INTRODUCTION Thought. Have you ever thought about “thought”? What is thought? Do you stop thinking when you close your eyes? No, your thoughts are there whenever you concentrate, you think, no matter what you concentrate upon. One of the greatest discoveries of the 19th century was the power of thought backed by faith. From the period of Christ to the present day, axioms on “thought power” have swept men off their feet to high peaks of achievement in their lives. In areas of health, wealth, love, success and such, men have come forward from time to time revealing to their fellow men their secrets. The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Remember one of Christ’s repeated axioms was “According to your belief it shall be done unto you.” And others appeared: “Think good and good follows. Think evil and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.” Yet another states: “Thought is a habit. Train yourself to think logically. Don’t wander aimlessly either in thought or speech.” LIFE-ENERGY-SPIRIT This book is for you, about you and the infinite Life-Energy-Spirit (LES) that is within you. It is also in the plants, animals, minerals, and planets within the universe at large. The development of the teachings of the Life-Energy-Spirit are attributed to all past prophets and some present day occultists. In the West we use words such as way, spirit, truth, ultimate reality or God to approximate the Life-Energy-Spirit (LES). When LES is translated as way, it refers to the cosmic way of the universe, the order of nature. Originally LES means Truth or Ultimate Reality and as such is the equivalent to what we in the West call “God”. This original, unfathomable LES is externally formless and unmanifested, yet complete and perfect. Since it is external and infinite there is no division within itself and it is called “one”. From itself, it has brought forth the entire cosmos and as a result manifested. LES gives life to beings, and shapes them. For LES is the 2

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Thought. Have you ever thought about “thought”? What is thought? Do you stop thinking when you close your eyes? No, your thoughts are there whenever you concentrate, you think, no matter what you concentrate upon.

One of the greatest discoveries of the 19th century was the power of thought backed by faith. From the period of Christ to the present day, axioms on “thought power” have swept men off their feet to high peaks of achievement in their lives. In areas of health, wealth, love, success and such, men have come forward from time to time revealing to their fellow men their secrets.

The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Remember one of Christ’s repeated axioms was “According to your belief it shall be done unto you.” And others appeared: “Think good and good follows. Think evil and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.”

Yet another states: “Thought is a habit. Train yourself to think logically. Don’t wander aimlessly either in thought or speech.”


This book is for you, about you and the infinite Life-Energy-Spirit (LES) that is within you. It is also in the plants, animals, minerals, and planets within the universe at large. The development of the teachings of the Life-Energy-Spirit are attributed to all past prophets and some present day occultists. In the West we use words such as way, spirit, truth, ultimate reality or God to approximate the Life-Energy-Spirit (LES). When LES is translated as way, it refers to the cosmic way of the universe, the order of nature. Originally LES means Truth or Ultimate Reality and as such is the equivalent to what we in the West call “God”. This original, unfathomable LES is externally formless and unmanifested, yet complete and perfect. Since it is external and infinite there is no division within itself and it is called “one”. From itself, it has brought forth the entire cosmos and as a result manifested. LES gives life to beings, and shapes them. For LES is the


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life and support of all, their refuge and shield, it makes them arise and grow, mature and perfect themselves.

With the creation of the cosmos, this oneness became dualistic. This duality is termed “life force” - positive and negative. It is dualistic because it is now indi­vidualised and therefore, somewhat separate from the original non-differentiated LES; and also because the instant it manifested, it cast its own shadow and its complementary opposite also took form. Positive casts the shadow negative, or we might say the creation had an unconscious aspect. Thus, the entire cosmos is divided into positive and negative, light and darkness, masculine and feminine, day and night, life and earth, conscious and unconscious, firmness and yielding. In all things that exist there is a positive, negative, form and essence. That which is outer and can be seen, felt, weighed, and measured etc. is the form; what is contained and cannot be seen, felt, weighed, measured etc. is the essence. Thus in man his material physical body is his form; the invisible life force that sustains and animates his physical body is the essence. Remove the essence, and the form will die and begin to decompose back into its elemental form, structure, molecules and atoms. It is the essence which makes the form viable and makes it function as a coherent unit of life. Form without essence is dead, essence cannot be manifested without form. Thus when the great invisible essence LES took form, positive and negative was created, body and soul, and also matter and spirit. Original essence has no manifested form. It is called non-existent, the great void. But this void should be understood to be a very pregnant void capable of giving birth to all forms in creation. And all of creation, since it arises from it, comes its essence somewhere within itself. Without it creation could not maintain its existence.


Just as you must coordinate all the physical components of any game, such as movement, tempo, breathing, relaxing etc., you must also coordinate your life in the manner befitting a seeker after truth. Correct speech and correct action must be incorporated into your daily life. You must think in a truthful manner and not seek to deceive, nor should you try to take advantage of others for personal gain. You must practice truthful speech at all times, not gossiping and cursing, or speaking badly of others. Your actions must be in accord with your thoughts and speech; noble thoughts and lofty speech are meaningless without proper action. You should think, speak and act LES.

LES is found in everything and in all the diverse forms. It is constant and stable. The spiritual aspirant must dwell on this essential unity within divergence and not in the infinite diversity of creation. Diversity will scatter the mind. The essential oneness will unite it. When this unity is understood, and you realise that you are intimately connected with your fellow man, the harm to another is understood as being harm to yourself. If the hand should harm the foot, because


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it feels itself separate, then the whole body suffers. You must love yourself. This love for your true self is the basis for service to others. Love experienced through service is probably the singular most purifying act of spiritual endeavour that you can perform. Service was exemplified by such spiritual giants as Buddha and Christ. Their lives which were a perfect coordination of thought, words and action, serve as inspiring examples to their followers.


Just as breathing is of paramount importance to the physical, the breath must also take a primary role in the spiritual aspect. You must begin to identify more and more with your breath. People generally tend to identify with either their bodies or their minds, but we have to realise that once the breath enters the nostrils it actually becomes a part of you. In fact, it becomes a much more important part of yourself than your arms, or legs. You can live without your limbs, but you cannot live without your breath. Breath is life! You must start to make this association in your mind and strive to remember it.

The breath is also a symbol of something that is subtler than the gross physical body. It is invisible, ethereal and formless. It symbolises the spirit that is within you and around you. As our breath is our life; our spirit is our life. Remove the breath and death is the result; remove the spirit from a body and only the corpse remains. Life is spirit. The same spiritual force permeates and animates all the life forms in the world. What differs is the external containers that hold the spiritual essence. Man feels that his life is separate and distinct from other life around him. But when this life is let out of its container (body), and merges with the all-pervading spirit, the sense of individuality dissolves. Just as the air that we breathe is the tangible connection among all beings, spirit is the intangible connection.


Meditation is the act of turning consciousness towards its own centre, so that it perceives itself. When consciousness is able to witness itself, it acquires knowledge of itself. This state is called self-realisation or enlightenment. We should realise though that not everyone sitting cross-legged on the floor claiming to meditate, is actually meditating. Meditation is a very specific and exact discipline. It may be further sub-divided into two types:

Stationary Meditation this is done either in a sitting, kneeling or recliningposition.

Active Meditation - this is done during a specific exercise, during work orwhile walking.


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Before you begin the process of meditation, whether it is stationary or active, you should be aware of certain prerequisites. The spine should be held straight and vertically. This serves two purposes. It allows the natural energy systems in and around the spinal column to move freely and smoothly up and down the body. It also helps the body to act as an antenna, making it more alert and ready to pick up energy vibrations. The body must also be quietened. The mind resides within the body. If the body is in a state of agitation or anxiety, then the mind is also. Meditation seeks to control the mind and use it as an instrument to probe the inner secrets of consciousness.

Breathing must be slow and rhythmic. This allows oxygen to travel to the brain and helps to calm the body. Once these preliminaries are understood, the student is ready to meditate.

