[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655 (I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785 http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology [305] IJESRT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY AN EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF M40 GRADE SELF COMPACTED CONCRETE & CAMPARISION IN BEHAVIOUR WITH M40 CONVENTIONAL CONCRETE Matha Prasad Adari*, Prof. E.V.Raghava Rao, D.Sateesh * Structural Engineering, Dept.of Civil Engg. Visakha Technical Campus Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Head of the Department, Visakha Technical Campus Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Structural Engineering, Visakha Technical Campus Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA ABSTRACT Conventional concrete tends to present a problem with regard to adequate consolidation in thin sections or areas of congested reinforcement, which leads to a large volume of entrapped air voids and compromises the strength and durability of the concrete. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) can eliminate the problem, since it was designed to consolidate under its own mass. Normal concrete was designed by using IS method and self-compacting concrete was designed by a simple mix design proposed by Nan Su. SCC was developed in 1988’s by Prof. Hagime Okamura in Japan. SCC was one of the special concrete in across the world. This project deals with the comparison of two different types of high strength concretes they are high strength conventional concrete and high strength self-compacting concrete. An experimental and numerical study on mechanical properties, such as compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and the corresponding properties of conventional concrete (CC) were studied. The age at loading of the concretes for 7 and 28 days curing. KEYWORDS:. INTRODUCTION Concrete is the most basic element for any kind of construction work. No matter what type of building structure it is, the concrete used should be sturdy and well compacted. The main reasons for compacting any type of concrete are: To ensure attaining maximum density by removal of any entrapped air. To ensure that the concrete used is in full contact with both the steel reinforcement and the form work. Ensuring the above points not only provide additional strength to the structure but also good finish and appearance to the final product. The compacting of any conventional concrete is done through external force using mechanical device. What is concrete? Concrete is a composite construction material, composed of cement (commonly Portland cement) and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement,aggregate generally a coarse aggregate made of gravels or crushed rocks such as limestone, or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand, water, and chemical admixtures. Conventional concrete composition: There are many types of concrete available, created by varying the proportions of the main ingredients below. By varying the proportions of materials, or by substitution for the cementitious and aggregate phases, the finished product can be tailored to its application with varying strength, density, or chemical and thermal resistance properties. The mix design depends on the type of structure being built, how the concrete will be mixed and delivered, and how it will be placed to form this structure.


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[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology






CONCRETE Matha Prasad Adari*, Prof. E.V.Raghava Rao, D.Sateesh

* Structural Engineering, Dept.of Civil Engg. Visakha Technical Campus

Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

Head of the Department, Visakha Technical Campus Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

Structural Engineering, Visakha Technical Campus

Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

ABSTRACT Conventional concrete tends to present a problem with regard to adequate consolidation in thin sections or areas of

congested reinforcement, which leads to a large volume of entrapped air voids and compromises the strength and

durability of the concrete. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) can eliminate the problem, since it was designed to

consolidate under its own mass. Normal concrete was designed by using IS method and self-compacting concrete was

designed by a simple mix design proposed by Nan Su. SCC was developed in 1988’s by Prof. Hagime Okamura in

Japan. SCC was one of the special concrete in across the world.

This project deals with the comparison of two different types of high strength concretes they are high strength

conventional concrete and high strength self-compacting concrete.

An experimental and numerical study on mechanical properties, such as compressive strength, flexural strength and

split tensile strength of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and the corresponding properties of conventional concrete

(CC) were studied. The age at loading of the concretes for 7 and 28 days curing.


INTRODUCTIONConcrete is the most basic element for any kind of construction work. No matter what type of building structure it is,

the concrete used should be sturdy and well compacted. The main reasons for compacting any type of concrete are:

To ensure attaining maximum density by removal of any entrapped air.

To ensure that the concrete used is in full contact with both the steel reinforcement and the form work.

Ensuring the above points not only provide additional strength to the structure but also good finish and appearance to

the final product. The compacting of any conventional concrete is done through external force using mechanical


What is concrete?

Concrete is a composite construction material, composed of cement (commonly Portland cement) and other

cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement,aggregate generally a coarse aggregate made of gravels or

crushed rocks such as limestone, or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand, water, and chemical admixtures.

