Internet of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH Zurich [email protected] autoidlabs.ch florian-michahelles.blogspot.com

Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

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Page 1: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Internet of Things -Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management

IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012

Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH Zurich [email protected] autoidlabs.ch florian-michahelles.blogspot.com

Page 2: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Th ompu r for th b~ ~~ ,l~t,~,.,~rwptury

Page 3: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Internet o Things

Page 4: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH


Page 5: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

email WWW phone ...



established sphere of networked information IP

www.ipso-alliance.org www. webofthings.com

CSMA async sonet...

copper fiber radio ...

Page 6: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH
Page 7: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH



I '

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Page 9: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH
Page 10: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Loca I ization Sensors

Physical property Senaor Output - -- -

Temperature lhtrmOCOt.IPie Voltage

SJicoo VOltage o.rront

Ros;stance temperature -tor (RTD) RHtStance

lllo<mi>tor Resrstance

ForcefPreasure Straol Gauge Ret1stance

Poem.tOCiric v~

Acce~ratlon ~ c.paatanoe

Flow Transducer Volt.ogt

Transm.ner Volt.ogeiCUrront

Position Unear Verlable Doneronual Tra~fonnors (LVOT) ACVoftago

Uglrt lnten•lty "'lotodocle C~nt

Quelfl KtltU ''at (Z004l ~. Sou= OECD boMd on Wilson. 2005

Page 11: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Near Field versus Far Field

Tag IC


oop antenna Far-field UHF tag with dipole antenna

Page 12: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH
Page 13: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

atomic components to link the world


8 1 EPCgtobat~ 0

http://www.epcglobalinc. org/standards/architecture

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Page 15: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Standard Objective Status Comm. Data rate Unitary range (m ) (kbps) cost($)

Standardization activities discussed in this section EPCglobal Integration of RFID technology into the electronic product code (EPC) framework. Advanced rv1 "'1 02 rvO.Ol

which allows for sharing of information related to products GRlFS European Coordinated Action aimed at defining RFID standards supporting the Ongoing ~1 "'1 02 "-'0.01

transition from localized RFID applications to the lncemet of Things M2M Definition of cost-effective solutions for machine-to-m achine (M2M) Ongoing N.S. N.S. N.S.

communications, which should allow t he related market to take off 6LoWPAN Integration of low-power IEEE 802.15.4 devices into IPv6 networks Ongoing 10-100 "'102

"'1 ROLL Definition of routing protocols for heterogeneous low-power and lossy networks Ongoing N.S. N.S. N.S.

Other relevant standardization activities NFC Definition of a set of protocols for low range and bidirectional communications Advanced ,..., 1 o-2 Up to 424 rvO.l Wireless Definition of protocols for self-organizing, self-healing and mesh architectures over Advanced 10-100 "'1 02

"'1 Hart IEEE 802.1 5.4 devices

Zig Bee Enabling reliable, cost-effective, low- power, wirelessiy networked, monitoring and Advanced 10- 100 "'102 "'1 control products

Luigi Atzori, Antonio I era, Giacomo Morabito. The Internet of Things: A survey, Computer Networks 54 (201 0) 2787,805.

Page 16: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

McKinsey Quarterly 2010 Number 2

- .. ---3 ........... ........ -.... I I .......

Page 17: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Knowledge Mgmt: wisdom from people-data Internet of Things: wisdom from thing-data

context independence wisdom

/ understat)ding knowledge pnnc1ples

/ 1Ul.derstanding Data is a collection meaningless numbers (raw input) / 1ll patterns Informat ion relates to description, definition, or perspective (what, who, when, where).

information Knowledge comprises strategy, practice, method, or approach (how). Wisdom embodies principle, insight, moral, or archetype (why).

understanding relations

data----------~•-. understanding


Page 18: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH










Group Variable Data

Generic Transient Static Data

Variable Group Static Data

Unique Permanent Static Data




Sentient (Human)

Electronic Active

Electronic Passive or


Passive­Optical or Electronic

5 Passive-Optical (Bar Code etc.) ,....L----------------------,==--....,...---------..1..--,. ______________ _________________ ______________ _ _



Source : ©Will iams : CSI Library

Group Static Data

Items without connectivity to the 'Internet of Things'

Passive-Optical 6 (Bar Code etc.)

