International Forensic Investigation Course

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  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    This self-guided course is provided freeof charge by the Physicians for HumanRights (PHR) International Forensic

    Program. The course modules ere

    developed by PHR staff and other forensic

    e!perts e!perienced in the assessment"

    planning and implementation of human

    rights forensic pro#ects" including the

    investigation of mass graves. It is intended

    as a resource for those ne to the field"

    especially in countries here training is

    not available" and as an overvie for those

    hose e!pertise is limited to specific areasof investigation.

    Paul $a%%iotta


    al ForensicInvestigation &ourse






  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    International Forensic Investigation CoursePrintable Page

    This self-guided course is provided free of charge by the Physicians for Human Rights (PHR International

    Forensic Program! The course modules "ere developed by PHR staff and other forensic e#perts

    e#perienced in the assessment$ planning and implementation of human rights forensic pro%ects$ including the

    investigation of mass graves! It is intended as a resource for those ne" to the field$ especially in countries

    "here training is not available$ and as an overvie" for those "hose e#pertise is limited to specific areas of


    Toolkit Contents

    . &odule ' Introduction to the Course

    . &odule ) International &edical-*egal Investigation of +eath

    ,hy International Investigations re .ecessary

    /oals of International Forensic +eath Investigations

    International Pro%ects Involving Forensic 0#perts

    PHR1s International Forensic Response

    International *a"

    International 0#periments in 2ustice

    The International Criminal Court

    Conclusion and Readings

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    *. &odule 5 Pro%ect ssessment and Planning

    /eneral Considerations

    ssessment of Individual Sites

    ssessment Reports

    Conclusion and Readings

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    +. &odule 6 0vidence

    Rules of 0vidence and Procedure

    ,itness 0vidence Physical 0vidence

    Chain of Custody

    Photographs and 7ideo as 0vidence

    Collecting$ Pac8aging$ and Storage

    Conclusion and Readings

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    ,. &odule 9 *ocation and Recovery of Remains

    Interdisciplinary Teams
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    Scene Security$ Survey$ and +ocumentation :asic 3uestions That &ust :e ddressed ,hen Remains re Found

    Surface Remains

    :uried Remains

    Conclusion and Readings

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    . &odule ; Postmortem 0#aminations

    &edico-*egal utopsy

    International Standards and /uidelines for Conduct of a Forensic utopsy

    Pre-0#amination Information

    /eneral utopsy Procedures Health Issue


    uences of &isidentification or &isattribution of Remains

    +eath Certification

    Identification +atabases

    Storage and +isposition of Remains

    Conclusion and Readings

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    /. &odule ? Families

    &issing Persons

    The +isappeared

    Families1 Right to @no"

    "areness ,hen ,or8ing "ith Families

    Identification Pro%ect +atabases Confidentiality Concerns

    Contents of a +atabase

    Community Autreach and Finding Families

    +eath .otification

    Return of Remains

    Conclusion and Readings

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    0. &odule B Reports and Forms
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    Final Forensic Reports 3uestions Reports ddress

    Confidentiality and Release of Reports

    Report ,riting Style and *anguage

    Forms uiries "e1ve received over the years!

    The course provides an overvie" of the application of internationally accepted forensic$ investigative$ and

    legal standards! It addresses concerns specific to forensic specialties as "ell as broader topics$ including

    assessment and management of forensic pro%ects$ human rights and humanitarian la"$ and "or8ing "ith

    families of the missing! It emphasi4es an interdisciplinary$ team-based approach! 0#amples from past PHR

    pro%ects provide guidance on the decisions and challenges investigators face in the field!

    It is recommended that the modules be read in numeric order as the content of each module builds on

    material introduced in previous ones! The course is self-guided$ allo"ing participants to proceed at their o"n

    pace! &ost of the course modules include a list of readings that supplement the information provided in the

    te#t! Follo"ing &odule B are three appendicesD a glossary$ a bibliography and a list of online resources!
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  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    &odule ) International &edical-*egal Investigation of+eath

    Printable Page

    This module provides a short historical overview of the international participation by forensic

    (medical-legal) experts in investigations involving alleged breaches of human rights and

    international humanitarian law. First, it addresses the goals of such investigations as well as why

    they are needed and the inds of forensic specialists that tae part. ! brief overview of types of

    international forensic response follows. The module concludes with an abbreviated survey of theinternational law most relevant to these investigations and the processes through which these laws

    have been applied, such as tribunals and truth and reconciliation commissions.
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    Figure )-'D Photographic documentation of s8eletal remains lying in anatomical order! @ibuye$ R"anda$ 'BB;! PHR

