script>  

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Theming  Tools  

Page 25: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

Theming  Tools  

h+p://labs.adobe.com/technologies/fireworks_css3mobile/    Built  into  the  Fireworks  CSS3  Mobile  Pack  is  a  new  CSS3  Property  panel,  which  provides  a  seamless  approach  to  extract  CSS  from  your  design  elements  in  Fireworks.  In  addiLon,  the  jQuery  Mobile  Theme  Skinning  tool  helps  you  modify  the  default  jQuery  Mobile  swatches  and  generate  your  own  color  swatches  to  CSS  and  sprites  (which  will  work  out  of  the  box  with  the  jQuery  Mobile  Framework).    

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Page 27: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon


<meta  name="viewport"  content="target-­‐densitydpi=medium-­‐dpi,  width=device-­‐width,  iniLal-­‐scale=1.0,  maximum-­‐scale=1.0,  user-­‐scalable=no"/>  <meta  name="apple-­‐mobile-­‐web-­‐app-­‐capable"  content="yes"  />  <meta  name="apple-­‐mobile-­‐web-­‐app-­‐status-­‐bar-­‐style"  content="black"  />  

See  h+p://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/mobifying/  

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<div  data-­‐role="footer">        <div  data-­‐role="navbar">      <ul>        <li><a  href="#">One</a></li>        <li><a  href="#">Two</a></li>        <li><a  href="#">Three</a></li>      </ul>    </div><!-­‐-­‐  /navbar  -­‐-­‐>  

</div><!-­‐-­‐  /footer  -­‐-­‐>  

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Icons  in  navbars  

Icons  can  be  added  to  navbar  items  by  adding  the  data-­‐icon  a+ribute  specifying  a  standard  mobile  icon  to  each  anchor.  By  default,  icons  are  added  above  the  text  (data-­‐iconpos="top").  The  following  examples  add  icons  to  a  navbar  in  a  footer.    

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Custom  Icons  

18x18  pixels  saved  as  a  PNG-­‐8  with  alpha  transparency    

.ui-­‐icon-­‐myapp-­‐email  {      background-­‐image:  url("app-­‐icon-­‐email.png");  }  

 36x36  pixels  saved  as  a  PNG-­‐8  with  alpha  transparency    

@media  only  screen  and  (-­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐raLo:  2)  {      .ui-­‐icon-­‐myapp-­‐email  {        background-­‐image:  url("app-­‐icon-­‐email-­‐highres.png");        background-­‐size:  18px  18px;      }  }  


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Fixed  toolbars  

In  browsers  that  support  CSS  posiLon:  fixed  (most  desktop  browsers,  iOS5+,  Android  2.2+,  BlackBerry  6,  and  others),  toolbars  that  use  the  "fixedtoolbar"  plugin  will  be  fixed  to  the  top  or  bo+om  of  the  viewport,  while  the  page  content  scrolls  freely  in  between.  In  browsers  that  don't  support  fixed  posiLoning,  the  toolbars  will  remain  posiLoned  in  flow,  at  the  top  or  bo+om  of  the  page.    To  enable  this  behavior  on  a  header  or  footer,  add  the  data-­‐posiLon="fixed"  a+ribute  to  a  jQuery  Mobile  header  or  footer  element.    Fixed  header  markup  example:  

   <div  data-­‐role="header"  data-­‐posiLon="fixed">  

 <h1>Fixed  Header!</h1>  </div>  

     Fixed  footer  markup  example:  

   <div  data-­‐role="footer"  data-­‐posiLon="fixed">  

 <h1>Fixed  Footer!</h1>  </div>  

Page 32: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

Persistent  Footer  navigaLon  bar  

To  tell  the  framework  to  apply  the  persistent  behavior,  add  a  data-­‐id  a+ribute  to  the  footer  of  all  HTML  pages  in  the  navigaLon  set  to  the  same  ID.  It's  that  simple:  if  the  page  you're  navigaLng  to  has  a  header  or  footer  with  the  same  data-­‐id,  the  toolbars  will  appear  fixed  outside  of  the  transiLon.    

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Persistent  Footer  navigaLon  bar  

<div  data-­‐role="footer"  data-­‐id=”myTabs"  data-­‐posiLon="fixed">    <div  data-­‐role="navbar">      <ul>        <li><a  href="a.html">Friends</a></li>        <li><a  href="b.html">Albums</a></li>        <li><a  href="c.html">Emails</a></li>        <li><a  href="d.html"  >Info</a></li>      </ul>    </div><!-­‐-­‐  /navbar  -­‐-­‐>  

</div><!-­‐-­‐  /footer  -­‐-­‐>    To  set  the  acLve  state  of  an  item  in  a  persistent  toolbar,  add  a  class  of  ui-­‐state-­‐persist  in  addiLon  to  ui-­‐btn-­‐acLve  to  the  corresponding  anchor.    <li><a  href="d.html"  class="ui-­‐btn-­‐acLve  ui-­‐state-­‐persist">Info</a></li>  

Page 34: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

HTML5  Inputs  •  search  •  tel  •  url  •  email  •  dateLme  •  date  •  month  •  week  •  Lme  •  dateLme-­‐local  •  number  •  range  •  color  

Page 35: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<input  type="tel">  

Page 36: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<input  type="url">  

Page 37: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<input  type="email">  

Page 38: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon

<input  type="number">  

Page 39: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon


<label  for="slider-­‐0">Input  slider:</label>  <input  type="range"  name="slider"  id="slider-­‐0"  value="60"  min="0"  max="100"  />    

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<label  for="slider-­‐fill">Input  slider:</label>  <input  type="range"  name="slider"  id="slider-­‐fill"  value="60"  min="0"  max="100"  data-­‐highlight="true"  />  

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Flip  toggle  switch  

<label  for="flip-­‐a">Select  slider:</label>  <select  name="slider"  id="flip-­‐a"  data-­‐role="slider">  

 <opLon  value="off">Off</opLon>    <opLon  value="on">On</opLon>  


Page 42: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon
Page 43: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon
Page 44: Introto jQuery&Mobile& - AJ Software · Whatdoes* jQuery*Mobile*do?* Itprovides*aseries*of*new*custom*events*to*let you*detectmobile*and*touch*specific*acLons*like* tap,tapandhold,swipe,andorientaon