Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s: ©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN


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Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 1


Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 2

Jesus prayed to His Father and asked Him to teach us on earth how to mirror

what was happening in the heaven. What God was doing in heaven should be

happening on earth.

God’s plan from the beginning was that the earth should be a mirror picture

of heaven.

This is what these teachings are about. Teaching you how we can mirror

heaven on earth.

Introduction Let’s start at the beginning of everything. Jesus was with His Father and the

Holy Spirit in heaven from the very beginning. Even before God created our

earth, the galaxies, Adam and Eve (the first people), they were there.

They looked down from heaven and saw that we had forgotten what heaven

was all about and how God wanted us to live according to His laws. His laws

are the rules He made long ago.

They knew ages ago what was going to happen on earth and God asked his

friends on the earth to write down everything He taught them and spoke to

them about. That is why we have the Bible today. You will see what God spoke

happened. God always speaks the truth and cannot lie. So should we speak the

truth and not tell lies. Then when we say something, people will believe and

trust us.

God is so clever, He even knew that people would start teaching us that He had

not created us and would start using big words like BIG BANG and EVOLUTION.

They try to close our ears and eyes with lies from hell because they do not

believe in God.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 3

As you learn more about God’s wonderful Kingdom and His plans you will fall in

love with Him and follow Him with your heart.

To come and teach us again, God told Jesus (His Son) that it was time (as they

had decided millions of years ago) to visit the earth and to come and teach us

Himself about heaven and His Kingdom. Jesus was the best person for this job

as He lived in heaven. He knew all the rules as He is the KING of heaven.

In these teachings you will learn heaven’s kingdom laws. This means what to

do and what not to do. God wants us to be happy and understand that what

He is doing in heaven, He wants us to be doing on earth.

To explain it plainly.

When you look in a mirror you see yourself. You’re looking at the original you.

So Jesus came down as God’s ORIGINAL MIRROR from heaven, God HIMSELF.

He came to teach us how to fix our hearts and follow Him to make His heart

and our Father God in heaven happy. In fixing our hearts we become more like

Jesus and our face in the mirror becomes more and more like Jesus.

When Jesus came down from heaven to visit us, He was described in our Bibles

as the second Adam. God sent Him from heaven to the earth as a Master copy

of HIMSELF this time around to teach and save us.

As we fix our hearts and start listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and follow

God’s rules, we start to mirror heaven on earth.

And this has been God’s plan for always. He wants the earth to be like a mirror

picture of heaven.

Because we do not listen and obey God’s kingdom laws, this mirror copy is

broken and everything around us is broken too. When we do not listen and

obey God, He says that we are sinning against Him. This is what sin means in

plain language – breaking God’s rules.

Other people doing bad things to us can also break our mirrors. The reason we

can’t see Jesus clearly when we look into the heavenly mirror is:

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 4

• Our own hearts become clouded and dark because we are angry

everyday with those people that hurt us.

• We are breaking God’s laws.

Working through these teachings will help you fix the broken mirror pieces of

your heart. As you listen and start understanding the Word and voice of God,

your life will start to mirror heaven on earth. And one (there is much more) of

the greatest gifts will be given to you…a new heart with God’s laws written on

it. Then as you look in your mirror you will start seeing the face of Jesus more


By looking through our Bibles at the way Jesus and our Father God in heaven

did things, we too will understand what to do and how to do it on the earth.

When Jesus visited us on the earth He told us that He only does what He sees

His Father doing in heaven. He also only speaks what His Father in heaven tells

Him to speak. What Jesus is saying to us is that He is following His Father by

copying Him. Can you now see that Jesus was taught by His and our Father God

in heaven?

A wonderful thing happened. God’s trusted friends on earth, with the help of

the Holy Spirit, recorded the Words and actions of Jesus when He visited the

earth. How great is this? So, if we study the Bible (God’s Word) we too can

speak the Words of our Father in heaven. If we start understanding the Bible

and start doing what the Bible teaches us to do, then we too, just like Jesus,

are copying our Father God in heaven. This is going to make Jesus and our

Father in heaven very happy! The Holy Spirit will be happy too.

This is easy enough to understand.

Father God had also trusted friends that wrote down (recorded) what He, Jesus

and the Holy Spirit did on the earth from the beginning. So we have a lot of

heaven’s history to learn from. This is very exciting and means while we are on

the earth we can never stop learning about Jesus and His kingdom in heaven.

