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International Journal of Computer IntegratedManufacturing

ISSN: 0951-192X (Print) 1362-3052 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tcim20

Introduction and establishment of virtual trainingin the factory of the future

Dominic Gorecky, Mohamed Khamis & Katharina Mura

To cite this article: Dominic Gorecky, Mohamed Khamis & Katharina Mura (2017) Introductionand establishment of virtual training in the factory of the future, International Journal of ComputerIntegrated Manufacturing, 30:1, 182-190, DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2015.1067918

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2015.1067918

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Page 2: Introduction and establishment of virtual training in the ... · Innovative Factory Systems department (IFS), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern,

Introduction and establishment of virtual training in the factory of the future

Dominic Gorecky*, Mohamed Khamis and Katharina Mura

Innovative Factory Systems department (IFS), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany

(Received 18 August 2014; accepted 10 May 2015)

In order to make the factory of the future vision a reality, various requirements need to be met. There is a need tocontinuously qualify the human worker about new and changing technology trends since the human is the most flexibleentity in the production system. This demands introducing novel approaches for knowledge-delivery and skill transfer. Thispaper introduces the design, implementation and evaluation of an advanced virtual training system, which has beendeveloped in the EU-FP7 project VISTRA. The domain of interest is automotive manufacturing since it is one of theleading industries in adopting future factory concepts and technologies such as cyber-physical systems and internet ofthings. First of all, the authors motivate the topic based on the state-of-the-art concerning training systems for manualassembly and relevant technologies. Then, the main challenges and research questions are presented followed by the designand implementation of the VISTRA project including its methodologies. Furthermore, the results of experimental andtechnical evaluation of the system are described and discussed. In the conclusion, the authors give an outlook at theimplementation and evaluation of the example application in related industries.

Keywords: advanced interaction; digital factory; factory of the future; human-centred production; Industry 4.0; semantics;training systems; virtual reality


The success of manufacturing enterprises depends on theircapability to quickly adapt to technological, social andeconomic boundary conditions. The increasing productcomplexity, the wealth of product variants and the shorterproduct life cycles are challenges that can only be solvedto a limited extent by traditional automation.

High product variability and shortened product lifecycles require agile and flexible production structureswhich can be rapidly reconfigured and prepared for newcustomer demands. Many manufacturing sections such asthe automotive industry cast off the idea of full automationand rather follow mass customisation strategies, whichmean a combination of low unit costs of mass productionprocesses and a maximum of flexibility for individualcustomisation. To address these new requirements, numer-ous (inter-) national innovation and roadmapping pro-grammes have been developed across Europe, e.g.EFFRA (2012). Special emphasis deserves the GermanIndustry 4.0 innovation strategy which targets at the effi-cient, individual production at lot size 1 under the condi-tion of highly flexibilised mass production by theemergence of cyber-physical systems and internet ofthings technologies in the production domain(Kagerman, Wahlster, and Helbig 2013). Industry 4.0foresees flexible, modular production equipment as wellas self-configuring and self-optimising production pro-cesses (Loskyll et al. 2012). In addition, it incorporates

the idea of full integration and continuity of data, e.g.horizontal integration through value networks, end-to-end integration of engineering across the product andproduction development process, and vertical integrationwithin networked manufacturing systems.

The Industry 4.0 innovation strategy is not gravitatingtowards worker-less production facilities (unlike theComputer Integrated Manufacturing approach of the1980s): human operators are acknowledged as the mostflexible parts in the production system being maximallyadaptive to the more and more challenging work environ-ment. The future requirements workers face on the shop floorare increased product complexity, shortened product devel-opment cycles and quickly changing production processesrequiring fast adaption to new boundary conditions. In orderto enable the human workers to fulfil their tasks efficientlywithin more and more complex environments, the imple-mentation of adequate qualification measures is requiredcomprising both the organisational and technological level.

The automotive industry is a technology pioneer,where key aspects of Industry 4.0 are already realised.First, product and production development make extensiveuse of digital tools and methods for testing and securingproduction processes beforehand and are, to some extent,supported by advanced data integration and continuity(compare the digital factory concept; VDI 4499 2008).For instance, product designers and production plannersexchange data continuously in order to optimally planthe configuration of the production line and to secure its

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017Vol. 30, No. 1, 182–190, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2015.1067918

© 2015 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group




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ramp-up. Second, production lines in automotive feature apredefined versatility for multi-model and multi-variantproduction at high volume by combining advanced auto-mation with the flexibility of manual work. For instance,in the area of final assembly qualified personnel in com-bination with automatised equipment create cars eachconsisting of typically 10,000 single parts or more.