Conventional concrete composition:

There are many types of concrete available, created by varying the proportions of the main ingredients below. By

varying the proportions of materials, or by substitution for the cementitious and aggregate phases, the finished product

can be tailored to its application with varying strength, density, or chemical and thermal resistance properties.

The mix design depends on the type of structure being built, how the concrete will be mixed and delivered, and how

it will be placed to form this structure.


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


What is self-compacting concrete?

Unlike the conventional concrete, self- compacting concrete doesn't require compacting using external force from

mechanical equipment such as an immersion vibrator; instead SCC is designed in such as way that it gets compacted

using its own weight and characteristics.

Once applied, the self-compacting property enables the concrete to fully reinforce around the steel structures and

completely fill the space within the framework. The self-compacting of concrete is achieved without losing any kind

of strength, stability, or change in properties.

How is SCC made?

Self-compacting concrete is a type of concrete, which is not a product of mixing substances having different properties

but a combination of several mixes having the same flow characteristics.

Manufacturing of a Self -Compacting Concrete requires three main aspects to be full-filled. They are as follows:

High amount of water reducing substance or super plasticizers is added for obtaining high flowing


A type of aggregate mixture is added to gain the desired compactness. Note that the aggregate content is of

round shape and proportional in size in order to increase the locking tendency of the concrete.

Alteration of fluid properties is done to ensure a cohesive mix which will keep the aggregate and paste

together. These fluid properties can be achieved by adding a high quantity of fine content such as cement fly-

ash or by adding viscosity modifying admixtures (VMA).Two Main Methods of Making SCC:

There are two known and main methods for making SCC. They are as follows

Powder method: In this method superplasticisers are mixed with cementitious materials such as fly ash, slag, etc. to form a paste. The

paste increases the flow of the concrete and holds all the constituents together.

Admixture method:

In this method instead of the conventional superplasticisers, new types of superplasticisers known as polycarboxylate

superplasticisers are used. This not only increases the flow capability of the concrete but also improves the viscosity

and the constituent's retention property.Usage of Self-Compacting Cements has increased tremendously in the past

few years. SCC not only ensures a structure with robust characteristics but also helps in timely completion of building


Self-compacting concrete composition: Self-compacting concrete is a fluid mixture, which is suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in structures with

congested reinforcement without vibration. In principle, a self-compacting or self-consolidating concrete must have:



Flow easily through reinforcement


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


The technology of SCC is based on adding or partially replacing Portland cement with amounts of fine material such

as fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fume without modifying the water content compared to conventional concrete.

This process changes the rheological behaviour of the concrete.

Generally SCC has to have proper flowability and viscosity, so that the coarse aggregate can float in the mortar without

segregating. To achieve a balance between flowability and stability, the content of particles finer than the 150 µm has

to be high, usually about 520 to 560 kg/m3. SCC is very sensitive to fluctuation in water content: therefore, stabilizers

or viscosity modifying agents such as polysaccharides are used. In Japan, SCC are divided into three different types

according to the composition of the mortar.

Powder type

Viscosity-modifying agent type

Combination type

For the powder type, a high proportion of fines produce the necessary mortar volume, whilst in the stabilizer type, the

fines content can be in the range admissible for the vibrated concrete. The viscosity required to inhibit segregation

will then be adjusted by using a stabilizer. The combination type is created by adding a small amount of stabilizer to

the powder type to balance the moisture fluctuations in the manufacturing process. However, after completion of

proper proportioning, placing, curing, and consolidation, hardened concrete becomes strong, durable, and practically

impermeable building material that requires no maintenance.

Properties of SCC:

Compressive strength:

At similar water/cement ratios, the characteristic strength of SCC is at least equal to that of traditional concrete, and

has a similar strength development for the same Grade.

SCC with a characteristic compressive strength up to 60N/mm2 can be easily produced. For a lower specified strength,

the high fines content and low water/(cement fines) ratio required for the essential theological properties of SCC may

make it difficult to keep the strength down. The benefits of higher characteristic strength should be incorporated in

the structural design.

In-situ compressive strengths, measured on core samples taken from structures, are similar to those of traditional well-

- compacted concrete. The low values of excess void age observed in core samples indicate that a satisfactory degree

of compaction is achieved, comparable to well-compacted traditional concrete. The in-situ strength distribution in

large vertical elements is also similar, i.e. higher at the bottom, lower at the top when cast vertically. This has been

confirmed by other in-situ methods, such as pull-off tests.

