Teachers Guide for The Gospel of John Bible Study Introduction to the Gospel of John Bible Study This Bible study is designed to be taught mainly to Non-Christians (even though I know of new and mature believers, who have also enjoyed the lessons, see my suggestions below). John himself wrote in John 20:31, “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” Every chapter is written so that it would bring someone to Christ. When you read the chapter you should find ways that you will be able to give the gospel. You should make sure that you do give the gospel for each lesson. You may think that this would be repetitive, but trust me; the gospel has lots of life in itself. Some people need to hear it again and again, so that there hearts will be softened more and more. It is through the word of God that one is able to know who God is and it is the Holy Spirit that will convict. There will also be times when you have visitors come and this may be the only time that they come, so you need to be prepared to give the gospel. Since this study is for Non-Christians I believe that it would be best for you to pray before they come. Many Non-Christians feel uncomfortable with prayer and you want to make them feel welcome so that they come back again. But I will leave this up to you and what you think would be best for the group. You know the people who are coming, but I don’t want you to think that you have to start with prayer to make a good Bible Study. Let those who come feel comfortable. Make sure you let them know that it is okay for them to not understand everything. The more time they spend in God’s word the more they will understand. I have known people who have told me 1

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Teachers Guide forThe Gospel of John Bible Study

Introduction to the Gospel of John Bible Study

This Bible study is designed to be taught mainly to Non-Christians (even though I know of new and mature believers, who have also enjoyed the lessons, see my suggestions below). John himself wrote in John 20:31, “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

Every chapter is written so that it would bring someone to Christ. When you read the chapter you should find ways that you will be able to give the gospel. You should make sure that you do give the gospel for each lesson. You may think that this would be repetitive, but trust me; the gospel has lots of life in itself. Some people need to hear it again and again, so that there hearts will be softened more and more. It is through the word of God that one is able to know who God is and it is the Holy Spirit that will convict.

There will also be times when you have visitors come and this may be the only time that they come, so you need to be prepared to give the gospel.

Since this study is for Non-Christians I believe that it would be best for you to pray before they come. Many Non-Christians feel uncomfortable with prayer and you want to make them feel welcome so that they come back again. But I will leave this up to you and what you think would be best for the group. You know the people who are coming, but I don’t want you to think that you have to start with prayer to make a good Bible Study.

Let those who come feel comfortable. Make sure you let them know that it is okay for them to not understand everything. The more time they spend in God’s word the more they will understand. I have known people who have told me that they didn’t understand the Bible until after they became a Christian. You shouldn’t feel discouraged either, God’s Holy Spirit is more powerful than you could ever imagine. So have lots of patience and just enjoy God’s word!

The study was written in a way to do together as a group. It isn’t necessary for them to take the study home first and then come back with the answers. Many Non-Christians will prefer just doing it together and wouldn’t take the time to do it on their own. You don’t want to give them a reason to not come back. (For example, I didn’t have time to do the lesson so I didn’t come.)

If you are teaching these studies to Christians who desire to do a Bible Study, here are a few suggestions. Have them take the studies home and have them do two studies at a time. Let them know that they need to be prepared to give the gospel, in the context of the chapters they have just studied. This will make them more comfortable giving the gospel when they have done it several times. If you have many people in the group you could either take turns on who gives the gospel or you could have them break into teams. For memorizing, I like to have them memorize the headers of each section with their


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Bible Reference. For example, John 1:1-18 The Word Became Flesh; John 1:19-28 John the Baptist Denies Being the Christ; etc.

At the back of the lessons I included some notes to some of the questions that are asked in the study. There are also some tips of when to give the gospel and other notes that I hope you find to be helpful to your study. Please do the study yourself first, then go to the back of the book and see the suggestions that I have given. Do not look at the back of the book during the time you are giving the lesson. This should be done when you are doing your preparation work.

Dear Heavenly Father,I thank you for your Word and that we are able to know who you are. You are a

wonderful and marvelous God. Lord, I pray that those who are studying the book of John will get to know you more and will have a personal relationship with you. Draw them close to yourself.

Jesus, thank you for letting us know you. Thank you for the Trinity and for suffering to bring us to you. You are a wonderful friend. Become a friend to those doing this study. Give them your mindset.

Holy Spirit, speak through those who are teaching and convict those who don’t know you. Bring them to yourself. You be the empowerment of this study. Touch people’s hearts and give understanding and wisdom to each person. Amen.


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Introductory Lesson: John 1:1-18

These versus introduce us to who Jesus is and to many themes that are developed later. I want you to pay close attention to who the Bible, which is the word of God, says Jesus is.There are some key terms that I would like you to write on the top of the sheet. These words are key words for the book of John: Life, Light, Darkness, Witness, True, World, Son, Father, Glory, and Truth.

Read all of John 1:1-18This passage is full of important things. If it doesn’t make sense to you, don’t feel discouraged. The more time you spend in God’s word, the more you will get to know God and the more you will understand. Give yourself patience and enjoy God’s word.

There are things that can’t be explained. God is greater and bigger than our logic. God is three distinct persons with different roles, yet all are One United God. We can’t understand it, but we must believe it to be true.

The Holy Spirit can give us this faith. We can’t understand God’s Word without the help of the Holy Spirit. Let’s ask him to reveal to us what God wants to show us; to give us understanding that we may know and love God completely.

V. 1 1. Who is the Word? God.

2. Why do you think John describes Jesus as the Word? There are several answers. How is it possible to call Jesus one thing? The only way I can share myself with you is through words. John stated in 21:25, “I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (Don’t get stuck on the question, just take note what people think – there is no one right answer.)

3. When did the “Word” or Jesus exist?In the beginning. Before there was time, He has always existed.

V. 2 4. Who was Jesus with?God.

5. When?In the beginning. God’s word, the Bible, wants to make this very clear. That is why it is repeated. We must believe that Jesus was God and that God and Jesus are one and that they existed from the beginning. They are all that existed. Once we believe this we can better understand the rest of the verses.

V. 36. What things were made through Him?All things.


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7. Was Jesus created?No, he was before the world, before angels, before the beginning “the word” (Jesus) was with God. It doesn’t say God created Jesus, but that Jesus was with God. Therefore Jesus is God. It’s an amazing mystery. But Jesus and God the Father are not two gods, they are distinct, but they are one. And they have always been.

V. 48. What was “in him”?Life.

9. If life was created thru Him, who were you created by?Jesus.

10. How is Jesus described here?As the light of men.

11. What comes to mind when you think of light?No fear. Truth. Nothing hidden, no darkness.

V. 512. Is it possible for darkness to stop a light from shining?No, darkness can never overpower light.

13. Who is the light?Jesus and He has been shining before time began.

V. 614. Who did God send?John the Baptist, not the writer of John.

V. 715. What was John sent to do?To be a witness. People are in darkness because of their sin and need to be told about the light. John was sent to prepare the way. To get people ready to meet Christ.

16. What was the goal?For men to believe in Christ, the true God, the light.

V. 817. John was not who?The light, Jesus. John was a great person but he was not God. No person can be greater than Jesus. No one can take His place.


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V. 918. Who was coming into the world?The true Light, Jesus. The same person who created you and me was now going to come into the world as a human being to reveal light. God is about to live on earth as a human, so that we may know Him.

V. 10-1119. Who came to the world and what happened?Jesus, God, the creator, he came to live with those he created, yet they didn’t recognize Him as God and they didn’t accept Him.

V. 12-1320. For those who accepted Jesus as God and received Him, what did God give them? He gave them the right to become the children of God. To be a child of God doesn’t happen naturally, it is not the result of human decision, it is the supernatural work of God. Those who believe and accept Jesus as their God become His children. This is a great miracle. To once be enemies of God, and now be children of God. WoW!!!

V. 1421. Where did Jesus come from? Heaven, from the Father. Jesus left the best place. He left heaven to live as a man.

22. Jesus came full of what?Full of Grace and Truth. He revealed the truth, the truth of who God is.

V. 15-1823. What blessings have we received?One blessing after another. Grace and truth. Jesus has made God known to us – lots of blessings in that.

Gospel – There are many different ways you could give the gospel using these versus. Jesus left His home in heaven, left God’s side, to come and live with us so that we are able to know God. Jesus is God. Jesus created you. Jesus is the light to your darkness. You are not a child of God now, unless you believe in Jesus and then you can be a child of God! Jesus is full of Grace and Truth. Are you ready to believe? To trust in the one who made you?


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Lesson 1: John 1:19 - 34Read John 1:19-34

V. 191. Who wanted to know who John was? The Jews of Jerusalem sent Priests and Levites to ask him. Levites are descendants of Levi and they were set apart to minister to the Jews.

V.20 – 222. Who did John say he was not? He was not the Christ.

The Jews were expecting the Messiah to come. This is a good time to explain that the Bible is divided into two parts: The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is before Christ and it talks about the Christ who is to come. The New Testament talks about the birth of Christ and the ministry that followed.

3. Who did they think John might be? Elijah, a prophet..

V. 23 4. Who did John say he was? The one who Isaiah prophesied about. The one who was to prepare the way.

It amazes me how God uses people to bring about His work. What a great and mighty thing, that God has included His people to do the work He has had planned. God could have created us without a free will. But in His greatness, He gave us free will. He could force us to obey Him, but He has given us a choice. To either love Him, or deny Him. But still that choice is ours to make.

5. Why do you think God wanted someone to come and prepare the way?To get people ready to meet God.God as our creator, He knows us so well – doesn’t He? He knows our every thought, our every dream, everything. Nothing is hidden from Him. He also knows exactly what we need. The hearts of the people were not ready to receive Him. He sent John to get them ready. Many times we need God to send us people to get our hearts ready. Sometimes our hearts can be so hard, but the love shown by another person can soften our hearts. This is what John was sent to do.

V. 24-286. Why did John say, “I am not worthy”?John understood that Jesus was God and no one is worthy of God.Here we have a man that is so good that the religious people are wondering if He is the Messiah. John says that he isn’t and that even he himself is unworthy.


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7. Is there anyone worthy to be a servant of God’s? No, not without Christ.

8. Why? (Excellent place to state the gospel.) God is holy, and perfect. He can’t have any sin in front of him; which means we are completely separated from God, because we have all sinned. We have all chosen at one time or another to go against God. But because of His great love for us he made a way for us to come to Him. He sent Christ, the messiah, to save us; to put all of our sins upon Himself so that we may enter His presence. Of course, God loves us so much that He still gives us a choice. We can decide to continue living without Him, to reject His love. Or we can decide to love the God who made us, who died for us, who cherishes us.

V. 299. What name did John give Jesus the Lamb of God.

10. What did John mean when he used this phrase? John knew that Jesus was going to be the lamb. The Jews would sacrifice animals to atone for their sins. But they would have to do this on a regular basis. Jesus is the one true lamb. Lambs don’t have a choice. They are taken and killed. Jesus willingly and lovingly became the Lamb. The perfect sacrifice that is able to take away the sins of the world.

