Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923 ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Issue: Addiction Reviews Intramuscular extended-release naltrexone: current evidence David R. Gastfriend Alkermes, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts Address for correspondence: David R. Gastfriend, M.D., Alkermes, Inc., 852 Winter St., Waltham, MA, 02451-1420. [email protected] Extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX; Vivitrol R ), developed to address poor adherence in addictive disorders, is approved for use in alcohol and opioid-dependence disorders. In alcohol-dependent adults with 4-day initial abstinence, XR-NTX increased initial and 6-month abstinence. An fMRI study found that XR-NTX attenuated the salience of alcohol visual and olfactory cues in the absence of alcohol, and post hoc analyses demonstrated efficacy even during high cue-exposure holiday periods. Safety and tolerability have generally been good, without adverse hepatic impact or intractable acute pain management. XR-NTX use appears feasible in primary care and public systems, and retrospective claims analyses have found cost savings and decreased intensive service utilization relative to oral agents. In opioid dependence, following detoxification, XR-NTX shows efficacy for maintaining abstinence, improving retention, decreasing craving, and preventing relapse. Trials are also exploring its use for the treatment of stimulant dependence. XR-NTX appears compatible with counseling and self-help attendance. While more research is needed, current findings suggest that a formulation of naltrexone that was sought beginning over three decades ago is fulfilling its promise as an extended-release pharmacotherapeutic. Keywords: alcohol dependence; opioid dependence; naltrexone; extended-release naltrexone; Vivitrol R Medications for alcohol dependence Alcohol dependence continues to be a serious prob- lem in the United States and around the world. Al- most 4% (about 8 million people) of the adult U.S. population is dependent on alcohol. 1 The effects of alcohol dependence on both the individual and so- ciety are well documented in terms of morbidity, mortality, healthcare costs, and lost work produc- tivity. 2–6 If anything, worldwide use of alcohol is in- creasing, particularly in developing countries, and age at first drink is decreasing, suggesting that there will be an even greater need for effective treatments for alcohol dependence in the future. 7–9 Although most individuals with alcohol depen- dence who seek treatment receive either psychoso- cial counseling or participate in self-help groups without the use of pharmacological interventions, 10 current practice guidelines recommend pharma- cotherapy with behavioral treatments. 11 In the United States, Food and Drug Administration ap- proved medications for alcohol dependence in- clude disulfiram (Antabuse R ) (introduced in 1948), oral naltrexone (ReVia R , Depade R ) (approved in 1994), acamprosate Calcium (Campral R ) (ap- proved in 2004), and extended-release injectable naltrexone (XR-NTX; Vivitrol R ) (approved in 2006). Despite these guidelines, only 16.2% of sub- stance abuse treatment facilities in the United States report using disulfiram, 17.2% acamprosate, and 15.8% naltrexone (not broken down by oral vs. extended-release), and rates of adoption are growing very slowly. 10 There are likely multiple reasons for this, including the fact that the use of medications to reduce alcohol consumption is seen by some 12 as contrary to an emphasis on complete abstinence, as well as known problems, reviewed later in this chap- ter, with adherence to oral medications for alcohol dependence. In order to address problems with adher- ence, extended-release medications are an option. The purpose of the current review is to present emerging data regarding extended-release injectable naltrexone. The primary focus of the review is on doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05900.x 144 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1216 (2011) 144–166 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.

Intramuscular extendedrelease naltrexone: current evidence€¦ · Extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX; Vivitrol! R ), developed to address poor adherence in addictive disorders,

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Page 1: Intramuscular extendedrelease naltrexone: current evidence€¦ · Extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX; Vivitrol! R ), developed to address poor adherence in addictive disorders,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923


Intramuscular extended-release naltrexone: currentevidence

David R. GastfriendAlkermes, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts

Address for correspondence: David R. Gastfriend, M.D., Alkermes, Inc., 852 Winter St., Waltham, MA, [email protected]

Extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX; Vivitrol R©), developed to address poor adherence in addictive disorders,is approved for use in alcohol and opioid-dependence disorders. In alcohol-dependent adults with ≥4-day initialabstinence, XR-NTX increased initial and 6-month abstinence. An fMRI study found that XR-NTX attenuated thesalience of alcohol visual and olfactory cues in the absence of alcohol, and post hoc analyses demonstrated efficacyeven during high cue-exposure holiday periods. Safety and tolerability have generally been good, without adversehepatic impact or intractable acute pain management. XR-NTX use appears feasible in primary care and publicsystems, and retrospective claims analyses have found cost savings and decreased intensive service utilization relativeto oral agents. In opioid dependence, following detoxification, XR-NTX shows efficacy for maintaining abstinence,improving retention, decreasing craving, and preventing relapse. Trials are also exploring its use for the treatment ofstimulant dependence. XR-NTX appears compatible with counseling and self-help attendance. While more researchis needed, current findings suggest that a formulation of naltrexone that was sought beginning over three decadesago is fulfilling its promise as an extended-release pharmacotherapeutic.

Keywords: alcohol dependence; opioid dependence; naltrexone; extended-release naltrexone; Vivitrol R©

Medications for alcohol dependence

Alcohol dependence continues to be a serious prob-lem in the United States and around the world. Al-most 4% (about 8 million people) of the adult U.S.population is dependent on alcohol.1 The effects ofalcohol dependence on both the individual and so-ciety are well documented in terms of morbidity,mortality, healthcare costs, and lost work produc-tivity.2–6 If anything, worldwide use of alcohol is in-creasing, particularly in developing countries, andage at first drink is decreasing, suggesting that therewill be an even greater need for effective treatmentsfor alcohol dependence in the future.7–9

Although most individuals with alcohol depen-dence who seek treatment receive either psychoso-cial counseling or participate in self-help groupswithout the use of pharmacological interventions,10

current practice guidelines recommend pharma-cotherapy with behavioral treatments.11 In theUnited States, Food and Drug Administration ap-proved medications for alcohol dependence in-

clude disulfiram (Antabuse R©) (introduced in 1948),oral naltrexone (ReVia R©, Depade R©) (approvedin 1994), acamprosate Calcium (Campral R©) (ap-proved in 2004), and extended-release injectablenaltrexone (XR-NTX; Vivitrol R©) (approved in2006). Despite these guidelines, only 16.2% of sub-stance abuse treatment facilities in the United Statesreport using disulfiram, 17.2% acamprosate, and15.8% naltrexone (not broken down by oral vs.extended-release), and rates of adoption are growingvery slowly.10 There are likely multiple reasons forthis, including the fact that the use of medicationsto reduce alcohol consumption is seen by some12 ascontrary to an emphasis on complete abstinence, aswell as known problems, reviewed later in this chap-ter, with adherence to oral medications for alcoholdependence.

In order to address problems with adher-ence, extended-release medications are an option.The purpose of the current review is to presentemerging data regarding extended-release injectablenaltrexone. The primary focus of the review is on

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05900.x144 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1216 (2011) 144–166 c© 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.

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Gastfriend Intramuscular extended-release naltrexone

the use of XR-NTX as a treatment for alcohol de-pendence. This review examines the existing effi-cacy data for XR-NTX, including a focus on clini-cally meaningful subpopulations (those with priorabstinence; severely dependent individuals) and ex-amination of the impact of XR-NTX on quality oflife and health economics in addition to drinkingoutcomes. Studies that investigated other injectableformulations of naltrexone that have not receivedFDA approval are generally not reviewed. Data onthe safety, tolerability, and other clinical concernsof XR-NTX are presented. Following a presentationof studies with alcohol-dependent patients, researchevaluating XR-NTX for other disorders is also brieflydescribed. To fully understand data on XR-NTX, itmay be useful first to briefly review prior researchon oral naltrexone.

Oral naltrexone

Naltrexone is a competitive antagonist at the !-opioid receptors in the brain. While historically nal-trexone has been described as an antagonist at themu, delta, and kappa opioid receptors, more recentdata have shown that it is a partial kappa agonist withno appreciable activity at delta receptors.13 Naltrex-one taken orally is quickly absorbed and undergoesfirst-pass metabolism in the liver where it is con-verted to its major metabolite, 6"-naltrexol.14 Afterchronic administration, the mean serum elimina-tion half-life for a 50 mg/d dose is 9.7 h for naltrex-one and 11.4 h for 6"-naltrexol.15

Initially, naltrexone was investigated as a treat-ment for heroin addiction, receiving U.S. FDA ap-proval in 1984 for opioid blockade. However, earlieranimal studies had revealed that opioid antagonistsblocked the ability of ethanol to increase dopaminerelease in pathways leading from the ventral tegmen-tal area to the nucleus accumbens16 and that nal-trexone blocked the self-administration of alcoholin rhesus monkeys.17 This work was followed byplacebo controlled trials in alcohol-dependent hu-mans showing that naltrexone reduced rates of re-lapse to heavy drinking.18,19 Further research foundthat naltrexone blocked the subjective experienceof a “high” from alcohol and reduced pleasure fromdrinking alcohol.20–23 Oral naltrexone was approvedin 1994 by the FDA for the treatment of alcohol de-pendence, and was also approved in a number ofother countries (Australia, Canada, several Euro-pean countries).