Tensile strength:

When assessed using the cylinder splitting test, as specified in BS 1881: Part 117: 1983 Testing concrete: method for

determination of tensile splitting strength, the tensile strength is comparable to the same grade of traditional concrete,

as is the ratio of tensile to compressive strength.


Drying shrinkage has been shown to be similar or lower than that of traditional concrete of the same grade. This is

contrary to that expected from the lower grade aggregate content, but is partially explained by the similar water content

of SCC and traditional concrete. The high fines content and viscosity of SCC inhibit bleeding and, therefore,

evaporation, so the total plastic settlement is reduced. However, as water lost by evaporation is not replaced by bleed

water, plastic shrinkage and the associated surface cracking may be increased. Attention to curing is important,

especially on large flat exposed areas.

Structural performance:

The structural performance of SCC does not differ much from that of traditional concrete. Assessment by loading to

failure of 3000 x 300 x300nmm reinforced columns and 4000 x 300 x200mm beams has shown that normal fracture

patterns occur in all cases, with the actual failure load exceeding the calculated ultimate load.



[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


Two indices of durability have been investigated: carbonation depth and surface absorption. No difference was found

in carbonation depth between SCC and traditional concrete of the same grade during the same specified period, and

SCC exhibited lower surface absorption, indicating lower permeability and improved durability.

Objectives of Self- Compacting Concrete: The SCC should meet the some functions at the plastic stage are different from those on a traditional vibrated fresh

concrete. Filling of formwork with a liquid suspension requires workability performance which is recommended to be

described as follows:

Filling Ability:

SCC is filling of entire formwork and encapsulation of reinforcement and other inserts with maintaining

homogeneity in both vertical & horizontal directions are essential.

Passing Ability:

SCC is passing through congested area such as narrow sections of the formwork even closely spaced

reinforcement etc without blocking caused by interlocking of aggregate particles.

Resistance to Segregation:

SCC is maintaining of homogeneity throughout mixing and during transportation and casting. The dynamic

stability refers to the resistance to segregation during placement. The static stability refers to resistance to

bleeding, segregation and surface settlement after casting.

Comparison: Typical SCC vs Conventional Concrete Mix

Main difference:

The main differences between conventional vibrated concrete and SCC concrete are related to the behaviour in the

fresh state.

In terms of the hardened properties, at similar water/cementitious material ratio, properly proportioned, produced and

placed SCC is generally denser and less variable than the equivalent conventional vibrated concrete, thereby resulting

in improved strength and durability performance.

In addition, compared to conventional vibrated concrete, SCC at similar water/cementitious material ratio is expected

to have:

• The same structural performance.

• Equal or higher compressive and tensile strength

• Equal to or lower shrinkage.

• Equal to or better bond to the steel reinforcement

• Lower surface absorption and therefore better durability.

The principal benefits of SCC are advantages derived from the properties of fresh mix itself, namely:

Ability to completely fill complex formwork and encapsulate areas of congested steel reinforcement without

any compaction and yet with reduced risks of voids and honeycombing.

Ability to develop higher early and ultimate strengths and enhanced durability properties compared with

conventional vibrated concretes.

Potential for improved surface finishes with reduced making good costs related to poorly compacted


SCC offers many advantages for the precast, pre-stressed concrete industry and for cast-in-place construction

viz :

Material, by volume Conventional

vibrated concrete



Admixtures <0.01 0.01

Water 18 20

Coarse aggregate 46 28

Sand 24 34

Fines, including Portland cement 12 18


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


Low noise-level in the plants and construction sites.

Eliminated problems associated with vibration.

Less labour involved.

Faster construction.

Improved quality and durability.

Higher strength.

Although the SCC as a material will cost slightly more than conventional concrete, significant costs savings can be

realised through the whole concreting process including giving consideration to SCC at the detailed design stage of a

project. Such benefits can be summarised as follows:

Reduced construction time and labour costs.

Reduced man power for placing and compacting

Lower equipment costs and less noise since vibrators are not required.

Improved Health & Safety in the workplace environment through the elimination of vibrating equipment and

associated health and safety risks. Reduced noise levels, reduced trip and fall hazards, less manual handling.


An experimental study is conducted to find out the 7 and 28 days Compressive, split-tensile, Flexure test were

conducted on self-compacting concrete. In concrete micro silica and additives are added. The effect of addition of

micro silica and additives on strength and workability of concrete over the conventional concrete are investigated.



