Introduction Ellen Walker CPSC 201 Data Structures Hiram College

Introduction Ellen Walker CPSC 201 Data Structures Hiram College

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Ellen Walker

CPSC 201 Data Structures

Hiram College

Data Structures

• Toolkit for programmers– Abstract Data Types: List, Queue, Stack, Tree,

Graph– Algorithms to implement and use these types

• Practical Programming– Larger programs than CS 172– More “independence” in design– Additional Java topics (exceptions, interfaces &

implementations, collections…)– [ time management in programming ]

What we won’t cover

• In-depth analysis of algorithms related to data structures

• Sorting and searching (except as it relates to specific data structures)

• Advanced algorithms, especially those not tied to data structures

• There is a 400-level course “Algorithms” that deals with these topics in depth

Problem Solving

• Algorithm– Step by step description of how to solve the

problem– (Not enough by itself!)

• Data structure– How the data is stored– Organized so that you can “operate on it easily as

the algorithm requires”

• Must be coordinated!

Data Structures You’ve Used

• Array - collection of data, all of the same type, accessible by index

• Class - collection of data of many types, relating to a single object– Classes also include methods (functions)

• String - sequence of characters

• Appendix A (Introduction to Java) should be a review of material you learned in 172

Software Life Cycle Activities

• Requirements• Analysis • Design• Implementation• Testing• (Maintenance)

Waterfall (unworkable!)






Unified Model

• Project developed in “iterations”• Each iteration is a mini-waterfall• Depending on “phase”, different activities are


• Allows loops: requirement -> analysis -> improve requirement -> more analysis -> design ->improve analysis …

Unified Model Phases

• Inception– Requirements, some Analysis

• Elaboration– Requirements, Analysis, some Design & Testing

• Construction– Design, Implementation, some Analysis, minimal

Requirements, increasing Testing

• Transition– Testing, some Implementation


• Finding out what the client really needs• Generally a dialog with the client• Result is specific enough to take forward to…


• Evaluate alternative approaches and make necessary decisions (e.g. off-the-shelf vs. custom design)

• Refine requirements if necessary


• Determine how the system will be organized and broken down into smaller parts for implementation– Top-down – Object-oriented

Design vs. Implementation

• Design– Determine what the pieces are (abstractions)– Determine how they fit together (interfaces)

• Implementation– Translate pieces into (Java) code

• Develop Java interfaces• Develop Java classes, including implementing algorithms


• Model of a physical entity or activity• Emphasizes what we need; “abstracts away”

irrelevant complexity• Different abstractions of the same entity for

different uses:– CAR, to a driver– CAR, to a mechanic– CAR, to a new-model designer– CAR, to an insurance agent

Procedural Abstraction

• Separating what a method does …• …from how it does it• Example: system.out.println() • Another example (assuming methods do what

their names say):Circle Sun = new Circle();Sun.setColor(“yellow”);Sun.draw();

Advantages of Procedural Abstraction

• Reducing complexity• Allowing code reuse• Easy to improve all code by improving a

library method (as long as the what doesn’t change)– Example: substitute binary search for sequential

search to make directory lookups faster

Data Abstraction

• Separate the “logical view” of data from the “physical view” of how it’s actually stored

• Example: number– Logical view: the numeric value– Physical view: binary 2’s complement or floating point


• Example: list– Logical view: sequence of elements– Physical view: exactly how and where those elements are

stored, as well as any bookkeeping information

Advantages of Data Abstraction

• Same program can work on different underlying architectures

• Programmer freed from dealing with representation issues– Except if they’re implementing the object itself

(such as Integer or Double)

Information Hiding

• Clients (higher-level objects) can access data objects only through their methods– Clock.set (“01:00”);– Clock.addMinute(); //NOT Clock.minute++;

• Illegal representations impossible• Changing implementations doesn’t break

existing code

Abstract Data Type

• An abstract data type (ADT) encapsulates all relevant data items and methods – Includes data and procedural abstraction– Provides information hiding– Allows for reusable code

(public methods)

ADT (data inside)

Interfaces & Implementations

• An interface is an abstract specification for an object– Methods it provides– Parameters those methods take

• An implementation is a class that includes methods specified by the interface

• An instance is an actual object (created with new) • A client is a “higher-level” program that uses the

implementation (knowing only the interface)

Interface: Light Bulb Socket

• Implementations (instances)

• Clients (instances)

Interface as Contract

• Interface designer specifies methods and parameters (and what they mean)

• Implementor promises to implement all specified methods– Java compiler enforces this (to a point)

• Client must use methods as specified– No knowledge of implementation– Consider implementation can change tomorrow

Specifying What a Method Does

• Preconditions– True before the method runs (assumptions)– Example: “X is a positive number”

• Postconditions– True after the method runs (results)– Example: “Y = 2X”

• Contract– IF preconditions are true before, THEN postconditions are

true after– When preconditions are false, all bets are off!

Specification with Preconditions and Postconditions

• Sort(anArray, num)– Sorts an array into ascending order– Precondition: anArray is an array of num integers

• Num is positive• Num is less than the declared size of the array


– Postcondition: anArray is sorted into ascending order , i.e anArray[0] <= anArray[1] <= anArray[2]… <=anArray[num-1], elements beyond num are not affected, and num is the same as before…

If we use a list instead…

• Sort(aList)– Sorts a vector into ascending order– Precondition: aList is a list of objects that have a

value that can be compared (i.e. have a compareTo method)

– Postcondition : aList is sorted into ascending order , i.e each element is <= the following one

What about search?

• aSequence.Search (anItem)– Precondition– Postcondition


• Write preconditions and postconditions as part of your documentation

• You might as well write them first!• They are a “contract” - if you know these

conditions, you can use a method without even looking at its source code!

Conditions as Documentation

/** Process a bank account deposit

pre: amount is positive

post: Adds the specified amount to balance


Public void processDeposit(double amt){

balance += amt;



• Statements that must be true at a given point in the code

• Preconditions & postconditions are special cases

• Java provides “assert” function to test assertions in the code

• Loop invariants are another kind of assertion…

Assertions and Verification

• Goal: given precondition and algorithm, prove the postcondition will happen

• Technique: work backwards step by step from the postcondition, seeing what is needed…

• Example: x=y+1, postcondition x=2• Required precondition:

Loop invariant

• True before the loop begins (after initialization)

• True before / after each iteration of the loop• True after the loop terminates

• Usually, all variables that are changed by a loop are included in its invariant.


• Codeint i=1

int x=2


x+=x; i++;

• Invariant is:• Postcondition is:

A Loop is Correct When…

1. The invariant is true before the loop.

2. The invariant is preserved through a single execution of the loop.

3. If the invariant is true and the loop exited, the postcondition is true.

4. The loop always terminates.

Using Invariants

• Determine invariants to understand existing code

• Develop invariants during design – Aid in correct initialization– Aid in avoiding “off by one” errors

• Document invariants in code (especially complex loops)