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Introduction to Patrology - Arabic

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1 �?16:17 �FG '<h# E��/�� Q< a���@��� a�������� a�7"-� '��� ���� �� ~ 8�b�

28� ( a��fGaius

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f1:19 �2��� !��� �� !��&� <� -��� =� 8ef �� g.

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`�17:6 '<hF# Q� ���Z �2���� N�* �� 3��<� =� -��� Q�-� ��u�� ¢��{ g ��

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34� ( �"-��Justus

`�1:23a�"�� �"-�� z�.�� �-�� �1�� � �� «-�� �2]� ���G� .

`�18:7 �FZ:� s"�� Q?� _ ��&"� Q? �"-�� sS� �� >�� �� '�� o2# =� �"��w4�4.�.

35� ( �2��Linus 2 v4:21 '"0�� G '�± Q� ��� . 3�F�<�� ����:?� �2��� ������ ����� ��.1 E.��


���� 7�-� Q? � 36� ( a��?��Lucius

`�13:1 � ��?t�� � Q?� �F��� �1�� � �� Q&S� ���� Q�4.&�� '��� o2# ���2��� 9�r� w���� ��@� a��e# w� �� � �� =�2�� ���e��� a��?���.

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��?��< «�-� Q? � 37� ( �.��<� G��Luke the Evangelist

�?4:14a �� z��� z�t�� G�� E��.1 E.�� .

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2 v4:11�&� 8�*� G�� .���q.� © w�� s�< �&� 8�W*�� �G�� �.

�.��<� G�� ������ �(0"-� )22��FF� (

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E�Y� =� Q? . ��� ���� 4@�� �V� 2����. 38� ( �.��<� �G��Mark the Evangelist

`�12:12 �&4"B Q�e+? Q? m�* �G�� z�.�� 2*�� N� ½�� >�� �� s"2� �#� '� ~ Q�./� E#�.

`�12:25 � zF�.�� 2*�� 4(&� � ��� ���¤� :u4? � �&� E�.r��� =� 9�r� ���� w��


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`�15:37�G�� �1�� � �� 2*�� W�� 4(&� � �d� Q� ���� �r� .

`�15:39 ��A� ¢�*� ¡�� k* 3��0� 4(2�� /n� . � ��F-� �G�F� �� �����abG �� �n��.

2 v4:11*� G�� �&� 8�.���q.� © w�� s�< �&� 8�W*�� �G�� �.

����2�-<� )���� 9�� 9�-��� �G���� �(0"-� )303����� (

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42� ( a���Olympas

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48� ( �.��Philip

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54� ( �����?Quartus

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57� ( Q&SSimon

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�4.��� >2�P� ��-���� ��n���� l@��� >4.- � -��� �&�) ".18 ( Ö��F�? ���� >�G� :"�� s�.1 �# � )�Z �G ���2��� >�? � �� 2� 5 �P =� a��-2]P «�� g )".19(

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8��F2� �`��F� R��F�� � 3�n.� 3�*��� 8 # =1 «0�� ©�-��� a��-2]P ������ 3�* �F* Æ"? ��7� a���� ����� )�#<� ���"�� �4.��� )�#< =1 `���� � `��� v�#:��

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�r����: )1(Quasten: Patrology, vol. 3, p. 70. )2(G.N.D. Kelly: Early Christian Doctrines, 1960. p. 284. )3(Or. Arians, Disc. 1:47. )4(Or. Arians, Disc. 1:48. )5(Or. Arians, Disc. 1:39 . )6(De Incarnatione, 8,9. )7(De Incarnatione, 54:3 . )8(Or. Arians, Disc. 3:19. )9(Quosten: Patrology, vol. 3, p. 72-76. )10(Or. Arions, Disc. 1:42. )11(Tom. Ad Ant,7. )12(Or. Arians, Disc. 2:2. )13(Ep. ad Serapion 1:24. )14(Or. Arians, Disc. 3:24 )15(Quasten: Patrology, vol. 3, p. 20. )16(Hist. Arian, 67. )17(De Decretis 32. )18(Penguin Dictionary of Saints, p. 53.

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)19(L. Kksich : They Walked with God. )20(Paschal Letters 6:9. )21(Paschal Letters 9:8. )22(Derwas G. Chitty: The Desert A City, p.2.

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w����� /7�� ���2��� '�K Q 5 ����G

Y� a���2fP ������ Q P Q��G �?t�)1(

Kôphôthçte oun, hotan humin chôris Içsou Christou lalç tis

Be deaf, therefore, when any would speak to you apart from (at variance with) Jesus Christ

[tou huiou tou Theou] [the Son of God], tou ek genous [genomenou] Dabid who was descended from the family of

David, tou ek Marias, born of Mary, hos alçthôs egennçthç who truly was born [ kai ek theou kai ek parthenou … [both of God and of the Virgin … alçthôs anelabe sôma; ho Logos truly took a body; for the Word

gar sarx egeneto kai epoliteusato aneu hamartias …],

became flesh and dwelt among us without sin …],

ephagen te kai epien [alçthôs], ate and drank [truly],

alçthôs ediôchthç epi Pontiou Pilatou, truly suffered persecution under Pontius Pilate,

alçthôs [de, kai ou dokçsei] estaurôthç kai apethanen …

was truly [and not in appearance] crucified and died …

hos kai alçthôs çgerthç apo nekrôn [kai anestç dia triôn hçmerôn],

who was also truly raised from the dead [and rose after three days],

egeirontos auton tou Patros autou … his Father raising him up …

[kai tessarakonta hçmeras sundiatripsas tois Apostolois,

[and after having spent forty days with the Apostles,

anelçphthç pros ton Patera; was received up to the Father,

kai ekathisen ek dexiôn autou, and sits on his right hand,

perimenôn heôs an tethôsin hoi echthroi autou hupo tous podas autou].

waiting till his enemies are put under his feet].

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Q��� «�-� a�2���� ������ Q P Q��G)2(

Hç men gar ekklçsia, kaiper kath' holçs tçs oikoumençs heôs peratôn tçs gçs diesparmenç, para de tôn Apostolôn kai tôn ekeinôn mathçtôn paralabousa tçn [pistin]

The Church, though scattered through the whole world to the ends of the earth, has received from the Apostles and their disciples the faith

eis hena Theon, Patera pantokratora, in one God, the Father Almighty,

ton pepoiçkota ton ouranon, kai tçn gçn,

who made the heaven and the earth ,

kai tas thalassas, kai panta ta en autois, pistin;

and the seas, and all that in them is;

kai eis hena Christon Içsoun, ton Huion tou Theou,

and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God,

ton sarkôthenta huper tçs hçmeteras sôtçrias;

who became flesh for our salvation;

kai eis Pneuma hagion, and in the Holy Ghost,

to dia tôn prophçtôn kekçruchos tas oikonomias kai tas eleuseis [tçn eleusin,adventum ],

who through the prophets preached the dispensations and the advents[advent],

kai tçn ek Parthenou gennçsin, and the birth from the Virgin,

kai to pathos, and the passion ,

kai tçn egersin ek nekrôn, and the resurrection from the dead ,

kai tçn ensarkon eis tous ouranous analçpsin tou çgapçmenou Christou Içsou, tou Kuriou hçmôn,

and the bodily assumption into heaven of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord,

kai tçn ek tôn ouranôn en tç doxç tou Patros parousian autou,

and his appearing from heaven in the glory of the Father,

epi to anakephalaiôsasthai ta panta, to comprehend all things under one


kai anastçsai pasan sarka pasçs anthrôpotçtos,

and to raise up all flesh of all mankind ,

hina Christô Içsou, tô Kuriô hçmôn, kai Theô, kai Sôtçri, kai basilei, kata tçn eudokian tou Patros tou aoratou, pan gonu kampsç

that, according to the good pleasure of the Father invisible, every knee of those that are in heaven and on the earth and under the earth should

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epouraniôn kai epigeiôn kai katachthoniôn, kai pasa glôssa exomologçsçtai autô, kai krisin dikaian en tois pasi poiçsçtai, ta men pneumatika tçs ponçrias, kai angelous parabebçkotas, kai en apostasia gegonotas, kai tous asebeis, kai adikous kai anomous kai blasphçmous tôn anthrôpôn eis to aiônion pur pempsç; tois de dikaiois, kai hosiois, kai tas entolas autou tetçrçkosi kai en tç agapç autou diamemençkosi, tois ap' archçs, tois de ek metanoias, zôçn charisamenos, aphtharsian dôrçsçtai, kai doxan aiônian peripoiçsç.

bow before Christ Jesus, our Lord and God and Saviour and King, and that every tongue should confess to him, and that he may execute righteous judgment over all: sending into eternal fire the spiritual powers of wickedness, and the angels who transgressed and apostatized, and the godless and unrighteous and lawless and blasphemous among men, and granting life and immortality and eternal glory to the righteous and holy, who have both kept the commandments and continued in his love, some from the beginning, some after their conversion.

Q�.���� ��:&�� Q P Q��G)3(

Regula quidem fidei una omnino est, sola, immobilis, et irreformabilis, credendi scilicet

The Rule of Faith is altogether one, sole, immovable, and irreformable—namely, to believe

In unicum Deum Omnipotentem, in one God Almighty, mundi conditorem; the Maker of the world; et Filium ejus, Jesum Christum, and his Son, Jesus Christ, natum ex Virgine Maria, born of the Virgin Mary, crucifixum sub Pontio Pilato, crucified under Pontius Pilate,

tertia die resuscitatum a mortuis, on the third day raised again from the dead,

receptum in cælis, received in the heavens,

sedentem nunc ad dexteram Patris, sitting now at the right hand of the Father ,

venturum judicare vivos et mortuos, coming to judge the quick and the dead ,

per carnis etiam resurrectionem. also through the resurrection of the flesh.

�2���G «�-P a���b? ������ Q P Q��G)4(

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Credo in Deum Patrem, I believe in God the Father,

in Filium Christum, in his Son Christ,

in Spiritum Sanctum. in the Holy Ghost.

