Introduction to geometric and structural Crystallography Lecture No. 10: Crystallographic space groups

Introduction to geometric and structural Crystallographycrysta.physik.hu-berlin.de/~kirmse/pdf/VL10_Raumgruppen_teil1_e.pdf · VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie

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Introduction to geometric and structural


Lecture No. 10:

Crystallographic space groups

Crystallographic space groups

• Space groups needed for the description of symmetry properties in the 3-dimensional space

• Space group: Totality of all symmetry operations (isometries) of 3-dimensional, infinite, and ideal crystal structure

• Notation of SG according to Hermann-Mauguin

• Number of different Types of space groups in 3-d space: 230

• But note: There is an infinite number of space groups!

• 73 types of space groups with identical point symmetry elements as compared to the crystallographic point group but additional translation: symmorphic space groups

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie

VL 10 Raumgruppen 2

Crystallographic space groups

• Description of space groups by coset decomposition:

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


• Decomposition of space groups of infinite order into cosets leads to:

230 types of space groups (3-d)

17 types of layer groups (2-d)

E = W1 W2 W3 … … Wi

T1 T1W2 T1W3 … … T1Wi

T2 T2W2 T2W3 … … T2Wi

T3 T3W2 T3W3 … … T3Wi

… … … … … …

… … … … … …

E = W1: unity

W: symmetry operation

T = {Ti}: normal subgroup of space group

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

5 VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie

VL 10 Raumgruppen H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

The 14 Bravais lattice types in 3-d space (A. Bravais, 1850)

Crystal system Centering Symbol

Triclinic Primitive aP

Monoclinic Primitive mP

Face-centered mA

Orthorhombic Primitive oP

Body-centered oI

Single face- cenntered


All face-centered


Crystal system Centering Symbol

Tetragonal Primitive tP

Body-centered tI

Trigonal Rhombohedral hR

Trig. + Hexagonal Primitive hP

Cubic Primitive cP

Body-centered cI

All face- centered


Crystallographic space groups

• Asymmetric unit and unit cell

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen

6 H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Crystallographic space groups

• Asymmetric unit and unit cell

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7 H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry operation: translation

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


• Shift of a motive (asymmetric unit) by translation vector t


• Consequences: No longer point symmetry only

Space filling

New symmetry operations

• Application to: 1 dimension line groups

2 dimensions layer groups

3 dimensions space groups

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Combination of translation and reflection

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• Translation • Reflection

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: glide reflection

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• Glide reflection

Combination of translation and reflection :

Step 1: translation by t = ½ a0

Step 2: reflection

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: glide reflection

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


m a, b c n e = a;c

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

(a+b)/4, (a+c)/4, or (b+c)/4

• Symbols

Symmetry elements: glide reflection

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


• Glide components

a, b




½ a or ½ b ½ a simultaneous to ½ b; or ½ a simult. to ½ c, or ½ b simult. to ½ c

(a+b)/2, (a+c)/2, or (b+c)/2



H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: glide reflection

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


n d

(a+b)/4, (a+c)/4, or (b+c)/4

(a+b)/2, (a+c)/2, or (b+c)/2

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: screw axis

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


• 2-fold rotation axis • 2-fold screw axis

= ½ ao

• Translation period of a screw axis np:

2 21

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

= p/n

Symmetry elements: screw axis

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• 3-fold screw axis:

• 31 and 32 are enantiomorphic screw axes


31 32

= 2/3

Rotation in math. positive sense!

(left = left-hand rotation) (right)


H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: screw axis

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


= 1/4 = 2/4 = 3/4

41 43


• 41 and 43 are enantiomorphic screw axes

• 41 right-hand , 43 left-hand, 42 no sense of rotation (like 2)

• 4-fold screw axis:

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: screw axis

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


• 6-fold screw axis:

= 1/6 = 2/6 = 3/6

61 62 63

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: screw axis

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• 6-fold screw axis:

= 4/6 = 5/6

64 65

enantiomorphic: 61 and 65 as well as 62 and 64

61: right-hand rotation 62: right-hand 31 and 2

63: 21 and 3

64: left-hand 32 and 2

65: left-hand rotation

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Rotation and screw axes running along the viewing direction

Symmetry elements: rotation and screw axes

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


Rotation and screw axes running normal or inclined to viewing direction

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Projection onto basal plane

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






1. Assignment to crystal system

2. Finding rotation axes

3. Finding mirror planes

4. Finding inversion centers

5. Conclusion of space group

Symmetry elements

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






1. Assignment to crystal system

2. Finding rotation axes

3. Finding mirror planes

4. Finding inversion centers

5. Conclusion of space group

Symmetry elements

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

Orthorhombic primitive

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

Orthorhombic primitive

1. Assignment to crystal system

2. Finding rotation axes

3. Finding mirror planes

4. Finding inversion centers

5. Conclusion of Space group

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

Orthorhombic primitive

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

1. Assignment to crystal system

2. Finding rotation axes

3. Finding mirror planes

4. Finding inversion centers

5. Conclusion of space group

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

1. Assignment to crystal system

2. Finding rotation axes

3. Finding mirror planes

4. Finding inversion centers

5. Conclusion of space group

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Symmetry elements

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

1. Assignment to crystal system

2. Finding rotation axes

3. Finding mirror planes

4. Finding inversion centers

5. Conclusion of space group

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

Space group:

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example of space group determination

• Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen


½ +

½ +

½ -

½ -






Space group:

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾

¼, ¾ ¼, ¾ ¼, ¾






2P 11

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Example: Marcasite (FeS2)

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen







2P 11

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Representation of space groups

VL zur Einführung in die geometrisch-Strukturelle Kristallographie VL 10 Raumgruppen

38 H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

Symmetry elements: glide reflection

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m a, b c n e = a;c

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM

P nc2

Symmetry elements: glide reflection

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A em2

H. Kirmse, HU Berlin, Physik, AG SEM