    Section Contents

    . "hy #nternational #nvestigations !re $ecessary

    . %oals of #nternational Forensic &eath #nvestigations

    *. #nternational Pro'ects #nvolving Forensic xperts

    +. P*+s #nternational Forensic *esponse

    ,. #nternational aw

    . #nternational xperiments in ustice

    . The #nternational riminal ourt

    /. onclusion and *eadings0. /elf-valuation 0ui1
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    ,hy International Investigations re .ecessaryInternational forensic e#perts often play an irreplaceable role in investigating human rights abuses andcrimes against humanity! Aften$ governments ignore or mischaracteri4e these crimes in order to cover-up their violations of human rights! t other times$ authorities in the country "here the crimes too8 placesimply lac8 the "ill or ability to conduct a proper investigation! Some nations do not have individuals"ith the e#pertise andGor resources to carry out e#tensive forensic investigations! In certain situations$even if authorities are "illing and national e#perts are available$ it may be unsafe for them to conductinvestigationsJ perpetrators may remain in positions of authority$ and see8 to prevent their crimes frombeing e#posed! Citi4ens of the country "here the human rights abuses too8 place$ having sufferedunder their o"n government1s repression$ may not trust the authorities to underta8e ob%ectiveinvestigations and hold fair trials! If local e#perts "or8ed for the government "hen the crimes "erecommitted$ citi4ens could suspect them of being influenced by real or perceived pressures$ havingbiases$ or even being complicit in the "rongdoing!

    /oals of International Forensic +eath Investigations

    Printable Page

    There are four ma%or goals of international forensic investigationsD

    . +etermine cause and manner of death

    . Identify remains for return to the family

    *. Hold perpetrators accountable

    +. +ocument physical evidence relating to the cause$ manner$ and circumstances surrounding death

    and identity of the dead$ thereby creating a historical record!

    ,hen the findings of a forensic investigation are used to increase a"areness of human rights abuses on the

    "orld stage and hold the perpetrators accountable$ they may even deter people from committing similar acts

    in the future! 0#perts involved in these investigations see8 to give the dead a voice$ to spea8 for them!

    Human rights abuses must not remain secret$ buried along "ith the dead! The dignity$ sanctity$ and

    significance of an individual1s life are at the foundation of human rights$ and forensic investigations can be a

    "ay to uphold and safeguard those rights$ even after death!

    International Pro%ects Involving Forensic 0#perts

    Printable Page
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    The ma%ority ofdomesticdeath investigations deal "ith fleshed remains! +omestic$ in this conte#t$ refers to

    routine investigations by e#perts in their o"n country! For international investigators involved in investigations

    of human rights abuses$ the opposite is true! In contrast$ the ma%ority of remains available to e#perts in the

    course of international death investigations are in various stages of advanced decomposition or s8eletoni4ed

    and are most often recovered from graves! These graves are often e#amined months and sometimes years

    after their creation! For this reason$ international forensic investigations of the dead can re>uire additional

    types of e#pertise not necessary in more routine death investigations! rchaeologists may provide e#pertise

    in recovering buried remains$ "hile physical anthropologists speciali4e in e#amining s8eletons! The cause

    and often the manner of death re>uire a medical opinion and are a legal responsibility of the pathologist!

    lthough the follo"ing discussion "ill highlight Physicians for Human Rights1 (PHR1s categori4ation of

    pro%ects$ thergentine Forensic nthropology Team (0Fand the/uatemalan Forensic nthropology

    Foundation (FF/have prominently been involved in international forensic investigations and$ at times$

    have "or8ed in cooperation on PHR administered pro%ects!

    &onths or years often pass before e#perts gain access to the scene of a crime and graves can be

    investigated! It too8 t"elve years for the Honduran Supreme Court to grant permission$ in 'B?6$ for that

    country1s first human rights e#humations! Forensic e#perts "ere able to investigate graves in Sierra *eone

    five years after the first atrocities in 'BB=! In R"anda$ forensic e#humations "ere ta8ing place for the

    International Criminal Tribunal for R"anda (ICTR in late 'BB9$ )) months after the genocide of pril-2une

    'BB6! Ane year after the day of the fall of Srebrenica$ the mass grave of Cers8a in the Former ugoslavia

    "as being e#cavated! In @osovo$ the first forensic teams "ere in the field "ithin "ee8s of the crimes! These

    e#amples sho" that over the years the international community has begun to a"a8en to the need to address

    more >uic8ly allegations of "ar crimes$ crimes against humanity$ and genocide!

    Figure )-)D ustralian soldiers point out the location of a burial! PHR assessment in 0ast Timor$ 'BBB! PHR

    In addition to archaeologists$ physical anthropologists$ and pathologists$ large pro%ects may re>uire many

    other e#perts and support staff! The 8ind and number of specialists needed depends on the number and

    condition of the individuals to be recovered and e#amined$ as "ell as the logistical re>uirements of the site

    and the circumstances of the investigation! Staffing "ill be more fully covered in &odule 5!
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    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    &any international forensic pro%ects are not strictly investigations! 0#perts are often called upon to assess

    the needs of a potential future pro%ect! PHR e#perts have performed such assessments in R"anda$ 0ast

    Timor$ Sierra *eone$ fghanistan$ and b8ha4iaG/eorgia! ssessments are crucial "hen planning an

    investigation into a large number of deaths or "hen setting up databases for identification of many

    individualsfor e#ample$ "hen planning the e#humation of a large mass grave or setting up pro%ects to

    identify missing persons! Training is often a parallel or separate goal of these pro%ects! t other times$ the

    forensic e#pert monitors or revie"s the findings of other e#perts! ll these pro%ects$ ho"ever$ involve some

    aspect of investigation and deal "ith evidence$ "hether collecting it$ revie"ing it$ or teaching others ho" to

    do so!