Credo remissionem peccatorum, I believe the forgiveness of sins,

et vitam eternam and eternal life

per sanctam Ecclesiam. through the holy Church.

a���{��P ��:&�� Q P Q��G)5(

Species eorum, quæ per

prædicationem Apostolicam manifeste traduntur, istæ sunt:

The form of those things which are manifestly delivered by the preaching of the Apostles is this:

Primo, quod unus Deus est, qui omnia creavit atque composuit quique cum nihil esset, esse fecit universa, Deus a prima creatura, et conditione mundi, omnium justorum Deus—Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noë, Sem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, duodecim Patriarcharum, Moysis et Prophetarum: et quod hic Deus in novissimis diebus, sicut per prophetas suos ante promiserat, misit Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, primo quidem vocaturum Israël, secundo vero etiam gentes post perfidiam populi Israël. Hic Deus justus et bonus, Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Legem et Prophetas et Evangelia ipse dedit, qui et Apostolorum Deus est et Veteris et Novi Testamenti.

First, that there is one God, who created and framed every thing, and who, when nothing was, brought all things into being,—God from the first creation and forming of the world, the God of all the just—Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the twelve Patriarchs, Moses, and the Prophets: and that this God, in the last days, as he had before promised through his Prophets, sent our Lord Jesus Christ, to all Israel first, and then, after the unbelief of Israel, also to the Gentiles. This just and good God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, himself gave the Law and the Prophets and the Gospels, and he also is the God of the Apostles, and of the Old and New Testaments.

Tum deinde, quia Jesus Christusipse, qui venit, ante omnem creaturam natus ex Patre est. Qui cum in omnium conditione Patri ministrasset (per ipsum enim omnia facta sunt ), novissimis temporibus se ipsum exinaniens homo factus incarnatus est, cum Deus esset, et homo factus mansit, quod erat, Deus.

Then, secondly, that Jesus Christ himself, who came, was born of the Father before all creation. And when in the formation of all things he had served the Father (for by him all things were made), in these last times, emptying himself, he became man incarnate, while he was God, and though made man, remained God as he

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Corpus assumsit nostro corpori simile, eo solo differens, quod natum ex Virgine et Spiritu Sancto est. Et quoniam hic Jesus Christus natus et passus est in veritate et non per phantasiam communem hanc mortem sustinuit, vere mortuus; vere enim a mortuis resurrexit et post resurrectionem, conversatus cum discipulis suis, assumtus est.

was before. He took a body like our body, differing in this point only, that it was born of the Virgin and the Holy Ghost. And since this Jesus Christ was born and suffered in truth, and not in appearance, he bore the death common to all men and truly died; for he truly rose from the dead, and after his resurrection, having conversed with his disciples, he was taken up.

Tum deinde honore ac dignitate Patri ac Filio sociatum tradiderunt Spiritum Sanctum.

They also delivered that the Holy Ghost was associated in honor and dignity with the Father and the Son.

e��� a����L��f ������ Q P Q��G)6(

Heis theos patçr logou zôntos,

sophias huphestôsçs kai dunameôs kai charaktçros aidiou, teleios teleiou gennçtôr, patçr huiou monogenous.

There is one God, the Father of the living Word, who is the substantive wisdom and eternal power and image of God: the perfect origin (begetter) of the perfect (begotten): the Father of the only-begotten Son.

Heis kurios monos ek monou, theos ek theou, charaktçr kai eikôn tçs theotçtos, logos energos, sophia tçs tôn holôn sustaseôs periektikç kai dunamis tçs holçs ktiseôs poiçtikç, huios alçthinos alçthinou patros, aoratos aoratou kai aphthartos, aphthartou kai athanatos athanatou kai aidios aidiou.

There is one Lord, one of one (only of the only), God of God, the image and likeness of the Godhead, the mighty Word, the wisdom which comprehends the constitution of all things, and the power which produces all creation; the true Son of the true Father, Invisible of Invisible, and Incorruptible of Incorruptible, and Immortal of Immortal, and Everlasting of Everlasting.

Kai hen pneuma hagion ek theou And there is one Holy Ghost,

tçn huparxin echon kai di autou pephçnos dçladç tois anthrôpois, eikôn tou huiou teleiou teleia, zôç zôntôn aitia [ pçgç hagia], hagiotçs hagiasmou chorçgos, en hô phaneroutai theos ho patçr ho epi pantôn kai en pasi, kai theos ho huios ho dia pantôn, trias teleia, doxç kai

having his existence from God, and being manifested by the Son, namely, to men, the perfect likeness of the perfect Son, Life, the cause of the living [the sacred fount], sanctity, the Leader of sanctification: in whom is revealed God the Father, who is over all things and in all things, and God the Son, who

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aidiotçti kai basileia mç merizomenç mçde apallotrioumenç.

is through all things: a perfect Trinity, not divided nor differing in glory and eternity and sovereignty.

Oute oun ktiston ti ç doulon en tç triadi, oote epeisakton, hôs proteron men ouch huparchon, husteron de epeiselthon; oute oun enelipe pote huios patri, oute huiô pneuma, alla atreptos kai analloiôtos hç autç trias aei.

Neither, indeed, is there any thing created or subservient in the Trinity, nor introduced, as though not there before but coming in afterwards; nor, indeed, has the Son ever been without the Father, nor the Spirit without the Son, but the Trinity is ever the same, unvarying and unchangeable.

��/���� a���-�� Q P Q��G)7(

Pisteuomen eis hena theon patera pantokratora,

We believe in one God the Father Almighty,

ton tôn apantôn horatôn te kai aoratôn poiçtçn;

Maker of all things visible and invisible;

Kai eis hena kurion Içsoun Christon, And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

ton tou theou logon, the Word of God,

theon ek theou, God of God,

phôs ek phôtos, Light of Light,

zôçn ek zôçs, Life of Life,

huion monogenç, the only-begotten Son,

prôtotokon pasçs ktiseôs, the first-born of every creature,

pro pantôn tôn aiônôn ek tou theou patros gegennçmenon,

begotten of God the Father before all ages,

di hou kai egeneto ta panta; by whom also all things were made;

ton dia tçn hçmeteran sôtçrian sarkôthenta kai en anthrôpois politeusamenon,

who for our salvation was made flesh and made his home among men;

kai pathonta, and suffered;

kai anastanta tç tritç hçmera, and rose on the third day;

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kai anelthonta pros ton patera, and ascended to the Father;

kai hçxonta palin en doxç krinai zôntas kai nekrous.

and will come again in glory, to judge the quick and the dead.

[Pisteuomen] kai eis hen pneuma hagion.

[We believe] also in one Holy Ghost.

Toutôn hekaston einai kai huparchein pisteuontes, patera alçthôs patera kai huion alçthôs huion kai pneuma hagion alçthôs pneuma hagion, kathôs kai ho kurios hçmôn apostellôn eis to kçrugma tous heautou mathçtas eipe; poreuthentes mathçteusate panta ta ethnç, baptizontes autous eis to onoma tou patros kai tou huiou kai tou agiou pneumatos.

We believe that each of these is and exists, the Father truly Father, and the Son truly Son, and the Holy Ghost truly Holy Ghost; even as our Lord, when sending forth his disciples to preach, said: 'Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.'

�4��r��Y� ��e? ������)8(

Pisteuomen eis hena Theon Patera pantokratora,

We believe in one God the Father Almighty,

poiçtçn ouranou kai gçs, horatôn te pantôn kai aoratôn;

Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;

Kai eis hena kurion Içsoun Christon, And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

ton huion tou theou ton monogenç, the only-begotten Son of God,

ton ek huion tou patros gennçthenta, pro pantôn aiônôn,

begotten of the Father before all ages,

theon alçthinon, very God,

di hou ta panta egeneto; by whom all things were made;

en sarki paragenomenon, who appeared in the flesh,

kai enanthrôpçsanta and became man

[ek parthenou kai pneumatos agiou] [of the Virgin and the Holy Ghost];

staurôthenta kai taphenta, was crucified and was buried;

anastanta tç tritç hçmera, rose on the third day;

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kai anelthonta eis tous ouranous and ascended into heaven,

ai kathisanta ek dexiôn tou patros, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;

kai erchomenon en doxç, and will come again in glory,

krinai zôntas kai nekrous; to judge the quick and the dead;

hou tçs basleias ouk esai telos. of whose kingdom there shall be no end.

Kai eis hen hagion pneuma, And in one Holy Ghost,

ton paraklçton, the Advocate,

to lalçsan en tois prophçtais. who spake in the Prophets.

Kai eis hen baptisma metanoias eis aphesin hamartiôn,

And in one baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;

kai eis mian hagian katholikçn ekklçsian,

and in one holy Catholic Church;

kai eis sarkos anastasin, and in the resurrection of the flesh,

kai eis zôçn aiônion. and in life everlasting.

a���7��� ������ Q P Q��G)9(

Pisteuomen eis hena Theon Patera pantokratora,

We believe in one God the Father Almighty,

pantôn aoratôn te kai horatôn poiçtçn ;

Maker of all things, invisible and visible;

Kai eis hena Kurion Içsoun Christon, And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

ton Huion tou Theou, the Son of God,

gennçthenta ek Theou Patros monogenç,

the only-begotten Son of God the Father,

toutestin ek tçs ousias tou Patros, that is, of the substance of the Father,

Theon ek Theou, God of God,

Phôs ek Phôtos, Light of Light,

Theon alçthinon ek Theou alçthinou, very God of very God,

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gennçthenta ou poiçthenta, begotten, not made,

homoousion tô Patri, being of one substance with the Father,

di hou ta panta egeneto, ta te en tois ouranois kai ta en tç gç, horata te kai aorata ;

by whom all things were made, both those in the heavens and those on earth, things visible and invisible;

ton di hçmas tous anthrôpous kai dia tçn hçmeteran sôtçrian katelthonta, kai sarkôthenta,

who for us men, and for our salvation, came down, and was made flesh,

toutesti gennçthenta teleiôs ek tçs hagias Marias tçs aeiparthenou dia pneumatos hagiou, enanthrôpçsanta,

that is, begotten perfectly of the holy ever-Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost, who became man,

toutesti teleion anthrôpon labonta, that is, assumed a perfect man,

psuchçn kai sôma kai noun kai panta, ei ti estin anthrôpos, chôris hamartias,

soul and body and mind (spirit), and all that belongs to man, without sin,

ouk apo spermatos andros, oude en anthrôpô

not of the seed of man, nor in a man,

all' eis heauton sarka anaplasanta eis mian hagian henotçta,

but forming for himself flesh into one holy unity,

ou kathaper en prophçtais enepneuse te kai elalçse kai ençrgçsen,

not, as in the Prophets, where he breathed and spoke and wrought,

alla teleiôs enanthrôpçsanta, but he became perfectly man,

ho gar Logos sarx egeneto, for the Word became flesh,

ou tropçn hupostas, not undergoing any change,

oude metabalôn tçn heautou theotçta eis anthrôpotçta,

nor converting his Godhead into Manhood,

eis mian sunenôsanta eautou hagian teleiotçta te kai theotçta

[but] uniting into his own one holy perfection and Godhead,

(ehis gar estin Kurios Içsous Christos kai ou duo,

(for there is one Lord Jesus Christ and not two,

ho autos Theos, ho autos Kureos, ho autos basileus);

the same God, the same Lord, the same King);

pathonta de ton auton en sarki, the same suffered in the flesh;

kai anastanta, and rose again;

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kai anelthonta eis tous ouranous en autô tô sômati,

and went up into heaven in the same body,

endoxôs kathisanta en dexia tou Patros;

sat down gloriously at the right hand of the Father;

erchomenon en autô tô sômati en doxç is coming in the same body in glory,

krinai zôntas kai nekrous; to judge the quick and the dead;

hou tçs basileias ouk estai telos. of whose kingdom there shall be no end.