Before the operators are allowed to perform the assem-bly in the production line, they must repeatedly practisethe respective assembly processes. Workers train by thehelp of hardware prototypes going along with severaldisadvantages, e.g. it is costly, limited in scale and productvariants, limited hardware availability only at a late devel-opment stage (Krammer, Neef, and Plapper 2011). Tobypass the limitations of hardware training and especiallyto test and secure production processes already at an earlystage computer-aided technologies for training purposesneed to be developed and deployed in the existing IT andorganisational infrastructures of the manufacturers. In thiscontext, virtual training is a promising solution.

Virtual training was first introduced more than twodecades ago (Kozak et al. 1993). Despite many studiesthat have confirmed the positive impact of virtual trainingon procedural learning in manual industrial tasks (Linet al. 2002; Malmsköld et al. 2007; Adams, Klowden,and Hannaford 2001), virtual training has not made itsway into daily practice in industry yet.

The first reason for the rare establishment of virtualtraining is the lack of user acceptance resulting from itsdesign (Gorecky, Mura, et al. 2013). Existing virtual train-ing solutions either represent desktop-based simulationsusing mouse interaction or expensive caves for simulating3D virtual environments. Both approaches neglect conve-nient and affordable consumer market solutions likeNintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect. Moreover, there isno elaborated training process that synergistically com-bines virtual training with hardware training and integratesit into the existing organisational structures.

The second reason for virtual training not being estab-lished in training practice is the fact that data relevant forvirtual training are widespread over different systemsthroughout the company. Despite ongoing efforts on dataintegration, authoring efforts for collecting the relevantdata, defining the training scenarios and preparing thetraining plans have outbalanced the potential benefits ofvirtual training. The precondition for the breakthrough ofvirtual training is generation of training scenarios requir-ing little or no authoring effort at all. Although data fromthe product and production development (e.g. structuraland geometrical data on products and production struc-tures, process descriptions) are available and could beused for this purpose, a methodology for integration andreuse of existing data structures is missing.

This paper presents the design and evaluation of anadvanced virtual training system which addresses the

mentioned problems. It has been developed in theEU-FP7 project VISTRA (http://www.vistra-project.eu)involving all relevant stakeholders. It covers a suitablemethodology for the automated preparation of virtual train-ing scenarios, i.e. by integrating relevant planning datafrom the distributed IT structures of the digital factory.Therefore, the project offers important implications for thefactory of the future vision, concretely, a higher transpar-ency of complex production processes for the human opera-tor and an important strategic pillar to quickly adaptqualification profiles to new manufacturing requirements.

Related work

In this section, existing technologies, current concepts andfuture trends for advanced training applications arereviewed, and the two main challenges preventing virtualtraining from being adopted in automotive industry arefurther elaborated.

Relevant technologies and concepts

The use of technology allows some advantages over tradi-tional learning methods. Learning can be individuallyadapted to the trainee, is independent concerning timeand place, and takes place by aid of multimedia content(Zhang and Nunamaker 2003). Therefore, computer-basedtraining is increasingly used to complement or replacetraditional, non-computer-based learning methods likepaper documents or physical setup.

Virtual reality (VR) has been explored and implemen-ted in several commercial products, where a worker canreview and explore a virtual product model. Examples arenGrain, or Aerosim’s, Virtalis’ and Simdustrial’s virtualmaintenance training systems. Moreover, there are a fewvirtual training applications for manufacturing processeslike the Vizendo virtual training suite and the work ofBrough et al. (2007). Drawbacks of these systems arethe amount of effort needed to create training scenariosfrom heterogeneous data sources and the non-immersiveuser interaction through desktop-based concepts usingtraditional interaction devices like mouse and keyboard.

Recent progress in human–machine interaction is aprerequisite for the design of new advanced computer-based training systems. Augmented reality (AR) – theenrichment of the real world by virtual overlays – allowsthe combination of the actual work environment withadditional virtual information. For instance, theHoloDesk setup (Hilliges et al. 2012) creates the illusionof direct interaction with virtual objects using an opticalsee-through display and gesture-based interaction by ren-dering a 3D scene through a half silvered mirror. Anotherline of work by Gorecky, Campos, et al. (2013) hasdemonstrated a concept for computer-assisted manualworkstation. The system used a workflow recognition

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module that can detect whether the operations were carriedout successfully in order to provide virtual instructionsand guide the user step by step through the manual assem-bly process. Finally, wearable devices such as data glassesand head-mounted displays show great promise in VR/AR-based training. One example is Oculus Rift, a low-cost, immersive VR headset, projected for gaming pur-poses. Google Glass is an optical head-mounted displaythat displays information in a smartphone like hands-freeformat and allows seamless communication through nat-ural voice commands, with the possibility of being pro-grammed to use AR/VR technologies.