As you become more aware of your mind, you will see that it is like a nervous bundle of thoughts and desires, always wondering and jumping from one topic to the next, often under the control of the senses, but rarely under the control of its owner. We must first seek to gain control over the mind’s restless state so that it may be directed and harnessed. Concentration is the ability to direct the mind to subject and to hold it there. Unless this stage is mastered, it is useless to talk about further stages and techniques. In India, the mantra was devised. A mantra is a sound, or group of sounds that the practitioner repeats either verbally or mentally. It is used to gain one pointedness of mind, and to lead the aspirant to the self. Studies have shown that plant and animal are strongly affected by exposure to sound vibrations. Certain sounds distort and impede the natural growth of plants, while other sounds promote their health and well being. The correct vibrations can harmonise a body and the wrong vibrations can create a dissonance. The sound “om” in the Indian scripture is the most powerful mantra available to the spiritual aspirant.


Exercising for youth and power

When you were young you were constantly in motion. You didn’t know the meaning of tension or neck pain. Your body was elastic; your energy boundless. Within the limits of your strength you could do anything. Then you grew up. You became sedate, and spent more time sitting than skipping. Over time you have become stiff, put on weight, gradually losing the energy, vitality and potential for vigorous activity. You assume this is a “natural” result of getting older. What is happening, however, has less to do with your age, but more to do with your life­style. We are a nation of sitters, in spite of the fitness explosion. We have forgotten that the body is a flexible, versatile mechanism for action and reaction.

Staying young means staying flexible. You need daily activity to maintain flexibility, and no matter how brief, it will bring your whole physical mechanism


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into play. Without regular activity you will lose muscle tone, your body fat increases and your range of movement decreases. When there is tension in the body, it will not function properly. Muscles, blood vessels, glands and meridians will all malfunction and sickness will result. Normal daily activities that should come easy invoke effort, sometimes even pain. Mother nature did not design us for a sedentary life. In the dim past we were prowlers and predators and our bodies were finely tuned.

But the present age does not require us to pursue game or (in general) run for our lives. Our civilisation today provides more than we need to eat, so we no longer use our bodies as nature intended.

True fitness is a measure of how well your body functions, of its cardiovascular capacity, or how well your heart, lungs and other internal organs act to enable your muscles to perform their tasks. It means finding a regular system that will keep all your vital body parts functional. These techniques form the opening of the passageway for the releasing of the life energy needed to work “miracles” in your life.


Getting started

The problem with most fitness programmes is that people try to do too much too fast, then get discouraged and quit. If you’ve had this experience, the simple moves in this lesson will come as a surprise and can be done wherever you have a few square feet and a few spare minutes. They require no special equipment and are carried out in a slow relaxed manner. The slower and more relaxed you are, the more effective they will become. These simple moves will loosen your neck and shoulder muscles, straighten the curvature of your spine, stretch your back and leg muscles, promote deep breathing, exercise your heart and improve your circulation. Apart from straightening the muscles supporting your spine, they will also strengthen the spinal column itself.

Each exercise requires a minute or less, but you must follow the instructions precisely; never rush. Do not strain yourself and strive for results. Do only what you can accomplish comfortably. Breathe normally and relax.


Having appointed your place of exercise, lie down on the floor. Now close your eyes and tense the muscles in your left foot, and then relax it physically, whilst simultaneously commanding it to relax mentally also. Now do the same with the shin, calf, knee and thigh. Repeat the same procedure from the foot to the thigh


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with your right leg. Now move on to your waist, stomach and chest, then the neck and face, including your jaw and eyes.

Next start with your left hand and fingers, followed by your wrist, forearm, elbow, biceps and shoulder. Repeat the same with your right arm. When you are doing your chest, don’t forget to do your buttocks and the muscles in your back.

Finally, you must tense your whole body. Carry out 15 seconds tensing followed by 30 seconds relaxing. Repeat 5 times.


Throughout this move keep your leg muscles tense and your hips pushed forwards. Otherwise, you may lose your balance.

Stand with your feet about a foot apart. Tense your leg muscles and tighten your buttocks. Push your hips as far forward as possible keeping your arms parallel, slowly raising them in front of you.

Now continue to raise your arms over your head, allowing your head to fall back freely. Let gravity pull your arms backwards and down, but without straining. Remain like this as long as you can do so comfortably, even though you should feel your spine vibrating. Then slowly come up and lower your arms gently.

This move opens up the vertebrae of the lumbar region and strengthens the muscles in your lower back. It eases tension in your neck and shoulders.


Pay attention to your neck during this move, it is important to keep it relaxed throughout this exercise. Stand with your feet about one foot apart. Let your head roll forward and keeping your legs straight, slowly bend from the hips. Let your arms hang loosely with your hands limp. Relax your neck and shoulders. Now exhale by constricting your stomach muscles and inhale by releasing them. Roll your weight forward so that it is on the balls of your feet; fee} yourself hanging loose. Try to remain in this position for ten breaths or longer, or what feels comfortable for you. Then slowly roll back up, keeping your neck, shoulders and arms relaxed. As you become more flexible you will find yourself bending further. Eventually your fingertips will brush the floor. At this stage fold your arms so you can continue to hang freely. This move stretches your hamstring muscles, loosens tight calf muscles and eases tense neck, back and shoulder muscles.


The more flexible you become, the deeper you will get into this next move, and you will benefit enormously.


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Stand with your feet as wide apart as is comfortable for you. Keep your legs straight and your knees locked throughout this move. Slowly raise your arms side­ways until they form a straight line, parallel to the floor. Now slowly twist your hips to the far left. When your hips are fully turned, continue to turn your chest to the left and then your shoulders. Look at your middle left fingertip. Now pause.

Keeping your torso fully twisted, slowly bend towards your left knee, leading with your chin. Keep your legs straight and your arms in a straight line parallel to the floor. Now pause. Now slowly straighten up and bend backwards, keeping your arms parallel to the floor and your palms down. Bend from the hips and let your head roll backwards with your jaw slack. At this moment, pause. Now slowly straighten up and repeat this move to the right side of the body.

Now straighten up and turn towards the front. Slowly bend forward from the hips leading with your chin, keeping your back straight. Lock your knees and let your weight roll slightly forward onto the balls of your feet. Keep your arms parallel to the floor with your palms down. Pause.

Now slowly straighten up, bending backwards and pushing your hips forward. Let your head roll back and pause. Stretch your arms outwards, keeping them parallel to the floor. Straighten up and lower your arms.

This move helps relieve tension, stretches and stimulates your arms and shoulders, spine and lower back. It promotes overall flexibility and becomes progressively more effective as you become more flexible.


Learning to Breathe

Strange as it may sound most of us do not know how to breathe properly. Instead of filling our lungs, we breathe shallowly. Frequently, when you are concentrating on a task, you even hold your breath without realising it. But during sleep, an involuntary mechanism takes over. There is a transition from almost inaudible breathing to a deep steady rhythmic breathing.

This deep breathing revitalises you, relaxes you and relieves nervous and muscular tension. To breathe deeply and naturally put aside your ideas about inhaling and exhaling.

First, exhale by contracting your stomach muscles. This is contrary to the way most of us think about voluntary breathing. We have been trained in the “take a deep breath” approach. In other words, inhalation being the active part of the breathing cycle, and exhaling the passive part. Try inhaling now and you will notice that your natural instinct is to expand your chest. This fills your upper lungs, but does not utilise the large capacity of your lower lungs.

Now see how much easier and more pleasant it is to reverse the breathing cycle. Exhale by gently contracting your stomach muscles. This pushes your diaphragm upwards, compressing your lower lungs to expel the air.

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To inhale simply let go. You do not have to do anything. As your abdomen springs back to its position, your compressed lungs expand creating a vacuum that sucks air in, deep into your lower lungs. That’s all there is to it. Exhale by gently contracting the stomach muscles. Inhale by letting go. Try practising this method of breathing now and see how good it feels, but stop if you feel dizzy from the unaccustomed rush of oxygen attention. Use this deep breathing exercise to relax whenever you are uptight, or to unwind after a tense day instead of taking an alcoholic drink. Practise this exercise diligently and later on you will see how this exercise links with the other LES techniques.