Kai eis to Hagion Pneuma pisteuomen, And we believe in the Holy Ghost,

to lalçsan en nomô, who spake in the Law,

kai kçruxan en tois prophçtais, and preached in the Prophets,

kai kataban epi ton Hiordançn, and came down at the Jordan,

laloun en hapostolois, who speaks in Apostles,

oikoun en hagiois; dwells in saints;

houtôs de pisteuomen en autô, and thus we believe in Him,

hoti esti Pneuma hagion, that there is a Holy Spirit,

Pneuma Theou, a Spirit of God,

Pneuma teleion, a perfect Spirit,

Pneuma paraklçton, a Paraclete Spirit,

aktiston, uncreated,

ek tou Patros ekporeuomenon, proceeding from the Father,

kai ek tou Huiou lambanomenon kai pisteuomenon.

and received [receiving] from the Son, and believed.

Pisteuomen eis mian katholikçn kai apostolikçn ekklçsian,

We believe in one Catholic and Apostolic Church;

kai eis hen baptisma metanoias, and in one baptism of repentance;

kai eis anastasin nekrôn, and in the resurrection of the dead;

kai krisin dikaian psuchôn kai sômatôn,

and in a righteous judgment of the souls and bodies;

kai eis basileian ouranôn, and in the kingdom of heaven;

kai eis zôçn aiônion. and in life everlasting.

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Tous de legontas, hoti çn pote hote ouk çn ho Huios ç to Pneuma to Hagion, ç hoti ex ouk ontôn egeneto, ç ex heteras hupostaseôs ç ousias, phaskontas einai trepton ç alloiôton ton Huion tou Theou ç to Hagion Pneuma, toutous anathematizei hç katholikç kai hç apostolikç ekklçsia, hç mçtçr umôn te kai hçmôn. Kai palin anathematizomen tous mç homologountas anastasin nekrôn, kai pasas tas haireseis tas mç ek tautçs tçs orthçs pisteôs ousas.

But those who say, 'There wasa time when the Son or the Holy Ghost was not,' or, 'He was made of nothing,' or 'of a different substance or essence,' saying 'the Son of God or the Holy Ghost is changeable or variable,' these the Catholic and Apostolic Church, your and our mother, anathematizes. And again we anathematize those who will not confess the resurrection of the dead, and all the heresies which are not of this, the right faith.

-��� Q P Q��GApostles Creed

I believe in God the FatherAlmighty; Maker of heaven and

earth. And in Jesus Christhis only (begotten) Son our Lord;

who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin

Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,

and buried; he descended into hell [Hades, spirit-world]; the

third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven;

and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.I

believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the

communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the

resurrection of the body [flesh]; and the life everlasting.


9�-��� a��-2]� ������ Q P Q��GAthanasian Creed

The Latin Original. Old Translation Revised.

1. Quicunque vult salvus esse: ante omnia opus est, ut teneat catholicam fidem.

1. Whosoever will be saved: before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith:

2. Quam nisi quisque integram inviolatamque servaverit: absque

2. Which Faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled: without

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dubio in æternum peribit. doubt he shall perish everlastingly.

3. Fides autem catholica hæc est: ut unum Deum in Trinitate, et Trinitatem in Unitate veneremur;

3. And the Catholic Faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;

4. Neque confundentes personas: neque substantiam separantes.

4. Neither confounding the Persons: nor dividing the Substance [Essence] .

5. Alia est enim persona Patris: alia Filii: alia Spiritus Sancti.

5. For there is one Person of the Father: another of the Son: and another of the Holy Ghost.

6. Sed Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti una est divinitas: æqualis gloria, coæterna majestas.

6. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one: the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal.

7. Qualis Pater: talis Filius: talis [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

7. Such as the Father is: such is the Son: and such is the Holy Ghost.

8. Increatus Pater: increatus Filius: increatus [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

8. The Father uncreate [uncreated]: the Son uncreate[uncreated]: and the Holy Ghost uncreate [uncreated] .

9. Immensus Pater: immensus filius: immensus [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

9. The Father incomprehensible [unlimited]: the Son incomprehensible [unlimited]: and the Holy Ghost incomprehensible [unlimited, or infinite].

10. Æternus Pater: æternus Filius: æternus [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

10. The Father eternal: the Son eternal: and the Holy Ghost eternal.

11. Et tamen non tres æterni: sed unus æternus.

11. And yet they are not three eternals: but one eternal.

12. Sicut non tres increati: nec tres immensi: sed unus increatus: et unus immensus.

12. As also there are not three uncreated: nor three incomprehensibles [infinites], but one uncreated: and one incomprehensible[infinite].

13. Similiter omnipotens Pater: omnipotens Filius: omnipotens [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

13. So likewise the Father is Almighty: the Son Almighty: and the Holy Ghost Almighty.

14. Et tamen non tres omnipotentes: sed unus omnipotens.

14. And yet they are not three Almighties: but one Almighty.

15. Ita deus Pater: deus Filius: deus [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

15. So the Father is God: the Son is God: and the Holy Ghost is God.

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16. Et tamen non tres dii: sed unus est Deus.

16. And yet they are not three Gods: but one God.

17. Ita dominus Pater: dominus Filius: dominus [et ] Spiritus Sanctus.

17. So likewise the Father is Lord: the Son Lord: and the Holy Ghost Lord.

18. Et tamen non tres domini: sed unus [est ] Dominus.

18. And yet not three Lords: but one Lord.

19. Quia sicut singulatim unamquamque personam Deum ac Dominum confiteri, Christiana veritate compellimur:

19. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity: to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord:

20. Ita tres deos, aut [tres ] dominos dicere, catholica religione prohibemur.

20. So are we forbidden by the Catholic Religion: to say, There be [are] three Gods, or three Lords.

21. Pater a nullo est factus: nec creatus, nec genitus.

21. The Father is made of none: neither created, nor begotten.

22. Filius a Patre solo est: non factus, nec creatus: sed genitus.

22. The Son is of the Father alone: not made, nor created: but begotten.

23. Spiritus Sanctus a Patre et filio: non factus, nec creatus, nec genitus:

23. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son: neither made, nor

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sed procedens. created, nor begotten: but proceeding.

24. Unus ergo Pater, non tres patres: unus Filius, non tres filii: unus Spiritus Sanctus, non tres spiritus sancti.

24. So there is one Father, not three Fathers: one Son, not three Sons: one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts.

25. Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius, aut posterius: nihil majus, aut minus.

25. And in this Trinity none is afore, or after another: none is greater, or less than another[there is nothing before, or after: nothing greater or less].

26. Sed totæ tres personæ coæternæ sibi sunt, et coæquales.

26. But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and coequal.

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27. Ita, ut per omnia, sicut jam supra dictum est: et Unitas in Trinitate, et Trinitas in Unitate, venerenda sit.

27. So that in all things, as aforesaid: the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshiped.

28. Qui vult ergo salvus esse, ita de Trinitate sentiat.

28. He therefore that will be saved, must [let him] thus think of the Trinity.

29. Sed necessarium est ad æternam salutem: ut incarnationem quoque Domini nostri Jesu Christi fideliter credat.

29. Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation: that he also believe rightly [faithfully] the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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30. Est ergo fides recta, ut credamus et confiteamur: quod Dominus noster Jesus Christus Dei Filius, Deus [pariter ] et homo est;

30. For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess: that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man;

31. Deus [est ] ex substantia Patris, ante secula genitus: et homo ex substantia matris, in seculo natus.

31. God, of the Substance[Essence ] of the Father; begotten before the worlds: and Man, of the Substance [Essence] of his Mother, born in the world.

32. Perfectus Deus: perfectus homo, ex anima rationali et humana carne subsistens.

32. Perfect God: and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting.

33. Aequalis Patri secundum divinitatem: minor Patre secundum humanitatem.

33. Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead: and inferior to the Father as touching his Manhood.

34. Qui licet Deus sit et homo; non duo tamen, sed unus est Christus.

34. Who although he be [is] God and Man; yet he is not two, but one Christ.

35. Unus autem, non conversione divinitatis in carnem: sed assumptione humanitatis in Deum.

35. One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh: but by taking [assumption] of the Manhood into God.

36. Unus omnino; non confusione substantiæ: sed unitate personæ.

36. One altogether; not by confusion of Substance [Essence] : but by unity of Person.

37. Nam sicut anima rationalis et caro unus est homo: ita Deus et homo unus est Christus.

37. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man: so God and Man is one Christ;

38. Qui passus est pro nostra salute: descendit ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit a mortuis.

38. Who suffered for our salvation: descended into hell[Hades, spirit-world]: rose again the third day from the dead.

39. Ascendit ad [in ] cœlos: sedet ad dexteram [Dei ] Patris [omnipotentis ].

39. He ascended into heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of the Father God [God the Father] Almighty.

40. Inde venturus [est ] judicare vivos et mortuos.

40. From whence [thence] he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

41. Ad cujus adventum omnes homines resurgere habent cum corporibus suis;

41. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies;

42. Et reddituri sunt de factis 42. And shall give account for their

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propriis rationem. own works.

