Intro Letter With Comments

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  • 8/2/2019 Intro Letter With Comments


    Dear Ms. Caruso,

    My past experiences in English have been, for the most part, very good. I was an AP

    English student in High School and I feel that I have grown a lot since my junior year. I have

    always had amazing English teachers. Each one has brought something new and all of them have

    opened my eyes a little more each year. Im not the biggest fan of writing but I do enjoy literary

    analysis. I find that I always struggle to sit down and begin my papers but once I get going, its

    almost impossible to stop. Its hard not to enjoy something I put thought and time into because it

    feels whatever I create is almost a piece of me.

    Last semester in English 1101 went very well. I wish I would have known about English

    1103 but that will have to be okay. I had Ms. Rand as my teacher. She did a great job introducing

    the topics of genres and I really enjoyed the ethnography project we did. I ended up receiving an

    A in her course and Im hoping that Ill be continuing that pattern this semester. I really enjoyedthe new skills I gained in researching a topic.

    I have one main hope for this class; that it will be very easy going and relaxed. I feel that

    English is a unique topic that I feel can be taught in a more light hearted way then other topics. I

    have a lot of concerns for this class because I really want to do well and get an A. I have a

    feeling that it will be challenging and time consuming but all things worthwhile are.

    My stance on reading and writing are very different from each other. I really enjoy

    reading when its a classic. I have always really enjoyed Catcher in the Rye. I love books that

    have strong motifs that are worth following. Im not one who reads a lot but when it comes to

    novels like 1984 or Frankenstein; I really can get into the tale. Writing is something that I tend to

    not enjoy as much. I dont hate writing. I think that I am just more hands on and technical than

    creative. In High School, I most enjoyed analyzing literature and I feel that has stuck with me.

    One good experience I had with writing and research was last semesters ethnography

    project. I really enjoyed interviewing and taking observations. I had never experienced research

    like this before and it was very enjoyable. There are lots of good experiences that Ive had with

    reading come in the form of Socratic seminars. I love reading a novel and then having an open

    group discussion on the topics the book presented.

    I did a lot of research for my ethnography paper last semester. The Interviewing process

    was one of my favorite things to do. I also really enjoyed doing secondary research and

    comparing what I had gathered in secondary research to my first hand observations. I think that

    by stepping back and thoroughly analyzing the group, I began to see things that most people

    would never realize existed.

    &RPPHQW>%&@This is a great view to ha

    Not many people are able to see this.

  • 8/2/2019 Intro Letter With Comments


    There is a lot to look forward to this semester and I know that I will continue to grow as

    we move forward. I know that this class is going to be one that I can be very successful in and

    Im looking forward to the work that is given.


    Max Rogers &RPPHQW>%&@Max,

    I am certain that you will continue to grow

    a writer, and as long as you ask questions

    when you have them and ask for help when

    you need it, you can definitely achieve your

    writing goals.

    Im looking forward to working with you th


    -Ms. C