D eveloping m ental qualities for success

To cultivate the ability to dwell your thoughts on one thing at a time, you must be able to visualise the thing that you want without letting your thoughts wander. To be able to hold your mind on these thoughts without letting it wander, you must have concentration - the ability to hold your visualisation on your thought or desire.

Concentration and visualisation techniquesThink of the star blue. Mentally concentrate by focusing your attention on the star blue. See it in your mind with your eyes closed. Repeat the same procedure with the colour green and then yellow.

On a mental screen think of a dot. See this dot clearly in your mind. Then see 2 dots, then 3 dots, then 4 dots Finally see in your mind a whole series of dots, as shown below:

• •• • • • • • • •

Concentrate on the image of them all at one time.Now visualise a circle surrounding your body like that of a cord or ribbon.

Mentally see this circle begin to form at the centre of your back. Next, visualise this circle gradually moving around you until you are entirely encircled by it. Do not see only part of the circle, but let your consciousness mentally see it surrounding you.

We will now move on to concentrating and visualising objects found in your vicinity. Focus your mind on the object of your choice. Then close your eyes and try to see it in your mind’s eye. See the exact object as you saw it before you closed your eyes. See its size, colour, form etc. It is of great importance that you visualise every detail of the object. The more you practise this exercise the easier it will become. Try to do this exercise at least once a day.


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Desire is a major step for getting what you want. You must really burn with desire for the thing you want. You must not only dream or wish about it, you must really crave it. Desire is the starting point in accomplishing any of your goals. When they are neglected, desires will die. As a matter of importance it is necessary to concentrate consciously on only one desire at a time. Automatically, other desires will die, as they have no other place to live in; they perish.

Cultivate your desire, fertilise it with hope and expectancy, protect it with concentration, love it with visualisation and help to nurture it to grow to its fullest extent. God has placed this desire in your trust for some unknown purpose. You must not fail either yourself, or God. Persist in your endeavour and you will succeed.

We live in a world full of people making excuses for their failure, because it is always easier to quit than to keep trying. Maybe, if you were born in luxury, you wouldn’t have this marvellous opportunity to make yourself strong and resource­ful through your own efforts. Adversity is not a curse, but a blessing. Remember to concentrate your energy, to be everywhere is to be nowhere. You must not walk this path of despair, live at peace with yourself and fulfil your own destiny with pride and a contented heart.



O PEN IN G C E R E M O N Y - For physical and mental relaxation

The following exercise must be undertaken prior to your performance of any technique.

1. Select a room in your home that gives you privacy, tranquillity and comfort. It is important that you perform the rituals in the same room, so choose a room that you can use whenever you want.

2. Position a comfortable chair in any part of the room. Place a small lamp or candle behind your chair to enable you to read the necessary prayers and commands. If you are doing the ritual during the day, you will not need a lamp.

3. This is where your breathing, concentration and visualisation will be put to the test. Please imagine and do the following: Imagine that from the top of your head and down inside it to the beginning of your neck there is a flight of 5 steps. Then imagine there is another 5 from your neck down to your sternum; and another 5 from your sternum down to your solar plexus; and finally 5 steps from your solar plexus down to the lower abdomen (i.e. 3 inches below your


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navel). In all, from the top of your head inside your body, and going down to the LES “power spot” (inches below your navel) is a flight of stairs, 20 in number.

Breathing diaphragmatically, picture yourself on the first step inside your head. Your eyes should be closed. Breathe in slowly, hold your breath for a few seconds and then say the word R-E-L-A-X, as you breathe out through your diaphragm. Before inhaling, go down on to step 19 and repeat this procedure. Now do exactly the same from step 18 down to step 1.

Now, come off of step 1 and enter the plane of LES. On, or even before arriving there, you should feel a beautiful, warm tingling sensation all over your body. You will feel light, as if you are floating. You might even experience an astral projection. But do not be discouraged if you do not experience this.

On arriving at this safe and beautiful place, relax and breathe deeply for 1 or 2 minutes. Then say the following which you should try and memorise:

“The Life-Energy-Spirit leads and guides me in all ways. Perfect health is mine and the law of harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace and abundance are mine. The principle of right action and divine order govern my entire life. I know my major premise is based on the eternal truths of life and I know, feel and believe that my Life-Energy-Spirit responds according to the nature of my conscious mind thinking.”

After having repeated the above with deep feeling, open your eyes and choose the appropriate command/prayer to shape your life the way you would like it to be.

H ow to come back from your ritual

After casting your command to your Life-Energy-Spirit (LES), pause for a few seconds, and come back by climbing the flight of steps from step 1 to step 20. This time when you breathe out, repeat the words C-O-M-I-N-G B-A-C-K instead of the word R-E-L-A-X. When you arrive at the top, say the following slowly:

“With respect and joy, I thank thee, Life-Energy-Spirit for your help. I feel happy and contented knowing that your power works for me and through me always.”


1. Perform the opening ceremony as before.2. Having arrived at the LES plane, please proceed in your imagination that you

are walking into a hospital. In the hospital there are no doctors, nurses or equipment. There are only rooms with sick people hoping to be cured of their ailments. You find an empty room and you lie down in the centre of it. The


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room is filled with a tremendous glow of white light. The light you “see” is fantastically charged with billions of volts of shattering electricity. “See” and “feel” yourself healed.

3. “See” and “feel” yourself coming out of the hospital of Life-Energy-Spirit (LES), and your loved one, friend, or a member of your family is waiting for you. “See” and “feel” the joy of this person as they see that you are completely cured. “Hear” this person say “I really want to congratulate you. You have made great progress in your health.” And you reply, “Thank you for your compliment. I have to admit that I do like the feeling of being well again.” Then you come back from the rite as explained before.


Gaze at a picture of someone well known in your line of sports who you admire, before you perform the opening ceremony.

Having arrived at the LES plane, walk straight into a gym, or onto a playing field, or athletics track, whichever suits your sport. Once there, “see” and “feel” yourself, as you really want to be. Charming, prosperous, optimistic. Picture the new you. Visualise yourself as being bronzed, physically fit and attractive. “Feel” and “see” yourself moving with the confidence and speed of your sports hero. Concentrate on having a similar body. “Feel” the energy flowing. Now repeat the following command:

“Life-Energy-Spirit, I command that you envelope and enwrap me with thy infinite strength. Fill me with power, might and boundless energy. Give me thy power to accomplish and achieve success as (name what you want be). Flow to me the strength, energy, and power to make it so. Wonderful is your presence within me.”

Picture yourself as possessing the strength, power skills of your sports hero. Imagine him/her in your mind, and “feel” their presence close to you. You then come out of the gym/playing field with your sports hero. Hear them say, “I admire your dedication and efforts. You have made strides in your own personal growth.” Then you reply, “I thank the Life-Energy-Spirit within me for this change. There doesn’t seem to be anything that I can’t do well.”

Return from the rite as explained before.


Perform the opening ceremony as before. Also, have a youthful photo of yourself to hand.

Once on the LES plane, walk straight ahead to a health and beauty clinic that you like. The same applies here as to the hospital. There are no therapists or equipment. From the ceiling of the building, you can see a fountain of healing


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youthful rays flowing down. These rays are filled with bright, charged electricity.Stand before this fountain and “see” and “feel” its light immersing you com­

pletely. “See” and “feel” the light washing away age and fatigue, replacing in your body glorious life energising youthfulness, power and vitality. Actually, “bathe” yourself in this wonderful feeling for a while. Then repeat the following:

“Life-Energy-Spirit, I command that you flow thy healing rays into me.As I bathe in you, with confidence and with faith, change and transform my mind, spirit and body, so that again I may be young and beautiful/ handsome. Make me attractive, carefree and bold, and I shall once and for all enjoy physical power, vitality and youthfulness. Life-Energy-Spirit, let thine mystic power renew me. In thy power I trust and bathe in belief. I bathe in confidence and certainty. Youthfulness to me return. I give thanks to you Life-Energy-Spirit that it is

“See” yourself looking youthful in a mirror at the clinic, like the photograph you have near you. Come out of the clinic feeling revitalised and rejuvenated. You attract glances from people walking by. You see a friend who says, “You have changed (he/she calls your name), I don’t know what you have done to yourself, but you are looking really young.” You then reply back, “Thank you for your compliments (name a friend). I have to admit that I really do feel good and young again. Thanks to the Life-Energy-Spirit”

D a ily Conditioning Techniques

You must develop the attitude of creating the right habits. You must form the habit of belief, visualising the object of your desire; looking at pictures of the things you want; and doing the appropriate rite to bring about the desire of your choice. Form the practice of blessing your money everyday as you use it and wearing “bright” colours, so that you may have the benefits of high vibrations.

