Internaonal College of Prosthodonsts June 2016 Newsleer In this issue– Quicklinks Educaon & Research ........2 ICP 2017 Conference .........3 Next in 2016 .......................4 Membership ......................5 2016-2017 Officers & Board of Councilors .............6 Special note of interest The next Biennial Conference in 2017 marks the first ICP meeng hosted in South America, & the first to be held in conjuncon with the Socie- ty of Prostho- doncs and Oral Rehabili- taon of Chile. New Awards in Education & Research T he ICP has awarded its first research grants through the Research Grants Program. This new iniave administered by the ICP was offi- cially launched in Seoul at the 16th Biennial Meeng last September. Grant applicaons were called in October 2015 and seven grants totaling almost $17,000 USD were awarded in April 2016. See page 2... 17th ICP Biennial Meeting l Santiago, Chile l September 7-9th, 2017 P lan to join your colleagues and world leaders in our specialty in spectacular Sanago, Chile’s largest city and capital since 1541. The conference will be held at the premier meeng venue CentroParque Event and Convenon Center, located in the heart of the city—yet within a few hours of the mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and nearby world-class wineries. This outstanding 2 ½ day program will be held in conjuncon with the Society of Prosthodoncs and Oral Rehabilitaon of Chile (SPROCh) annual meeng, adding the special advantage of increased regional parci- paon. ICP members are encouraged to submit an abstract for Oral or Poster Presentaon at the conference. Click here to go to the ICP Confer- ence website for details on the call for papers, program overview & other informaon. Conference Registraon opens Sep 15th, 2016 ! See page 3... Recipient of the Ivoclar Vivadent/ICP Research Fellowship announced T he ICP is pleased to announce the inaugural winner of the Ivoclar Vivadent/ICP Research Fellowship in Dental Restorave Materials. This fel- lowship was launched at the 16th Bien- nial Meeng in Seoul and provides an award of $40,000 USD towards a one year restorave materials research program. Congratulaons to Dr. Julián Conejo, D.D.S., MSc., who will be undertaking his work with the supervision of his mentor Dr. Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD at the Department of Prevenve and Restorave Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. See page 2... Abstracts now being accepted! Dr. Conejo Dr. Blatz

International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University

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Page 1: International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University

International College of Prosthodontists

June 2016 Newsletter

In this issue– Quicklinks

Education & Research ........ 2

ICP 2017 Conference ......... 3

Next in 2016 ....................... 4

Membership ...................... 5

2016-2017 Officers & Board of Councilors ............. 6

Special note of interest

The next Biennial Conference in 2017 marks the first ICP meeting hosted in South America, & the first to be held in conjunction with the Socie-ty of Prostho-dontics and Oral Rehabili-tation of Chile.

New Awards in Education & Research

T he ICP has awarded its first research grants through the Research Grants Program. This new initiative administered by the ICP was offi-

cially launched in Seoul at the 16th Biennial Meeting last September. Grant applications were called in October 2015 and seven grants totaling almost $17,000 USD were awarded in April 2016. See page 2...

17th ICP Biennial Meeting l Santiago, Chile l September 7-9th, 2017

P lan to join your colleagues and world leaders in our specialty in spectacular Santiago, Chile’s largest city and capital since 1541. The conference will be held at the premier meeting venue CentroParque Event and

Convention Center, located in the heart of the city—yet within a few hours of the mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and nearby world-class wineries. This outstanding 2 ½ day program will be held in conjunction with the Society of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation of Chile (SPROCh) annual meeting, adding the special advantage of increased regional partici-pation. ICP members are encouraged to submit an abstract for Oral or Poster Presentation at the conference. Click here to go to the ICP Confer-ence website for details on the call for papers, program overview & other information. Conference Registration opens Sep 15th, 2016 ! See page 3...

Recipient of the Ivoclar Vivadent/ICP Research Fellowship announced

T he ICP is pleased to announce the inaugural winner of the Ivoclar

Vivadent/ICP Research Fellowship in Dental Restorative Materials. This fel-lowship was launched at the 16th Bien-nial Meeting in Seoul and provides an award of $40,000 USD towards a one year restorative materials research

program. Congratulations to Dr. Julián Conejo, D.D.S., MSc., who will be undertaking his work with the supervision of his mentor Dr. Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD at the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. See page 2...

Abstracts now being accepted!

Dr. Conejo Dr. Blatz

Page 2: International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University

Discussion Groups

The discussion pages in the

Members Only section of

the website have been con-

solidated to include Occlu-

sion, and Implants, with

Esthetics to be added later

in 2016.

A Word about Webinars

Residents in the Class-

room. Live video webcasts

are being developed in co-

operation with recognized

leaders in the specialty of

prosthodontics. Look for

more news and details on

these webinars in the com-

ing months.