V. 30-3111. How is it possible for John to say that Jesus existed long before him, when John was older than Jesus Jesus existed before the beginning of time. Jesus knew you before the world was made. Jesus knew who you were going to be, he knew you would sin, he knew you would choose to follow your own ways rather than His, he knew all of this way before time began, and yet He still made you, knowing that he would die for you, so that you had the choice to come to Him or not.

V. 32-3412. Who did John say Jesus was and how did he know? He is the Son of God, because God told John that when he saw the Holy Spirit come upon the man, that he would be the one.

13. What is the difference between the baptism of John and the baptism of Jesus?John only baptized with water, Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit.John’s baptism was with water – to prepare peoples hearts. His baptism was a form of confession of their guilt. Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God. Those who confess that Jesus is God, receive the Holy Spirit. We are sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30). And this spirit will never leave us. The Holy Spirit is our great comforter, and friend. He is a constant help.


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Lesson 2: John 1:35-2:25

Read John 1:35-51

V. 35-361. What did John call Jesus and what did he mean by this?Jesus is the Lamb of God; that is the Messiah, the one who will sacrifice himself as an atonement for our sin.

V. 37-392. After hearing what John the Baptist said about Christ, what did the two disciples do?They followed Jesus. And Jesus said to them, “Come”. Jesus asks us to do the same thing to “come” to Him. Jesus spent time with these two men. They became friends.

V. 40-423. After Andrew spent time with Christ who did Andrew think Jesus was?The Messiah, the Christ. We can know that Jesus is the Messiah by spending time with Christ. The way that we do that is reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. When we pray to Jesus we are speaking to God. He hears us and he listens to us. He will encourage you.

4. Since Andrew knew that Jesus was the Messiah, what did he do?He ran to tell His brother Peter. When you know the truth and how wonderful it is you run and tell those you love, so that they may know.

5. What did Jesus say to Peter? You are Simon, your name will be Cephas (Peter). Jesus knew exactly who Peter was before meeting him. And Jesus knew what kind of person and life Peter had and would have. Jesus knows everything.

V. 43-456. Who does Phillip say Jesus is?The one Moses wrote about and about whom the prophets wrote. By saying this Phillip is saying that this is the Messiah we have been waiting for. He is the one from the Bible, the one that has been prophesied about.

V. 467. What was Nathanael’s response?Can anything good come from Nazareth? Nazareth was known to be a very poor area. Surely the Messiah, the coming King would come from Jerusalem or a prestigious place. But Jesus didn’t grow up with the rich and the prominent people. He lived and identify with the poor.


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8. Did Phillip argue with Nathanael No, Phillip just told him to come and see. If we have questions about who Christ is we are able to come and see who He is, by reading the Bible. It’s good to discuss with one another who Christ is, but we must get our information from the Bible. The Bible is the word of God, it is our prime authority. Every word is true.

V. 47-509. How did Jesus know who Nathaneal was? Because Jesus is God.

10. Who did Nathanael say Jesus was? The son of God, the King of Israel. Nathanael believed because Jesus was able to know who He was and to say what he was doing. Jesus response, was that you will see much greater things these.

Read John 2:1-1211. What day did this take place on? The third day.

12. The six stone jars were used for what? Ceremonial washing.

13. What did Jesus do? Turned wine into water.

14. How did the wine taste? It was superior to any of the other wine he had drank. Jesus is superior to anything we could ever have.

15. By Jesus doing this miracle what does it say in v.11 that Jesus revealed?His Glory.

16. What was the response of the disciples?They put their faith in Him.Jesus gives a gift to the people at the wedding. Jesus gives us the gift of life. He gives us the gift of forgiveness, the gift of being His, the gift of heaven, the gift of fellowship with him, and the wonderful gift of His love. What should our response be? To put our faith in Him.


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Read John 2:12-25V. 12-1417. What was going on in the temple courts?Men were selling cattle, sheep, and doves and other exchanging money.Because of greed for money, they had corrupted their place of worship.Jesus desires for us to come to Him with ourselves. We are not good enough, but by accepting Him He has made a way for us to come to Him. There are many churches that have fallen because of greed. Many have changed their focus from loving God, to making money. We need to make sure that we love God with all of our hearts, and to not allow greed to control us.

V. 15 – 1718. What was Jesus response to this? He drove all of the animals out to show they didn’t belong there. He scattered the coins to show how the coins were worth nothing. They disgusted Jesus. And Jesus overturned the tables. By doing this he was getting rid of the trade that was being done there.

V. 1819. What question did the Jews ask Jesus? By what authority are you doing all of this? Jesus right from the beginning of His ministry behaved as one with authority.

V. 19-2220. How did Jesus answer them and what did he mean?He told them that if they destroyed this temple he would raise it again in three days. He was talking about His body, which is the true temple. Which is a much more difficult thing to do, to raise a manufactured temple in three days would be an easy thing for God who made the world in six days. But Jesus raised himself from the dead in three days.

It’s interesting how Jesus answers. He doesn’t say, “I am God”, at least not here, but He gives them a question to think about. Usually when Jesus is questioned he answers in a way that requires people to think and then to decide what is true. Once again God never makes us believe, it must be what we decide to do.

V. 23-2521. What happened?The people saw the miracles that Jesus had done and quickly believed. But Jesus knew the hearts of the people. They believed while he was doing miracles and doing the things that they wanted to see, but would they believe when things didn’t go there way? Jesus doesn’t need anyone to believe in Him. He doesn’t need anything. We are the ones that need Him. He knows this and has made a way for us to live with Him. We must make sure that the faith we have is not a shallow faith, but a faith that will hold on to Jesus in the very worst and the very best of times.


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Lesson 3: John 3You can give the gospel again and again in this chapter!

Read John 3:1-21

V. 11. Who was Nicodemus? He was a teacher (vs.10), a Pharisee, a member of the Jewish council. So he was not only a religious leader, but a political leader as well.

V. 2-32. Why do you think Nicodemus went to Jesus at night? Maybe fear. Maybe because he didn’t want the public to see him.

3. Who did Nicodemus say Jesus was and why? A teacher because of the miraculous signs. Nicodemus was a teacher, he was putting Jesus at the same level as himself.

4. What is Jesus’ reply to Nicodemus? “I tell you the truth no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” Jesus was not at the same level as Nicodemus. Jesus is from above and Nicodemus must be born “from above”. He must have a spiritual transformation which takes a person out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God.

V. 4-55. What do you think Jesus meant when he said “born of water and the Spirit”?Many views are given to explain Jesus’ words about “being born of water and the Spirit.”

1. Water refers to natural birth, Spirit to birth from above.2. The water refers to the Word of God.3. The water refers to baptism. – even though you can’t be saved through baptism.4. The water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.5. The water refers to the repentance ministry of John the Baptist, and the Spirit

refers to the application by the Holy Spirit of Christ to an individual.The fifth view is most likely correct. John had come to stress the nation to repentance. So Jesus was saying that Nicodemus, in order to enter the kingdom, you need to turn to Him (repent) in order to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

V. 66. In this verse we have two distinct things, what are they? .The flesh and the Spirit. The flesh is sinful man, the spirit is from God. A person of the flesh can’t make himself a person of the Spirit, only God’s holy spirit can regenerate a human.


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V. 77. What does Jesus say that we must be? We must be born again, there is no other way.

V. 88. What does Jesus mean in this verse? That man can not control the Spirit, nor the wind. Man is not in control, only God.

V. 9-129. Did Nicodemus understand what Jesus was saying?No. Here we have Nicodemus, who is a teacher of Israel, he should have known. The Old Testament spoke of the new Age to come. Ezek. 11:19; 18:31; 36:26 The Old Testament spoke of grace time and time again, but Nicodemus didn’t understand this, he only knew of the law. And if he couldn’t understand the basic teaching of regeneration which Jesus gave earthly examples for, how could he understand and believe in heavenly things. (Such as the Trinity, the Incarnation, Jesus’ glorification.)

V. 1310. Where did Jesus come from? Heaven.

V. 14-15Let’s read Numbers 21:4-9 so we can understand what Jesus is talking about here.11. Why were the people being punished? Because they spoke against God. They didn’t believe.

12. What did the people have to do to be saved? They had to look at the snake that Moses lifted in the air.

13. What must be done for us to be saved?Jesus was lifted up on the cross for our sin, so that we may look to him, who gives eternal life.

V. 1614. What was God’s motivation toward people?His love for us. Not to a few people, not to those who do good, not to a certain group, but to the whole world. It is easy to get caught up in the law, and to only see demands for justice and goodness. But God’s involvement with us is not impersonal. He has a passionate love for the world. The world may refuse Him, but God continues to love.

15. How did God express His love? By sending the most priceless and precious thing, Jesus, His one and only Son. He was sent to redeem the world that hated Him.

16. What must we do to be saved? To believe and trust Jesus.


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17. By believing in Jesus what do we receive? We will not perish, or go to hell, but will have eternal life with God. God gives us His life and we become His children and have a new inheritance!

V. 1718. Why did God send His son? His purpose is to save, not to condemn. God does not delight in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). He desires that everyone be saved 2 Peter 3:9.

V. 1819. What must be done to be saved? You must believe in Jesus. You can’t be saved by works. You can’t be saved by trying your best. Why not? Because even when we try to do our very best, we sin sometimes. That sin is what keeps us separated from God. We can’t have a relationship with Him, if there is sin in our lives. Jesus is the only one who can take that sin away. We must believe in Him.

V. 19-2020. Why do men love darkness? Because of what darkness hides. Man’s love of darkness, is man’s love for idols. He worships and serves created things rather than the Creator.The light of Christ exposes evil deeds. Those who hate the light fear that their deeds will be seen as worthless, and would need to turn away from them.

V. 2121. Who comes into the light? Those who live by the truth.

22. Why? To show what God has done.

Read John 3:22-36V. 22-2623. What were both groups doing? They were both baptizing.

24. What was John’s disciples major complaint? That everyone was going over to Jesus.

V. 27-2825. What was John’s reply? If Jesus’ ministry was expanding then it must be God’s will, for God is sovereign. Then he reminded his disciples that he taught them that he was not the promised messiah, but was only sent ahead to prepare the way.


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V. 29-3026. How did John feel about Jesus’ popularity? His joy was fulfilled. At an Eastern wedding the friend is only an assistant. The assistant acted on behalf of the bridegroom and made the preliminary arrangements for the ceremony. His joy came when the bridegroom arrived. John’s work was to prepare the arrival of Christ. Therefore his work was to become less and Jesus’ work become greater. He was joyous.

