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Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

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Page 1: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the


Our Headline Sponsor

Our Media Partners

Page 2: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

Introducingour Event Chairman:

Jonathan LofthouseDirector of Improvement


David Walliker



Quality Care Adviser


Associate Director of Transformation


Executive Chief Nurse


Chief Systems Integrations Officer



Chief Executive

James Devine

Darren Curry

Chief Digital Officer



Chief Executive

David Loughton



Digital Clinical Champion


Divisional Director


Head of Information Services



Executive Director of Nursing & Quality

Mark Docherty


Digital TransformationManager

Vanessa Atkinson

Head of EHR Delivery




Page 3: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

DAY ONE07:45 - 08:35 Registration

08:40 - 09:05

We will cover what sits behind the scenes of Dorset’s journey to become a successful Integrated Care System. We will share the experiences across the clinical, digital, governance, scrutiny and collaboration space; the agony and ecstasy that keeps us going, and leave you with a practical playbook of ideas that we have tried.

Our Dorset story will dip in to the simple things we over complicated, the quick wins that took too long to do and the breakthrough moments that keep us believing we can make this work.

Phil Richardson - Chief Systems Integrations Officer

08:35 - 08:40 Chairman’s opening remarks

Jonathan Lofthouse - Director of Improvement

Dorset ICS – the Integration Playbook

09:05 - 09:25 David Walliker, CIO of Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust will discuss how the GDE site have seen a massive reduction in Sepsis Mortality and Cardiac Arrests following the removal of paper records; digitising the process. David will talk through the key lessons learned and the results seen so far.

David Walliker - CIO

Clinical and Mortality improvements through digitised patient pathways



David Walliker

A welcome from the organiser

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to our latest event, the Healthcare Partnership Network.

I would like to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to join us. We are delighted to host you.

We have a great couple of days lined up with thought-provoking content, innovative case studies and engaging group discussions, as well as several networking opportunities for you to make valuable connections with peers from across the NHS and vendor landscape.

I hope you enjoy your time with us and do take full advantage of the hotel facilities and grounds during your stay.

Jack Jacob Managing Director

Page 4: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

09:25 - 10:00 Creating time to care

By accelerating innovation in artificial intelligence (A1) powered conversational solutions, M*Modal is changing the paradigm on patient-physician interactions and clinical workflows. From struggling to get data in the EPR and spending nearly half their time on administrative tasks, physicians can now use an A1-based virtual assistant that can capture clinical documentation from conversational speech between the doctor and patient.

M*Modal takes its market-leading Computer-Assisted Physician Documentation (CAPD) technology that nudges physicians at the point of care towards better care and best practices to the next level with its virtual provider assistant. Leveraging next-generation A1, the virtual assistant understands the intent and context of the clinician’s words for hands-free EPR documentation and conversational order entry.

This enables it to also proactively fill gaps, provide in-workflow clinical decision support, and improve care quality. Please join us to learn how clients use our solutions for improving outcomes and creating time to care.

Erik Van HoeymissenGeneral Manager EMEA

Erik VanHoeymissen

Headline Sponsor Keynote

Page 5: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

10:00 - 10:45 Dragons’ Den - Speed Presentations

Our signature ‘Dragon’s Den’ session allows each solution provider an opportunity to deliver a short pitch, explaining why they are here and how their services can help tackle some of the ongoing healthcare challenges. If you would like to hear more from a particular provider, please tick the relevant box to remind yourself to speak to them during our business meetings and networking breaks.


Page 6: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

10:45 - 12:00 Coffee Break & Business Meetings

12:00 - 12:20

From building a reactive and proactive service to supporting a paperless… going to entirely digital organisation. To collaborative design for developing a great user experience while being experts at the table in digital technology to deep understanding of the data and how it can make an organisation both effective operationally and improve outcomes.