    Figure )-5D ./A and medical-legal personnel observing a training e#humation conducted at the re>uest of the

    Indonesian .ational Commission for Human Rights (@omnas H&! ceh$ Indonesia$ 'BB?! PHR

    nother type of pro%ect may focus only on the identification of the dead "ith no overt intention of collecting

    evidence for use in court! PHR1s E:osnia Pro%ect is an e#ample! Its goal "as humanitarianD to identify the

    dead and return their remains to their families! In :osnia$ follo"ing forensic investigations for the

    International Criminal Tribunal for the Former ugoslavia (ICT in 'BB;$ the dead had yet to be identified!

    The E:osnia Pro%ect addressed this vital need by setting up an identification database$ conducting

    intervie"s$ and providing support to families of missing persons! PHR1s ongoing "or8 in Cyprus$ currently the

    longest running PHR pro%ect (initiated in 'BBB$ also focuses on the humanitarian needs of families and the

    identification of dead from the 'B=6 conflict bet"een Cyrpus and Tur8ey!

    Forensic e#perts also investigate violations of human rights suffered by the living! PHR "as instrumental in

    developing The Istanbul Protocol$ a document that provides international guidelines for documenting torture

    and its conse>uences!

    PHR1s Forensic Program has also provided technical assistance to the 0l Salvadoran ./A$Asociacin Pro-

    Bsqueda de Nias y Nios Desaparecidos$ an organi4ation attempting to reunite hundreds of children "ith
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    their biological families! +uring the Civil ,ar in 0l Salvador$ children "ere 8idnapped or other"ise separated

    from their biological parents$ then placed for adoption! ppro#imately )$5 "ere adopted by parents in the

    uest of families

    or international human rights commissions! significant number of PHR1s forensic activities have been

    underta8en in cooperation "ith various

  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    days to a fe" "ee8s of field "or8! (The e#tensive pro%ects still being carried out by the rgentine and

    /uatemalan forensic teams in their home countries are notable e#ceptions! 0arly pro%ects "ere staffed by a

    fe" volunteer e#perts "ith locally-employed laborers! uently volunteered their

    time$ so budgets "ere limited to travel$ communication$ and living e#penses along "ith report preparation or


    In 'BB;$ the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunals for R"anda and the Former ugoslavia

    mar8ed a dramatic shift in the dimensions of international forensic investigations! The "or8 of the Tribunals$

    especially the ICT$ received ma%or international attention that brought "ith it e#pectations of large forensic

    pro%ects! *arger investigations no" come under consideration more fre>uently$ and they re>uire immense

    planning and preparation!Investigations are no" often part of the immediate response in the aftermath ofconflict or during an uneasy peace! /iven that the conflict may be ongoing or the country may be unstable$

    security concerns run high for this type of international forensic investigation! +ue to the more rapid response

    time$ victims are often decomposed and fleshed$ re>uiring more sophisticated morgue facilities$ storage$

    e>uipment$ and the presence of pathologists! The financial re>uirements of such pro%ects outstrip the abilities

    of traditional foundations or private funders! Investigations often ta8e place in countries "ith little or no

    e#isting infrastructure$ limiting conventional identification of victims through independent documentation

    using medical and dental records! They re>uire recourse to +. technology! These investigations entail vast

    logistical and administrative support! ny organi4ation e#pecting to underta8e large pro%ects needs to be

    proactively involved in detailed planning$ staffing$ and resource provision!

    International *a"

    Printable Page

    Human rights la" and international humanitarian la" are the t"o ma%or bodies of international la" that

    address abuses of individuals by states$ including tortureJ cruel$ inhuman and degrading treatment$ "ar

    crimes$ crimes against humanity and genocide! Human rights la"$ flo"ing from the

  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    of human dignity (:ouchet-Saulnier$ ))! Human rights la" and processes govern state conduct primarily

    outside of conflict situations$ though some Efundamental guarantees are accorded to people in any situation

    (:ouchet-Saulnier$ ))! Certain Enon-derogable rights$ such as the right not to be sub%ect to torture or

    other cruel$ inhuman or degrading treatment$ apply in all circumstances! For more on the difference bet"een

    human rights la" and humanitarian la" see International Humanitarian Law: Answers to our !uestionsin

    the Re>uired Readings!