V. 3127. In this verse, why is Jesus greater than any teacher, anyone? He has come from heaven. He has been with God. Therefore anything that I say or you say is from our earthly human thinking, because that is all that we know. But Jesus knows so much more and has been to where we have not been. He is supreme. (We are not to follow the teachings of great evangelists, of great people, but we are to follow Jesus is better than all.)

V. 32-3328. What does Jesus testify to? To what he has seen and heard. Which we already stated that Jesus has seen and heard everything. He knows God’s will, he knows everything.

29. Is Jesus’ testimony accepted? To what he has seen and heard. Which we already stated that Jesus has seen and heard everything. He knows God’s will, he knows everything.

V. 34-3530. Guess how many times in the Gospel of John that Jesus is referred to as being sent from God?(vv. 17, 34; 4:34; 5:23-24, 30, 36-38; 6:29, 38-39, 44, 57; 7:16, 28-29; 8:16, 18, 26, 29, 42; 9:4; 10:36; 11:42; 12:44-45, 49; 13:16, 20; 14:24; 15:21; 16:5; 17:3, 18, 21, 23, 25; 20:21). 39 times. This affirms Jesus’ deity and heavenly origin, as well as God’s sovereignty and love for Jesus.

31. What is the relationship between the Father and the Son? He loves him intimately and with complete confidence.

V. 3632. Man only has two options, what are they? To trust in the Son (Jesus) or to reject Him. Wrath is God’s necessary righteous reaction against evil, endless sin and disobedience will result in endless punishment. Jesus placed that wrath on himself when he died on the cross. You have the choice to believe or reject. Accept Christ’s love shown to you on the cross and have eternal life, or reject Him and forever be without Him.


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Lesson 4: John 4

Read John 4:1-26V. 1-31. What did the Pharisees find out and what did Jesus do?That Jesus was gaining more disciples then John. If Jesus would have stayed, they may have tried to crucify Jesus sooner than the appointed time, it was necessary at this time to leave Judea.

V. 4-62. What town did Jesus go through?Samaria. This was the shortest route from Judea to Galilee, but not the only way. The other route was through Perea, which is east of the Jordan River. In Jesus’ day the Jews, because of their hatred for the Samaritans, normally took the eastern route to avoid Samaria. But Jesus chose the route through Samaria in order to reach the despised people of that region. As Saviour of the world Jesus seeks out and saves the despised and the outcasts.

3. How did Jesus feel?Tired. Jesus being truly human, experienced thirst, weariness, pain, and hunger.

V. 7-94. Where were the disciples at? In town buying food. It was about 6pm and for women at that time going to the well to get water was usually a high light in their lives. It was a time to talk with the other women. But this woman went to the well when all of the ladies had already left getting their water. She was an outcast in her own town. You could imagine the talk that was spoken against her. It was easier for her to go to the well when it was the hottest time of the day, to avoid hearing what the women were saying.

5. Who did Jesus talk to? The Samaritan woman.Jesus did a surprising thing. He spoke to a Samaritan woman. The prejudices of the day prohibited public conversation between men and women, between Jews and Samaritans, and especially between strangers. A Jewish Rabbi would rather go thirsty than violate these priorities.

V. 106. What three things did Jesus say that would make her curious?If you knew the gift of God, who He is, and living water.

V. 11-127. What did the woman ask? Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than Jacob?


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V. 13-148. What is the difference between the well water and the water that Jesus gives?The water that Jesus gives provides continual satisfaction of needs and desires. In addition the one who drinks His living water will have within him a spring of life-giving water. The water from the well requires hard work to receive it. Jesus was speaking of the H.S. who brings salvation to a person who believes and through Him offers salvation to others.

V. 15-189. Did the woman understand what Jesus was saying about the water?She couldn’t understand this because of her sin.

10. What did Jesus reveal about the woman?Since she was not able to receive His truth, Jesus dealt with her most basic problem. In just a few words Jesus had revealed her life of sin and her need of salvation.Can you imagine being this woman? She was married five times, and now with a man she isn’t even married to. We don’t know what happened to these marriages, but we know that they failed. She probably felt very much like a failure. Seeking love from anyone who would give it to her – even if it wasn’t real love, she was willing to take anything she could get. Can you feel this woman’s desperation?

V. 19-2011. How did she respond?She didn’t confess her sin and repent, but brought up a theological discussion. She was changing subjects.

V.21-2412. How must we worship God? In spirit and in truth.The Samaritans beliefs were wrong. Salvation didn’t come through them, it came through the Jews, through Jesus, who was born of the seed of Abraham. True worshippers are those who realize that Jesus is the truth of God and the one and only Way to the Father. God the Father wants people to live in reality, not in falsehood. Everybody is a worshipper but because of sin many are blind and constantly put their trust in worthless objects. (Rom 1 25)

V. 25-2613. Who does Jesus say he is? The Messiah.The Samaritans expected a coming Messianic leader, but they didn’t expect Him to be from the Davidic line, they rejected all the OT except the Pentateuch. So they expected a Moses-like figure.Jesus directly tells her that He is the Messiah. Because of political implications, Jesus usually didn’t say this directly. But He was in no danger here and could speak directly to her.


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Read John 4:27-42V. 27 – 3014. What did the woman do?She left and went to the village. In her joy she forgot her water jar. It was more important to her now to share her new faith. The question she asked the people she knew would stir interest. She would not have been able to go right into the town and say, “I have seen the Messiah” because of her reputation and she was a woman.

Did the woman ever give Jesus a drink?No.

V. 31-3415. What did Jesus mean when he told the disciples that he had food they knew nothing about?At the beginning of this lesson we see Jesus as tired and hungry, but now food and drink were not important to Him. Jesus did have a physical need for food, but his passion and desire was to do God’s will. Jesus priority is spiritual not material.

V. 35-3816. What kind of an example did Jesus give?Farmers have a period of waiting between their sowing and reaping. But in the spiritual realm there is no long wait. Now is the day of opportunity. What is needed is spiritual vision and perception. If we would look around we would see the spiritual hunger.Harvest time is a time of joy. There is also great joy at the time of salvation.

V. 39-4217. Did the Samaritans believe and why?It is interesting that the Samaritans believed in Jesus, when the nation of Israel didn’t. The people had a personal testimony and the gospel message of Jesus, which is still God’s means of salvation today. Faith based on the testimony of another is a beginning, but true faith is a personal experience through Jesus. Jesus light shines for all and is not limited to the nation Israel.

Read John 4:43-54V. 43-5318. What happened?Jesus had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country. Even though Jesus had received a warm reception in Galilee, he still wasn’t really accepted. They had wanted to kill him there also. The people’s enthusiasm for the Healer didn’t always indicate they had faith in Him.Jesus addresses the man in a sharp, but necessary way. (v 48). A faith built only on miraculous signs is not a complete faith. Faith in Jesus is absolutely necessary.V. 5419. What two miracles had Jesus performed?Changing the water into wine and healing the officials son. Both miracles demonstrated that Jesus is the Promised One.


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Lesson 5: John 5Read V. 1-15V.1-61. How many people were disabled around the pool?A great many. This must have been a very sad sight to see.

2. How long was the man disabled that Jesus chose?38 years. We are never told how the man became paralyzed. All we know is that he had this paralysis for 38 years. 38 years of trying to get into the pool. He had learned to live with his paralysis. Life was settled into routine.

3. What did Jesus ask the man?It’s an interesting question, but an important one. Do you want to be healed?

4. Why do you think Jesus asked him this question?Maybe the return of hope now would be too painful. Jesus asks each one of us this same question. Do you want to be healed? We all have sin in our lives, there is only one healer. Man’s problem is that either he doesn’t recognize he is sick or he doesn’t want to be cured. People are often happy, for a while at least, in their sins.

V.7-105. How did the man reply?I have no one to help me into the pool.The man didn’t lack the desire to be healed, he lacked the means. He had tried but was without success.

6. What did Jesus do?Jesus said, “Get up and walk.” It is Jesus word that accomplishes God’s will. His word healed the man.

7. What day did Jesus heal the man?The Sabbath.

8. What did the Pharisees accuse the man of doing?They said that He was being disobedient because he was carrying his mat. The Mosaic Law required the work cease on the seventh day. Additional laws were added later by Jewish religious authorities, which were very complicated and burdensome. God did not make the Sabbath so that it would be hard. He gave the Sabbath so that men could have rest and a time of worship and joy.


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V. 11-139. Did the man know who healed him?No. Many times we are given things and we do not acknowledge God for giving them to us. It is amazing how quick we are to blame God when things don’t go exactly the way that we want them to. And how slow we are to acknowledge the things He has so graciously given us.

V. 14-1510. Was the man thankful to Jesus for healing him?No. He didn’t even say thank you. Jesus warned him that something far worse could happen. This man could have turned to Jesus and have eternal life, or he can choose to live a life without Jesus and go to hell. Jesus is not only interested in healing the physical body, but he is far more concerned with the spiritual body. Jesus didn’t have to seek this man, so he could know who he was. Jesus knew that by doing this, it would put him in danger. He knew the cost he would pay. Yet Jesus still sought this man ou;.just like he seeks each one of us. He has already paid our punishment, he has already made a way for healing, but we must decide he won’t force us.

Read John 5:16-47V.16-1811. What are the two reasons why the Pharisees tried to kill Jesus?Jesus worked on the Sabbath and His claim to be equal to God. Jesus stated that God is always at work. Yes God created the world in seven days and then rested from His work of Creation. But God continues to work on the Sabbath. He sustains the universe. It is not wrong for His Son to do works of grace and mercy on the Sabbath.

V.19-2312. Are the Father and Son unified?Jesus imitates His Father. The two always work together. Their relationship is one of continuous love. Jesus is not doing simply a part of God’s will. He has full understanding of all God’s works. Jesus and God are so unified that the honor of God is tied to Jesus. To reject or dishonor God the Son is to reject and dishonor God the Father.

V.24-3013. Who is the source of life?Jesus. The life Jesus brings is a resurrection life. Life from death. We can look forward to a resurrection day in the future; but today, by responding to the voice of Jesus, we can come out of the grave we are living in right now and experience life in Jesus.


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V.31-4014. How do we know that the Father and the Son are one? How can we be sure Jesus is able to provide the eternal life He promises?We have the testimony of John the Baptist, and the miracles were specific works that God assigned for the Son to do. Jesus’ work was a clear manifestation that God was with Him and that He worked through Him. Remember Nicodemus’ words “john 3:2”. God the Father testifies to who Jesus is. And the Scriptures testify to who Jesus is.

15. Can you be saved by studying the Scriptures?No. Studying or knowing the Bible’s content backwards and forwards does not earn anyone eternal life. The Bible points people to God, to Jesus. The Scriptures tells us of sin and death – separation from God. The Bible should lead people to recognize that by their own efforts they can not go to heaven, they can not have a life with God. One can only be saved by the Grace of Jesus.

