Intro to AI Fall 2002 © L. Joskowicz 1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence LECTURE 13 : Advanced Planning • Motivation: least commitment principle • Partial-order planning (POP) • Planning with partially instantiated operators • Hierarchical decomposition • Other extensions “An Introduction to Least Commitment Planning” D. Weld, Artificial Intelligence Magazine , Winter 1994, pp 27- 61.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence LECTURE 13 : Advanced Planning

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence LECTURE 13 : Advanced Planning. Motivation: least commitment principle Partial-order planning ( POP) Planning with partially instantiated operators Hierarchical decomposition Other extensions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence LECTURE 13 : Advanced Planning

Intro to AI Fall 2002 © L. Joskowicz 1

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence LECTURE 13: Advanced Planning

• Motivation: least commitment principle

• Partial-order planning (POP)

• Planning with partially instantiated operators

• Hierarchical decomposition

• Other extensions “An Introduction to Least Commitment Planning” D. Weld,

Artificial Intelligence Magazine, Winter 1994, pp 27-61.

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Least commitment principle• Make choices only when necessary, leaving

the decision for the time it is required– variable binding: most-general unifier is a least

commitment strategy

Prefer buy(Store,drill) to buy(store55,drill)– partial ordering: assume operators can be

performed simultaneously unless there is a requirement to do otherwise

if S1 deletes precondition c and c is needed by S2, perform S2 before S1

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Example: putting on shoes• Start: {}• Goal: {RightShoeOn, LeftShoeOn} • Operators:

Op(Action: RightShoeOn, Precond: RightSockOn, Effect: RightShoeOn)Op(Action: LeftShoeOn Precond: LeftSockOn, Effect: LeftShoeOn)Op(Action: RightSockOn

Effect: RightSockOn) Op(Action: LeftSockOn,

Effect: LeftSockOn)

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Partial vs. total order plans

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Operator representation

• Operator name, precondition, effect (both add and delete lists)Op(Action: action-name,

Precond: conjunction of literals (positive)

Effect: conjuction of literals (positive and negative)

• Graphically


p1 p2 .... pn

e1 e2 .... em



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Plan representation (1)• Plan steps: a sequence of operators

<S1, S2, …., Sn>

• Step ordering constraints: indicate step precedence relations Si

< Sj “Si must be executed sometime before Sj”

• Variable binding constraints: indicate variable assignments X = a, Y b, etc

• Causal links: record the purpose of the step Si

-- c --> Sj “Si achieves precondition c for Sj”

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Plan representation (2)• Initially, the plan consists of two steps, Start and

Finish, with null actions associated to them, with ordering Start < Finish and with the desired goal (g1 /\ g2 /\ … /\ gn) as precondition

Plan(Steps:{S1: Op(Action: Start), S2: Op(Action: Finish, Precond: (g1 /\ g2 … /\gn))}Orderings: {Si < Sj },Bindings: {},

Links: {})

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Example of plan representation



LeftShoeOn /\ RightShoeOn

Ordering:Left Sock < Left ShoeRight Sock < Right ShoeStart < all, Finish > “all”


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Complete plans

A plan is complete iff each precondition of each step is achieved by some other step. A step achieves a precondition if the condition is one of the effects of the step and if no other step can cancel out the condition:

Si achieves precondition c of Sj iff

1. (Si < Sj) /\ (c in Effects(Si))

2. ~Sk (~c in Effects(Sk)) /\ (Si < Sk < Sj)

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Consistent plans

A plan is consistent iff there are no contradictions in the ordering or binding constraints. A contradiction occurs when:

1. (Si < Sj) and (Sj < Si)


2. (X = a) /\ (X = b) or (X=a) /\ (X a)

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Solutions as plans

• A solution is a complete and consistent plan that achieves the desired goal.

• Any linearization of a partial plan is also a solution

• Partially ordered plans are better solutions than totally ordered plans because:– no arbitrary choice of ordering– parallel execution of branches– easier to combine plan fragments

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Partial Order Planner: Overview• Regression planning: work from goal to start

• Start from the initial plan, add one step (operator) in each iteration

• Add only steps that serve to achieve a precondition that has not been achieved yet.