    International humanitarian la"$ has its roots in la"s governing armed conflict that$ according to the ICRC$ go

    bac8 as far as the famous code of @ing Hammurabi in :abylonia$ "ho proclaimed$ EI establish these la"s to

    prevent the strong from oppressing the "ea8! Ather e#amples of early codes of "ar that protect civilians or

    soldiers "ho have ceased to fight include te#ts from ancient India$ eleventh century Spain$ and codes of

    chivalry or "arrior ethics in medieval 0urope and 2apan! These la"s applied only to combatants of the same

    society and social status$ ho"ever$ and the idea of protections for all combatants and civilians did not ta8e

    root until the si#teenth century$ in 0urope (Par8er$ no date! The "or8 of the +utch legal scholar /rotius in

    the seventeenth century and Rousseau1s"ocial #ontractof '=;) accorded inalienable rights to civilians and

    soldiers "ho had put do"n their arms (ICRC$ ))!

    Contemporary humanitarian la" is generally thought to have emerged in the mid-nineteenth century "ith

    ne" national la"s governing "ars bet"een states! These la"s "ere not aimed at putting an end to "ar$ but

    rather to regulating the conduct of "ar "ith respect to the treatment of combatants! The *ieber code$ "ritten

    %ust a year before the landmar8 '?;6 /eneva Convention$ "as groundbrea8ing in its effort to bring all the

    e#isting codes of "ar into one document$ but its scope "as limitedD It pertained only to

  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    /enocide"as adopted$ ma8ing it a crime to destroy$ in "hole or in part$ a national$ ethnic$ racial$ or religious


    The four /eneva Conventions that "ere adopted in 'B6B addressed further issues regarding combatants of

    internal armed conflicts and civilians

    Geneva 1.

    /eneva Convention for the melioration of the Condition of the ,ounded and Sic8 in rmed Forces in the


    Geneva 2.

    /eneva Convention for the melioration of the Condition of ,ounded$ Sic8 and Ship"rec8ed &embers of

    the rmed Forces at Sea

    Geneva 3.

    /eneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of ,ar

    Geneva 4.

    /eneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of ,ar

    ,hile the First and Third Conventions deal "ith combatants$ the Fourth addresses the lac8 of protection

    accorded to civilians (non-combatants! In addition$ each of the four Conventions has a Common rticle$

    rticle 5$ "hich addresses minimum protections and standards to "hich a combatant state and its opponents

    must adhere!

    The "ars of today have become increasingly comple#$ "ith the ma%ority of ongoing "ars being internal

    conflicts$ fought by irregular armies$ often "ith child soldiers and cheap$ portable "eapons! Perhaps most

    importantly$ the percentage of conflict casualties and in%uries that affect civilians has risen drastically over the

    course of the t"entieth century!

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  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    &edical-legal responses to "ar crimes and human rights abuses have evolved in several respects over the

    past t"o decades! Changes in international forensic response over the past decade have raised

    e#pectations of those "ho ma8e re>uests for forensic assistance! In addition to the investigations$ countries

    often e#pect technological support and the building of local infrastructure such as laboratories$ e>uipment$

    and training! The international community increasingly recogni4es the needs of families$ putting a ne" focus

    on the identification of victims and psychosocial support for survivors! To ensure uniform$ coordinated

    responses to international human rights investigations$ investigating organi4ations need to develop their

    rapid response capacity! Aften those "ho re>uest Eforensic e#pertise are not familiar "ith the forensic field$

    forensic specialties$ or the re>uirements for carrying out forensic investigations!

    Subse>uent modules describe the basic elements of forensic pro%ects!

    Re>uired Readings

    International Humanitarian *a"D ns"ers to our 3uestionsby the International Committee of the Red Cross

    :rea8ing :read "ith the +eadby 0ric Stover and &olly Ryan

    Suggested Readings

    Crimes of ,arD ,hat the Public Should @no" by Roy /utman and +avid Rieff

    dditional Readings

    Stay the Hand of 7engeanceD The Politics of ,ar Crimes by /ary :ass

    The Practical /uide to Humanitarian *a" by Francoise :ouchet-Saulnier

    Truth and ReconciliationD Abstacles and Apportunities in Human Rights by +aan :ron8horst

    &emory of Solferinoby 2ean-Henri +unant

    ,orld &ade .e"D 0leanor Roosevelt and the

  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    *a"s of ,arD Houghton &ifflin Reader1s Companion to &ilitary History by /eoffrey Par8er

    n Introduction to the International Criminal Court by ,illiam Schabas

    The Scope of nthropological Contributions to Human Rights Investigations by +a"nie ,olfe Steadman and

    ,illiam +! Haglund

    The /ravesD Srebrenica and 7u8ovar by 0ric Stover and /illes Peress

    The natomy of the .uremberg TrialsD Personal &emoir by Telford Taylor

    ote:dditional information on all of the above "or8s can be found in the :ibliography!