Ordinary Portland Cement of 53 Grade available in local market is used in the investigation. The cement used has

been tested for various properties as per IS: 4031 – 1988 and found to be conforming to various specifications as per

IS: 12269 – 1987. The test results on ordinary Portland cement are shown in Table – 4.1


The locally available sand is used as fine aggregate. It should be free from clay, silt, organic impurities, etc., the sand

is tested for various properties such as specific gravity, bulk density, etc., in accordance with IS: 2386 – 1963. The

grading or particle size distribution of fine aggregate shows that, it is close to grading or particle size distribution of

fine aggregate shows that, it is close to grading zone – II or IS: 383 – 1970. And details of sieve analysis are shown

in Table – 4.2


Machine crushed angular granite metal of 20 mm size from the local source is used as coarse aggregate. It should free

from impurities such as dust, clay particles, organic matter etc., the fine and coarse aggregate are tested for its various

properties as shown in table – 4.2.The grading or particle size distribution of coarse aggregate shown close for single

sized aggregate of nominal size 20 mm as per IS: 383 – 1970 and details of sieve analysis are shown in table 4.3.

SUPER PLASTICIZER: High range water reducing admixture called as super plasticizers are used for improving the flow or workability for

decreased water-cement ratio without sacrifice for compressive strength. These admixtures when they disperse in

cement agglomerates significantly decrease a viscosity of the paste by forming a thin film around the cement particles.

In the present work water-reducing admixture Glenium B233 conforming to ASTM C494 Types F, EN934-2 T3.1/3.2,

IS 9103: 1999 is used. GLENIUM B233 is an admixture of a new generation based on modified polycarboxylic ether.

The product has been primarily developed for applications in high performance concrete where the highest durability

and performance is required.


Micro silica is an artificial pozzolanic admixture obtained from reduction of high purity quartz with coal in an electric

furnace in the manufacture of silicon or ferrosilicon alloy. Elkom Micro silica was used in this work. Micro silica is

the most reactive of several supplementary cementing materials for modifying the cement matrix to provide improved

binders. In general ,all SCM’s have a pozzolanic action-a secondary hydration reaction or pozzolanicity,with the


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


weaker calcium hydroxide that is produced during the normal hydration of the cement. At low water/cement ratios

and when used with advanced super plasticisers, Micro silica demonstrates multiple effectiveness. The fine particle

size and high content of amorphous silica(by standard grater than 85%) makes the micro silica highly reactive with

any alkalis in solution with in first few few days and weeks of the hydration process

This provides a homogeneous, fine grained, almost ceramic matrix linked with the very low water cement ratio governs

the characteristic cube strength of 100Mpa concrete.

Results in a more homogenous fine-grained cement structure.

Fine spherical nature of Micro silica provides micro packing density and eliminates micro voids.

Produces stronger C-S-H matrix.

Marked changes in transition zone (between cement and aggregate),indicating non-micro cracked dense

matrix as a result of removal of bleed water.

Eliminates weak zone enabling a truly composite material in which the aggregate can be utilized as a working

component and not just filler.

WATER: Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acid, alkalis, salts, organic

materials or other substances they may be deleterious to concrete portable water is used for mixing as well as curing

of concrete as prescribed in IS: 456 – 2000.

Tests on SCC:

1. Slump flow & T50 test

2. L-box test

3. V-funnel test & V-funnel at T5minuts

List of test methods for workability properties of SCC:

sss.nossss S. No Method Property

1 Slump Flow Test Filling Ability

2 T50cm Slump Flow Filling Ability

3 V-Funnel Test Filling Ability

4 V-Funnel at T5minuts Segregation Resistance

5 L-Box Test Passing Ability

Slump Flow & T50 test:

Slump Flow is definitely one of the most commonly used SCC tests at the current time. This test involves the use of the

slump cone used with conventional concretes as described in ASTM C143 (2002). The main difference between the

Slump Flow test and ASTM C143 is that the Slump Flow test measures the “spread” or “flow” of the concrete sample

once the cone is lifted rather than the traditional “slump” (drop in height) of the concrete sample. The T50 test is

determined during the Slump Flow test; it is simply the amount of time that the concrete takes to flow to a diameter of

50 centimeters. Typically, Slump Flow values of approximately 24 to 30 inches are within the acceptable range;

acceptable T50 times range from 2 to 5 sec.