[source: Bob Williams, What is the Real Business Case for the Internet of Things?, Synthesis journal, iTSC, 2008]

·-· ....... --~· ·--=: ~ :-

---· --~

~ ~­~-

1·~~- ·-·~~ -"~-w"'l

Augm ented Reality

Page 19: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

loT-A loT-A (257521)

Internet of Things· Architecture

Applications -

Figure 19: Diagram depicting the functional view of the loT reference architecture. Each major box represents a functionality group, while the smaller boxes represent functional components. The lines between functionality groups -terminating in ellipses- represent interfaces.

Page 20: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

S<'rvice integration

Embedded Innovators · product-centric se rvice o tlerings • pr~mptivP pr~Ktion<>

• uwestigate hfe<:ycle (e.g. mt'llntenance, replenishement)

source: "' .........

Fou' St:r•tegic:-5 ror ttoo


service intcgrt~tion Aggregator

• focus on multi vendOf'dJta fntegraOon • vertk:al lntegratk;ln lnsreacl of prodl•cr lifecyt;IP • managing relationships • dJta processing. analyUC~ w.)rehousing • revenue: SEihng Information services

~~ fl':l);.; i c



• focus on assodated .)Ctivrties • n!Odcl new pr<Kc.':SS.cs . high-va lue activies

.. were<

·~·····-__ i!c ·?l~)

• ~slon or <1fl ta·polnts

-·-·--·- • prodUcts providing data • locu:s on communi ty bui lding

''·~ '"'"' [!'$.ill!

~---. ;;'t~ ..,.~ ··:\' .. ~ ...

Page 21: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Embedded Innovators

Page 22: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

• product-centric service offerings • preemptive predictions • investigate lifecycle (e.g. maintenance, replenishement)

Page 23: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

service integration

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• •

Page 25: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

feedback on transportation behavior

jsouru· tonsolvo. Md)OIItd,IAM•y Thtory 011\.'ell Ocutgr !ootr•~eg.e$ fOf' Te«~nolo.s~e5 ;h.aot SI.I,IIPM ~lt~r C~p "'! hl'rydol)' lllf' CMI/OO'J J

• tracking of behavior • garden metaphor for visualization

lso.M'e C-Ontd\IO,A\:OGNM, tolrldoly I NOt)' 01h1M Oto~ Str•~PD-$ '"' tt{•mclceltttl,.,~llftlq• I.,,.,.II'Oiflllt•lnr~ry..llftlll'f C'H:HlOill

· focus on associated activities • model new processes · high-value activies

--·---.. -----·--~--· ---·--·---::."':"~...:;'"--=~-______ .. _ :..-.. ~- .. -

requirements, financing. installing, testing. maintaining. repleneshing. training. scanning, interpreting. updating ...

Source: GE

Page 26: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

c 0 ~ ro L

b.O Q) ~

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Page 28: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

• focus on multi-vendor data integration • vertical integration instead of product lifecycle • managing relationships • data processing, analytics, warehousing • revenue: selling information services

SOJ o(i' tli'~01.1Ud08<w101rml MK!h~Hoo::t"<!IOI:Iit«y, O~oid 7-.o.~o t, (IYis,(.;:t:Ut~onih.\IJI,iftd Hlfo~l~. l010, Smtll~es4'Sl~l(!leof'SINI(Cir<!PI11""t'b!Odro.v~k!ltlflble

~ltJ'IOIOd~lfclwitl n'OII'I4p.Wer-.y. lfi~OCt~OI!htlll!hiOUr1'111:10fl~OM!Cr""u onl't,lmiln filctOrt l-l<umpvtlnj!~;"mS. fO'II' I ¢1 J.(IA, N.-A'YOII:, lolV lK!\ W·944

F()(d and Bug Labs Develop Opeo-Soorce R&D Platfonn for Soc•ally-Nelworked ln-<:ar Connecbvlty lnnovabon

• For~ ~: l't~; w~ ¥~~fl.:o.n:~....,.,_,.".:.lN~'·.:t·:~•'ICI:t, .11m :~·(e~»l'lt~r.l:o< .. t<"l ~:;:;.~.:-"·:h oi.-•"' ''"''!<:C•• I•.Io : lltii•'"'-'"OI :~f'l'"' t:ot<l:> '*!o'"""''"''"''""'" ''''