    Self-0valuation 3ui4

    Printable Page

    &odule ) Self-0valuation 3ui4! goal of international human rights investigations can be to create a historical document recording the

    atrocity rather than to ta8e the perpetrators to court!
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    True False

    ! International forensic investigations usually occur >uic8ly enough after the incident that the forensic team

    "ill be "or8ing "ith fresh human remains!



    ! Special Courts are established under the authority of the uences!



    ! 2ean-Henri +unant is famous forD

    drafting the first /eneva Convention!

    establishing the International Committee of the Red Cross!

    founding Physicians for Human Rights!

    his "or8 in rgentina among the disappeared!! International human rights la" differs from international humanitarian la" in thatD

    human rights la" stems from the international covenants of human rights$ humanitarian la" deals

    "ith ho" to get food$ medical supplies$ and other relief into "ar torn and disaster areas!

    international humanitarian la" is not recogni4ed by the

    actually$ they do not differ$ humanitarian and human rights la" refers to the same thing!

    human rights la" is based on the basic rights of all people applied mostly in times of peaceJ

    humanitarian la" has its roots in la" formerly referred to as crimes of "ar!

    ! The /eneva Conventions adopted in 'B6B focused on international armed conflict and not internal conflicts$

    such as civil "ars$ andD

    included conventions that dealt "ith the combatants$ but also addressed protection accorded tocivilians!

  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    included four conventions "ith a common article that addressed minimum protections and standardsto "hich a state and its opponents must adhere!

    focused on international armed conflict and not internal conflicts$ such as civil "ars!

    all of the above!

    ! Truth and reconciliation commissionsD

    are not an alternative to courts or tribunals!

    are sometimes considered less threatening to post"ar efforts to build a secure peace!

    focus on groups of people as perpetrators$ rather than individuals!

    can only be used for violations of international human rights la" and not violations of international

    humanitarian la"!

    all of the above!! Forensic pro%ects may include "hich of the follo"ing

    pro%ects that see8 only to identify the deceased and return them to their families

    investigations of torture victims

    training local professionals

    all of the above

    ! /oals and e#pectations of international forensic pro%ects do not includeD

    collection of physical evidence relating to the identity of the deceased as "ell as the cause and

    circumstances of death!

    creating a "ritten record of the investigation that can counter historical revisionists!

    interpreting the evidence in order to give voice to specific political vie"s!

    returning remains to their families$ so the relatives can achieve closure!

    &odule 5 Pro%ect ssessment and Planning

    Printable Page

    This module provides a brief introduction to assessments$ the first step in deciding "hether or not to

    underta8e a forensic pro%ect$ and pro%ect planning! :efore underta8ing an investigation$ forensic e#perts

    need to understand the basic goals and re>uirements of the pro%ect! mong the concerns that should be

    considered first are legal authority "ith regard to death investigations$ access to the sites$ forensic protocols$

    security$ and season and "eather! .e#t come >uestions surrounding the identification of the dead as "ell as

    cultural andGor religious issues! Third$ investigators must plan for access to the sites$ media policy$ local
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    infrastructure$ and capacity building! This module gives special attention to assessment of sites containing

    human remains and concludes "ith recommendations resulting from assessments and the assessment


    "ection Contents

    . /eneral Considerations

    Security and Safety

    Season and ,eather

    Health and Psychological Preparedness

    Resource vailability

    Identification of the +ead

    Cultural or Religious Issues That &ay Impact the ,or8

    &edia Policy

    Potential Contributions to 0ducationGTraining and Infrastructure

    . ssessment of Individual Sites

    *. ssessment Reports

    Timeline for Forensic Investigation

    Composition of Forensic Team

    Recommendation of Sites



    +. Conclusion and Readings

    ,. Self-0valuation 3ui4

    /eneral Considerations

    Printable Page

    ,henever e#perts receive a re>uest to underta8e a forensic investigation$ they must ans"er the follo"ing

    basic >uestionsD

    +oes the re>uest come from someone in authorityN
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  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    ssessments often involve meetings "ith government authorities$ members of the %udiciary and human rights

    commissions$ as "ell as la" enforcement personnel$ human rights groups$ and families of missing or

    deceased individuals! Reports on previous investigations or site assessments conducted by others may be

    available and must be revie"ed! Investigators should visit the country "here the investigation "ould be

    conducted prior to underta8ing the pro%ect to gain first-hand 8no"ledge$ assess the sites$ and develop a

    realistic plan of action! For large or logistically complicated pro%ects this travel is essential! For e#ample$

    Physicians for Human Rights (PHR has performed preliminary assessments for the uirements necessary to carry out forensic investigations involves

    consideration of many issues$ some of "hich are pro%ect-specific$ such as "eather and environmental

    conditions and the si4e and numbers of graves to be investigated! Ather issues are generic for any pro%ect!