Furthermore, the success of advanced computer-basedtraining systems depends on the used interaction possibi-lities which should – compared to traditional input devices– enable playful and natural exploration. For instance,people can go through an assembly in a virtual environ-ment using hand movements, gestures or voice commands(see current commercial hardware like Microsoft Kinectand LeapMotion). Mobile technologies, such as smart-phones and tablets, capture the context using sensors andcameras and offer adaptive services, i.e. information at theright place of action. Additionally, intelligent monitoringof human workflows can be incorporated with the use ofon-body-sensors and cameras (see EU-FP7 projectCOGNITO; Gorecky, Worgan, and Meixner 2011). Theirmobile training system builds up a system-internal under-standing of the assembly process by observing expertusers, and subsequently instructs less experienced usersthrough comparison with the recorded workflow. Userinput and output has been realised via speech (compareApple’s Siri or Google Voice Recognition). Another outputmodality especially useful for realistic simulation of mate-rial handling is haptics. For instance, haptic feedbackdevices simulate the force required to fit a component,e.g. Nintendo’s WiiMote which provides simple hapticfeedback representing collisions of big forces or INCA6D, a more expensive technology, offering sophisticatedforce feedback on all six degrees of freedom.

Finally, the success of advanced computer-basedtraining systems depends on the effort and costs forthe set-up and maintenance. Training content must becreated and regularly updated. Instead of creating thetraining content from scratch, existing content sources inthe enterprise can be (re-)used for the purpose of quali-fication. A potential source of training content lies in thedigital factory concept (VDI 4499 2008). The digitalfactory defines methods, tools and models that supportdevelopment and planning activities throughout the pro-duct life cycle. However, the effective range of thedigital factory is currently limited to the group of theso-called ‘white-collar workers’, i.e. designers, productdevelopers, production planners, etc. ‘Blue-collar work-ers’ on the shop floor who are not primarily concernedwith planning activities do not or only indirectly benefit

from the concept, although the digital factory with itsextensive information and knowledge bases provides ahuge potential for training applications. The models ofthe digital factory include, e.g. information about theproduct geometry and structure, the factory and work-place layout, and the production processes. This infor-mation is valuable for the respective planning task, butalso for training content generation. Embedded inadvanced computer-based training systems, the informa-tion finds a direct way to the operators on the shopfloor.

Research questions

Challenge 1: training system design

The interaction design of the virtual training system influ-ences user acceptance, knowledge transfer and the overallsuccess of the system. The immersion and user involve-ment of desktop-based concepts using traditional interac-tion devices is low; the reason is that the interactionmetaphor of mouse pointing and clicking does not matchor resemble the corresponding task in the real world, e.g.manual assembly of a part. As shown previously, recentadvances in delivery mechanisms are potentially reducingthe costs while offering an enhanced user experience. Inorder to ensure a high user acceptance as well as a higheffectiveness of virtual training, the challenge is to inte-grate these raising design and interaction opportunitiesinto a deliberate training system design.

Moreover, adding a system into an existing organisa-tional infrastructure might seem cumbersome to businessowners requiring integration of training systems seam-lessly into existing organisational systems without funda-mentally altering them. New technologies and conceptsmake it possible to add a training system as an extra layerover the existing infrastructure. In order to ensure a highacceptance by users and management, the training systemhas to be integrated into existing processes appropriately.

Challenge 2: training content generation

The second major obstacle is the currently inefficientmanagement of the data relevant to the virtual training.Ideally, virtual training scenarios should be created withminimal or no data authoring effort at all by tappingexisting data sources. Usually enterprise data are spreadover different systems in the company and are stored indifferent formats. So far, the efforts of collecting relevantdata, building virtual training scenarios and defining train-ing plans have surpassed the benefits of virtual trainingitself. Although the data from product and manufacturingdesign could be used for this purpose, there is no metho-dology for automated integration and reuse of existingdata structures.

