Introducing the new · Introducing...our new President Mr Ian Daniels FRCS featured on page 32 3 Welcome From the Editor ... home page. Visit the Just Giving home page ... you will

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Page 1: Introducing the new · Introducing...our new President Mr Ian Daniels FRCS featured on page 32 3 Welcome From the Editor ... home page. Visit the Just Giving home page ... you will
Page 2: Introducing the new · Introducing...our new President Mr Ian Daniels FRCS featured on page 32 3 Welcome From the Editor ... home page. Visit the Just Giving home page ... you will

Introducing the new



Page 3: Introducing the new · Introducing...our new President Mr Ian Daniels FRCS featured on page 32 3 Welcome From the Editor ... home page. Visit the Just Giving home page ... you will

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welcome to SPRING

Welcome to the spring issue of Tidings...

Thank you to everyone who has writtenin, emailed me and telephoned! It’sgreat to receive your letters, articlesuggestions, emails and queries. So doplease keep them coming in!

Tidings magazine is here for YOU...toprovide supportive information,reassurance and to keep you abreast ofthe latest developments in stoma careproducts and services. It also providesan insight into NHS changes that mayaffect you.

This issue introduces our new PresidentMr Ian Daniels FRCS. Ian is delightedwith his role and will no doubt meet ithead on with great enthusiasm andkeen perception. Ian is passionateabout ‘raising awareness of quality oflife for patients with stomas throughoutthe patient journey’. Describing himselfas ‘a cocktail’ of the people he’s workedwith over the years (specificallysurgeons) who have influenced hisprofessional development in becominga colorectal surgeon. ‘I am fortunate tohave worked with the best!’ Ian haswhat he calls – ‘the force’ – an intuitiveunderstanding of the patient’s situation.‘As a surgeon it’s about two waycommunication – being honest, beingin tune with the patient’s feelings andunderstanding their needs’. Quality ofcare equates to quality of life. Readmore about Ian on page 32.

Every Tidings magazine is packed full ofinteresting articles – this issue is noexception. As you may know April isBowel Cancer Awareness Month. Butwhat you may be unaware of is thatBowel Cancer is the second mostcommon cause of death in the UK. Did

you know that every thirty minutessomeone dies from bowel cancer in theUK? Seems unthinkable doesn't it, butthere is hope: if treated early there is avery good chance of recovery, theproblem is that currently only 9% ofpatients are diagnosed early. IanJackson and Pauline Morgan writeabout the importance of bowelscreening. As Editor of Tidings and onbehalf of the Editorial team – let’s jointogether to really highlight ‘BowelCancer Screening’ and help to preventthe needless deaths of family or friends! Be brave...shout out loud about bowelcancer screening...it saves lives.

Other articles – a response to M.B aboutdisposal, readers’ stories and favouritessuch as Dear Nurse and Readers’ writes– I hope you enjoy this issue and don’tforget to keep those letters, emails andarticles coming. Enjoy your EasterHolidays!

On behalf of the Editorial team enjoythis issue of Tidings. I wouldencourage EVERYONE to get involvedwith Tidings...YOU make it what itis...YOUR Magazine!

Email:[email protected]

PS. For details of how to get in touchwith the Editor of Tidings and theColostomy Association – please turnto Page 6.


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all your regulars



Introducing...our new PresidentMr Ian Daniels FRCSfeatured on page 32

3 WelcomeFrom the Editor

How to get in touch...with CAAbout the...Colostomy AssociationEditorial TeamEditorial submissionsAdvertising informationPublication Dates

CA NewsFrom the office

FundraisingYour donations... stories and fundraisers

NotebookHelpful organisations

ConnectionsMarketplace...advertiseyour events • messages •services here...

Donation Forms







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...this issue& special features


Don’t forget yourtravel certificate this Spring...Contact CA office on0118 939 1537 oremail: [email protected]

support...Support GroupAround the regions...

Support grouplistings


interest...Travel hintsand tips...


Additional products...Stoma protectors

Nurse Training...Salts Healthcare

ChatbackReaders’ writes...






update...Taking a look atthe latest stomacare products &servicesKeep up-to-date withthe latest informationabout stoma care products and services


real lives...Pathways to a ColostomyRob’s story...

BreakawayMaking a difference toyoung lives...

It couldn’t happentwice?Ninel’s story...


health...Irrigation and YouKen Peplow writes...

Introducing...our new PresidentMr Ian Daniels FRCS

Bowel Cancer Screening

DisposalReplies to M.B

Dear NurseYour letters and queries








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Editor Jane Wood

Executive TrusteeColostomate & Helpline Volunteer Sue Hatton

Colostomate & Helpline Volunteer Rosemary Brierley

Trustee Colostomate & Helpline Volunteer Jackie Dudley

Trustee Colostomate & Helpline Volunteer Duncan Wells

Trustee Colostomate & VolunteerSarah Squire

Colostomate & Helpline VolunteerGeorgina Williams

General ManagerSusan Hale

Stoma Care Nurse AdvisorAmanda Gunning RGN, CNS

Tidings is YOUR Magazine...Editorial Submissions:Tidings is a quarterly publication. Yourcontributions to Tidings are alwayswelcome. If you have a story, article orletter that you would like featured inthe magazine we would like to hearfrom YOU!

If you have an idea for an article andwould like to discuss this with theEditor or would like help writing yourstory please get in touch. We willalways do our best to include yourcontributions in the next issue ofTidings or will hold them back for afuture issue. When submitting yourinformation don’t forget to supply yourname, address, phone number and e-mail address if you have one.

Please include any relevant photos orillustrations as these really help tobring YOUR magazine to life! You cansend these as prints or digital images.

Feedback...We are always trying toimprove your Magazine and welcomeyour feedback. Enjoy this issue ofTidings we look forward to bringingyou the next edition...

How to supply digital images:When supplying digital images forinclusion in Tidings please try toobserve some or all of the followingcriteria:-

• Images should be in RGB mode

• Images should not be less than1500 pixels x 1200 pixels at 300pixels per inch (equal to 12.5cm x10cm).

• File sizes not less than 10Mbytesuncompressed

• Images in Tiff with LZWcompression or JPEG format.

• For scanned images please set at300ppi in RGB mode and scanoriginal @100%.

Advertising Enquiries:For a media pack and advertising rates. Contact Jane Wood: 0118 918 0500

Publication:Spring April 2014Summer July 2014Autumn October 2014Winter January 2015

How to get in touch...with the Colostomy Association and Tidings...

How to contact the Editor By letter write to:

The EditorColostomy AssociationEnterprise House, 95 London StreetReading RG1 4QA

By telephone: 0118 918 0500

Via e-mail: [email protected]

or alternatively e-mail: [email protected]

Tidings Magazine: The views expressed by the contributors are notnecessarily those of the Colostomy Association.Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy, but the Colostomy Association cannot acceptresponsibility for errors or omissions.

Disclaimer: The display, description or demonstration ofproducts and services or the inclusion ofadvertisements, inserts and samples withinTidings Magazine does not constitute anendorsement or recommendation of theseproducts and services by the Colostomy Association.

The Colostomy Association is a charitable company limited by guarantee (Registered Charity No: 1113471).

Don’t delay...Donate Online today!There are NOW two ways todonate online...


Visit the CA website and simplyclick on the donate panel on thehome page.

Visit the Just Giving home pageyou will see a search panel ‘Find aCharity’ type in ColostomyAssociation.


About...the Colostomy AssociationThe Association represents the interestsof colostomates and other ostomates.We provide support, reassurance andpractical information to anyone who hasor is about to have a Colostomy.

How to become a memberof the Colostomy Association...

Simply contact us by post: Colostomy AssociationEnterprise House, 95 London StreetReading RG1 4QA

By telephone: General Enquires: 0118 939 1537

Stoma care queries only:Freephone Helpline: 0800 328 4257

By E-mail: [email protected]

Find us on FACEBOOK:

Join our ‘closed’ group today...simply put Colostomy Associationinto your FACEBOOK search bar, clickon Group and click on ‘Ask to join’you will be assured of a warmwelcome!

Visit us and register at:www.colostomyassociation.org.uk

Page 7: Introducing the new · Introducing...our new President Mr Ian Daniels FRCS featured on page 32 3 Welcome From the Editor ... home page. Visit the Just Giving home page ... you will

of new ostomates evaluated Esteem + pouches to be highly effective in avoiding leakage1

Discretion. Improved filter reduces clogging, ballooning and virtually eliminates odour.* Shape is rounded and streamlined for added comfort and discretion. With the Lock-it PocketTM hiding away the tail on InvisiClose® pouches.

Comfort Pouch has a soft and smooth comfort panel. Our quiet material also resists water and dries quickly.

Call freephone 0800 834 822 to get advice on our extensive range and use EST14 to get your free sample.


1. ConvaTec data on file. Esteem® PLUS product evaluation survey conducted in 100 patients (2012). * Product comparisons are internal product comparisons to exisiting ConvaTec product.®/TM indicates trademarks of ConvaTec Inc. © 2014 ConvaTec Inc. AP-014285-GB


Security The Hook and Hook TechnologyTM ensures the closure clicks even

when wet. Press and feel the




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National Key Scheme (NKS) Radar Key and Photo Identity Card...







Please tick the following as appropriate:

I would like to receive a key for a chargeof £3.50 (including postage and packing).

I would also like to receive a photo IDcard for an additional charge of £6.50 andenclose a passport photograph.

I attach a copy of my prescription orrecent delivery note as proof of eligibilityand a cheque made payable to‘Colostomy Association’ in the sum of£3.50* key only/£6.50* ID cardonly/£10.00* both the key and ID card(*Please delete)

DECLARATION: I declare that the individualnamed above is chronically sick, has a disablingcondition or has had a bowel or bladderdiversion that necessitates the use of disabledtoilet facilities. The key is for the personal use ofthe above named and their designated carer only.


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Signature of self or carer: Date: / /2014

To obtain a key or a photo identity card pleasecomplete the form and declaration. Make your chequepayable to the Colostomy Association. Return allrequired items to: Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4QA

(If you have any queries please contact the admin team at the CA office via the following methods:-Telephone: 0118 939 1537 or Email: [email protected])

National Key Scheme - Key and photo ID card purchase

Photo ID Card...The CA photo ID card is provingvery popular as it can be useful ifchallenged when entering orexiting accessible toilet facilities.

If you would like to apply for aPhoto ID card, please completethe form opposite and return itto the CA for processing with thevarious enclosures listed below:-

• A copy of your prescriptionor delivery note as proof of eligibility

• Passport photo x 1• Payment – cheque

Note: Payment can be takenover the telephone if preferred.

Alternatively, the form isdownloadable from our website:www.colostomyassociation.org.uk

Please allow 10-14 days fordelivery – thank you

#Please remember to send your letters and donations to our new address…Colostomy Association, Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading RG1 4QA.


Prescriptions...Are you having difficultyobtaining your usual supplies throughyour SCN or GP? Would you like a lettertemplate that can be used to championyour cause? We can send through thewording (ideally by email), which canthen be personalised with your owncontact details.

The letters will need to be copied to keypeople in your area so some researchmay be needed to find out who theyare, such as your local ClinicalCommissioning Group or Health Board.We’ll be happy to help as we appreciatehow vital certain product items are toyour quality of life, especially adhesiveremovers, deodorants, barrier creams, etc.

It’s also worth bearing in mind thatsupplies can now take as long as twoweeks to reach you so start the prescribing process early to ensure you don’t run out of vital stocks!

Your help is needed! Do you have anytime to spare? Would you like to helpraise funds for the CA or assist withpromoting our charity? Do you have anyspecial skills that could be put too gooduse? Are you a sports person or do youbelong to a local amateur dramaticsgroup or art group? We’re looking for

anyone who may be willing to organisea simple fundraising activity, e.g. coffeemorning, quiz night, cake sale, etc.

Alternatively, perhaps you could help usraise our profile so that we can reachmore ostomates across the UK. If you’dlike to submit information about the CAto your community magazine - we canprovide a specially writtenparagraph – so do get intouch (ideally via email)and we will be delightedto send it to you. Orperhaps you could take aCA poster, some flyers(see opposite) orTidings to your local GP surgeries. Pleasecheck in advance thatthey will be accepted,then let us know howmany you require that would be great!

We’re also looking for good publicspeakers who could give a talk to theirlocal Rotary or Lions Club – we canprovide the script, props and slides!

We’d really value your help so hope to hear from you soon. Thankyou so much!

Dear Readers...

The CA office continues its pivotalrole – providing information, supportand reassurance to ostomates, familymembers and carers. If you need helpno matter whether you deem it to betoo small a query or think it toodifficult a subject to talkabout...remember CA is here for you!

Our trained volunteers (colostomates,ileostomates and urostomates) run the24 hour FREEPHONE helpline: 0800328 4257– they are there to supportyou, listen to your concerns and chatthem through with you if need be. Feelfree to phone at anytime as there isalways an ostomate on call 365 days ayear!

The CA does not give medical advicebut we can pass on our knowledgefrom ‘real life’ experiences gained from‘living with a stoma.

We welcome your calls, letters,requests, emails and really appreciateyour donations – so do please keepthem coming – we are here to help you!

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Dear Readers and Supporters,

We really value all the donationswe receive, but more so whenthey are regular donations –standing orders.

However, often the date of thefirst payment stated on the formsgives us insufficient notice to get them processed at the bank.This means that sometimes wemiss out on a whole year’sdonation as the banks ignorethat start date and take thepayment a year later! It would be very helpful if around onemonth’s notice could be given on the forms to ensure we canmaximise the benefit from yourkind donations.

Additionally, we often receivecheques without a coveringletter and cannot trace thesupporter on our records. Whensending in donations, pleaseinclude your name, address andpostcode, telephone number andemail address (if you have one)so we can include this informationon our database – many thanks!


- 2 0 1 5 -

The Colostomy Association will becelebrating its 10th ANNIVERSARYin 2015! We hope YOU will join with us to celebrate this importantmilestone...

Name: Mr J Bloggs

Address: 20 Blogg Hill, Reading

Postcode: RG1 4QA

Telephone No; 0123 456789

Email: [email protected]

The Colostomy Association is well on the way toorganising its birthday celebrations marking a ten yearmilestone of providing support, reassurance andpractical advice to thousands of people ‘living with astoma and colostomy’, their families and carers aroundthe UK.

This BIG hearted charity will celebrate its achievementsby holding a special Two Day Patient Open Day Event inReading at the Royal Berkshire Conference Centre. Besure to put the following dates...Saturday 11th July andSunday 12th July 2015 in your diary!

Further details about the Open day event, and othersatellite events will unfold in future issues of TidingsMagazine and on the CA website. Look out for our 10thYear Anniversary logo (above) to keep up to date withevent information.


STOP PRESS...Ostomy Lifestyle and its projectOstomyAid having experiencedsome recent financial difficulties are currently being supported bythe Colostomy Association.Ostomy Lifestyle with its ownTrustees, will continue as acompletely independent charitywith the Colostomy Associationproviding management and adminassistance. It is early days but, inthe near future, we do hope thatwe can devote space within TidingsMagazine for supporters of OstomyLifestyle. Further details will follow in the Summer issue.

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PathwaysR E A L L I V E S R O B ’ S S TO R Y

I had an emergency operation due toDiverticulitis leading to a perforatedcolon. Prior to that I had spent 15years gradually getting worse andworse suffering with Irritable BowelSyndrome – IBS. I had been tested forvarious illnesses and when they foundnothing else it was declared that Imust have IBS.

My whole life had revolved aroundwhere the nearest toilet could befound. I work as a sales representativeso spend all my working life on theroad. I would eat my breakfast, andthen starve myself for the rest of theday due to the constant fear ofneeding the loo and getting caughtout. I would avoid all situations whereI wouldn't be in control. If I wasplanning to go out for a meal I would

load myself up on Imodium then Iwould plot on a map how quickly Icould make it home from therestaurant and decide if it was worththe risk. I refused to go on days out orto go to concerts, as the thought ofnot being able to make it to a loo intime was unbearable.

This constant fear slowly started topervade every thought of every wakinghour. I remember watching a natureprogramme on TV where the presenterwas floating high over the Serengeti ina hot air balloon watching the wildanimals running below. Any rationalperson watching would have beenthinking what a beautiful way to seeanimals in their natural habitat – all Icould think was that it would be hellon earth to be trapped in a hot air

to a Colostomy...

Rob is 45 and lives with his wifeHelen in north Nottingham.

Rob is recovering from anemergency operation in October 2013 due

to Diverticulitis.

Rob says: ‘I woke from the operation to find I had

received a stoma.I'm sure this must horrify most people but I love it!

I have suffered with IBS for 15 years – my whole life

has revolved around locating the nearest loo.

IBS has held me back and pretty much ruined

my social life’

This is Rob’s story...

Rob Fearn...an emergency operation due to Diverticulitisended with a colostomy and put a stop to his long termstruggle with IBS changing his life for the better...

Rob pictured with his wife Helen...out andabout..attending a recent country music concert



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balloon basket with a dozen otherpeople and no toilet!

While on holiday my wife and I wenton a boat trip and instead of enjoyingthe experience I sat calculating howmuch it would cost to refund everyonetheir money if I had to ask them toturn the boat around. Basically I endedup living in fear of ‘what if I can’t getthere in time’ – my wife and I had noquality of life at all.

