Introduction to Testing and Measurement

Introduction to Testing and Measurement

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Introduction to Testing and Measurement

Testing: Basic Definitions

• Assessment - process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or beliefs

• Evaluation - the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value

• Measurement - quantitative (involves assigning numbers)

• Testing - form of measurement

Basic Definitions (Continued)

• Reliability - Measures consistency

• Validity - Valid to the degree that accomplishes purpose

• Objective - To the degree that two or more reasonable persons given a key will agree

Basic Statistics

Mean, Median, and Standard Deviation

Mean (Arithmetic Average - the sum divided by

the count.)

• Advantages – Calculation includes all scores – Indicates “typical” score for


• Disadvantages – Easily distorted by extreme


Median (Midpoint - place the numbers in value

order and find the middle number)

• Advantages – Not easily distorted by

extremely high or low scores

• Disadvantages – Does not take into account the

value of all the scores in the group

Mean or median?

“Rule of Thumb”

• use median when extremely high or low scores (outliers) are present;

• use the mean for most other situation

Standard Deviation

• Indicates by how much the scores in a distribution typically deviate from the mean

• Mean represents 50% of the norm group, – 68% within 1 SD above or below

the mean, – 95% within 2 SD above or below

the mean, – 99.7% within 3 SD above or below


Normal Curve - Properties • Symmetrical, bell-shaped • Total area under the curve represents total

number of scores in the distribution • Vertical lines mark sub-areas and represent

proportions of scores falling in a particular range

• Points along baseline correspond to standard deviations away from the mean

Testing and Measurement

Validity & Reliability

Validity of Test Scores

• The extent to which the scores on the test are representative of what you are trying to measure

– Example - Does the science test

measure only the knowledge of science, or is it dependent on reading ability and therefore measuring science and reading ability?

Types of Validity

• Content Validity – Determined by the degree to

which the questions or items are representative of the universe of behavior the test was designed to sample (does the test assess what it claims to assess?)

• Criterion-Related Validity – Determined by whether there is a

relationship between a test and an immediate criterion measure – example - a driving test, employment

Factors That Can Reduce Validity?

• Factors in the Test – Vague Directions – Irrelevant Items – Poorly Constructed Items – Items that Contain Clues to

the Correct Answer – Too Few or Improperly

Sequenced Items

What Affects Validity (Continued)

• Factors in Test Administration and Scoring – Insufficient Time to Complete

the Test – Testing Environment – Undetected Cheating – Inappropriate Help or Coaching – Properly Motivated Students – Unreliable Item Scoring

What Affects Validity (Continued)

• Factors Affecting Pupil Responses – High Level of Fear or

Anxiety About Taking the Test

– A Tendency to Rush Though the Test

– Guessing

Reliability of Test Scores

• Consistency

• Measure of confidence that if same individuals were retested under similar conditions that the results could be replicated

Types of Reliability

• Test-Retest: Coefficient of Stability

• Alternate Form: Coefficient of Equivalence

• Internal Consistency: Consistency of examinee across test items

• Interrater Reliability: Consistency of judges or scorers

Reliability General Guidelines

• Test scores used for decision about individuals require a much higher degree of reliability than those for making decisions about groups.

• Higher reliability coefficients are essential if decisions based on test scores have long term consequences.

Reliability General Guidelines


• Lower reliability coefficients are tolerable if decisions are reversible or have only a temporary impact.

• Reliability coefficients for standardized tests should be .90 or higher

• Reliability coefficients are influenced by many factors.

How to Increase Reliability

• Use objective tests

• Use a more heterogeneous group

• Make sure the difficulty level is appropriate for the individuals being tested

• Increase the number of items

Reliability vs. Validity

• Reliability means that the test-takers will get the same score in multiple takes (within reason of course).

• Validity means measuring what it is supposed to measure

• Reliability doesn't necessarily equate to validity: – A test can be reliable without being

valid. – However, a test cannot be valid

unless it is reliable.

Standardized Tests: Norm-Referenced and

Criterion-Referenced Tests

Types of Tests

Standardized Test • administered and scored in a

consistent, or "standard", manner. • designed in such a way that the

questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent

• administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.

• not necessarily a high-stakes, time-limited, or multiple-choice.

Standardized Testing Benefits

• Objectivity • Evidence of validity or reliability of

results • Ability to compare across students,

schools, states, etc. • Ease of administration and scoring • Efficiency (group testing) • Developed over time and

supported with data and research

Standardized Testing Possible issues

• Can only sample a portion of the domain

• May not match school curriculum • May not answer relevant questions • Interpretations may not be relevant

for all populations • Extraneous factors may prevent

good measure of the student’s ability

• May not be available for some constructs/concepts

Base test type according to decision to be made

• Norm-Referenced: Level of achievement compared to others students

• Criterion-Referenced: Level of achievement compared to external criterion

Norm-Referenced Scores

• Based on the normal curve • Reflects student performance

compared to other similar students • Shows relative strengths and

weaknesses • Are not standards of “what should

be” - only indicators of what “is” Examples: CogAT, Iowa, NNAT, WISC, Stanford, Terra Nova

• A set standard of development or achievement usually derived from the average or median achievement of a large group

• Used to compare one student’s results to those of a large sample of students: – National norms - based on a large

sample from across the nation – Local norms - based on a large

sample from local schools within a city, district, state, etc.