43. Et qui bona egerunt, ibunt in vitam æternam: qui vero mala, in ignem æternum.

43. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting: and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire.

44. Hæc est fides catholicæ: quam nisi quisque fideliter firmiterque crediderit, salvus esse non poterit.

44. This is the Catholic Faith: which except a man believe faithfully[truly and firmly], he can not be saved.

����2�� Q <� Q��G–\�t2t����

Credo in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem; factorem cœli et terræ, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.

I believe in one God the Father Almighty; Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum, et ex Padre natum ante omnia sæcula [Deum de Deo ], Lumen de Lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero, genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri; per quem

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds [God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance[essence ] with the Father;

omnia facta sunt; qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de cœlis, et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria virgine, et homo factus est; crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est; et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturus; et ascendit in cœlum, sedet ad dexteram Patris; et iterum venturus est, cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos; cujus regni non erit finis.

by whom all things were made; who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried; and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; and he shall come again, with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre [Filioque ] procedit; qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur; qui locutus est per Prophetas. Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam. Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum; et expecto

And [I believe] in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceedeth from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets. And [I believe] one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the

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resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi seculi. Amen.

remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

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'F�<� wF�x '�� Q � ����G Q�4W� �.1 ��"� \�t2t���� ����2�� Q <� Q��G QY ��J�^�1d�� e�Y� ��H ¥�/2� Å"��� �2��� 2# :

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^�<� ? �.1 �.&�� o�*� 8�(� �S� ��� ��4.&� �)%� ���83 : 18(

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�ef s�� < � ��<� �� � 9�<� �� ��2�� !� s��� � �@��-� �.� !��� 9��� � �#) '�&r544 : 6(

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o�*� _� >�� z@�1 w�Z � >�� E�J1 ��<) ���%�86 : 10(

�&� z��< ��� � o�*� �� =�"�) 9+�Y�5 : 17(

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) �+�� �@�4Z7 : 22(

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oef '�r < �e� ���- >�� !�.� >.G) ���%�16 : 2(

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o�*� !��� >�� ��� (.? ^�<� ��º E.&"� 8�� =� 2/.� 2§� !��� (�� Q<� �) '�&r537 : 20(

sF�� ��� ��� ��� � _� o�*� ��� �.@G Q�1�W"� ���� Q����� �� �) '�&Fr545 : 14(

4.&�� � ������� ? � ��V� o�*� s�<� !��� >�� ��� ��) �4""�� 9����3 : 45(

sF� � F�� R���� `��� �*�� !� � s� =� � '�r<� w�x s2� � �� !<� �*�� s�� 2� =�� s� =� � '�r<� w�x) ��Y� a�+���?8 : 6(

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) 2*��17 : 3(

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Q <� ���L�� � Q <� Q"¤� �b�- � �� �# �*�� _� Q<) �����3 : 30(

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_� �# � �*�� <� �Z �*� ��� �Z ��1�� �H� `��� s� 9��) G��18 : 19(

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�0�� � &7� 2�* �*�� _� Q� =�h� >�� Q��&0�� � Q�2�h� ��) !��&�2 : 19(

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E�W&� ��B Q�.�� E"�� � ��2�h� Q� Q����� «�? E"�� �*���� s�<� =� � �� �V� � y&� =�

s��.t�) 2*��5 : 44(

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Q< lF�� � ����F� !:� Q����� Q������� Q������ �* Q<� �# � �1- v� =�� � '<h# +� z�� !<� s� =������) ��4 : 23(

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s.- ? Q%� �# � !��� ��1 N�� Q��<� ¡�� Q<) N�5 : 21(

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� �0F�� ¡�F� w�x Q��/"� «&X }<� 3�01 �40�� =� ��X� !��� ��1 Q� E.&� < � �7¤� �.1 Q&.t�) µ�e-23 : 28(

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4 : 13(

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� 1 :� E|�) ��1 : 20(

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R���� `��� �*�� !�� �

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`��� !��� ��� Q�{ g � =.���) ��24 : 3(

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!���) ��21 : 12(

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>/.� )���<� =� s�G� _� Q� �.�� >2�� � `��� !��� �47� >��"1� Q� ��<) ��10 :9(

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s�� ���.-� !��� `��� R���� E".G 4��) �?2 : 6(

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2�< s"4J1 �2�&� 2? �G � s¹�B � R���� `��� 2�� 3��� E?2��1 H� �&2/� )���� w"� g )2 p�1 : 16(

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�V� !� ��.Z � ����1 �� Q<)1 �? 2 : 8(

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3e+? )��G 2&2Z �S�) >�7 : 22(

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W�� >��� !� �# Q��<� =�� Q� E§ 9G �) ��6 : 5(

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�(� �.c s��� � ��� !��� s� s��1�� � �� sS� �# � # � 2�� �@��-� =��� � �H) ��23 : 6(

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��20:31 �H� EF�� Q�F�� ���� _� =�� R���� �# `��� Q� ��2�h"� >"? ��� 8 # ��� sS� 3�* E"2�K

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_� =�� >�� ������ �.@G s� ����- � ��'� �2�7��� � =� �� �) >�14 : 33(

��� _� =�� R���� �# >�� 9G � a�t� Q&S !��) >�16 : 16(

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_� =�� �# � # Q� )�(r � >��� �G �� �) ��1 : 34(

_� =�� �� >.G �< }�± ��� s� Q������ g&�� �� s.-�� � !<� s-�G � ��) ��10 : 36(

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g&�� �� v<� _� =�� R���� >�� ��� >2�� �G �� ��- � E&� s� >�G) ��11 : 27(

_� � �# � s�� >+� _� _� =�� �# `��� Q� }�"1� =�)1 ��4 : 15(

_� =�� �# `��� Q� =�h� � �� <� g&�� z.L� � �� �# =�)1 ��5 : 5(

=� 3��� s� >��.� _� =�� s� ��� =� � 3��� s.� =�<� s�)1 ��5 : 12(

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EF-� ��2�h� ��� � ����� 3�* E�� Q� ��4.&� ��� _� =�� E-� �2�h�� E"�� E���� � # >"? _� =��)1 ��5 : 13(

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Q���) ��5 : 25(

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_� ... ��&�� 41 W�� s� � �� '�r �� ]��� s.&� � �� s2�� � 3e�<� N�<� 8 # � 24.? s���G �4.�� '�r<� ? �* � 8�#�� E-� � 8�B 'j �# � � ��) z11: 2 �3(

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� =� � �2�� ��t� �< s�7� 9 � � �� 2��� � _� 3���� z�* ���0�� �X�� g&�) f1 : 4(

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W�� g&�� ? �t¤ �)1 ��2 : 1 � 2(

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�.Ú) `�4 : 12(

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R���� `��� 2��� ¥:¤� '2"G< � zWL.� 2.&{ g _� Q<)1 ��5 : 9(

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'4��� � �# � �� Q��<� =�� '4��� =� 9%� � �� <� '4��� �� �&Z �*� ��� �) ��3 : 13( ��1:14 � �F4&� �'�F.º !A� =� ��*�� 4? ��B 8�B 2�P�� 22�� *� ���� �Z �4.���

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1 ��4:2 _� ��� Q���&� � j . =F� �(� ���� � '� �G s�� R���� `���� }�"&� ��� ?_�. 1 ��4:3_� =� ��.� ���� � '� �G s�� R���� `���� }�"&� < ��� ?� 2 ��1:7���� � ��K R���� `���� Q���"&� < Q�e+? Q�.W� g&�� �� �� �G s�< .

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19 : 28(

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8�B �� ��� � � j g"� R���� Q� �L2� Q? ��) ��24 : 26(

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� �� wX��� � Q? � pG �*� s�� wX�� g ���� bG Q"��� � � Q"�� s�� z.Z ) ��19 :

41 (

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s&�) ��8 : 17(

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�F�@:�� � !<� �B � 8��� '� k� Q��<� =�� �n"�� � (� ��:�� � Æ �n"-� =� Q< �������) ��9 : 26) ( ��8 : 38(

e+? �B � 3��� ��n- � ��� Q��<� =�� Q��/� ¹2�* �) ��21 : 27(

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)���<� =�) `�17 : 31(

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s���.�)2 v4 : 1(

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�� �42� =� b�� � l�� #�W&� � ("+�� s"�.º �.1 � ���� �-�? �.1 ��| < N:�.� � s"- � # w2/� ��2�� !� 3ef ��<� �� Q<�) ¼�9 : 7(

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=���<� ��� �� Q��.4�-) ��22 : 5(

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E(.�&� ������ �4�� � *�� a2�� � =�� �) . ��32 : 8(

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�"�*� ������ �4�� � �&2Z _� ��� ) . ��33 : 4(

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© �(0� �(� l+2�.