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, ru ~h:)' ~t•hl :..,·wtt:•n l ,,.., .... :>, t-~•,..,~,,-,, .. ,_ ... .,h,.,_,,.,...,. .. ~••· •,._ .. ~ .. ,.\. ,,.,. ~=~'II<" 0~"1.'\C, I '(!;.I(I"' :.~ :~:Jr -m.\'Oo'<::41'( ::fl.oe e<·:ll:trtr rorbr<:n·('-;1::4 \0W. ~ .... .. .. ;.I!<•: , ,,,,..,,,>J.~: ..... ~;. .. ,;.,., euo-•'"'


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source: www.arduino.cc

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Page 30: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

l ~eou~>achl Ill!!-~ .. ~.! .. !. ,!,!!!•• -c.,,.,.,, •'-'r·•?~t ,..,._,, •I Y•-Jhlll~hll<~'t ,_

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_ ~. Smart Ene~gy & Home Automation @ .,..,... ................ f-.r ............. ____. ~ ......................... __ ....

I fill

• provision of data-points • products providing data


source: senseable.mit.edu/copenhagenwheel/

GET STARTED NUf(.ti:U._~Olf ... a:; .lolJ¥D,-naJ: A,fl,.'l)


• focus on community bu ilding

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Page 32: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Future Kiosk

Hybrid Shopping

Product Twitter

~ A!!,'!~~~~.~P.)Pb~·8kat ...... M-· ... - ·,0\_. __ ........ ,,,,,_ -· ............. -........... _, __ ::-=-:.~::-..::-=.:.::.-.:.-::=-;.:=.::;.-M" .. 7".!:.:':::::";.•"'

., ..... __ •.. ! .!

Crowsourcing A playful approach of crowsourcing barcode master-data


0 ~ · · •i11

Page 33: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Future Kiosk

Page 34: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

I. ~ 0

Peter 0.

Graanit K.

Dimitri w.

Ok.- ist volt der Hammer

p " ....... ~, _.,.~

lch find ok.- mega gueti Produkte zu tolla Prllse ... aber d'Chaugummis chle­bet zu fescht aa da Zah.

" Hehehe, war cool am Sonntag


Page 35: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Embedding Social Networks on the Sales Floor

Social Media: Facebook Product Fan Page


ok.- ok.-

t.am ~=-=·=· '::'"':" --·. ,., ...

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Public Display Field Experiment

Facebook comments updated daily

Digital signage w/social network comments increase sales. Product comments are stronger than brand comments.

Text-based messages are harder to read than classical advertising. Digital natives like seeing themselves or friends on screen.

Page 36: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Product Twitter

Page 37: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

• t .,j, l:t l < / ·11 I il I ,_ . 1 I & ''

r i i ~ I!H H J I • 1!1.1 1 1!:1 ~ 14 - l · ~i ­~ I~ '} II! = I • e:o I .. ~ . ~ · .i · '-1 w ~ ~ I I I Q w ; I B Q ~ ~ W I ! ~ I

. ,..,. __ __

Page 38: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Crowsourcing A playful approach of crowsourcing barcode master-data

-!! Towards an Open Product Repository

Using Playful Crowdsourcing

ic-. • --

Budde, A., Michahelles, F.: Product Empire- Serious playing with barcodes: Internet of Things 2010 Conference (loT201 0), Tokyo, 2010

• Fiek

Page 39: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Insurance as a feature


Bester Schutz fOr

den sch<insten Tag. Jetzt entspannt heiraten!

-+ Mehr

Sho ppingve rsich e rung Skiwetter Versicherung


Zei t fUr Tapetenwechsel . Jetzt sorglos umzjehen!

-+ Mehr

Skiwetter Versicherung

Weltwei t einkaufen,

Shopping unbeschwert geniessen!

~ Mehr

@ Entspannt in die

Skiferien. Jetzt gegen schlechtes Wet ter absichern!

~ Mehr


Ein Grund zum Feiern . Entspannt bis zum Morgengrauen tanzen!

-+ Mehr


Bike Versicherung

Rundumschutz tor ein

entspanntes Bike-Vergnugen fUr nur CHF 65. - pro Jahr !

4 MPhr

fl.1 oM ty/ Ff':IP.


