LODGE NO. 873 258 Barstow Street, Horicon, WI 53032 Phone -920-485-2631 Fax—920-485-4941 Website http://homesite.powerweb.net/ local873/ Facebook : “Horicon Machinists” LOCAL LODGE 873 EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT Brian Brath VICE-PRESIDENT Theresa Wagner RECORDING SECRETARY Marla Ryan FIN.SECRETARY/ TREASURER David Berezinski CONDUCTOR/SENTINEL Dale Deibert TRUSTEES Brian Trotter Darrel Schepp Shawn Gubine MEMBERS AT LARGE Tammy-Jo Baer Doug Flouro Paul Rabe EDITORS Marla Ryan, Nikki Schlagel October 2014 “Justice on the job and service to the community” International Associations of Machinists and Aerospace Workers NOMINATIONS & ELECTION Nominations for Shop Committee (2) 2 year positions and (1) position to fill the remainder of the open term which ends Dec 31, 2015, South Central Federation of Labor Delegates (6), Safety Representative (1). The number behind the office is the number to be elected. In accordance with the Bylaws of Local Lodge 873, Article II Section 2A “Any member who does not attend fifty percent (50%) of the regular lodge meetings during the 12-month period ending the date of the close of nominations shall not be eligible for any office of the local lodge or election as a Steward, Committee- man, or Delegate”. NOMINATIONS Those members wishing to run for an office may contact a member of the nominating committee prior to November 6, 2014to have their name placed in nomination. Members of the nominating committee are Doug Flouro, Tim Shookman, Jim Checolinski, President Brath or Recording Sec’y. Marla Ryan. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor during the November 6, 2014 Union meetings. If nominated from the floor, the person nominated must be present. ELECTION All eligible members nominated will have their name placed on the December 4, 2014 Election Ballot. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. December 4, 2014. Brothers and Sisters; Thank you to the membership for allowing myself(Darrel Schepp) and Sister Tam- my Baer to attend Leadership classes held at William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Placid Harbor, Hollywood , MD. While there we stud- ied the following subjects Collective Bargaining, Issues and Lobbying, Advanced Steward, Organizing, and Labor History. Classes begin Sunday after dinner, usually 6pm-9pm. Classes then resume Mon- day morning around 8am and sometimes go into the early evening. You are kept extremely busy, generally there isn’t a lot of idle time. You get to interact with IAM members from throughout the country. The Teachers are fellow IAM members. Through the course of the week you are put into problem solving situations, which you and your classmates are asked to resolve. Again thank you to the membership for this learning experience. In Solidarity; Darrel Schepp and Tammy Baer

International Associations of Machinists and …homesite.powerweb.net/.../OctoberNews2014.pdfInternational Associations of Machinists and Aerospace Workers NOMINATIONS & ELECTION Nominations

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258 Barstow Street, Horicon,

WI 53032

Phone -920-485-2631





Facebook :

“Horicon Machinists”




Brian Brath


Theresa Wagner


Marla Ryan



David Berezinski


Dale Deibert


Brian Trotter

Darrel Schepp

Shawn Gubine


Tammy-Jo Baer

Doug Flouro

Paul Rabe


Marla Ryan, Nikki Schlagel

October 2014

“Justice on the job and service to the community”

International Associations of Machinists and Aerospace Workers


Nominations for Shop Committee (2) 2 year positions and (1) position to fill the remainder of the open term which ends Dec 31, 2015, South Central Federation of Labor Delegates (6), Safety Representative (1). The number behind the office is the number to be elected. In accordance with the Bylaws of Local Lodge 873, Article II Section 2A “Any member who does not attend fifty percent (50%) of the regular lodge meetings during the 12-month period ending the date of the close of nominations shall not be eligible for any office of the local lodge or election as a Steward, Committee-man, or Delegate”.


Those members wishing to run for an office may contact a member of the nominating committee prior to November 6, 2014to have their name placed in nomination. Members of the nominating committee are Doug Flouro, Tim Shookman, Jim Checolinski, President Brath or Recording Sec’y. Marla Ryan.

Nominations will also be accepted from the floor during the November 6, 2014 Union meetings. If nominated from the floor,

the person nominated must be present.

ELECTION All eligible members nominated will have their name placed on the

December 4, 2014 Election Ballot. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

December 4, 2014.

