INTERVIEW Name: Pablo Aguirre Date: 28/1/15 Position: Specialty Chef Interview by: Sindy Carela, Place: Corvina y caña Restaurant Nayarith Villarreal 1. What is your occupation? A= Specialty Chef 2. How long are you working in your position? A= 5 years with the chain and 1 year in the Marriot Hotel 3. Who does the shopping in your department? A= We have a person in the purchasing department that handles this function. 4. Are you perfom any list of standarized products? A=Marriot are used seasonal products, therefore in some seasons scarce and must use products that become available at that time. 5. How often does these purchases? A= Depends on the product and rotation. For example, if they are meants, vegetables and fruits purchases, are made closer together and if they are canned goods every 22 days. Also depends on the events, because sometimes we have some unannounced but the purchasing department receive daily supplies. 6. How are you classifies the productos? A=Has certified suppliers. All products must haver the international standars, seals and signatures required. By


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Name: Pablo Aguirre Date: 28/1/15

Position: Specialty Chef Interview by: Sindy Carela,

Place: Corvina y caña Restaurant Nayarith Villarreal

1. What is your occupation?A= Specialty Chef

2. How long are you working in your position?A= 5 years with the chain and 1 year in the Marriot Hotel

3. Who does the shopping in your department?A= We have a person in the purchasing department that handles this function.

4. Are you perfom any list of standarized products?A=Marriot are used seasonal products, therefore in some seasons scarce and must use products that become available at that time.

5. How often does these purchases?A= Depends on the product and rotation. For example, if they are meants, vegetables and fruits purchases, are made closer together and if they are canned goods every 22 days. Also depends on the events, because sometimes we have some unannounced but the purchasing department receive daily supplies.

6. How are you classifies the productos?A=Has certified suppliers. All products must haver the international standars, seals and signatures required. By obligation we have 3 suppliers for each product where we evaluate product, product, Price and quality. When you buy no matter the Price, but the quality of the product.

7. Why you chose this method?A= Because for us it is more reliable.

8. Are you seeks for local suppliers?A= Obviously. We prefer to buy from local suppliers. We believe that we must support domestic producers.

9. Are you and the supplies evaluate together the quality of the prime material?A= Yeah right. Including we try taste panels, where two products equal but of differents brads, are tested blindly and see which is the best one. Also w ego and we supervise the enterprises and other times it is they who come to the hotel.

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10. Are you avoiding emergency purchases? A= We treat, but it is inevitable. This increases the cost although we have a Budget for this type of emergency.

11. What payment methods are use don purchases?A= Only pay by check. We don’t make cash payments. Are made weekly and accompained by the purchase order.

12. Aproximately, what percentage of losses you produce?A= Depends on the products. For example meat from 10 to 15%, canned don’t produce losses, vegetables from 20 to 25% and fish 15 to 20%.

13. What method you use to avoid wastages?A= We have staff trained and caertified suitable for processing the food. For example, if the butcher is given 15 pounds of meat and fine pound are losses, he must return exaclty the amount I will give. The declaine should point it in the logbook of shrinkage control and these must be weighed, sealed and nerified.

14. What is the final destination of the losses?A= Depends on the products. At least what we are leftover bones and vegetables can be made fund for sauces. The decline is quite minimal. Sometimes opted to buy portioned quantities of certain meats instead of buying the whole pieces.

15. Are you train your staff to avoid waste?A= Yes, they are trained.

16. Are you staff trained for taking refrigerators temperatures? A= Yes, we all go through a trainig system called safe serve. We also have internal auditóriums and external companies that come from time to time to make revisions. Everyday checks temperatures of refrigerators and cold are made.

17. How long does each product performs rotation?A= We use the FIFO method.

18. Do you have tha appropiate spaces and facilities?A= Yes, I have all spaces. Any need that we have that will solving with anual budgets. To have no surprises, also we have equipment in stock.

19. Are you use some method of recycling?A= Yes. We separated cans, plastic, glasses and organics. The recycling system we do it with an external company.

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20. What sales strategies you implemet? Why media is disclosed the restaurant?A= Currently by social networks, radio, gourmet magazine in degusta.com, Facebook and twitter. We also have the marketing and sales deparment, that they collecting and invite potencial customers to the restaurant. We have happy hour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, line music on weekends, when we have promotions with some provides we do special week and participate once a year in the restaurant week.

21. Use these media given the results you expected?A= Yes, the have the results that expected. Even that help us to make programs for next year and discard what didn’t work for us. This also make the FOCA with our critics.

22. What you do to increase profits and reduce costs?A= Control, inventories, rotation,steady suppliers, quality products, monitors haver enough products to must demand( par stock), good productionline, etc.

23. How often performs this balance?A= Daily

24. In case of accident ¿do you have any equipment or first aid kit?A= The área of prevention of the hotel are the ones who are authorized and trained for this. On the kitchen we have articles and basic equipment. Prevention is the most important to avoid those accidents.

25. Do you make some kind of dynamic or internals competitions to keep employees motivaled?A= Yes. For example now we have a soccer league, for the Burger week; the winner was given an award for stay in one of the hotel of the chain and when they are liste don tripadvisor are given some renumeration or bonus.