• Keep track of interactions with causal links. When a conflict occurs, resolve it by imposing an order between steps

• Keep track of all choice points and backtrack as necessary

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Example: shopping for groceriesSM = SupermarketHWS = Hardware Store

Steps: {Start: Op(Action: Start, Effect: At(Home) /\ Sells(HWS,Drill)/\ Sells(SM,Milk) /\ Sells(SM,Banana),

Finish: Op(Action: Finish, Precond: At(Home) /\ Have(Drill)/\ Have(Milk) /\ Have(Banana)}

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Actions: Go and Buy• Op(Action: Go(there) Precond: At(here)

Effect: At(there) /\ ~At(here))

• Op(Action: Buy(x)

Precond: At(store) /\ Sells(store,x)

Effect: Have(x)



At(there) ~At(here)


At(store) Sells(store(x)


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Plan to achieve three preconditions

Have(Milk) Have(Ban.)Have(Drill)

At(Home) Sells(HWS,Drill) Sells(SM,Milk) Sells(SM,Ban.)

Bold links are causal linksLight links are ordering links

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Instantiation and causal links

{s/SM} {s/SM}{s/HWS}

Causal links can be added because there is no conflict! No ordering is necessary

At(Home) Sells(HWS,Drill) Sells(SM,Milk) Sells(SM,Ban.)

Have(Milk) Have(Ban.)Have(Drill)

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Next step: get to the store

At(Home) Sells(HWS,Drill) Sells(SM,Milk) Sells(SM,Ban.)

At(HWS) ~At(x) At(SM) ~At(x)

Have(Milk) Have(Ban.)Have(Drill)

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Instantiation and causal links


At(Home) Sells(HWS,Drill) Sells(SM,Milk) Sells(SM,Ban.)

At(HWS) ~At(Home) At(SM) ~At(Home)

Have(Milk) Have(Ban.)Have(Drill)

Flawed plan! Causal links conflict: cannot be in two places simultaneously ! Re-ordering is necessary

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Soving causal link conflicts

cc c

Promotion and demotion sequentialize actions

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After threat resolution (demotion)

At(Home) Sells(HWS,Drill) Sells(SM,Milk) Sells(SM,Ban.)

At(HWS) At(SM)

Have(Milk) Have(Ban.) At(Home)Have(Drill)

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Have(Milk) Have(Ban.)





At(Home) Sells(HWS,Drill) Sells(SM,Milk) Sells(SM,Ban.)

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POP algorithm (1)function POP(initial,goal,operators) returns plan

plan := Make-Minimal-Plan(initial,goal)

loop do if Solution?(plan) then return plan (S-need,c) := Select-Sub-Goal(plan) Choose-Operator(plan,operators,S-need,c) Resolve-Threats(plan) end

function Select-Subgoal(plan) returns (S-need,c) pick a plan step S-need from STEPS(plan) with a precondition c that has not been achievedreturns (S-need,c)

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POP algorithm (2)procedure Choose-Operator(plan,operators,S-need,c)

choose (a step S-add from operators) or

(STEPS(plan) that has c as an effect) if there is no such step then fail add causal link (S-add -- c --> S-need) to LINKS(plan) add ordering constraint S-add < S-need to ORDERINGS(plan) if S-add is a newly added step from operators then

add S-add to STEPS(plan) add Start < S-add < Finish to ORDERINGS(plan)

procedure Resolve-Threats(plan) for each S-threat that threatens a link (Si -- c --> Sj) in

LINKS(plan) do choose either Promotion: add S-threat < Si to ORDERINGS(plan) Demotion: add Sj < S-threat to ORDERINGS(plan) if not Consistent(plan) then fail

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POP is sound and complete• POP constructs a proof that each

precondition of the goal step is achieved:– Choose-Operator selects an action to get subgoal– Resolve-Threats sequentializes to ensure no

interference between operations

• POP is sound and complete: every plan it returns is a solution, and if there is a solution, it will be found (assuming complete search -- BFS or iterative deepening search)

• It is also sound and complete with partially instantiated operators (see next slides)

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• Resolving conflicts with partially instantiated operators: is At(x) a threat to ~At(Home)? It is a possible threat, which can be dealt with by1. resolve now with an equality constraint

add binding x = HWS

2. resolve now with an inequality constraint

add the clause x Home

3. resolve later: do nothing. It is not a threat until x becomes instantiated. When it does, use promotion and demotion to resolve the conflict.

Partially instantiated operators

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Extended notion of achievingA step achieves a precondition if the condition is

one of the effects of the step, and if no other step can cancel out the condition for all instantiations.