The best practice of all though, is the routine of holding unwaveringly in your mind only those mental pictures and patterns that you wish to become true in your life. Repetition is absolutely essential as far as habits are concerned. It is repetition that establishes them. Repeat over and over again the things that you desire, until they finally become fixed in your mind and heart, as a guiding controlling impression in your mind, leading you on to radiant health and all the success you desire. Following are methods with which you can condition your mind during the day, in order to keep it on target for whatever you aim to achieve.

The Sleeping Technique

Repeat the following command either in your own rhythm or by using the rhythm of a clock when it goes “tick tock”.

“You are healthy, you are fine.”


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The M irror TechniqueWhenever you look in to the mirror, any time during the day, say to yourself boldly, feelingly and knowingly, the following:

“(Your name), You are healthyYou are well, You are free from all diseases, mental and physical You feel happy, healthy and free!”

The Walking TechniqueWhile out walking, or on your way to the shops etc., repeat the following command on each step:

“You are healthy, You are happy”

Let your steps take the place of the clock.

The Drinking/Eating Technique

Before taking the first sip or bite of any food or drink, repeat the following:

“As this (food/drink) enters my body It refines my entire system It brings into my life, health in mind and body I am healthy, happy and free”

The S itting TechniqueThis is more of a mental than a physical technique. Do this technique while sitting freely with no one to distract or disturb your thoughts. Your eyes can be opened or closed.

“Feel” that you are in a studio, on radio, or television and that you are being interviewed on your health progress. Make up the story in your mind, vividly, feeling the reality of it

The Writing Technique

Write a letter to any existing or imaginary friend, regarding the success of your health progress. After giving all the news, burn the letter and dispose of the ashes.


Perform the LES opening ceremony as before.Having entered the LES plane, proceed to enter into the cosmic bank. Enter


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the room with your name printed on the door. The room you enter is “full” with the highest denomination notes in the currency of your country. You start to count the amount you need, saying slowly and with feeling the following command:

“I believe in myself and the Life-Energy-Spirit that resides both in my mind and in the mind of the eternal one above. I call upon the eternal one to these proceedings, for we are one, one power, one universe, one energy.I am a channel through which this power can flow. I believe in this power united through me, that guides all our lives. What man has done, I can do with the Life-Energy working through me, because I believe, “If thou canst believe all things are possible.

My greatest desire at this time is (state your desire, the amount, name of game, contest), and to bring this situation about. I can, I will, it is done through the Life-Energy-Spirit running through me.”

Now, see yourself come out of the bank with your new found fortune, seeing yourself spending the money on things you would buy and do when the money does manifest itself. See and feel yourself in this situation, i.e. if you want to buy a car, see it parked outside your home after you have taken your family, or loved one out for a ride.

“See” and “feel” your friends admiring it and congratulating you on your luck. Then, come back from the rite as explained before.


Before trading your money for any item, mentally say the following:

“Money, money as you go out, come back to me a thousand fold.”

Then exchange your money for the item concerned. Watch how your money comes back to you multiplied from various sources. Please do use the full powers of your mind in these techniques. Visualise the shopkeeper handing you back a £20 note in exchange for a £5 note.

The Sleeping A n d Walking Technique

While carrying out the sleeping and walking techniques, repeating the following to invite riches into your life:

“You are rich, You are wealthy.”

The M irror Technique

For the mirror technique, incorporate the following to attract wealth:


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“You like moneyYou use it wisely and constructivelyYou release it with joy and it returns a thousand fold.”

The Drinking/Eating Technique

Incorporate the following while practising the drinking/eating technique to draw wealth into your life:

“As this food/drink enters my body It refines my entire system It brings into my life riches and wealth of all kind I am rich, I am wealthy, I am happy.”

Remember to do this before you take the first sip or bite of any food or drink. Use your imagination and emotions to the utmost in these mental exercises. They are the two most important requisites for achieving success in any rite.

You can make up your own commands, suggestions and affirmations, as long as they are positive, commanding and reflect your exact desire or need.


Perform the LES opening ceremony.On arriving at the LES plane, enter a cinema where the answers to all your

questions are available to you. Take a seat in front of the cinema screen. Think about the question you want answered, or visualise the sequence of the question, or the knowledge you are seeking.

On the movie screen in front of you “see” the film of where you have started your project/investigation/study etc. up to the point where you have now become stuck. Then say the following:

“My Life-Energy-Spirit knows the answer. It is responding to me now. I give thanks because 1 know my Life-Energy-Spirit knows all things and is revealing the perfect answer to me now. I rejoice that it is so.”

Still the wheels of your mind, relax, let go and watch as the answer flicks on your screen. Be happy and want it to continue. But, if nothing happens, do not be disappointed, as it doesn’t always happen first time. Come back from your ritual and repeat it again the next day. But be watchful, the answer can still appear during the day, or in a dream at night.

Whether you have received the answers, or not, please come out feeling happy that you have received the right outcome. As usual, you will have a friend, or lover waiting outside for your news finding you in a joyous mood. See them congratulate you, “Hello, I can’t imagine you as anything but successful. Everything you


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do seems to turn into an instant success”, and you replying, “Thanks for your compliments. I have to admit that I do like the feeling of being successful.”

Come back from the rite as previously explained.Always remember that you can choose your own wording for any of the rites,

but as always, they must be commanding and said with feeling and passion.


Perform the opening ceremony.On arriving at the plane, you know your desire, so you enter a door with your

name on and come out the new person that you want to be. In this exercise, the moment you pass through the door, you emerge on the other side in a smart designer suit and in the position you aspire to be. “See” and “feel” all this. The more emotion you put into it, the quicker the results will be.

Choose one of the two affirmations below and assert positively and with feeling:

“The Life-Energy-Spirit which gave me this desire leads, guides and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my Life-Energy-Spirit is now responding and what I feel and claim within is now expressed in the without. I give grateful thanks.”

Or the following:

“I realise I am one with the Life-Energy-Spirit which knows no obstacles, or delays. I live in the joyous expectancy of the best. My deeper mind responds to my thoughts. I know that the work of the Life-Energy-Spirit cannot be hindered. The Life-Energy-Spirit always finishes successfully, whatever it begins. It is now working through me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion. Whatever, I start I bring to a successful conclusion. My aim in life is to give wonderful service to my fellow men, and all those whom I contact are blessed by what I have to offer. All my work comes to full fruition in divine order.”

Subsequently, your friend congratulates you, while you respond with the same words of triumph as the above success ritual.

Return from the rite as before.


Perform the LES opening ceremonyMake sure you have a definite major aim that you will not put out of your mind

until it is accomplished. It can also be a long-term aim. Every day or night, go to


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the LES plane and choose from the various methods shown, the one that suits you best. Go through your aim and “see” yourself having achieved it.

Then repeat the following:

“Through the Life-Energy-Spirit within me, I will become (state your aim) in this world. In return I will give excellent performance and render the best of quality in the capacity of an (state your profession) starting from (month/year). I will achieve world fame and from then onwards until the (month/year), I will have in my possession (state amount). I will live my life the way I please, and achieve inner harmony and happiness.”

Or say the following:

I am in my true place in life doing what I love to do and I am happy. I have a lovely home, a kind and wonderful wife/husband/partner, and a new car.I am giving of my talents to the world in a wonderful way, and the Life- Energy-Spirit is revealing to me better ways in which I can serve humanity.I definitely and positively accept the fact that a new, wonderful opportunity is opening up for me. I know I am divinely guided in all ways to my highest expression. I believe and accept abundance and security. I believe I am being prospered beyond my fondest dreams.”