Then as fate would have it I was taken into hospital and following anemergency operation I found I hadreceived a stoma – out of the blue. I guess a lot of people would bedevastated to wake up from anunplanned operation to find they havea stoma and a bag. Although it was acomplete surprise to me I realisedimmediately that it would change mylife for the better! And it did!

The feeling of freedom wasunbelievable. I couldn’t wait to get out of the hospital to enjoy my new found freedom.

The early part of my recovery includedwalking for miles. Not only was it thesafest way to rebuild my strength andimprove my fitness but it was such abuzz to just leave the house withouthaving to take medication and plan myroute via local supermarkets andpublic toilets.

In the months following my operationI have been out for meals, been forwalks and been to two concerts! Allthings that I wouldn't have dreamedpossible previously. One of theconcerts was in Nottingham citycentre – we travelled in on a tram.Again this is something I just wouldn'thave done before. It would have beena nightmare to even consider riding ona tram with no toilet and lots ofpeople around.

Christmas came. For the first time inyears I was able to sit and enjoy myChristmas dinner without having todisappear half way through and returnto eat my meal after it had gone coldand everyone else had finished. Whatjoy!

My stoma (Arthur) has been very wellbehaved. I have been lucky enough tohave had no leaks at all and I seem tohave found the perfect combination of

products that suit me down to theground. Arthur is officially a temporarymeasure and I will be invited to seemy consultant soon to discuss a reversal.

Due to the massive improvement inmy state of mind and my lifestyle I willbe refusing this option. This is the bestthat I have felt in years and cannotthink of anything worse than goingback to where I was before.

Throughout this whole process, manypeople have asked how I have copedwith it all but to be fair I have found iteasy. The one who had the toughesttime was my wife Helen. We havebeen married for twenty years buthave been together since we starteddating as 13 year olds at school. Wegot married on the 11th Anniversary ofthe first day that we started dating.

I can't ever imagine the pain and thefear that she went through while I wasfacing my life saving operation.

I woke up early one day and wrote apoem to thank her for her support, notonly during my time in hospital butalso for the last 15 years as my illnessgot worse.

I haven't written anything since leavingschool but it just seemed to flow.We are now both enjoying thefreedom that my colostomy has leadto and we are planning so many thingsthat I wouldn't have dared to planbefore.

Although I have found the adjustmentto life with a bag very easy I ampleased to have the support of somany people. My stoma support groupat my local hospital, the CA group onFacebook and obviously the inspiringstories in Tidings.

Rob Fearn

Here's a massive thank youand it's meant straight from the heart.But I’m not really a poetso I don't know where to start.

It all began one Friday nightwith bad pain in my tum.You took me to the hospitalwhen the ambulance didn't come.

They prodded, poked and tested meto see what they could find.But with you sitting next to meIt helped to ease my mind.

Injections, drips and tablets cameand testing of my blood.Eventually they did a scanAnd found it wasn't good.

'Put your gown on, time to go'there wasn't time to waste.This must have been the hardest timethat we had ever faced.

You did your best to keep me calmthough you were full of fear.I don't think I'd have made it throughwithout you being near.

So I was gone for 4 long hoursIt must have seemed so long.I don't know how you made it throughyou had to be so strong.

The next thing, I was waking upYou're the first thing that I saw.The relief was clear on your faceyou couldn't take much more.

They'd given me a stomaand a bag to catch my poo.I wouldn't have to spend my lifedepending on the loo.

15 years of IBS had took its toll on me.Suddenly my life had changedand I was feeling free.

You've stood by me through all thoseyears and never once complained.

But now it's time to start againwith this new life that I've gained.

So thanks for all the love you giveI'm proud that you're my wife.Let's enjoy our new found freedomNow I have a 'bag for life.'

For Helen...

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Manufactured by Welland®, a CliniMed® Group company. Welland products are distributed in the UK by CliniMed Ltd. Tel: 01628 850100 Fax: 01628 527312 Email: [email protected] visit www.clinimed.co.uk. CliniMed Ltd, a company registered in England number 01646927. Registered offi ce: Cavell House, Knaves Beech Way, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks HP10 9QY. Welland®, CliniMed®, Aura™, Easy2peel™ and Dual-Carb® are trademarks of CliniMed Holdings Ltd. ©2013 CliniMed Ltd. 1697/0213/1

The new extensive range of Aura™ pouches feature our tried and tested skin-friendly Hyperfl ex® hydrocolloid fl ange, but now with the added benefi t of medical grade Manuka honey. The inclusion of Manuka honey in our Hyperfl ex® hydrocolloid may help to promote healthy skin around the stoma.

New Aura™ also has an accurate cutting guide for a perfect fi t, Easy2peel™ tab for easy removal, a super-soft water-repellent cover for outstanding comfort and a new Dual-Carb®2 and Dual-Carb®i fi lter for better odour management and reduced leakage.

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Manufactured by Welland®, a CliniMed® Group company

I understand that this request will be handled by CliniMed Limited or SecuriCare (Medical) Limited. I would like my details to be kept on fi le, so that I can be kept up to date with information about relevant new products and services.

For a free sample of Aura™, please complete the coupon and return it to: CliniMed Ltd., FREEPOST HY241, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP10 8BR(NO STAMP REQUIRED), call our free confi dential Careline on 0800 036 0100 or visit www.clinimed.co.uk

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms: Initials: Surname: Address:


Tel. No.: Email:

Available in a range of sizes and in Closed, Drainable, Urostomy and Stoma cap variants, the new Aura™ with Manuka honey is our most comfortable, skin-friendly pouch yet.

Find out more at www.clinimed.co.uk

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We need YOU!...Fundraising is an immensely importantsource of income for the Colostomy Association...as werely solely on donations to continue our work of givingsupport to colostomates, their families and carers...



When sending your

donations...please don’t

forget to include your

contact details.

Thank you!

Fundraising Focus...

Recycling Appeal is a multi-producttechnology appeal...raise funds forCA. Freepost envelopes are availableor collections can be organised simplycall: 08450 75 58 82 or 08451 30 2010

Unused andUn-pulled inkcartridges Mobile Phones

Laptops/DVD DS/Wii gamesconsoles DS/Wii games

What can be recycled?

For your FREEdonation boxsimply contactthe office –telephone: 0118 939 1537or email: [email protected] to order yours today!

Help CA raisefunds...

If you are having a fundraiser for the Colostomy Associationwrite in and tell us about it...you could be featured here!

Community Matters...WaitroseIn January, Janice Parkyn, CA volunteer collected a cheque for the sum of£280.00 from the Okehampton Branch of Waitrose. An article appeared in theOkehampton News as a result, which was great publicity for the ColostomyAssociation! Jo Hammond CA Administrator put an application in to the Tilehurstbranch of Waitrose, which raised £607! To date this form of fundraising hasraised £2,889 in total! Thank you to everyone who has put the ColostomyAssociation forward to benefit from the local Waitrose – Community Mattersfundraising initiative!

Easyfundraising...Sarah Squire, CA Trustee, suggested‘easyfundraising’ an online shoppingwebsite as a way of raising funds forCA. Sarah says: “It’s very easy toregister, it’s free and it raises moneyfor the CA every time you make anonline purchase through a range ofretailers.” So, why not give it a try?Thanks to Sarah, there are now 70Facebookers registered and raisingmoney for the CA in this way! To find out more please go towww.easyfundraising.org.uk. We hope those of you who are online will join in too!

MediterraneanShipping Company(UK) Ltd nominates CAto receive funds...A donation of £250 was gifted to theCA from the Staff Charity Ocean Fundin recognition of the care and supportgiven by the charity to a member ofstaff’s mum.

From Ed: Thank you to everyone foryour kind donation!

Bowls Clubs raise morefunds for CA!...

Members of the Erewash Indoor BowlsClub and Attenborough Village BowlsClub displayed a ‘universal ChristmasCard’ in lieu of sending individualcards to each other raising funds of£50 for CA!

Mr M Webber £ 25.00 Mr N C Greensitt £ 20.00Mrs B Wade £ 600.00

Thank you

In Memory

Don’t forget our



Thank youeveryone

for your kinddonations

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Mrs C Kendrick £1000.00Ms J West £ 302.00Anonymous £ 151.00Anonymous £ 60.40Mr EP Lowe £ 60.40Ms GD Maple £ 60.40Mrs DM Sagar £ 30.20Miss L Ferris £ 30.20Ms J Cooper £ 30.20Mrs E Dugdale £ 15.10Mrs M Van Pelt £ 15.10Mr P Grogan £ 15.10

Note: The following winnersMr C Kendrick donated £500 and Ms J West donated £100 of their draw prize back to CA...many thanks!

500 Club...December 2013 Draw Winners!

The Colostomy Association would like to take this opportunity to thank theDonald Forrester Trust for their kind donation of £5,000.

The Donald Forrester Trust have consistently donated over many years firstly tothe British Colostomy Association and now to the Colostomy Association - thetotal received to date is £43,000 – Thank you for your continuous support!

Thank youeveryone

for your kinddonations

Special thanks goes to...the Donald Forrester Trust who recently donated £5,000 to CA

Passionate supporter...

Mrs Agnes Mckenzie...is a passionatesupporter of the CA kindly giving adonation of £50 a year. At her recentGolden Wedding celebrations, Agnesgifted £350 to the CA from fundsraised by friends and relatives in lieuof presents. Agnes and fellow tenantsof the Rosebank Sheltered HousingComplex in Dundee also donatedfurther funds of £250 from a recentfundraiser...The Editor contacted Agnesto thank her for her ongoing supportand after a lovely conversation duringwhich Agnes praised Jackie Ingles(Manager of the Rosebank ShelteredHousing Complex) for her helpresulted in the following story...

Jackie writes: Back in 2006 I wasdiagnosed with Bowel Cancer. Afterthe diagnosis, the colorectal nurseinformed me that because of theposition of the cancer I would mostdefinitely require a colostomy whichcould not be reversed. During the timeof my initial investigations Agnes andher husband moved into the complex Iwas managing. When I was takingmedical information from Agnes Ifound that we both had bowelproblems. Over the next few monthsboth of us had to have colostomies.Although both Agnes and I have giveneach other support over bad times, wehave also had great support fromdoctors, nurses and staff at NinewellsHospital in Dundee.

Agnes writes: My problems started in2005 when I was suffering with severestomach pains. During this time myhusband had to have major surgery onhis spine which resulted in us havingto move into sheltered housing. Oneof the requirements for residing insheltered housing is that a record ofyour medical details be kept on fileand this is when I became aware that

Jackie also suffered from bowelproblems too. This was my firstmeeting with Jackie and in 2006 I wasdiagnosed with Diverticulitis whichresulted in me having a Colostomy.

In 2006 we both went through ouroperations within months of oneanother where we were told that dueto the type of surgery to the bowel; itcould not be reversed. Over the nextthree years I was admitted every threemonths for Dilation but in the end Ihad to go through more surgery on mystoma site. Jackie was also havingproblems, so in our own way wesupported one another. I have aspecial bond with Jackie not just asManager of the Rosebank ShelteredHousing Complex but as a friend andfellow ostomate. We still both attendhospital to see our stoma care nurseand we are also just a phone call awayfrom our nurse's help when we feelthe need for extra support.

We both receive Tidings magazinewhich we find very helpful and showour appreciation by giving our ownpersonal donation, which in turn goesto help fellow ostomates.

The Tenants write: We are a smallSheltered Housing Complex and a fewtimes a year we have social eveningsto raise funds. This allows us to go onday trips and visits to concerts and wealso try to help local charities. i.e. RedNose Day and Help For Heroes. Ourmost recent fundraiser was a BingoEvening and raffle. It was decided aftera Tenants meeting, and with all thetenants in agreement that a donationwould go to Jackie and Agnes's charity,the Colostomy Association. On behalfof the tenants of Rosebank ShelteredHousing Complex – thank you for allthe work you do – we our pleased tofundraise for such a worthy cause!

Remembering Brenda...It is alwayssad to lose a true friend andmember one of my support groupsbut the tribute paid to Brenda Wadeby her friends and family wasastounding. It was Brenda’s wishthat only family flowers should be atthe committal and any monies thatwere raised be donated to theColostomy Association.

Her friends and family have raisedthe wonderful sum of over £600.00and this money will be used – asBrenda wished – to supportcolostomates who need help andsupport while they are learning tolive with their stomas.

Thanks to her family and friends thiswonderful tribute to Brenda willhelp so many new ostomates whowill receive support from theColostomy Association.

Jackie DudleyVolunteer and TrusteeColostomy Association

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Tidings is always interested to learn about new stoma care products and services...frommanufacturers and suppliers. Colostomates...if you have found a stoma care product orservice beneficial to ‘living with a colostomy’ please let Tidings know. YOUR findingscould make ALL the difference to other colostomates.

NEWSoft Convex generation

Gentle pressure in the right place

Helps maintain skin integrity

Easy to teach

Security – prevents leaks

Time saving

Security – prevents leaks

NovaLife Soft Convex – For confidence and security

The next generation

Dansac are very proud to announce the launch of their newest productaddition to the NovaLife range;NovaLife Soft Convex.

With it’s unique flexible construction,the new NovaLife Soft Convex skinbarrier gives a gentle push to help even out peristomal skin, creating anenhanced skin seal for greater comfortand security. It is the flexible and skin-friendly solution that gives acomfortable and reassuring fit.

The New Dansac NovaLife SoftConvex is available in one-piece, bothclosed and drainable and introducesthe new EasiView viewing option togive that extra confidence in a glimpse.

These products are available on DrugTariff from the 1st April and if youwould like free samples please callour Customer Services Departmenton 0800 581117 who will be happy to help.

Update on stoma care products and services...

OstoMART Ltd is pleased toannounce the launch ofOstoPEEL - a brand newMedical Adhesive RemoverSpray with Blackberryfragrance

OstoPEEL is a non- sting propellantfree medical adhesive remover spraywhich uses bag-in-can technologywhich means you get 360 degreedispensing - it can be sprayed at allangles, even upside down. You alsobenefit from 100% product usagefrom each spray; it does not spraycold on the skin and is quieter to usethan standard aerosols.

OstoPEEL users alsobenefit from a subtleBlackberry fragrancethat makes changingof stoma appliancesand removal ofstubborn adhesiveresidue easy andpleasant.

OstoPEEL is over20% cheaper thanthe market leaderand no like for likeprescription medicaladhesive removerspray is cheaper thanours!

OstoPEEL – No propellants, Nowastage, No sting, No fuss!

OstoPEEL is available to order nowon prescription in a handy 50mlspray, just quote order code OPB50.

For further information or torequest a sachet sample of thisnew product please contact usdirect by calling freephone 0800220 300, by email to [email protected] or visit our websitewww.ostomart.co.uk.

New – Dansac NovaLife SoftConvex – the gentle andflexible solution

Fill, Seal, Secure...NEW WellandStoma Paste

We are pleased toannounce the NEWarrival of the WellandStoma Paste. This newproduct is for use onuneven skin andsmooth over scar linesand an ideal base toimprove the fit of yourstoma pouch. WithWelland Stoma Paste,you can be confidentthat your stoma pouchwill be held safely andsecurely in place.

Welland Stoma Paste is:• Alcohol free – No sting• Gives a smooth, sealed surface• Easy, pliable application• Quick to dry and long lasting• Is hypoallergenic• Suitable for most skin types

The paste is presented in a squeezable 100g tube and available on prescription.

Ordering Information:CliniMed Product Code: WSP100PIP Code: 384-0758Description: Welland Stoma PasteQty: 100g tube

Discover what Welland Stoma Pastecan offer you...contact us today toreceive your free sample:

Call Freephone: 0800 036 0100 for more information or visit ourwebsite at www.clinimed.co.uk

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Update on stoma care products and services...

NEW LOOK! Adapt™ MedicalAdhesive Remover – No Sting

Hollister Limited are pleased toannounce their Medical AdhesiveRemover spray has been rebranded in the Adapt™ range to complementour already popular, Adapt™Deodorant, Adapt™ Paste, Adapt™Barrier Rings and Adapt™ StomaPowder. The packaging has beenupdated to indicate the Adapt™Medical Adhesive Remover spray has a no sting solution. This product is asilicone-based, alcohol free – no stingformulation. Adapt™ Medical AdhesiveRemover spray breaks down adhesivebonds, which eases removal of skinbarriers or adhesive borders (tape)and helps reduce the potential for skin stripping.

To discover more about the HollisterEssentials range or to order samplesplease visitwww.hollisteressentials.co.uk or call customer services on 0800 521377.

Tough on leaks, soft on skin….Introducing Pelican Platinum, thebrand new closed pouch rangefrom Pelican Healthcare.

Unlike many conventional products, thePelican Platinum Closed pouchfeatures a unique foam backed skinprotector, which offers unrivalled levelsof comfort and security. The securecushioned adhesive will adhereimmediately to the skin, with adhesioncontinuing to improve over the lifetimeof the pouch, helping to reduceleakage.

The innovative foam backed skinprotector is extremely soft andcomfortable against the skin, whilst theground-breaking Pelican “EvoFlex”System ensures that pouch flexibilitywill not be compromised.

The advanced dual chamberhydrophobic filter system is anextremely efficient deodoriser, whilstthe waterproof element helps maintainfilter performance.

Available in four sizes: Mini, Standard,Maxi and a version that cuts up to80mm.

To request your complimentarysamples, please contact PelicanHealthcare on Freephone 0800 052 7471.