Although initial efficacy studies18,19 of oral nal-trexone for alcohol dependence were positive, sub-sequent reviews of a larger body of studies showeda more complex picture. To date, there have beenfive published meta-analyses/systematic reviews ofthe efficacy of oral naltrexone for alcohol depen-dence.24–28 These reviews covered between 7 and24 studies of oral naltrexone for alcohol depen-dence and, for the most part, reached similar con-clusions. Across studies, oral naltrexone was supe-rior to placebo or other control groups, but effectsizes were relatively small and there was substan-tial heterogeneity across studies. The most recentmeta-analyses27 found that across 24 randomized,double-blind, controlled studies of oral naltrexonewith alcohol-dependent patients naltrexone was su-perior to control groups in regard to relapse to heavydrinking (28% vs. 42.5% relapsers), but not in fail-ure of abstinence/return to drinking (59% vs. 65%).Furthermore, there were no significant differencesbetween naltrexone and placebo on any secondaryoutcome measures, and 36% of patients treated withoral naltrexone discontinued treatment before 12weeks. Results from a subsequent systematic (nota meta-analysis) review28 reinforced these findings,documenting that almost 30% of trials showed nodifference between drug and placebo, and the ma-jority of studies failed to find evidence that oralnaltrexone improves abstinence rates. Studies varyconsiderably in their methods of determining andassuring patient adherence; however, this may havebeen a critical factor compromising efficacy in someof these.29

The conclusion about the impact of adherenceon efficacy is evident in the results of specific stud-ies. For example, one study reported a nonsignifi-cant difference between oral naltrexone and placeboon rates of returning to drinking.30 This finding,however, was qualified by a statistically significantinteraction of compliance with medication and re-lapse: relapse rates were only 14% in the medication-compliant (defined as taking pills on 90% or more ofstudy days) naltrexone-treated patients compared to52% in the medication-compliant placebo-treatedpatients.

Similarly, another study found oral naltrexoneto be no better than placebo in the intent-to-treatanalysis.31 However, less than half of the sample wascompliant. Among those who were compliant, oralnaltrexone was found to be significantly superior to

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placebo, with naltrexone-treated patients consum-ing half the amount of alcohol as placebo-treatedpatients. In summary, high compliance with oralnaltrexone (pills taken on >80–90% of days) ap-pears necessary to achieve efficacy.

Finally, a reanalysis of data from two studies inwhich oral naltrexone was not significantly betterthan placebo revealed that, in each study, medi-cation adherence had a significant effect on im-provement trends over time. For those who ad-hered to oral naltrexone, the odds of drinkingon a particular day were one-third to one-half(depending on the study and the specific pat-tern of drinking over time into which patientswere sorted) compared to those who were notadherent.32

In the “real world”, outside of randomized clin-ical trials, however, compliance with many typesof medications in general medicine is far fromideal.33 Yet, when pharmacy claims of alcohol-dependent patients who were prescribed oral med-ications were analyzed for their refill rates withmedications for other diseases, their persistence onalcohol-dependence medications (oral naltrexoneand disulfiram) was poor (Fig. 1A), and substan-tially worse than for statins, antidepressants, or an-tipsychotics.34 Several studies have directly assessedcompliance with oral naltrexone in real-world clin-ical settings. Analysis of data from a commercial,community-based, claims database (Fig. 1B) re-vealed that over half of 1,138 patients with alcohol-related disorders who received a prescription for oralnaltrexone did not refill the initial prescription, and86% of these insured patients were not compliant(defined as having filled prescriptions for ≥80% ofthe duration) for a 6-month period.35 Similarly, an-other claims database study of prescriptions for oralnaltrexone (Fig. 1C) found that a typical patient whoinitiates oral naltrexone treatment uses the medica-tion for a substantially shorter time period than therecommended guidelines (at least 3 to 6 months),with less than 10% continuing to have prescrip-tions filled for 6 months, and about half only fillingonly one prescription.36 The healthcare utilizationimplications of noncompliance with oral naltrex-one in real-world settings has also been empiricallyexamined. Using claims data for the years 2000 to2004, this study found that patients who were non-compliant for a 6-month course of oral naltrexone,compared to compliant ones, had significantly more

hospital admissions, ER admissions, and alcoholdetoxifications.35

Development and characteristics ofXR-NTX

In the early 1970s, when naltrexone was first selectedas a leading candidate to be developed for clinicaluse, it was recognized that a long-acting version ofthis medication was needed.37 By 1981, only PhaseII studies of oral naltrexone had been performed, yetthe anticipated compliance problem with the med-ication was already evident.38 Based on this earlyawareness that oral naltrexone would have limitedclinical utility, the National Institute on Drug Abuse(NIDA) initiated a quest for a long-acting version ofnaltrexone, issuing six contracts in the early 1970sto separate research programs to develop new, long-acting delivery systems.

Success in the development of a long-actingpreparation of naltrexone was 30 years in the mak-ing. Ideally, a sustained-release delivery system fornaltrexone would be easy to inject or implant, phar-macologically stable, would not cause adverse tis-sue reaction, would release the drug at a relativelyconstant rate for at least 30 days, and would bio-degrade within a short time afterward.39 Earlypreparations, such as one consisting of 1.5-mm di-ameter molded beads of lactic/glycolic copolymernaltrexone mixture, achieved some of these proper-ties, but the then-available technologies could notcircumvent the problem of residual solvents associ-ated with the manufacturing process, and thus noextended-release preparation could progress to FDAapproval until this challenge could be resolved, threedecades later.

Following the FDA approval of oral naltrexone forthe treatment of alcohol dependence (in 1994), thelack of success in developing a long-acting prepa-ration led the National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism (NIAAA) and NIDA to facilitateprogress on such development. The Institutes ap-proved two Small Business Innovation Researchgrants, one in 2000 and another in 2001, to seethe development of an extended-release prepara-tion of naltrexone designed to be administered byintramuscular gluteal injection once a month.

The technology for XR-NTX involves embed-ding of the drug molecule within a polymeric ma-trix of microspheres made of poly(dl-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG).40 PLG is a common biodegradable

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Figure 1. Survival curves from three retrospective pharmacy claims database analyses showing patients’ adherence to refillingcovered alcohol dependence medications over time. Panel 1A: Months per treatment episode for disulfiram and oral naltrexone in aU.S. Veterans population.34 Panel 1B: Oral naltrexone refills from a multicommercial insurer database.35 Panel 1C: Oral naltrexonerefills across three consecutive 1-year periods.36

copolymer that has been used safely in humans fora variety of applications, including sutures, ortho-pedics, bone plates, and extended-release pharma-ceuticals. The biodegradable polymers can be fab-ricated into small diameter, injectable microspheres(<100 !m) that provide release of drugs for prede-termined time periods ranging from days to months.The release of the drug from PLG microspheres isinfluenced by water uptake, diffusion of the bioac-tive molecule from the microsphere surface, poresand polymer matrix, and the biodegradation of thepolymer.

Pharmacokinetic studies of XR-NTX in animals41

and humans42–44 indicated that the extended-releaseformulation of naltrexone maintained stable, phar-macologically relevant plasma levels of naltrexonefor at least 28 days, in addition to meeting the othercriteria for a long-acting naltrexone preparation thatwere specified by Olson and Kincl.39

The mean pK characteristics of single-dose XR-NTX 380 mg versus oral naltrexone 50 mg areas follows: Cmax: 12.9 vs. 10.6 ng/mL; tmax (me-

dian): 7.0 days versus 1.0 h; AUC∞: 144 versus30 ng·d/mL, and t1/2: 4.95 days versus 3.9 h.43

Several pharmacological characteristics appear tobe unique to XR-NTX over a month of dos-ing: (1) For the patient, extended-release over1 month ameliorates the daily adherence chal-lenge; (2) for providers and significant others, thesame extended-release feature provides an auto-matic “self-monitoring” effect, confirming that alldosing has been received for the month; (3) XR-NTXavoids first-pass hepatic metabolism, and this resultsin approximately one-fourth the monthly dose ofXR-NTX (i.e., 380 mg), sufficing for treatment incontrast to oral naltrexone 50 mg (i.e., 1,500 mgper month); (4) avoidance of first-pass metabolismyields a markedly greater proportion of the activeprimary agent, naltrexone, in blood relative to theprincipal metabolite, 6"-naltrexol; (5) intramuscu-lar administration also yields a plasma area-under-the-curve monthly plasma accumulation of naltrex-one that is approximately four-times that achievedwith daily oral naltrexone, that may have clinical