You are now congratulated by your friend and you thank him or her with the same words of success as used in the affirmation for receiving answers and secret knowledge.

Return from the rite as normal.


Sleeping/W alking Technique

“You are confident, You are successful.”

The M irror Technique

“You are absolutely outstandingYou are a tremendous successYou are full of faith and confidenceYou are immensely successfulYou are loving, harmonious and inspired.”


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D rinking I Eating Technique

“As this food/drink enters my body It refines my entire systemIt brings into my life success and achievements of all lands I am successful, outstanding and harmonious.”


Many have walked the earth feeling lost in love affairs, or a failure when it comes to affairs of the heart. They go out seeking the love of a certain person, but end up spending days and nights alone.

On the whole unrequited love is a painful experience. Everyone has the right to love and in return be loved. To experience the satisfaction of bringing into your life a special person with whom you can share your life, practise the following rite.

Perform the opening rite.On reaching the LES plane, walk through a park, garden or a beach and sit on

a bench that has been put there especially for lovers.Feel refreshed, relaxed and full of energy as you wait for your lover to arrive.

Think positively about what you will say and do to please him/her.When he/she arrives go and greet him/her with an introductory kiss on the

cheeks. You then both go and sit on the lovers’ seat. You convey to him/her in words all the things you want to say; words of love, affection and truth about your relationship. Your partner then does the same. You now feel drawn towards him/ her and you start to kiss. After hugging and kissing, repeat the following:

“The Life-Energy-Spirit takes charge of my love life today and everyday. (Name of lover) is a wonderful lover to me. He/she is spiritual, loyal, faithful and true. He/she is harmonious and perfect in every way. There will never be another one like him/her. The Life-Energy-Spirit surrounds us and enwraps us, and we go forth in peace, love and happiness.”

You now get up and walk straight into the “Lovers’ Hotel” that is in front of you, and go upstairs, via the steps of a lift with your lover and enter the room reserved for you. Then you both get undressed and if you are a woman you start to: Touch the inside of his ear lightly, circle it with one finger slowly. Circle the outside of the ear evenly, brushing into the tiny half moon below his lobe and then his eyelids. His eyes remain closed. Feel your hands stroke his neck and breathe your warm breath on his neck. Brush his inner arm with two fingertips. Circle his nipples with your tongue. Breathe on his stomach. Circle his navel with your tongue. Now caress his back with your tongue up and down his spine a couple of times. Stroke the top of his shoulders lightly with two fingers. Brush your breasts against his back, etc. etc. These are just suggestions, you can use your own sex techniques for turning him on. Above all you must use your imagination.


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If you are a man: Do the same as above but with some variations. Hot breath on her neck, lips, cheeks. Stroke her neck with three fingertips. Breathe on her nipples, and then stroke her breasts gently moving on down her body in a figure of eight. Press one finger into her navel. Stroke the inside of her thighs with your tongue. Press both buttocks, feel her move. Stroke the inside of her thighs with your fingertips again and again. Feel her breathe under your hands, the pulse in her neck, her smooth breasts, etc. etc.

Again use the power of your imagination. Sexual techniques are unbeatable in winning the love of the opposite sex. Naturally, you then unite and enjoy each other as nature intended. You come out of the “Lovers’ Hotel” with your lover, not needing anyone to congratulate you, or tell you how successful you have been. Instead, congratulate your lover on his or her marvellous love and whisper words of love to him/her.

Come back from the ritual as before.This same rite can be used to mend a broken affair, or boost up an old love,

etc. This love technique if applied correctly can win the love of your chosen one overnight.


Sleeping/W alking Technique

“You love (name of person)(name of person) loves you”

The M irror Technique

“You are absolutely outstanding Your love life is successfulYou are a mental magnet, attracting to you true love You are a wonderful success in all your undertakings”

D rinking/Eating Technique

“As this food/drink enters my body It refines my entire system It brings into my life true love *(with the opposite sex)I am outstanding, harmonious and successful attracting (my lover/the opposite sex)*

*Delete if inappropriate.


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M ethod 1

Perform the LES opening ceremony.On arriving at the plane proceed to the sacred flame temple.Once inside you feel very hot from the heat that emanates from a huge incense

burner, placed in the centre of the temple. Hanging from the rooftop is a white cinema screen. Direct your concentration to the forefront of your brain, where your psychic third eye is located. Mentally project onto the screen in a flashing neon light the following invocation:

“I now invoke the sacred flame to remove this curse that seems to be on my life. I now return the evil projections back to their source. I am free of the effect of black magick. I now attract only good luck and forces of white magick only.”

Now, mentally cut off the ropes that hold the screen above the burner and let the screen drop into the burner. See the fire burn up the screen in huge flames with dark smoke that rises higher and higher and goes up to the sky. The smoke then clears into a bright white light energy.

You now feel cured from the evil forces of magic, and walk outside feeling confident that you are protected from any evil influence cast upon you from now on.

Come back from your ritual as normal.

M ethod 2

Perform the opening ceremony.Place a white candle on a metal plate, or use a candlestick and light it. Have

your desire written on a piece of white unruled paper to hand. If you wish you can have incense burning to give a fragrance to the room and to help put you in the right state of mind. After lighting the candle burn your request in its flame. As the paper burns, close your eyes and visualise the end result. If your request involves a person, thank them for their help.

Come back from the ritual as normal.You can ask for as many requests as you desire, some of them may be granted

quickly, while others may take longer. Life-Energy-Spirit will protect you from anything in life, poverty, illness, crime, anything you desire.


Perform the opening ceremony.Having entered the LES plane go to the place where the affected person lives.

Stand in front of the house and picture a ball of fog that contains a bright, white light. Watch the fog as it slowly passes through the house, filling it and cleaning


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all the comers, taking away all the evil forces in the house; “See” the fog move slowly away and “see” it drop into the burner in the LES sacred flame temple.

Now say this powerful banishing exorcism:

“I banish from (name of person) all influences of wickedness, be they spirit, friend or devil. Be gone and return whence you came, thou foul beings, in the name of power: Yoo - hay - vaw - hay, an - don - nigh, eh - heh - yeh and ah - gah - lah. So mote it be.”

Now visualise the person healed, happy, and back to their normal self.Return from the rite as normal.


This method consists of projecting mental images upon the invisible cosmic protoplasm of the universe. Project any dream for wealth and other things of value and the LES will bring about the fulfilment of that psychic dream.

Before you go to sleep place a pen and paper near your bed, so you can write down the events that you have participated in after having your astral dream, as you may forget them before morning.

Perform the opening ceremony.Now repeat the following, once only, slowly and with feeling:

“I now project my astral body to (state desire). I banish from my astral tripall evil influences and spirits that have been sent to stop me in my ventures.I command you, the Life-Energy-Spirit within me to go and do my bidding.So mote it be.”

Depending on your desire, you take the same paved way to the appropriate cosmic shrine to achieve your results. If you intend to influence your boss or anybody else, then you would go right ahead to the person concerned, instead of the Life-Energy-Spirit shrines of health, wealth or success, etc. On seeing the person, you talk to them and command them to do exactly what you want them to do in the physical world. Do all these steps with “feeling”. If you are still awake after you have completed all the steps, do not worry. Just let your body drift into its normal sleeping state. When you wake up from a dream, take notes and follow it up with the necessary action.



The ancient Chinese mystics designed a method for determining future events that they called the “I Ching”. They taught that the soul’s karmic birth path was


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preordained and that a person could learn of certain events that would transpire in his life, by aligning his mind with the forces of fate. The mystics prepared lists of questions that could be asked by the person wanting to know his future. They tossed short sticks called hexagrams which fell in various patterns. By interpreting these designs; they could accurately foretell certain events that were destined to befall them. Sometimes coins were used by the ancient Chinese to point out the patterns of events. However, here you will be shown a new simple method of how to use the system of I Ching. Instead of using sticks or coins, we will use a dice to show the unfolding of the future destiny. The toss of the six-sided dice is left entirely to the hands of fate and will give you the answers you ask for.