Eileen Jessop - CIO

How to be an awesome Digital Service in anOutstanding NHS Organisation

Eileen Jessop

12:20 - 12:40 AI and Accessibility: Gateway to the Technological NHS

The digitisation of the NHS is currently lauded as a game-changer in healthcare, but how can all patients access the benefits of this technological advance? 29% of over-65s do not have basic digital skills, potentially cutting this key demographic off from new healthtech developments. Accessibility is key, and AI-driven improvements in patient experience have the potential to open up the rewards of digitisation to all patients.In this future-gazing talk Nathaniel Konzon, Healthcare Specialist at Content Guru, will discuss the potential of AI-powered medical communications to improve healthcare for everyone.

Nathaniel Konzon - Healthcare Specialist & Business Development Manager

12:45 - 13:05 The intelligently automated NHS

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is empowering the NHS to become a digital health service. Automating multiple manual processes is reducing costs and improving front line patient care. Learn why, what, how and who is leading the way within the NHS today. And discover how patient pathways and business services are being positively affected through RPA and the pathway to AI.

Alastair Roriston - Sales Director

12:45 - 13:05 Instant Messaging in Healthcare - The Business Case

As usage of Consumer Instant Messaging apps in the NHS continues to grow organically, the associated risks grow exponentially. However, due to poor reporting from legacy systems it can be difficult to justify the investment required to address this risk. In this session CommonTime will provide key points to help you build a business case for IM.

Tim Foulkes - Head of Pre-Sales Matthew Gauler - COO

13:05 - 14:00 Networking Lunch





12:45 - 13:05 The future of patient entertainment

For patients, feeling bored, isolated or out of control of their own health can impact negatively on their recovery. Current solutions for patient entertainment can be unreliable and costly to use for both patients and the Trust. WiFi SPARK believes that we can do better.

Join Steve Killick, the brainchild behind the innovative SPARK® Media to hear about how patient entertainment in the NHS is changing for the better.

Steven Killick - Product Manager


Page 7: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

Cliff Hughes

Jack Tabner

14:30 - 14:50 Transforming clinical coding

Discover how BCUHB have worked with CHKS to begin the transformation of clinical coding services. We have worked in partnership with CHKS as they have developed their automated clinical coding solutions taking this from a proof of concept to a service. This session will take you through the journey we have been on with CHKS as they develop and deliver automated clinical coding. We will explore the benefits of automation, the challenges and show the possibilities of what the partnership can achieve.

Richard Walker - Head of Information Services

14:55 - 15:15 Five Things I wish I could do at the Bedside!

A look at Soteria and how this mobile application works in harmony with how your clinicians have been trained to think and act, using the latest AI and data entry tools. View, diagnose, note and create orders all at you fingertips and avoid double entry, multiple phone calls and junior doctors runnings around your hospital manually “integrating systems”. You work on your feet in a mobile world so you need a system that works and moves with you.

Brian Murray - Business Development Manager

14:55 - 15:15 The key to successful digital transformation

The drive to digitise workflows and records is clear. With 50% of recently surveyed doctors stating that they had successfully harnessed technology to define smarter working practices, it is clear that digital transformation has already begun. However, with as many as 25% of doctors in the same survey admitting not even considering implementing proven solutions, there are still road blocks to be addressed.

We will share the key challenges in moving from physical to digital, experienced first-hand across a number of NHS Trusts. Based on 12 years’ experience in delivering digital communi-cations, digital health records and other major transformational projects across the NHS and the wider Public Sector, we will explain how to overcome these challenges, and discuss the enablers and barriers of digital transformation. Having experienced first-hand the changes in the last 12 years, we can build upon this to support future technology adoption.

Mark Foxwell - Business Develpoment Manager, Public SectorRyan Reed - Head of Public Sector Sales

14:55 - 15:15

Digital Therapy is by and large a validated model of care for many conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and sleeping disorders but has not yet taken taken flight for inflamma-tory long term conditions such as IBD and Rheumatoid Arthritis. While the NHS spends 75% of its budget on managing Long Term Conditions, Ampersand Health is developing the first scientifically validated digital therapeutic for inflammatory disease and beyond, that promises a reduction in the cost of care, outpatient appointments and an improved patient experience. Details of a surveillance study at King’s College Hospital will be discussed.

Nader Alaghband - Founder & Chief Executive

14:00 - 14:30

Medway is changing. This is a summary overview and the lessons learned from the Better, Best, Brilliant transformation programme at Medway NHS Foundation Trust.