V. 41-4716. What evidence did Jesus have that showed they didn’t love God in their hearts?They rejected Christ. They accepted false teachers. They desired acceptance from man and not God.

17. Did Jesus come to accuse, why or why not?Jesus came as the Savior. He didn’t need to accuse. God used Moses to write the law. The law condemns. They had already broke the most important commandment: to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Moses wrote about Jesus, but they rejected Him.


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Lesson 6: John 6This is the only miracle that is found in all four gospels, except for the


Read John 6:1-21V. 1-41. When did this take place? So between chapters 5 and 6 there was some time. It was at least 6 months time difference that can be determined with the other gospels. John the Baptist had already been killed and the disciples had preached throughout Galilee. (Mark 6: 7-29)It was also during the time when the Jewish Passover was near. Which means this would have been one year before Christ’s death. It would also mean that it was in the spring.

2. Why were great crowds following Jesus?More and more crowds were coming to Jesus. But they were there to see the miraculous signs. They were there to see what they wanted to see.

V. 5-93. Why did Jesus ask Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”Philip was from Bethsaida which is the closest town, he would know the local resources. The answer to Jesus’ question was that it was impossible for thousands of people to get bread late in the day. It was to test him. God does at times test people, but His purpose is only to refine our faith or increase our understanding or vision, it is never to tempt us to do evil (James 1:2, 13-15; 1 Pet. 1:7)

4. How did Andrew respond?Andrew went into the crowd to see if he could find people with food. All he found was two fish and five barley loaves.

V. 10-135. How many people were there?5000 men, which means probably over 10,000 if we were able to count the women and children.

6. How much did they get to eat?They all ate what they wanted. They ate so much that there was leftovers and there was enough left to fill 12 baskets. One for each disciple. This miracle was not only for the people, but it was for the disciples. To show them that He was more than adequate to meet not only their own needs, but the needs of others too.


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V. 14-157. Who did the people think Jesus was and what did they want to do?Because of the miracle they had seen they saw Jesus as the Prophet to come, the Messiah. They were ready to make him King right then and there. This is the high point of Jesus’ popularity. He had huge crowds following him. But their motives were not right (v. 26). It was only because He could provide bread and not because of who He was. Their ideas of kingship were not God’s ideas for kingship.But can you imagine the temptation that this might have been for Jesus. A kingship without the cross. Yet He came to do the Father’s will and he knew the importance of being the LAMB at this time and not the LION. His Kingship wouldn’t come from the world, but it would be given to Him by His Father.

V. 16-218. What happened?Jesus walked on the water.

9. How far did Jesus walk on the water? Three to three and half miles. ( 5 to 6 kilometers) Isn’t that just amazing. That is a long walk on the water.

Read John 6:22-59V. 22- 2510. Why did the people ask Jesus, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”Because they knew that Jesus didn’t go in the boat with the disciples. It was not possible for him to be in Capernaum already.

V. 26-2711. Did Jesus tell them how he got there?No. He doesn’t answer their question because he wants to deal with their hearts. They don’t desire to be with Him because of who He is, but what He can do. He can feed them physical food, but how much more important spiritual food is. He desires to give them eternal life, if they would only look beyond their materialism.

V. 28-2912. The people asked Jesus, “what work must they do to do the works of God,”, what is the answer?To believe in the one he has sent.Let’s read verse 29 together – don’t worry about it being in different translations. Isn’t this just amazing. This is the work that we must do. To believe in the one he has sent!!!!!! If as Christians we would do this, how much greater would our lives be. To really trust Him with everything. To really believe in Jesus and who he is. (I feel convicted.) To really believe that He loves us. He is God. He can do all things!!! He loves us.


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V. 30-3313. When they heard Jesus’ statement, how did they respond?They wanted more signs. I guess they didn’t think Jesus feeding the 5,000 was as great as Moses’ feeding the Israelites. Jesus had to correct their thinking in three ways: It was the Father, not Moses, who gave the manna; it is still God who feeds and provides; and the true Bread from heaven in Jesus. The bread of life comes from heaven and gives life to the world. Jesus is the real bread of life.

V. 34-40 14. What did the people want and did they understand what they were asking for?Bread to eat. No. The bread that Jesus spoke of was not physical bread, it was himself. Once someone has a relationship with Jesus, he finds satisfaction which is everlasting. Bread provides life, Jesus provides life.

I want you all to write this down: the Bread of LifeThis is Satisfying LifeThis is Resurrection LifeThis is Eternal Life

V. 41-5115. What were the people grumbling about?Saying that Jesus didn’t come from heaven, he came from Joseph.

16. Who does Jesus say He is, in these verses?Sent from God; the bread of life; living bread – to believe in this bread is to live forever. He is more than willing to give up His life, so that we may partake in having this living bread. Salvation through Christ. By His death, life came to the world.

V. 52-5917. If you partake in the life of Jesus what will you have? The flesh and blood that Jesus is talking about here is Jesus Life and Death. The only way for us to have eternal life is for Jesus to give up his flesh and blood to make atonement for us. Jesus is not talking about the communion service here. He was using the body and blood to represent everything needed to sustain and support life. Life is in Jesus. Without life in Christ, you are living in death. Our spiritual lives will be sustained so completely that they will endure until Jesus raises us up on the last day. Life, real life, is life in Jesus.

18. Based on v. 56, if we accept Jesus life, who remains in us? Jesus remains in us.

Read John 6:60-7119. Based on verse 63, what are Jesus’ words?They are spirit and they are life. This helps us to see that Jesus was not stating that we need to literally eat His flesh, but that we are to partake in Jesus life.


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20. What happened in verse 66?This is not what the people wanted to hear. They wanted to force Jesus to be King right then and there. What Jesus was demanding of the people was for them to have personal faith. To realize that they could do nothing on their own to be saved, but that salvation came only through accepting the flesh and blood of Christ. It was at this point that the large numbers that followed Jesus decreased. The crowds grow less and less until even the twelve forsake him.

21. What does Peter proclaim?Yes, Jesus has the words of eternal life, He is the Holy One of God.


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Lesson 7: John 7In this study we are able to see the pride of the Pharisees. I think that it is important to look at ourselves and to make sure that our pride is not hindering others to come to know Him.Read John 7:1-24

V. 1- 51. What feast was taking place?The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, it is also called the Feast of Ingathering. It was a time of Thanksgiving for the harvest. It was a happy time. The feast signified that God dwells with His people.

2. What did Jesus brother’s want Jesus to do and why?It seemed like the right thing for Jesus to do. To go to Jerusalem and to show off His glory, so that the crowds that had left them would come back and that they would continue to grow. His brothers were giving him worldly advice.

V. 6-133. How did Jesus respond to them?It was not the right time. So many times we think we know the right time, but it is God’s timing that is perfect. It is important to trust God.

V.14-154. When did Jesus go to the Feast?Halfway through. The first three days no one saw Jesus. They were wondering if he would come and claim his Messiahship.

5. What did Jesus begin doing?Teaching. They were amazed at his teaching because His words were spiritually penetrating and he had never gone to a Rabbinic school.

V. 16-196. Whose teaching was Jesus bringing?His teaching was from God.

7. How can one know whether or not Jesus’ teaching is correct?You must desire to do God’s will, since Jesus is God’s will for man, people must believe in Him. You must have faith, it is impossible to know or please God without faith.

8. Who did Jesus seek to honor?If Jesus was self-taught (he taught himself) or a genius, His ministry would be self exalting. But he wanted to honor God. The true goal of man should be to glorify (honor) God and enjoy Him forever. Jesus is what we ought to be. Jesus purpose is to represent His father correctly.


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V. 20-239. What did the crowd accuse Jesus of being?Demon possessed. Instead of repenting, they insulted Him. People said the same of John of the Baptist. They denied that they were trying to kill him, but Jesus knew their hearts, he knew what they were trying to do.

10. Why did Jesus say that they were mad at him?For healing on the Sabbath. Jesus brought up a controversy. Circumcision is a religious rite that predated Moses. Abraham circumcised as a sign of the covenant. But Moses gave Israel circumcision as part of the Levitical system. Under the Mosaic Law, “On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised.” If that day fell on the Sabbath, they still circumcised the boy even though that would seemingly violate the Sabbath day of rest. Therefore, Jesus argued, if it was okay to care for one part of the body, then certainly healing on the whole body should be allowed. Therefore they should not be angry with Him.

V. 2411. What did Jesus tell them that they were doing?He was telling them that they understood the Scriptures only superficially. They were judging by only appearances. They read the law and the details, but they missed the big picture. Jesus was telling them to make a right decision. Look at the Scriptures with God’s intent, not man’s intent. He was basically calling them to repentance.

Read John 7: 25 – 44V. 25-2712. What are the crowds thinking?They are confused. They were amazed to hear Jesus’ bold teaching, yet they knew of a plot to kill him. Why weren’t the authorities doing anything? Had they changed their minds. The people probably thought that if He was a deceiver than he should be locked up; but if He was the Messiah, they should accept Him. They were completely confused. They had also assumed that Jesus was only a Man and therefore they knew where he was born. But they didn’t know where He was from – we know that He was from heaven, but they didn’t really know where he was from.

V. 28-3013. Who did Jesus say the people didn’t know?God, the Father. Jesus stated that God is true and that he had been sent by God. Even though they do not know God, Jesus knows God because of His origin. He was from heaven. The people knew he was from Galilee, and Jesus didn’t deny this, but added that his first origin was with God.


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14. Why were the Pharisees unable to arrest Jesus right then?Because His time had not yet come. Isn’t God just marvelous. God is in control of timing, places, etc. We have a wonderful God that we can completely trust with our every moment.

V. 30-3215. What were the crowds whispering?Could the Messiah do anymore miracles than this man!

V. 33-3616. In these verses, where does Jesus say he is going and where can they not go?He would be going back to the Father, to heaven. But they will not be able to go to heaven, or to the Father, because they have not believed. The time to believe is now, there will be a time when it will be too late. This is true for us today. We don’t know when we will die. This reminds me of a story told by a missionary named, David Livingston. He was a missionary to the Chinese. He was on a boat with a Chinese man, he had told him about Jesus’ love for this man, and how Jesus had taken the man’s sins onto himself. The Chinese man was thinking about these things, but told David that he needed more time. That he wasn’t ready yet. David went below the deck to get his things and then heard a commotion. He went back up on deck and found that the person he had just talked to had fallen into the water. Many of the Chinese people didn’t know how to swim. No one jumped over to save him. David jumped into the water and frantically looked for him. It was taking too long. He saw another Chinese fishing boat and called to it to come over and throw the net over. But they said they were too busy. David said that he would pay them, but that they would have to hurry. What David was thinking in his mind, was that this man was not ready to accept Christ as his saviour so therefore he was not ready to die. The people on the boat argued with David about the price for the net. Can you imagine? A man is dying and they wouldn’t even help save this man’s life. Finally David got the net and found the man quickly but it had been too late. The man had already died. The man didn’t have any more time in his life.I am convicted in this. Am I like the men who didn’t through the net. How many people do I not share the gospel with that are dying in their sin? People who are suffering, but I don’t try my hardest to reach them.