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relevance, given that investigators have believedthere may be a clinical dose-response effect fororal naltrexone and, accordingly, recent studies haveused 100 mg/day rather than 50 mg/day of oral nal-trexone;45 and (6) it has been postulated that theremay be effects of XR-NTX’s continuous dosing ascompared to oral naltrexone’s pulsatile daily dos-ing, which may derive either pharmacologically—for example, with diurnally varying endorphinsecretion—and/or psychologically—for example,with ever-changing internal cues, affective states,and expectancies.46

XR-NTX for alcohol dependence

Primary efficacy studyIn April of 2006, the FDA approved XR-NTX for thetreatment of alcohol dependence in patients who areable to abstain from alcohol in an outpatient settingprior to initiation of treatment with XR-NTX. Thisapproval was based upon the prior evidence and ap-proval for oral naltrexone, the preclinical and earlyphase clinical research on XR-NTX, and a singlepivotal phase III efficacy study of XR-NTX. This ef-ficacy study was a randomized, placebo-controlledtrial with alcohol-dependent patients that was con-ducted at 24 centers across the United States.47 Ef-ficacy was evaluated across 24 weeks of monthlyinjections with XR-NTX 380 mg, XR-NTX 190 mg,or placebo. All patients also received 12 sessionsof low intensity psychosocial therapy. The greatesttreatment effect, found among patients defined apriori as those with ≥7 days of abstinence prior totreatment initiation, formed the basis of the FDA ap-proval of XR-NTX for alcohol-dependent patientswho are able to abstain from alcohol prior to treat-ment initiation and who are not actively drinking atthe time of treatment initiation.

Efficacy in those with prior abstinenceA subsequent post hoc analysis of data from theprimary efficacy trial revealed more details abouttreatment response in a subgroup of 83 patientswho had at least four days of abstinence immedi-ately prior to treatment initiation, which was notevident among the subset of patients who were ac-tively drinking at the time of treatment initiation.48

The 4-day lead-in abstinent interval is both a com-mon threshold inclusion criterion in the literature(e.g., the COMBINE study45) and the median lengthof stay for completed detoxification episodes in the

United States.49 In patients with ≥4 days of prior ab-stinence, XR-NTX 380 mg resulted in nearly three-times as many patients with sustained abstinencefor all 24 weeks compared with placebo (32% vs.11%, P = 0.02) as well as a significantly greater pro-portion of responders (70% vs. 30%, P = 0.006)(responder = no more than 2 heavy drinking daysin any consecutive 28-day period). In addition, pa-tients receiving XR-NTX 380 mg had a significantlyincreased initial abstinence, that is, time to firstdrink (median durations of 42 vs. 12 days, P = 0.02)and time to first heavy drinking event (181 vs. 20days, P = 0.04) (Fig. 2). Patients treated with XR-NTX 380, compared with placebo, also had signif-icantly fewer drinking days per month (0.7 vs. 7.2,P =0.005) and fewer heavy drinking days per month(0.2 days vs. 2.9 days, P = 0.007). The 190 mgdose of XR-NTX (not FDA-approved) consistentlyresulted in intermediate effects, indicating a dose-effect response. Thus, among patients who are ini-tially abstinent for 4 or more days, XR-NTX 380 mgshows robust, large, and clinically meaningful im-provements over placebo across a variety of outcomeparameters. For patients receiving XR-NTX 380 mg,time to first drink was more than three times longer,time to first heavy drink was nine times longer, andnumber of heavy drinking days per month was lessthan one-tenth of that observed for those takingplacebo.

Although the FDA approval of XR-NTX wasbased upon the subset of patients with prior absti-nence, the same treatment effects were not evidentamong the subset of patients (n = 571, 92% of thetotal study population) who were actively drinkingat the time of treatment initiation. The overall sam-ple in this pivotal trial consisted of 624 patients, ofwhom 91.2% were nonabstinent during the weekprior to their first injection and 57% did not havea treatment goal of abstinence. In this overall sam-ple, the 380 mg group was found to be significantlymore effective than placebo (plus psychosocial ther-apy) in reducing the rate of heavy drinking eventsover 24 weeks. In terms of the event rate of heavydrinking days, the 380 mg group showed a 25%greater decrease versus placebo (P = 0.03) with the190 mg of naltrexone intermediate, at a 17% de-crease (P = 0.07); in terms of heavy drinking days,the XR-NTX 380-mg group showed a 48% medianreduction in heavy drinking days versus the placeboinjection group. A treatment-by-gender interaction

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Figure 2. Kaplan–Meier analysis of time to first drink among patients abstinent (≥4 days) prior to treatment initiation: durationof initial abstinence was significantly greater for XR-NTX 380 mg compared with placebo (42 vs. 12 days; P = 0.02) and the percentof patients with sustained abstinence at the conclusion of the trial was also significantly greater for XR-NTX 380 mg compared withplacebo (32% vs. 11%; P = 0.02), with the XR-NTX 190 mg group showing results that are intermediate for both parameters.48

was found in this study, in which the treatment effectwas not significant in women; however, women rep-resented a minority of subjects and the study was notpowered to detect effects in women. The literatureon oral naltrexone generally has not identified a dif-ferential gender effect. Efficacy in this study did notappear to be influenced by age, race, employmentstatus, lead-in drinking, treatment goal, self-helpmeeting attendance, depression, use of antidepres-sants, smoking status, or body mass index. Max-imum plasma concentration for naltrexone withXR-NTX 380 mg has previously been found to beapproximately 30% lower in females, however, AUCwas similar between genders.43 One difference inthis trial, however, is that women showed a strongerresponse to counseling plus placebo, compared tomen.

Time course of treatment efficacy: early onsetIn a further analysis,50 the time course was exam-ined to determine when the onset of effect occurred.During the first month following injection, patientsreceiving XR-NTX 380 mg had 37% fewer heavydrinking days versus placebo (P < 0.01). A signifi-cant reduction in the median number of drinks con-sumed per day was observed for the XR-NTX group

versus placebo by day 2 (P < 0.05), and significantreductions in the percentage of patients reportingheavy drinking occurred by day 3 (P < 0.05). Adose-response effect was observed, with intermedi-ate results for XR-NTX 190 mg. These findings areconsistent with the pharmacokinetic release profileof XR-NTX, but more importantly, an early onsetof efficacy may have important clinical implicationsfor adherence and initial treatment engagement.

Time course of treatment efficacy: durabilityover 18 monthsGiven that alcohol dependence is a chronic disorderwith multiple episodes of relapse and recurrence,51

XR-NTX patients from the full sample who com-pleted the 6-month pivotal trial were offered contin-uation on XR-NTX to evaluate its durability of effectover a 12-month open-label extension period.52 Forthe 6-month double blind trial, the overall medianrate of heavy drinking at baseline was 19 days permonth. Patients who received 380 mg of XR-NTXdecreased to a median of 3.1 days of heavy drink-ing. At the end of the 12-month open label exten-sion period, the median patient receiving continu-ous XR-NTX since intake reported only 1.6 days ofheavy drinking per month. Thus, although effects of

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differential patient dropout could not be accountedfor in this open-label phase, the effects of XR-NTXappeared durable over a total of 18 months.

Adherence in efficacy trialConcerns about adherence with oral naltrexonewere the impetus for the development of XR-NTX.But how well do patients adhere to regular monthlyinjections of XR-NTX? Adherence in the Garbuttet al.47 trial with XR-NTX appears excellent whenplaced in the context of adherence to study medi-cations in general, and oral medications for alco-hol dependence in particular. A total of 64% ofpatients randomly assigned to receive XR-NTX re-ceived all six injections during the 24-week double-blind study period. This adherence is particularlynoteworthy when considered against the nature ofthe trial sample: a vast majority of patients (91.2%)were still drinking during the week before their firstinjection, and more than half were not seeking toachieve abstinence. In many studies of oral naltrex-one, all patients are abstinent for at least 4 days atthe initiation of treatment. This inclusion criterionin most oral naltrexone studies likely preselects formore highly motivated and potentially compliantpatients.

