Live and Upcoming Events THE INTERNATIONAL FOREIGN POLICY CENTER Capital Hill - Washington DC IFPCenters June 2, 2009 www. ifpconline .org www.ifpcenters. org QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this pic QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this pictu INTERFACE VoIP and VideoIP Live Video Stream and Archived Video Recordings Audio/Vid lobal Collaboration Spheroidal Communications

International Foreign Policy Center Capital Hill

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Live and Upcoming Events


Capital Hill - Washington DC


Capital Hill - Washington DC


June 2, 2009


June 2, 2009

www.ifpconline.org www.ifpcenters.org

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• Who International Foreign Policy Center Foundation - IFPCF Council for the National Interest - CNI

• What The Global IFPCenters™ - IFPCF Initiative.

• Where Capital Hill (Phase I) - Washington DC International (Phase II) - Global

• Why Towards Global Peace and Prosperity, Economic Development , Education and Distance Learning, Humanitarian, Cultural and Diplomatic Relations thru the use of advanced computing and communications for every sector of society.

• How By supporting 21st policy development in each sector thru the use of advanced computing and communication technology for every sector of society worldwide. And, through Planning, Architecture Science and Engineering.

The slides collected represent state-of-the-art thinking and technology the IFPCenters™ will deploy in each of its Centers. Pubic, Private participants and NGOs will be invited to participate in several key areas according to their expertise and interest in having a place on Capital Hill to hold their global, national, state and local physical and virtual meetings.

• When 2009 initial fund raising and signatories (members, sponsors, partners, donors)

Credits: Web Development - http://www.ifpcenters.com

CNIF - IFPCF 1250 4th Street SW, Suite WG-1 Washington DC 20024 800.296.6958 202.863.2951 Fax: 202.863.2952 CNIF: http://www.cnifoundation.org IFPCF: http://ifpcenters.org

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IFPCenter.DC™ In Support of the CNI Mission

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The IFPCenter™ is a global physical and virtual think tank, without walls, that supports the CNI through improved collaboration and knowledge sharing across all sectors of society.

It provides a strategic intersection that enables global knowledge sharing in support of our nation’s mission for Middle East peace and prosperity. Through the use of advanced and emerging computing and communications technology and sustainable energy design, the IFPCenter™ enhances information flow, analysis, knowledge sharing, and decision support for NGO’s and the citizens of the world.

It connects hundreds of NGOs and Citizens for research, work, collaboration, and problem solving on issues in common thereby facilitating cultural transformation, cross cultural translation, education, understanding and improved international relations.

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"Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you will have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.”

- Abraham Lincoln

IFPCenter Foundation - In Support of The Council for the National Interest (CNI)

A non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization advocating a new direction for U.S. Middle East policy. As CNI Founding Chairman Paul Findley notes, CNI is "motivated by the national interest of our country in Middle East policy. This organization provides a way for all citizens, regardless of religious affiliation or national origin, to speak out in an effective way."

Its membership consists of well-informed supporters from all ethnic, religious, social, and political backgrounds who strongly believe the American national interest is directly linked to upholding American principles and values, and strictly adhering to international law.

Its operations are entirely funded by donations from individual American citizens. We receive no government support, foreign or domestic.

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IFPCenter™- Capital Hill Global Prototype

• A permanent facility designed by world famous US Architect.

• Minimum of 100,000 square feet.• Its architecture befitting of IFPCenter vision and

spirit. • Communications and Collaboration Theater with

500 seats.• Banquet Hall to facilitate more than 250 people.• Parking facilities for 150 to 200.• Interior light courts for civic, cultural and social

events.• The use of advanced environmental

technologies in architecture, i.e., the use of prototypical energy conservation measures, and alternative energy resources e.g.,

(1) solar, (2) wind, (3) geothermal and (4) zero

net energy use i.e., giving back more than it


• Roof-top restaurant overseeing US Capitol.

• Views of the Capitol from most of the offices and the restaurant.

• Phase I -Temporary Center North Capital Hill (presently being planned).

• Phase II - Permanent Center (presently being planned for 2012 occupancy).

• Convenient to public transportation.

• Hostels for members and guests (100 rooms).

• Global broadcast and broadband communications facilities.

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ARCenters™ Global Collaboration Center e.diplomacy - e.government - e.ngo - e.private - e.citizenry

e.multi-sector communications

EXAMPLE: A Global Collaboration Center 50-100 people - Access Grid Node, DuPage Airport, West Chicago, University of Illinois, Champaign- Urbana 2000.