1. Mould in the shape of a truncated cone with the internal dimensions 200 mm diameter at the

base, 100 mm diameter at the top and a height of 300 mm, conforming to EN 12350-2

2. Base plate of a stiff non-absorbing material, at least 700mm square, marked with a circle marking the central

location for the slump cone, and a further concentric circle of 500mm diameter.

3. Trowel

4. Scoop

5. Ruler

6. Stopwatch


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


The procedure for the Slump Flow and T50 is as follows, and the sequence is summarized in Figure.

1. Dampen Slump Flow table and slump cone.

2. Level the Slump Flow table.

3. Place cone on the centre of the table that has a circle having a diameter of 50 centimetres drawn concentrically to

the location for the slump cone.

4. Using funnel and with one person holding cone down (as to avoid concrete pushing itself underneath the cone),

continuously fill the cone with a representative sample concrete from bucket.

5. Screed and level the concrete from the top of the cone as to ensure the proper amount of concrete is within the cone.

6. Immediately remove funnel.

7. Immediately lift cone in an upward direction and begin to time the concrete (from the instant the lift started) for the

T50 time (the cone should be raised at a rate of approximately one foot in two seconds).

8. Stop the timing device when the concrete reaches the T50 line and record this time to the nearest ½ second as the

T50 value.

9. Once the concrete has ceased to flow (no more than one minute from the lifting of the cone) measure the width of

the spread of concrete across the widest dimension through the center of the spread to the nearest ½”; measure again

at a 90 degree angle.

10. Record the Slump Flow as the average of the two measurements.

L-box test:

The L-box value is a ratio of the levels of concrete at each end of the box after the test is complete. The L-box consists

of a “chimney” section and a “trough” section after the test is complete, the level of concrete in the chimney is recorded

as H1; the level of concrete in the trough is recorded as H2. The L-box value (also referred to as the “L-box ratio”,

“blocking value”, or “blocking ratio”) is simply H2/H1. Typical acceptable values for the L-box value are in the range

of 0.8 to 1.0. If the concrete was perfectly level after the test is complete, the L-box value would be equal to 1.0;

conversely, if the concrete was too stiff to flow to the end of the trough the L-box value would be equal to zero.


1. L-Box of a stiff non-absorbing material

2. Trowel

3. Scoop

4. Stopwatch

The procedure for the L-box test is as follows:

1. Dampen all surfaces of the L-box that will be in contact with concrete.

2. Make sure that the gate is restrained as to avoid premature flow of concrete through the L-box.

3. Continuously fill the upper portion of the L-box with a representative sample concrete from a bucket.

4. Screed the concrete from the top of the box as to ensure the proper amount of concrete is within the apparatus.

5. Promptly open/lift the gate to allow flow of concrete through the L-box.


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


6. Once the concrete has ceased to flow (no more than one minute from the opening/lifting of the gate) measure the

height of concrete at the “trough end” (record this as H2) and at the “chimney end” (record this as H1) of the L-box

to the nearest ½ inch.

7. The L-box ratio is calculated as H2/ H1.For a summarized visual display of the L-box sequence refers to Figure

V-funnel test and V-funnel test at T5minutes:

V-funnel test is used to determine the filling ability (flowability) of the concrete with a maximum aggregate size of

20mm. The funnel is filled with about 12 liters of concrete and the time taken for it to flow through the apparatus

measured. After this the funnel can be refilled concrete and left for 5 minutes to settle. If the concrete shows segregation

then the flow time will increase significantly.


1. V-funnel

2. Bucket (±12 litre)

3. Trowel

4. Scoop

5. Stopwatch

The Procedure for the flow time:

1. About 12 litres of concrete is needed to perform the test, sampled normally.

2. Set the V-funnel on firm ground. Moisten the inside surfaces of the funnel.

3. Keep the trap door open to allow any surplus water to drain.

4. Close the trap door and place a bucket underneath.

5. Fill the apparatus completely with concrete without compacting or tamping; simply strike off the concrete level

with the top with the trowel.