Si achieves precondition c of Sj iff

1. (Si < Sj) and Si has an effect c’ that necessarily unifies with c

2. ~Sk (Si < Sk < Sj) in some linearization of the plan and Sk has an effect c’ that possibly unifies with ~c.




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Modified Choose-Operator*

procedure Choose-Operator(plan,operators,S-need,c)

choose (a step S-add from operators) or

(STEPS(plan) that has c-add as an effect)

such that u = Unify(c,c-add,Bindings(plan)) if there is no such step then fail add u to Bindings(plan) add causal link (S-add -- c --> S-need) to LINKS(plan) add ordering constraint S-add < S-need to ORDERINGS(plan) if S-add is a newly added step from operators then

add S-add to STEPS(plan) add Start < S-add < Finish to ORDERINGS(plan)

* for resolving later -- least commitment strategy

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Modified Resolve-Threats*procedure Resolve-Threats(plan) for each (Si -- c --> Sj) in LINKS(plan) do for each S-threat in STEPS(plan) do for each c’ in EFFECTS(S-threat) do if Subst(Bindings(plan),c) = Subst(Bindings(plan),~c’)

then choose either

Promotion: add S-threat < Si to ORDERINGS(plan) Demotion: add Sj < S-threat to ORDERINGS(plan) if not Consistent(plan) then fail end end end

* for resolving later -- least commitment strategy

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Blocks world revisited







Follow POP on blocks world examples!

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Advanced planning topics

• Hierarchical planssteps at different levels of resolution

• More complex conditionsuniversal quantification, conditionals

• Dealing with time constraintsincorporate time intervals an deadlines

• Resources and costschoose the plan that satisfies resource

and cost constraints

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Hierarchical decomposition

• POP does not distinguish between different levels of abstraction of operators:

go(home,airport) vs. go(bed,living_room)

Typical plans usually have many steps!

Figure out first how to get to the airport, then find out how to exit the house!

• Operators should describe actions at different levels of abstraction, so “big” goals get solved first

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Abstract operators

• Decompose operators into a group of more detailed operators that form a plan to implement it.

• The decomposition ends with primitive operators which are not decomposedBuild(House) is decomposed into Build(Foundation), Build(Floor), Build(Walls), Build(Roof), …..

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Decomposition methods (1)• Specify that a nonprimitive operator that unifies

with it can be decomposed into a plan

• Decompose(operation,p) is a new structure akin to a subroutine or a macro for operators:Decompose(Construction,

Plan(Steps:{S1: Build(Foundation), S2: Build(Frame), S3: Build(Roof), S4: Build(Walls), S5: Build(Interior)}

Orderings:{S1<S2; S2<S3; S2<S4; S3<S5 ; S4<S5, ..... }, Bindings: {},

Foundation Frame Frame Roof Walls

Links: {S1 --->S2 , S2 ---->S3, S2 --->S4, S3 --->S5, S4 --->S5 }))

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Decomposition methods (2)• Plan p correctly implements an operator o if it

is a complete and consistent plan for the problem of achieving the effects of o given the preconditions of o:– p must be consistent (no ordering or assignment

contradiction).– every effect of o must be asserted by at least one

step of p and not denied by a later step.– every precondition of steps in p must be achieved

by a step in p or be one of the preconditions of o.

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Hierarchical POP algorithm

function HD-POP(plan,operators,methods) returns plan

loop do if Solution?(plan) then return plan (S-need,c) := Select-Sub-Goal(plan) Choose-Operator(plan,operators,S-need,c) S-nonprimitive := Select-Nonprimitive(plan) Choose-Decomposition(plan,methods,S-nonprimitive) Resolve-Threats(plan) end

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HD-POP subroutines• Solution? must check that every step of the plan

is primitive • Select-Nonprimitive arbitrarily selects a non-

primitive step of the plan (no backtracking)• Choose-Decomposition: when a method is

chosen:1. Steps: add all method steps, remove S-nonprimitive2. Bindings: add all bindings of method3. Orderings: place new constraints latest or earliest4. Links: explicitly add all links

Fail if 1 or 2 introduce a contradiction!

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Detailed decomposition of a step

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Analysis of hierarchical decomposition• HD helps prune branches in the search tree.

Two useful properties of solutions are: – Downward solution property: if p is an abstract

solution, then there is a primitive solution of which p is an abstraction.

Once an abstract solution is found, all other branches can be pruned!