    For e#ample$ although not discussed here in depth$ practical matters li8e funding$ travel$ lodging$ food$

    insurance$ compensation of "or8ers$ basic administration$ logistics$ and communications must be addressed

    for all pro%ects! This section revie"s general topics that impact the activities and goals of the forensic

    investigation and discusses suggested remedies!

    "ection Contents

    . Security and Safety. Season and ,eather

    *. Health and Psychological Preparedness

    +. Resource vailability

    ,. Identification of the +ead

    . Cultural or Religious Issues That &ay Impact the ,or8

    . &edia Policy

    /. Potential Contributions to 0ducationGTraining and Infrastructure

    Security and Safety

    Printable Page

    Forensic investigations$ unli8e many other types of investigations$ may re>uire investigators to be present on

    site for days$ "ee8s or even months! :efore fielding a forensic team$ an organi4ation must assure security of

    both international and local personnel! :asic to any security assessment is the political security of the

    country in "hich the investigation is to ta8e place! Increasingly$ forensic teams are as8ed to respond to

    dangerous situations by countries in the midst of an uneasy peace or sporadic conflict! 0ven "here relatively

    reliable security e#ists$ in some sub-regions$ security might not be stable! reas "here conflicts have

    occurred present the ris8 of landmines$ une#ploded ordnance$ or booby traps located at or near the site! n
  • 8/13/2019 International Forensic Investigation Course


    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    emerging ha4ard is the potential of attac8s by factions hostile to investigations! Hostage-ta8ing has become

    a real concern!

    If la" enforcement or the military are being considered to provide logistics and security$ significant >uestions

    and ethical concerns arise regarding "or8ing "ith them! ,hat is the level of professionalism and >uality of

    the military in >uestionJ and "hat resources "ill they commitN In the event that emergency e#traction from

    the country or area is re>uired$ is there an e#traction planN ,hat are the relationships "ith bordering areas

    or countriesN ,hat are potential e#traction routesN ,hat is the level of their communications getting into and

    out of the investigation areaN Investigators should not begin their activities until the proper e#perts have been

    consulted and reliable efforts made to determine the e#istence and status of all of these items! *ac8 of

    reliable security for pro%ect personnel presents one of the greatest barriers to carrying out an investigation!

    Safety of personnel may e#tend to the type of site being investigated! For e#ample$ mines and caves

    encountered in :osnia presented uni>ue safety ha4ards! In some instances$ bodies have also been placed in

    garbage dumps or other areas laden "ith bro8en glass and sharp metal edges that slo" do"n "or8 and

    present health ha4ards!

    Security and safety concerns include protection not only of personnel$ but also of the physical site itself and

    the supplies and e>uipment used for the investigation! Ideally$ continuous t"enty-four hour security should

    begin upon discovery of a crime scene site$ such as a mass grave! Ho"ever$ constant security is rare at a

    site before actual investigations commence! Security can be very e#pensive$ and in post-conflict

    environments$ other priorities$ such as peace8eeping$ dominate the resources of the forces capable of

    providing security! Periodic monitoring and surveillance of sites is usually the most that can be e#pected! If

    the site is not continuously guarded$ investigators may need to ta8e steps not to dra" undue attention to it so

    that it is not disturbed or destroyed! Holding media events or posting "arning signs at the site should occur

    only after careful consideration of the conse>uences!

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    individuals1 daily consumption of sufficient "ater is critical to their "ell-being! First aid 8its need to be on hand

    and medical personnel$ clinics$ and hospitals should be accessible! 0ven though they too8 the standard

    precautions$ at least three PHR personnel have contracted various forms of malaria "hile in the field!

    Stress is a natural physical and emotional reaction and not a sign of vulnerability or "ea8ness! Professionals

    involved in forensic investigations have varying degrees of e#perience "ith death and human remains!

    Ho"ever$ even the most e#perienced may not be prepared for "or8ing in places li8e R"anda and the former

    ugoslavia "here large-scale atrocities and the sheer magnitude of "or8 "as compounded by demanding

    "or8ing and living conditions in an environment bereft of security! In describing the e#periences of forensic

    team members$ Haglund and Sir8in ()'$ p! );$ note that$

    Perhaps due to the culture of toughness "ithin the forensic science field$ most PHR participants reported

    initially that they had no need for psychological support$ and that the environment had not over"helmed

    them emotionally! Ho"ever$ >uite a fe" participants have reported traumatic responses many months later!

    Ane forensic pathologist "roteD EI cried for the first time t"o years after my first tour$ "hile "atching a film

    "hich depicted a massacre$ the bodies from "hich I autopsied in 'BB;! ,here "ere my tears during those

    "ee8s "hen I stood surrounded by ) body bags on a daily basisN ,here "ere those tears "hile I "as

    analy4ing hundreds$ probably thousands$ of gunshot "ounds and preparing a report documenting these

    atrocitiesN This scientist concluded that the intense concentration and pressure of the scientific "or8 at hand

    had resulted in a form of Edissociation necessary to Eget the %ob done! This account indicates a need for

    follo"-up months and even years after a pro%ect is completed and Einterveners return to their home

    countries! It also demonstrates the necessary defensive mechanisms that many interveners need to rely on

    in order to accomplish their assigned tas8s!