Brothers and Sisters; Thank you to the membership for allowing myself(Darrel Schepp) and Sister Tam-my Baer to attend Leadership classes held at William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Placid Harbor, Hollywood , MD. While there we stud-ied the following subjects Collective Bargaining, Issues and Lobbying, Advanced Steward, Organizing, and Labor History. Classes begin Sunday after dinner, usually 6pm-9pm. Classes then resume Mon-day morning around 8am and sometimes go into the early evening. You are kept extremely busy, generally there isn’t a lot of idle time. You get to interact with IAM members from throughout the country. The Teachers are fellow IAM members. Through the course of the week you are put into problem solving situations, which you and your classmates are asked to resolve. Again thank you to the membership for this learning experience. In Solidarity; Darrel Schepp and Tammy Baer

Page 2: International Associations of Machinists and …homesite.powerweb.net/.../OctoberNews2014.pdfInternational Associations of Machinists and Aerospace Workers NOMINATIONS & ELECTION Nominations

President’s Report Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I cannot stress enough how important the upcoming elec-

tions are. I realize there are many very personal and deeply compelling reasons everyone has on why we all vote the

way we do. I can also understand why only a small percent-age of us even go bother to vote. However, as your IAM

Local 873 President, the only issue I am concerned about is how legislation affects us here at work, and my article is

written only to address that issue, not abortion, gun rights,

gays, or God. All those issues are personal issues and you will have to make those decisions on your own when you

enter the voting booth. No, I’m not a Democrat or Republi-can, I reserve the right to tell representatives from both par-

ties where we stand and what we’d like them to consider

from a workers point of view. We are for Women’s Equal Rights, eliminating the Unemployment Compensation waiting

week, raising the minimum wage, Collective Bargaining (workers being able to negotiate an employment contract

with their employers), Buy WI and USA products, and the

One Day of Rest per workweek to name a few recent issues.

Over the last few years, there have been numerous issues that affect us at work go through the legislature. Examples:

Women’s Rights: Equal pay for women – women on average earn between 75-82 cents per dollar that a man earns for

doing similar jobs. The legislation that repealed the Equal

Pay Enforcement Act that was enacted in 2009 was spon-sored by State Senator Glen Grothman and signed into law

by Gov. Scott Walker. State Senator Grothman is currently running for US Congress and has been quoted as saying

“money is more important to men”. So sisters, think about

that if you have the chance to vote for or against him. Un-employment Compensation: All of you who have been laid

off at all since 2010 should be familiar with this one, the “waiting week”. For those of you who have had to suffer

through not being paid up to $370 for being laid off should take this one into consideration when you vote. The Unem-

ployment Trust Fund is fully funded and there is no reason

there needs to be a waiting week anymore. Every single Republican in our State Legislature voted against Union en-

dorsed Unemployment law changes that would’ve benefitted you if you’re laid off. Minimum Wage: Over the past 3 dec-

ades our wages have been under constant pressure to go

down. It’s time we apply some pressure to bring them up. Even though no one here is making minimum wage, if oth-

ers in our community are, we need to support them to be able to make a living as well, which will then help apply up-

ward pressure on our wages. Every single Republican in our

State Legislature voted against Union endorsed legislation increasing the minimum wage. Collective Bargaining: All we

need to do to see the difference between the ability to bar-gain for our wages here having a Union and the inability to

do so at our sister plant in Janesville which is non-union is look at wages. Compare our starting assembly wages here

($13.21*1.15 = $15.19/hr) vs the starting wages there ($9/

hr, no tcp, no 115%). Our assembler’s start at over $6/hr more!!! Welders and Press Operators start at $6.73/hr

more! So obviously, we stand for all workers to be able to

bargain with their employers. If you’ve even watched any of the news in WI the last few years, it’s blatantly obvious that

Gov. Walker and the current Republican legislators hate that we have the ability to stand together as one and bargain col-

lectively. They’ve already attacked public sector workers Un-

ion’s and if elected again, there’s a very strong probability they will come the after private sector next. That means us!!

So if you think we are underpaid now, wait till they take away our bargaining power. We have to prevent this!! Buy

WI and USA products: Call your Republican Reps and ask them why every single one of them voted against provisions

to buy Wisconsin made and American made products/


To be “fair and balanced”, Gov. Walker did do a couple good things for us as Union members. He did update the law that

would’ve taxed us on the health benefits that we provide to

our children up to age 26. And I can’t remember what the other thing was, I’ll have to research it again.