Why should we listen to God?

Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have to obey the rules of the earth as

they decided what those rules were going to be. They wrote the rules of

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 5

heaven and earth. These rules stand for ever and ever. Not even God will

change these rules. They are called KINGDOM LAWS or KINGDOM RULES.

God gave us a copy of heaven’s rule book and called it the Bible.

God cannot ask us to listen to (obey) His rules if He breaks His own rules.

Then we will not listen, because we will say God is naughty and not listening

to His own rules, so why should we. Because God follows His own rules, we

have no excuse but to obey and live His rules.

Everything God does was already planned before He created us. He always

shares His plans with His close friends. Even today He still shares His plans

and rules with His close friends. God told them to write down His plans and

rules and they had to keep them in a safe place for us. Today, when reading

those plans and rules in our Bibles, we can see with our own eyes that the

Lord never tells a lie. He is true and always keeps His word. If He says yes, it

is a yes. If He says no, it is a no.

Did you know there are great rewards if we obey the Lord? But the first step to

these rewards is to ask Jesus into your heart. Upon asking Him into your heart

you are connecting heaven and earth in your own life. This is a SACRED portal.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 6

You are planting heaven’s flag in your heart and saying to the world and

heaven that your heart is now KINGDOM territory.


Now, together with God, you can start fixing your heavenly mirror. This means

the more you obey, talk to Jesus and listen to His voice and read your Bible, the

more clearly you will start to see Him. His Kingdom will start to grow and

expand in your heart. More and more of your heart will start to belong to Jesus

until Heaven’s kingdom is occupies all the space in your heart.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 7

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 8

Right at the end of our lives when we breathe out our last breath, we will go to

heaven and be with Jesus forever. How great is this?

Before we start looking at the life of Jesus, you can ask Him into your heart. I

wrote down a prayer which you can pray by reading it out aloud. If you are not

ready it is ok.

As you listen to these teachings and get to know Jesus, you can pray this prayer

ANYTIME and be at any place to accept Jesus and invite Him into your heart.

Jesus will be waiting for you! He is already knocking at the door of your heart.

Dear Jesus

I want to ask you to come into my heart please.

My heavenly mirror is broken because I was not listening to Your rules. I am

very sorry for all the wrong things that I did. I want you to please teach me and

help me fix my mirror so that I can see you face-to-face.


Now! Heaven’s treasure chest on earth is open!!!

You will now start to receive gifts and treasures from heaven.

Jer 31:33

The Message

"This is the brand-new covenant that I will make with Israel

when the time comes. I will put my law within them--write it

on their hearts!--and be their God. And they will be my


Luke 12:31-34 (MSG)

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 9

Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

Don't be afraid of missing out. You're my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.

"Be generous. Give to the poor. Get yourselves a bank that can't go bankrupt, a bank in heaven far from bankrobbers, safe from embezzlers, a bank you can bank on.

It's obvious, isn't it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.

Luke 12:31- 34 (KJV) But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure

in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Today you will find the following gifts.

• A new heart with God’s Kingdom Laws written on it.

• Heaven’s flag planted into your new heart – proclaiming that heaven has

expanded on the earth.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 10

Eze 36:26 (MSG) I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed.

Homework assignment:

It will be good if you can get a book and write down your own words on paper

what you feel in your heart and what you think as you work through these

teachings. You will be happy if you do it. When you read through your book

(which is called a journal) and you look back at what you wrote, you will see

how God spoke to you and how you have climbed God’s ladder. You will also be

amazed to see how you have grown. I have written many journals. It is on this

website under Governmental Training.

As the Lord taught me I wrote it down and this is how these teachings came


If you have invited Jesus into your heart…congratulations! You are now a CHILD

of the living God.

Asking Jesus into your heart means that something huge has happened.

Although you are living on the earth as a citizen of your country, you were also

born into heaven’s kingdom. You are now a BABY citizen of heaven’s kingdom

that needs to be taught heavens rules and how to start living your life on earth

and become a mirror picture of heaven.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 11

In your treasure chest (heart) you will find your heavenly birth certificate. You

are born into heaven’s Levi tribe on the earth and as you obey God’s Kingdom

Laws as His kingdom expands in your heart, you will grow into the Morning

Star generation.