Tidings is always interested to learn about new stoma care products and services...frommanufacturers and suppliers. Colostomates...if you have found a stoma care product orservice beneficial to ‘living with a colostomy’ please let Tidings know. YOUR findingscould make ALL the difference to other colostomates.

The recently introduced Stoma Careproducts are a perfect example of thisphilosophy: PEEL-EASY – The first-nonsting medical adhesive remover aerosolwhich does not contain standard liquidaerosol propellants making a spray socold on the skin. PEEL-EASY not onlysprays at room temperature but willalways function properly, even whenheld upside down. The PEEL-EASYWipe will gently clean away anyadhesive remaining on the skin.

CLINIFILM – Will apply a non-stingflexible water proof film to sensitive orsore skin at risk to damage from bodyfluids, again a first in the field with anon-cold aerosol spray and a gentleClinifilm Wipe to reach difficult areas.CLINIFILM – A special lemon and limeostomy deodorant spray to neutraliseodours.

For more information visitwww.cdmedical.co.uk

C D Medical Ltd supplies the NHS with innovative and competitively pricedmedicines and is constantly looking to improve products which will enhancean individual’s quality of life.

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Who says sprays have to be cold?

Unbeatable protection for even the most sensitive skin

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You can forget the freeze with NEW LBF No Sting Barrier Film Spray. Whilst barrier fi lm sprays typically leave a cold sensation when sprayed onto skin, our new product uses innovative technology to remove the cold sensation and minimise discomfort. Protect intact skin from harmful bodily fl uids, friction and adhesives with our long-lasting skin-friendly formulation. Contact us today to receive your free LBF No Sting Barrier Film Spray sample.

I understand that this request will be handled by CliniMed Limited or SecuriCare (Medical) Limited. I would like my details to be kept on fi le, so that I can be kept up to date with information about relevant new products and services.

CliniMed® and LBF® are registered trademarks of CliniMed (Holdings) Ltd. CliniMed Ltd., a company registered in England number 0164627 Registered offi ce: Cavell House, Knaves Beech Way,Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks HP10 9QY. ©CliniMed Ltd. 2013 1665/0113/1

For a free sample of LBF® No Sting Barrier Film Spray please complete the coupon and return it to: CliniMed Ltd., FREEPOST HY241, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP10 8BR (NO STAMP REQUIRED)

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Travelling abroad by plane

• Contact your Doctor, Stoma CareNurse and/or your supplier andrequest an order 50% larger thanusual to ensure that you havesufficient supplies while on holiday,allowing for tummy upsets, accidentsand travel delays.

• Ensure you have other medication insufficient amount for the holidayperiod.

• Request a travel certificate and an IDcard from the colostomy association,proving you are an ostomate.

• Buy good insurance.

• Cut, in advance, any flanges you mayneed for the journey, as you will nothave scissors available.

• Investigate drainable pouches – tocope with an upset tummy whiletravelling or on holiday

• Scan or photocopy your documents –such as passport, travel documents,prescriptions, place these in a differentplace to the originals.

• Ensure you have the telephone andcontact number of your supplier.

• Check in 24 hours before your flightwhere possible and choose your seat.

• Unpack your pouches and flanges andrepack them in clear see-through bags(sandwich bags)

• Cut off the end of the boxes andenclose this with the pouches – toprove the items are medical. Thiscould also be a copy of theprescription.

• Ensure that all your supplies arecarried in your hand baggage so theystay with you at all times.

• If the amount you are carrying is too

much for your carry on bag ask atravelling companion to carry some foryou. Avoid placing them in your holdbaggage.

• Important - Do not pack scissors orsprays larger than 100ml in your handbaggage.

• Adhesive remover and skin barriers areavailable in sachet form to pack inyour carry on bag.

• From the night before and during theday of travel, avoid foods and drinkthat might cause your stoma tobecome “lively.

• Remove any item of clothing thatmight trigger the security scanners;jewellery, belts, large metal buckles orbuttons on clothing.

• Change your pouch just before you gothrough security. Try and have anempty pouch when going through thescanner.

• Wear loose clothing so that yourpouch is not restricted and thereforeuncomfortable on a long journey.

• Carry your ID card and your travelcertificate on your person. If you needto produce proof of a colostomy to asecurity officer you will have it readilyavailable.

• Carry a small bag with a days supply(pouch, flange, sachet of adhesiveremover and barrier wipe, dry wipeand disposal bag) – this can beremoved from your carry-on bag asyou take your seat on the plane to beavailable for the journey.

• Carry some form of medication to firmup or loosen output.

• It is worth taking some Dioralyte orsome form of electrolyte replacementin case you become dehydrated.

• You may need to take Loperamide orImodium to firm your output orMovical to loosen the output. Thisshould cover you for all eventualities.

• Drink bottled water while abroadunless you are sure of the safety issuesof the local supply. Check that the sealon the bottle has not been broken.

• While abroad, use bottled water toclean around your stoma area or askyour supplier for a number of (free)surgical wet wipes.

A number of incidents concerningsecurity officials have been reported tothe Colostomy Association. Whilst weknow how distressing these encounterswith officialdom are, and the CA takesthese complaints up with the bodiesconcerned, we are still unable tochange the individual’s attitude. The CAis endeavouring to run training sessionsfor the security staff at airports, seaportsand important public areas to make thestaff aware of what a stoma is and howthe staff should handle the travellingostomate.

It may help, if you have all your medicalsupplies in clear see-through bags. Inthis way the member of staff should notneed to touch them while having toexamine them fully. The medicalinformation within that bag should alsostate that it is a medical appliance.

Remember Unfortunately – we couldcarry anything in our pouches! Gems,drugs, gold – anything but the truepurpose of the pouch – poo! It must beup to the professional to make surethat, in our case, this is not so.

The above hints and tips are relevant,however you choose to travel – air,sea or on land. If you are staying inthe UK, apply for a Radar Key this willgive you access to disabled toilets.The Colostomy Association has aTravel Advice booklet available fordownload from the CA website:www.colostomyassociation.org.uk.The Travel Advice booklet, TravelCertificate and factsheet listing TravelInsurance companies are availablefrom the CA office.

hints and tips

Plan ahead

Carrying your supplies

On the journey


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This popular range of closed pouches, preferred by many Stoma Care Professionals,

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Irrigation and you...

Sue writes: As you know I encourageeveryone who irrigates to write inwith their experiences. If you have anirrigation story to share – it would begreat to hear from you!

Ken writes...The article ‘Irrigation andYou’ in the Winter 2014 edition ofTidings, wherein reference was made tothe use of ‘SOFT WATER’, caught myattention and prompted me to respondand relate my own experiencesconcerning ‘soft water.’

I am an ostomate of 85 years of age andfor the past 21 years been immersed inthe vagaries of irrigation. During thistime I have irrigated some 4,000 timesand, apart from holidays etc., havealways used Soft Water – with no ill-effect – so what’s the problem?

When I conveyed this information to SueHatton, she suggested I provide a shortarticle on my experiences as anostomate (I wish they would change thisword to an optimist).

So here goes...I began my saga when Inoticed, while on holiday in 1993, bloodin my motions. I mentioned this to mywife and, before I knew it, I foundmyself with my doctor and three weekslater lying in bed reflecting on my futureas an ostomate.

Being at the tender age of 65 years, Idecided to opt out of my business andget down to an appropriate lifestyle that

embraced my basic interests. To theforefront I wanted, as a life longsportsman, to continue playing squashand tennis. I discussed this with mystoma care nurse, a great lady, and shesuggested that irrigation might be mybest route to this goal. As a result sheobtained some sketchy informationfrom the USA – an A4 sheet of paper,the centre of interest being, someonesitting on the toilet with a plastic typesleeve placed over their stoma and intothe bowl, armed with a cone and tubeattached to a water bag, located at aspecific height.

I soon found as I took up irrigation thatthe position shown on the sheet couldbe quite uncomfortable so instead Iplaced a folding chair in front of thetoilet and put the end of the sleeve intothe bowl. I next found the heightspecified for the water bag did not work.As a result of this, and as a formerdrainage and irrigation engineer, Irealised the height of the water bag wascrucial in order for gravity to do its worksending the water from the bag downthrough the tube – so I adjusted theheight of the water bag by 9” and neverlooked back.

Having solved my irrigation technique,my next step, apart from eating, was toget back to playing tennis and squash,which was accomplished in four weeksfor tennis and six weeks for squash. Ieventually retired from my major sportsactivity at 81 years but still swim andgarden (not my greatest love!).

In relation to my squash and tennisactivity, there was the perceived worryconcerning possible embarrassment.For example, when appearing in theshower room at the club clad in asupportive corset, I gritted my teeth butwas soon put to rights by commentssuch as ‘I prefer black suspenders’. As a result my embarrassment soondisappeared.

In regard to the above basic lifestyleambitions, there was also the parallel

requirement of eating and it’s impact onhow I functioned. In general I found,with certain exceptions, that I could eatanything both at home and away. Theexceptions as a rule being anything withskins, particularly tomatoes, another ‘NoNo’ was sweetcorn, which seemed to gothrough me like machine gun bullets –great fun!

My wife and I love overseas travel and,in addition, overseas consultancy wasalways a great joy. In relation to waterfor my irrigation, I found that bottledwater or the use of sterilisation tabletssufficed. I have, in the course of mytravels, discovered I could write a bookon the plumbing of the world,particularly that relating to the GreekIslands.

I have irrigated using the aboveguidelines in diverse situations such as aMalaysian Steel Works and a Greek ferry.The latter was somewhat problematic inthat the ship’s water was definitely notsuitable. Unfortunately ice-cold bottledwater was the only available choice andI had to have recourse to heating thewater on the deck. Talk about mad dogsand Englishmen out in the midday sun!

Having got to a variety of destinations,the next requirement concerned theplacement of the water-bearing irrigationequipment, such as used in my ownshower room. I found, again by trial anderror, that this could be accomplished byusing some of the following accessories:-

• Length of stout string• ‘S’ shaped meat hook• Wire coat hanger• A plastic over the door hook• Hook (with a sticky back) – allow12 hours or a shower could ensue

• Wife or partner (not an accessory)• Good sense of humour• Sterilisation tablets

With these items and a fertileimagination, I found that I could travelanywhere.

Sue Hatton Executive Trustee writes…following on from the winter issue of TidingsI had a conversation with a wonderful gentleman – Ken Peplow. I suggested Kenwrite up his irrigation experiences using ‘soft water’. Tidings also received a letterfrom Jill who had also been using ‘soft water’. Please let me know your methodsand what you think about Ken’s article and Jill’s letter and whether you have beenoffered ‘colostomy irrigation’ by your stoma care nurse in your region...

Ken pictured with his wife Megan

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Almost in conclusion, I have found withthe establishment of the ColostomyAssociation and its attendant TIDINGS abasic ‘LONELY HEARTS CLUB’ andInformation Centre. I wish I’d had such acontact centre in my early days of beingan ostomate but, on reflection, I wouldnot have experienced the fun to beenjoyed in finding the solutionsprovided by trial and error.

In reviewing my possible next objectives,it would be great to achieve my 90thbirthday and, more importantly, tocelebrate my 70th Wedding Anniversarywith the love of my life – my wifeMegan. Allied to the above, it would befulfilling to have over 5,000 irrigationsunder my belt – all with ‘SOFT WATER’.Maybe entered in ‘GUINNESS BOOK OFRECORDS?’

Jill writes...I have had a colostomy since September2010 - due to bowel cancer - and havebeen irrigating since about May 2011.We have a ‘water softener’ and I did askmy stoma care nurse if was okay to use

the water and she said that it was - so Ihave been, with no side effects that Iknow of.

Although it took a while to get goingproperly, irrigation has been a godsendas I suffered from pancaking. I have avery high fibre diet and drink plenty offluids (if one more person tells me Idon't drink enough I shall pour a bottleof water over their head!) and no matterwhat different products I used nothingworked. Pancaking makes you feel dirty,smelly and uncomfortable!

Thank you for your magazine it is veryhelpful and if it hadn't been for Tidings Iwouldn't have heard of irrigation!

In conclusion: The experiences of Kenand Jill provide us with ‘real life’ insightinto irrigating with ‘soft water’ howeverat the present time the CA would advisenot using softened water to irrigate untilthere is more firm evidence with regardto salt content. Keep your experiencescoming in, they help to build a clearerpicture of ‘colostomy irrigation’.

Colostomy Irrigation and YouDVD1: (patients version)

Order Form Colostomy Irrigation and You (Patients)

To obtain your single copy of Colostomy Irrigation and You at the special introductory price of £4.99 (inc postage and packing) simply fill in your details below and make your cheque payable to the Colostomy Association. Return your completed form and cheque for £4.99 (inc postage and packing) to: Colostomy Association, Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4QA

(If you have any queries please contact the admin team at the CA office via the following methods:Telephone: 0118 939 1537 or Email: [email protected])

Please allow 30 days for delivery.

Colostomy Association, Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4QA Reg No. 1113471 VAT No. 917079312

Colostomy Irrigation and You is an educational DVD aimed at patients, it has beenproduced by the Colostomy Association to raise awareness about ‘colostomyIrrigation’ as an alternative method of bowel management. Note: Please be advisedthat not all colostomates have the potential to irrigate it is therefore essential in the firstinstance to consult your Surgeon/Stoma Care Nurse as they will advise as to your suitability.


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Sue writes...I am delighted to announce thatthe Colostomy Association hastaken its first delivery of bothDVDs – Irrigation and You(Patients Version) and ColostomyIrrigation – a reference tool forClinical Nurse Specialists (stomaCare). (Nurse to Nurse version)

The DVDs are the culmination of a personal ambition to raiseawareness for colostomyirrigation as an alternativemethod of bowel management.

I would like to take thisopportunity to thank everyoneinvolved with the project whogave their time freely with suchenthusiasm to make the DVDs areality!

Colostomy Irrigation (wherepossible) is life changing!







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Tough on leaks, soft on skin

Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms): .......................................................... Address: .........................................................................

............................................................................. Post Code: ............................... Telephone: ...........................................

Size: Mini ❑ Standard ❑ Standard ❑ Maxi ❑ Stoma Size: ................... mm(12-65mm) (12-65mm) (15-80mm) (12-65mm)

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Unlike many conventional products, the Pelican Platinum Closed pouch features aunique foam backed skin protector, which offers unrivalled levels of comfort and security.

The innovative foam backed skin protector is extremely soft and comfortable againstthe skin, whilst the ground-breaking Pelican “EvoFlex” System ensures that pouchflexibility will not be compromised.

The advanced dual chamber hydrophobic filter system is an extremely efficient deodoriser, whilst the waterproof element helps maintain filter performance.

• Unique foam backed skin protector• Ground breaking Pelican ‘EvoFlex’ system• Advanced dual chamber waterproof filter• Available in 4 sizes: Mini, Standard, Maxi

... and a version that cuts up to 80mm


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CA ‘Closed’ FACEBOOK...on the up!Membership reaches 1800 and rising...Sarah writes...The CA ‘closed’Facebook group has gone fromstrength to strength. In January 2012 webecame a ‘closed group’ at 248members. We felt it was important tohave a closed group where peoplecould comment, safe in the knowledgethat nobody outside of the group couldread what they’d posted. After all, nomatter how open you are about yourstoma, you may not want your otherFacebook friends to read about yourstoma issues. As of March this year ourmembership has risen to an incredible1800 and is still rising. Every newmember is greeted enthusiastically andsoon made to feel part of the family. Itstill amazes me how people arrive often‘in tatters’ and within minutes haveanswers to the issues they are facing,from people who really understand.

As the group has grown, fellow AdminDuncan Wells and myself have come torealise it’s quite a responsibility to keepa caring eye on the group but at thesame time – very rewarding – its a bitlike being parents of a very large family.Duncan has taken a step back from thegroup for a while due to workcommitments so we decided this wasthe time to expand the Admin team. We debated long and hard as to whomwe should ask but three names keptcropping up. The three became adminsin January and have already been ahuge help to me. I asked each one towrite a little about themselves forTidings so that you could get to knowthem too!

So it’s with great pleasure I welcome tothe Admin team and introduce you to –Ian Jackson, Natalie (Natty) Slow andSteve Clark!

Ian Jackson: Hi I’m Ian. In January 2011I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer(Bowel cancer) 10 days before my 50thbirthday. I had a round of chemo andradiotherapy and after a few months toget over that had a permanent endcolostomy formed in August 2011. Soonafter I found a small support group onFacebook called the ColostomyAssociation and on joining the group Ifound a wonderful bunch of peoplewho helped me adjust to my new lifewith a colostomy and supported methough the next round of chemo. Aswell as now being involved with the CAI also take any opportunity to try to raise

awareness of bowel cancer. I considermyself a lucky ostomate as I have veryfew problems with my stoma. I workfull time and mostly live my life thesame as I did before the operation.

I irrigate as I feel this gives me backcontrol and would encourage others(where possible) to try this method ofmanaging their colostomy. On the CAFacebook group I give reassurance,share knowledge and encourage others.As I’m at work in the daytime you’ll findme on the group most evenings andinto the early hours. Well that’s all fromme – keep safe, keep fit and healthyand most of all – NEGU (Never EverGive Up).