– Upward solution property: if p is an inconsistent abstract plan, then there is no primitive solution of which it is an abstraction

Prune away all descendants of inconsistent plans!

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Solution space properties

Bold boxes are solutionsDotted boxes are inconsistentBoxes marked with “X” can be pruned




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Complexity of hierarchical decomp.• For a plan with n steps and an average of b

choices at each step (branching factor), the complexity of search is O(bn)

• Let d be the depth of the hierarchical plan, and s average number of decomposition steps. When only searching for abstract solutions, one of every b decompositions is a solution. If each decomposition has s steps, the planner looks at bsi steps at depth d =i. The complexity is O(bsd) << O(bn)

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Quantitative example



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Is completeness preserved?• The upward and downward solution properties

are not necessary correctness conditions for decompositions!

• To avoid loosing completeness, no pruning can take place -- still can be used to guide search

• There is an abstract solution that is inconsistent, but the decomposition solves the problem.

“a couple has two possesions: he a gold watch and her beautiful hair. They each plan to buy presents to make each other happy. He wants to trade the watch for a comb, she wants to trade her hair for a watch chain. Can they execute their plans?

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Ex: no upward solution property

Cannot be ordered!

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Solution: unique main subaction

• To guarantee the upward solution property, require that there is one step of the decomposed plan to which all preconditions and effects of the abstract operator are attached

• In the previous example, the unique main subaction condition does not hold!

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Approximation• Another way of guiding the search is to rank

goals by order of importance (criticality level).

Op(Action: Buy(x)Effect: Have(x) /\ Have(MoneyAmount)

Precond: 1. Sells(store,x) /\ 2. At(store) /\ 3. Have(MoneyAmount)

• Solve the problem by considering ONLY preconditions with criticality less or equal than 1, than 2, etc.

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Other extensions

• More expressive operator descriptions– conditional effects: add when conditions– universal quantification: preconditions with

“forall” quantifier

• Resource constraints: consider costs of each action -- leads to optimization problems

• Time constraints: can be handled as resources

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Conditional effects• Previous scheme sometimes forces premature

commitment that can lead to inefficiencies• Solution: extend the operator language to include

conditional effects: “condition c must hold when p holds”. Such type of clauses will be added to the effects of an action.

• If later p appears, the condition c will be added and handled.

• Extend Select-SubGoal and Resolve-Threats to deal with this new type of conditionals

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Conditionals: example• Two different actions for picking a block:

Op(Action: move(B,X,Y),

Precond: on(B,X) /\ clear(B) /\ clear(Y)

Effect: on(B,Y) /\ ~on(B,X) /\ clear(X) /\ clear(B) /\


Op(Action: movetotable(B,X),

Precond: on(B,X) /\ clear(B)

Effect: on(B,table) /\ ~on(B,X) /\ clear(X) /\ clear(B)

• Start: on(a,b)

• Goal: clear(b)

• Problem: two operators for the same type of action!

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Conditionals: solution • One operator with conditional effect:

Op(Action: move(B,X,Y),Precond: on(B,X) /\ clear(X) /\ clear(Y)

Effect: on(B,Y) /\ ~on(B,X) /\ clear(X) /\ clear(B)

/\ (~clear(Y)) when Y table)

• When Y gets instantiated, the condition ~clear(Y) will be added if appropriate.

• To resolve threats: if a step has the effect (~c’ when p) is a possible threat to the causal link Si

-- c --> Sj when c’ and c unify. Resolve threat by

confrontation: ensuring that p does not hold.

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Resolve-Threats with conditionalsprocedure Resolve-Threats(plan) for each (Si -- c --> Sj) in LINKS(plan) do for each S-threat in STEPS(plan) do for each c’ in EFFECTS(S-threat) do if Subst(Bindings(plan),c) = Subst(Bindings(plan),~c’)

then choose either

Promotion: add S-threat < Si to ORDERINGS(plan) Demotion: add Sj < S-threat to ORDERINGS(plan)

Confrontation: if c’ is of the form (c’ when p) thenChoose-Operator(plan,operators,S-threat,~p)Resolve-Threats(plan)

if not Consistent(plan) then fail end end end~

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Negated and disjuctive preconditions• Choose-Operator introduced a negated literal• Can be handled by checking for effects that

match the goal, and ensure that unification between p and ~~p is possible. Also, must deal with special “closed-world assumption” requirements for start, where no negative literals are present.