We need to start sitting in heavenly places!

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 12


Let’s look at heavens mirror and see the same thing happened with Jesus:

Jesus was also born as a baby over 2000+ years ago on the earth.

Although Jesus had been living in heaven as a citizen of heaven, His

Father (now your Father too) sent Him down to earth. The only way

to enter earth is to come as a baby. God made this rule and He was

sticking to His own rule. That’s how you entered the earth too.

But although Jesus came as a baby, He was still a citizen of heaven and would

return to heaven 33 years later after He had taught us about Him and His

Father’s, the Holy Spirit’s and heaven’s rules (Kingdom Laws).

Now you want to know about the Holy Spirit. All I am going to tell you now is

that God is ONE God, although we talk about Father God, Jesus and the Holy

Spirit. As this is God we are talking about DO NOT TRY TO FIGURE HIM OUT

WITH YOUR BRAIN. Accept it, as this is how God explained Himself to us.

The Holy Spirit is the very BREATH of God (Ruach). Because we have breath we

are alive. When God created the first person (called Adam) out of the dust of

the earth, God blew His Holy Spirit (Breath) into his nose and he got breath. He

became alive.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 13

Then God created a woman out of man. He took one rib from Adam and

created the woman called Eve. Both were now created in the picture (image)

of God. If they looked in their heavenly mirrors they could see God very clearly

because they followed all His rules and spoke to him face-to-face EVERYDAY.

They were CONNECTED to heaven.

Then one day they sinned because they broke God’s laws. God had to punish

them and they were asked to leave the Garden of Eden that was like heaven.

God placed them on the earth.

Not knowing, God gave man and woman a measure of the same POWER as He

had. We too can create life. We can create babies. When a man and a woman

make love the man plants his seed into the woman’s body. If the woman’s

body is ready and it is the right time of the month in her cycle of birth, the

man’s (husband’s) seed and her seed meet to become ONE seed. This process

is known as conception. God had given the woman a safe place in her body

called the womb where this seed can safely grow into a baby. The baby stays in

the womb until its birth, connected to the mother through a cord which is

called the umbilical cord.

Adam and Eve created babies this way and this how the earth started filling up

with people.

When we look into our earthly mirrors, we look like both our parents.

God wants the same thing to happen when we are born into His kingdom.

When we are born into His kingdom, when we look into our heavenly (Spirit)

mirror, we should see Him (Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit).

This is God’s creation Law: At conception the child receives DNA from both the

father and mother. DNA is the carrier of our genetic information. It is passed

down from generation to generation. All the cells in our bodies, except red

blood cells, contain a copy of our DNA.

Because He is God, He knew millions of years ago that He had to give man a

measure of the same power to create life.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 14


How else could He send Jesus to the earth? He follows His own rules.

The birth of Jesus

Jesus was already alive and living in heaven and God needed Him to become a

baby born from a woman on earth according to God’s own rules.

So what God did to follow his own rules was this:

It is very interesting to see how clever God’s plan was. He already had the seed

(Jesus), He also had the Holy Spirit (breath) that would bring Jesus to life. But

he needed a safe place on the earth to plant heaven’s seed where it could

grow into a baby.

God is a Holy God. He always keeps His things separated and apart from sin.

He looked for a young girl that had never slept with a man or had sex before.

She is called a virgin. This means that her body and the safe place where babies

(her womb) grow, had never been used or entered by a man before.

God foretold the birth of Jesus many times over in the books of the prophets,

Psalms and Genesis in the Old Testament. To make sure people would KNOW

that it was Jesus that was born, in one of the books of the prophets a prophet

wrote what God had told him to write many years before. He wrote that a

virgin would conceive and give birth to a son. And they would call Him

Immanuel which means, our God is with us.

What God did with Jesus not to break His own rules and written word was this:

He found a young girl whose name was Mary. She was a virgin. The Holy Spirit

came upon her and the power of God hovered over her. Therefore the child she

brought to birth was called Holy, the Son of God, because He was conceived in

a supernatural way.

So, Joseph was not the father of Jesus, but our Father in heaven is and was the

Father of Jesus.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 15

The birth of Jesus was truly a miracle!

By now you should SEE that when we are born into the kingdom of heaven, it is

a MIRACLE all over again.