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Using Sustainable Energy ResourcesWind, Solar and Geothermal

The situation is different with sustainable energy sources, such as hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal energy sources, because there is no bulk reserve to account for (other than the Sun's lifetime), but the energy continuously trickles, so only the energy required for extraction is considered. In all energy extraction cases, the life cycle of the energy-extraction device is crucial for the NEG-ratio. If an extraction device is defunct after 10 years, its NEG will be significantly lower than if it operates for 30 years. Therefore, the energy payback time (sometimes referred to as energy amortization) can be used instead, which is the time, usually given in years, a plant must operate until the running NEG becomes positive (i.e. until the amount of energy needed for the plant infrastructure has been harvested from the plant). For photovoltaic cells, the NEG of their production depends on the operating lifetime, and the amount of sunlight available in the operating location. Today the breakeven energy payback time (the amount of time required to produce an amount of energy equal to that originally used to manufacture the array) is around 2 to 4 years compared to an effective production life of over 20 to 30 years (e.g. many manufacturers now provide a 25-year warranty on their products).

The Architecture of the Capital Hill IFPCenter™ will use the Net Energy Gain formula for each energy resource considered in its planning, design, development and operation e.g.:

• Wind• Solar• Geothermal• Other

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The Architecture What is the International Foreign Policy Center?

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• Organizations from each region of the world will be encouraged to join as users, investors, owners or lessees of space.

User Organizations of the IFPCenter™

• Initially the IFPCenter™ will be comprised of 15 Washington-based organizations.

• By invitation, the IFPCenter™ it will also be available to foreign organizations and to American grassroots and regional organizations physically and virtually.

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Why do we Need an IFPCenterTM on Capitol Hill?

Foreign Policy Think Tanks in Washington are currently scattered about the District with inadequate conference, media, and global communications facilities, a place of their own with easy access to the Hill.

NGOs based in Washington need:

• An affordable alternative to their increasingly expensive leased spaced.

Foreign policy NGOs from abroad need:

• Permanent office in Washington DC with full communication collaboration facilities.

• Permanent Facilities in foreign countries that mirror IFPCenters™ on Capital Hill with full communications and collaboration facilities.

Space Requirements• Space requirements will vary depending on use, organization and number of employees,

e.g.; from 500 sq ft to 1500 sq ft for office space, and from 2000 sq ft 5000 sq ft for commercial shops, galleries, restaurants, shops,, fitness facilities linked to energy generation.

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Who will administer the IFPCenter™?

• The IFPCF was incorporated in 2008 and obtained 501(c)(3) status with the IRS.

• The board of directors will be recruited by the

organizations involved that will then select Chairman and President.

• It is hoped that Americans having expertise in all regions of the world will be represented on the board.

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SummaryPHASE I Immediate-Term Planning, Funding and Organization of Temporary and Long-Term Facilities - ($1,600,000) 2009 (Tasks)

• Develop List of Organizations (potential members, partners, affiliates).• Secure Long-term Lease Agreements for (1) Phase I - Temporary 2010-2014, and (2) Phase II - Permanent space on Capital Hill 2015-1020 and beyond. • Select Building Site/Location for Temporary Facility (2009-2010).• Select Building Site/Location for Permanent Facility (2009-2010); scoping and

detailing final program requirements based on expected occupants. Estimated Cost of A&E fees during this phase $1.6M.• Expected Cost of IFPCenter™ Capital Hill $100M-$240M.

PHASE II Long-Term Vision to have Global Network of IFPCenters™ (Tasks)• Supporting policy across the greater middle east IFPCenterNetwork™

• Support our nation’s mission for Middle East peace and prosperity.• Improve collaboration across all sectors of society.• Facilitate cultural transformation, cross cultural translation and improved

international relations.• Enhance information flow, knowledge sharing, and decision support for NGO’s and

the citizens of the world. • Expected Cost of IFPCenters™ built in foreign countries $1-$5M each.

FUNDING - Goals and Objectives

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Phase II Cost - New Building 2014

• Land - The estimated cost for the site is between $7-10 M dollars.

• IFPCenter™ - The estimated cost of the building structure depends on its final design, but knowledgeable local developers suggest it will range between $100-120M dollars. Depending on the Final Number of Occupants and integrated Architectural Design Configurations this estimate could be twice this amount, i.e., $200-$240M.

• The IFPCenter™ will provision its occupants with below the expected cost of ordinary office facilities by 2014 and with amenities that go far beyond ordinary office space..

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How the IFPCenter™ will be Funded

• Seeking an initial pledge of $1 million from a foundation or an individual; plus matching funds.

• Equity pledges will be sought from foreign policy organizations owning property in DC.