The presentation will include reflections on the Trust’s ambitious approach to improvement: addressing financial uncertainty and widespread inefficiency; grasping the nettle of the Trust’s clinical and quality strategy; improving operational performance by getting back to basics; and tackling some long-standing cultural issues and capability gaps.

James Devine - Chief ExecutiveJack Tabner - Associate Director of TransformationCliff Hughes - Quality Care Adviser

Better, Best, Brilliant – the Medway NHS Foundation Trust transformation programme

James Devine







Digital Therapy in Care Pathways Contribute to Better Health Outcomes and Reduce Outpatient Appointments: a King’s Case Study

Page 8: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

17:35 - 17:55

More and more hospitals are investing in initiatives to digitise their patients records but will they succeed in harvesting all of the possible benefits from these programmes. Lisa Harris of IMMJ Systems will be sharing her experiences and showcasing their next generation

EDMS to hopefully offer a few pointers in this direction.

Lisa Harris - Head of Transformation and Implementation


Patient record digitisation...bringing unstructured data to life

Working in technological partnership with InTouch with Health and DrDoctor to bring about long term benefits within the Outpatient Arena

Jonathan Lofthouse

17:15 - 17:35

The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the Merseyside health economy.

How the Trust was able to rapidly agree a costed business improvement proposition for transformation and deliver rapid passed sustainable change within 6 months.

Jonathan Lofthouse - Director of ImprovementPhil Downey - Divisional Director of OperationsPhil


16:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break & Business Meetings

15:15 - 16:00

In the last 10 years our lives have changed amazingly as we have come to depend on the gadget in our pocket called a smartphone! Our banking, shopping and relationships have all been transformed by Digital but healthcare has largely lagged behind.

As we try and catch up with other industries and deliver real and impactful changes to health outcomes through Digital we realise it is not really about the technology but about people and culture.

In this session we will explore Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS FT’s journey towards developing a Digital culture.

Toby Avery - CIODoug Stewart - CCIO

Toby Avery

Developing a Digital culture!

Doug Stewart



18:35 - 20:00 Hotel Check In / Free Time

20:00 - 20:15 Drinks Reception

20:15 - 22:00 Networking Dinner

17:55 - 18:35 Closing Keynote Address

David Loughton CBE, Chief Executive of The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust sets out his organisation’s journey from a traditional acute care provider to one which provides integrated primary, secondary and community services. The presentation describes the elements needed for integration, from the necessity of innovation, leadership stability and the use of live data and analytics to redesign services around the patient. The presentation has received wide acclaim nationally for its ability demonstrate the “lived in” experience of integration.

David Loughton CBE - Chief Executive

Page 9: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the


08:50 - 09:00 Chairman reopening event

Jonathan Lofthouse - Director of Improvement

09:00 - 09:20

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA) provide a diverse portfolio of services on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care.

Included in this portfolio is the operation of a 450 seat contact centre dealing with over 20 call streams and 4.5 million contacts per year.

The NHS BSA have recently leveraged the use of Artificial Intelligence to reduce call volumes with an aim to enabling call agents to support those users who require more support. Hear about how the NHS BSA implemented this and the results.

Darren Curry - Chief Digital Officer

NHS Business Service Authority – Supporting Users to Access Services

09:20 - 09:40

This session will look at how you as a clinician and your patients can benefit from the digital technologies. These include online consultations, online services, and patient information resources such as NHS.UK. Focusing on the clinical benefits and processes which can be derived from the implementation and use of existing and emerging technologies in general practice for GPs, practice nurses, practice staff and patients.