Natalie (Natty) Slow: At just eight yearsold I was diagnosed with Ulcerativecolitis (UC). Fast-forward seven yearsand I was having semi emergencysurgery to create an ileostomy at theage of fifteen. I couldn't even say‘ileostomy’ let alone tell you what itwas! When I first saw my stoma, I criedmy eyes out, nothing had prepared forthat. I contracted a terrible wound andMRSA infection and was in isolation forsix weeks with a hole the size of afootball in my tummy. For a while it wastouch and go whether I would make it.This entire experience really gave methe hump and although I appeared fineto everyone – inside I felt like I wasdying. I hated myself and this in turnmade be bitter. Ten years later I had tohave my rectum removed. I was twenty-five. I was told I’d be back to workwithin eight weeks...that was six yearsago! I've had various struggles since myoperation but the biggest one was thedeepest, darkest black hole I fell into –there was nothing – no light –penetrated my blackness. I just didn'twant to live anymore.

Out of sheer desperation I searched forthe CA Facebook group and clicked‘join’. I didn't really want to. I’d alreadyconvinced myself that no one would beable to help me. I didn't even want totalk to anyone. The warmth andkindness I found that day is almostindescribable. Those ‘people’ not onlyhelped me, they saved my life and I willnever be able to thank them enough. Ihave my life back and the black hole isno more, light fills my world! Now I'man Admin I beam with pride...the bitterlittle girl is now a proud young, HAPPY

lady and it’s all thanks to the CAFacebook group.

Steve Clark: I'm Steve Clark and I’m 59.I was in Toulouse, France, in February2011, loading a trailer with furniture toreturn my son and daughter-in-law tothe UK, I had been suffering stomachpains for a week beforehand and duringthe drive down and back, was in evenmore pain. I went to see my GP onMonday morning and by Mondayevening was in emergency surgerybeing converted to that special being, acolostomate! My bowel had rupturedand I had desperately needed life-saving surgery. After a long time inhospital with a sepsis, caused by a leakfrom the rectal stump, I had a furtheroperation, in May 2012, to relocate thestoma, remove the rectum and 'sew meup.' It was about this time, feeling veryalone in the world, that I found theColostomy Association website and,thence, the CA ‘Closed’ Facebook group.

The group turned out to be almost asvaluable a lifesaver as my first surgery.The support, friendship, love and laughswere instrumental in changing mymindset and teaching me to live withthe positive side of being acolostomate. Through the group, Idiscovered that I may be a suitablecandidate for irrigation and inNovember 2012, I gave it a go with theapproval of my stoma care nurse. It isfair to say that I haven't looked backsince. I have returned to my job as aTaxi Driver in Fareham and have awonderful wife, married son anddaughter and the three most gorgeousgrandsons on the planet! As I have putin my Twitter profile: ‘life is sweet’. OneSaturday morning, I logged on to the CA‘closed’ Facebook group to find amessage from Sarah inviting me to jointhe Admin team. I was delighted toaccept I consider it to be real honourand hope I can make a valuablecontribution to the role in theforeseeable future.

If you would like to join the ‘closed’ CA Facebook group, search for‘Colostomy Association’ on Facebook,choose the group and you will see atab to click to join. Once you’verequested to join, one of the Adminswill greet you. We look forward toseeing you there!

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Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Postcode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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With Aloe Vera to help soothe, soften

and moisturise

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The delicate skin around a stoma needs special care

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Stoma protectors...One of the big worries after stomasurgery is that your life will have tochange. Underlying disease or healthissues may be a factor, but there aremany activities you can continue toenjoy with a colostomy.

You will have all kinds of questionsabout living with a stoma and postsurgery. Some will be related toprevious interests you were involved insuch as keeping fit. Others may beabout returning to the workplace,especially if it is to an environmentthat demands a great deal of physicalactivity.

Exercise is an important step forwardto good health. Walking, as has beenproven recently, is not only good foryour body but good for your mind too.When starting exercise take it easy atfirst and little by little you will findyourself able to do more. Be carefulnot to strain yourself, wear a supportgarment as this may help protect youagainst developing a hernia. At somepoint you may find you want to returnto playing a contact sport such asrugby. When starting any strenuousexercise it’s always best to discuss itfirst with your stoma care nurse or GP.

When exercising or playing sport,some ostomates worry that theirstoma could get knocked or theappliance pulled causing damage tothe stoma. We do need to look afterour stomas – so it’s good to knowthat there are solutions out there tohelp the ostomate overcome theirconcerns.

Specialist products known as – stomaprotectors or shields are available toprotect your stoma. They are made outof hard plastic which is formed into acup. The cup is attached to a belt. Thecup fits over the appliance to giveextra protection and peace of mind,whilst not restricting the function ofthe pouch and the belt holds the cupin place.

Some people may find stomaprotectors or shields useful whendriving in the early days too. Once youhave recovered enough to drive, onyour doctor’s advice, you may still feel

a little tender where the seatbelt restson you tummy. It is tempting not towear a seatbelt if it is uncomfortableand you may also be worried aboutdamage to the stoma - but far moredamage could occur in a car accidentso always wear your seatbelt. A stomaprotector could be used to stop theseatbelt rubbing, or another hint fordriving is to try a device designed forpregnant ladies to keep the seatbelt ina lower position. Some ostomateswith a stoma in a tricky place, such ason the waistband may benefit from astoma guard too, as it will keepclothing away from the stoma andmay help with problems such aspancaking. A factsheet is availablefrom the Colostomy Associationwebsite entitled Seat belt protectionand extenders. Visit:www.colostomyassociation.org.uk orfor a paper copy contact the CA officedetails can be found on page 6.

Stoma protectors may also be usefulfor children with a stoma. We all knowchildren like to play rough and tumbleand don’t give a thought to theconsequences. In this case it may bemum or dad who then have peace ofmind that their child can continue toplay as they wish without risk ofdamage to the stoma or a burst bag after a fall!

Stoma protectors are available onprescription from several companiesOstoMART (OstoSHIELD picturedabove) FREEPHONE 0800 220300,Comfizz Tel: 0113 266 2096 and SASHFreephone: 0800 389 3111 (UK only).It is always advisable to discuss stomaprotection with your stoma care nurse

or GP to ensure that the product suitsyour needs. Other stoma protectorssuch as Ostomy Armor (an Americanproduct) are available to purchaseonline visit: www.ostomyarmor.com.Please be aware that not all Americancompanies ship to the UK andproducts can be expensive.

Some stoma protectors can be wornwithin a hernia support belt, thereforeprotecting against the dreaded herniatoo. It is important to look after yourstoma but it is also important to live asfull and active life as possible. Theseadditional products may help anostomate continue to take part inactivities they enjoy while keeping thestoma safe.

Thousands of ostomates enjoy a widerange of sporting activities such as golf,cricket, bowls, sailing, cycling, running,climbing as well as going to the gymand activities like gardening andrambling. So why not you!

Focus on additional ostomy products


Note: Additional products – areinvaluable to the ostomate many areavailable on prescription. Howevercertain products may attract payment.Ask manufacturers for samples, andalways talk to your stoma carenurse/GP if you feel a particular productmay be of benefit to you. Explain whyyou think you need it and discuss allthe alternatives available. All we ask isthat you use products sensibly. At theend of the day your stoma care nurseand GP want you to live a happy lifewith your stoma and should help youachieve this with sensible use ofadditional products.

If you use additional products inyour change routine.

Please write in any tell us about your experiences or send in

your hints and tips.See Page 6 for

the Editor’s contact details.

Editors Comment

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Welland Stoma Paste protects the skin and creates a smooth surface in the problematic area surrounding stomas for a safe, secure pouch application. Simply fi ll the gaps, seal the skin and secure the pouch. The paste is alcohol-free so it won’t sting, is easy to use, and the strong fl exible bond will increase pouch wear time and help prevent leaks.

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Manufactured by Welland®, a CliniMed® Group company. Welland® products are distributed in the UK by CliniMed Ltd., a company registered in England number 01646927. Registered offi ce: Cavell House, Knaves Beech Way, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP10 9QY Tel: 01628 850100 Fax: 01628 527312 Email: [email protected] or visit: www.clinimed.co.uk. CliniMed® and Welland® are registered trademarks of CliniMed (Holdings) Ltd. ©CliniMed Ltd 2013. PID 178

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Where were you born andbrought up?

I was born in Nantwich, Cheshire in ahospital that I would later go and workin as a Nursing Auxiliary. By then it wasa long-stay mental hospital.

What qualifications did you get at school?

Twelve O levels and eight A levels!I took them twice after getting thegrumps when the school did not thinkme bright enough to do medicine atUniversity!

When did you decide to studymedicine and do you come from amedical family?

I don't know the answer to this only tosay that the lady who worked in thelocal sweet shop always called me 'Doc'when I was a kid. My mother worked asa secretary in a chicken factory and mydad worked in a steel foundry. Both hadworked for British Rail in Crewe and I was the first in the family to get an O level.

What University did you go to?

After being rejected by every MedSchool in the UK and Ireland and thengetting the grades, I was sat on thesteps to the University of Wales Collegeof Medicine ready to hand a letter in, onthe Monday after the A level results,asking to be considered for a place atMedical School (this was part of a UKtour to every Med School). A nice lady(I would find out later wasthe Admissions Officer)asked me in and towait until it was open.One hour later, I'd

Introducing your NEW President...

Mr Ian DanielsFRCSI was delighted when I was asked by mysurgical mentor and colleague ProfessorBill Heald (past President) and theTrustees of the Colostomy Association totake on the Presidency of the ColostomyAssociation.

I have been working with Bill for over 10 years, during this period Bill hasdemonstrated excellence in surgicaltechnique in rectal (lower bowel) cancerand techniques to restore bowelcontinuity. In recent times we havemoved forward the surgery for anal andrectal cancer, where a permanentcolostomy is created to improve thesurvival in these patients. However,

survival is not just about length of timelived from cancer surgery, but living withthe effects of cancer surgery, quality oflife as well as quantity of life.

My personal interest is in managing thecomplex abdominal wall problemsrelating to hernias – of all varieties, andthis has led me to study herniasassociated with stomas but from thecauses and effects, as well as surgery torepair them…no simple answers here.

However, with support from patientsand a desire to promote furtherresearch, we are beginning to definedifferent types and effects, as well as

considering whether there is a group ofpatients at risk for hernias, because therisk is in your genes!

Tidings represents a great opportunity to conduct research, unite ostomatesand to share experiences and advice.Colostomy Association patient opendays offer an opportunity to talk face-to-face, away from the Out-patient clinicswhich are so pressed for time!

I look forward to meeting many of youthroughout my Presidency and will workvery hard for this big hearted charity.

Ian Daniels FRCS

A little background information...

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been interviewed in my jeans and rugbyjersey, offered a place and accepted it.

Two hours later I’d had a few beers inCardiff, eventually found my way backhome on a train, the next day having tophone Cardiff to check they really hadoffered me a place. Later I was to lookafter the 'nice lady' when I was a juniordoctor (Oh! And I later broke the arm ofthe registrar in a staff v student cricketmatch who also interviewed me –needless to say he forgave me). I was tobecome President of Cardiff UniversitySchool of Medicine (UWCM the 3rdsmallest University in the UK) in mysenior years. In the early 2000's UWCMwas absorbed into Cardiff Universityafter more than seventy-five years ofworking in partnership, creating a newera for university education in Walesand one of the biggest and mostpowerful universities in the UK.

When during your training did youdecide to become a ‘plumber', as youcall it, or a bowel surgeon as wewould refer to it?

My usual answer is...’Not being brightenough to be a brain surgeon, suaveenough to be a heart surgeon, I found anatural opening’ so to speak! However,like so many people in life my teachersinfluenced me and Mr. Nick Carr,Colorectal Surgeon in Swansea set meon this path, so I owe an awful lot toNick for the opportunity he gave me. Healso suggested leaving Wales and goingto London and then Basingstoke. I havebeen very fortunate to work with thebest throughout my career.

What is family life like, given that youare a workaholic!

In a word ‘Chaos’. Fortunately my familyHalina, Domi, Holly and Jazzy are all

very understanding – operations andpatients, research and academia cantake their toll – surgery can often have anegative effect on so many families, but Ithink that is the nature of this profession.

What has been your Medical Pathwayso far?

I trained in Wales gaining a Degree inGenetics. Worked in Swansea with NickCarr – Colorectal Surgeon, then London,Basingstoke and Oxford and finally tookup my current post – ConsultantColorectal Surgeon, Royal Devon &Exeter NHS Foundation Trust in 2006. Iam also a Consultant ColorectalSurgeon at Pelican Cancer Foundation,Basingstoke.

I belong to the following organisations:-

• British Medical Association• Association of Surgeons of GreatBritain and Ireland

• American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

• British Association of Surgical Oncology/Association of Cancer Surgeons

• Association of Coloproctology of GreatBritain and Ireland

Where do you hope it will lead?

I once wanted to be a serious academicand ultimately become a Professor ofSurgery, but I enjoy operating too muchand will always put other things to oneside if someone needs an operationthat I think would be best done by me,which leads to lots of late nights!

You travel abroad a great deal, whatdo these trips entail and what workare you doing?

Professor Bill Heald inspired in me theability not just to talk about surgery inlectures but to do surgery live, showinghow difficult cases can be and to havediscussions with fellow surgeons abouthow to improve. I learn something fromevery trip and bring that knowledgeback to the UK.

What research do you want to do andhow can the CA get involved?

More research into quality of life forpeople ‘living with a stoma.’ Gaingreater understanding of the pathwaysthat lead people to receive a stoma,particularly Diverticulitis. Individualisedcare will be an important factor in thefuture and CA can play its part through‘quality of life’ studies which couldchange care and patient outcomes.

What will you bring to the CA andwhat can we achieve together?

Influence in terms of forward thinkingand raising awareness of the CA and itsamazing work. Build ever closerrelationships between all the stomasupport patient associations, as many ofthe issues such as poor siting, herniasand high output are shared. Tostrengthen the patients’ position andincrease awareness in others.

What would you like your legacy to be?

Being remembered fordoing a ‘Proper Job’ forpatients. Supportingtrainees in medicine andsurgery as they will bethe generation tolook after me!

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Breakaway Foundation...introduces Family Information Days

Write to us or send adonation to:

Breakaway FoundationPO BOX 7982SwadlincoteDE11 1FB

More informationabout BreakawayFoundation...

Telephone: 01283 240253Email: [email protected] Web: www.breakawayfoundation.org.uk

Donate online via: http://www.justgiving.com/breakawayvisits

As the Breakaway Foundation hascontinued to grow we've realised thatpeople often find us really late in theday, they've often been struggling alonefor years not realising that there is helpand support out there, and then oncethey do find us they often have to waituntil the following year to come to oneof our family weekends.

So last year we decided to dosomething about this and theBreakaway Family Information dayswere born. We held days in Leicester,London and Newport, giving familiesthe chance to come along, find outmore about the Breakaway Foundationand what we do, meet some of thetrustees and volunteers, and moreimportantly to meet others who aregoing through the same thing.

The events in 2013 were reallysuccessful, and some of those familieshave since been to a weekend or are

booked to come this year. So for 2014we set ourselves a challenge to spreadthe word about the BreakawayFoundation far and wide across the UK.

Our first information day was held inBirmingham on the 23rd February, ourGold sponsors, Salts Healthcare, verykindly offered us the use of their nurseeducation centre. Thirteen new familiesjoined us on the day, along with someof our parent and professionalvolunteers and trustees, there werearound seventy people, including whatfelt like millions of children runninground everywhere!

Zoe and Tracy had put on some greatcraft activities for the children to try andkeep them occupied. Hannah andTiegan, never ones to miss a fundraisingopportunity, had spent Saturday bakingcakes and raised a magnificent £60from their cake sale, Ian Jackson and hiswife Julie drove up to join us and Julie

spent hours face painting just aboutevery child that was there! PaulineMorgan and her husband came alongwith some homemade cakes and did a sterling job keeping everyone toppedup with tea.

Everyone really enjoyed the day andthere were some very relieved parentsheading home, having realised that theyare no longer alone and that there areothers who understand. ‘So pleased wewent along to the information daytoday. It was great to meet otherfamilies in the same or similarsituations, after such a long time we arenot alone anymore!!’, ‘I never thoughtI'd meet another family like ours. Thankyou Breakaway and Salts, you made mylittle boy smile again today’.

Our next information day is on Friday11th April in Newcastle. We've beenoverwhelmed with the interest in thatevent, so many families in the Northeast who think they are alone, they aregoing to get a wonderful shock! We'vefurther events planned for Scotland,Leeds and Cambridge, keep an eye onour website and Facebook page formore details.

We're also trying to leave some form ofsupport behind, so we now have ourLondon and South East support group,who've had their first event and arebusy planning a trip to the sciencemuseum, our Birmingham and theBlack Country support group, who havetheir first event on Saturday 5th April,and plans are underway for somethingin the South Wales/Herefordshire area.The Breakaway Foundation really isgoing from strength to strength!

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Stop leaks,noise and odour

AbsorbaGel is a super absorbent powder helping to prevent leaks, noise and odour. Presented in an easy to use sachet it turns pouch

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My father started to suffer from lowergut pain when he was 55. He was anactive man and the pain and discomfortwould render him totally inactive. Notests were undertaken but the doctorsimply told him it was probablydiverticulitis. This WAS nearly 30 yearsago! He was given a drug calledColofac, which helped him with thediscomfort. It became a way of life. Nodietary advice was given then and hesimply got on with it. He could neverpredict when an attack would happenand indeed one took place on a visit tomy home in Kent for no apparentreason.