One concern with the results of many clinical tri-als is that a high rate of adherence may have beeninfluenced by intensive research procedures. How-ever, at the end of the trial, when patients still in thetrial were offered the medication on a “compassion-ate use” open label basis for an additional 12 monthswithout the intensive research procedures, 88% ofthe patients asked to continue on the medicationand of these, 42% received all 13 doses of XR-NTX.53

Moreover, approximately 10% of the originally ran-domized patients continued on XR-NTX for 3 to 4years.53

Changes in quality of lifeHeavy drinking of alcohol is associated with impair-ments in health-related quality of life (QOL), par-ticularly mental health and social functioning.54,55

Disorder-related impairments in quality of life andthe ability of a new medical intervention to restoreadequate QOL have been of increasing focus of re-search on medical and psychiatric disorders. Theextent to which XR-NTX improves the QOL ofalcohol-dependent patients was explored in a re-analysis56 of data from the primary efficacy trial.47

At baseline, the SF-3657 showed impairment in the

health-related QOL domain of mental health thatwas about 1 standard deviation below the U.S. pop-ulation norm. Other specific domains (i.e., socialfunctioning, problems with work or other daily ac-tivities due to emotional problems) also showedsimilar large impairments relative to U.S. norms.Over the course of 6 months of treatment, XR-NTX 380 mg was associated with significantly (P <

0.05) greater improvements from baseline in mentalhealth, social functioning, general health, and physi-cal functioning, compared to placebo. Furthermore,reductions from baseline in drinking (percentage ofdays drinking and percentage days of heavy drink-ing in past 30 days) were significantly (P < 0.02)correlated with improvements in QOL. Most sub-scales of physical functioning did not show signifi-cant treatment differences; however, these were notsubnormative at baseline. Although this secondaryanalysis should be confirmed with additional stud-ies and may not generalize to all alcohol-dependentindividuals, given that co-occurring unstable med-ical and psychiatric conditions were excluded, withregard to mental health and social functioning pa-tients treated with XR-NTX improved their QOLto an average score that was very close to the U.S.population norm.

Use of XR-NTX with severely dependentpatientsAn ongoing clinical challenge has been the treatmentof individuals who are severely dependent on alco-hol. More severely dependent patients, comparedto those at lower severity levels, have been found tohave higher levels of craving, worse symptoms of tol-erance and withdrawal, higher and more abnormalvalues on biomarkers of alcohol dependence, higherrates of tobacco use and psychiatric symptoms, andmore impaired QOL.57–61

There has been uncertainty about the efficacyof pharmacological interventions for this subgroupof severely dependent individuals. Oral naltrexonewas found not to be significantly different fromplacebo in a large randomized clinical trial con-ducted with chronic, severe alcohol-dependent vet-erans.62 Another study found oral naltrexone supe-rior to acamprosate for alcohol-dependent patientswith low severity but no different from acamprosateand placebo for those with high severity of alcoholdependence.63 High severity of alcohol dependencehas also been found to be associated with being more

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likely to drink spirits (rather than wine or beer),which occurred more often in patients who showedlower compliance to oral naltrexone or topiramatetreatments (in conjunction with psychosocial ther-apy) for alcohol dependence.64

The efficacy of XR-NTX for patients with a rel-atively greater degree of severity of alcohol depen-dence was investigated in another secondary analy-sis of data from the primary XR-NTX efficacy trial.For these analyses,65 severely alcohol-dependent pa-tients, defined by a relatively elevated score onthe Alcohol-Dependence Scale66 (N = 97), whoreceived XR-NTX 380 mg had significantly fewerheavy drinking days (≥5 drinks/day for men, ≥4for women) than those who received placebo. Whenseverity was defined in term of engaging in detox-ification prior to randomization (N = 26), a sig-nificant (P = 0.004) difference between XR-NTX380 mg and placebo also emerged (reductions frombaseline of heavy drinking days of 48.9% for XR-NTX 380 mg and 30.9% for placebo). In addition,patients with lead-in abstinence—those for whomXR-NTX is specifically indicated (N = 56)—weresignificantly (P = 0.002) more likely to be severelydependent. Thus, in contrast to conclusions reachedin the literature on oral naltrexone, XR-NTX ap-pears to be useful in the treatment of individualswith severe alcohol dependence.

Understanding XR-NTX effects onabstinence: cue-response in the laboratoryand in the environmentWhile reviews of the efficacy of oral naltrexone havegenerally attributed its benefit to reduction in heavydrinking rather than to promotion of abstinence,studies of XR-NTX have shown significant efficacywith maintenance of initial abstinence,48 sustainedabstinence, 48 and abstinence in the context of cue-rich environments.67 This latter finding may aid ourunderstanding as to the mechanism of how XR-NTXmight benefit abstinence.

Diminished reactivity to alcohol-related cues hasbeen found to predict longer latency to relapse, re-duced reinstatement of dependence, and reductionin the quantity of alcohol consumed in alcohol-dependent individuals.68 Alcohol-related cue reac-tivity was examined using BOLD fMRI to determineif it is attenuated by XR-NTX.69 Visual and olfac-tory cues of patients’ favorite alcoholic beverageswere delivered in real time to detoxified alcohol-

dependent subjects over a 28-minute exposure pe-riod. At baseline, there was a profound pattern ofbrain response to alcohol-related visual and olfac-tory cues, relative to neutral cues, in multiple brainregions including orbital and cingulate gyri, infe-rior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, and visualcortex (for visual images). Two weeks after injec-tion with XR-NTX or placebo, BOLD signal acti-vation in these regions was significantly and sub-stantially different in XR-NTX-treated individualscompared to the placebo-treated individuals. Thedata suggest that, in the absence of alcohol con-sumption, XR-NTX attenuated the salience of cuesthat are associated with alcohol. In the clinical useof XR-NTX, such attenuation of cue reactivity mayinterrupt the processes that precede “slips” and re-lapse and thus may contribute to the maintenance ofabstinence.

A real-world analog to this human laboratoryfinding that XR-NTX attenuates alcohol cue reactiv-ity is the drinking response to the naturalistic, cue-enriched environment surrounding U.S. nationalholidays. One of the barriers to maintaining absti-nence among alcohol-dependent individuals is thetendency for culturally accepted cues to trigger morefrequent (and heavy) drinking. This especially oc-curs in regard to holidays.70 The effect of XR-NTXtreatment combined with psychosocial support onalcohol consumption during holiday and nonholi-day periods was examined using data from the 6-month XR-NTX Phase III efficacy trial,47focusingon those alcohol-dependent patients who had main-tained at least 4 days of continuous abstinence beforereceiving their first treatment. This post hoc analysisof our pivotal study67 examined the 10 leading hol-idays for alcohol-related traffic fatalities, as moni-tored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-istration. Results indicated that XR-NTX 380 mgsignificantly (P < 0.05) increased abstinence andreduced risky drinking, heavy drinking, and drinksper day during such holidays compared with placebo(Fig. 3). During holiday periods (which ranged fromsingle days to 3-day weekends), the median per-cent of nonabstinent days was 0% for XR-NTX-treated patients compared to 19% for placebo-treated patients. Similarly, the median percent ofheavy drinking days during such holidays was 0%for XR-NTX and 11% for placebo. XR-NTX 380 mgalso significantly (P < 0.05) reduced drinking dur-ing nonholiday periods in this same population,

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Figure 3. Median percent drinking days among patients with initial abstinence (≥4 days) during holiday and nonholiday periodsfor percent drinking days. Numbers in parentheses represent ranges for each category. Placebo, N = 27; XR-NTX 190 mg, N = 26;XR-NTX 380 mg, N = 27. Data analyzed by Wilcoxin test: ∗P < 0.05; †P < 0.01.67

compared to placebo. It should be noted, how-ever, that this was a post hoc analysis for whichholiday drinking trends prior to baseline were notavailable.

Safety, tolerability, and other potentialconcerns about use of XR-NTX

Adverse eventsIn the phase III trial of XR-NTX, the most com-mon adverse events reported by patients who re-ceived XR-NTX were injection site reaction, nau-sea, headache, and fatigue.47 The majority of theseadverse events occurred during the first month oftreatment. Pain at the injection site occurred forabout 12% of patients who received XR-NTX and9% for those who received placebo injections. Morepatients discontinued XR-NTX 380 mg (14.1%) dueto adverse events (primarily nausea and headache)compared to placebo (6.7%). There were two se-rious adverse events (eosinophilic pneumonia andinterstitial pneumonia) in this trial that were judgedto be possibly related to XR-NTX 380 mg. Bothof these resolved with treatment. Subsequent tothe phase III trial, based on postmarketing reportsof severe injection site reactions requiring surgi-cal intervention, the FDA issued an alert, notingthat XR-NTX should not be administered intra-

venously, subcutaneously, or inadvertently into fattytissue.71

Hepatic safetyA detailed analysis of potential impact of XR-NTX on liver enzymes has been reported.72 Thisclose look at hepatic safety issues was prompted bythe concern about the administration of excessivedoses of oral naltrexone, or administration to pa-tients with active liver disease, which resulted in aboxed warning in the package insert for oral nal-trexone in relation to hepatotoxicity. The warningwas prompted by studies reporting hepatotoxicity athigh dosages of oral naltrexone (350 mg/d) in obesepatients and those with senile dementia.73 Withinthe recommended dosage range (50 mg/d), the evi-dence supports the safety of oral naltrexone.