Taz Aldawoud - Digital Clinical Champion, Operations and Information Directorate

Taz Aldawoud


Darren Curry

Supporting Patient centred care through Digital Technology in Primary care

09:40 - 10:00

In Aintree University Hospital (AUH) Patchwork was used to deliver a technology-enabled patient centric service transformation aimed to optimise patient care through safer staffing. Previously temporary staffing was decentralised and managed entirely within the departments and frontline teams. There was little visibility or control by the central team resulting in fragmented processes locally agreed rates rate escalations and high agency usage. With Patchwork as the technology enabler and their domain expertise in temporary staffing service redesign AUH was able to transform the culture and the operational practice of medical temporary staffing. Initial results have been positive in terms of optimizing safer staffing through centralisation of medical bank standardised processes harmonised rates and robust financial controls and reports have shown significant improvement in bank bookings and overall cost savings

Anas Nadar - CEO

Digital Transformation of the Medical Staff Bank - A case study from Aintree University Hospital NHS Trust


10:00 - 11:00 Coffee Break and Business Meetings

Page 10: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

11:50 - 12:10

Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust has worked to engage the workforce in the delivery of its Electronic Health Record, in a recent survey by KLAS the EHR received a 49% Net Experience score from across the 18,000 staff throughout the trust, a remarkable achievement for an EHR designed, built and tested within the organisation. Leeds has created a blueprint of how staff have been engaged in the delivery of the EHR, how staff have been involved in its delivery and how a focus on business change has created the right environment for Leeds to strive to become a digital hospital by December 2019. Tracey Whitfield, Head of EHR Delivery at Leeds and Vanessa Atkinson Programme Head for Business Change and the Digital Hospital Delivery programme will share the stories of digital Leeds, the mistakes to learn from and the success to copy.

Tracey Whitfield - Head of EHR DeliveryVanessa Atkinson - Digital Transformation Manager



Richard Palmer

Vanessa Atkinson

The Digital Way - What does the healthcare workforce of 2019 need to be ready for?

11:00 - 11:20 Change2 - Ready, Connect and Be

Digital transformation means that everything will be connected and intelligent.Change is now transcending. It is fast, exponential and disruption is the norm. Much of what we see as new and transformational is actually 50 years old.

In a world of datafication, automation, coalification robotisation, anything we cant digitise will be value - emotions, ethics, creativity, imagination and initiation.

Are we in Healthcare ready?

Nicola Haywood-Alexander - CDIO

Nicola Haywood


11:25 - 11:45

The pressure is on to cut agency spend, but doing this affordably and effectively is a challenge. The experts behind Circular Wave share how they worked with a major acute trust to drastically cut their medical staff agency bill.

With the support, expertise and passion of our team, the trust waved goodbye to poor data oversight, compliance and an unhappy bank of medical staff: and hello to a staff bank fill rate that increased from 1% to 75% in 12 weeks. We’ll show you how we did this, how to improve your bank usage and ensure compliance.

Dr James Foxlee - Founder & Chief ExecutiveRichard Palmer - Head of Customer Success

How to build a medical staff bank: from zero to hero in just 12 weeks…

11:25 - 11:45

Your patients and workforce are transforming through use of technology but has the NHS kept pace when it comes to communications?

Technology is enabling us live longer and lead healthier, more productive lives, but what are the real-world applications of unified communications? Join us to learn how UC can enable your teams and help you transform.

Steven Lawrence - Head of Healthcare Sales

Workforce Transformation and the impact on patient experience


Page 11: Introducing Jonathan Lofthouse our Event Director of ... · Jonathan Lofthouse 16:45 - 17:05 The team’s presentation will reflect the recognised long terms challenges faced by the

12:50 - 13:00 Chairman’s Closing Remarks

Jonathan Lofthouse - Director of Improvement

12:10 - 12:50 What makes an NHS organisation CQC Outstanding

In our final session of the event, our conference Chairman will explore with Rowan Procter (Executive Chief Nurse at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust), Mark Docherty (Executive Di-rector of Nursing & Quality at West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust), Eileen Jessop and Sarah Bridgford (CIO and CCIO respectively at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust) how their organisations achieved and seeks to maintain a CQC Outstanding rating.

The discussion will include what happens during an inspection, PIR preparedness, what Outstanding looks like, and their top tips.

Rowan Procter - Executive Chief Nurse

Mark Docherty - Executive Director of Nursing & Quality

Eileen Jessop - CIO

Sarah Bridgford - CCIO

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch



Eileen Jessop


Jonathan Lofthouse