I took him to our local doctor who againsaid it was diverticulitis. My father hadsuffered from other serious illnesses inthe past and was reluctant to do anymore about the attacks so continued totake Colofac. The medical professionseemed to just pass diverticular diseaseoff as insignificant and something thathappened when you got older. At the

age of 60 he felt unwell, couldn’t passstools and noticed that his urine wasbrown. He had a couple of scans andexaminations and was taken intohospital where he underwentimmediate bowel surgery. There was alarge blockage in the sigmoid colon anda fistula had formed with the bladder;hence the brown urine. A section of thelarge colon was taken away and acolostomy was formed. There were noproblems with the formation of thecolostomy and my father got on withhis life. Although there was a possibilityof bowel re-connection at a later date ifhe so chose but he decided against it,as the colostomy caused no problems.The connection point would have beenvery low down making surgery difficult(at that point in time) and worst of allto him was the possibility of beingbowel incontinent. He was content withhis colostomy.

Fast-forward to my experience. Tidingsmagazine and colostomy bags were a

familiar sight to me. I used to readTidings when I visited my parents as Ifound the magazine very interesting.Little did I realise the significance of this!Lightening couldn’t strike twice could it?But it did. Neither my father nor Isuffered from constipation. Diverticulitisis often characterised by constipationbut this didn’t fit either of our bowelhabits. I had always been regular. I wasa muesli child – I ate everything Ishould do, brown bread, lovedvegetables, and had a good diet. Myfather had a different diet – white slicedbread, lots of protein, and not so manyvegetables. He was a child of his time.

At the age of 45 I noticed that I neededto go to the bathroom more regularlybut this didn’t bother me much. Ifigured I was healthy better to be thisway than constipated. I often used toget gut pain but put this down to periodpains. I didn’t think it could be my diet.Sometimes I would simply just have tostop what I was doing and sit or liedown for a while until the discomfortwore off. In January 2006 my husbandand I went to India. This was the secondtime we had visited India and I hadn’tsuffered from any problems before. Thisvisit also went well, apart from the factthat the day after we returned I sufferedfrom raging diarrhoea.

I carried on for four days then went tomy doctor taking a stool sample withme. We were going away for theweekend and I didn’t want to passanything on. The sample came backclear. I continued to suffer with seriousdiarrhoea for about a month. I couldn’tgo out without finding out where thenearest toilets were sited before hand.Luckily I was working from homeotherwise it would have been dreadful.It was bad enough as it was. There wasa suggestion from the doctor that itmight be Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) so nothing moved forward. Imentioned my father’s experience –‘no, not at your age!’ I had my firstappointment with a colorectal surgeonin October 2006 followed by a failedcolonoscopy – the colonoscopecouldn’t traverse the colon due to acuteangulation at the rectosigmoid junction.

In January 2007 a barium enemaconfirmed gross diverticular diseasecomplicated by stenosis in the distalsigmoid colon. Prognosis: removal ofthe sigmoid colon! Suddenly I was


Ninel writes..My father and I both ended up with stomas due to diverticular disease.This is an account of our experiences...



It couldn’t happen twice?

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where my father was all those yearsago. I didn’t want the surgery and Iremember saying I would much ratherbe dead than wear a bag! My fathertried to console me. He hadexperienced no problems with hiscolostomy. However, I felt this wasn’t forme. Enter Mr. Daniel Lawes, consultantcolorectal surgeon, Maidstone andTunbridge Wells. Mr. Lawes has beenabsolutely marvellous!

I didn’t want surgery and I didn’t want abag. He listened to me and agreed aconservative approach of ‘masterlyinactivity’– if anything changed wewould reconsider. I read everything Icould – monitored foods, whichseemed to cause problems (nuts,lentils, sweetcorn primarily – so muchfor the muesli!). Much to Mr. Lawesamusement I also introduced ‘slipperyelm’ (a herbal remedy), which seemedto help. I had follow-up appointmentsonce a year, at which I would say that Ihad only suffered two bouts ofdiverticulitis that year – upshot – carryon as usual. This sounds quite minorbut actually it wasn’t. I was bed-boundfor days. I carried antibiotics with me sothat I could self-medicate when I knewthings were getting really bad. My sociallife was affected. I couldn’t go to thetheatre or cinema, as I couldn’t sitthrough a performance. Life waspretty miserable.

On 30 December 2012 I suffered a badattack of diverticulitis. The antibioticstook a long time to work and I was veryconcerned. At my routine appointmentin February I knew I had to face up andmake a decision before I ended up inthe same position as my father. Plannedsurgery is always the best option. Mr.Lawes had told me in a previousappointment that surgery at my age(55) had a much better outcome. Aftermuch deliberation following theappointment I decided I simply musthave surgery.

Mr. Lawes carried out a laparoscopicsurgical colectomy on 31 October 2012.In order to let the join heal a temporaryloop ileostomy was also made. It wasplanned to reverse this two or threemonths later. So, I woke up followingsurgery with a ‘bag.’ From the word go Ijust got on with it. I shed no tears. Allthe nurses at Maidstone Hospital were

fantastic. The colorectal nurses andstoma nurses at Maidstone andTunbridge Wells hospitals, well, I justcan’t praise them enough! They were soprofessional in their roles and made allthe difference to me. I felt great afterthe surgery – no pain to speak of. I feltbetter than I had felt for a long time.The surgical procedure was quite longand quite difficult – my only regret Ishould have had it done much earlier.Sorry, Mr. Lawes! I carried out my firstbag change two days later and wasdischarged after five days. I had a newdiet, which I followed to the letter! Icreated a space for all my stomaparaphernalia and made good use of atrolley I already had, and got on wellwith things at home.

Two and a half weeks later my fatherbecame gravely ill and was taken intothe Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.Whilst he was in the HDU I visited himevery day. In the bed next to him was alady who’d had emergency bowelsurgery abroad and experiencedcomplications. So, there we were, allthree of us, with our stomas! Iintroduced the lady to Tidings and toldher of my experience.

Whilst visiting my father in hospital Ihad to change and empty my bagthroughout the day, but it was noproblem. In my father’s case, a stomawas quite advantageous as a bedpanwas totally unnecessary! I was reallyhelpful to my father's as I could cut hisdrainable bags to the correct size. Wewere very close and to my great reliefmy father survived.

After three weeks I was driving again. Iactually saw the benefits of wearing abag – I could empty it when I choseand I could ‘see’ how different foodsaffected my digestion. I can honestly saythat I never had any problems with mybag – ‘Stinker’ (named by mydaughter).

At the end of January 2013 myileostomy was successfully reversed. Iwas dreading the possibility of notbeing able to control my bowelmotions. However, after a couple ofweeks I was pretty much back toonormal again. A year on and it all seemslike someone else’s life – a time when Isuffered so much. In July last year, my

father passed away at the age of eighty-four of an unrelated illness. He hadmanaged his stoma successfully fornearly twenty-five years. It caused himno bother at all. In fact, it gave him abetter quality of life, more time with hisfamily, which was a blessing to us all. Iam so pleased with my outcome –reversal – which was right for me.

Thank you to Mr. Lawes and all his teamand thank you Tidings for publishingthis article.


For about one in ten peoplewith a colostomy, their stomawas formed following asevere attack of diverticulitis.For some the stoma may bepermanent, others may beoffered a reversal.

What is Diverticular Disease? The term Diverticular Diseaseincludes diverticulosis (thepresence of small pockets or sacsor diverticula, in the intestine wall)and diverticulitis (inflammation ofthese small pockets or sacs).Diverticular Disease occurs in thebowel from problems relating tothe presence of diverticula and/ordiverticulitis. Diverticular bleeds,and long-term effects of recurringepisodes of diverticulitis, mayresult in narrowing, thickening andpoor function of the bowel in aspecific area.

What are the Symptoms?The symptoms vary depending onthe level of the disease. If there ismild disease where the symptomsare vague for example lowerabdominal pain may be felt usuallyon the left side. Any furtherfeatures of inflammation, such as atemperature could meanDiverticulitis. Pain is generallyassociated with eating and isrelieved by passing faeces.

In Diverticulitis the symptoms aresimilar, abdominal pain, fever, achange in bowel habit, feeling sickor being sick and in some casespassing blood.

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Pauline writes…This is quite a long post, but I think it’san important one, so please bear withme. Last year at the CA Open Day, I wastalking to Ian about check-ups forpeople who have had Bowel Cancer, Imentioned that because I have had somany scans of some sort or another,they are reluctant to do more unless inan emergency.

We were talking about the ScreeningKits that are send out to people over acertain age, and I was surprised whenIan said even people who have hadBowel Cancer should do them. I hadone when I came out of hospital sixyears ago and sent it back as it said ifyou have had surgery or treatment forcancer don't use the kit. Typically, Ididn't do anything about it, then, justbefore Christmas Mr. M had his through,so I rang them about myself. They said itwas really important that we haveregular testing, and I said how talking toIan had made me ask, and I told themabout the CA and the Closed CAFacebook group. They asked me tospread the word that people should stillhave this test, to ring them if unsure,they are happy to talk and explainthings.

I duly had my test and followed theinstructions, not the big deal those,‘Mere Mortals’ make of it, though I doadmit to a bit of a quandary when tryingto spread Poo on a tiny space and itwouldn't spread. I then realised I wastrying to squash a piece of peanutwhich must have come off an ice creamI had eaten the day before -I wonder what they would have madeof that? Mr. M's results came throughwithin a week of his test, a little thinenvelope with NHS on it, all was well.

I had my results, a thick envelope withNHS, my little heart started to beatfaster, please don't let one of mypeanuts have cancer I thought.

As I am very brave I gave it to Mr. M toopen, then realised I had another slimenvelope with NHS on it, I opened that,my test was clear, the other envelopewas an invitation for a Mammogram inMarch, I think my heart rate hasreturned to normal now. Now I justhave to have the mammogram, no bigdeal, it's even very handily on aSupermarket Car Park, and quite local.My only problem is squeezing myboobs within the plates, it's quitedifficult getting a 32AAA boob, betweenthe plates, tweezers have beenmentioned to lift the nipples on manyoccasions, the technicians get morestressed than me, what should take afew minutes takes ages, but again avery important check-up, another funafternoon out!

Ian writes…Bowel cancer awareness why? I dothink some people that know mewonder why I keep ‘going on about’bowel cancer. I find it a shocking factthat while if it is caught early themajority of cases can be verysuccessfully treated it is still the secondmost common cancer killer in the UK. Iattended a local group meeting wheremy surgeon was talking about bowelcancer surgery.

He was talking about advances likeenhanced recovery, keyhole surgery,harmonic scalpels and even thepossibility of robotic surgery, but stillshockingly 50% of bowel cancer casesare terminal mostly because of a latediagnosis, so in my mind there are vast

improvements to be made just byincreasing awareness and gettingquicker and more accurate diagnosis’s.

So what do I mean by awareness? To my mind awareness comes in twoparts. Firstly the awareness of thescreening program, at the moment only50% of home screening kits sent outare completed. Picking bowel cancer upat this stage is by far the best chance ofa successful treatment and cure as thescreening program can detect aproblem before any other symptomswould be noticed. Secondly anawareness of the symptoms of bowelcancer, this part needs to be for patientsGP’s and even practice nurses, therealso needs to be a broad understandingthat although bowel cancer is mostcommon for over sixty’s it’s alsopossible for younger patients to get thiscancer, at the moment it seems all toocommon initially for anyone under sixtyto be dismissed as too young to havebowel cancer.

What do I do to help raise awareness?On the social network sites I post aboutbowel cancer, share others posts likeand comment and very recently I’vestarted ‘tweeting’ about it, it may notseem much but a Facebook post withas few as five or six ‘likes’ can reach andbe seen by hundreds of people. Theproblem with this is it does tend to bethe same people as my ‘friends’ groupis always the same. On Facebook I amalso involved with a ‘follow the bowelcancer tie’ page where we encouragepeople to take a Beating Bowel Cancer(BBC) tie on holiday or just away withthem then post a photo of where thetie has been, this makes for a talkingpoint and can involve a greater group ofpeople, quite a few from the CA

Sue Hatton – Executive Trustee is a passionate advocate ofBowel Cancer Screening – after reading a post by Pauline Morgan on the CA ‘Closed’ Facebook group. Sue asked Pauline if it could bereproduced in Tidings to highlight the importance of screening. Ian Jackson, one of the admin coordinator’s for the group, who is passionate about beating BowelCancer also contributed information for those of us with stomas who have had bowelcancer, reminding us of our responsibility to our – family and friends – to ensure theyare aware of the importance of getting their poo checked.

Bowel Cancer Screening Awareness... Shout out loud...about Bowel Cancer!

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Facebook group have been involvedand helped with this (and it’s a bit offun for us to do) anyone can join in it’snot just for people connected withbowel cancer the more the merrier asthey say. I was also lucky enough to beinvited to attend a ‘parliamentary event’

at the houses of parliament this yearwhere we had the chance to talk toMP’s and to hear Secretary of State forHealth talk about bowel cancerawareness. And finally I am involved ina RAIL (Raising Awareness In Libraries)project where the main idea is aspeople pick up their bus pass from thelibrary when they are 60 they areoffered advice about the screeningprogram (that also starts at 60 inEngland) and a free bus pass cover withscreening advice on it, this has seen myin the local library most Saturdaymornings of December January andFebruary on one occasion with a giantinflatable colon.

So what next? It’s said that bowelcancer awareness is ten years behindthe likes of breast cancer thegovernment said they recognised thisand have pledged to do what they canto increase awareness. In my mindbreast cancer awareness was greatlyhelped by some high profile celebritiescoming out and being brave enough totalk openly about it, everyone has tofight their own battle however they feelbest, but it would help awareness ifsome high profile patients were tostand up and ‘be loud about bowelcancer’. Hopefully with increasedawareness understanding and

openness we can finally start BeatingBowel Cancer. In the meantime I’ll justkeep on doing whatever I can, at leastall my friends and family should bemore than aware. If I could ask you allto not only do the home screeningwhen it is sent but to talk about it, andeven if you are not old enough could Iask you to talk to friends and family that

are, ask if they do it, it’s not politeconversation but could save a life.

I can’t say all of this without going overthe main symptoms of bowel cancer...

• Bleeding from your bottom or blood in your poo.

• A persistent change in your bowel habit

• Constant unexplained painsanywhere in your tummy.

• An unexplained lumpin your abdomen.

All very simple and clear signs, but ifyou have a colostomy, it’s not at allunusual to catch your stoma whenyou’re changing or cleaning yourstomaand get a little blood in your bag!

Sometimes I seem to have apermanently changing bowel habit! Andwith a parastomal hernia I have aconstantly changing lump on myabdomen, none of this worries me as Ihave a good idea why, but these allmask the symptoms of bowel cancer!

Now I’m sure if I asked who thought weshould have a regular or routine

colonoscopy not many would agree(we already have more than enough ofthat) but maybe the home screeningkits should be offered to everyone witha colostomy regardless of age? Andwhat are the symptoms that wouldshow a cancer in a ‘redundantcolorectal stump?’ Maybe we could dowith a set of symptoms aimed atpeople with a stoma as just because wehave had one bowel problem does notmake us immune from bowel cancer orfurther bowel cancer. Thanks for takingthe time to read and NEGU (Never EverGive Up).




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Ian talking to his local MP aboutthe bus pass covers at Westminster(wearing the BBC tie)

Ian beating the Beating Bowel Cancer drum (The drum is a toilet and the drumstick a toilet brush) at Westminster (With the tie)

National bowel screeningprogrammes: England, Wales,Scotland and Ireland each have a slightly different strategy forbowel cancer screening:

England: The NHS Bowel CancerScreening Programme is offeredevery two years to everyone(registered with a GP) in Englandaged 60 to 74. People over 75 canrequest a screening kit freephonehelpline 0800 707 60 60.

Wales: The Bowel Screening Walesprogramme is offered every twoyears to everyone (registered with aGP) in Wales aged 60 to 74. Moreinformation is available from: 0800 294 3370.

Scotland: The Scottish BowelScreening Programme is offeredevery two years to everyone(registered with a GP) in Scotlandbetween the ages of 50 to 74. Moreinformation is available from: 0800 0121 833.

Northern Ireland: The NorthernIreland Bowel Cancer ScreeningProgramme offers screening everytwo years to all men and womenaged 60 to 71. More information onthe programme is available from:0800 015 2514.

Ireland: The BowelScreenprogramme has begun on a phasedbasis started with men and womenaged 60-69. Over time theprogramme will be extended untilthe full 55-74 age group is reached.More information on theprogramme is available from: 1800 45 45 55.

Bowel Cancer Screening Awareness... Shout out loud...about Bowel Cancer!

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Simply roll the baseplate back to the size of your stoma, and place it onto

It rebounds creating a Simply roll the baseplate back to the size of your stoma, and place it onto

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4 4 | T I D I N G S | S P R I N G 2 0 1 4

Many of you wrote to tell us thatthe clinical waste collectionservice worked well in your area.