The examination of hepatic safety using datafrom the XR-NTX phase III trial revealed no signif-icant differences in alanine aminotrasferase, aspar-tate aminotransferase, or bilirubin levels betweenthe XR-NTX 380 mg, XR-NTX 190 mg, or placebogroups at baseline or at any of the 6 monthly as-sessments.72 Gamma-glutamyltransferase levels inthe XR-NTX 380 mg group were actually signifi-cantly lower than in the placebo group at severalassessments, most likely because of the reduction

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in drinking alcohol in the XR-NTX 380-mg group.High (>3 times the upper limit of normal) valuesfor liver chemistry tests and other hepatic-relatedadverse events were infrequent for both XR-NTXand placebo-treated patients. There was also no ev-idence of elevated liver function tests or hepatic-related adverse events in either of the XR-NTX groupcompared to placebo within clinically meaningfulsubgroups such as those drinking heavily through-out the study or obese subjects. Furthermore, al-though concerns have previously been raised aboutconcomitant use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatorydrugs (NSAIDs),74–79 this study found no evidenceof elevated liver function tests or hepatic-relatedadverse events in patients taking NSAIDs. Thus, theavailable evidence supports the hepatic safety of XR-NTX, at least at the approved dosage and for thetypes of patients represented in this study. In ad-dition, an earlier small open-label study found noclinically meaningful changes in hepatic enzymesfollowing a single dose of 190 mg of XR-NTX givento patients with mild or moderate hepatic impair-ment.44 The long-term (beyond 6 months) hepaticsafety of XR-NTX, as well as the hepatic safety ofXR-NTX in the elderly, in whom liver function maybe compromised, remains to be examined in futureresearch.

Pain management: basic science findings andclinical implicationsThe clinical research program on XR-NTX has ad-ministered injections exceeding 600 patient-yearsof exposure. During this time, there were no re-ports of serious adverse events, such as emergencyroom admission or hospitalization secondary to un-manageable pain.80 In a preclinical experiment, ratswere studied in a pain-analgesia paradigm using thehot plate test to determine whether opioid anal-gesics could override the blockade of XR-NTX andwhether the analgesic response would be accom-panied by excessive respiratory depression or signsof sedation. The competitive opioid receptor block-ade of XR-NTX was overcome with higher dosesof opioids that were sufficient to achieve analgesicresponses to the pain stimulus, however, comparedto placebo, these doses did not show further ef-fects on respiratory depression or locomotor ac-tivity.81 The relevance of animal research to thehuman clinical setting, however, is unclear. There-fore, it has been suggested that the management

of patients with pain when reversal of XR-NTXblockade is required can include regional analge-sia or use of nonopioid analgesics (Vivitrol R© Pack-age Insert). If opioid therapy is required as partof anesthesia or analgesia, such patients should becontinuously monitored in an anesthesia care set-ting by persons not involved in the conduct of thesurgical or diagnostic procedure; and such ther-apy should be provided by individuals specificallytrained in the use of anesthetic drugs and the man-agement of the respiratory effects of potent opioids,specifically the establishment and maintenance ofa patent airway and assisted ventilation, with closemonitoring by appropriately trained personnel in asetting equipped and staffed for cardiopulmonaryresuscitation.

Impact of XR-NTX on reported pleasure fromdaily activitiesAs mentioned earlier, blocking opioid receptors withnaltrexone leads to less alcohol-induced pleasure.23

These subjective effects are thought to be medi-ated by the effects of naltrexone in reducing thealcohol-stimulated dopamine output in the nucleusaccumbens.82,83 Because the nucleus accumbens isinvolved in the rewarding aspects of other behav-iors, such as eating84 and sex,85 a question arisesas to whether naltrexone might interfere with plea-sure from other activities, not just drinking alcohol.Several studies have in fact demonstrated an impactof opioid antagonists (oral naltrexone, naloxone)on the hedonic effects of physical exercise,86 gam-bling,87 eating,88 sex,89 and shopping.90 A clinicalconcern with the use of extended-release naltrexonehas been that patients would experience a broad re-duction in experienced pleasure to a wide range ofactivities.

The extent to which long-term treatment withXR-NTX affects hedonic response in alcohol-dependence patients has been recently investi-gated.91 In this cross-sectional study exit survey,74 alcohol-dependent patients who had receivedXR-NTX for a mean duration of 3.5 years reportedthat pleasure from drinking alcohol was significantly(P < 0.05) less than pleasure experienced from lis-tening to music, sex, reading, being with friends,eating good food, eating spicy food, and play-ing video/card games (Fig. 4). Pleasure derivedfrom gambling and shopping was rated relativelylow and not significantly different from pleasure

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Figure 4. Hedonic response to everyday activities: among patients (total N = 74) with 3.5 years mean duration of continuousXR-NTX treatment; effect sizes for ratings of pleasure in past 90 days, in contrast to drinking alcohol, were positive for a wide rangeof activities including eating good food, sex, and exercise. Negative effect sizes were found for gambling and shopping (adaptedfrom O’Brien et al., in press 91).

derived from drinking. These data are suggestivethat long-term use of XR-NTX selectively reducespleasure from drinking alcohol, and may also reducepleasure from shopping and gambling, compared tothe pleasure obtained from many regular daily ac-tivities. However, interpretation of the data musttake into account the study limitations, for exam-ple, the sample was a select group of patients whohad maintained use of XR-NTX for several yearsand no baseline data on hedonic response to dailyactivities was available.

Feasibility of using XR-NTX in the “realworld”

Adoption by addiction specialty treatmentprogramsHealth services research indicates that real worldadoption of XR-NTX started in treatment pro-grams that specialize in alcohol-dependence treat-ment. Within the first 2 years after XR-NTX wasapproved by the FDA, a nationally representativesurvey asked 345 addiction specialty treatment pro-grams about their adoption of the new agent.92 Thestudy found that 16% of programs had adopted theuse of the agent, with greater likelihood of adoptionpredicted by larger organizational size, having a staff

that included a physician, having had prior use ofan alcohol-dependence pharmacotherapy, and hav-ing a higher proportion of patients with commercialinsurance. The study, although limited in being anadministrative survey rather than tracking actualpharmacy claims, found that XR-NTX is addressingthe patient compliance barrier, as demonstrated by70% of these patients receiving at least 2 months ofthe medication.

Use of XR-NTX in primary careData on the use of XR-NTX in a variety of real-world clinical settings are beginning to emerge.One recent open-label study examined 3-monthtreatment retention, patient satisfaction, and al-cohol use among alcohol-dependent patients intwo public hospital primary care clinics.93 Patientswere offered 3 monthly XR-NTX injections alongwith physician-delivered medical management thatreviewed medication side effects, encouraged ab-stinence, and supported use of mutual help andcounseling resources. Recruitment for this studywas good, with only about half of patients need-ing to be recruited through advertising. Retentionwas reasonably good, with 90% (65 of 72) of el-igible patients receiving the first XR-NTX injec-tion, 75% of those initiating treatment receiving a

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second XR-NTX injection, and 62% of those initi-ating treatment receiving the third injection. Thosethat received all three injections reduced their drinksper day from a median of 4.1 at baseline to 0.5 atmonth three. Limitations of this study included thelack of a control group and the presence of researchsupports including free care and medication. Nev-ertheless, these preliminary data suggest that it isfeasible to treat patients with XR-NTX in the con-text of a primary care practice.

A pilot demonstration project in the medical set-ting examined the feasibility of using XR-NTX totreat homeless individuals who are dependent onalcohol.94 A hospital system in a small city foundthat this subpopulation was its most costly sub-group, with some patients having 50–100 emergencyroom visits per year and accruing over $200,000 peryear in total costs due to ambulance, social services,medical, and law enforcement involvement. Con-sidering that adherence to oral medications amongthe homeless might be low, the hospital initiatedan open-label demonstration project with XR-NTX.The project found that numerous challenges neededto be addressed and was successful in doing so bysecuring a hospital budget to support the pharmacyso that XR-NTX could be stocked and provided atno charge to uninsured homeless individuals; coor-dinating with a detoxification facility so that treat-ment is initiated once the patient becomes absti-nent; collaborating with healthcare for the homelessoutpatient medical clinics elsewhere in the commu-nity for continuity of care; securing state fundingto those clinics for continued XR-NTX adminis-tration; and providing training to homeless clinicnurses in injection administration. With these stepsin place, the typical patient received 2–3 months oftreatment with XR-NTX. Staff noted that patientsbecame more likely to make their appointments, forexample, for housing, and ER utilization declinedto less than one visit per month for the majority ofpatients treated with XR-NTX. The project reportedthat these policy, funding, and logistical proceduresproved feasible and effective in integrating care fora particularly complex and needy population.

