Wednesday, 6 June – Friday, 8 June 2018 Prosecutor General‘s Office Rinktinės str. 5A, LT-01515, Vilnius, Lithuania EJTN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SEMINAR [CR/2018/07] With financial support from the Justice Programme of the European Union International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Practical Case-Based Simulation on Protection of Financial Interests of the EU

International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

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Wednesday, 6 June – Friday, 8 June 2018 Prosecutor General‘s Office Rinktinės str. 5A, LT-01515, Vilnius, Lithuania



With financial support from the Justice

Programme of the European Union

International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Practical Case-Based Simulation on Protection of Financial Interests of the EU

Page 2: International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

This training is based on a ‘learn-by-doing’ methodology and the simulation of the different stages of EU judicial cooperation in the fight against cross-border crime. Participants will work on the basis of a case inspired by real facts and involving both national and cross-border judicial cooperation.

This training will require strong interaction between the participants forming the 3 different national Core Groups (CGs) from the following member States: Lithuania, Sweden, and Finland. Participants will comment on the practical cases according to their national legal systems and, most importantly, learn about their colleagues’ systems in counterpart Member States, thereby promoting EU

cooperation and mutual trust when executing a European Arrest Warrant or requesting Mutual Legal Assistance. Participants will be assisted by international and national experts, EJN contact points and EUROJUST representatives.

A comprehensive overview of the work of EUROJUST and the EJN, and their contribution to international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, will be also be addressed.

The working language of the training is English but participants may use their national language when discussing the case within their national group.

Contact from the EJTN Secretariat: Alina Secrieru, [email protected]

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

8.45-09.00 Arrival and registration of the participants

09.00-09.30 Welcome Words Mrs Margarita Šniutytė – Daugėlienė, Deputy Prosecutor General

Presentation of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) & Pre-Training Knowledge Assessment (Turning Technologies)

Ms Alina SECRIERU Project Manager (EJTN)

Introduction to the Seminar Mr Nicolas Perez-Serrano Prosecutor, Activity Coordinator, Criminal Justice I Project

The European Judicial Network in Criminal Matters (EJN): Competences, actions and role in assisting in judicial cooperation

Andrada BAVEJAN EJN National Contact Point, Lithuania

10.30-11.00 Group Photo & Coffee Break

11.00-12.45 Study of Cases: Drafting International Requests Breakout Rooms

National Experts:

Mr Sampsa HAKALA, Mr Pontus BERGSTEN, Mr


Eurojust Delegates:

Mrs Solveig WOLLSTAD, Mr Harri TIESMAA

13.00-14.00 Lunch Break

14.00-15.45 Study of Cases: Drafting International Requests (Continuation) Breakout Rooms

National Experts and EUROJUST representative

15.45-16.00 Coffee Break


Study of Cases: Drafting International Requests (Continuation) Breakout Rooms National Experts and EUROJUST representative



End of Day 1

Dinner, Ertlionamas, http://ertlionamas.lt/en/

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Thursday, 7 June 2018

08.45 - 09.00 Arrival and registration of the participants


Lecture: EU Judicial cooperation in cases related to financial interests of the EU: Practical Cases and Particular Challenges. Role of the EPPO. Lecture time including Q&A session

Ettenhofer Joachim, Senior Prosecutor, Munich, Germany

10.30-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-11.45 Lecture: European Actors and the Effectiveness of the European Arrest Warrant: The Role of EUROJUST in Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters Plenary session

EUROJUST representatives

11.45-13.15 Executing a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) and a Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Request Breakout Rooms

National Experts and EUROJUST representatives

13.15-14.15 Lunch Break

14.15-16.30 Executing a EAW and a MLA Request (Continued) Breakout Rooms

National Experts and EUROJUST representatives

16.30 End of Day 2

Friday, 8 June 2018

09.00 - 09.15 Arrival and registration of the participants

09.15-10.45 Execution of a EAW and MLA Requests: Final Conclusions by the Core Groups Breakout Rooms

National Experts and EUROJUST

10.45-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.15 Plenary Session – Chair: Project General Coordinator (1) Final Debriefing by Rapporteurs from CG1, CG2 and CG3 (2) Report by the National Experts

National Experts and EUROJUST

12.15-12.30 Assessment of Knowledge Acquired (Turning Technologies) & Evaluation of the Training by the Participants (Submission of Evaluation Forms)

Ms Alina SECRIERU, Project Manager (EJTN) Mr Nicolas Peres-Serrano Activity Coordinator

12.30 End of Day 3 & Departure of the Participants


Nicolás PÉREZ-SERRANO, Prosecutor, Activity

Coordinator for EJTN, Spain

Sampsa HAKALA Prosecutor, National Expert,

Prosecutor General’s Office, Finland

Pontus BERGSTEN Prosecutor, National Expert,

National Unit against Organised Crime

Tomas KRUŠNA Senior Prosecutor, National Expert,


Solveig WOLLSTAD National Member of Sweden,


Harri TIESMAA Former National Member Finland at

EUROJUST, Prosecutor, Finland

Joachim ETTENHOFER Prosecutor, Germany Andrada BAVEJAN EJN Contact Point, Head of Legal Cooperation division, Ministry of Justice, Lithuania

Alina SECRIERU Project Manager, EJTN

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European Judicial Training Network 123, rue du Commerce B-1000 Bruxelles Phone +32 2 280 22 42 Fax +32 2 280 22 36 Mail [email protected] www.ejtn.eu