“…I have an ileostomy and have aclinical waste collection. They collectevery Thursday morning at 6am, and arevery discreet, we leave the bag in a pre-arranged area, and they also providecable ties to seal waste bags. This wasarranged by the refuse collectionservice. You just need a letter from yourGP stating that you have a permanentcolostomy or ileostomy and the lettergoes to refuse office, address can beobtained through your local council.They will arrange for orange clinicalwaste bags to be left and collectedevery week. I have never had aproblem, they have been brilliant, I justlet them know if I’m in hospital or goingon holiday, and they know not tocollect…”S.G.Blackpool

“I am wondering after reading thewinter edition why more people do nothave the facility I have from my localcouncil of having a yellow clinical wastebag for used pouches delivered andcollected every week?”B.C.Derbyshire

“…if M.B. contacts the localcouncil and asks for clinicalwaste collection, she shouldfind that this can bearranged. I live in theSevenoaks area, but manyyears ago I lived in Bexleyand they too had a weeklycollection for clinical waste.”A.W.Kent

“…I live in the New Forest and theDistrict Council provide me with anorange clinical waste bag, which theycollect once a week. I can also include'sharps' in the collection, which is vitalfor me as I have to use syringes andneedles twice a day. They haveprovided this service for almost 10 yearswith no break or further questions. I guess I am very lucky!”P.M.Hampshire

“…my Borough Council operates whatthey call a clinical waste collectionservice for people with colostomies andpick up your used yellow bag weekly.The yellow bag fits into the bin in mybathroom. The used yellow bags arethen incinerated.”J.O'C. Surrey

So it seems that in many areas ofEngland a clinical waste collectionservice operates efficiently…but whatabout Wales?

“…I would like to say that in Swanseawe have weekly collection of all ourcolostomy items quite separate fromthe black, pink and green bags forhousehold, plastics and paper. We are supplied with yellow plastic,very large bags with black markings on

them. They are collected weekly onseparate days from all other collectionsand taken to the hospital to beincinerated…”E.M.L.Swansea

“…if M.B. contacts her local council,either by email or telephone, and asksfor clinical waste bags and labels,explaining what they are needed for,they will assist her. If they have thesame arrangements as Powys Council,they collect the bags every two weeks.Could not be simpler! I was at a loss fordisposing of my bags, we have septictank being out in the country and couldnot use that facility - I emailed thecouncil, and they were most helpful.”R.F.Powys

So I telephoned M.B. to ask if she hadtried contacting her local council. Maryis ninety-five years old, has had acolostomy for about fifteen years andsaid that she had tried several times toarrange for a clinical waste collection,but failed. The day centre she attendshas yellow bags for used stomaappliance and incontinence productsand they are collected regularly so shecouldn’t understand why she had beenrefused this service.

And then we received this letter from Michael in Hereford:

Dear Editor,I am replying with reference to a Letterin the current issue of Tidings (Winter2014 No 32). M.B. from Pembrokeshireis writing about collection of usedcolostomy pouches.

In Hereford, at least in the city, I have ayellow bag, which is collected weekly.This morning my stoma nurse was inattendance at my house and in


Disposing of used Stoma Appliances

We are very grateful to all our readers whowrote in response to a question in the lastissue of Tidings. A special thank you goes to Michael from Hereford who enlisted his stoma care nurse’s help which led to a solution to this disposal problem.

You may recall the letter which appeared

on the Readers’ Writes page:

Dear Editor,

I am writing in to Tidings in the hope that I can

gain the experiences of other ostomates in

relation to rubbish collection in different areas

of the UK. In Pembrokeshire our council has

introduced a two weekly pick-up of black bags

(used stoma pouches are placed in these), any

plea for alternative sacks and pick-up has

fallen on deaf ears. What are the

arrangements in other parts of the country? I

am unable to use the ‘flushable’ pouch owing to

our local drainage arrangements. It would be

helpful to know what happens in other areas of

the country. Thanks for your most helpful


Yours sincerely,


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connection with this she rang thePembrokeshire Health Board (HwyelDda) and they do operate a yellow bagsystem; whether this is a weekly orfortnightly system I don’t know. Pleaseadvise M.B. to contact the Health Board.RegardsM.S.Hereford

So I rang Pembrokeshire Health Board,asked to speak to someone who dealtwith domestic clinical waste collectionand was put through to a very helpfullady. She said, ‘Yes we do provide thisservice for individual households,’ andgave me her name and direct linetelephone number.

I passed this information on to Maryand she called the number straightaway. Then she rang back, delighted totell me that it was all sorted out. Theywere sending her yellow bags andwould make a weekly collection.

A happy ending…but then…

We received another letter from Michaelin Hereford

Dear Editor,Further to my mail to you yesterdaysaying that we have a weekly yellowbag collection, this will now beterminated. A letter was delivered thismorning when my bag was collected.The relevant paragraph states:Herefordshire Council has reviewed itswaste collection services and hasidentified that it is not necessary tocollect sanitary or incontinencewaste/stoma bags/urine bagsseparately from the normal domesticwaste when they are produced by ahealthy person living in their ownhome. For this reason your lastcollection will take place on FridayMarch 14th 2014. After this please usethe normal domestic waste black sackcollection service to dispose of thiswaste. The letter goes on to say that the service will only continue for whatin the health profession is known as‘infectious’ waste i.e. items containingbodily fluids from a person who hasMRSA or Hepatitis C or other notifiableinfections etc.RegardsM. S. Hereford

So, it seems, it’s not all good news.Other readers also told us that a clinicalwaste collection service is not availablein their area:

“…Cheshire East Council don’t provideblack sacks, I just have to put my usedpouches in the bin, which are emptiedevery 2 weeks. I have tried to get sacks

to keep used pouches “black bags”separate from household rubbish, to noavail…”E.C.Cheshire

“…My bins are collected every twoweeks, alternating between household(non-recyclable) and recyclable inwheelie bins. I checked with my council(Wirral) some time back as to whetheror not I needed to take extra stepswhen disposing of full bags. I explainedthat such waste was placed intoindividual bin bags and sealed beforebeing put in the bin and this was said tobe fine…”N.A.Wirral

So, if the local council don’t provide aclinical waste collection, what should anostomate do?

Well, as we see above, local councilslike Cheshire and Hereford assure usthat it is OK to put used ostomyappliances in the with the normalhousehold waste. In fact, CA is awarethat, even where a clinical wastecollection service is available, someostomates don’t use it. They havealways disposed of their used bags inthe bin as they feel that having a yellowbag outside awaiting collection tellspassers-by that they have a medicalcondition.

Some ostomates prefer to empty theirbags into the toilet before putting themin the dustbin. In a previous article forTidings 23 I described how, when I firsthad my stoma over twenty- four yearsago, I was taught to empty the bag bycutting the bottom off, a practice, whichI abandoned many years ago when Iswitched to flushable bags. But inresponse to this article I did receive thisletter from a reader, which described amuch easier way:

“… My stoma nurse advised simplyemptying the majority of the contents ofthe used pouch into the toilet using thesame hole it came in through. Thickercontents can be encouraged out liketoothpaste from a tube! The flange isthen folded over on itself - for a onepiece appliance this then seals it, for atwo piece it simply leaves a clean outersurface to hold on to. The folded pouchis then placed in a disposal bag which istied up and dropped in the householdwaste…”

The other option, of course, is to use adrainable bag which can be emptiedwhile still in place. However, these areeasier to use if the output from thestoma is fairly liquid or well formed. If itis soft and sticky they can be difficult toempty. A drainable bag will also mean

there are fewer bags to dispose of.

However, if, like many other ostomates,you find it unacceptable to empty thebag before putting it in with thehousehold waste you don’t have to -after all this is where mothers disposeof baby’s nappies. Just ensure that allused bags are double-wrapped andwell-sealed in plastic.

So what does Michael do now thatHereford council had discontinued theclinical waste collection?

He mainly uses flushable bags. Thesehave an inner lining which contains thewaste and can be flushed down thetoilet. Then all that needs to go in adisposal bag and into the householdrefuse is the clean outer cover and theswabs he has used to clean around hisstoma.

All this just goes to show that there ismore than one answer to dealing withthe problem of disposing of usedpouches. We all select the option that ismost suitable for us and our lifestyle.However, I think most ostomates wouldagree that the best solution will bewhen there is more than just one makeof pouch with a flushable liner and allostomates are able to dispose of theirbodily waste down the toilet likeeveryone else.

This article is based on the feedbackabout disposal we have received fromTidings readers, so we hope you too willwrite in with your comments.

Rosemary Brierley

Disposal of used ostomy appliances

The options:

• Use the Clinical WasteCollection Service, if this isavailable in your area.

• Double wrap used bags anddispose of them with thenormal household waste.

• Use a flushable bag whichhas an inner liner thatcontains the waste and canbe flushed down the toilet.

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Dear Nurse

Q: I’m going on holiday at the end ofJuly and will be travelling by coach. Itwill be a long journey with no toilet ordisposal facilities on board, there willbe comfort stops but I am worriedabout my stoma as it is very regularand works everyday – I don’t want tohave any accidents. I wonder if youcould tell me if there is anything I cando to adapt my diet a few days beforeI am due to leave to avoid anyproblems. Many thanks.

A: I would not suggest you alter yourdiet as if the stoma is regular then youshould find that the pouch will beperfectly fine during your journey. Iwould advise that you change thepouch just before you are due toboard the coach and ensure that youhave equipment with you. Don’t packit all in your suitcase keep some withyou in your hand luggage so it is easilyaccessible. You don’t specify what sortof pouch you use but it may be usefulto use a drainable pouch when youare travelling. Enjoy your holiday.

Q: I had my stoma about eightmonths ago, I’m coping quite wellalthough I have some challengingtimes. I really want to get my fitnessback and wondered whether I canstart some exercises or go swimming.I also wanted to know a little moreabout a product called ‘a plug’ andhow it’s used. I look forward tohearing from you.

A: A Conseal Plug can only be usedfor end colostomies and the outputneeds to be semi to formed stool. Itcan be used on a daily basis with theidea that the ‘plug’ remains in situ inthe stoma for up to 12 hours and thenyou wear a pouch for the remaining12 hours of the 24 hour period. Mostpeople wear the ‘plug’ during the dayand a pouch at night. If you wish to be

assessed to see if it is a suitableoption for you and then to learn howto use it, you need to graduallyincrease the length of time you wearthe plug for over a few weeks, you willneed to be referred to your localStoma Care Nurse who will arrangeeverything. With regard to exerciseand swimming there is no reason whyyou cannot gradually start to do thesetypes of exercises. I would suggestthat if you go to a gym or exerciseclasses then you speak to the trainerto explain that you have had surgeryon your abdomen and they will advisewith regards to suitable programmes.Good luck.

Q: I am going to have a colonoscopyand I am concerned about whether itwill cause any internal damage. Canyou please advise and put my mind atrest.

A: Colonoscopies are a routine test for examining the inside of the colon(Bowel) and are performed byqualified doctors or nurse with extratraining to undertake theseprocedures and have a lot ofexperience in performing them. Youwill probably need to take somebowel cleansing medication prior tothe procedure if they are planning toperform the colonoscopy via thecolostomy and if so it would be bestto use a drainable pouch. When youarrive they will explain the completeprocedure and any potential problemsthat you may experience afterwards.You will then be offered somesedation or entonox (gas and air) tohelp you to relax during the procedureand you will be supported all the waythrough by the staff within thedepartment. Once the procedure iscompleted you will be given sometime to recover before someonecomes to speak to you to give furtheradvice prior to discharge. If you arestill concerned it may be worthcontacting the department where it isgoing to be performed and they canreassure you and provide furtherinformation as needed.

Q: I have had a stoma since 2004following an AP resection to cure mybowel cancer. I manage it by irrigatingdaily, which is generally fine. The onlyissue I have is the choice betweenodour or noise in terms of theappliance I wear. If I wear a plug anyflatulence manifests itself as a smell.However if I use a midi pouch anyflatulence is expressed as noise...Is there anything on the market thatwould cover both problems, i.e. apouch with a built in plug or a plug,which successfully contains the smell?I would be grateful for any suggestionsyou could make.

A: There are many different products onthe market which may benefit you butit is a matter of trying several until you

Julie Rust became Tidings Nurse inDecember 2004. She has answeredreaders’ letters and e-mails in everyissue which has been publishedsince then. We look forward tomany more years of publishing hervery sound advice.

Your medical questions aboutstoma care management are alwayswelcome and important to us.

Questions received by the Editor or CA are passed to Julie Rust RGN.Dip, N. MSc. CNS Stoma Care toreview and answer. Answers arepublished in the next issue ofTidings.

Julie Rust RGN. Dip, N. MSc.Clinical Nurse Specialist

Stoma Care University Hospital

of North Staffordshire

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find the one which best suits you as anindividual. A review by your local StomaCare Nurse would be useful. You candiscuss your concerns and she canshow you different products, which youcan then choose to try. An assessmentof your diet may also be useful if youhave a lot of flatulence and noise fromthe stoma. Also some people find thatthe use of ‘peppermint’, either as a teaor a cordial; ‘fennel’ as a vegetable,mints or a tea or ‘charcoal’ as a tablet ora biscuit (available from health foodshops) helps to reduce the amount offlatus produced and therefore reducesnoise and odour.

Q: I had my non-reversible colostomy inApril 2003 because of bowel cancer.Since then I have coped well but I havehad many messy accidents. I have beenback to the doctors a few times,because I was concerned aboutstomach cramps pain and diarrhoea. Iwas told when I had my operation theysaw that I had diverticulitis disease. Iasked why wasn’t I told. They said mycancer was more of a concern to themat the time. The cramps and diarrhoeahas worsened. I asked the doctor isthere anything you can give me. Shegave me colofac which I find hasn’thelped. My concern is – will it get worseand what will I do then. My stomanurse is 12 miles away in Bath and Ican’t drive. Also I am 83 years old.

A: I would certainly re-visit your GP andexplain that the medication she hasprescribed has not helped and that yoursymptoms have worsened. There aredifferent types of medication that theGP could try or they could refer you tothe local hospital to see theGastroenterologist if that is deemed tobe necessary. Diet can also help withdiverticular disease and the GP shouldbe able to give you a leaflet or refer youto a dietician.

Q: I have only just had my colostomy.My skin is sore and my bag feels veryuncomfortable. My daughter measuredmy stoma at a particular size but mynurse has cut the flange smaller. I takethe bag off when possible during theday, as I feel cleaner without it. Pleasecan you tell me if there is a correctmethod for measuring the stoma?

A: Obviously without reviewing thestoma in person I cannot say if thetemplate is the correct size for yourstoma but if it has been measured bythe Stoma Care Nurse I would imagineit is correctly cut. You can check the sizewith the template guide/cut outs(provided in boxes of pouches) to findthe one which fits snugly around the

stoma without sitting on the bowel.However many stomas are not round inshape and these template guides/cutouts are only set sizes. The pouchshould be cut so that there isapproximately 1mm of skin all aroundthe stoma to ensure that the skin doesnot get sore. I would not suggestleaving the pouch off during the day asyou cannot control the stoma outputand if this gets onto the skin then thiscould be the cause of the soreness. Afurther review by the Stoma Care Nurseshould be able to clarify the potentialcause and advise with regard totreatment.

Q: I have been suffering fromincontinence for sometime now. I hadan anal repair two years ago but nowneed a stoma. I feel I need to preparefor this operation. Can you advise meas to what I can expect next.

A: It is usual that when the surgeondecides to fashion a stoma they referto the Stoma Care Nurse for preoperative counselling. At thisappointment the stoma care nurse willdiscuss all aspects of stoma formationincluding diet, exercise, lifestyle,products, help available and allaspects of care. You will be shown theproducts used and how to use themand all your questions can beanswered. If you have certain thingsyou want to discuss it may be worthwriting the questions down and takingthem with you so that you rememberto ask all the questions and that youdo not forget anything. You will beprovided with written information andmay even be taught how to changethe stoma appliance and giveninformation to take home on how todo this. You may also get theopportunity to talk to previous patientswho will provide a wealth of adviceand support. I hope this helps.

Q: The diameter of my stoma openingis quite large approx. 70mm. I have hadgranulomas and suffer with leakage.Can you advise me as to whether thereare any specialist stoma bags availableto accommodate a larger stomaopening like mine?

A: There are many different types ofpouches, which could help with alarger stoma, as well as accessoryproducts, which may help. I wouldsuggest a review from your localStoma Care Nurse who will be able toadvise and provide or arrange samplesof different products, which may be ofuse. You can then try them and decideon which suit you best. MarlenHealthcare is one supplier.

What kind of stoma do you have?

When food leaves the stomach itenters the small intestine, a longcoiled tube about twenty feet long.The last part of the small intestineis called the ileum. If the ileum isbrought out through the abdomento form a stoma (ostomy), this iscalled an ileostomy.

Five facts about an ileostomy• The name comes from combining

the words ileum and ostomy.• It allows faeces to leave the body

without passing through the largeintestine (colon).

• It is usually on the right hand side.• The output tends to be fairly

liquid – the consistency ofporridge or thick soup.

• A drainable bag is used andemptied four or five times a day.

Normally digested food passesfrom the small intestine directlyinto the large intestine or colon. Ifthe colon is brought out throughthe abdomen to form a stoma(ostomy) this is called a colostomy.

Five facts about a colostomy• The name comes from combining

the words colon and ostomy.• It allows faeces to leave the body

without passing through the anus. • It is usually on the left hand side.• The output tends to be formed

and firm. • A closed bag is used and changed

as necessary.

The above applies in most cases,but there can be exceptions Forexample, sometimes it may beeasier for a surgeon to create acolostomy on the right hand side.The output from some colostomiesmay be fairly liquid particularly ifonly a small amount of colonremains. Therefore somecolostomates may prefer to use adrainable bag.