Norms (Continued)

• Indicate what the current reality is – are not standards, or indicators of

what should be

• Derived by assessing students thought to be “typical”

• For mental ability scores, use student age norms

• For achievement scores, use student grade scores

Good Norms are…

• Recent – When outdated norms are used, results can be

misleading. Norms change every 5-7 years. (Tests with norms over 10 years old are not used for gifted evaluation in Cobb County.)

• Representative – Because participation in the norm group is

voluntary, norm groups might not be representative.

• Relevant – The “normal” students used to establish the

norms may not have been provided a “normal” instructional program.

Norm Referenced Tests (NRT)

Appropriate Uses

• Used to compare student performance with large, usually national or international, sample of similar students

• Used to make relative comparisons among schools or school systems to a national sample

Criterion-Referenced Tests • Allow inferences about:

– a curricular domain of skills and knowledge (e.g. the CCGPS, state standards)

– a cognitive domain of skill • reading comprehension • math computation

– standing with respect to a judgmental criterion

• CRCT (Criterion Referenced Competency Test • EOCT (End of Course Test) • Georgia Milestones

Criterion Referenced Tests (CRT)

Appropriate Uses

• To make instructional decisions about individual students

• To make placement decisions about students, along with other information

• To make evaluative (formative and summative) decisions about programs

• To make decisions about the curriculum

Types of Scores

NRT’s & CRT’s

Raw Scores

• Actual number of points

received on test – For example, 25 correct answers

out of 30 questions equals a raw score of 25

• Have not been “cooked” in cauldron of statistics

Standard Scores • Raw scores converted to new

scale • Can be used to make direct

comparisons among classes, schools, or districts

• Can be misinterpreted because somewhat arbitrary scale values used from test to test

• Commonly Reported Standard Scores • SAT, GRE, NCEs, Stanines, SAS

Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE)

• “Normalized standard scores” used for reporting some standardized achievement tests

• Converted to a scale with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 21.06

• Reported in a range between values of 1 and 99

• Are not particularly useful in reporting test reports to parents

Standard Age Scores (SAS)

• Used to report the results of ability tests

• Sometimes reported as “deviation” IQ scores

• Converted to a scale with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15

• “Average” is considered 15 above and below 100 – from 85 -115 on the normal curve


• Standard Scores with whole number values ranging from 1 to 9

• Relate to percentile bands • Useful as a simple

approximation of performance; • May lead to a loss of precision

in reporting

Percentile Scores • Commonly used in expressing results of

standardized tests • Probably the best single derived score

for general use in relaying test results • Indicate the percentage of students in

the norm group scoring lower than the examinee

• Range between values of 1 and 99 • Used to interpret a student’s

performance in comparison to other students

• Can result in misinterpretation because all percentile ranks are not equally spaced along any one scale

Percentile Bands • Range of values thought to contain the

student’s “true” percentile rank – smaller bands reflect higher reliability

• Example: Susan might have a percentile band ranging between 76 and 86 for math computation on the ITBS, and a percentile band ranging between 82 and 92 for reading. – Scores indicate that Susan probably

performs better at reading than she did at math computation

– However, exact percentile score for math could be higher than for reading

Grade Equivalents

• Identifies grade level at which “typical” student obtains same raw score

• Expressed by grade and month

• Are useful in measuring growth

• Can be easily misinterpreted

Grade Equivalent Interpretation

• Compares student performance on grade-level material against the average performance of students at other grade levels on the same material

• Reported in terms of grade level and months • Does not mean a 5th grade student with a 9.5

GE score in reading can do 8th grade reading work

• Does not mean the 5th grade student needs to be in 8th grade

• Does mean the 5th grade student is performing better than peers at same level

• Does mean that 5th grade student reads 5th grade material as well as the average 8th grader

Grade Equivalents- Common Misinterpretations

• Can not be interpreted as estimate of grade where a student should be placed

• Are not equal across the range of the scale

• Are not necessarily equal across tests • Extremely high or low GE scores are not

dependable estimates of student achievement

Things to Know • Know the Test – study the manual and

understand the content and purpose • Know the Norms – cannot interpret

scores well if don’t understand norming population

• Know the Score – is it standard score, raw score, percentile rank, or something else?

• Know the Background – test results don’t tell the whole story so consider multiple sources of data and information on student

More to know • Research on your own – the more you

know, the more you can explain test results with accuracy and confidence

• Communicate effectively – provide pertinent information in a clear, understandable manner to approved individuals

• Use the test – understanding increases with multiple uses

• Use caution – test scores can reflect ability but they do not determine ability

Reference – Test Scores and What They Mean, 6th edition by H. Lyman,