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The challenge is to model the information structures inthe digital factory in an open, modular and semanticallyexpressive way, so that they can be dynamically aggre-gated for and used in the computer-based training systems.Meeting this challenge might incorporate semantic model-ling (e.g. OWL), open and neutral data formats (e.g.STEP, JT) and data integration into the respective applica-tion via flexible and standardised interfaces (e.g. REST-fulweb services).

Implementation of the VISTRA advanced virtualtraining system according to the factories of thefuture vision

VISTRA training system design (challenge 1)

Hardware for game-based user interaction

To address the first challenge of user involvement andacceptance, an innovative hardware set-up for game-based user interaction has been introduced. The maincriteria influencing the decision of the hardware set-upwere costs, scalability and user acceptance. In order toallow for a natural and more realistic interaction with thevirtual objects and environment in the VISTRA system,the advantages of immersive user experience and large-scale training at reasonable costs have been combined –by using immersive, but out-of-the-shelf hardware set-ups(e.g. standard monitor for visualisation, Microsoft Kinectin combination with a Nintendo Wii device for interaction)(see Figure 1).

Learning concept

As mentioned previously, several studies have proven thatcomputer-based, virtual training has a positive effect onthe procedural learning in manual, industrial tasks. Themost relevant knowledge components are clustered indifferent semantic classes (compare Figure 2). Whereasvirtual training is successful in communicating these train-ing contents, the opportunities for motor skill developmentthrough virtual training are very limited (Jia, Bhatti, and

Nahavandi 2009). Therefore, the VISTRA learning con-cept focuses on teaching relevant knowledge includinginvolved objects (parts and tools), assembly positions,specific modality and sequence instead of fine motorskills.

Initial learning within the virtual training occurs in‘easy’ mode involving maximal support to execute allassembly steps and with all parts and tools pre-given.This introduction focuses on familiarising with the train-ing content. Afterwards, trainees move to medium andhard modes, where appropriate tools and parts have to beactively chosen, e.g. trainees select tools and componentsfrom a pop-up carousel-style menu. Furthermore, in minigames trainees strengthen their acquired knowledge in aplayful and entertaining way.

The semantic classes of training and the content oftraining were elicited through task analysis (Kirwan andAinsworth 1992) as part of the user-centred designapproach. The results from task analysis within theVISTRA project (Hermawati et al. 2015) confirmed theclassification in Figure 2. Detailed recommendations onhow to integrate virtual training concepts into existingprocesses from an organisational perspective were

Figure 1. VISTRA hardware set-up allows for natural andrealistic interaction.

Figure 2. Overview about relevant semantic classes of training content for operator training in the automotive industry.

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previously reported (Gorecky, Mura, et al. 2013). Amongstothers, the authors noted the importance of acknowledgingthe roles of the trainers in the virtual training instead ofcutting their competencies. This means that they steer andmonitor the training process via a planning and evaluationtool containing training statistics for instance. If predefinedlearning goals are achieved, trainers decide if trainees passover to hardware training where they deepen handling withthe parts and their motor skills. Trainers receive betteroverview of training performances and a supporting toolfor training planning. Another important regard is thatorganisations have to wise up their employees regardingthe usage of data and security issues, and implement role-based access control.

Methodology for the automated generation of virtualtraining content (challenge 2)

To address an automated training content generation, theVISTRA training system incorporates an integration meth-odology based on a reference architecture for an interoper-able information interface (Stork et al. 2012). Theinformation interface merges heterogeneous enterprisedata from planning processes in a unified informationmodel that is provided as input to the virtual trainingapplication.

Up to now, there seems to be no attempt to representassembly knowledge in a computer- and human-under-standable way, although such a model can enable newapplications, especially virtual training, and encourageknowledge sharing across the different stages of productand production engineering. The unified model must beable to embrace all relevant knowledge and assure itsinteroperable applicability. For its development, a seman-tic modelling approach based on ontologies was chosendue to its advantages over other information modellingapproaches in terms of integration, derivation, verificationand reuse of knowledge. Since ontologies allow computeralgorithms to understand and reason about the containedinformation, knowledge can be represented according to

the different stakeholders. Here, different scenarios areconceivable, e.g. a trainee needs interactive traininginstructions, the trainer wants to see the results of his/hertraining group, and a manufacturing engineer wants to testand compare different assembly variants, etc. However,which information concepts must be addressed in theunified model in order to enable these scenarios? Table 1shows how assembly-related knowledge in the domain ofautomotive industry can be described in a common andconsistent way by defining a simple set of concepts.

