Interviu cu Faisal Abu Al Heeja despre „Freedom Theatre”

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legat de intrebari / directii, rezumand discutia noastra:

- in primul rand ar fi importanta dimensiunea asta politica - a relatiei cu autoritatea - atat cu statul israel cat si cu autoritatea palestiniana (boicot? sprijin? ignorare? - care ar fi relatiile?)

- apoi relatia cu comunitatea locala, legata, cum zice si ionut, de exemplu de faptul ca la ei joaca si femei si de un anumit tip de deschidere "pro-valori occidentale" a teatrului (asa este? sau asa se vede din afara?) + CARE E RASPUNSUL COMUNITATII LA OCCIDENTALIZARE? CUM SUNT VAZUTI DE OAMENI, NU RISCA SA II PIARDA CA SUPORTERI? SAU NU CONTEAZA?

- schimbarile produse de existenta teatrului pe termen lung- cine cat a avut de castigat de pe urma existentei teatrului? in ce masura ajuta teatrul la rezistenta anti-ocupatie si in ce masura au artistii de profitat de pe urma faimei "teatrului anti-ocupatie".- rezistenta si organizarea dupa moartea lui juliano meir - cum s-au reorganizat?

- finantarile - de unde au bani? castiga din surse proprii (bilete / cafenea / alte surse), din surse locale (autoritati, sponsori) si cat sunt finantati de (care?) organizatii straine

- lucrul cu copiii - pentru ce ii pregatesc? ce le spun despre conflictul israel-palestinieni si despre rolul lor politic? cum s-au schimbat copiii si tinerii care colaboreaza cu ei?

- care e cea mai importanta contributie/realizare a freedom theatre?

- date personale ale lui la freedom theatre?

- care e relatia intre actori la freedom theatre?- PERSONAL arestarea cum a fost? sa ne imaginam si noi cum e sa faci teatru in inchisoareDATE




United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA)

Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)

Annenberg Foundation


Arab Fund for Arts and Culture

Skoll Foundation

British Consulate

Grassroots International

Unity Theatre Trust

Medico International

Nathan Cummings Foundation

Zakaria al-Zubeidi, former commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and one of the founders of The Freedom Theatre, affirmed his innocence in relation to the charges leveled against him, stressing the impartiality of the Palestinian judiciary that will be judging him.

He found the troupes artistic director Nabil al-Raee surrounded by Israeli forces, who refused to say why they were detaining him.

Al-Raee was arrested by the Israeli army in a night raid on his home on 6 June. According to astatement by the company, his lawyer and family were not allowed to visit him during the first two weeks of his imprisonment and no charges were brought against him. At the start of his hunger strike last Friday, he said: "I don't know why I'm here. There is no reason for them to keep me here."

His arrest was the sixth time a member of the Freedom Theatre's staff or board has been arrested in the space of a year.

FAISAL:"My mother told me that if I carried on with the theatre, I might be the next to be killed," says Faisal Abu Al Haija, a 22-year-old member of the "Sho Kman?" cast. The decision to join a new production was a brave one. For Faisal, however, it was the only course imaginable. "Juliano always brought the gifts to us," the young actor explains, "now this is what I can do for Juliano."

In Jenin, nightmares often take the form of memories: in 2002, the refugee camp became the scene of one of the bloodiest episodes in the intifada. Faisal was 13 at the time, and his memories of "the battle of Jenin" became the play's opening scene a wordless, slow-motion representation of a city under bombardment. Violence in this production is all-pervasive. Not just the violence of the occupier, but the violence of the oppressed. "It's not just the checkpoints, the wall, the fighting," explains Faisal, "it's become part of my life, part of my mentality."

"I want to be a director. Maybe in five, six years time," he confides. It seems a long time to wait but, as Faisal points out, "theatre doesn't really exist in the West Bank. It's just the Freedom Theatre and that's it."


"Through the performance today, people were able to talk about their experiences at the hands of the Israeli army. The event also helped to educate others aboutthe unjust and inhumane practices of the Israeli military here in Jenin refugee camp." Faisal Abu Alheja, Actor at The Freedom Theatre, now in Israeli prison.