    Aften mental preparations for forensic "or8 are different from those re>uired "hen "or8ing on typical

    archaeological pro%ects$ "here the presence of flesh and the immediacy of death are not factors! For

    e#ample$ the remains of victims found in mass graves are often fleshed and in varying degrees of

    decomposition and accompanied by foul odors! lthough anthropologists and archeologists may have

    considerable e#perience "ith bones$ often they have had little contact "ith fleshed$ decomposed remains!

    Recogni4able facial features and anatomical structures such as intact hands and feet can add to the

    psychological burden of "or8ing "ith fleshed remains! In addition$ contemporary clothing and artifacts$ such

    as e#tremely personal documents and photographs$ may accompany the remains! These circumstances

    increase the li8elihood that investigators "ill closely identify "ith the victim! The transition from "or8ing "ith

    ancient s8eletal remains to contemporary$ fleshed bodies may be very traumatic to some individuals!

    Common stress factors include changes in the day-to-day environment$ (including being a"ay from or in

    limited communication "ith families and loved ones and "or8ing "ith ne" people in unaccustomed cultures

    and surroundings! Ather contributors to stress may be difficult "or8ing conditions$ a heavy "or8load$ lac8 of

    leisure activities$ security constraints$ high turnover of personnel (often encountered in large$ long-term

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    pro%ects$ and a lac8 of sufficient briefing about the pro%ect bac8ground and goals! Stress may be e#hibited

    as changes in behavior$ such as difficulties in relating "ith others$ feelings of emptiness$ loss of purpose in

    life$ and depression!

    :asic conditions for promotion of emotional health include normal "or8ing hours$ "ee8ends off$ "ell-

    balanced meals$ and comfortable living conditions! Prevention of stress can be assisted by a daily routine$

    allo"ing time for leisure and personal time! forum needs to be in place "here team members1 can be heard

    "hen e#pressing feelings$ as "ell as sharing doubts about concerns or issues! The pro%ect director must

    insure that there is a response to the team members1 concerns and either ma8e changes or e#plain the

    conte#t that may affect addressing their issues and concerns! Positive team dynamics at the interpersonal

    level provide crucial psychological and emotional support!

    ,hen planning forensic pro%ects$ it is critical to develop strategies to help ensure the emotional "ell-being of

    the team members! Some approaches employed on PHR pro%ects have beenD

    Providing briefing materials and training on stress and secondary trauma to team members! This

    includes information about the normal responses that e#posure to the horrors of crimes against humanity

    and genocide might trigger$ including sleep difficulties$ sudden onset of crying$ feelings of helplessness$

    inade>uacy or guilt!

    0ncouraging such coping mechanisms as regular nourishment$ time off$ conversations "ithcolleagues$ e#posure to the beauty of nature or art$ and physical e#ercise!

    Sending psychosocial counselors into the field along "ith the forensic investigators$ largely

    to deal "ith the needs of survivors and relatives of the Emissing$ but also to advise the staff "hen


    PHR has also offered$ upon re>uest$ referrals to professional support services for returning e#perts!

    Ho"ever$ very fe" forensic pro%ect personnel have availed themselves of these services!

    Pre-mission consultation might eliminate a fair amount of adverse reactions if a counselor

    could be available to tal8 "ith team members about their readiness and coping strategies$ bolstering

    them to manage the stress! If reactions do arise$ they "ould have already established a relationship

    "ith the counselor! Post-mission consultation provides the staff member support for transition bac8 to the

    normal routine of their lives and allo"s a forum for staff to e#press their feelings and tal8 about their

    e#periences on the pro%ect! Such consultation also gives those "ho managed the pro%ect insight into

    ho" future pro%ects can be improved!

    Resource vailability

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    Figure 5-5D ma8eshift shelter for e#amination of s8eletal remains in a remote area$ Sierra *eone$ )5! PHR

    Investigators may have access to local death investigation infrastructure$ such as morgues$ supplies$ and

    e>uipment! Accasionally$ they carry out e#amination of remains at a local hospital! ,hen neither of these

    options is available$ the investigating team may need to establish a temporary e#aminationGstorage area for


    If e>uipment and supplies are not available in the host country$ plans must be made to have the items

    purchased and shipped! This entails planning$ time$ and consideration of the cost of resources and their

    transportation! For large pro%ects$ it is ideal to assemble e>uipment and supplies in one place so that

    everything can be shipped together to the host country before the pro%ect begins! This staging of resources

    may be done directly by the organi4ation underta8ing the pro%ect or by hiring a professional procurement