Another pilot study examined alcohol-dependentpatients with serious mental illness, that is,schizophreniform disease and bipolar mood dis-order. This study was an open-label, randomized,prospective 12-week trial of monthly injections ofXR-NTX 380 mg or monthly dispensing of a 30-day

supply of oral naltrexone 50 mg tablets; with weeklymotivational counseling.95 Eight patients who re-ceived XR-NTX attended an average of 84% of pos-sible weekly visits and were administered 83.3%of possible monthly XR-NTX injections. In con-trast, four patients who received oral naltrexone at-tended an average of 65.8% of weekly visits, weredispensed 75% of possible monthly bottles of oralNTX, and reported taking 40.5% of possible oralNTX doses. Although this was a very preliminarystudy, the findings appear to support the feasibilityof using XR-NTX in patients with serious mentalillness. XR-NTX may address the compliance diffi-culties found with this population of patients withcooccurring alcohol dependence and serious mentalillness.

Use of XR-NTX in driving under the influence(DUI) and drug courtsAlcohol is known to be a significant risk factor forcriminal behavior, with about 40% of all violentcrimes involving alcohol,96 which substantially ex-ceeds the percent for all drug-related crime. In part,this is because individuals with this disease may of-ten continue drinking, even when faced with longjail terms, and therefore pose a serious public healththreat. Many individuals who commit crimes whileunder the influence of alcohol or drugs are increas-ingly being managed in DUI and drug courts, whichuse a team approach, combining personnel from thedistrict attorney, public defender, and probation of-fices, as well as treatment providers, all under theleadership of a judge.

A preliminary study evaluated the feasibility ofXR-NTX with supportive therapy in a case seriesof 10 DUI-sentenced repeat offenders with alco-hol dependence who received at least one injection(seven received all three injections). Subjects re-ported significant within-subject decreases of 77%from pre-treatment in average drinks per day (from3.0 to 0.69; P < 0.01), 39% decreases in drinksper drinking day (from 6.6 to 4.0; P = 0.04), and31% increases in abstinent days (from 56.8 to 81.96;P = 0.02), with biomarker measures that were con-sistent with reduced drinking. This patient cohortalso had breath alcohol interlock devices installed ontheir motor vehicles and their percentage of vehic-ular failures-to-start due to elevated breath alcoholdropped by more than half (from 3.1% to 1.29% oftests; P = NS).97

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A larger pilot study of XR-NTX examined out-come data on 64 alcohol-dependent clients recruitedfrom two drug or DUI courts in Michigan and onein Missouri, 32 of whom were treated with XR-NTX and 32 were matched controls who receivedpsychosocial treatment without XR-NTX.98 Treat-ment with XR-NTX was open-label, voluntary, andwas delivered in addition to psychosocial treatment.Treatment with XR-NTX was associated with a re-duction in the primary outcome of annualized re-arrest rate (8% vs. 26% for treatment as usual; P< 0.05) while under drug court supervision (rel-ative risk reduction = 62%), with nonsignificantreductions in the component outcomes of rate ofthe number of missed drug court sessions (relativerisk reduction = 57%), the rate of positive drug andalcohol tests (relative risk reduction = 35%), andthe proportion of individuals with >25% overallpositive alcohol or drug tests (relative risk reduc-tion = 33%). Although further studies are neededwith randomized and larger samples to establishcausality, treatment with XR-NTX appeared to befeasible and was associated with a consistently largetreatment effect across multiple outcomes relevantto a drug court setting. The findings from thisproject resulted in a policy initiative in Missouri,where the single-state agency for substance abusetreatment issued a mandate to all publicly fundedtreatment programs that, as of January 1, 2010, theymust provide access for all medication-assisted ther-apies, including XR-NTX, or risk-losing state andfederal block grant funding.99

Health economic studies of XR-NTX

Alcohol use disorders are known to result in ele-vated costs to individuals and society, with an esti-mated $185 billion in healthcare costs, lost wages,and property damage in the United States annu-ally.100 XR-NTX was developed in order to addressthe compliance problem with oral naltrexone. Byimproving compliance and maintaining abstinenceor reducing episodes of heavy drinking, it wouldbe expected that individuals treated with XR-NTXwould have reductions in the heathcare-related costsof alcohol dependence.

The clinical significance of the pivotal trial effi-cacy results for XR-NTX among those with lead-inabstinence was examined in a previous review arti-cle that converted the results into number-neededto treat (NNT) statistics.101 For XR-NTX, the data

indicate that it takes four patients to demonstratea significant improvement over placebo. This is incontrast to 13 patients treated with an alternativeextended-release naltrexone formulation not pur-sued for further commercial development,102 and 20patients treated with oral naltrexone in the COM-BINE study.45

A preliminary study has examined healthcare costreductions following treatment with XR-NTX.103

Using a claims database from a commercial insurer,this study compared the costs of alcohol-relatedhospitalizations, total medical costs, and total phar-macy cost in the 6 months prior to the initiation ofXR-NTX to the 6 months following termination ofXR-NTX treatment. For 48 patients, the averageduration of XR-NTX treatment was 3 months.Alcohol-related hospitalizations were found to de-crease by 52% from before to after treatment withXR-NTX; total medical costs decreased by 34%; totalpharmacy costs decreased by 36%; and the com-bined pharmacy and medical costs decreased by49%. While difficult to interpret without a compar-ison group, these data are suggestive that XR-NTXmay be associated with significant healthcare costreductions and prompted the insurer to initiate aprospective disease management program.

A larger study using a different commercial in-surer claim database has looked at the healthcareutilization and costs associated with alcohol-dependence pharmacotherapy.104 Using propen-sity score matching on demographic and base-line clinical and healthcare utilization variables,alcohol-dependent patients who had received anFDA-approved medication for alcohol dependence(n = 2,977) were compared with those who had notreceived such medication (n = 2,977) on 6-monthhealthcare utilization rates. In addition, compar-isons were made among those who received oralnaltrexone (n = 663), disulfiram (n = 2,076), acam-prosate (n = 883), or XR-NTX (n = 295). Re-sults indicate that patients who received alcoholismmedications spent less time in detoxification andalcoholism-related inpatient care and had feweremergency department visits. XR-NTX was asso-ciated with significantly (P < 0.05) less time spentin detoxification (224 days per 1,000 patients) thanoral naltrexone (552 days) or acamprosate (525days), and a significantly (P < 0.05) lower rateof alcohol-related hospitalization than acamprosate(2.3% vs. 4.5%) (Fig. 5). As a nonrandomized study,

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Figure 5. Retrospective insurance claims analysis with propensity score matching: Four-way comparison of intensive health careutilization for the 6-month period following an index medication dose, showing greater reduction in detoxification days per 1,000patients for XR-NTX vs. disulfiram (P = 0.049), oral naltrexone (P = .003), and acamprosate (P < 0.001), and greater reduction inalcohol-related hospital days per 1,000 patients for XR-NTX vs. disulfiram (P = 0.004), oral naltrexone (P = NS), and acamprosate(P < 0.001)(adapted from Ref. 104).

unmeasured variables, such as severity of depen-dence, may be responsible for the observed dif-ferences between medications. However, if patientswith greater severity are more likely to receive a long-acting injectable medication, a severity bias wouldbe expected to decrease the likelihood of findingcost advantages for XR-NTX. Assuming no con-founds, XR-NTX appears to show a cost advantageover other oral medications for alcohol dependence.

Reduced healthcare utilization costs for XR-NTXhave also been found in an analysis of an Aetna Be-havioral Health claims database.105 In the 6 monthsafter ending medication treatment for alcohol de-pendence, compared to the 6-month period priorto initiating the medication treatment episode, pa-tients receiving XR-NTX (n = 133) had reducedemergency room visits (–13%), compared to nochange for disulfiram (n = 1,006) and increases foracamprosate (+12%; n = 3,012) and oral naltrexone(+12%; n = 1,135). Approximately twice as manypatients had continued on XR-NTX, compared toacamprosate, disulfiram, or oral naltrexone, at 3, 4,5, 6, and 9 months after beginning treatment. Thus,the increased persistence found with XR-NTX ap-pears associated with reduced healthcare utilizationand other benefits. On the basis of these findings,Aetna reported initiating a national disease man-agement model with XR-NTX for alcohol depen-dence, similar to what it had previously introduced

for antidepressant management of major depressivedisorder.105

Studies of XR-NTX with other populations

Opioid dependenceIn 2010, the FDA approved XR-NTX for preven-tion of relapse to opioid dependence in detoxifiedpatients. Because oral naltrexone was originally ap-proved for the blockade of opioids, the testing ofXR-NTX as a treatment for opioid dependence wasa natural direction. The feasibility and safety of XR-NTX for opioid dependence was first established inan open-label sample of 121 patients with opioiddependence, some of whom who also were diag-nosed with alcohol dependence.106 A double-blindstudy of a different, unapproved XR-NTX prepa-ration (Biotek, Inc.), found a better rate of con-firmed abstinence over an 8-week period, com-pared to placebo injection.107 Another study ofthis unapproved preparation examined the feasi-bility of recruiting, treating, and retaining opioid-dependent individuals, currently under supervisionin the criminal justice system (i.e., on probation orparole), within the context of a 6-month trial of in-jectable extended-release naltrexone.108 Six-monthoutcomes indicated that patients who completedtreatment had significantly fewer opioid-positiveurines and were less likely to have been incarcer-ated than those who had not completed treatment.