V. 37-39

Let us all read verse 37 and 38 together. The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated with certain festival rituals. One was a procession each day from the temple to the Gihon Spring. A priest filled a gold pitcher with water while the choir sang Isaiah 12:3, read. Then they returned to the altar and poured out the water. This ritual reminded them of the water from the rock during the wilderness wanderings (NU 20:8-11) It was also a prophecy of the coming days of the Messiah. The feast’s seventh and the last day was its greatest. Jesus said, “Come to Me and drink.” He was offering salvation.


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V. 40-4417. What did the people say to this?They were divided. Some said he was a prophet, the Christ, others said no.The crowd overlooked the fact, that Jesus was from the Davidic line and was born in Bethlehem, they didn’t investigate this.Read John 7:45-52v. 45-4918. Why did the guards not bring Jesus in?They were astounded at the way Jesus spoke. They had never heard of a man speaking like this.

19. How did the Pharisees respond to this?This completely reveals the pride that the Pharisees had. They thought they were too educated to be deceived.

v. 50-5220. What did Nicodemus bring up and how did the other Pharisees reply?The Mosaic Law (Deut. 1:16-17) stated that a person accused of a crime should get a fair hearing. Nicodemus had already met with Jesus and knew that He was sent from God. Even though Nicodemus was a respected teacher in the nation, he was insulted by the Sanhedrin. They accused Nicodemus of being as ignorant as the Galileans. A prophet doesn’t come out of Galilee.

In this study we are able to see the pride of the Pharisees. I think that it is important to look at ourselves and to make sure that our pride is not hindering others to come to know Him.


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Lesson 8: John 8

Read John 8:1-30V.12 1. What does Jesus mean when he says, “I am the light of the world”?The world is in darkness, darkness is a symbol of evil and sin. Light is a symbol of God and His holiness. Jesus is not merely “a light”, but he is “the light” he is “the only light”. When you accept Christ or follow Him, you will no longer live in the realm of darkness, and evil. But you will live in the light of Christ.

V.13-182. Who is the witness of Jesus’ testimony?a. Jesus himself. Only God can give testimony to Himself. As God he has full knowledge of His origin and destiny.b. God the Father.

3. How is the judgment of God different than their judgment?Their judgment is by human standards, they were limited in their knowledge and they were biased. God knows everything so His judgment is right, it is perfect.

V.19-204. Did the Pharisees know who Jesus father was?No, they didn’t understand that God was His father. They didn’t understand who God was. Jesus is talking to the Pharisees. The Pharisees life was to know who God was. Here we have Jesus bluntly telling them again that they do not know God. This is like telling a person who went to Bible college, who memorized Scriptures, and did many works that they didn’t know God. (It is possible for this to happen. You can’t come to Christ through works, you can only come to Him through Him.)

5. Why were the Pharisees unable to seize Him?John repeatedly pointed out that Jesus was working on God’s time schedule to accomplish God’s will. This is so comforting to me.

V. 21-306. If you do not believe in Jesus what will happen?You will die in your sin and you will not be able to go where Jesus is, which is with God in heaven.

7. What had to happen for them to know who He was?Only the crucifixion would enable them to see Him for who He really is. He didn’t mean that all would be saved, but that the Cross would reveal that Jesus is God’s Word to us and what he taught is from God the Father.

Read John 8:31-418. What is it that sets us free?The truth and that truth is that Jesus is God.


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9. If you do not believe in Jesus what are you?You are a slave to sin and you don’t belong to the family of God.

10. Who is that sets you free?Jesus, the Son of God.

11. The Pharisees argued that they were not illegitimate children, but were they?Yes, the Pharisees came from the descendant of Abraham, but they didn’t believe or trust like Abraham did. The Pharisees actually stated that the only father they had was, God, yet they did the opposite of what God would want them to do – therefore they were illegitimate. They were far from God.

Read John 8:42-4712. Why were they not able to hear or understand Jesus?Because they did not belong to God, but to Satan.

13. Who is Satan?Murderer, not holding to the truth, no truth in him, lies is his native language. A liar, the father of lies.

14. If you do not believe in Jesus who do you belong to?Satan. There is no in between. You are either God’s or your Satan’s.

Read John 8:48-5915. Who did they say Jesus was?A Samaritan, demon possessed. By calling Jesus a Samaritan they were saying He was a heretic. By saying he was demon possessed they were saying that he was insane, unclean, evil.

16. Who does Jesus honor and who does God the Father honor?Jesus honors God the Father. And God the Father honors him.

17. What did Jesus tell them about Himself?That He knows God and does His word, that he was before Abraham. That Jesus is the, “I am”I am” is a title of Deity. That is who God stated he was in the Old Testament to the Jews. So Jesus was stating “I am God.”


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Lesson 9: John 9Read John 9:1-121. What was wrong with the man?Since the man was blind from birth it points out the hopelessness of his situation.

2. Why did the disciples and Pharisees think this man was born blind?Because of either his own sin that he would commit or the sin of his parents.

3. Why did Jesus say the man was born blind?It was not because of any specific sin, but it was so that God could display His glory. This man’s blindness was not from a demonstration of sin, but rather a demonstration of the power and love of God. This man’s tragedy was to be a blessing.This is a good lesson for us too. There are times when we have suffering because of sin in our lives. For instance, drinking too much and then having liver problems, etc. But we should not be the ones to judge. We must remember this story and understand that much suffering that occurs is to bring blessing and glory to God.

4. Who does Jesus say He is in verse 5?The light of the world. It is interesting that he tells this not only to the disciples, but to the man born blind.

5. What did Jesus do and say to the blind man?Put mud on the man’s eyes and told him to wash. Jesus probably put the mud on the man’s face to help the man’s faith. He could have just said, “see” and he would, “see”. But God knows the hearts of each of us and what it is we need to increase our own faith.

6. After the man washed, what happened?He was able to see.

7. What did the people think?They were amazed. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

Read John 9:13-348. According to verse 13, what did the people do?This miracle was so unusual that they wanted to hear what the Pharisees had to say about it.

9. What did the Pharisees have to say about it?That he was not from God since he didn’t keep the Sabbath. But others said a sinner couldn’t do this.

10. What did the man who was healed have to say about him?That he was a prophet.

11. What did the Pharisees do to find out if this man was really born blind?Spoke to his parents. They just couldn’t believe that this miracle actually happened.


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12. According to verse 22, what had the Jews already decided?That Jesus was not the Messiah.

13. According to verse 24 what did the Pharisees tell the healed man to do?To give glory to God. They were telling him to admit his guilt in siding with Jesus, who they called a sinner.

But the man didn’t state his guilt for he knew what was true. He was blind and now he could see.

14. What was it that made the Pharisees insult the man?The blind man suggested that they seemed so interested than maybe they were interested in being Jesus’ disciple. Their pride couldn’t handle hearing this, so they insulted him

15. What did the blind man tell the Pharisees?Here we have a blind beggar teaching the Pharisees!

Read John 9:35-4116. What became of the blind man?He accepted Christ and worshipped him. Faith involves an act of the will, based on information. Jesus revealed himself to the blind man. The blind man accepted what Jesus said and worshipped him.

17. Were the Pharisees blind?The Pharisees thought they of all people had spiritual perception. Sin deceives people and they live in falsehood. Because the Pharisees stated that they had spiritual insight, that means that they sinned willfully. So if they were not blind to their sin, then they were worse off because they sinned on purpose without any repentance.

Jesus is our light. Our blindness to sin is revealed through Christ. We have to decide what our response to sin is. Are we willing to accept it as sin and ask for Christ to forgive us. It is because of our sin that we can’t go in the presence of God. The only way to be in His presence is through the love of Christ. We have to accept him and believe in him for our sins to be wiped away and for us to go in the presence of God.


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Lesson 10: John 10The Old Testament has called God the Shepherd in Psalm 23.

Read John 10:1-211. Let us make a list that states the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd according to verses 1-14.

Shepherd: Sheep:Knows the sheep. Listen to the shepherd’s voice.Leads the sheep. Follows the shepherd.Goes ahead of the sheep. Run away from anyone who is not the Shepherd.Puts the lives of the sheep as greater Trusts the Shepherd. Importance than himself. Knows the Shepherd.Really cares for the sheep.

2. Based on these versus, how can we become sheep with Jesus as our Shepherd?Vs. 9 We must enter through the gate. Jesus is the only gate by which people can enter into God’s presence.

V. 15-183. What does Jesus willingly do for his sheep?He lays down His life, to take it up again. No one took Jesus life, he gave His life for us willingly.

Vs. 19-214. What was the response of the people?Some said demon possessed and others said he couldn’t be demon possessed because of the miracles he had done.

Read John 10:22-425. The Jews told Jesus to tell them if he was the Christ or not, what did Jesus say?The miracles should speak for themselves, they are clear evidences.

6. Who are those who are Jesus’ sheep?Those who listen to Jesus and know Jesus and follow Jesus.

7. What does Jesus give?Eternal life, security in Him. They can not be taken out of his hand. No one is strong enough to snatch any of Jesus’ flock from the Father’s hand. The Father who is omnipotent secures the flock by His power and protection.

8. Who did the Jews say Jesus was claiming to be?God.


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9. Why did Jesus do miracles?So that people would know that he is one with God the Father. So people would consider these miracles and have to come to a conclustion.

10. What happened in the area where John the Baptist had prepared the people?Many people believed in Jesus.

Let us praise Jesus for being the Shepherd that He is to us.


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Lesson 11: John 11Read John 11:1-44V.1-61. When Lazarus was sick what did Mary and Martha do?They sent word to Jesus. They knew that Jesus loved Lazarus and themselves, and they knew Jesus’ ability to heal the sick. They called to the one they knew could help.

2. Did Jesus immediately go, why?No, Jesus waited, but it wasn’t because he didn’t love them. It says in verse 5 that he loved them. He didn’t go, because he knew that it would be through this event that Jesus would be glorified. Jesus’ power and obedience to the Father would be displayed, but this is the event that led to His death, which was his true glory (17:1).

V. 7-103. Why did the disciples think that it was unwise to go to Judea?Because the Jews had just tried to stone him there, it was dangerous. He would be risking His life.

4. How did Jesus respond to their thinking?In one way Jesus was speaking of walking in the physical light, but He was also talking spiritually. When one lives in the will of God he is safe. Living in evil, or living without Jesus, is dangerous. As long as He followed God’s plan, no harm would come till the appointed time.