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!<� Q< l�� � ����� !:� Q����� Q������� Q������ �* Q<� �# � �1- +� z�� s� =������ '<h#) ��4: 21 FF 23(

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�1� ��- � �.@G s� )��- � >��) >�15 : 25(

¹�r s2� >.� � )��- � (�2�� w� ���� ��� N� s��� >���� ¹2�*) >�20 : 20(

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s� ���- �) >�28 : 9( � ���r E(W&� =�� � s� ����- 8��� � ) >�28 : 17(

s� ��- � y?� ��&� =� `��� ��� 4.�) ��5 : 6(

E�J1 ��7� E�.r��� �� ��&�� � s� ������) ��24 : 52(

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s� ��- � ��- � =��� 9��) ��9 : 38(

'��<� ; l�2��

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�F� =F1 s*��� ��2�� !� s.-�� � �� N:��� � �&��0�� ��&4�� :¹� -� E(.G ��.&� �

� !� �21 =� E�J1 zWf '�� ���<� '��<� ��2�) o�7 : 12(

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3���� � ����� Q#b� � w2��� �����<� �4��� N:�� ���� g v���? � ��:? �)1 �F?2 : 4(

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�.�� �@��-� ã�� � !��&� .��� �.1 s"4.? � Æ E.�� !��� ��� ) .2 EZ23 : 1 � 2(

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E.&� �# � 9G � `��� !�� ~ ���� =F�� R���� Q� �"��� 9��� «�? ��§� � . ���� Q<

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F2@�� wF� � '2�- � � s4.�� Q? � �� o:�� w� ��b�� � ���2��� � Q? � �� �# � # #�� 2�t&�� ��* <��G� G � ��) `�7 : 38(

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!��� � -��� :��# �42� &� ?�� . ����� � _ 2��� &� Q��2� W�� E"�� s�� � �� ) }�2 : 20 FF 22(

3�*�� �72� &� w�4�� Q? ��4¤� N�� �W* � �) `�2 : 1(

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� '4�F�� w�/�� s�<� �# >�� ����� (�� ���G � _� �� ��Z 3�*�� �72� ��&�� ��&S 4.�

(�� � ? � �n�� � ^�<�) `�4 :24(

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sF� s����� =� ¹�r Q� 9��� �*� =�� g � 3�*�� �7� � �*�� z.G ��2�� =� �� ��(4� Q? � ?�"0� '�r ? E#�21 Q? �) `�4 : 32(

�*�� E� � 3�*�� �72� R���� `��� 2�� �� _� ����� ���) ��15 : 6(

�*�� ��� � �*�� ��� � �.�? ����?)1 �?1 : 10(

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< � ���(� ��� `��� R���� � �*�� &�x E��< �+�� � �?H ��� �* < � �1 ��� ����

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N�<� 9�� �� !� � �-����� l�.� �"��) %�93 : 5(

o��� s��# � �� a���� �2��� !� � s"&2Z � �� Q��� �]�e� � � E(-�L� � Ej '�± !� �) ��15 : 17(

(.�< s�7� E.-� � ���2��� W�� R���� z*� 4? . (t� (-��� ��� 'F�� �FL� #�� ��

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!�� ��� g� s�7� N�� z&0�� a��� ��� W�� `��� �� �) z113 : 12(

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Q� 3����� s"4&� �4.�� � _ v��� � E�1��"-� Q<� � wF�x wF� F]�e� E��t&� � E��2�

�-����) `�20 : 32(

Æ Q <� ���2� k* _� �� Qt�0�� Qt.- =� � ��� �� )4.­ =� ��&��� �? E|��1 R"7"� �-���� w� �/� � �t¤� Q��7f) `�26 : 18(

� �� a��� _� ��# Q< _� 8��7��� _� ��# ��7� �*� Q? Q� �# E"�� )1 �?3 : 17(

�-��� 3�1� �1� � 2/.� � ��)2 v1 : 9(

3��� E#�1�� Q� �n"�� < z��� � (.� �*�� =� E(&�x �-���� � a���� Q<) zF12 :


3�*�� 3�� R���� `��� ��� ½��"� Q�-��� =� �¹�0�� 8 (�) z110 : 10(

.� )�2(? � �"�2�� E"�� �� � '2"G� z&r �-��� ��� �?�)1 p�2 : 9(

s� Q�1�� =� �� w�4� �2f w�4�.� ��*�� �� Q< ������ � ���(��� �� ¡�� < s�<) ��10 : 12(

`��� R���� � �*�� &�x E��< �+�� � �?H ��� �* < � �1 ��� ���� < � ���(� ���) f3 : 28(

� ���(� � ���� ��� m�* F��� � � ��� R���� � �* �1 �+��- � ����� ���f � Q") �?3 : 11(

E�.r��� =� ��"� E�<� w�4� �t¤� 3�7L� � ���"�� sS� ���� ) . ��24 : 47(

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(.? ���.q.� ��<� ����?� � wx� g&�� �� ��#H� E§ 9G �) ��16 : 15 (

�<� w�x �� 4.� � ��#H� E ) >�28 : 19(

��� �&�"�� )�<� N:��� >+� � E(&� 4&� !��� � Q�� ? � ����? � ����q� E# �� �

) ��16 : 20(

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&� � `��� !��� ����� 3�(0�� Q��h� -��� Q? �4�J1 3��� � E(&�x �.1 >�? �4�J1 �4) `�4 : 33(

��<� � # � ���J2�� ¯�0�� � -��� w4"��) `�15 : 6(

'7r z#��� ��H �&� � )��G ~ �4.&� +�] '��� ��] :-� <�� ���2��� � -�� _� wX�� �2��� `���� � e���� ���1�)1 �?12 : 28(

� '*<� (�� E"�� �� � R���� `��� 2�� -� ��- §G £�� 9��G<� ���?H) s�1 : 17(

�t¤� 3�7L� 3�*�� ����4&� }�"&� �

3�*�� ����4&� �*�� Q � �*�� !� ) . }�4 : 5(

a���� ����� � =�<� � !<� E-� E#��41 � E�<� w�x �� 4.� � ��#H� ) . >�28 : 19


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�� l�� `��� !�� ��F� Q� ��F�� < ���F�� � '�� =� ���� < �*� Q? Q� �� 9�G� l_� )��.� ) . ��3 : 5(

!��� E-� �1�� o�t� �f� � �4"1� � EG ³��"� �H� Q<� �) `�22 : 16(

��F.�"� �t¤� Q��7L� R���� `��� E-� �.1 E�2� �*�� ? �4"&�� � ����� a�t� E§ 9��

��� ��t1 a���� ��) `�2 : 38(

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@��� _� G =� E�� �G � ���G 4�� )���<� ���G �(� =� �� � . sF�� � E�#��F�� sF�� ��'�*� s�� � )���� s�� _� ��� !��&� s�� � ln-� ) . >�22 : 31 � 32(

`�%� )���<� ���G W�� � �# ��� N�1 � N�� � ��� �)1 �?15 : 42(

NG �G R���� Q��� :� Q����� < ����� Q? Q�)1 �?15 : 16(

s�� e�<� ¡��� �21 �1 ���� � �J� � eL"� 2.? 22�� � 2.? �G�� < E�� s��G� �- �H�#

eL"� =� � ��� � �1 )���<� N��� ¡��-)1 �?15: 51 � 52(

s��Z ����� � =� �� w�x w4�� (�� �1- v� s�� � # =� ���&"� < . ��F.&� =� �� ��q�����2���� ���G �� )���� ��.41 =� �� � 3��� ���G �� )�/�� ) . ��5 : 28 � 29(

����<� 3��� '��� � ������� � �V� Q�.t� â/�� 4&�� � b/� =� �� ��) ��2 : 7(

>�1� (��� £�� ����<� 3��� ���� � =��� Q <� �(� �#�)1 v6 : 12(

����<� 3��� ����  ��� �"�4.� 2�* --� E(�7�< =�����)1 v6 : 19(

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����<� �2��<� G ! ��� =1 8¾�� _� j �1� £�� ����<� 3��� '�� �.1) v1 : 2(

����<� 3��� s� �# ��1� � �� �1��� �# � # �)1 ��2 : 25(


)1 (Epistola ad Trallianos, cap. 9 )2 (Contra Hæreses, Lib. I. cap. 10, §1 )3 (De Virginibus Velandis, cap. 1 )4 (Epistle to Magnus (Ep. 69, al. 76( )5 (De Principiis, Lib. I. Præf. §4–6 )6 (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Vol. XX. (Edinb. 1871( )7 (Socrates, Hist. Eccl. Lib. I. cap. 8. )8 (Catechetical Lectures, XIX. §9 (ed. Touttée, p. 309( )9 (Migne, Vol. XXVI. p. 1252; and in Caspari, Vol. I. pp. 2 sqq

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2 The Epistle To The Hebrews With Notes and Essays , By Brooke Foss Westcott , P. 79 3 ,-,� 457ص , 2002ا�C/@D ا�8ا%/C , دار -�B=' ا�A@�? �<=>8 , (�ر-: 9'و 8وس / د, ا��,12 ا�0 ا�/., ا�

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276ص , F6 : 25 : 13 - 14 -�#'%��س 9'ر- 10

11 The Epistle To The Hebrews With Notes and Essays , By Brooke Foss Westcott , P. 84

27ص , 1993ا�C/@D اQو�0 , إO,ار د-8 ا%� (N'ر , ا�0L) M�N ا�����" , 8Kح و درا#C , ا�C�'#8 ا�0 ا�/@8ا���"

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And therefore I think it sufficient to quote this one testimony

of Paul from the Epistle to the Hebrews,1 in which he says:

“By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be


De Principiis 1 : 1 16 http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf04.vi.v.i.html FootNote No. 1916

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called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; choosing rather to

suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the

pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of

Christ greater riches than the treasures of the Egyptians.”

(Heb_11:24-26) 17



The Apostle Paul says, that the only-begotten Son is the

“image of the invisible God,” and “the first-born of every

creature.” (Col_1:15) And when writing to the Hebrews, he

says of Him that He is “the brightness of His glory, and the

express image of His person.” (Heb_1:3) 18



But since we quoted the language of Paul regarding Christ,

where He says of Him that He is “the brightness of the glory

of God, and the express figure of His person,” (Heb_1:3) 19



There are certain holy angels of God whom Paul terms

“ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who

shall be heirs of salvation.” (Heb_1:14) 20



I will show, however, from what statements of Paul I have

arrived at this understanding. He says, “But now once in the

consummation of ages, He was manifested to take away sin

by the sacrifice of Himself.” (Heb_9:26) 21


17 De Principiis 1 : 1 18 De Principiis 1 : 2 : 6 19 De Principiis 1 : 2 : 7 20 De Principiis 1 : 5 : 1 21 De Principiis 2 : 2 : 5

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And the apostle says with reference to the law, that they who

have circumcision in the flesh, “serve for the similitude and

shadow of heavenly things.” (Heb_8:5) 22



the Apostle Paul warns us: “Therefore we ought to give the

more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest

perhaps we should let them slip.” (Heb_2:1) 23



In another Epistle also, when referring to the tabernacle, he

mentions the direction which was given to Moses: “Thou

shalt make (all things) according to the pattern which was

showed thee in the mount.” (Cf. Exo_25:40 and Heb_8:5) 24



For Paul openly says of them, that “they serve unto the

example and shadow of heavenly things.” (Heb_8:5) 25



Paul also declares that the Son is the splendour of

everlasting light. (Cf. Heb_1:3) 26


22 De Principiis 2 : 6 : 7 23 De Principiis 3 : 2 : 4 24 De Principiis 4 : 1 : 13 25 De Principiis 4 : 1 : 24 26 De Principiis 4 : 1 : 28

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:@G ���� |� =�h� s�� E1�,� � ����b&�� �� ��-��� =1 E.�"� ~:

However, some one hard pressed by this argument may have

recourse to the opinion of those who reject this Epistle as not

being Paul’s; against whom I must at some other time use

other arguments to prove that it is Paul’s 27


�01 ³+��

For the word is used by our Paul in writing to the

Corinthians, who were Greeks, and not yet purified in their

morals: “I have fed you with milk, not with meat; for

hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye

able, for ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you

envying and strife, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?”