Have you got a medical question or a query

about stoma care managementfor Julie?

If so write in and tell us:

The EditorColostomy Association

Enterprise House95 London StreetReading RG1 4QA

or e-mail your query to:[email protected]

Editors Comment

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The Salts Healthcare Nursing Academyis now fully operational and since itopened after Christmas 2013, has hadover 60 nurses attend courses. Based incentral Birmingham with easy access tothe motorway and rail network, thecentre consists of a large conferenceroom with the latest audio visualequipment able to accommodate over100 people, a rest and break out areaand two syndicate rooms for the trainingof nursing professionals in Stoma Careby lecturers from De Montfort UniversityLeicester, supported by Salts Healthcare’ssenior Stoma Care Nurses.

It is one of the only centres in the UKthat teaches the ‘Principles of StomaCare’ up to Honours Degree standardand from the end of this year up toMasters Degree level.

Recently, across the UK Stoma Carenursing educational courses havestopped and so Salts Healthcare, afamily-owned company founded in 1701and currently run by the tenth-generation of the Salts family made astrategic decision to invest in theAcademy after realising there was a lackof provision for Stoma Care Nurseeducation. Peter Salt, Salts HealthcareManaging Director said: ‘Stoma Care isour industry and we are duty andmorally bound to be at the top of ourgame. Our nurses have to be the bestand we realised that together witheducational partners we could fill a gapfor the betterment of all professionalsand providers.’

Salts Healthcare is now not just aninnovative designer and manufacturer ofworld-class products, but through thiseducational initiative becomes a groundbreaking provider of stoma careeducation through its association withDe Montfort University in Leicester.

Kate Howlett, Salts Nursing Managersupported by Jo Haines, Salts NursingManager and Jean Ross, SaltsCommunity Stoma Care Nurse, isresponsible for the learning content atthe centre and is extremely proud ofwhat is now available. She said: ‘There

are no regular courses in stoma care andso nurses wanting to specialise have torely on their experience rather than anyspecific qualifications. We are filling thatgap and our courses are validated by DeMontfort University, indeed this is thefirst off-site facility for them, showinghow much they think it’s a great ideaand how successful they hope it will be.’

Kate and Jean work with Penny Harrisonfrom De Montfort University to co-ordinate and deliver the courses, whichcontribute 30 credits towards nursingdegrees – the highest amount that canbe awarded. They hope to deliver at leasttwo courses per year to 16 people andthere is already a waiting list.

When the Academy isn’t being used toteach nurses about Stoma Care, it’s atraining hub for Salts employees toensure their teams are up to date withthe latest developments in the industry.Training and professional qualificationsare paramount according to Jean Ross,Salts Community Stoma Care Nurse.‘Every industry, not just Stoma Carenursing methods are constantly changing

and thankfully improving due toinnovations in technology and surgicalprocedures.

As an industry we must understand thechanging nature of our work to ensurewe deliver the best possible service forpatients. Also the service providers andtheir needs are constantly changing so asnurses we must be able to deliver thebest possible provision in any situation. Ialso think patients are demanding moreand quite rightly so. We must manageand deliver their needs and wants.’

The Academy is also being used bypatient ostomy groups including theBreakAway Foundation for memberInformation Days and meetings. Thefacilities are provided free of charge by Salts.


Focus on Stoma Care Nurse Training...Education, Education, Education

Salts Healthcare – innovative designer and manufacturer of world-classproducts now groundbreaking providers of stoma care education through its association with De Montfort University, Leicester

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For further information,

please call FREEPHONE 0800 626388 (UK) or visit www.salts.co.uk

Life can be pretty daunting when you’re an

ostomist. But with support from the Medilink

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The Medilink Delivery Service from Salts Healthcare

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Readers’ writesWe want to hear from you...learn about your experiences, understand yourconcerns, read your hints and tips...so write, email or phone the Editor today!

Dear Editor

Many thanks for sending me thequarterly ‘Tidings’ magazine. Recently, Ineeded information regarding mycolostomy and (as I keep all the mags)I browsed through them all, sent fornumerous free samples, from variousfirms, and received lots of helpfuladditions for use with my closed bags.I was not satisfied with the help I wasgetting from my supply/deliverycompany, so I contacted ‘Fittleworth’regarding their delivery service. Theywere outstanding, a pleasant helpfulreceptionist greeted me, excellentcustomer service, careful assistance,timely delivery and extra products totry. What a difference from the serviceI’ve had for 25 years from my previoussupplier. Thanks to your magazine forall the helpful adverts from firmsoffering samples and delivery support.

Yours faithfully, M.M (Mrs)

Dear Editor

I am a colostomate and have tried veryrecently to apply for a renewal of mydisabled badge. On telephoning theoffice for an appointment I was askedif I would answer a few questions,which I agreed to. The first questionwas could I walk the length of afootball pitch. After a littleconsideration I said Yes, I could. Andwas immediately told I did not qualifydue to the fact that the WelshGovernment have instructed thatanyone who can walk that distancedoes not qualify and colostomy is nolonger classed as a disability. I thinkthat this is totally wrong. Colostomatesneed facilities such as disabled toiletsto carry out a pouch change anddisposable bins etc. To me this istotally wrong and is discrimination,which should not be allowed. I wouldbe most grateful if you could throwyour weight, or offer any advice to me

on this matter. I am a senior citizen of87 years who likes to get out andabout, but now I feel somewhatrestricted by this ruling.

Yours faithfully, S.E.H

From Ed: I understand your frustrationbut being a colostomate is notconsidered a ‘disability’ – so they arecorrect in what they are saying. Toqualify for a blue badge a successfulapplication MUST be on the basis oflimited mobility i.e. a person must beunable to walk or have veryconsiderable difficulty in walking. Formore information obtain the leafletentitled ‘Can I get a Blue Badge?’which is available from theDepartment of Transport by phoning:0300 123 1102 or visit their websiteat: www.mobility-unit.dft.gov.uk.

In relation to disabled toilets – allostomates are entitled to a key whichwill open approximately 9,000 lockedtoilets around the UK under theDisabled Toilets National Key Scheme.Some local councils will provide thiskey free or for a small charge. Keys canalso be obtained from CA at a cost of£3.50 see the application form onPage 8.

The Welsh Government – The Ministerwith responsibility for Transport, CarlSargeant, has laid the Regulations thatwill extend the eligibility criteria forBlue Badges.

These changes will mean thatautomatic entitlement for a BlueBadge will now be linked to the newPersonal Independence Payments(PIP) that will replace Disability LivingAllowance (DLA) for people ofworking age, 16 to 64.

These changes to the Blue Badgescheme in Wales will reflect changesin the UK welfare benefits system.

The Welsh Government is extendingautomatic eligibility for a Blue Badgeto people who can stand and thenmove but no more than 50 metresand to those who cannot follow theroute of a familiar journey withoutanother person, an assistance dog oran orientation aid. This includespeople with sensory impairments andthose with cognitive impairments.

Work is also underway to explore howlocal authorities can identify thosepeople who face the same difficultiesin travelling, but are not automaticallyeligible for a Blue Badge, as they arenot of working age and cannot applyfor PIP. This is a complex area thatneeds further research.

The Welsh GovernmentContact Tel: 0300 0603300


I do hope you find this informationhelpful please write and let me knowif I can be of any of further assistance.

Dear Editor

I was a hospital social worker in the1980’s when a ‘colostomy bag’ wasconsidered dreadful news. In 1985 Iwas diagnosed with advanced cancerof the colon, and the fear of acolostomy was almost my majorconcern. However it was notnecessary. Move on 28 years toFebruary 2013. I had felt unwell for afew days when suddenly I had araging temperature and constantvomiting and severe stomach pains. Iwas rushed into hospital where theyeventually found that I had adhesionsfrom the cancer op. They had stuck mylower bowel to my spine and pelvic

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Not Too Soft…Not Too Hard…

This Soft Convexity Is Just Right!

Closed Soft Convex PouchesDrainable and Urostomy options availableAlso available in Oval Soft Convexity

All convex products should be used upon the advice and guidance of a Stoma Care Nurse.

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We are social

Call FREEPHONE 0800 652 0424 for advice and samples of our Soft Convex Pouches and quote promotional code ‘M75’.

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5 2 | T I D I N G S | S P R I N G 2 0 1 4

Before acting on suggestions fromother ostomates you are advised to check with a doctor or stoma

care nurse that this course of action is suitable for you.

Thank you for your letters and e-mails. Please keep themcoming. We will do our best to

print them or we may hold themover for a future issue.

Editing may be required forreasons of clarity or space. In the

interests of confidentiality we willpublish only your initials and not

your full name, unless you give uspermission to do so.

If you want to be involvedin the next issue of

Tidings magazinesimply drop us a line

via email:

[email protected]

or write to:The Editor

Colostomy AssociationEnterprise House95 London StreetReading RG1 4QA

Look out for our Readers’ Button

to see where readers havecontributed to Tidings




Readers’ writes

floor and the small bowel hadsomething like a strangulatedherniation. Urgent surgery followedand a colostomy was not thoughtlikely. When I was awoke in CCU thenurse asked how long I had had mycolostomy. I was horrified and said hehad just told me my worst nightmare.I hated the whole business of acolostomy and wanted to be free of it.A reversal was a possibility but itcould create new problems and noguarantee of success.

However, luckily I had joined yourAssociation where I read a letterabout flushable bags and irrigation.Amazingly I am no longer concernedabout carrying around a bag of poowhen visiting friends and now spendnights away from home. Basically Ilead a normal life. My great concern isthat the hospital stoma care nursesnever spoke of any alternatives (to theusual bags) which they must haveknown about. In my experience theysign you up while in hospital to aproduct and delivery company but donot mention any alternative types ofproduct from other companies.

So without your magazine I would stillbe continuously struggling with a bagof poo and how to deal with it whilstlunching at a friend’s house.

I cannot thank you enough andWelland and the people who took thetrouble to talk about their flushablebag experiences within the pages ofTidings. With true appreciation.


Dear Editor

Twenty years into having mycolostomy, one would hope that Iwould have no problem with thesupply of various ostomy products?Why then am I now sitting here,anxiously counting my few remainingpouches wondering if I will haveenough to last until my next delivery? Let me explain. Up until a few weeks

ago my method of ordering wassimplicity itself. I would phone mydelivery company, dictate my orderand suggest a delivery date when Iwould be in to receive the parcel. Thiswould be within two or three days ofphoning and they never, ever, werelate (but on one or two occasions adisconcerting but welcome day early).Meanwhile, while they were puttingmy order together and sending it, Iwould contact the GP’s surgery andask for the prescription for that order.As soon as I could, the prescriptionwas collected by me and posted tomy delivery company and thus thewhole transaction was completedwithin three or four days!

But NOT anymore! A few weeks agomy delivery company phoned me,apologetically, to tell me this systemwas no longer being allowed by theNHS. They can no longer startdispensing until my prescription is intheir hands. ‘It will mean you willneed to order your prescription acouple of days earlier’. ‘More like acouple of weeks.’ The prescription hasto be ordered during the week, noweekend surgery here! Inevitably thismeans the prescription will probablyland at my delivery company just priorto the weekend. They do not processprescriptions at the weekend! So,more delays. It seems theprescriptions can take a couple ofdays to shuffle from their post box toa desk...which then have to be sent to‘Despatch’. (The bottleneck isgrowing!) Eventually, they will sendthe order...via the courier, who may, ifwe are not in, take it back, or theymay leave it with next door....who goto bed around 6pm, working oddshifts.

Now just WHY did the NHS have tochange the regulations? The systemwasn't bust so why fix it? We hadsuch a simple, efficient, verbal systemthat ran to my knowledge likeclockwork for minimally 20 years andnow we have a system that is full ofdelays, full of uncertainties andincredibly wasteful on the patient’stime. Without the certainty of adelivery date, it means we have towait in two, three or more days onthe off-chance that maybe everythinghas come together and we can take

delivery of our very necessary items.

Now, my voice, loud and persuasivethough it might be, is just a little voicein the wilderness, easily ignored. Isimply do not accept that ‘it's got tobe like this...’ For my part I am morethan happy to supply ‘a patient'sperspective’ if it will help to influencea return to ‘sensible times’ once more.

Yours sincerely,


From Ed: Thank you A. B. for yourletter. The CA advises the following:–Always allow up to three weeks fromplacing the order with a SupplyCompany until it is delivered to yourhome. The Editor would like to hearfrom you so please write in with yourexperiences.

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Helpful Ostomy SupportGroups & Organisations...

• IA The Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support GroupFreephone: 0800 0184 724www.iasupport.org

• UA Urostomy Association Tel: 01889 563191www.urostomyassociation.org.uk

• IOA International Ostomy Associationwww.ostomyinternational.org

• Stomadata & Stomafrwww.stomadata.comwww.stoma.fr

• Macmillan Cancer SupportTel: 0808 808 00 00Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pmwww.macmillan.org.uk

• Mitrofanoff SupportTel: 01202 937530Email: [email protected]

• Crohn’s and Colitis UKTel: 0845 130 2233www.nacc.org.uk

• The Gut Trust(Irritable bowel syndrome)Tel: 0114 272 3253www.theguttrust.org

• Bladder and Bowel Foundation(B&BF) Formerly Incontact and ContinenceFoundationGeneral enquiries: 01536 533255Web:www.bladderandbowelfoundation.org

• Bowel Cancer UKTel: 020 7381 9711Email: [email protected]: www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk

• Beating Bowel Cancer UKTel: 08450 719300 (Lo Call rate)Web: www.beatingbowelcancer.org

• Gay & Lesbian Ostomates (GLO)(The United Ostomy Association in1982 established the Gay and LesbianConcerns Committee, now called Gayand Lesbian Ostomates (GLO)Network.)Web: www.glo-uoaa.org

• Ostomy LifestyleTel: 0118 324 0069Email: [email protected]: www.ostomylifestyle.org

Stoma Care PatientOpen Day eventdates...

For a comprehensive list of Patient Open Daysevents...visit the CAwebsite.

Listings are updatedthroughout year.

If you are not onlinecontact CA on:0118 939 1537 to findout if there is an eventnear you.

Note: The ColostomyAssociation full contactdetails can be found on Page 6.

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Specialists in the Home Delivery of Ostomy, Urology and Wound Care Products


Nobody cares more for your peace of mind than Fittleworth!

We have been providing a discreet, reliable and convenient home deliveryservice since 1984, and today we are one of the leading home delivery companies for medical appliances in the UK.

We are independent and as a result, we are able to provide you with an unbiased service for your Stoma, Continence and Wound Care products, and with over 30 Care Centres across the UK, we are local to you.

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Simply... a secure home delivery service

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Our friendly Customer Service Team are trained to take your

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They take the time to listen to your individual needs and answer any queries

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Marketplace advertise...your events • messages • services here...

Designed by Ursula Naish

For further information please contact:Ursula Naish, 9 Oast Meadow, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent TN24 0AS Tel: 01233 640 863 Email: [email protected]

Ursula Naish designs and producespouch covers and waterproof mat-tress and wheelchair covers.

As Secretary of the UA Kent Branchshe offers this service to raisefunds for her local group.

If you have a product to sell, an event to advertise or a message to communicate, you can place a smalladvert for as little as £20. Stoma care nurses...if you would like to promote your Stoma Care Department,its services and events...for FREE...Then just get in touch...contact: [email protected]

Medway NHSFoundation Trust

Open Day

Date:29th April 2014

Venue: Commissioners House, The Historic Dockyard,

Chatham, Kent ME4 4TZ

Time: 10.00am to 2.00pmStoma Care Team

01634 830 000

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Ladies Big Op Group...The meetings are for ladies whohave had a pelvic exenteration andrequire one or two permanentstomas.

The group meets on the 2nd Tuesdayof every month at the Maggie’sCentre, The Lodge, College BathsRoad, Cheltenham GL53 7QB

Time: 10.30am – 12.00 Noon

Next meetings:-• May 13th • June 10th

To book please contact:

Sam Richardson at Maggiesemail: [email protected]

Gill Hopkins Stoma Care CNS Directline office 03004 224363 Stoma CareOffice, Cheltenham General Hospital

Meetings are supported by Gill Hopkins Stoma Care CNS,Gynaecological Nurse Specialist and Cancer Support Specialist from Maggie’s.

There is also access to a dietician,benefits advisor and physiologistshould attendees require any extra help.

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Regular donation


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Please fill in this form to make a Regular donation by Banker’s Standing Order. Check your details arecorrect then return the completed form by post to: Colostomy Association, Enterprise House, 95 LondonStreet, Reading, Berks RG1 4QA. Telephone: 0118 939 1537 if you have any queries.

My Details: Title: Name: Surname:



Telephone (home): Mobile:


Note:Please ensurethat we haveyour correct contact details: full name, addressand postal codetelephone number thank you

Your ongoing commitment means CA can plan its services with confidence safe in the knowledge that regulardonations will be received. Help CA to reach out to more colostomates their families and carers to give support,reassurance and practical advice to those in need. With your help we really can and do make a difference - thank you!

Thanks to the gift aid scheme - we can reclaim money on your donation from the government. For everypound you give us, we can claim an extra 25p. For example, a donation of £15 becomes £18.75 with giftaid, at no extra cost to you.

I would like the tax to be reclaimed on any eligible donations that I have ever made or will make to theColostomy Association until further notice. I confirm that I pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gainstax at least equal to the tax that the Colostomy Association reclaims on my donation in the appropriate year(currently 25p for every £1 donated).