5. According to verse 14 and 15, why was Jesus glad that he was not there when Lazarus was sick?So that you may believe. This was done so that it would encourage faith. Faith for the disciples and for faith for us.

V. 166. What did Thomas say?Many people think of Thomas as “doubting Thomas” because of the doubts he had after Jesus resurrection. But here we see Thomas’ leadership and commitment to Christ.

V. 17-227. How long was Lazarus in the tomb?Four days. According to popular Jewish belief, the spirit of a dead person did not finally desert the body until 3 days after death.

8. Based on these versus what was the reaction of Martha and Mary?It amazes how incredibly different each person is. Mary doesn’t run out to meet Jesus, but stays at home and waits. There is nothing wrong with this. Many people like to think things through. Maybe even try to understand what is going on. Martha on the other hand went to meet Jesus. She is definitely the type of person who is the doer. She really believed Jesus could have healed her brother.

9. According to verse 24, what else did Martha believe in?The resurrection at the last day. She understood that those who believed in Christ would be raised. I believe they had spent a lot of time with Jesus.


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V. 25-2710. Who does Jesus say he is here?The resurrection and the life. The life of a believer will never die spiritually, eternal life.

11. What three things, did Martha say about who Jesus was?1. The Christ 2. the Son of God 3. the coming one (the prophesied about)

V. 28-3212. How did Mary come to Jesus?She fell at his feet. She also believed that Jesus had the power to save her brother

V. 33-3713. What emotions did Jesus express?He was troubled, he wept. We do not have a God who doesn’t sympathize with our feelings. We do not have a God who has no feelings. We have a God that understands.

V. 38-4414. What did Jesus tell them to do and why did Martha object?For the stone to be rolled away, because of the odor. To move the stone would have meant the risk of being defiled. But obedience was necessary if Jesus’ purpose was to be realized. The scene was very dramatic, the crowd was watching, listening, people crying, Martha objecting.

15. What did Jesus tell them they needed to do?To believe. If we believe we will see the glory of God.

16. What did Jesus pray?Jesus simply thanked His Father for granting his request. He knew he was doing His Father’s will. His prayer was public so that He would be seen as the Father’s obedient son. He didn’t raise Lazarus from the dead so that he could be seen as a wonder-worker, but seen as the Son of God.

17. What happened next?Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Although Lazarus returns only to mortal life, Jesus’ conversation with Martha (11:21–27) shows that the reason this was done was to point to the eternal life Jesus gives to believers.God’s son Jesus brings life to people. It is through the Son that we are able to have life. Eph. 2:1-10 (if time read this).

Read John 11:45-5718. What were the responses of the people?Jesus’ revelation of Himself requires a response, to either believe in Him or to harden your heart. Some believed and some didn’t.

19. How did the Pharisees respond?


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They decided they needed to kill Jesus. Jesus raises a person from the dead, and instead of acknowledging that only God could do this, they decide to kill him.

Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead becomes the event which determines the decision of the Jewish authorities to put Jesus to death.

This event is a demonstration of Jesus’ ability to make His resurrection power available to His people—now!It is one thing to believe that Jesus has the power to raise us up on the last day. He does and He will. But it’s something else to realize that Jesus’ power is unlimited now; that Jesus can bring new life to the deadened areas of our own personalities; that because of Jesus’ power, we need never draw back from anything God asks, for the unlimited power of new life is ours in Him.


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Lesson 12: John 12

Read John 12:1-8V. 1-21. When did this take place and what was the occasion?Six days before the Passover. A dinner in Jesus honor. What a joyous occasion with Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Jesus. Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. How exciting to have been at this table!

V. 3-62. What did Mary do?Try to imagine being there. The house was filled with the fragrance. The pure nard was a fragrant oil prepared from the roots and stems of an herb from northern India. It was imported in sealed alabaster boxes which were opened only on special occasions. Mary expressed her love and thanks to Jesus for Himself and for bringing Lazarus back to life.

3. What is the difference between Mary and Judas here?Mary gave openly and sacrificially. Judas wanted to take money for himself secretly and selfishly. Mary: I love and give. Judas: I want it for myself.

V. 7-84. What was important about the timing that Mary did this?The opportunity to show love to Jesus on earth was limited. Our time on earth is limited.

Read John 12:9-195. What did the chief priests plan to do?To kill not only Jesus, but Lazarus as well!!! Unbelievable.

6. Describe the Triumphal Entry.Palm branches is a symbol of victory.“Hosanna!” in Hebrews means, “Please Save” or “Save Now”.Riding into the city on a young donkey was a sign of peace. He didn’t ride a war horse or carry a sword or wear a crown. Fulfilled prophecy Zech 9 9.“O daughter of Zion” is a poetic way of referring to the people of Jerusalem.

Read John 12:20-36V. 20-227. What group wanted to speak to Jesus?The Greeks. They were not Jews. God was preparing the way for Gentiles to worship Him through Christ.

V. 238. What hour had come?Jesus death was His means of entry into glory. His willingness to die for others’ sins in obedience to the Father brought Him glory.

V. 24-26


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9. What was Jesus talking about with the wheat?Death is the way to life. His death led to glory and life not only for Himself but also for others.

10. What does verse 25 mean?To “hate his life’ means to be so committed to Christ that he has no self-centeredness, no concern for himself. Anything in life can become an idol including goals, interests, and loves. Being a servant of Jesus requires following Him.

V. 27-2811. What did Jesus desire above all things?Jesus didn’t hide his feelings from the disciples, but let them know that he was troubled, he was troubled because of the prospect of being made sin in His death. Should he shrink back, certainly not. Jesus expressed His submission to God the Father. As believers in difficulty we should stand and embrace His will – desiring that His name be glorified – in spite of our emotions.

V. 30-3212. What then will be the benefits of Jesus’ death? He will destroy the power of the ruler of this world (Satan), and will draw all men to Himself.

In His death Jesus glorified God by bringing you and me into fellowship with Him.

V. 33-3413. What did the crowd have difficulty in understanding?They seemed to have understood that Jesus was predicting His death, but they could not see how that was possible, if He was the Messiah.

V. 35-3614. What did Jesus tell them they needed to do?To put their trust in the light. That light is Jesus Christ.

Read John 12:37-4315. The peoples unbelief fulfilled what?The prophecies of Isaiah.

16. According to verse 41, who does John say Isaiah saw?Jesus. Isaiah 6:3 states that Isaiah saw “the Lord Almighty” “Yahweh”. John wrote that this glory Isaiah saw was Jesus’ glory, which means Jesus is “Yahweh”!

Read John 12:44-5017. Let us make a list of what Jesus said.I am the revealer of the Father. Belief in Me is belief in the Father. Whoever believes in Me will no longer live in darkness. If you reject Me, you reject eternal life offered you by the Father. If you reject Me, you place yourself under sure judgment.

The living Word has spoken. Now is the time to respond, and to receive life through the Word.


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Lesson 13: John 13

Read John 13:1-30V. 1-41. When did this occur?Just before the Passover Feast. This was the time that Jesus would show the full extent of his love. This would be Jesus last meal before he died for you and me.

2. What did Jesus know?That God is in control of all events. Jesus knew of his own sovereign power, He knew His origin (where he came from) and He knew His destiny.

V. 5-83. Why did Peter question Jesus?Foot washing was needed in Palestine. The streets were dusty and people wore sandals. When they entered a home usually a servant would wash the feet of the people who came in. Jesus was taking the servants role. We need to really think about this. Can you imagine God washing your feet? Could you imagine yourself allowing God to wash your feet? Jesus could have snapped his fingers and they would be clean just like that, but He didn’t.

V. 9-114. Why did Jesus say not everyone was clean?Because Judas had rejected the life giving, cleansing words of Jesus.

V. 12-175. What are we to learn from Jesus washing the feet?We ought to be humble and meet others needs self-sacrificially.Not to follow the example of Jesus is to exalt oneself above Jesus and to live in prideJesus was a servant.

V. 18-306. Who was Judas?One of the original twelve chosen by Jesus, he was close to Jesus. He saw Jesus’ miracles, heard His teaching, saw him slip away to pray with God.

Yet Judas failed to respond. Outwardly he looked like one of Jesus’ followers. He acted and talked like them. The other disciples didn’t suspect him at all. But his inner life was evil. He was greedy and had a lack of concern for others.

7. Did Jesus wash the feet of Judas?Yes. The betrayer was served in the same way as the faithful.


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8. How is this an example to us?There will be those in a fellowship of believers who have not yet responded to Jesus’ message of forgiveness. Should we try to distinguish between the “true” brothers from the “false”? Never. We are to serve our brother and our Judas’ alike.

Read John 13:31-38V. 31-329. The basic form of the word “glory”, is used how many times in this verse?5. God the Father was also glorified in Jesus’ death because God’s love and righteousness were made known.

V. 34-3510. How is this command, “to love one another”, new?Because it is based on the sacrificial love of Jesus. We are to love the way Jesus loved, sacrificially. This love is a sign to the world.


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Lesson 14: John 14

The disciples were very discouraged:Jesus said that he was going away. John 13:33That he would die John 12:32-33That one of the twelve was a traitor John 13:21That Peter would disown him three times John 13:38That Satan was at work against all of them Luke 22:31-32That all the disciples would fall away Matt 26:31

To comfort the disciples, Jesus gives them encouraging words with promises.

Read John 14:1-14V. 1-41. What do we need to do so that our hearts will not be troubled?Trust in God the Father and Jesus the Son. Knowing and trusting Jesus is enough.

2. What two encouraging things did Jesus tell them?While Jesus was gone, He would be with the Father preparing a place for us and that He would return. In the meantime, we are to trust.

V. 5-73. Who does Jesus say He is here?The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is the Way because He is the Truth and the Life.

4. What is the only way to God the Father?Jesus. You can not go to God the Father any other way. Only one Way exists. Jesus is the only way to the Father because He is the only One from the Father.

V. 8-95. What did Philip ask and how did Jesus answer?Philip asked a universal desire to see God. This desire can lead to idolatry. But Jesus told Philip that by seeing Jesus he was seeing God. Wow!

V. 10-116. What three things prove that Jesus and God are united?a. character – I am in the Father and the Father is in meb. His words are the Fathers – the words I say to you are not just my own.c. the miracles

V. 12-147. What does it mean to ask in Jesus name?To the Old and New Testament people one’s name was tied to his character and mission. Thus prayer is to be “according to His will and instruction. (What would Jesus do….What would Jesus Pray.)


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8. What is the goal of answered prayer (vs. 13)?To bring glory to the FatherIn the answers to such prayers the character of God Himself will continue to be revealed.