In using the I Ching, remember that you are still a person of free will and if the answers do not seem to conform to your own desires, you can still act contrary to the advice given. Use I Ching as a guiding force, rather than a decisive force. If the answer is what you expected it will give you greater courage to act accordingly. If it is the opposite of your expectations you must work harder to make the project a success.

Instructions For Using The I Ching To Predict Your Future

Perform the LES opening ceremony.Have a dim light inside the room where you can read the answer to your

question. Write out your question on a slip of paper. You may select more than one question, as each throw of the dice will reveal the suitable course of action that you should take. Place the slip of paper, one at a time, with a question written on it, together with the dice in a holder. A small cup, or eggcup will do. Shake well, then let the dice roll on the floor or on your altar, depending on where you sit to perform your LES rituals. As there are 6 numbers on the dice, there will be 6 possible answers to your question.

After you obtain the number from the dice, which will give you the answer to your question, turn to the category that your question falls into and the number designated by the dice will be the answer to that particular question.

There are 25 typical life experiences given below. You may choose any of the questions and the answers will be pre-ordained by the fall of the dice, which will give you the answer to the question you asked. You may ask one or more questions at any one sitting, in any of the 25 categories given.


1. Will I succeed in my present business venture?2. Will I get the sum of money I expect?3. Will this problem be solved in my favour?4. Should I change my residence at this time?5. Should I marry this person?


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6. Will I have children in my marriage?7. Will I take the trip I am planning?8. Can I trust this person?9. Will I be able to overcome this illness?

10. Will I make a fortune in my lifetime?11. Will this gambling venture prove successful?12. How will this legal problem turn out?13. Will I inherit money from any source?14. Will this person recover from this illness?15. Will I ever become rich?16. Can I succeed in the stock market?17. Should I sell my property at this time?18. Does this person I love really love me?19. Will I locate my missing valuables?20. Will I live a long and healthy life? -21. Will I get the job I want?22. Should I ask for a raise in salary at this time?23. How can I win the love of this person?24. Should I try to go into my own business?25. Should I go through with plans for a divorce?


Question 1 - W ill I succeed in my present business venture?1. Yes, you will succeed. This is basically a good venture, but will require a great

deal of patience to make it a success.

2. There is a possibility of two courses of action; one depends on assistance from another person. The second, on whether you have sufficient money to choose this deal at present.

3. Be cautious, especially if this is a partnership. Something may happen to disrupt your plans and bring about a sudden decision to abandon this project in favour of something else.

4. There may be several delays and disappointments in this business venture. It will not completely fulfil your expectations. Adopt a wait and see attitude.

5. You are now in a cycle of changes and important decisions, so hold off action for a while longer. You will receive a definite go ahead signal when the time is ripe.


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6. It is too risky a venture at this time. It is better to give up this venture and wait for a more opportune time to carry out such a plan.

Question 2 - W ill I get the sum o f money that I expect?

1. Money you are looking forward to will come your way in the designated time. Use it wisely to secure your future, and avoid spending it on unnecessary things.

2. There are doubts that you will receive this money that you anticipate. Someone is holding up payment and you may have to take further action to receive it in the specified time.

3. Be careful not to complicate matters by taking action that might be offensive or threatening. Wait and see if the money does come through a natural course of events.

4. A period of frustration and delays is bound to occur in regard to money matters. Seek an alternative course through a bank loan, or someone you know who can assist you.

5. Your life situation appears to be changing. Money will be slow in coming and you can expect small amounts to meet your current needs. Do not give up plans to increase your income.

6. Do not depend on this source for the sum of money you desire. There is a danger that your financial condition will rapidly deteriorate, unless you take definite steps to cut down on expenses and limit your risks in investments or business.

Question 3 - Will this problem be solved in my favour?

1. A solution to your problem is definitely on the way. It will materialise suddenly and will definitely prove favourable to you.

2. There are two possible solutions. One depends on another person’s help and the other, on timing. Be patient and wait.

3. Be careful not to settle on a partial solution, as there is danger the person involved will try to trick you in some way.

4. A time element is involved in this problem that must be carefully worked out. Take active steps to remove obstacles.

5. If you sit back and relax having done all you can, this problem will solve itself in this cycle of changes for the better.

6. Be careful not to sign legal papers, or put too much faith in the words of a person who may deceive you. You are in a period of risks and danger, and you must use caution.


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1. Yes, you should change your residence at this time. You have outlived your purpose in your present home and it is time to change.

2. The issue is clouded. A change may be desirable, but you will find it difficult to make the move under present conditions.

3. Don’t jump from the frying pan into the fire; look over the new place carefully to be sure it meets all your needs.

4. A delay is shown in your plans to move. It may not be easy to find the type of place you desire. It might be better to put this move off until a better time.

5. As you are in a new cycle at this time, a change in residence is- favoured. Start to make plans now and they will mature soon.

6. There are risks involved in making this move at present. Avoid taking on debts and be sure that the neighbourhood is right before making a change.

Question 5 - Should I marry this person?

1. It is indicated that this person would be a suitable mate. You have a great deal in common and can build a good marriage.

2. There will be conflict within your mind, for you will have a choice between two people whom you seem to love equally.

3. Many hidden dangers exist in this romance. Look at your future in-laws and ask if you could be happy in such a marriage.

4. A period of delays and frustrations is shown in love at present. Do not be disappointed if your plans fall through at the last moment.

5. A romantic affair ends and a new one begins with a person you have recently met. Continue with this liaison until you are sure of this person.

6. At best, this could turn out to be a temporary marriage filled with problems and disappointments. You will do better by waiting.

Question 6 - W ill I have children in my marriage?

1. A family of two children is indicated, a boy and a girl who will be born two years apart. They will be healthy and normal.

2. Owing to a difficult time financially, it may be necessary for you to wait a year or two before having children.

3. There may be problems for you in having a natural childbirth Check into this carefully and if you cannot have children you should consider adopting.

Question 4 - S hou ld I change m y residence a t this tim e?


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4. Marriage problems that arise owing to difficulties with in-laws make it advis­able to think twice before having children.

5. Three children will bless your union, but many home changes-may make it difficult to rear them with security.

6. The possibility of incompatibility with your mate and the chance that your marriage may end in divorce, make it inadvisable to have children in this union.

Question 7 - W ill I take the trip I am planning?

1. Yes, you will take this trip, and it will bring you pleasure and relaxation. Aromantic episode will occur that brings you happiness.

2. There is a strong possibility you will have to wait awhile before taking this trip, owing to financial problems.

3. Some business matters may require attention first. After this is taken care of, you will take this trip and enjoy it.

4. There will be several delays in your plans to take a trip at this time. Unexpected problems will arise, causing you to defer it.

5. A very important business matter arises that may make it necessary for you to put off your trip for at least 6 months.

6. If you take this trip, there will be disappointments that make it mostunpleasant. Do not take chances at this time.

Question 8 - Can I trust this person?

1. Proceed with plans already made, and have confidence that this person will prove trustworthy and helpful.

2. Limit your activities with this person, and do not put too much trust in the entire situation. Avoid a long relationship.

3. If you are involved in a money deal with this person, try not to put too much faith, or trust in this person.

4. A period of mutual trust will be followed by a bitter disappointment in something that this person will do to you.

5. This person means well, but there are other factors involved that may bring about a radical change in your future plans.

6. Terminate this contract, or it will cause you loss of money and time. You will find someone else who can assist you.


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1. Improvement is shown quickly, so avoid being unduly alarmed. Follow your doctor’s advice implicitly and all will be well.

2. It may be necessary to continue with medication for some time, as this health problem may be the result of past neglect.

3. Avoid self-medication for this condition, as it might develop into something serious. Consult your family doctor.

4. A temporary health difficulty is shown that will respond to rest, diet and mild exercise.

5. Congestion and inflammation will subside quickly with plenty of rest, and by maintaining a cheerful mental attitude.

6. A brief illness is indicated that will leave you in good physical condition, but weak for a time. Take better care of yourself in the future.