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A multicenter phase III randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 24-week, clinical trialevaluating the efficacy of the FDA-approved (for al-cohol dependence) XR-NTX preparation as a treat-ment for opioid dependence has been conductedin Russia.109 In this study, monthly injections ofXR-NTX 380 mg (n = 126) or placebo (n = 124)were combined with 12 biweekly sessions of drugcounseling. Clinically meaningful and statisticallysignificant differences between XR-NTX 380 mgand placebo were evident in this study on boththe primary efficacy measure of confirmed absti-nence as well as with secondary ones, includingcraving, naloxone challenge tests, and retention. Theprimary efficacy outcome was the response profilebased on each patient’s rate of confirmed opioid-free weeks during the last 20 weeks of the 24-weekdouble-blind treatment period, imputing dropoutand missing urines as not confirming opioid ab-stinence. The rate of opioid-free weeks was calcu-lated as a percent of the 20-week period of obser-vation. The response profile was generated for eachgroup by calculating the cumulative percentage ofpatients achieving each observed value of the rateof opioid-free weeks. Overall, the median patienttaking XR-NTX had confirmed abstinence during90% of study weeks 5–24, compared to 35% forplacebo (P = 0.0002). With XR-NTX, 36% of pa-tients maintained complete abstinence for weeks 5–24 versus 23% of placebo patients (P = 0.02). XR-NTX-treated patients also had significantly moreself-reported opioid-free days (P = 0.0004; me-dian percentage of days opioid-free = 99.2% forXR-NTX, 60.4% for placebo), less craving (P <

0.0002), less relapse to physiological dependenceas documented by positive naloxone challenge(P < 0.0001), longer median retention (P = 0.0042;>168 days vs. 96 days for placebo), and significantbenefits on health outcomes such as reduced HIVdrug risk (but not sex risk) behavior, and normalizedmental health functional scores (although physicalhealth function, which was normative at baseline,did not show significant differences). Prevalenceswere high in this sample for hepatitis C (88.8%)and HIV infection (41.2%). Transaminase eleva-tions were more frequently elevated with XR-NTXthan placebo, with mean maximal increases frombaseline ALT levels of 61 IU/L versus 48 IU/L withplacebo, and from baseline AST levels of 40 IU/Lversus 31 IU/L with placebo. Liver enzyme eleva-

tions were isolated and transient, and there was noevidence of hepatic injury. In the XR-NTX group,serious adverse events most commonly consisted ofinfectious processes, including AIDS/HIV, in 2.4%of XR-NTX patients and 3.2% of placebo patients.Attempts by patients to overcome XR-NTX block-ade pose a danger of overdose death, however, inthis study there were no overdose events, suicideattempts, or deaths reported.

XR-NTX has begun to be studied in opioid depen-dence among other populations as well, includinghealth professionals and young adults. Health pro-fessionals with opioid dependence have emerged asa subgroup with unique risks and obstacles to treat-ment.52 Anesthesiology appears to be the medicalspecialty with the highest risk for opioid depen-dence and also with the most stringent requirementsfor treatment and reentry—with many states con-cluding that a recovering anesthesiologist shouldprobably never be allowed to return to the operat-ing room. However, a review of the experience withprograms that incorporated a combination of ini-tial residential treatment, regular behavioral moni-toring, aggressive testing of hair and fingernails forhigh-potency opioids, and required administrationof XR-NTX, found strikingly better results than withother approaches at rehabilitation.110

Young adults and adolescents are another high-risk group, with a rapidly rising incidence for opioiddependence but, paradoxically, limitations in avail-able treatment options, for example, due to federalguidelines and parental concerns with opioid ag-onist maintenance. In a case series using clinicalchart abstractions from a convenience sample of15 such patients, several observations were maderegarding treatment with XR-NTX.111 XR-NTX re-portedly showed good feasibility as a standard treat-ment and was easily integrated with counseling in acommunity treatment program. Patients and fami-lies accepted XR-NTX, with some parents even pre-ferring it because of its extended-release formula-tion. Although this was a limited size sample anda naturalistic, open-label, uncontrolled study, treat-ment with XR-NTX was suggested as a promisingtreatment for this population.

Stimulant dependenceThe reinforcing effects of amphetamine arethought to primarily occur through stimulationof the dopamine system.112 The !-opioid system,

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however, is thought to modulate brain dopamine.113

Because of this connection between the !-opioidsystem and the dopamine system, there may bea role for a !-opioid antagonist like naltrexonein the treatment of stimulant dependence. In hu-mans, oral naltrexone has been found to attenu-ate the subjective effects of amphetamines in bothhealthy volunteers114 and amphetamine-dependentindividuals.115 In addition, one placebo-controlledtrial found efficacy for oral naltrexone in the treat-ment of amphetamine dependence.116

No studies using XR-NTX in humans with am-phetamine dependence have yet appeared. However,one study has compared the effects of naltrexone ad-ministered acutely (orally or subcutaneously) versusXR-NTX on the reward-enhancing effects of am-phetamine in rats.117 XR-NTX was found to result insignificant attenuation of amphetamine-enhancedbrain stimulation reward, but such attenuation wasnot observed with acute administration of naltrex-one despite the fact that naltrexone plasma lev-els were comparable across all naltrexone-treatedrats. The mechanism for this differential effect be-tween XR-NTX and oral naltrexone is not known.117

Human clinical studies are currently underway inStockholm, Reykjavik, and San Francisco with XR-NTX for amphetamine dependence and metham-phetamine dependence; results may shed light onany possible future role in stimulant disorders treat-ment.

Combination with psychosocial managementThe FDA-approved indication for XR-NTX, and in-deed all recommendations and study designs to date,have used it in combination with behavioral man-agement. Thus, rather than thinking of these trials asXR-NTX versus placebo, in fact it is more accurateto think of them as studies of counseling withoutpharmacotherapy versus XR-NTX added to coun-seling. Studies have employed different approaches,however, and it is of some interest to consider whichones have been used and have been shown to beeffective.

The pivotal trial of XR-NTX for treatment of alco-hol dependence utilized 12 sessions of the BRENDAmodel (biopsychosocial, report, empathy, needs,direct advice, and assessment), which employs asession duration of intermediate length and hasbeen previously validated in alcohol-dependent pa-tients.118 A more intensive approach is individual

drug counseling (IDC),119 which was adapted foruse in the XR-NTX pivotal trial for opioid depen-dence.109 IDC is a full 50-minute session length,manualized counseling model that incorporatesboth twelve-step abstinence and relapse preventionapproaches, and in this study it was delivered bypsychiatrists. Both of these studies reported bene-ficial effects for the placebo-plus-counseling con-dition, suggesting that the psychosocial treatmentmodel itself was meaningfully effective, as was foundin prior studies of each model.118,120 In the open-label naturalistic study in two primary care med-ical settings in lower Manhattan, a more limitedpsychosocial treatment was used, medical manage-ment (MM). MM has a focus on supporting ei-ther reduced drinking or abstinence and medicationadherence, without formal therapeutic approachessuch as twelve-step facilitation, motivational inter-viewing, or cognitive behavioral therapy.121 MM is abrief-session length model that was delivered in thisstudy in nonstandardized fashion by the treating in-ternal medicine physicians during routine follow-upoutpatient medical visits.93 The fact that clinicallymeaningful outcomes were found for XR-NTX in allthree of these studies, despite considerable variancein their intensity, provider specialty, provider skills,and content, suggests that while XR-NTX should bedelivered in combination with psychosocial man-agement there are no data as yet to specifically rec-ommend different counseling models.