Read John 14:15-31V. 15-179. What do these versus tell us about the Holy Spirit?- he is our counselor- he is in a believer forever- he is the spirit of truth- he is invisible, yet He is real and active- he is given to us by the Father

V. 1910. What did Jesus mean when he said, “but you will see me”?They will see him because of His resurrection. And because of His resurrection they will know that he lives. His resurrection is also the pledge of their resurrection. (Because I live you will live also)

V. 2111. What are the rewards for loving Jesus?You will be loved by God the Father, and the Son will love you and show Himself to you.

V. 22-2612. What excellent question did Judas ask?Why do you not show yourself to the world? This is a question many of us today ask.

13. How did Jesus answer?Jesus answered that He and Father will not show themselves to those who are disobedient to His teaching. Obedience grows out of love for Jesus and His word.

14. What did the apostles need to be able to understand what Jesus was saying?The Holy Spirit would remind them of Jesus’ teaching and give them understanding.

V. 27-3115. Why do they not need to be troubled?Because Jesus is giving them peace.

16. Who was Jesus talking about when he said, “the prince of this world”?Satan. And Satan has no hold on Jesus.

17. Why did Jesus need to die?To show that He loved God the Father and that he does exactly what the Father has commanded. Jesus is our perfect example. Because He loves God he obeys, because we love God we are to obey.Let’s praise Jesus for preparing a place for us; for being the way, the truth, and the life; for giving us the Holy Spirit; for letting us be with Him; for being our perfect example; and for personally loving us abundantly.


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Lesson 15: John 15

Read John 15:1-71. Fill in the blanks.John 6:35 I am _the bread of life_______________.John 8:12 I am _the light of the world.__________.John 10:7 I am _the gate for the sheep.__________.John 10:11 I am _the good shepherd._____________John 11:25 I am _resurrection and the life.________John 14:6 I am _way, and the life, and the truth.__.John 15:1,5 I am _the vine_____________________.

2. Who is God the Father and what does this mean to you?He is the Gardener. The one who makes it grow, protects it, gives it what it needs.

Jesus asks us to live a life that is beyond our capacity. We can’t do it. Knowing this, Jesus explains how a life of fruitfulness is possible. The fruit Jesus promises here is the fruit of the Spirit.3. Write down Galations 5:22,23.But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law.

4. Where does fruit grow?On a living vine.

5. Can a branch bear fruit by themselves?No. The branch must be connected to the vine.

6. What does it mean to “remain in me”?(vs. 4) by keeping his commands we remain in His love (vs.10) As we experience the goodness of God, we will live in the center of His love. Living close to Jesus is part of remaining in Him.

7. What happens when we remain in Jesus?We receive fruitfulness. The picture of the vine and the branches refer to fruitfulness, and does not refer to salvation. So in these versus it is not speaking about losing your salvation if you do not remain in the vine.

8. So what happens when we do not remain in the vine?The function of a branch is to bear fruit. But without intimate connection with the vine, it can’t do what it was supposed.

9. When a Christian fails to remain close to Jesus, what happens?No potential for fruit. We can’t become what we are intended to be without having a close relationship with Christ. Our love for Him can’t be expressed in obedience if we are not totally in love with Him.


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Say Galations 5:22 and 23 again. All these things are possible now. This is who we can be, because of Jesus and remaining in Him. Just love Him.

Read John 15:11-1710. What is the key word in verse 11?Joy. Jesus had a great joy in pleasing God. The purpose of His teaching is to give us an abundant life, not a joyless existence (john 10:10 someone read) The commands to obey are for our joy.

11. What command does Jesus give and how did he show his obedience to this command?To love one another, he died for us – he did the ultimate.

12. As Christians, what is our relationship with Jesus?Friends. A servant does what he is told to do, but doesn’t know why. God has let us know why we should obey. We are able to know the heart of God, we are able to be friends.

13. What does it mean to you that you are a friend to Jesus?It means everything. It means I am loved by the most wonderful thing, I am close to the One who created me, I am close to the one who is in control of my future, I am close to the very best thing life has to offer, etc.

Read John 15:18-16:414. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, what happens to our relationship with the world?The world hates us, just as the world hated Jesus.

15. Why does the world hate us?Because you are no longer part of the world, you no longer belong to the world, but you belong to God. You are no longer belonging to Satan. You have been saved from devastation and destruction. The world hates Jesus without reason (vs. 25).

16. Since we are going to be persecuted should we hide and not speak?(vs.26,27) No, we are to testify.

17. What do we learn about the Holy Spirit in these versus?- He will testify about Jesus- He is the Spirit of Truth- He is the counselor - He presents God’s truth to the world- He is sent from the Father

If you are creative you could draw a picture of a tree with many vines. Jesus is the vine. Draw God beside the tree taking care of it. Make one of the branches to be you.


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Lesson 16: John16Read John 16:1-15 1. What were the disciples feeling and why? (v.16)Grieved, depressed, because Jesus was leaving. Their friend, the one they believed in, was going to leave them. They didn’t understand.

2. According to verse 7, why was the departure of Jesus necessary?For the Gospel, so that God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit could come.

V. 8-113. What three things does the Holy Spirit convict the world about?1. Sin – because they don’t believe in Jesus. This is the greatest sin.2. Righteousness – in crucifying Jesus, the people thought Jesus was unrighteous, that only a wicked person would be hanged on a tree. But the resurrection and the ascension shows that Jesus is God’s righteous Servant. The Spirit convicts men of their wrong views of Jesus.3. Judgment – by Jesus’ death, He defeated Satan, Satan is like a condemned criminal, his execution is coming (Rev. 20:2, 7-10)

4. According to verse 13, what will the Holy Spirit do?He will guide you into all truth. It is the Father who will tell the Holy Spirit what to tell us. The trinity is completely interdependent – unified.

5. What will the Holy Spirit bring?Glory to Jesus. The Holy Spirit makes it clear who Jesus is, the Holy Sprit is the one who reveals who Jesus is.

Read John 16:16-336. What three things were the disciples confused about?“In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me, because I am going to the Father.”

7. According to verse 20, what feelings will there be?The world rejoices while the disciples will weep, mourn, grieve but it will turn to joy.

8. V. 21, what illustration did Jesus give?The birth of a child. There is pain but it is replaced with joy. When Abigail was placed in my arms, I cried in happiness. I was never so thankful in all my life. For God had given me this wonderful gift.

V. 22-249. The disciples will grieve, but then what will they feel and why?Rejoicing, joy that can’t be taken away because they will see Jesus again.Joy because they are not cut off from Jesus. We are free to bring every need to Him in prayer, and can be confident that He hears us.


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V. 25-2810. Why would Jesus not need to pray on their behalf?Because they would have personal access to the Father through Jesus. We can ask ourselves because of what Jesus has done.

11. Where did Jesus come from, where did he go, and where is He now?He came from the Father, He entered the world, He left the world, and is now with the Father.

V. 29-3012. What did the disciples believe?That Jesus was omniscient (you know all things); divine origin (came from God)

V.31-3213. Even though they believed, how would they respond later?They would all leave Him. The disciples were honest and sincere about what they believed, but Jesus knew their limitations.

14. Write vs. 33“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


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Lesson 17: John 17

Read John 17:1-51. The first sentence of Jesus prayer says what?Father – Jesus could approach God in prayer because of Their Father – Son relationship. “The time has come” several times before Jesus had stated that His time had not come, but now is the time for Jesus to fulfill why he had come – to redeem us.

2. The second sentence says what?“Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.”

3. How was Jesus going to be glorified?Through suffering, through sacrifice, through resurrecting, and through restoring Jesus to His glory. Completing the work God gave Him to do.

4. What was Jesus’ purpose?To Glorify God the Father so that God’s wisdom, power, and love might be known through Jesus.

5. Why did God grant Jesus authority over all people?So that Jesus could give us eternal life.

6. What is eternal life?To know the only true God through Jesus. A person who knows God has an intimate personal relationship with Him and that relationship is ETERNAL.

7. How did Jesus give God glory (vs. 4)?“By completing the work God gave him to do.” He didn’t do everything, he didn’t heal everyone, etc., but He did what God gave him to do. It is the same with us. We can’t do everything, God doesn’t want us to do everything. God wants us to do what God has given us to do – not what He has given Mahela or Susann, but what He wants us to do.

8. What was the last thing Jesus asked for himself?To be glorified with the glory he had before. Jesus gave up so much by coming down to earth. But now He was going to show His real glory. We live in the world now, but one day will be in glory, in the presence of the Father.

9. What does glory mean to you?Brightness, splendor, radiance, magnificence, majestic

Read John 17:6-1910. According to versus 6 through 12 what did Jesus do for His disciples?Revealed God to them, gave them the words of God, protected them and kept them safe by His name.


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11. Who is Jesus praying for?They have obeyed God’s word, accepted God’s word through Christ, believed.

12. What does Jesus pray for in vs.12?The disciples and for us – all who believe in Him.

13. Why did Jesus pray for their protection?For unity. To be unified in our desires to serve and glorify the Son.

14. What is Jesus prayer in verse 15?To protect them from the evil one. Christians must not take themselves out of the world, but remain in meaningful contact with it, trusting in God’s protection while they witness for Jesus.

15. What was Jesus second petition to God (vs. 17)?To sanctifiy them by the truth.

16. What is the truth?God’s word – the Bible.

17. Who is our perfect model (vs. 18)?Jesus, he was in the world, but wasn’t of the world.

Read John 17:20-2618. Versus 20-23 are focused on what?Unity. Our union with Jesus will result in the world believing. God wants us to be united the way that Jesus and the Father are united. This includes having Christ indwell in us. Unity is so important.

Pray versus 25 and 26.


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Lesson 18: John 18Read John 18:1-111. Who was guiding the soldiers, chief priests, and Pharisees?Judas. I just can’t imagine Jesus spending three years with Judas, and then he betrays him Jesus because of greed. I just can’t imagine.

2. Was Jesus surprised at the people who were coming? No. Jesus knew all along that this was going to happen. He knew the day and the hour. He could have stopped it from happening. He could have given the word and destroyed all of them in an instant. But He didn’t.

3. When Jesus said, “I am he”, what did they do?They drew back and fell to the ground. The phrase, “I am” refers to Jesus deity. There was no doubt that there was majesty in His words.

4. How did Jesus protect the disciples?He said to let go of the disciples. Jesus went peacefully.

5. What did Jesus tell Peter not to do?To not fight. That this was the Father’s Will. I am sure that Peter didn’t see this as God’s will at the time.

V. 12-276. Where were Peter and the other disciple?This other disciple was most likely John, since John is writing this. They were in the high priest’s courtyard. They would be able to see what was happening and going to happen to Jesus.