SO k6nnen Sle entspannt b ls zum 1

o~~ C;:~tering i:a bc::tcll t - dcr OJ gcb

~chndl c:i••e ko:a:~pdige Angclegenhe T<1g V()J IJ!:I' P,nly kf<111k ""'eu;Jeu : k.t:111

De( Z~.ch • to go! Pattysdauu Ubea M zu Q-lf 10'000 ••

~beh onft k.:~uktn, bCIII'mtl; ;~b rnr.w> l:Clin. POl' ctine c:!:A~I'ln to P .1rtyv«bc

CHF 49.-,.,kl. 5% S:em~$t~1.1er

MOBI24 BIKE ASSISTANCE Zusammen mit der Mobitiar Versiche­rungsgeseUschaft bielen wir diese interes­sante Veto Assistance an. Nachfotgend sind die wichtigstcn l cistungon aufgcfOhrt. FOr Oetailangabcn vcrgloiche die Allgcmcinen Bedingungen i m Ausweis, die altein mass­gebend sind.


DAUER 2 Jahre

LEISTUNGEN FOR DAS FAHRRAO INKL. STROMER AusfaU des Fahrrades infolge einer Panne. eines Unfalls, eines Oiebstahts• oder einer Besch~digung.

HILFELEISTUNG CDll Service Center «Mobi24,. in Bern


REPARATURKOSTEN ALS FOLGE EINES UN FALLS 00. STURZES Ncuwert bis mDx. Fr. 8'000.- im 1. JDhr. ISclbstbchalt 10% mind. 100.-)

MEHRKOSTEN FOR OIREKTE HElM REISE SOWlE HEIMSCHAFF'UNG DES FAHRRAD ES max. Fr. 1'000.- je Schadenfalt fUr <Sffent­liche Verkehrsmiuet


FAHRZEUGREPARATUREN IM AUSLAND Kostcnvorschuss bis max. 500.-

LEISTUNGEN FOR DEN LENKER Personenvertetzungen ats Folge eines Unfattes mit dem versicherten Fahrrad

ARZTLICHE BEHANDLUNG IM AUSLAND Kostenvorschuss bis max. Fr. s·ooo.-

TRANSPORTKOSTEN INS SPITAL bis Fr . 20'000.- je Schadentall

RECHTSSCHUTZVERSICHERUNG Leistungen bei einem Unfall mit dem versicherten Fahrrad



• Bei Oiebstahl si nd nur Assistance ­Leistungen versichert.

24h-NOTFALLNUMMER 0844 84 84 84


24 Die Mobiliar Versicherungen & Vorso'8"1

Page 40: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Virtual value chain .------ ----------. - -

• accurate, • complete, • detailed, • and rapid.

Page 41: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

manage real time demand

''~ Walmart "•'· Save money. Live better.

-.. -----.,---·-· -- _, .. _.,_ . ..,_ .. __ ... ___ .. __ _ .. -.. ---.. --­______ ,_,_.,. __ __ ....... -.. ........ --o--

Page 42: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Collaborative Business Model • openly sharing:-> open source • tap into specialist knowledge from

contributors and participants • creating communities of collaborating devices

• allows problems to be solved quickly and accurately.

• diagnostic approaches are captured and readily available for reuse

Page 43: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Open System

Closed System

Qualified Group of Innovators

A community where a focused player proposes a solution system and invites participants to add value (e .g. The Apple iPhone App Store)

Select Group of Focused Innovators

A community where a focused player designs a solution system and chooses a group of select players with distinct skills to participate (e.g. select automotive systems design partnerships)

Command & Control

"Come One - Come All" Group of Innovators

A community where any and all participants can propose and design solution systems (e.g. open source software projects)

Select Group of Focused Innovators

A closed or private community of developer/designers of system solutions (e.g. focused partnerships utilized to design large scale products such as the Joint Strike Fighter Jet)

Federated Participation

http://www.harborresearch.com/ literature 60961/The Internet of Things Meets The Internet of People

Page 44: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

blur between producers and consumers 8 U~vtew ii CIOuclV- ~ ..• , •

Q l 9 t 1 I "I I• " • ~ ~ 1 ' ~, I ' 9 f I J q • •' ~' • • f ! r 4 • t'" • I

I Sattllilt I Tetrain I

-- .,. .. -- - -~~~~ • RSS I .. Alofll


• allow clients to play a more active role as agents of production • enable businesses to develop by sharing existing resources. • efficient distribution thanks to permanent and ubiquitous connectivity • enabling collaboration and interaction between the different agents

across the network

Page 45: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH


Hybrid Shopping Insurance as a feature

fuwre J6osk Product Tw1tter CrOlVSOUrcing

Virtual value chain • accurate, - ,,. ,• 'tit~/>."' ·complete, ·~~r·~·~·'·• $). • detailed, ~ w~ .,, ·and rapid. '