Educational Research Grants. All award recipients are early career prosthodontic researchers and the criteria for evaluating and award-ing each grant is based on primary scholarly merit. The maximum of any one application is $4000 USD and two researchers were awarded the maximum allocation. The remaining five received lesser grants in the range adhering to a spectrum of their respective scholarly merit as judged by the Research and Education Committee. The ICP Board of Councilors and members of the Education and Research Committee ex-tend a hearty congratulations to each successful recipient! The 2016 Award winners Mahmoud Elbashti ( Japan) Yoav Pietrokovski ( Israel ) Asher Zabrovsky ( Israel) Shalinie King ( Australia ) Lianyi Xu (China ) Satya Narayan Pradhan (India ) Ramakanta Mahapatro ( India ) Ivoclar Vivadent / ICP Research Fellowship in Dental Restorative Material. Developed in 2015, this new collaborative program will combine financial support with mentorship of the student, underwriting the potential for life-long impact for the student, the mentor, and the discipline of prosthodontics. Congratulations are extended to: Recipient Dr. Julian Conejo is a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, where he conducts re-search on restorative materials. Mentor Dr. Markus B. Blatz is professor of Restorative Dentistry and Chairman of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He is the re-cipient of multiple teaching and research awards and has published and lectured extensively on dental esthetics, restorative materials, and im-plant dentistry.

ICP Website


Education and Research …

“Research and education is fundamental to the global

mission of your ICP... “

Page 2

With the establishment of these valuable research grant initiatives as well as the various education programs, the ICP encourages all members to exercise their philanthropic urges by donating to the ICP Education and Research Foundation. All donations can be made via the ICP web-site and are fully directed at these various Education and Research initia-tives. Dr. Mario Bresciano & Dr. Brian Fitzpatrick

Page 3: International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University

Conference TopicsDental Implants

Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics


Special Needs & Geriatrics

Digital Technology

Esthetics & Ceramics

Maxillofacial Prosthodontics

17th ICP Biennial Meeting

Tuesday, September 5th 09:00 - 17:00 ICP Board Meeting

(Officers/Councilorsonly)18:00 President’s Dinner

Wednesday, September 6th 09:00 - 17:00 ICP Board Meeting

(Officers/Councilorsonly)09:00 - 17:00 Exhibit Set-up17:00 - 18:30 Welcome Reception- Exhibit Area

Registration Open18:30 - 20:00 YPE Reunion (Invitation only- Past YPE Delegates)

Thursday, September 7th 09:00 - 12:00 Focus Session- Keynote

Presentations 10:00 - 10:45 AM Coffee Break- Exhibit Review12:00 - 13:30 Conference Lunch- Exhibit Review 13:30 - 17:30 Concurrent Sessions15:30 - 16:15 PM Coffee Break- Exhibit Review17:30 Session Adjourns17:45 - 19:45 Poster Session & Exhibit Reception

Friday, September 8th 09:00 - 12:30 Concurrent Sessions10:30 - 11:15 AM Coffee Break- Exhibit Review12:30 - 14:30 Conference Lunch- Exhibit Review14:30 - 17:00 Concurrent Sessions17:00 Session Adjourns 19:30 ICP Social Outing

(reservations required)

Saturday, September 9th 09:00 - 12:15 Focus Session- Keynote

Presentations 10:00 - 10:45 AM Coffee Break- Exhibit Review12:00 Announcements & Awards12:15 Meeting Adjourns13:00 Exhibit Breakdown13:00-14:30 ICP Board Meeting


Program Schedule

icp-org.com/santiagochile2017 Visit the ICP website for updated program information & details

Santiago, Chile: September 7-9, 2017Santiago is the capital of Chile, located in the country’s central valley at an elevation of 520m (1,706.04 ft). Founded in 1541, Santiago has been the capital city since colonial times. The city boasts a downtown core of 19th century neoclassical architecture and winding side-streets, dotted by art deco, neo-gothic, and other styles. Santiago’s cityscape is shaped by several stand-alone hills and the fast-flowing Mapocho River, lined by elegant parks. The imposing Andes mountains can be seen from most points in the city and the outskirts are surrounded by vineyards. Santiago is within a few hours of both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean and an ideal location for our 17th international ICP Biennial Meeting.... Make your travel plans early to join us in this spectacular part of the world!!P

Page 3

Page 4: International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University

Next in 2016…

Young Prosthodontic Educators (YPE) * IJP/ Karlsruhe Workshop

YPE workshops are provided by the IJP’s editorial group to function as an international faculty in their efforts to encourage and develop clinical prosthodontic scholarship. This extraordinary educational initiative seeks to underscore the international nature and commitment of the IJP’s prosthodontic discipline. Such dedication to the highest standards of education is endorsed by the ICP.

Next Workshop: October 16-19, 2016

Location: Institute for Continuing Professional Development, Karlsruhe Germany

The sixth biennial IJP/Karlsruhe Workshop for Young Prosthodontics Educators will once

again be funded by Nobel Biocare, with additional support from the ICP, the Academy

of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists and Quintessence Publishing Company.