6. Open within 10 sec after filling the trap door and allow the concrete to flow out under gravity.

7. Start the stopwatch when the trap door is opened, and record the time for the discharge to complete (the flow time).

8. This is taken to be when light is seen from above through the funnel. The whole test has to be performed within 5


The Procedure for the flow time at T5minutes:

1. Do not clean or moisten the inside surfaces of the funnel again.

2. Close the trap door and refill the V-funnel immediately after measuring the flow time.

3. Place a bucket underneath.

4. Fill the apparatus completely with concrete without compacting or tapping, simply strike off the concrete

5. Level with the top with the trowel.

6. Open the trap door 5 minutes after the second fill of the funnel and allow the concrete to flow out under gravity.

7. Simultaneously start the stopwatch when the trap door is opened, and record the time for the discharge to complete

(the flow time at T 5 minutes). This is taken to be when light is seen from above through the funnel.

Figures for v-funnel test


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


Acceptance criteria for SCC:

S. No Method Unit Typical Range of Values

Minimum Maximum

1 Slump Flow Test Mm 650 800

2 T50cm Slump Flow Sec 2 5

3 V-Funnel Test Sec 6 12

4 V-Funnel at T5minuts Sec 6 15

5 L-Box Test h2/h1 0.8 1.0

Mix Design of SCC for M 40:

Cement Micro silica Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate S.P

529.54 5.29 917.125 717.177 4.81

1 : 0.01 : 1.730 : 1.354 : 0.009


After conducting no of trails we conclude that, the following SCC mix ratios are satisfying the required workability and

flow ability conditions.

Water binder ratio = 0.340

Mix Proportions:

1 : 0.01 : 1.730 : 1.354 : 0.009




[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


Mix proportions:

Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Water

1 1.37 2.52 0.40



In the design of concrete mixes, the compressive strength of concrete is generally the main target since it usually

represents an overall picture of the quality of concrete. The compressive strength is the maximum load per unit area

sustained by a concrete specimen before failure under compression. Since the strength development of concrete

depends on both time and temperature it can be said the strength is a function of summation of product of time and

temperature. This summation is called maturity of concrete.

The cube specimens cured as above are tested as per standard procedure after removal from the curing tank and

allowed to a dry under shade. The cube specimens tested under microprocessor based compression testing machine of

2000 KN capacity the results are tabulated in table


Flexural test is intended to give flexural strength of concrete in tension. The testing of concrete in flexure yields more

consistent results than those obtained with tension text on mortar. The most common plane concrete structure subjected

to flexure is a high way pavements and strength of concrete for pavements is commonly evaluated by means of bending

tools. Steel, prism moulds of size 100x100x500mm, tamping rod, mixer weighing machine, UTM and scale. Take

65N of cement, 130N of fine aggregate, 260N of coarse aggregate (1:2:4) mix and 3.9 liters of water(w/c ratio=0.6)

mix than thoroughly in the mechanical mixer uniform color is obtained. Thus material will be sufficient for 3 prisms

of size 100x100x500mm. The mould shall be filled in 2 layers and each layer to be measured more than 100 times. In

place of hand ramming plate vibrators may be used. After casting the moulds shall be covered with clothes (or) gunny

bags, demoulded after 24 hours and wet covered for 27 days. Specimens should be tested immediately on removal

from the water while they are still in wet condition. The dimensions of each specimen shall be noted before testing.

The bearing surfaces of the supporting and loading rollers shall be wiped clean and no packing shall be used between

the bearing surfaces of the specimen and the rollers. The span of the specimen as kept at 40cm. Load shall be applied

to the uppermost surface as last along two lines one third of the span distance apart. The load shall be applied without

any shock and increasing continuously at a rate such that the extreme fibre stress increases at 0.7N/mm2/min i.e. at a

rate of loading of 1.3 kN/mm2. The maximum loading and the distance of the first crack from the nearest support is


Moment of resistance =PL/BD2


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology



Of all the indirect tension test methods this method is simple to perform and gives more uniform results than other

tension tests. Strength determined in the splitting test is believed to be closed to the true strength of concrete, then the

modulus of rupture. Splitting strength gives about 5 to 12% higher value than the direct tensile strength. The testing

arrangement and the details of testing are as follows:

The compression- testing machine employed to determine the split- tensile strength of cylinder is of standard mark

AIMIL. The capacity of testing machine is 100 tones. It is provided with three different ranges of loading i.e. 0 to 25

t, 0 to 50 t, 0 to 100 tones. The machine has been calibrated to standard rate of loading. The patterns are cleaned, oil

level is checked and it is kept ready in all respects for testing. The cylinders of size 150mm diameter 300mm height

are tested for split tension using a 100 tones capacity-testing machine.