([1Co_3:2, 1Co_3:3. S.]) Now the same writer,134 knowing

that there was a certain kind of nourishment better adapted

for the soul, and that the food of those young135 persons

who were admitted was compared to milk, continues: “And

ye are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong

meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word

of righteousness; for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth

to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use

have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

(Heb_5:12-14) 28


�01 m�+��

The Apostle accordingly says: (Heb_5:12) “When by reason

of the time you ought to be teachers, you have need again

27 Letter from Origen to Africanus , 9 28 Against Celsus 3 : 53

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that some one teach you what are the elements of the arche

of the oracles of God.” 29


�01 w�����

According to Paul, too, He is declared to be the wisdom and

the power of God, as in the Epistle to the Corinthians:

(1Co_1:24, 1Co_1:30) “Christ the power of God and the

wisdom of God.” It is added that He is also sanctification

and redemption: “He was made to us of God,” he says,

“wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and

redemption.” But he also teaches us, writing to the Hebrews,

that Christ is a High-Priest: (Heb_4:14) “Having, therefore,

a great High-Priest, who has passed through the heavens,

Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.” 30


�01 ��¤�

Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Hebrews: (Heb_1:1,

Heb_1:2) “At the end of the days He spoke to us in His Son,

whom He made the heir of all things, ‘through whom’ also

He made the ages,” showing us that God made the ages

through His Son, the “through whom” 31


�01 a����

we ask him to consider the words used in the Epistle to the

Hebrews, (Heb_2:9) where Jesus is shown by Paul to have

been made less than the angels on account of the suffering of

death. “We behold Him,” he says, “who hath been made a

little lower than the angels, Jesus, because of the suffering of

death, crowned with glory and honour.” 32


29 Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John 1 : 1 : 20 30 Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John 1 : 2 : 23 31 Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John 2 : 1 : 6 32 Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John 2 : 1 : 6

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�01 w����

as Paul says, (Heb_11:16) “Therefore God is not ashamed to

be called their God.” 33


�01 =�+��

But Paul says in the Epistle to the Hebrews: (Heb_12:22,

Heb_12:23) “But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and to the

city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to ten

thousands of angels, the assembly and church of the

firstborn, who are written in heaven.” 34


8��Z RX�P ; l�� ��2� ���Y� 8 # y&� �x�"� N�G� ³�1� �:


9��� '���� =1 s�"? ;": 9��� ���� 9�-��� , �# ��*��� =�M� QP" ��J2�� ef _� 3��Z " �" ���.� ? ���) " �?1 : 15 .( �# ����b&�� �� z"? 42�* � s�P s21 9��� " ò'FÂ(Â� Â�F,#Â�

Ã8è�Â#ß�Â� ,Eß-Â�Â� �Ã8Ã�ß�Â�) " z11 : 3"(35.

RX�� �# 4? � , (�F2� � �F-���? �� ���F� ��-� =� �"�� a���{��� ��:&�� QT� ���� , �F� < ���FZ )4.�� ���� �� W�P (�2� � ����b&�� �� ��-��� =� �"�� ~



33 Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John 2 : 2 : 11 34 Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John 10 : 1 : 11 35 De Principiis 1 : 2 : 6

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9��� W�� '���� =1 s�"? ;": 22�� � ���� �L� 2�"GP s21 9G 42�* R���� ����� 8± ": Ã8è�Â#ß�Â� ,Eß-Â�Â� �Ã8Ã�ß�Â� ò'Â(Â� Â�,#Â�) " z11 : 3 (36.


a���{��� 9���": 3��n,� �-��� ��@:� o2# Q5 , k�� ���� (�.1 l.t,� *:tZ5 " *�Â�ß�ÁP

Â�Â¥Á:Âqé�� ��O]è�Â� éQÁP Â=�Ã��Ã"Â&é�� è ß�ÀY Ã�Â�ß�Ãqé.Ã� I�Á.Â-ß�,� I�Â�Ã�) " z11 : 14 (37.


a���{��� 9���": ��O� }�- �� , 9* �d� , � F# �� >.FZ� �G ³P ���� )��/� =�E(7�� , 9��� �#" ÂWÃ�ß�� Â�ß2Ã1 I3Ù�Â� Â�è(é­OP ß�ÁG ÁQA� ,sÙ2Ã��Â� Ãsð�Fé7Â� Ã�Ân�è�Á è� Á�Ù�ÃtÂqé�� Á Ãtß,�Ã� è��,#ê��� ð' "

) z19 : 26 (38.


z�.� ���� ������ �� 3�r� ; ��-��� z�? z�.,� ~"9�-��� " 9FG 42�*": � 9�F-���9��� a��2�� �� 3�r5 ; , ���F�� Q"¤� ���� =� �� '<h# QP" FÃr ÁQ�,�Ã�FßqÂ� Â=�à FØ�� Âsß

Â(Ø.íÂ� Ã)Ù�è�Â4Ù���) " z18 : 5 (39.


a���{��� W�� 9���":�� � ���� 9�-���" Ø:Á¹FÃ� Â2ß&Ã4FÂ- Â� �Á�è5 Â�Á+é?ÁP ÂsÙÂ2Â"Â� éQÁP ,zè�Â� Â�Ã� Ã�,sÂ��O7Â�) " z12 : 1 (40.

36 De Principiis 1 : 2 : 7 37 De Principiis 1 : 5 : 1 38 Ibid 2 : 2 :5 39 Ibid 2 : 6 : 7 40 Ibid 3 : 2 : 4

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���� ����.� @-� 3�1 =� a���{��� �"�� , .�"� ~ :@FG ����b&�� �� s"�-� =1 E": � W�� ���P ��-� ; , �&�� �� �rP 42�*� ��§� tabernacle , � �� ��Y� RX� �#

�-�� �t1P" è ÂÂ�é�� �Ã� Â�Á� Â�è(é­OP �à Ø�� è9Á+Ã4é�� ÂzÂ�Â* û'ß�Âr Ø O? ÂwÂ2ß/Â� éQÁP ß�OJß��) " z18 : 5 (41.


{��� 9��� W�� a���": E(21 ���� 9��� m�*" Â(Ø.íÂ� Ã)Ù�è�Â4Ù��� ÂsßÃr ÁQ�,�Ã�ßqÂ� Â=�à Ø��) " z18 : 5 (42.

w-"�� "RX�P W�� ���� ���Y� ��2�� `&r� �# =�M� Q� ) z11 : 3"(43

�F21 ���� �� ��-��� ��2� �r �� wt�"� ��� ���G � ���Z � �nX�� ¥�/2�� Q� ��"1�a���{��� ��:&��.

9�Y� ln.O��9�Y� ln.O��

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41 Ibid 4 : 1 : 13 42 Ibid 4 : 1 : 24 43 Ibid 4 : 1 : 28

ا�Ch/@D اQو�0h , إhO,ار د-8h أ�@hN) 'h'ر %@hK Ch-8�.�g , اQب ا�M�N (0L ا�����" , ) أ_�'�d ,Xه�B , X9�X9' (ا�N,-: %��: ا�8#�ل 44 759 - 757ص , 1992

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נזיר נדר לנדר יפלא כי אוLאשה איש אלהם ואמרת ישראל אלLבני דבר ליהוה להזיר

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When

either man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow

of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the LORD

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>�%� s-P� =#�� g � �-�� s-P� �  g � 4� ���� ?d� g � ��ý"

Five Books of Commentaries on the Acts of the Church


; �2�� �7� N�e� W�� �"�� �9���� e#0� s�"?

De Viris Illustribus (On Illustrious Men(

Chapter 2


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_� ���B ��&S 4.�) 941P21 :18 �20 ( 3�F41P �F*� 8�1�F� ���� 9�-��� QP 4? ���2���) ���:f2 :9 .(


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!��� ��� !��&� ������ Q� 9��� Q� w�t"�� ��*� # � ¸s�:? ��h� ��� ^�"&�� ��� (� 24.�F� 2�Y !��&� ������ Q � +� � �� �# =� 2� � Q� ��*<� ¸�� 2.+� s� � =�� g

2@�� =� N�F�� Q� F�&,� <� Q <� �.1 ¿7n.� �e+? ���#� � -��� 2@�� =� 8�4.�� �8�� g � � # � s�:�� ��&��� �� ��� �� Q�� s�X��"1� ���� ^�"&�!

��� �5 >Fè(u�� £�� �&��� �P ������]��� @-��� =� ��Y� ��-��� !��&� 9�-��� z"?

Ì ���2? �5 < �@2? 3�1 )"0F�� � =� �� ��(��� �5 s"�-� !��&� 9�-��� z"? �G� 3���t�.� ^�� ��� �P.