The development of the ontology followed theMethontology approach (Fernández-López, Gómez-Pérez, and Juristo 1997) which focuses on the acquisitionof relevant knowledge already in early stages of develop-ment. The relevant concepts and modelling excerpts arededucted from interviews with expert from the end-usersand document searches (e.g. standards and work sheetsfrom the end-users).

Based on the introduced concepts, the VISTRA ontol-ogy for virtual assembly training has been built.Nevertheless, virtual training requires more informationthan just the description of assembly tasks. As shown inFigure 3, additional entities from different enterprisesources must be taken into consideration including

● station layout which is important to create anauthentic representation of the actual workenvironment;

● success criteria (e.g. timing) which must be intro-duced to measure, if the execution of training wassuccessful;

● team structures which must be reproduced in orderto define the different roles and responsibilities (e.g.trainee, group leader, trainer, etc.); and

● feedback and statistical data which must be asso-ciated and stored in the training model for thepurpose of training analyses and evaluation.

Figure 4 depicts a simplified excerpt of the VISTRAontology for virtual training, which contains information

Table 1. Core concepts in the assembly process model.

Concept name Description

Station Is a defined working area, in which the operator performs a sequence of operationsOperation Is an activity in which parts are added to a product (optional: position) with or without toolsAssembly Sequence Defines the order in which an operation is performedActivity Is a description of an action, which must be performed by the operatorTool Is a manual or driven tool to assemble a part to the productPart Is a single part or assembly which will be assembled to the productAssemblyPosition Defines a place at the product where an operation has to be performedProduct Is the object to be producedOperator Performs an activity

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about the assembly processes (Operation, Activity, Tool,Part and Assembly Sequence), the team structure (Userand User Group) and the statistics (Comment, Feedbackand Session). Due to its modular character, the VISTRAontology is open to be adapted and extended for furtherdomains and use cases.

Ontologies are a well-suited technology for integratinginformation coming from several heterogeneous datasources. Syntactic and semantic conflicts which may

occur during data integration are addressed by a proceduremodel which provides general guidance for the instantia-tion and implementation of the information interface(Gorecky 2014). The procedure model involves, amongstothers, analysis of data sources and definition of transfor-mation rules for the mapping from the existing data for-mats and terminologies to the unified VISTRA structureand terminology. By following the procedure model,enterprises can ensure an automated supply of planningdata to virtual training application and thus that the appli-cation is always based on current and consistent data.

Overall VISTRA system architecture

In this section, the conceptual system architecture of theVISTRA training system is described. The system consistsof three fundamental components (see Figure 5).

The first and central component of the VISTRA sys-tem is the VISTRA Knowledge Platform (VKP). It isresponsible for building the bridge between the existingdigital factory data and the virtual training as client appli-cation. The VKP receives enterprise data in various for-mats (e.g. XML, PLMXML) and transforms it to theVISTRA ontology (e.g. OWL) according to beforehandspecified set of transformation rules (based on a Saxon-processor, XSLT and X-PATH). The transformed data arethen ingested, stored and managed in a semantic frame-work. Therefore, OWLIM LITE as one of the mostpowerful semantic frameworks can be used. It can storeup to 10 million RDF statements, while OWLIM SEwith up to 10 billion RDF statements provides a morecomprehensive, but also fee-based storage solution(ONTOTEXT AD 2014).

To set up a communication channel between VKP andclient applications, a variety of technical possibilities

Figure 3. Input data from different sources of the VISTRA model for virtual assembly training.

Figure 4. Simplified excerpt of the VISTRA ontology for vir-tual assembly training.

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exists, of which RESTful webservices were chosen. Theyoffer significant advantages, i.e. openness, low implemen-tation complexity and ability for loosely coupling whichsupports easy integration into existing IT system land-scapes (in line with approaches such as service-orientedarchitecture and enterprise application integration). Forbasic data security, a user authentication using HTTPBasic Authentication and the TLS encryption protocolfor data transmission were implemented.

The second component of the system is called VISTRATraining Simulator (VTS). The VTS module represents aUNITY 3D-based virtual assembly simulation where thevirtual training is performed in an interactive and playfulmanner (see Figures 6 and 7). Training scenarios areloaded dynamically from the VKP considering availableproducts, stations and assembly sequences, trainer guide-lines and trainee profiles. Training results and feedback are

written back to the VKP for further review and forimproving training scenarios in future sessions.