• Disjunctive preconditions p \/ q introduce nondeterministic choices.

• Disjunctive effects are harder to deal with... Ex: Flip(coin)

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Universal quantification (1)• Extend the language and algorithms to handle

general statements

• In preconditions: instead of clear(b), writeX block(X) => ~on(X,B) “no block is on top of b”

• In effects:Op(Action: carry(Bag,X,Y),

Precond: bag(Bag) /\ at(Bag,X), Effect: at(Bag,Y) /\ ~at(Bag,X) /\

I item(I) => (at(I,Y) /\ ~at(I,X)) when in(Y,Bag))

“all objects that are in a bag are in location Y after the bag has been carried from location X to location Y”

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Universal quantification (2)

• Note that adding universal quantification does NOT turn the language into FOL. The restrictions are:– worlds with finite, static, typed universe– universally quantified conditions satisfied by simple


X t(X) => c(X) is c(x1) when t(x1) /\

c(x2) when t(x2) /\


c(xn) when t(xn)

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Universal quantification (3)• The planner must expand universally quantified

preconditions to eliminate the quantifier (possibly inefficient, but no better solution…)

• Universally quantified effects need not be expanded, since it might be that many literals are irrelevant. Instead, leave as is but make sure that Resolve-Threats and Choose-Operator are properly modified.

• Modified routines for POP-DUNC (POP with disjunction, universal quantification, negation, and conditionals). It is sound and complete.

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Extended-POP Select-Subgoal

function Select-Subgoal(plan) returns (plan,precondition conjunct)

pick a plan step S-need from STEPS(plan) with a precondition c that has not been achieved if c is a universally quantified expression then

return (S-need, Expansion(c)) else if c is a disjunction c1 \/ c2 .. \/ cn then

return (S-need, choose(c1,c2,…,cn)) else returns (S-need,c)

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Extended-POP Choose-Operatorprocedure Choose-Operator(plan,operators,S-need,c)

choose (a step S-add from operators) or

(STEPS(plan) that has c-add as an effect

such that u = Unify(c,c-add,Bindings(plan)) if there is no such step then fail u’ := u without universally quantified variables of c-add add u’ to Bindings(plan) add causal link (S-add -- c --> S-need) to LINKS(plan) add ordering constraint S-add < S-need to ORDERINGS(plan) if S-add is a newly added step from operators then

add S-add to STEPS(plan) add Start < S-add < Finish to ORDERINGS(plan)

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Extended-POP Resolve-Threatsprocedure Resolve-Threats(plan) for each (Si -- c --> Sj) in LINKS(plan) do for each S-threat in STEPS(plan) do for each c’ in EFFECTS(S-threat) do if Subst(Bindings(plan),c) = Subst(Bindings(plan),~c’)

then choose either

Promotion: add S-threat < Si to ORDERINGS(plan) Demotion: add Sj < S-threat to ORDERINGS(plan)

Confrontation: if c’ is of the form (c’ when p) thenChoose-Operator(plan,operators,S-threat,~p)Resolve-Threats(plan)

if not Consistent(plan) then fail end end end

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Resource constraints• Need to deal with quantities: cost, time, etc.

• Ex: buying an object decreases the amount of cash we have:

• New construct: measures, which are global variables that can be compared and updated

• Check inequality constrains each time an operator is chosen ==> a CSP problem!


have(X) /\ Cash := Cash - price(X,Store)

at(Store) /\ sells(Store,X) /\ Cash > price(X,Store)

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Planning and acting• Up to now, we assumed that we first plan,

and then execute the plan. All the necessary knowledge is available to do the plan.

• Sometimes, we need gather additional information: to see if the bus station is open, we need to go there first!

• Conditional or contingency planning: generate plan alternatives that account for each possible outcome of a contingency. Include sensing operators (see Chapter 13).

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Conditional plan for fixing flat tireFixing a flat tire by either inflating it or replacing withthe spare tire. Since we don’t know why the tire is flat, we need to generate two contingency plans

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Planning in practice• Job shop scheduling: Plan

production and assembly schedule Hitachi’s Tosca: 350 products, 35 assembly machines, 2,000

operations. Plan 30-day schedule for three 8-hour shifts. Follows a partial-order, least commitment approach

• Space mission scheduling: plans order of experiments and resource use

used for Hubble space telescope, Voyager, etc.

• SIPE planner: planning maintenance and materials logistics military operations for US Air Force.