Internship on Nepal Bank Limited

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Internship Report of Nepal Bank Limited

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PRESENTED BY: Sabita Adhikari MBA - V TRIMESTER, Pokhara University School Of Business


Nepal Bank Limited is the oldest commercial bank of Nepal established on 1994 BS even before the establishment of NRB. In that early era of formal banking in Nepal, NBL had authorized capital of NRs. 2.5 million of which raising equity of only Rs. 842, 000. NBL was established as a joint venture between Nepal government and Private sector.NBL came into existence with the objective of rendering service to the people whether rich or poor and to contribute to the nations development with the support and best wishes of its stakeholders.

Vision To be Pioneer Bank with complete banking solution.

MissionThe mission statement of NBL is NEW and its extended form is given below:Network for inclusionEnhancing the valueWorld class Banking Service

Major Markets and CustomersGovernment EmployeesCorporations or the firmsInvestors Minor, Female, Senior Citizen, Students, illiterate people, Physically disable. Products and Services DepositsCurrent AccountSaving AccountFixed DepositLoans Industrial loan Personal loanGold and silver loan Auto loan Home loan Other servicesRemittanceE-BankingSMS BankingATM/Debit card

Activities Performed in the Organization Customer Service Department (CSD)Account opening and account closingIssue of ATM card and cheques bookPrinting cheques and statementHandling customer enquiriesEntry of the Data Credit DepartmentPreparing file of Home loan and Auto loanPrinting statement of loanHandling customer enquiries

Problems Solved

In customer service departmentExplained customers all the details regarding account opening and closing properly to them.Convince customers to pay charges and that the charges are levied for covering the expenses incurred in different items.Wrote the vouchers, cheques and application letters for the illiterate customers. Entered all the ATM card details in excel to make job easy and fast. In Credit departmentManagement of the file

Intern's key Observation

Activities of the customer service department and credit department were very closely observed and known that how much this department is important for bank operations. During Internship period I also observed following things:Good relation among the employees.Employees were positive towards the interns and ready to help all time. Effective communication between the top level and lower level staffs.Customers privacy was given highest priorities.

Key Skill and Attitudes Learnt

Good communication skillsResponsibility towards workDevelopment of analytical skillsExperience of working in real world scenarioTime ManagementPunctuality

Feedback to the Organization

Customers of the bank were not satisfied by the time taken to render service. Thus taking this into consideration NBL should focus more on providing quick and satisfactory services to the customers.Increase the number of ATM machines both within and outside the valley so as to attract more customers towards the bank.Adopting efficient marketing strategies to encourage more of the customers will help NBL to successfully compete with other banks.Bank should organize training programs on a regular basis so as to enhance the skill and competency of staff.Customers had to wait for a longer period of time in the cash counters due to limited counters so, NBL should increase the number of cash counters to minimize the waiting time of the customers.

Feedback to the College/ University

Arrangement for separate time schedule for internship programmed rather than conducting regular classes simultaneously.College should make available of organization for internship instead ofstudents personal effortPeriod of 8-10 weeks gets completed only when the students start to get acquainted with the real world. So college authority and the concerned department of the university should extend the duration ofinternship if possible.There should have been timely supervision and guidance for report writing by the internship supervisors.College management should make a field visit to the respective organization where the students were undertaking their internship programme.