Introducing HTML Skills: none IT concepts: markup, HTML tag, presentation vs content, HTTP protocol, historical context This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Introducing HTML Skills: none IT concepts: markup, HTML tag, presentation vs content, HTTP protocol, historical context This work is licensed under a Creative

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Introducing HTML

Skills: none

IT concepts: markup, HTML tag, presentation vs content, HTTP protocol, historical context

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Where does this topic fit?

• Internet concepts– Applications– Technology– Implications

• Internet skills– Application development– Content creation

HTML – hypertext markup language



HTML tags control presentation, not content

Tag Effect

<h1> … </h1> large heading

<h2> … </h2> smaller heading

<p> … </p> paragraph

<b> … </b> bold text

<i> … </i> italicized text

<u> … </u> underlined text

Examples of HTML tags

Note that each of these has a start <> and an end </> element.

Tag Effect

<hr /> draw a horizontal line (a rule) across the window

<br /> force a break in the line being typed

Examples of HTML tags

These do not require both a start <> and an end </> element.

The trailing “ /” is optional in HTML 4, but will be mandatory in HTML 5.


W3schools -- all you need to learn HTML

make changes on the left side

see the result on the right side

HTTP – the rules defining the Web client-server “conversation”

The idea of hypertext preceded the Web

Vannevar Bush

Doug Engelbart


Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML and HTTP

Tim Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his invention of the World Wide Web. He is shown here, along with the first picture posted on the Web and a screen shot from an early version of his Web browser.

A few questions

We introduced several HTML tags in this presentation. Without looking back, do you recall what they were?

Do you recall what each does?

What do you suppose would happen if you accidentally left the closing tag </b> off of a bold-face portion of text?

How would you make some text both bold face and italicized?

What are some of the other tags shown at w3schools, and what are their functions?

HTML – hypertext markup language

Skills: none

IT concepts: markup, HTML tag, presentation vs content, HTTP protocol, historical context

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.