•ilfllw(l¢,o:.otii~J-'1.,.,.-to:.WIMI•a'-.to~<~..:..-.lpolld:IO:Ifft ·~loebt.Qn-!edt«~Qpby$""""~C"lttll~re$(1Ui'«$. ·c:ffidercdlwt.lwen.,.,..$«> t.,......,ncrl lll'd ..ttql>(tUI«:~ ·c:nt*:f"'t<~{(kntndlrw:to"ll'dl(n~"'h<!dllreoctnl t~~to:J'U ,wr.....,.ll'w_.•k

Collaborative Business Model . openly sharing: -> open source • rap inro spedaltsr kno•Nie(lge from

contributors and participants . <reaong <ommuni041'S of<ollaboraring devices

• .1llows problems to be solved quickly and (I(Curarely.

• diclgnoslk approoches are Ulptured and read1ly avatlable for reuse

It ll!!!i I ! ill iii· Ill+ I

i !d ilif I

I ~. ,, l t,lr~ ·lli! l p!ll l!iil lll;j,



Page 46: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Open issue

St.lndards Mobility support


Transport protocol

Traffic ch.lracterizatioo and QoS support



l>oglt•l forgetting

Challenges Brief descripl ion o( the ciluse

There .ue ~~r<tl sc;·mct.udtZAtton riTort..s but they are not integrated tn ,, com1>rehen.sive fram.eYJOrk There are ~al J>ropos.als lor ob)e« Olddressing but none for mobtllly SUPJlOrl in the loT scellOkriO. v..rhere $C.llabtlity and ~'pt.lbillty to heterogeneous rcrllnotog~ represent cruca,il problems Obj«t Nan"' Setwt> (ONS) ore ne«<ed to map a reference 10 a descripuon ol • speofic ob,1«1 and the reWed idemifier • .and vw Vf'rSG

Existmg transport proeocoh fail In the loT sc:en.uios since thetr connecllon setup Mld congestion conttol mectwu$rnS nuy be ~: furthermore. they require cxcess•ve: buffenns 10 be tmplemented m objects The loT Will s,cneroltt d.u.-atrarfk Wllh patterns that art" exprctrd to~ Sllf'trica.ntty dtfferrnt from lhose observed in tht current lnterMt. Accordingly. it will also be necessary to dtfi~ Mw QoS rrqui~e:nts and S\tppon sctlemes Authcnucatton ls difflcull In the loT J.S it requires appropnatc aulhenlic.adon inrrastructures that wtll not be avt~ilable in loT scen.lrios. Fu rthermo re. thmgs ha~ sarce ~source.s when comp.ucd to current communic.adon ,\nd computi113 devka Also man-in-the-middle a11.1ck is a serious prohlem This is usually en<UI'Cd by protecting data with passwords. However, the p.Hsword lengths sup(XIrted by loT technologies 111'e in most cases too short to provide s trong levels of fJ I'Otection A lot of priv<~re inl'orm:uion tlbout a person crtn ~collected without the person being ,:~ware. Co n i rol Oil

the diO'usion of all such informat1on 1$ impossible with current techniques All the infonmll ion collected about .1 ~rson by the loT may be retained tndelinitely as the cost or storage decrease~. Also d:ua mining techniques can be used to easily ret neve any inronnat1on even afier seve"'l yc.ars

· identification

· communication

· sensing/localization


· user - interface

lUt8t Atzor\ Antonio lera. Giacomo Mofat).to. The Internet ollh1ngs.: A survey. ComJ)\Aet Ne-rwort5 54 (2010) 2787.80S.

Research Questions

Which data to capture? What sensors to measure? How to correlate sensor readings across multiple devices? How to interpret data with regards to context of use? How to represent thing knowledge? Whate business incentives to share knowledge?