These unique workshops result from the pro bono commitment of a faculty selected

from the IJP’s editorial team and are organized by Professors George Zarb (Canada),

Winfried Walther (Germany), John Hobkirk (United Kingdom) and Iven Klineberg

(Australia). The faculty’s objective is to identify, support and nurture clinical

scholarship and leadership. Up to 36 new and past participants are selected for the

biennial four-day program.

NOTE: The registration maximum for 2016 is now full!

Page 4

ICP Interim Board of Councilors Meeting - September 9-10, 2016

Attendance is by invitation only for ICP Officers and Councilors. However we encourage our members to send constructive suggestions, comments or

topics of interest for consideration. Submitted comments will be forwarded to your officers and coun-cilors to better assist your organization.

The ICP appreciates your continued support!

Send suggestions and

comments to ICP

Administration Office :

Email: [email protected]

“Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude.

- Ralph Marston

Page 5: International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University


The ICP is a worldwide organization, offering a highly respected jour-

nal (IJP) and spectacular conference venues, at a great value. The in-

ternational camaraderie developed through world class meetings al-

lows the specialist multiple networking opportunities to share experi-

ences, problems and solutions with colleagues who have similar con-

cerns and goals.

Benefits include:

Constituent members receive subscription to the International Journal of Prosthodontics, including online access and FREE IJP mobile App, avail-able on iTunes.

Access to online ICP Member Discussion Forum

Continuing Education Credits

Discounted ICP meeting registration fees

Recognition and Listing on the ICP website under "Find an ICP Member" (optional)

Posting of your Books for sale on ICP member Pages

20% discount on Quintessence Books

Semi-annual online Newsletters

A yearly certificate of membership to an international organization

Committee participation, including the right to vote, nominate and hold office

Members may submit abstracts to all ICP global meetings

Access to ICP Education and Research Grant Programs Apply on-line by clicking “join the ICP” below, or on the ICP home page.



ICP Members receive a

20% discount on all

Quintessence books!

Link to QuintPub

At checkout, enter the

discount code found on

your personal Member

page by clicking the IJP

icon .

Page 5

Last Name First Name Country

Komiyama Osamu JAPAN

Bar On Hilit ISRAEL

Ben-Gal Gilad ISRAEL

Kesler Shvero Dana ISRAEL

Haddad Ala ISRAEL

Mifsud David Paul MALTA

Rezende Carlos BRAZIL

Jablonski Rachael UNITED KINGDOM

Bratos Manuel USA

Last Name First Name Country

Sanette Muller Susan S AFRICA

Zhang Haoyu CHINA

Conejo Julian USA

Cho Seok Hwan USA

Zhu Ziyuan CHINA

Ngai Alwin HONG KONG

Mcdermott Peter CANADA

Kotian Santhosh INDIA

Khan Ambereen AUSTRALIA

Welcome new ICP members!

Note: Represents new members accepted between Dec 21, 2015 & April 29, 2016.

Members approved after this date will be published in the next ICP Newsletter.

Page 6: International College of Prosthodontists Newsletter - June2016.pdfKings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University


Co-Presidents for the new term starting January 2016 were installed during the 16th Bi-

ennial Conference in Seoul Korea, Sept. 2015. The current Officers, Board of Counci-

lors and Committees can be viewed on the ICP website under ABOUT US /

LEADERSHIP, or click here.

Presidents Dr. Mario Bresciano Private Practice Torino, Italy Dr. Brian Fitzpatrick Private Practice Brisbane, Australia

Secretary Dr. David Bartlett Kings College London Dental Institute Prosthodontics London, UK

Board of Councilors Dr. Limor Avivi Arber University of Toronto / Prosthodontics Faculty of Dentistry Assistant Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics Toronto, Ontario, Canada Dr. Petra Guess University Hospital Freiberg Dept. of Prosthodontics Freiburg, Baden-Wurrtemberg, Germany

Dr. Marcio Grossi Department of Prosthodontics Faculty of Dentistry Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Dr. Xinquan Jiang Ninth Peoples Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine Director of the Dept. of Prosthodontics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Dr. Rhonda Jacob

Private Practice Houston, TX United States

Vice Presidents Dr. Nico Creugers Radbound University Medical Center Oral Function & Prosthetic Dentistry Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Dr. Nicola Zitzmann University of Basel Clinic of Periodontology Endodontology & Cariology Basel, Switzerland

Treasurer Dr. Sreenivas Koka Private Practice San Diego, CA, United States

Board of Councilors Dr. Jung-Suk Han School of Dentistry Seoul National University Department of Prosthodontics Seoul, South Korea Dr. Dale Howes University of Witwatersrand Department of Oral Rehabilitation Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa Dr. Ami Smidt The Hebrew Univ.- Hadassah Faculty of Dentistry The Center for Graduate Studies in Prosthodontics Department of Prosthodontics Tel-Aviv, Israel Dr. Hirofumi Yatani Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Suita, Osaka, Japan Dr. C. Peter Owen University of the Witwatersrand Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Oral Rehabilitation School of Oral Health Science, Faculty of Health Science. Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa

Page 6

Recent Past Presidents