• A continuing campaign to raise up to $20 million during 2009-2010. These funds will be used to pay for the professional A&E design and consulting services for Phase II estimated to be a percentage of cost of construction, i.e., $5M-$10M.

• The income from leased space and parking, Phase I, is expected to exceed $1 million per year. There is no intention to have a continuing mortgage on the building, although construction loans may be sought during all construction phases of Phase II.

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Timeline 2006-2014 Status (see Spreadsheet)

By September 30, 2006 (Completed)

Form International Foreign Policy Center Foundation and apply for 501(c)(3) status.

Recruit board of five to ten from organizations and former diplomats and congressmen

By September 1, 2007 (Completed)

Select board chairman

Recruit professional fundraiser to work under a board of governors or subcommittee

Recruit additional American investor organizations or individuals Ongoing - National/International.

By December 2008

Global Concept DevelopmentInitial website

By April 31, 2009

Invite at least two overseas NGOs to be participants and investors in the project. CNI Middle East Visit.

By December 2009

Arrange preliminary financing.$100K Website Development. $1M Project Development Phase 1.

Select building site/building, real estate developer and architect.

Enter Into Agreement with Architect to Design Capital Hill IFPCenter™. Secure Construction Financing.

By December 31, 2012

Schematic and Preliminary Drawings Complete.Working Drawings Complete.Construction Begins.

By December 31, 2014

Move-in New Capital Hill IFPCenter™. Operational Phase II Begins (International)

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JOIN US!The International Foreign Policy Center Foundation needs your help and energy on the ground, to make sure our message, our goals and objectives are heard.

By supporting IFPCF you will making a contribution to the planning, development and operations of IFPCenter(s)™ on Capital Hill and throughout the world towards Global Peace and Prosperity - health, economic development, education training and distance learning, cultural and diplomatic relations. IFPCenters(s)™ provide their users with unique opportunities for communications and collaboration around the world. You will receive timely strategic background information on the global issues from all sectors of society on a regular basis. We will also help locate speakers for your area, and assist you in developing political action at the community level, physically and virtually.

Call us at 202.352.4701 or visit us at http://www.ifpcenters.org QuickTime™ and a

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Harriet Mayor Fulbright

Harriet Mayor Fulbright is President of the J. William & Harriet Fulbright Center, a non-profit organization which serves to advance the work of Ms. Fulbright’s late husband, Senator J. William Fulbright, and to continue her own lifework.

The purpose of the Fulbright

Center is threefold:• to spread the recognition of

the Fulbright legacy. • to globalize education. • to promote world peace and

nonviolent means of resolving conflicts through international collaborations and education programs.

Thomas R. Pickering

Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

Former US Ambassador to Russia, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan.

Charles W. “Chas” Freeman

US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (1989-92); and President of the Middle East Policy Council.

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Dr. John Duke Anthony

• CEO National Council on US-Arab Relations.

• Founding President of the Middle East Educational Trust.

• Founding President of the Society for Gulf Arab Studies.

• A Founder of the Commission on Israeli-Palestinian Peace.


Eugene Bird

• President of the Council for the National Interest.

• Former Counselor of Embassy in Saudi Arabia.

• Was at the Camp David talks as a reporter, and the Wye River talks between Israel, the Palestinian leadership and President Clinton.

Robert Keeley

• Former Ambassador to Mauritania, Zimbabwe and Greece.

• President of Middle East Institute in Washington 1990-1995.

• Chairman of the Council for the National Interest.

Edward Peck

Former Ambassador to Mauritania.

Former Egyptian Affairs at State Department.

Fellow, DOD Inst.for Higher Defense Studies.

Deputy Director of the Task Force on Terrorism at The White House.

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Neil Thompson

• President, WNT Consulting, LLC.

• Designer of Advanced Computing, Communications and Information Technology Centers for both public and private sector institutions.

• Countless International Architectural Projects throughout the World.

• Represented world renowned Louis I. Kahn, Architect, FAIA on national and international projects.

Dr. E. Faye Williams

• Entrepreneur and civic leader.

• Author of three books on political and foreign affairs, one of which is The Peace Terrorist which chronicles her 40 day mission of peace before the 1991 Gulf War.

• In 1995, she helped organize

the Million Man March

Grant Smith

• Executive Director, Institute for Research – Middle Eastern Policy and Overseas IR-MEP’s research agenda and contend distribution strategies.

• Served as a program manager for international research Yankee Group Research (a Reuters Company) in Boston, leading and consulting research projects in more than fifty countries.


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Towards 2012

IFPC™ The International Foreign Policy Center

Capital Hill

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