Walking on the earth…The mirror Jesus looked into was never clouded or

murky. He could always SEE HIS FATHER in HEAVEN and TALK to HIM FACE-to-


That is why, when Jesus was a grown-up on earth, He told us that He only does

what He sees His Father is doing in heaven. He also only speaks what His Father

in heaven tells Him to speak.

You are ready to be taught further!

Every person on earth is born into a family. This gives each of us a place in a

family tree.

If you read Matthew 1 in your Bible you will notice an account (record), not of

heaven, but the human family tree of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was both man and God on the earth. He came from the family of King

David and also from the family of Abraham. And then a list of his ancestors


Jesus was born in a town called Bethlehem which was in the area of Judah.

Bethlehem means “the house of bread.”

King Herod ruled this kingdom from the capital city of Jerusalem. Wise men

(some call them Magi) came from the East to Jerusalem and paid King

Herod a visit. They asked a question: “Where can we find the King of the

Jews who has been born? We have seen His star in the sky in the East (the

Morning Star) and we have come to worship him and have brought him


These wise men were star watchers and very clever men. One of the things

they learned from watching the stars is when it is the best time to plant

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 16

seeds and harvest crops. They wrote down everything they learned, so

should you.

They also understood kingdom laws. When one visits a king you have to

come with a gift. A person is not allowed to come before a king without a

gift. They brought their best gifts.

But when King Herod and the people in Jerusalem heard a new king had

been born in his kingdom, they were afraid.

He called all the high priests and the (people that write books about what is

happening in a kingdom) scribes. They came from every religion and every

corner. The king was worried and kept asking them where this new king

Jesus Christ would be born.

After searching for the answer, they all agreed. They told King Herod that,

in the book of the prophets a prophet had written what God had told him

to write many years before. He wrote that this birth would happen in

Bethlehem of Judah.

And this is what was written in the book of the prophets in our Bibles, as we

know it today: “Bethlehem of Judah, although you think you are

unimportant in the eyes of the kings of Judah, from you shall be born a king,

who will be a shepherd to my people Israel.”

Again we can be assured that nothing on this earth happens without God’s

true friends knowing what is going to happen. Years ago God also had true

friends and they wrote down everything God taught them and spoke to

them about. God has messages in His Bible that explain to His friends what

He is planning. Yes! Even for today and our future. God has good plans for

His friends and He wants us to grow in His Kingdom ways. He wants you to

become a true friend as well.

King Herod called the wise men and had a secret meeting. The king had a

wicked plan in his heart and needed more information. He asked questions

and learned from the wise men when they had seen the star for the first

time. Now he had all the answers he needed for his wicked plan.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 17

He told the wise men where to find the new born baby king. He then sent

them to Bethlehem, and said to them: “Go but be careful. Ask around for

the boy and see if you can find him. Once you have found him, come back

and tell me. I might want to go and worship him too.” He was not speaking

the truth as his mouth was full of lies.

As they left King Herod, looking up at the sky, they saw the same star (the

Morning Star) and it was showing them where to go. They followed this star

until it stopped. It stopped at the very place where the new baby king was.

The morning star made them very happy.

They entered the house and there was the baby with his mother Mary. In

worship they fell on the ground before the new born king and worshipped

him. They opened and unwrapped their gifts and gave them to him. These

gifts were gold, nice smelling perfume (frankincense) and an expensive

cream (myrrh).

Each time we come before our King Jesus in prayer, we should also come in

worship with a gift. The best gift we can give Jesus is a clean heart. The

more we clean our hearts, the more they become like gold and the nicer our

hearts smells to Jesus. This makes Jesus very happy as he then likes to visits

us because He comes and smells the perfume of our hearts. When He sees

that we are working at cleansing our hearts, He shares His secrets and plans

with us, His friends.

Have you ever fallen on your face on the ground to worship Jesus?

When the wise men left the baby, they had a dream. The dream told them

not to go back to King Herod. They were to go back to their own houses in

their own country. They listened and took another road.

After the wise men had left, an Angel spoke to Joseph in a dream. The Angel

said: “Get up, take the baby and his mother, get away from this place. Go to

Egypt and stay there until I tell you to come back. King Herod is getting

ready to come and kill the baby.”

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 18

Joseph listened and got up immediately. He took the baby and his mother

when it was still dark. They went to Egypt just before King Herod had time

to put his wicked plan into action.