Planning training sessions and reviewing trainingresults are important tasks which trainers execute via thethird system component, the VISTRA Knowledge SharingCentre (VKSC). Furthermore, the VKSC module allows tocheck, edit and manually extend imported enterprise anduser data, when necessary.

Case studies and evaluation

Evaluation of the usability and effectiveness of theVISTRA system

The complete VISTRA training system has been devel-oped and implemented as a prototype at two automotiveend-user sites. There, it has been tested in several userstudies with close to 100 participants (Hermawati et al.2015; Gorecky et al. 2012; Gorecky, Mura, et al. 2013;Langley et al., n.d.).

First, in the context of a user-centred approach, thecurrent training processes were analysed and user require-ments were formulated (Gorecky, Mura, et al. 2013;Gorecky et al. 2012). Usability evaluations and experi-ments supported the iterative development (Langley et al.,n.d.) and demonstrated the effectiveness of the VISTRAtraining for learning new assembly operations.

Technical evaluation of the VISTRA methodology for theautomated generation of training content

The integration methodology for VISTRA training systemwas fully implemented and validated under realistic con-ditions at two end-user sides. According to an internalstudy and compared to traditional authoring approaches,the integration methodology, which allows the reuse ofexisting planning data for qualification purposes, reducesthe initial set-up time for a virtual training scenario (onecar with around 1.200 operations) from more than 12 to 3person-months. It must also be noted that after the initialFigure 6. Screenshot of the VISTRA training simulator.

Figure 7. The inventory view from which the user chooses thetool to use (medium and hard modes).

Figure 5. The VISTRA system architecture with its three maincomponents.

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implementation of VISTRA integration methodology newproducts which comply with the given information struc-ture can be integrated ‘on-the-fly’ with almost no effort.

Overall, the internal technical evaluation has proventhat the VISTRA integration methodology using semantictriple stores and webservices comply with the generalrequirements regarding performance, storage and datasecurity in automotive industry and thus can be deployedin productive industrial environments.

Summary and outlook

In this paper, the design, implementation and evaluation ofthe VISTRA virtual training system were presented.Taking the automotive industry as an example, the chal-lenges to develop qualification strategies were stated, andthe technical approach in establishing virtual assemblytraining as a standard tool and method to support produc-tion ramp-up was discussed.

The first challenge was to assure user acceptance. Itwas shown that the game-based user interaction offers anengaging and intuitive user interface and increase userinvolvement and knowledge transfer. Second, the chal-lenge of integrating existing heterogonous enterprise datasources, in order to build up the virtual training scenarios,was addressed by introducing a methodology for trainingcontent generation that is essentially based on semantictechnologies to build up a computer-and-human-under-standable model. Then the overall system architecture,enclosing the management of the training content andthe build-up applications, was briefly described.

The VISTRA system is a complete solution for theautomatic generation of diverse training content with nomandatory manual authoring stages (provided that the datastructures are current, valid and rich in information, as isthe case in the considered automotive scenarios). Thebasic data for the training experience are derived fromthe engineering systems of the enterprise itself, i.e. theirProduct Lifecycle Management. Afterwards, every aspectof the VISTRA training is automatically created withoutthe need for experts or instructional designers. All aspectsof the training are driven by the system itself, from thetemplates for the creation of training plans, to the instruc-tional scaffolding ensuring the most effective transfer andretention of knowledge and development of skilled perfor-mance, clear communication of the results of training tothe trainee, the possibility to train using games or to taketests, such that the overall experience is highly immersiveand extremely simple to navigate.

Moreover, experimental evaluation took placethroughout the project and confirmed the usability andeffectiveness of the training system. The technical evalua-tion of the VISTRA methodology for training contentgeneration showed that the proposed approach can beefficiently realised to overcome information-technical

restriction still existing in many manufacturing enter-prises. So far, only in limited cases manual authoring isrequired, e.g. to integrate the behaviour of handling toolsand robots.

The VISTRA virtual training system as well as theVISTRA methodology for training content generationshowed success in the automotive sector and exhibits ahigh potential to be integrated into other related industrieswith similar product complexity and production structures(e.g. aerospace and train industry).

Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

FundingThis research was conducted in the context of the VISTRAproject, which is co-funded by the 7th Framework Programmeof the European Union under theme ‘ICT-2011.7.4 DigitalFactories: Manufacturing Design and Product LifecycleManagement’ [project number ICT-285176].

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