The most intensive psychosocial managementmodel reportedly used to date with XR-NTXhas been contingency management. This behav-ioral treatment was specifically examined in oneprospective, random-controlled study that usedcontingency management for promoting XR-NTXpersistence with a reinforcer of paid employmentin unemployed heroin-dependent adults.122 Pre-liminary analysis indicated that, compared to anemployment opportunity provided without contin-gency, the rate of acceptance of XR-NTX was signif-icantly better with contingency management, espe-cially in the long term. Results were also suggestivethat naltrexone adherence may be correlated withopiate abstinence, but this finding was tentative.

Use of XR-NTX and psychosocialcounseling and self-help attendance

Clinical guidelines encourage physicians to con-sider adding medication to psychosocial treatment

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whenever a patient is diagnosed with active alco-hol dependence or is abstinent but experiencing in-creasing craving.11 Some clinicians might conceiv-ably wonder, however, whether alcohol-dependentpatients who receive medication might believe thisis the only necessary treatment and be less moti-vated for psychosocial counseling or mutual-helpprograms like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Alter-natively, those who become engaged in counselingor AA may be less compliant with medication. Infact, there are health care practitioners and mem-bers within the mutual-help recovery fellowshipswho are opposed to the use of medication for alco-holism.123

To address the question of whether receivingXR-NTX interferes with attendance at counselingor self-help programs, an analysis of such atten-dance data in the primary XR-NTX 6-month effi-cacy trial was conducted (Fig. 6).124 The proportionof patients who completed all 12-study protocolcounseling sessions was nonsignificantly greaterfor XR-NTX 380 mg (45%) than for placebo(39%). Similarly, the proportion of patients whoattended couples or family counseling outside ofthe study (10% vs. 7%), and the proportionthat attended self-help support groups (13% vs.10%) was nonsignificantly higher in the XR-NTX380 mg group compared to placebo. Furthermore,findings for the XR-NTX 190 mg group were in-termediate. Since attending self-helps groups wassignificantly (P = 0.04) related to reduced heavydrinking, the data indicate that XR-NTX is com-patible with counseling and support group par-ticipation in facilitating the treatment of alcoholdependence.

Counseling participation with XR-NTX has alsobeen examined in naturalistic, real-world anal-yses of claims data from commercial insurancedatabases. Compared to the baseline period, XR-NTX was associated with increased utilization ofoutpatient counseling in the Aetna BehavioralHealth sample105 and in the Medstat Marketscandatabase analysis, across multiple insurers, a sig-nificantly greater percentage of patients on XR-NTX (68.6%) had an outpatient visit for sub-stance abuse treatment than patients on oral agents(38.0% oral naltrexone, 40.2% disulfiram, 40.1%acamprosate; P < 0.001).104 Thus, in both a ran-domized, controlled efficacy trial, and in natu-ralistic insurance database analyses, the evidence

does not indicate that XR-NTX interferes with oris incompatible with participation in psychosocialmanagement.

Future directions

Over the coming decade, research on XR-NTX islikely to expand in a number of directions. Givenexisting studies in substance dependencies, an ob-vious consideration is the use of XR-NTX forpatients with concurrent dependence on multiplesubstances, for example, alcohol and opioids, andpending outcomes of current trials with XR-NTXfor stimulant dependence, a second area might beconcurrent alcohol or opioid dependence with stim-ulant dependence. Interest is growing in geneticallybased differences in response to oral naltrexone, al-though no data exist to date regarding unique ge-netic responses to XR-NTX. One obvious area ofpotential investigation is the use of XR-NTX inthe treatment of other disorders that involve re-inforcement/reward processes. Possibilities here in-clude pathological gambling, smoking, binge eating,and addictive sun tanning, to name a few. Prelim-inary suggestions about whether XR-NTX mighthelp with these disorders could be obtained fromexamination of subgroups (e.g., smokers) withinsamples of alcohol- or opioid-dependent patientstreated with XR-NTX. Also, it may be worthwhile toexamine whether improved medication adherencefor substance dependence might yield other com-pliance behavior benefits, such as better adherenceto anti-HIV regimens.

Future research will also need to further ex-plore the role of psychosocial treatments in con-junction with XR-NTX. While past studies haveused versions of standard drug counseling or med-ical management psychosocial administered alongwith XR-NTX, a more fruitful direction might beto develop psychosocial intervention strategies thatare more directly targeted to patient acceptanceof XR-NTX and persistence with ongoing injec-tions. Such interventions targeted at engagementand compliance with XR-NTX could be deliveredin addition to other counseling interventions thataddress other problems (e.g., interpersonal, legal,employment) that have occurred as a result of al-cohol or drug addiction. More broadly, the role ofXR-NTX in a coordinated disease management pro-gram for alcohol or opioid dependence needs to be

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Figure 6. Compatibility of XR-NTX treatment with counseling and mutual help recovery activity, examined by comparing thepercent of patients who attended: all 12-study protocol counseling (BRENDA) sessions vs. placebo (45% vs. 39%; P = NS); couplesor family counseling outside of the study (10% vs. 7%; P = NS); and self-help support groups (13% vs. 10%; P = NS); findings forthe XR-NTX 190 mg group were intermediate.124

investigated, particularly as it relates to possible costsavings.

Research should also explore the efficacy of com-bined XR-NTX with other pharmacological agentsfor selected patient populations. Given the primary!-opioid antagonism provided by XR-NTX, it isconceivable that pretreatment with XR-NTX fol-lowed by buprenorphine, whose partial !-agonisteffects might thereby be blocked, essentially leavinga net pharmacodynamic effect of #-opioid antag-onism, might yield a viable treatment for cocainedependence or even for treatment resistant majordepression.125

An additional area of future research concernsthe specifics of actually delivering XR-NTX. Thisincludes research on the how to educate providerswho will be explaining XR-NTX to patients, admin-istering injections and counseling patients who arebeing treated with XR-NTX. In addition, health ser-vices studies need to investigate the impact of treat-ment setting, financing, and other logistical issuesregarding the delivery of XR-NTX in various clinicalsettings. Given that disease management programsimplementing XR-NTX are now being embarkedupon by commercial and Medicaid-managed care

entities, and single-state agencies are beginning tomandate its access and initiate public system initia-tives, it will be important to systematically evaluatethe outcomes of these efforts.

The identification of subgroups of patients whoare particularly well-suited to XR-NTX treatment isanother relevant topic for future research. For ex-ample, certain highly motivated individuals, suchas health professionals, attorneys, and pilots, whoare dependent on alcohol might be ideal candidatesto accept XR-NTX treatment and persist with it.Some clinical evidence suggests this might be thecase with anesthesiologists,110 though controlled tri-als are needed. Motivation may not need to be in-ternal, as externally motivated groups such as of-fenders in DUI/drug courts or those in prison andfacing reentry may be important populations forfurther research. In contrast, there may be indi-viduals who are relatively less motivated and areat an early stage of the addiction process who mayneed specific counseling approaches to address theirmotivational issues prior to initiating XR-NTXtreatment, such as adaptations of motivationalenhancement therapy for pharmacologic inter-ventions. Interestingly, XR-NTX, because of its

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extended-release and potent !-opioid antagonism,may be a suitable probe for some research paradigmsthat previously have not been possible, for example,long-term outpatient studies of opioid receptor reg-ulation or studies combining mixed agonists withXR-NTX.


The literature on XR-NTX indicates that this agenthas fulfilled the proposed criteria39 of a sustained-release delivery system for naltrexone that is easy toinject, is pharmacologically stable, is generally well-tolerated, releases the drug at a relatively constantrate for at least 30 days, and biodegrades over time.The initial phase III clinical trial results that formedthe basis for FDA approval in the treatment of al-cohol dependence have been followed by additionalreports further demonstrating clinically meaningfulsuperiority over counseling plus placebo among pa-tients with lead-in abstinence and among those whohave severe alcohol dependence. XR-NTX sustainsits efficacy even in the face of culturally powerfulcues to drink alcohol during holiday periods. Studiesof the mechanism of action of XR-NTX have foundthat it attenuates the salience of cues associated withalcohol, and that long-term use of XR-NTX appearsto relatively selectively reduce pleasure from drink-ing (and possibly gambling and shopping). Healtheconomic studies indicate that there are healthcarecost saving that are evident for patients using XR-NTX compared to other pharmacological interven-tions for alcohol dependence. XR-NTX has also beenfound to be efficacious in the treatment of opioiddependence.

Despite promising results for XR-NTX withinmultiple clinical populations, there are several ar-eas of investigation that either lack replication orexisting studies are not methodologically rigorous.Furthermore, there are a number of potential clin-ical uses of XR-NTX that have yet to be explored.Thus, there is a wide range of future research that isneeded to confirm early findings, test possible newindications for XR-NTX, and maximize the effec-tiveness of XR-NTX with alcohol-dependent indi-viduals. A number of studies addressing these topicsare currently underway around the world.

Conflicts of interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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