Question 10 - W ill I make a fortune in my lifetime?

1. The potential to make a fortune in the future is there within your mind. This will be through creative ideas.

2. A long term investment in real estate could bring you a fortune over several years. Begin to invest now.

3. Avoid speculations in gold, oil, or stocks and shares. Stick with the tried and- tested in a business that you know, and you will be rich in the future.

4. After a few futile starts, you will hit on an idea that can make you a fortune in the next 10 years. Spend it wisely.

5. Avoid gambling and speculation if you want to become rich. Your fortunes will fluctuate, and vary throughout your lifetime.

6. You are on a rocky financial course that can spell disaster. Build a new sense of values and develop more money awareness.

Question 11 - W ill this gambling venture prove successful?

1. You are in a lucky cycle that can bring you financial rewards through games of chance.

2. Your natural timidity about losing money makes it doubtful that you can even become a successful gambler. Give it up.

3. Use caution in all gambling ventures. Do it only for fun occasionally, and never for more than you can afford.

Question 9 - W ill I be able to overcom e this illness?


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4. You will make just enough money to tempt you to go back and lose what you have won. It is better to stay away from gambling.

5. Your luck will change suddenly, and after a period of losses you will begin to hit a lucky streak. Quit while you are ahead.

6. Yours is not a lucky fate when it comes to gambling. You will risk losingeverything if you indulge in this habit.

Question 12 - H ow w ill this legal problem turn out?

1. Trust your lawyer as you are in good hands, and you will win this case after aseeming reversal.

2. Through mistakes made by your opponents, you still have a very good chance of coming out on top in this legal problem.

3. Be careful not to say something on the witness stand that will prejudice your case. It does not look too good now.

4. Just when everything seems lost, the scales of justice will tip in your favour and bring you an unexpected settlement.

5. A sudden shift of tactics by the opposing attorney could bring you an unexpected victory and a good settlement.

6. Try to settle this matter out of court, as there is grave danger that the verdict could go against you.

Question 13 - Will I inherit money from any source?

1. A change in a person’s will has already been made that will assure you of receiving a stable inheritance when this person dies.

2. Some members of the family may be jealous of you and make underhanded efforts to have your name removed from a will.

3. Proceed in your friendship with this person of wealth, as there is a very real possibility that you will be cited in their will.

4. An elderly person with a substantial fortune is being urged to name you in a will. A change in the will may occur soon.

5. Plans to give you an inheritance may be altered by someone who is not yet convinced of your worthiness to receive benefits.

6. Do not waste time and money on a wealthy person, for it is doubtful if a legacy will ever be left to you in this person’s will.


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1. A complete recovery is indicated, but the person will have to take great care in the future to avoid a recurrence of illness.

2. If the doctor’s instructions are carefully followed, this person has a good chance of recovering without any future ill effects.

3. The doctor may suggest a rather drastic treatment that could include an operation. Follow the doctor’s advice.

4. After a brief period of uncertainty, the patient will begin to make a complete recovery, but it will be a long, slow progress.

5. It may be necessary to consult another doctor in this case. Delays and obstacles have occurred that should be checked out.

6. There is grave danger that recovery will not be complete and this person may have a relapse that will prove serious.

Question IS - W ill I ever become rich?

1. With your shrewd mind and creative thinking there is every likelihood that you will become rich during your middle age years.

2. If you use your creative intelligence and go into your own business, there is a chance for you to have a good income throughout your life.

3. You will make and lose two fortunes through your own carelessness. Strive to use caution in your business dealings and avoid gambling.

4. After a period of losses and delays, you will suddenly have a spurt of good luck that could take you to financial independence.

5. There are many financial changes on the horizon for you. Stick with your present business plans and you will have financial independence, but not great wealth in the future.

6. The present course of action will lead you into financial problems that are bound to mitigate against you ever being wealthy.

Question 16 - Can I succeed in the stock market?

1. By a careful study of the financial picture at this time, you can safely invest in the stock market and have substantial profits.

2. Avoid investing more than you can afford, as the market will fluctuate drasti­cally in the months ahead. You must study the conditions carefully before investing your money.

Question 14 - W ill this person recover from this illness?


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3. The indications are not favourable for you to have success in this type of speculation. You would be better off in your own business.

4. After a period of some profits in the stock market, you will hit a losing cycle. It is better to get out than to continue to lose.

5. Change your financial picture and vary your investments. The stock market does not seem the most suitable source for future wealth.

6. Your type of temperament cannot stand the uncertainty of the stock market, so avoid taking chances in this difficult field.

Question 17 - Should I sell my property a t this time?

1. By disposing of this property now, you will have an opportunity to use the money you receive for more lucrative investments.

2. An offer may be something that you will consider, but at the last moment the deal is certain to fall through. Keep trying until you succeed.

3. The estate market is going through a radical change. It will be wise for you to wait until property values rise.

4. There are indications that you will be forced to wait awhile longer before you are able to dispose of this property.

5. You have a three month period ahead of you in which profits are shown in real estate. Take action in this time to sell.

6. Get rid of this property now and do not wait for it to improve in value, as you face a declining financial cycle.

Question 18 - Does the person I love really love me?

1. You can be sure that this person does love you. At times there may be actions that show carelessness, but there is real love here.

2. There are some doubts regarding this romance. You should not make serious plans for a permanent union until you know this person better.

3. A character weakness will make it difficult for you to get along with this person. Search elsewhere for your true soul mate.

4. This romance will be an on/off type of relationship that will really test your patience. You deserve someone much better.

5. Two people you met recently may profess their love for you. Test them both for a while before you make any decision.

6. A doubtful romance that will bring problems, end it as amicably as possible. Look for someone more compatible to you


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1. You will locate your missing valuables when you calm down, and let your subconscious mind guide you to where they have been misplaced.

2. There are several factors involved that will make it somewhat doubtful of their location. Another person is certain to be involved and this could be a suspicious circumstance.

3. Avoid hysteria and calmly sit down and trace your actions preceding your loss. It is likely that they have been temporarily misplaced and will be located soon.

4. After a period of time, you will discover that the valuables were put in a place where they were assumed safe. A recovery of these valuables is probable after some delay.

5. Search for your valuables in places where you would be least likely to look. There is a chance that they have been placed in a box where you thought they were safe.

6. There is little likelihood that you will discover these lost valuables. Someone is involved in their disappearance.

Question 20 - W ill I live a long healthy life?

1. After some minor illnesses, you will gain in strength and should live a long, healthy and prosperous life.

2. You can live longer than your life expectation by being careful, and avoiding bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

3. A careful diet and the avoidance of excess weight will be the two key factors in you living your natural life span. Begin now by keeping your diet under control and getting plenty of rest and exercise.

4. Many of your health problems will be the result of stress. To live a long life, keep stress and worry to a minimum, and avoid fear and hate.

5. You are going through a profound mental and physical change. This will affect your health and give you a longer life

6. The path you are taking now is certain to shorten your life expectancy. Change your life style and take more rest. Avoid rich foods and keep your consumption of starches and carbohydrates to a minimum.

Question 21 - W ill I get the job that I want?

1. You are in line for a very interesting and lucrative position that will give you job satisfaction and all the financial rewards that go with the job.

Q uestion 19 - W ill I locate m y m issing valuables?


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2. An improvement is made in your working conditions, but you want more than this. Persevere for easier working conditions and an increase in salary.

3. After a period of uncertainty in your work, you will find it necessary to make a change. However, wait until the time is right.

4. Through a friend, you will learn of an opening in a company where you may find work that is suitable to your talents.

5. Make a change as quickly as possible, as you are working very hard for too little money in your present job.

6. It is not a good time for you to make a career change. Stay where you are until you have built up some financial reserves, then change.

Question 22 - Should I ask for an increase in salary a t this time?