Did you see that Joseph always listened and did what he was told


They stayed in Egypt until King Herod died. In the book of prophets a

prophet wrote many years ago: “I have called my son out of Egypt.” This

story now had come true, because God had said it would.

King Herod was still waiting for the return of the wise men. When King

Herod saw that the Wise men had not returned as he had asked, he got so

cross his face turned red and blue. He called his army. It was time to put his

wicked plan into action. He used the answer he got to his question to the

wise men. He counted the time since he had met the Wise men and came

up with the age of the baby boys that he needed to be killed. The age of

the baby boys his army had to kill was two years and younger.

Today the people of the world are still following King Herod’s wicked plan.

They kill their babies even before they are born. Or even more heart –

breaking, they throw away their babies in toilets and in rubbish cans

immediately after they are born. This breaks Jesus’ heart and makes him


Satan is also going to try to stop you. He hates you and he wants to kill you.

You are now a baby born into heaven’s kingdom on the earth. You are now

a danger to Satan and his wicked plans. Therefore you need to do these

teachings and obey God and make sure that you grow up fast and become

strong in the Word of God.

Again what a prophet wrote in the book of prophets came true. Many years

ago God told the prophet to write:

“A voice was heard in Ramah, crying and crying and crying. Rachel crying

for her baby boys. And no one could stop her from crying because the baby

boys were dead and would not come back.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 19

Years later the king died. When King Herod died, an Angel visited Joseph in

Egypt in a dream and said to him:

“Get up, take the boy and his mother and come to the land of Israel. Those

people that wanted to kill the baby are dead.”

If we stay close to Jesus He will warn us of danger in front of us.

Joseph listened and got up immediately. He took the boy and its mother

and started their journey to the land of Israel.

Did you see that Joseph always listened and did what he was told

immediately? Every time when he listened, he saved the life of Jesus. When

we listen to the Word of God, we also save our own lives.

Joseph heard that King Herod’s son Archelaus had become king in his

father’s place. He was afraid to go there and the Lord saw it. In another

dream God showed Joseph to go to the land of Galilee and not to the land

of Israel.

God can see what we are feeling and thinking in our hearts. If we stay close

to Jesus and talk to Him every day He will show us or tell us through a

friend, a dream, His Bible what to do or where to go. He will never leave us

alone or forget about us.

In the land of Galilee they stayed in a city called Nazareth. Again what a

prophet wrote in the book of prophets came true. God told the prophet to

write many years ago that Jesus shall be called a Nazarene.

If you live in Durban for example, you are called a Durbanite. Jesus stayed in

Nazareth and was therefore called a Nazarene.

I think as the Lord’s children on earth we should be called “Heavenites”or

“Kingdomnites” as the kingdom of heaven is already established within our

hearts and we are connected to heaven through our spiritual birth. This

means by accepting Jesus into our hearts we are now born into the

kingdom of heaven.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 20

Yes! While we live on the earth we now have dual citizenship. This means

we are a natural citizen of the country in which we were born AND we now

have spiritual citizenship of heaven called the Kingdom of Jesus.


In heaven’s kingdom where Jesus lives there is no sin. God wants us to

mirror heaven in order for people to see heaven through us because we

can’t see God. This will attract people to God and they will also then have a

desire in their hearts to become part of this kingdom of heaven.

Sadly, you also need to be introduced to the Devil. He goes by many names

such as Satan and Lucifer. He is a fallen angel. He LOVES sin and wants

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 21

everybody to sin and break God’s kingdom laws. He is teasing and mocking


Here is the story about angels and fallen angels. Once you understand what

happened in heaven you will understand why our heart’s are so important

to both Jesus and the Devil. You will also understand why the earth looks

the way it looks and why people are acting the way they do and why there

is so much fighting going on around us.

Even before God created man (Adam and Eve) and the earth we live in, God

created angels. He created them to worship and serve Him. After God

created man, more jobs were given to the angels. God instructed them to

bring messages from heaven to the earth, to protect man. They had to

serve man but not worship man. They had a choice – God let them choose if

they wanted to serve Him and listen to His kingdom (heaven’s) rules. God

gave man the same choice.

We too can decide if we want to listen to God and follow his rules.

Now, this angel Lucifer was the most magnificent of all the angels God

created. God gave Lucifer a huge job. He was trusted and put in charge of

all the music in heaven and had many angel friends in heaven.