    Figure 5-6D 0#amination area of the PHR Cyprus pro%ect$ .icosia$ 'BBB! PHR

    lthough using an outside agency for materiel ac>uisition and shipping can be a time-saver for the staff of

    the forensic pro%ect$ oversight is essential to insure that all items re>uested are actually obtained and sent

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    International Forensic Investigation &ourse

    and that the proper items have been obtained! It is prudent to revie" the actual shipment prior to it being

    shipped! For e#ample$ outside procurement agencies fre>uently substitute the special type of tro"els needed

    by archeologists "ith tro"els of the type masons use! In 'BB;$ a professional agency "as hired to ac>uire$

    assemble$ and ship e>uipment and supplies needed for forensic investigations in R"anda! The items "ere

    amassed in 0ngland according to specifications provided by PHR and the ues! Some local

    e#perts may also be e#cluded because of impartiality issues surrounding the investigation$ such as their

    complicity "ith the regimes under "hich crimes too8 place! In some circumstances$ it may be unsafe for local

    e#perts to be involved in investigations! In the past fe" years$ for e#ample$ members of the /uatemalan

    Forensic Team have received threats "hile "or8ing in their o"n country! For additional information$ see

    this ::C articleand themerican ssociation for dvancement of Science "eb page!

    Identification of the +ead

    Printable Page

    Human remains should al"ays be handled "ith respect and treated "ith dignity! Issues and concerns

    relating to human remains include not only ho" investigators treat them$ but also "hat happens to the

    remains after the e#perts have gone! ma%or issue in assessment and planning stages is "hether the

    positive identification of the dead is a realistic goal "ithin the mandate of the proposed pro%ect!

    In some pro%ects$ the ma%ority of victims are not li8ely to be identified at the conclusion of the initial forensic

    e#aminationsJ some may never be identified! This has been the case for most graves investigated by the

    International Criminal Tribunals for R"anda (ICTR and the Former ugoslavia (ICT$ "here identification of

    individual remains did not necessarily affect the needs of the court! 0#perts must find out if the host nation

    "ill have the capacity to sustain identification "or8$ "hich re>uires continued funding over a span of years!

    They must also determine "hether +. is accepted in the national court system of the host country! Ather

    considerations include determining if there is a need to set up an antemortem database$ to train intervie"ers

    to gather information for the database$ and to provide psychosocial support for families! The harsh reality is

    that not all remains may be found or identifiedJ investigators must be transparent "ith regard to suchrealities! It is crucial to be totally honest and not ma8e unrealistic promises to families! To raise false
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    e#pectations and hopes only burdens communities that have already suffered and discredits the process of

    truth and %ustice!

    +eath Certification for Identified Remains and Compensation for Families

    The re>uirements for a death certification in the host country must be determined during the assessment!

    death certificate document may be vital to survivors1 needs regarding remarriage$ settlement of estates$ "ills$

    or other legal matters! Certification of the death may prove survivors1 eligibility for compensation$ reparation$

    or assistance "ith funeral e#penses (see&odule = for more information on death certificates! Foreign

    e#perts may not have the legal authority to sign death certificates! In such instances$ they must determine

    ahead of time "ho "ill sign the death certificate and ho" this process "ill proceed once the forensic pro%ect

    is under"ay!

    +isposition of Identified Remains

    ,hen remains are identified$ they must be returned to the families of the deceased! procedure for turning

    over remains to local authorities or families must be established prior to the site investigation in order to

    assure that disposition of the remains corresponds "ith the "ishes of the family!

    +isposition of

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    Cultural or Religious Issues That &ay Impact the ,or8Printable Page

    Figure 5-9D prayer at the gravesite by the local mullah calmed the an#ieties of villagers regarding an e#humation!


    n understanding of local customs$ religious beliefs$ and other practices is crucial to ensuring the "ell-being

    and peace of mind of local residents! Failure to demonstrate real sensitivity to their needs can cause unrest

    and dissent among the population and even force the closing of the pro%ect! Families often re>uire religiousceremonies prior to e#humation or at the time the remains are turned over to them! Their concerns may also

    focus on social norms of dignity and handling of the dead! In many situations$ families are permitted to be

    present at the e#humation! Their presence should be allo"ed "henever possible because they may not trust

    authorities or understand "hy the process of investigation ta8es so long! ,hen at the site$ they can see for

    themselves the effort$ care$ and attention to detail that a forensic e#humation entails! It can be a comfort for

    families to 8no" that the remains are being treated "ith care and dignity!

    &edia Policy

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    International forensic pro%ects attract considerable media interest! t times$ communication "ith members of

    the media can become unmanageable "ithout a "ell thought-out media plan! The team should establish a

    protocol for dealing "ith media at the outset rather than letting it develop on an ad hoc basis! T"o crucial

    issues areD "ho should represent the investigation as the spo8esperson to the media and "hat access "ill

    media have to the investigation in relation to the scene and facilities! single spo8esperson$ preferably the

    pro%ect director$ deals "ith the media e#clusively$ so that the organi4ation is represented by a single voice!