1. Your chances of obtaining a pay rise at this time are excellent. Know your true worth and do not be afraid to ask.

2. The company may not be willing to give you an increase in salary due to heavy overheads, so postpone for a while.

3. Be prepared to give up your job and try finding one more worthy of your talents, because the salary increase you are expecting will not be forthcoming.

4. Wait until better times are indicated in business before you ask for an increase in salary. You may be worth it, but the boss may not be able to grant your wishes right now.

5. You are long overdue a pay rise and you should ask for it, although it may not be granted at this time.

6. Avoid confrontation with your employer at this time over a pay rise. It is not likely to be granted and could cause a crisis in your relationship.

Question 23 - H ow can I w in the love o f this person?

1. Be natural and let your personality shine through, and you will easily win the love and attention of the person you have chosen.

2. A romantic change is indicated for you, but first there must be a winding up of an old romance that could be standing in your way.

3. Be more assertive and let this person you love know that you desire a permanent relationship, and you will be on your way.

4. No matter what you do, there are obstacles in the way of this romance that will make it impossible for this person to fall in love with you. Go and find someone else.


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5. Do not grieve if this person does not respond to you, because you deserve someone who really appreciates your qualities and true beauty of soul.

6. This person may respond to your overtures and show some emotional reaction, but it is certain to be false and will soon end.

Question 24 - Should I try to start my own business?

1. This is an excellent time for you to take a firm step in the direction of starting your own business. The money will come, so be firm in your resolve.

2. If you have a partner who is willing to meet you halfway, you should consider taking this step now.

3. There are obstacles that stand in your way at present. It would be better for you to have more capital for this venture.

4. Stay in your present business, for the time is not yet ripe for you to embark on such a speculative venture.

5. Begin to make plans for starting up your own business in the next 2 or 3 years by preparing yourself financially.

6. Avoid taking on such a responsibility. You are better off working for a salary, until such time that you are confident you can branch out for yourself.

Question 25 - Should I go through with plans for a divorce?

1. You have done everything you can to avoid the breakup of your marriage. Now you must carry through with your plans.

2. After many false starts and beginnings, you are now convinced that this person is not capable of changing, so use your own good judgement as to whether you should go your own separate ways.

3. Some other person could be trying to interfere in this marriage and causing your partner to act in a strange and hostile manner.

4. There seems to be no other way out of your difficult situation. If you wish to delay this divorce for a while because of circumstances in the home, do so. But ultimately you must act.

5. A new romantic partner will finally force you to take the steps in winning the freedom that you have so long desired.

6. Ensure that you receive the right financial settlement before you go through with this action. Better to end the relationship than to continue in disharmony for many more years.


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W hat is the Pendulum?

A pendulum is made up of a long thin thread that is tied to an object which is usually spherical or cylindrical in shape. You can purchase a suitable pendulum from a good occult shop. The pendulum is an outstanding magical aid because of its accuracy in revealing to its user correct answers to questions asked using the divinatory process.

Training Exercises

Before you can begin to use your pendulum for revealing answers to you, you must practise certain exercises to clear the way for your Life-Energy-Spirit so it can communicate clearly with you. The period of time you take for any exercise should be about ten to fifteen minutes a day.

Let us examine how the pendulum works:

1. The Life-Energy-Spirit within you receives information from the all knowing universal mind, that vast pool of knowledge from which past, present and future information can be known, and answers given to your pendulum are determined by its movement.

2. Universal mind passes the required information to your Life-Energy-Spirit and through it to your conscious mind.

3. The conscious mind transmits the information thus received through your hand, and finally to your pendulum, which makes the appropriate movement to indicate the answer received.

The Exercises

Any time of the day that you chose, sit alone and undistracted at a table. Make sure all large voltage electrical equipment such as televisions/dvd/video players etc. are switched off. The electrical energy generated by such equipment can disturb the pendulum reading.

Place in front of you on the table a plain sheet of paper, and a pen or pencil. Firmly plant your bare feet on the floor, so that they do not touch each other.

Perform the LES opening ceremony. Then open your eyes and hold your pendulum in the following position: Hold the thread two inches from the end. Hold the pendulum about an inch above the paper with the thumb and first finger


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of your writing hand. Your elbow should be on the table, your wrist slightly bent, so that the pendulum hangs loosely over the centre of the paper.

You are now ready to determine which direction means Ifes and which meansNo.

Ask the pendulum a simple question to which you know the answer, for example, “Is it Tuesday?”, “Is my name Jack?”, etc. Precede the question with the words “Life-Energy-Spirit”. Repeat the question slowly, but mentally until the pendulum begins to move of its own accord in a particular direction. Put the pendulum down and use the pen to mark the direction of the movement on your piece of paper. Write “yes” against it so that you do not forget.

Now ask the pendulum a question to which the answer is “no”! Again precede the question with the words “Life-Energy-Spirit”. Again, repeat the question slowly, but mentally until the direction of the pendulum moves of its own accord. Mark the direction of the movement on your paper.

Repeat this exercise daily for about a week, twice daily if possible before you proceed to the next exercise.

M aking The M in d Blank

To effectively use the pendulum, you must ensure that your personal thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, etc., are never allowed to interfere with the information received from the universal mind. To do this you should be able to make your conscious mind completely blank. For a few seconds after you have asked your question you must not think about anything. This is not easy and you need to diligently practise the following exercise:

1. Perform the LES opening ritual while seated at your table. Look straight at the wall in front of you. Stare at the wall, concentrating your attention on it.

2. All at once, switch your thoughts from the wall and push every thought from your mind. In other words, attempt to think of nothing at all.

3. Combine the above with the following further exercise:

a. You will need a pack of playing cards, but as you need only 5 black and 5 red cards of any suit, you can create your own by simply painting 5 red and 5 black squares of thin card. Place the cards upside down in your left palm and shuffle them.

b. Place the 10 cards in front of you, one on top of the other.

c. Take the first card and place it in the centre of your table, underneath your lifted pendulum.

d. Ask the following question 3 times with each card? “Tell me Life-Energy- Spirit, is this card at the centre of the table coloured red?” Watch the direction and make a mental note of the answer. Repeat this twice. Take the


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total amount of “yes/no’s” out of 3 as the correct answer, for example, if it is 2 out of 3 times, and the answer is a “yes”, take it as a “yes”. If it is 3 out of 3 times, then it is definitely a “yes”. If it swings to a “yes” 1 out of 3 times, then take the answer as a “no”.

e. Repeat with all the other cards, put all the right answers on your right hand side and the wrong answers on your left side. Continue with the exercise until you reach a 10 out of 10 result. You are now ready to ask questions. Once you have made headway with the “yes/no” technique, you can move on to more advanced techniques by using the “Pendulum Divinatory Chart”.


You will need your cards again for this exercise. You must also go through the same procedure as before, only this time you will be using a chart. Watch the pendulum as it swings happily from letter to letter to answer your questions. Use simple questions, for example, as “What day is it today?”, or “What is my name?”, etc.

You could at a later period contact a spirit friend with this technique. It is of great importance if you communicate with a spirit on the next plane that you get one that is of good character. To do so, repeat the following invocation after the LES opening ceremony and just before taking hold of your pendulum, say:

“I invoke the good spirits of the inner plane The information received will be used only for good I ask that an honest spirit communicates with me Grant that I gain understanding and truth from them.”

Then you hold your pendulum in the normal way and begin:

“Spirit, Spirit, if you are with me Please answer by swinging to ‘yes’”

If it is “yes”, feel happy and continue. Ask their name, and get to know them. You can leave your questions for the second or third contact. 10 to 15 minutes is enough. Cease when your hand tends to become tired, tense and unrelaxed.

Using The Chart

Hold your pendulum 1 to 2 inches above the centre of the chart ( + ). When using your chart you should phrase your questions in the following way:

“Tell me LES what day is today?”


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As the pendulum starts to swing to the first letter, upon doing so, say “Thank you LES, next letter please.” You continue to do so until the pendulum stops swinging.

Be definite and specific in your questions, no beating around the bush. Make your pendulum one of your best friends, and together you should be an invincible team.


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