�7� 94��� �5 Q��M� ���� £�� I&� ��.4&��� ���J2�� @W7�� �."�� s�� s"�-� =� 2� �"��

9��� s"�-� ����� " : R���� `��� !���� _� �1 !��&� =�)"!��&�1:1 ( FX��� 3�0.� s& _� �1 s�� s�7� =1 9G � I<�-� �P 7�-P s�7� , �� g ��� !��� � � sF4.&� I(0F"�

wX��"�� �.�W� , ¸`��� !��� �&� s�� �?h�� � # =� EJ1� ���� (�

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w���� /7�� ³+�� Q���� '�K �21 ��M�

��<� ���� �� _� �4&2� ^�&"2- mn�� � # ; ��Y� ���2��� ; , F# ¸8�0� � �� =�

'�Fr� � ¸��F��Y� '�<� ��� ; 3���"�� ���� ��Y� # ¸��<� ���2��� ; ��0"2� Q? ��Y� ���2��� ; ��Y� 9�* ���P , �F���� G � '�� �1�4B =� 3H��d� )-"G<� w�x


<�� :Q����-��� '�<�

������ 9��� z��� 2*�� �4.� a��������:

Let us then serve Him in fear, and with all reverence, even

as He Himself has commanded us, and as the apostles who

preached the Gospel unto us, and the prophets who

proclaimed beforehand the coming of the Lord " ��Ú ��1� �Z�P 4.+� �G� �� � }�Ë s , F22�� F��Y� ���0� � �� -��� +� � , �

!��� '�B G ��d2� =� �� '��<�).1(

Q� � �F.q�� N<� =F1 =.1P � �� �# ��<� Q� �.1 �?t�Y� a���2f� ������ �?h� � :@G w�4�� ¡�� �# ��<�:

but to give heed to the prophets, and above all, to the

Gospel, in which the passion [of Christ] has been revealed to

us " '��<� �� 8"�<� z{ =�� � ,R���� N<� 2� =.1OP m�* ��Y� &�x E(G�� �) "2(

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����-��� )�"��� ��*� �# � ���� ��-� ; W�� ���) ���� �# ��� (�? 9�-��� ( kF��

� �/F&�� ��H ; '�<� ��� 3���0�� �12��� ��� ��� �/1 ; ��Y� ���2��� ��� =1 b&� ��Y� ���0� =� �� E# s.-� � R���� ����� ��:� Q� ; ��-��� (21 b&� k�� , (�� ����:

He preached [the truth] to him, and greatly loved him. But

when He chose His own apostles who where to preach His

Gospel "�#)R���� ( �e+? s*P � 8�0� ,s.��d� ���0� =� �� s.-� �"�� 42�* �)"...3(

��] :��(0�� a�2�"-��

F��<� �0F"�� �.1 nX�� ��Z �:1� ��� � ³+�� Q���� =� �t-�"�� �.*��� �� �"2� ~�.1 ���F��� ��F2� ��(0F�� a�2�"F-�� ������ s&� ��n"� Q? �7��� sS� �qr Q��

s��� �.1 9��� a�2�"-��" I am aware that your precepts in the so-called Gospel are so

wonderful and so great, that I suspect no one can keep them;

for I have carefully read them "\�P ��� �4�J1 � �&@�� ��<� �4�,� 4�� ��G:�Y� �4��&� �� `�� , �F*� < s�� =­P \��

(1�� w�t"�� ,��2&� �P�G \2�� �) "4(

�*�� ��P ���� �.1 ��X��� �("2� ; Q:1� � # Q� , �*�� !"? , ��n���� N�41 ��� (��� �7��� �� 2�� ����� ��n���� ef � E��F&� ªF7� � F� ��2&�� �("2� ��Y� P��� ����4J&�� �("2� � �1���� (7/� � ��<�!

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R��F�� `��� 2�� 9�G a�2�"-�� ������ �"�� ��7��� w� 8���* =� ��P Q�� ; ~" ë FO? A� Ø<è5 Â=ß�Ã<� ,}è�ß&Â� à�Â*ÁP Â�ß�Á�Â� �è�ÁP ß=Ã� Ù�Á�è5 ÂwÃ�,� ß�ÁG û'ß�Âr ß=FÂ�Â� ,=ß�Ã<� Ø<è5 Â!A� ,}è�ß&Â� à�Â*ÁP Á<Â� ,!

,sÁ� Â=Ã.ß&,� éQÁP ,=ß�Ã<� Â��Â�ÁP) " .>�11:27 ( :@G" z"O? �G ��<� ; W�� s�Y "... �F� wX� ~ ��<�)5(

s� �(0"�� Q� G s�� 9��� ��(0�� a�2�"-�� Q�� �.1 �*�� �� ���� ��B Q�" W�� s�Y

��<� ; z"O? �G " � F(� �F�2&� ��<� P�G s�d� �7��� 9��GP =� ������ �2����� 9:� =� � 8�0"�� � ��<� �7� ���� �.1 ��� ��GP , a�2�"F-�� ���F��� 4�� /7�� �7� ; �

k� 24.&� 9�G �"���" Â� ,sÙ�ÁP Ã8à �Ã�Á:Â"Ã� ,�è(éJ,� , �,�Â� ÁPÂ�Â"ß�� Ã>éGÂ�é�� Â�Ã�ÁH ß=Ã� �FÁ�è5 ÂzÂ#é FÂ� éQÁP �ÃLÂß2 ÂN�FO�Â� ÃmFÃ�Ø+�� èNß�FÂ�é�� �Ã�Â� Á Â"é�,�Â� Ã�ÂÂ"Á�é��Â� Ã�Â2Â(Á�é�� ð'Â-Â�,�Â� èµ�,�ê0�� Â=Ã� I�eÃ+Á? ÂEØ�ÁdÂ"Â�Â� ÂE�Ã.Âr,��OP "

)k�16:21 ( :@G �7��� �� ��d� ~" �(� QHP) R���� �/�� ( '�� &�� =� ��,� s�Y _� =�� ", �2F�� � F# QdF� a�2�"F-��� �F7��� =F� �&��� s�� ���� g m���� �.�� Q� ª*<

)>�11:27 ( s&� � �� ��<� ; ����� ef , �(0"-<� �.1 Q? �7��"� l�.&� 9�� Q� �³+��!

+�] :a�2���� ������

a�2���� ������ w� ³+�� Q���� ; 3��d"� �.*�� �� �"2� ~ ,�.� � Q����F-��� 'F�<� �7 8P� � a�������� ����.� � �4.� Q? � �� � '�� =� E#�&� '� � �� � E(2�� Z��� ��.*

sc�� ; ��/���� a���-�� s� s7Z� �� � s�2�&� , ������ )�"? ; ��<� =1 m���� ��{d� �.+�<� y&� ���� Q� 9�*d- � � 2� 9�t�- a�2����.

�� a�2���� ������ 9�:

They also assert that by Anna, who is spoken of in the gospel

as a prophetess, and who, after living seven years with her

husband, passed all the rest of her life in widowhood until

she saw the Saviour

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" "O�� �2i ��H Q��?h� W�� E# wF� �2- w- >r1 Q� �&� k�� � ��2? ��<� ; (21 E.� (��� ,�.q�� )P� Q� �� ��"�� ; ��G�� (.? ��* >WG)"6(

�FG � F�� #e�� i ("/G �? � � �2* =1 E.�� �G ��Y� QP �? � a�2���� ������ QP

<� ; G�� e0�� z�i R���� ��P ; ("/G >@� ���1<� ³+�� �nZ36 , 37 , 38

ÂwßÂ- Ó�ß�Â� ÂwÂ� ß>ÂrÂ1 ß�ÁG Ò3ÂeÃ+Á? ÓNÙ�ÁP �Ã� í�Â�î��Â",� Â�Ã#Â� ÂeÃrÁP ÃpßÃ- ß=Ã� Á �Ã@�,2Á� ,>ß2è� O�Ù2Â* í�Ù�èÂ� ß>Â�Á?Â� Â(Ã"Ù�è��O�,� Â�ß&Â� Â�è2Ã- . Â- Â�è�Â4Á]Â� ÓwÂ�ß�ÁP Â�ßnÂ� í�Á.Â�ß�ÁP Â�Ã#Â� Ò)FÂé.Ã�Â� ÓN�Â�ßZÁdè� I3Â�è�Â1 Á Á�ß�Â(é�� ,¡è�Á7,� Á< I�Â2

I��Â(Â�Â� I:ß�Á�.

Q�4�F- =F1 ��Fn"� �# � G�� e0�� �# s�? QP ��?h� -��� 941� =1 W�� E.�"� � =� ���1<� �"�� ~ �*���9 �� 11 941<� �7- =� =�+�� �nZ<� =� , 9����:

Simon the Samaritan was that magician of whom Luke, the

disciple and follower of the apostles, says " ��*- Q? ������ Q�4�- , F-��� w�� � �4."�� G�� s21 9G � �� �# "...: �F"G� ~) `�8 : 9�11) (7(

< ��<� ���2��� ; 3�*�� 3�*� Q? !"��� Q� 2� �"� 2# =� (./� �� �P%± =�  , Q� �'�<� ��� ; ����"� >�? ����� �(&�� �7-� ?.

s21 :@G e0�� G�� ������ �� a�2���� ������ ���P 3�� w��� ~:

thus Luke, who has mentioned His years, has expressed it:

“Now Jesus was, as it were, beginning to be thirty years old ,” " G�� , s2�2- RX� � ��) R���� �� ( b1 �G) : I�Â2FÂ- Â�FÃ]Á:Á] ,�ßnÂ� ,sÁ� ÁQÁ? , �,�Â� ÁPÂ�Â"ß�� Ù4Á�Â� "()8(

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-� Q��0&�� � m�+�� ��&�� � m�+�� �nZ<� G�� ��� =� a�2���� ������ �"�� 2# �

�? Q� 2� P�?h� G�� e0�� �� 8�� RFX��� FG�� «/F� � � G�� ������ �# ��<� z � FG�� ������ �� a�2���� ��� ; t���� �t&� º s2� �2�� �"GP �� � � R���� )��2��

|�� k�� 3�0�� =� �2�� � # a"GY �# 8��"�� ��.

:@G ���Z2�� ������Y� =1 a�2���� ������ E.�"� ~ " : "�� E|P pF�� k� ��P Q���q ")9 ( kF�� 3�&�� 8 # \&� �W�� �# 2# 2��2&� � �� � ���Z2�� =1 ����� ��/� >�� �

(2� �.q"�� k�� � a�2���� ������ j lt� : � Fj �# � k� ��� sSP ��P o2# Q? s�P 8��� � s"��2? ��� ��?d"�� � s��� ��<� � # �����G �?h� ���2��� ? ��� =1 b&� � # ,

a�2���� ������ 9��� 42�*" p�� k� ��� " (F"? ��F�� )��0� ���� �� � �?h� �#2*�� � G�� � �G�� )��0� E# wt�� � k� ef =���P.

pF�� 4&"-� � ³+�� Q���� ; �(­ � �� 8�"�� ��H Q��?�� =1 a�2���� ������ E.�"� ~

��� :@G p�� ���� ������ @-� � G��" p�� G�� ��P �P s�P) "10 ( k�� �L�/�� �72� pF�� 3�*�� 3�0� �d� Q� R./� < 9��� Q� ���� s�d? � ������<� ���Z2�� =1 (�� E.��

!��� �*� �# ���.