Signature: Date: / / 2014

Thank you for your gift

Thank you for your support

Registered Office: Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading RG1 4QA Registered Charity No: 1113471

Optional Information: Date of Birth: Reason for your stoma:

Stoma Type: (Please tick) Colostomy Ileostomy Urostomy

(NB: The optional information is not mandatory but will help the CA learn more about you – it will not be passed on to third parties)

Regular donation: I wish to make a regular contribution by Banker’s Standing Order to the Colostomy Association in support of the charity and its on going work. I have completed the Banker’s StandingOrder Form below (Please tick.)

Instruction to your Bank/Building Society to pay by Banker’s Standing Order

To the Manager: (Bank or Building Society)

Bank Address: Postcode:

Name(s) of Account holder(s):

Account number: Sort code:

I would like to make a regular donation* of £15 £20 £25 £50 or other amount (please state) £

monthly quarterly annually starting on the 1st 15th 25th of month: year:

thereafter until further notice. *Please state your donation amount in words:

(Please cancel any previous standing order in favour of this beneficiary).

Please pay: NatWest Bank Market Place Reading Branch 13 Market Place RG1 2EP

Account name: C.A. Ltd Account No: 88781909 Sort code: 60-17-21


Signature: Date: / / 2014


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Thank you for your support

Registered Office: Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading RG1 4QA Registered Charity No: 1113471

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Single donation

Please fill in this form to make a Single donation. Check your details are correct, then return the completedform by post to: Colostomy Association, Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading, Berks RG1 4QA.Telephone: 0118 939 1537 if you have any queries.

My Details: Title: Name: Surname:



Telephone (home): Mobile:


Note:Please ensurethat we haveyour correct contact details: full name, addressand postal codetelephone number thank you

Your single donation/gift makes a HUGE difference to the work of the charity – CA can reach out to morecolostomates their families and their carers with support, reassurance and practical advice. With your helpwe really can change lives - thank you.

(NB: The optional information is not mandatory but will help the CAlearn more about you – it will not be passed on to third parties)

Optional Information: Date of Birth: Reason for your stoma:

Stoma Type: (Please tick) Colostomy Ileostomy Urostomy

Single donation: I wish to make a single donation to the Colostomy Association in support of the charity andits ongoing work. I have completed the Form below (Please tick.)

Thanks to the gift aid scheme - we can reclaim money on your donation from the government. For everypound you give us, we can claim an extra 25p. For example, a donation of £15 becomes £18.75 with giftaid, at no extra cost to you.

I would like the tax to be reclaimed on any eligible donations that I have ever made or will make to theColostomy Association until further notice. I confirm that I pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gainstax at least equal to the tax that the Colostomy Association reclaims on my donation in the appropriate year(currently 25p for every £1 donated).

Signature: Date: / / 2014

Thank you for your gift

Single donation/gift: a donation of £15 (or more) will help cover the cost of all our patient services

(Please tick.) Yes I would like to make a single donation/gift of £15 £20 £25 £50 or

other amount (please state) £ to the Colostomy Association

I enclose my cheque/postal order form made payable to the C.A. Ltd and attach the completed Donation

Form in its entirety.

Yes, I require a receipt (Please tick.)

Single donations from individuals, groups and fundraising events are very welcome and greatly appreciated. So please keep them coming, no matter howsmall. Just £15.00 (or more) will help cover the cost of all our patient services.

Thank you for supporting CA – with your help – we can change lives!


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If you would like to see your support group featured here...please contact Jane Wood -Editor: 0118 918 0500 or send your article and photos by post to: Editor, ColostomyAssociation, Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading RG1 4QA or if you preferemail your article and photos to: [email protected].

Sussex: Colonaid

Support Groups are places where people canshare personal stories, express emotions, and beheard in an atmosphere of acceptance,understanding, and encouragement. Participantsshare information and resources. By helpingothers, people in a support group strengthenand empower themselves.


Colonaid is a self-help support groupfor Bowel Cancer patients, supportersand families who have attendedWorthing Hospital. It was started in2008 by a group of ex-patients andstaff from the Colorectal Department atWorthing Hospital. The group offerssupport, advice and raises awareness ofBowel Cancer. Members meet at11.30am on the first Tuesday of eachmonth at the John Selden PublicHouse, Salvington on the outskirts ofWorthing. After the meeting mostmembers retire to the bar for asandwich and drink.

Several of our members are volunteersat Albion in the Community part of theBrighton & Hove Albion Football club. Itpromotes awareness of Cancer in thecommunity by bringing Cancersymptoms to the attention of thecommunity, as early detection is veryimportant for successful treatment. For more information visit the websitewww.albionsbecanceraware.com andFacebook page: albionsbecanceraware.

Some members also take part inWorthing Hospital Cancer PatientsForum organised by a lead Macmilliannurse. The group meets regularly at theHospital to improve the processes, careand awareness of Cancer patientsentering the Hospital. One of themembers has been Wing Walking andis about to do a Parachute jump toraise money for Cancer charities.

The group owns a smoothy bike, anormal bike fitted with a liquidiseroperated by pedal power. The groupuses the bike to promote exercise andhealthy eating. We ask members of thepublic to ride the bike and offer smallsamples of the smoothy drinks of freshfruit and fruit juice produced by thebike.

Finally, several members volunteer toattend various functions to givepresentations/talks to raise awarenessabout Bowel Cancer.

New member quote: ‘having attendeda sociable, cheerful and fun meeting ofColonaid it gave me confidence andsupport to cope with the future’.

All together we are a very active groupof people.

For more information about Colonaidvisit the group’s Facebook page: Colonaid Worthing or contactAndrew Fletcher via e-mail:[email protected].

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• Cheshire:Stockport Support GroupContact: Angela Simpson 0161 320 9400/0800 652 6667

TOMAS (The Ostomates ofMacclesfield and Surrounding Areas)Contact: Kath Wood 01625 875442

Warrington Ostomy Support GroupContact: Jane Shaw 01925 662103

• Cleveland:Oops GroupContact: Julie Morrisroe SCN/CarolYounger 01287 284113

• County Durham:Bishop Auckland Stoma Care GroupContact: Betty 01388 814535

• Cumbria:Grange Cancer Support GroupContact: Marie 015395 33279

• Lancashire:Oldham Stoma SupportContact: June Wilde 0161 312 5538

Tameside OstomisticlesContact: Paul Seavers 07771359046

Trafford Bowel CareContact: Jackie Carey (Secretary)0161 7489 659/Doreen 0161 9627818/John 0161 7484 655

North Manchester and BurySupport GroupContact: Julie Meadows (SCN)0161 720 2815/07841206910

• Merseyside:I.C.U.P.SContact: Stoma Care Nurse0151 604 7399

• Northumberland:Berwick Ostomy Support GroupContact: Bobbie Minshull 07714479320

Hexham Ostomy GroupContact: Judith 0796 792 7286

Northumberland Cancer SupportContact: [email protected]

• Tyneside:NHS Molineaux Walk-in CentreContact: Lesley Brown 0191 2826308

• Ayrshire: Ayrshire and Arran Stoma SupportContact: Jim 01292 220945

Stoma Care and Recovery (S.C.A.R)Contact: Maggie 01294 271060/0781 7736147/[email protected] 01294 557 478

• Fife:Fife Ostomy Support GroupContact: Ishbel Barr 01592 772 200

• Glasgow:Glasgow Stoma Support GroupContact: Maureen O’Donnel 01236 436479

• Midlothian:Maggie’s Edinburgh Contact: Maggie 0131 537 3131

• Scottish Borders:Stoma Support GroupContact: Nancy 01450374012/[email protected] 01450 371063/[email protected]

• West Lothian:GOSHContact: Scott Pattison: 07502163644


England – North


Support Groups are places where people can share personal stories,express emotions, and be heard in an atmosphere of acceptance,understanding, and encouragement. Participants share information and resources. By helping others, people in a support group strengthenand empower themselves.

Stoma support groups in your region...

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Royal Victoria Infirmary SupportGroupContact: Gordon Weatherburn 0191 234 1109

• Yorkshire:Acorn Ostomy Support GroupMichelle Hurrell on 07580693155 (after 6pm).

Airedale Stoma Support GroupContact: Sue Hall 01535 210483

Barnsley-Bottoms Up Stoma Support GroupContact: Stoma Nurses 01226432528 or Celia Utley (Chairman)01226 284262

Behind You (Calderdale&Huddersfield Bowel Cancer SupportGroup)Contact: Stoma Care Nurse01484 355 062

Dales & Vale Ostomy Support GroupContact: Carol 01677988150/[email protected]

Dewsbury & District OstomyContact: Janet/Eileen 0844 8118110

Leeds Bowel Cancer Support GroupContact: Lynda Castle (ColorectalNurse) 01132065535

Rotherham Ostomates Caring SupportContact: Karen 0788 0575758

Scarborough Stoma SupportContact: Sister Jean Campbell01723 342388 Amanda Rowe01723 342446

The Hull and East RidingColostomy Support GroupContact: Pete Smith 07989 565335Pete Rennard 07939518642/01482 793966/Rosanna Grimsby01482 801575

• Isle of Man:Stoma Support GroupContact: Carole Cringle (SCN)01624 650212

• Buckinghamshire:Milton Keynes Stoma AssociationContact: Mrs Joanne Dixon 01908318262

• Leicestershire:Kirby Ostomy Support GroupColostomy, Ileostomy & Urostomy in LeicestershireContact: Janet 0116 2392844/[email protected]

• Nottinghamshire:Nottingham Colostomy, Ileostomy &Urostomy Support GroupContact: Rosemary Brierley 0115 982 6691

Nottingham Stoma SupportContact: Jenny or Michaela 01159627736/Mrs B Heath 0115 9663073

North Notts Stoma Support Group(Sutton-in-Ashfield) Contact: Tore and Nicky Norman01773 715460

• Shropshire:B.O.T.S (Bums on Tums)Contact: Irene Constable 01691238357

• Staffordshire:OutlookContact: Moira Hammond 01782627551

• Worcestershire:Kidderminster & District CollossusSupport GroupContact: Brendon Drew01299 400843

• East Midlands:Newhall Stoma Support GroupContact: Diana Manning 01283541311 or Helena 07932 331850

• West Midlands:Coventry Stoma SupportContact: Martin Robbins 07947 385 643

• Bedfordshire:Saturday Social ClubContact: Karen Richards 01234 792278

• Cambridgeshire:OstomisticsContact: Alan Wright 01354653290/07836 661102

• Essex:ConnectContact: Lin Hart 01279 505273

Mid Essex Stoma SupportContact: Paul Foulger 01245 224374Jeanette Johnson 01376 511862

N.E.S.S (North Essex StomaSupport)Contact: Brian Waller (Secretary)01206 540449

Optimistic OstomatesContact: Angela Taylor/Carol Booth01702 385509 or 01702 385510

STEPS Contact: Jackie Coleman

England – Central

England – East

Note: Information about stomasupport groups is regularlyupdated in Tidings magazineand on the ColostomyAssociation website.

If you know of a stoma supportgroup near you not mentionedin our listings please let usknow. If you are interested insetting up a support group theCA would be pleased to assist.

Contact the CA office: 0118 939 1537

or E-mail: [email protected]

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01268 451937

Redbridge Ostomists ClubContact: Stoma Nurses: Chris/Lisa020 8970 8321

• Hertfordshire:ColoniseContact: Anastasia01727 760 981

Hertford Stoma Support GroupContact: Ralda 01992 535311

Stevenage OstomisticsContact: Alfred Levy 01767 316958/Judy Colston 01438 354018

• Lincolnshire:Friends East Coast Support GroupContact: Betty 01205 724120/Sheila01205 364493

Grantham Support GroupContact: Bobbie/Amanda: 01476 464822 Email: [email protected]

March GroupContact: Maureen 01754 874 485

Sutton Bridge and Long SuttonOstomy GroupContact: 01406 351617

• Norfolk:Kings Lynn Ostomy Friendship Support GroupContact: 01533 691370/768271 or01533 775698

StarsContact: Anne Browne 01603661751

• Suffolk:East Suffolk Ostomy GroupContact: Marion Fisher 01473311204

James Pagett Ostomy Support GroupContact: Sandra Hutchings01502 585955

West Suffolk & District Stoma GroupContact: Jessica Pitt (SCN) 01638515525

• Berkshire:EBOC (East Berkshire Ostomy ClubBracknell)Contact: Jackie Dudley 01344 426652

WBOC (West Berkshire Ostomy ClubReading)Contact: Jackie Dudley 01344 426652

• Hampshire:Solent Ostomates Support GroupContact: Carole Summer07527 707069

Solent Ostomates Support Group(New Forest Branch)Contact: Carole Summer07527 707069

Wessex Urology Support GroupContact: David Morris 07910 786978

• Isle of Wight:OptimisticsContact: Natalie Sayer (SCN) 01983534009

Semi Colon Group Isle of WightContact: Tony Crowson Chairman01983 559326

• Kent:Ashford Stoma Support GroupContact: Ron Huckstep 07941310681/Margaret Webb 01233628807

Atoms Support GroupContact: Maria Culleton SCN01227 769679/07827997424

Dover & District Stoma SupportContact: Maria Culleton (SCN)01227 769679

Dover Stoma Friends Group SupportContact: Julie Bell & Ros Marshall07771345701/01304822696

Maidstone Stoma Support GroupContact: Judy or Kirsty01622 224305

Medway Ostomy Group Support(MOGS) Contact: Helen or Tracey07773 605534

Thanet Stoma Buddies Support GroupContact: Phil (Secretary)01843 587769

• London:Homerton Hospital Bowel & StomaSupport GroupContact: Angela Davy 0208 510 5318

South Woodford Support GroupContact: Christina 0208 5356563

Surrey & South London Bowel CancerSupport GroupContact: Sue Berry: 01737 553134 orJohn Amos: 0208 668 0796

• Middlesex:Inside OutContact: Bob (Chairman) 02084284242 Sarah Varma 02082354110

Semi-Colon ClubContact: Pat Black/Katheryn Foskett01895 279391

• Oxfordshire:Oxfordshire Ostomy FellowshipContact: Pat Longworth01235 524163

• Surrey:Epsom & District Stoma Support GroupContact: Lindsay, Trevor or Sheena01372 735925

• Sussex:ColonaidColorectal Dept at Worthing HospitalContact: Andrew Fletcher e-mail:[email protected]

(SAS) Brighton & District Stoma Care support Contact: Sylvia Bottomley01273 554407

The Ostomy Friends GroupContact: Jane Quigley 01323 417400Ext 4552

West Sussex Princess Royal Stoma SupportContact: Tina Walker 01444 441881Ext 8318


England – South East

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• Avon:B.O.S.S Bristol Ostomy Self SupportContact: Rob 01179 668021/Janet01934 248114

• Cornwall:Ostomist and Carers Support GroupContact: Christine Davey 01208 831471

OptimistsContact: Sue Hatton 01326 340058

• Devon:Mid Devon Ostomy GroupContact: Janice Parkyn01363 776417

• Dorset:CUPID Colostomy, Urostomy, Pouch, &Ileostomy of DorsetContact: Beryl Andrews01202 483303

CUPID Colostomy, Urostomy, Pouch& Ileostomy of Dorset - West DorsetContact: Colin Clare01305 853 288

• Wiltshire:Swindon IAwww.swindon-ia.org.uk

Wessex Stoma Support GroupContact: Michael Slater 01722741233

• Gwent:Blaenau Gwent Self HelpContact: Celia McKelvie01873 852672

• Bridgend:Bridgend Ostomy Patients Support GroupContact: Anita Brankley (Secretary)01656 645602 or Pat Jones 01656786103

• Newport:COSG (Cwmbran Ostomy SupportGroup) Contact: Pippa Lewis 01633791 339/07504713069

• Mid Glamorgan:Royal Glamorgan Stoma Care Support GroupContact: Domenica Lear 01443 443053

• Swansea:Swansea Ostomy Self Help GroupContact: Glynis Jenkins 01792418245

• County Antrim:Antrim Area Stoma Support GroupContact: Chris Wright 07720 717771

Mater Infirmorum Hospital – BelfastContact: Karen Boyd028 90741211 Ext 2329

Royal Victoria Hospital – BelfastContact: Sarah Haughey/Audrey Steele 02890 240503Ext 3483

• County Armagh:Craigavon Community HospitalContact: Mary Jo/Bernie 028 38612721

• County Down:Daisy Hill Hospital – NewryContact: Bernie Trainor028 3883500 Ext 2222

North Down Stoma Support GroupContact: Adrian Ewing 07850 741511

Ulster HospitalContact: Hazel/Martina 028 90 550498

• County Londonderry & Derry City:Causeway Patient Support GroupContact: Mary Kane 028 70 346264

• Guernsey:Guernsey OstomatesContact: Luci Deane 01481 236077/[email protected]

• Bowel Cancer Support Group(Irish Cancer Society)National Cancer HelplineFreefone: (00 353)1 800 200 700Contact: Olwyn Ryan(00 353) 1 231 0500

• Mayo Stoma Support (Castle Bar Hospital)Contact: Marion Martyn094 902 1733

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England – South West


Northern Ireland

The Channel Islands


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0800 220 300 or visit: www.ostomart.co.uk

OstoMART Ltd, 1 Carlton Business Centre, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 3AA.

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