~ -~ ~ ~

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Page 47: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Open issue

Standards Mobility support


Transport protocol

Traffic characterization and QoS support


Data integrity


Digital forgetting

Brief description of the cause

There are several standardization efforts but they are not integrated in a comprehensive framework There are several proposals for object addressing but none for mobility support in the loT scenario, where sca lability and adaptability to heterogeneous technologies represent crucial problems Object Name Servers (ONS) are needed to map a reference to a description of a specific object and the related identifier, and vice versa Existing t ransport protocols fail in the loT scenarios since their connection setup and congestion control mechanisms may be useless; furthermore, they require excessive buffering to be implemented in objects The loT will generate data traffic wi th patterns that are expected to be significantly different from those observed in the current Internet. Accordingly, it will also be necessary to define new QoS requirements and support schemes Authentication is difficult in the loT as it requires appropriate authentication infrastructures that will not be available in loT scenarios. Furthermore, things have scarce resources when compared to current communication and computing devices. Also man-in-the-middle attack is a serious problem This is usually ensured by protecting data with passwords. However, the password lengths supported by loT technologies are in most cases too short to provide st rong levels of protection A lot of private information about a person can be collected without the person being aware. Control on the di ffusion of all such information is impossible with current techniques All the information collected about a person by the loT may be retained indefinitely as the cost of storage decreases. Also data mining techniques can be used to easily retrieve any information even after several years

Luigi Atzori, Antonio lera, Giacomo Morabito. The Internet of Things: A survey, Computer Networks 54 (2010) 2787,805.

Page 48: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

· ide ntifi cation

· communication

• sensing/localization

· processtng

· user- interface

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'•w•~· ~ Internet ~ ~

real .,_

LogMeln buys UK ~:::::.~:; start-up Pachube ~ . U",( ~ ..;,p ?cc:r>J.be • -[->~:;, de--eoCPf · - • sof:-vare ~=- •:-. .:):-e:'\an:.d de· "teeS "has bee::. :Ocr..:.g!-_~ l:::y :o;~.~:r: for s:sm Jr. - a C::ts.~

Page 49: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Research Questions

Which data to capture? What sensors to measure? How to correlate sensor readings across multiple devices? How to interpret data with regards to context of use? How to represent thing knowledge? Whate business incentives to share knowledge?

Page 50: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

'the Evoluti m ... , ... , ....

on ofinternet of Things

Take the world on line

The example

How it works


On the marl<et

""~"'~ ~ ~ !, ---- ~~~~0 l~ ~ J!

Let things become


Take control of the world

Let the things talk to each


The packages that we send are tracked on the Web and we know where they are.

Moving objects are uniquely identified by a code. They have an information shadow on line, but there is no direct interaction with the object.

RFID NearFieldCommunic a lion Barcode Visual Recognization

Champion chip Cottari RFID Stiokybits, Mir:row It's alive inside Traced oows Catchthebusapp Nokia 6212, I Carte Google Shopper SoundHound Shazam Pica sa

Lost or stolen objects (eg keys or car) can tell us where they are.

The objects are connected to the Internet and interact with people: they communicate, take orders and state information about themselves (e.g. their position il they are lost).

Remote control

iTunes Remote Homecamera Withings Botannicalls

Pants can water themselves when they are thirsty.

Objects communicate with each other and action each other to the occurrence or certain conditions.


Goodmghtlamp oPhone+N1ke (Nike+) Poken Pachube

The alarm can ring earlier in case of traffic or bad weather.

~~e~: ~Ye~~u;~~~~e they provide information that can be elaborated and used as new knowledge.

Object Generated Content (OGC) Oevioe to grid

Win eM Nike Human Race GlowCap Intelligent meters

Source: Casateggio Associati, 2011 - www.casateggio.iVinternet_of_things @@®(!)®

http://casaleggio.it/internet of th ings/

Page 51: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

'the Evolution STRf ATEIGIEDIRETE et of Things o ntern

The orld lflrmi\ 1 thelnP- ~~

Take the world on line

The example

0~~ uwu

Take control of the world ::_--=.._~

Let the things talk to each


Let things become


Page 52: Internet of Things Towards New Frontiers of … of Things - Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012 Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH

Thank you very much!

Internet of Things-Towards New Frontiers of Knowledge Management

IC3K 2012 Barcelona, October 4, 2012

Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Labs/ETH Zurich [email protected] a uta i d I a bs. c h flo ria n-m i c h a he II es. b I o gs pot. com