The Devil (who is called Satan or Lucifer) was looking at the throne of God

and became jealous of God. He started thinking in his heart that he could be

a better god than God himself.

How can anybody think that? God created the angels and not the angels

God. They were under the Lord’s orders and protection as long as they

followed God’s rules.

Lucifer made a big mistake! He did not protect his heart and allowed the

wrong things he was thinking to grow in his heart. Instead of talking to Jesus

and sharing what he was thinking in his heart and asking Jesus to help him

not to think all these wrong things, he went to his angel friends and started

talking to them.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 22

Not all the angels listened to these wicked and wrong thoughts. Those

angels that knew that God was the only God and that He had created them,

walked away from Lucifer.

This did not stop him. He kept on sharing his bad ideas and thoughts with

the angels around him. From his heart started to flow words of death,

poison and rebellion against God. He wanted the angels to choose between

him and God.

He wanted the angels to serve him and leave God. He wanted to take over

God’s throne and claim it for himself. Lucifer wanted to become God.

Jesus said that our hearts are where life begins. This means we should

always try to speak words of truth and live this truth as we are taught in the

Bible, then truth will flow from our hearts to the people’s hearts around us.

If they receive this living water from heaven, it will produce life in their

hearts too. That is why it is so important to protect our hearts.

The angels that did not follow this kingdom rule and did not protect their

hearts, started drinking from the poison and death that flowed from

Lucifer’s heart as he shared his rebellious thoughts and poison with them.

That seed started to grow in their hearts. They started to believe Lucifer

that they could overthrow God’s thrown. Lucifer was building up an army of

angels whose hearts became wicked and rebellious towards God. He

managed to poison one out of every three angel’s hearts against God in

heaven. He managed to win over one third of heaven’s angels. One third

was poisoned to believe that Lucifer would be their God.

Now, God was not happy at all about this rebellion against Him. God

commanded Lucifer and the angels that had chosen Lucifer as their new

god to leave heaven.

You will notice that Lucifer had to obey God. God was superior to Lucifer.

And Lucifer and his angels were thrown (expelled) from heaven. God is a

holy God and can’t associate Himself with sin.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 23

In all fairness, God gave Lucifer his own kingdom and territory and sent him

to this kingdom which is called Hell.

Hell is a place without the presence of God. It is the complete opposite of


In this place called Hell, Lucifer could rule and be a god over his angels. He

could now make his own kingdom rules which these wicked angels had to

follow. The Bible refers to these angels as fallen angels. They have fallen

from heaven and have fallen from God’s grace (mercy).

You need to understand something very important. There are ETERNAL

KINGDOM LAWS that God created right from the start. These LAWS cannot

be broken or changed. Even God follows His own rules. As Lucifer was a

citizen of heaven before, he was taught these laws and he understood

these laws. He was judged by these very same laws and therefore expelled

from heaven. We as the human race are also judged by these laws and

were given the Bible as God’s Law book.

Understanding what God did to Lucifer will make us understand why we go

to heaven or hell depending on the status of our hearts…depending which

god or GOD we choose to serve. Depending which god or GOD is ruling as

king over our hearts. This will make you understand HOW MUCH GOD

LOVES US. He had a plan through His Son Jesus because He knew what

Lucifer was going to do to the human race…me and you. He had a plan to

save us from committing the same big mistake as Lucifer did.

Let’s look at what happened to Lucifer’s heart and that of his fallen angels.

They did not listen and obey this very important kingdom law to protect

their hearts. The more they lived without the presence of God, the darker

and more wicked their hearts grew. There was no more space for God and

heaven’s kingdom rules. From these fallen angels’ hearts flowed poisonous

water that killed and destroyed every heart that came in contact with them.

Their hearts and minds became totally twisted and full of pride. They have

reached a point of no return. They serve Satan and the kingdom of Hell and

darkness with all of their wicked hearts.

Scripture Reference: Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text – George M. Lamsa’s:

©ONEbyONE Youth Foundation Author: Desré Solms 24

Satan hates us because God loves us so much. He wants the human race in

Hell with him. He does not want us to make space for Jesus in our hearts.

Working through the rest of these teachings will teach you how to make

more space for Jesus in our hearts.

Let’s start by cleaning our hearts…Jes