8�� ���� Q��?�� =1 E.�"� ��H �&� � , ��<� =1 :@G": -��� '<h# ��<� ��4.- =� �� 2� E(���d�) "11 ( sF��� �� � QP 2� �?h� a�2���� ������ 3��t¤� �("2� ; Q:1� � # �

2@�� =� =� 824.�� � 8���� � -��� =� s@�� s4.�� � �#.

:@G R���� ��:� -��� '�Y� =1 E.�"� ~ " : =���? � � �4.� �01 \]� ���? E|P EF-<� ��<� ;) "12 ( ; E-<� =���? � -��� '�<� a�2���� ������ 2��� � >G�Z &7�� �

; 'S<� 3'��G =�  � s(��d� R���� ���)>�10 ( ,)��3 ( ,)��6!(

sF(��d� R���� ��� � E����? � -��� '�<� =1 a�2���� ������ s�G � N��� �.� 4�� ��Y� �&�:

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We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation,

than from those through whom the Gospel has come down to

us, which they did at one time proclaim in public, and, at a

later period, by the will of God, handed down to us in the

Scriptures, to be the ground and pillar of our faith.1 For it is

unlawful to assert that they preached before they possessed

“perfect knowledge,” as some do even venture to say,

boasting themselves as improvers of the apostles. For, after

our Lord rose from the dead, [the apostles] were invested

with power from on high when the Holy Spirit came down

[upon them], were filled from all [His gifts], and had perfect

knowledge: they departed to the ends of the earth, preaching

the glad tidings of the good things [sent] from God to us, and

proclaiming the peace of heaven to men, who indeed do all

equally and individually possess the Gospel of God. Matthew

also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews2 in their

own dialect, while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome,

and laying the foundations of the Church. After their

departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, did

also hand down to us in writing what had been preached by

Peter. Luke also, the companion of Paul, recorded in a book

the Gospel preached by him. Afterwards, John, the disciple

of the Lord, who also had leaned upon His breast, did

himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in

Asia. " 2Z:� �t� ��P ��*� =� E.&"� g 2�P , F��<� E(2� 24.�� =� �� �¹��� =� <� , '<hF#

�� >G� ; ���0� � �� ��&.� �* , Q�F�"� �7-Y� E(2� (24.�� _� 3���d� ��d"� >G� ; � 2� P ��41 � ��7.� , �F�"�� �F��&�� ��F�."  QP G ���0� E|P �?d"� QP ����G ��� s�Y ,

-��� �2�Ì E|P E§��� 3��L� Q�.4&� y&�� . )��� =� 2�� NG Q� �&� s�P , ��FG�O� -��� =� 3��� a���� ����� E(�.1 * 42�* �.1<� , �F�"�� ���&�� �� �P � s#��� �� ��¹.� � ,

� F2� _� =� >.-�P k�� �.�4�� '�r<� �*�7�� ��<� =��0� ^�<� '�� ; ���0"�� ~ E(2�� I4���� � I���� ��� ��.41 =� �� 9��.� a���7�� N:- �2.&� ,� ��P ���1_.

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E("�(.� ����b&.� ��"�� :��P ��Z� W�� k� , � ��� ; Q��0� ���? ���� � a�t� 42�� ���2��� �-P Q�&W� . �G�� E(.�*� �&� � , a�t� ��7� � �4.� , sF� �0� � I��"? 24.-

a�t� . s� �0� � �� ��<� !"? ; W�� �- ���� l��� W�� G�� , �F�H �&� , F2*�� !��� �4.� , �-P ; ���� ; 4��� Q? 42�* :��� s�72� �0� 8��Z �.1 d�"� Q? � �� "


'�r� 3�1 �.1 a�2���� ������ s�� �?h� �et� ��/� �� 2�P , E#: 1� ( E|�)8�/1 ���2? � �# (E(�7�d� -��� '�<� =� ��<� ��4.�� 2� ( ���0� -��� '�<� Q�R���� 3���� ��<� � ��<� 3����� (.? ������� 3� ( E# p�� s��� �&��P s� ���2��� ; �*�� ��P o2# Q� : k� ��� , �G�� ��� , ���

2*�� ��P � G��.

�?h� � }:"�� :� 2���P �� � �� s�7� �# �# ��<� ���2��� ; ��Y� Q� �.1 �?h� � # � Q�� # 2��� �� ���<� '��0� �&��<� z"? Q� 2� �# �# �&��<� ���<� �����G!

:@G G�� =1 a�2���� ������ E.�"� ~:

Luke also, the follower and disciple of the apostles, referring

to Zacharias and Elisabeth, from whom, according to

promise, John was born, says: “And they were both

righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and

ordinances of the Lord blameless .” " �1�.� �� =� �� )�/��� � ��?� �� e0� -��� �4.� � w�� W�� G�� , F2*�� E§ ��,�

ÁP è=ß�Ù�Â� Â4,#Á:Ã? Â�Á?Â� :@GÓNß�Á� Á:è� ÃsÃ�Á�ß*ÁPÂ� î!Ù��� Â�ÂZÂ� èw�Ã4Â� �Ã� è=ß�Á�Ã�Â- ð_� ÂNÂ�) "14(

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zF"? =� �# G�� QP ��?h� a���� ��&�� � 9�<� �nZ<� G�� ��P =� �"�� �# 2# � ��<� � # z�? Q� � ��<� ���2��� �/1 ; G�� ��P �����G 2� �?h� º N:��� � # �F#

G�� . FG�� F��d� >F@� 4? '�� &�� �n�� wW� )���§� �X s7�h� =� ��P Q�� ; � :@G �&��<� � a���� ��&�� � 9�<� �nZ<�" : >..� W�� ½�� , 3dF2"� >�� �� � �

���2��� =1) "15 ( x ; (��t� E"�- s�d� s�Y� 3���� ½�� '�� &�� 3����� h2� �� �e0� wF� 9��<� , '�� &�� �n�� �� wW� ~ . �2�� �(0"�� ��P Q�� ; �" Â#èeè(étÂ� ,NÙ�ÁP ß>Ù4Â� Ù4Á�Â�

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41 � @��� �2.� ��t� a�2���� ������ " î�èÙ2�� À'Â�ß&ÂrèTè� ,sß2Â1 Á �ÃG �à Ø�� Â�,# �Á Â# ØQèTÁ� : ,)ß�ÂZ Ã�Ù�î�Âé�� �Ã� Óµè�ÂZ : î!Ù��� Âl�è�Á� ��ê�Ã1ÁP . I�Â4�Ã�Â"ß�,� ,sÁ.,,- ��,&Â2ßZ�«) " .>�3:3 ( :@FG" � kF� QP

<G s.+� G��) "17 ( � ��- ~ ; 'F� F� w� s� \&�� �7� ���� k� ��P ; �# 4? �2� m�+�� �nZ<� G�� ��P ; Q��4&�� 2*�� !t� , \F&� Q� <� «F."�P ª7.�� Q? Qd�

�*�� �/2�� ��� � �*�� �/2��.

s21 9���� e0�� G�� �� a�2���� ������ ��&� ���P 3�� �:

also does Luke, without respect of persons, deliver to us

what he had learned from them, as he has himself testified,

saying, “Even as they delivered them unto us, who from the

beginning were eye-witnesses and ministers of the Word .” " ¥qr�� )7"�<� Q�� NG G�� W�� , 4.�� E(2� �# s.4&� � ���) -��� ( 8bF"�� 4.+�

�# ,Ã�Â4Ã.Á�é.Ã� I��Ù�,�Â� Â�è2è�Â&,� ð'ß�Âé�� O ß2,� ��,�Á? Â=�à Ø�� Â2ß�Á�è5 Â(Â4Ø.Â- Â4Á? :@G) "18(

=F� s�F7� �# s.4&� � �# G�� ������ s4.�� � Q� �.1 ��?h� 2# a�2���� ������ E.�"�-��� '�<� ,s�7� G�� ������ �# N:��� � # z�? Q� ��?h�.

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&��� :�?t�Y� �.���¹�] ������

E# )7�h� �]:] s� 2.Z� �G � ³+�� Q���� '�� =� �# �?t�Y� �.���¹�] ������ � : «�h� �������� �� , ������ � ��n���� �� �2�� , s� E"Ú t��� ��/"Î N��� �.� 4�� � 9�F* 2+i

�?t�Y� �.���¹�] ������ s�G �.

�.���¹�] ������ 9���:

And the voice of the Gospel teaches still more urgently

concerning chastity, saying: “Whosoever looketh on a

woman who is not his own wife, to lust after her, hath

committed adultery with her already in his heart .” " 3�(t�� l.&"� 4�� ��d� E.&� 9��� ��<� )�Z � , ßEO�Á� O9�OGÁdÁ� Â�ÁP Ù�ÁPÂ� :@G : ß=Â� Ø O? ØQè5

Ãsèé.ÁG �Ã� Â(è� �Â�Â� ß�Á�Á� Â(Â�è(Â"ß0Â�Ã� Ò3ÁPÂ�ß�� �Á�è5 ,�OJß2Â�) " .19 ( k� �2�� �"�� 2# �5: 28 s��F- � s���" 3�(t�� l.&"� 4�� ��d� E.&� 9��� ��<� )�Z � ,:@G " `�F� < F� 2� nX��

=� �+?P 2� pW�� s��� �� Q? � �� s�7� �# �# 2���� �� � �� k� ��P QP �0.� 9B1800N1 .

W�� 9��� �.�� ��H �&� �:

“And he that marrieth,” says [the Gospel], “her that is

divorced from her husband, committeth adultery; and

whosoever putteth away his wife, saving for the cause of

fornication, causeth her to commit adultery .”

`��� 2�� 9�G �"�� 2# �" ßEO�Á� O9�OGÁdÁ� Â�ÁP Ù�ÁPÂ� : ÁPÂ�ß�� ÂlØ.Á� ß=Â� ØQè5 �è�ß%Â� Â(O.Â&ß�Â� �Â�î%�� Ã�Ø.Ã&Ã� Ø<è5 ,sÂ� �è�ß%Â� ,sÙ�èTÁ� I�Á�Ø.Át,� ,�Ù�Â%Â"Â� ß=Â�Â�) ".>�5:32 ( s���� s��- " ��Y� 9���")20( 3�F1 2� ��?h�

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