7. What did the high priest question Jesus about?His disciples and his teachings. Jesus responded to the high priest stating that he was not teaching anything in private. He had nothing to hide. He spoke publicly. Jesus was telling him that all he had to do was ask anyone around and they would know what he said.

8. Who did Peter deny Jesus to?First, a girl. Second, a man. Third, a relative of Malchus (the man who Peter tried to kill).

9. What do you think of Peter’s denial?He was close to the fire. If Peter hadn’t followed Jesus this far, this probably would have never happened. At first Peter was ready to die for Jesus, so sure that he would never deny Jesus. Peter really did think that he wouldn’t do this. But Peter had no idea all of the things that were going on. Peter was probably very much spiritually attacked by Satan. Jesus stated this in Luke 22:31-32 (read). Jesus knew that Peter would need to turn back. Even though we may think of Peter and think how terrible. This probably helped Peter in many ways. He was humbled, that’s for sure. And he would be able to strengthen his brothers – who all had abandoned Christ. And what a great example he is to us. Great warriors in Christ have fallen, but that doesn’t mean they can’t turn back and be strong warriors again!!!!!


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V. 28-4010. In vs. 28 what were the Jews concerned about?Not entering a Gentile house, they were concerned with ritual uncleanness while they planned murder!

11. Why didn’t the Jews just kill Jesus themselves?1. To fulfill prophecy (that none of his bones be broken, if Jesus had been stoned most likely he would have had some broken bones.2. To include both Jews and Gentiles in the guilt of Jesus’ death3. By crucifixion, Jesus was “lifted up” like “the snake in the desert” (John 3:14)A person under God’s curse was to be displayed (hanged) on a tree as a sign of judged sin. Read Deut 21:23 and Gal 3:13.

12. Describe to me the one on one conversation Jesus had with Pilate.It was during this conversation that it was made very clear that Jesus is a King. But not a king of this world. His Kingdom is from God and that is the truth that Jesus’ life was to reveal.

13. What did Pilate want to do and what did the crowd want?Pilate wanted to release Jesus. He wanted the crowd to tell him to let him go. But the crowd wanted him to set free a known murderer instead of Jesus.

14. In this chapter, how did Jesus suffer?Betrayed by Judas. Rejected three times by Peter. Brought in for questioning.Struck in the face by an official.Was bounded.Questioned by the “high priest”.Brought to Pilate and questioned by him.His people, the Jews, his chief priests (vs. 35) that handed him over. Even though there was no basis of a charge against Jesus, by the Roman civil law, he was not released.His own people would rather have a murderer set free than to see him set free.


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Lesson 19: John 19Read John 19:1-15V. 1-31. What things were done to humiliate Jesus?Flogged. (Roman flogging was done with a leather whip with bits of metal at the ends, often killed people.)

Crown of thorns.Purple Robe (mocking).Hailing King of the Jews.Physical blows on His face.

Vs. 4-72. Did Pilate find him guilty? No.

3. How did the Jewish leaders show their hatred towards Jesus?They shouted for His death, even though Pilate found him to be not guilty

V. 8-134. How was Pilate feeling?Afraid. I find that to be interesting.

5. What kind of power did Pilate really have?Pilate thought he had a lot of power. That it was him who could either save or kill Jesus. But that wasn’t true. Jesus had all of the power. It was God who put Pilate in the position he was in. At any time Jesus could have stopped everything, but he laid down his life on his own accord.

6. When Pilate kept trying to free Jesus, what tactic did the Jews try next?They tried to terrify Pilate. They said that if Pilate didn’t kill him then he was not a friend to Caesar. This would make life much more difficult for Pilate.

V. 14-167. What is strange about the behavior of the people in these versus?Pilate didn’t believe Jesus was their King, but to spite the Jews he called Jesus the King of the Jews. Rome would have definitely crucified a Jewish King.

Then the Jews claimed their loyalty to Rome while disclaiming their Messiah.

Read John 19:17-30V. 17-228. Where did Jesus carry His cross?Skull – Golgotha. The sin offering used to be taken outside the camp or city. (Read Heb. 13:11-12 and 2 Cor. 5:21) Jesus became sin for us.

9. What was written on the cross?Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. It was written in three languages so that everyone could read it!


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V. 23-3010. How was even Jesus’ clothes important?First, it was another form of humiliation. Jesus was crucified naked.Secondly, it fulfilled prophecy of Psalm 22:18.

11. How did Jesus take care of his mother, even while on the cross?He put her in the care of the disciple John.

12. How was Jesus feeling?Thirsty. It is interesting that Jesus who is the Water of Life (John 4:14; 7:38-39) is dying in thirst. He could have also been thirsting after God, Psalm 63:1. Him being given the wine vinegar is a fulfillment of Psalm 69:21.

Putting the sponge on the end of a hyssop plant stalk points to Jesus dying as the true Lamb of Passover, for hyssop was used in the Passover ceremonies (Ex.12:22).

13. What were Jesus finals words?“It is finished.” It is a single Greek word spelled, please write this down, tetelestai. Their have been receipts found with this word written on them meaning, paid in full. Jesus didn’t say, “I am finished.” But that, “It is finished.”

Jesus’ work was finished. He had been made sin for people (2 Cor. 5:21) and suffered the penalty of God’s justice which sin deserved. Jesus gave up his life for his friends!

Read John 19:31-42V. 31-3714. Why did the Jews want the legs to be broken?Because they didn’t want the bodies there during the Sabbath. It was actually written in the Jewish Law to not have the bodies stay on the cross overnight (Deut. 21:22-23).

The smashing of the legs caused death to occur quickly by shock, loss of blood, and inability to breathe (the chest cavity would bear all of the weight.) Without this procedure a person could live for many hours or even days.

15. Why was Jesus pierced?To be sure that he was dead. They thought he was that it why they didn’t break his legs, which fulfilled prophecy of Jesus being the true Passover Lamb, Numbers 9:12 and Ps 34:20. They will look on the pierced One Zech. 12:10 and Rev. 1:7.

16. Who buried Jesus?Joseph and Nicodemus. Their act of love and respect for the body of Jesus was for them dangerous, costly, and without any personal gain.

17. Read Isaiah 53:9 and explain how this prophecy became true?He was despised and rejected by men, yet it was the rich who buried him with many expensive perfumes. He was perfect and He did all of this for you!


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Lesson 20: John 20

Read John 20:1-91. Who is the first person to the tomb and what do we know about her?Mary Magdelene. (Luke 8:1-2 read – demon possessed.) She was devoted to Jesus not only during the time He was alive, but also in His death (John 19:25 Mary watched the crucifixion.)

2. Who did Mary run and tell and what did they do?Peter and John (John is the one writing this book and he refers to himself always as the one Jesus loved.) They both ran to the tomb. Try to picture all of this happening. You have people mourning, completely heart broken that Jesus was crucified – how could this happen? He was supposed to be the Messiah.

I can see Mary running having difficulty catching her breath. Then seeing Peter and John run with all of their might to the tomb.

3. What did they find in the tomb?Jesus burial clothes! If someone was going to steal Jesus’ body they would have kept the clothes around him. But the clothes were all their. John realized that Jesus had risen from the dead. The tomb was not open to let Jesus out, but to let the disciples and the world in to show that Jesus rose.

Read John 20:10-234. Who did Jesus show himself to first?Mary Magdelene. No Jewish author of that time, would have invented a story with a woman as the first witness to this important event. Jesus may have shown himself to her first because she had so earnestly sought Him. She was at the cross while He was dying and she went to His tomb early Sunday morning.

5. How did she know it was Jesus?He said her name. Jesus calls His sheep by name (John 10:3) and “they know His voice” (10:4).

6. What did Jesus tell Mary not to do?To not hold on to him. I can imagine Mary holding on to Jesus and never wanting to let go. She had already lost him once. I wonder how long she was able to stay there.

7. What did Jesus tell Mary to do?To tell His brothers. He now calls them His brothers, before He had called them His friends, but now He calls them His brothers! Those who believe in Jesus become a part of Jesus’ family with God as their Father. Amazing!

8. Why were the disciples afraid?They were terrified of the Jews. Jesus had been murdered, they could be next.


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9. Who appeared to them and how did they feel then?Jesus, his hands and side. They were overjoyed. Their grief was turn to joy. Can you just imagine being there?

Read John 20:24-3110. Which disciple was not there when Jesus appeared to them?Thomas. I think I would have been like Thomas. I mean nothing like this had ever happened before. No one can raise themselves from the dead. It wasn’t possible.

11. What did Jesus do?He didn’t allow Thomas to continue doubting. He appeared to him also. Thomas was able to touch Jesus.

12. What did Thomas proclaim?My Lord and My God. Here we have a skeptical man, confronted by the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection.

13. Why was this gospel written?So that you would believe that Jesus is the Christ, He is the Son of God. By believing in Him you can have life, eternal life in his name!


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Lesson 21: John 21

Read John 21:1-141. Let’s list some of the things that the disciples had just gone through?The Triumphal EntryThe expectation of a new KingdomBetrayal of a trusted friendAlmost arrested themselvesTheir leader Peter denying Christ three times.Jesus crucified.The Resurrection and seeing Jesus twice themselves so far.

2. What were the disciples doing and how did they do?They were fishing. They were probably very confused on what they were supposed to do next, so they went back to their original jobs.

Without the help of Jesus they we unable to catch anything!

3. How did the disciples know that it was Jesus who had called out to them?Because of the miracle Jesus had done for them before was just like this one, Luke 5:1-11.

4. What did Peter do?He jumped into the water and swam to Jesus. This helps us to understand the character of Peter. He was rather impulsive.

5. When they disciples came in what did everyone do?They ate breakfast. Jesus ate food even after his resurrection. In later preaching’s by Peter, he said that he was a reliable witness who ate and drank with Jesus after His resurrection (Acts 10:41).

Read John 21:15-256. In John 18 how many times did Peter deny Christ?Three times. No matter how great a person is, he may fall (1 Cor. 10:12)

7. Now in John 21, how many times does Jesus ask Peter if he loves Him?Three times

8. What does Jesus tell Peter to do?Feed my lambs, take care of my sheep, feed my sheepHe is commissioned three times. Jesus helped restore Peter from his failings, by telling him that he would be trusted with Jesus’ own dearly loved sheep.

9. After Jesus tells Peter how he will probably die, what does He tell Peter to do?To follow Him. This is the key issue in every Christian’s life – to follow Jesus.


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10. Peter asked what would happen to John, how did Jesus reply?Some disciples can be easily distracted by unnecessary questions about God’s will, as a result they neglect God’s plainly revealed will. God’s plans vary from one person to the next and His reasons are not often made known. Peter was to commit himself to God’s commands to him. Christ will direct each believer into the service for which he or she has been equipped.

11. Why do we not have more writings of what Jesus did?Because if they were all written down, there would not be enough room in the world for them. But we have what we need, according to God.