The test is carried out by placing a cylindrical specimen horizontally between the leading surfaces of a compression

testing machine and the load is applied at a rate of 15 to 21 kg/sq. cm/min until failure of the cylinder, along the

vertical diameter. When the load is applied along the generatrix, an element on the vertical diameter of the cylinder is

subjected to a vertical compressive stress and a horizontal stress of 2p/πLD. It is observed that cylinder did split into

two halves.

Split- tensile strength=2p / (πLD),Where

p is the maximum compressive load on the cylinder

L is the length of cylinder

D is its diameter




S. No Property Test Results

1 Normal consistency 30 %


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


2 Specific gravity 3.15

3 Setting time

Initial setting time

Final setting time

35 min

230 min

4 Fineness of cement (IS sieve no.9) 4.0 %

5 Compressive strength 1:3 sand mortar cubes

At 7 days At 28 days

25 Mpa 43 Mpa


S. No Properties Fine aggregates

1 Specific gravity 2.670

2 Loose bulk density 1450 kg/m3

3 Rodded bulk density 1713 kg/m3


S. No Properties Coarse aggregates

1 Specific gravity 2.74

2 Loose bulk density 1365 kg/m3

3 Rodded bulk density 1610 kg/m3


S. No I.S. sieve






weight retained


Cumulative %

of weight



passing By



1 40 mm 0 0 0 100 Fine Aggregate

conforming to

Grading Zone II

of IS: 383 – 1970

2 20 mm 0 0 0 100

3 10 mm 0 0 0 100

4 4.75 mm 0 0 0 100

5 2.36 mm 20 20 2 98

6 1.18 mm 80 100 10.0 90

7 600 microns 344 444 44.4 55.6

8 300 microns 329 773 77.3 22.7

9 150 microns 199 972 97.2 2.8

10 < 150 microns 28 1000 100 0

Total = 1000 grams 330.90


[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology




I.S. sieve






weight retained


Cumulative % of

weight retained


passing By



1 40 mm 0 0 0 100 Coarse Aggregate


to Grading

Zone II of

IS: 383 –


2 20 mm 0 0 0 100

3 10 mm 9155 9155 91.55 8.45

4 4.75 mm 750 9905 99.05 0.95

5 2.36 mm 0 9975 99.05 0.95

6 1.18 mm 0 9905 99.05 0.95

7 600 microns 0 9905 99.05 0.95

8 300 microns 0 9905 99.05 0.95

9 150 microns 0 9905 99.05 0.95

Total = 9905 grams 685.85


(Quantities of Materials per 1 Cubic Meter of Concrete) Grade of Concrete Cement


Fine Aggregate









M40 465 641 1170 186 0.4


Strengths(in days) SCC




















Split Tensile









[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology



Comparison of Compression Strength:

Comparison of Flexure Strength:

Comparison of Split Tensile Strength:


1. After conducting various trial tests, M50 grade self-compacting concrete is finally obtained which satisfied

all the SCC characteristics such as flowability, passing ability and segregation resistance given by European

standards. As there are no Indian standards for Self compacting concrete(SCC) comparison could not be


2. From the observations it was found that nearly 2/3of the compressive strength is gained in 7 days curing

which satisfies IS: 456-2000.

3. It was also observed that the Split Tensile strength of SCC has attained the permissible values for 7 days and

28 days as per IS: 456-2000.

4. It was also observed that the flexural strength of SCC has attained the permissible values for 7 days and 28

days as per IS: 456-2000.

5. Finally we can conclude that the strength of Self-Compacting Concrete is higher than the Conventional












7 Days 28 Days




[Adari*, 4.(9): September, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


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[6] IS 456-2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (3rd revision)

[7] IS 10262-2009 Code of Practice for concrete Mix Proportioning-Guidelines (1stRevision)

[8] M.L.Gambhir. “Concrete technology (theory and practice),Fourth Edition.

[9] IS 2386(PT7) – 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete.

[10] IS 516-1959 Method of test for strength of concrete.

[11] IS 383-1997 used for zonation of coarse and fine aggregate.