The reason the IAM gets involved in politics is simple: The

very reason we are able to form a Union is because of the law. If we elect people who don’t like that, they can rewrite

the law and eliminate our rights to join together and bargain

for a contract just like they did for public sector workers. There is legislation that has passed in several states in the

Midwest called “Right to Work” or as I call it, “Right to Work for Less”. If we re-elect Gov. Walker, Mark Born, Scott Fitz-

gerald, Joan Ballweg, John Jagler, Daniel LeMahieu, Kieth

Ripp, and Michael Schraa, I’m going to bet that our Union will be the next one under attack. So if you think you have it bad

now, vote these people in and see how bad it can really get for us at work.

Many of us live in different districts, so some of these candi-dates may or may not be on your ballot when you vote. I

also have copies of all of the voting records for the State Reps if anyone wants a copy.

Union endorsed candidates: Governor- Mary Burke, Lt. Gov.-

John Lehman, State Attorney General-Susan Happ, Congres-

sional District 5- Chris Rockwood, Congressional District 6- Mark Harris, State Senate District 13- Michelle Zahn, Assem-

bly District 37- Mary Arnold, Assembly District 42- George Ferriter.

So don’t forget to vote on November 4!!!! In Solidarity,

Brian Brath

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Shop Committee Report Thank You Doug Wood elected to retire at the end of Septem-ber and I would like to thank him for his time on the committee. Doug did an exceptional job while on the committee and helped resolve several issues. I enjoyed getting to know Doug and wish him the best in retirement. Thanks again. Apprenticeships There have been several meetings about the recent decision to start the R5 apprenticeships. The Ap-prenticeship Committee which is Josh Herringa, Ken Lischka, and Dan Shadley has been involved with those meetings. The plan as of now is to post those around the December time frame. The Selec-tion Committee which is Josh Herringa, Mike Kaiser, and Jim Checolinski will oversee the interviewing and scoring process of the applicants. Good luck to all candidates. One Day of Rest in Seven There has been an agreement to waive the one day of rest law with the Union and Company. Under-stand that this is still a volunteer option. It runs in calendar weeks. Your week starts on a Sunday and ends Saturday. One of those days would be your volunteer day which the Company should identify. This only allows the Company to ask you to work all seven days but they can’t force you. Payroll Since our payroll processing has moved to Wage Pay-

roll Shared Services there has been several is-

sues. Double check your pay stubs for any errors. If

wage employees have questions regarding their pay,

hours, rates, etc., they should express these concerns to

their supervisor. Your Supervisor should be able to fix

the issues through MX Wage Payroll. If for some rea-

son they can’t, bring your paystub up to the hall and

I’ll work with them to resolve the issue. Also remem-

ber effective October 6, 2014 those of you that fall in Exhibit “A” and “A-1” weather your core or supple-mental will be receiving a 2% raise. This should show up on your October 17 deposit.

Retirement Program There has been an agreement between the Union and Company to allow up to 30 spots for SRI or ESPP as long as they are retired between the win-dow of October 1 and January 31. This applies to the 2014-2015 and the 2015-2016 contract year.

The previous agreement only allowed 15 spots. As of today there are 25 members signed up to retire for the 2014-2015 contract year. Remember that seniority only counts if you’re leaving the same day as another member otherwise it goes by the first one out. Grievances Current grievance log includes: Step A - 0 Step B – 2 Step C – 0 Step D – 0 (Arbitration) Benefit Appeals – 0 Employment Levels as of September 29, 2014 302 Hourly 415 Incentive 717 Total Members Working 143 Supplemental Members Working 574 Core Members Working 25 Members on Leave / LTD In Solidarity,

Jeremy L. Terlisner Shop Committee Chairman

Health Care Reference Guide

Medical – United Health Care – 1-888-JDEERE1

www.myuhc.com – Alliance and UHC providers

Vision – United Health Care Vision - plan providers

www.myuhcvision.com – 1-800-638-3120

Hearing – HAMS Network – plan providers

call United Health Care – 1-888-JDEERE1

Mental Health/Substance Abuse – 1-888-533-7311

www.liveandworkwell.com – same log-in as

myuhc.com – pre-approval required

Fidelity HSA – 1-888-377-0323

Fidelity Investments—1-800-835-5095

Fidelity Reimbursement – 1-800-544-3716

Delta Dental – 1-800-236-3712 – plan providers


Deere Direct – 1-888-432-3373

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UNION MEETING The monthly meeting for October will be held on Thursday, October 9 2014. The meeting will start at 12:00 noon for the night shift. The meeting for the day shift will begin at 3:30 PM. Lunch and refreshments will be served after the meeting. This month’s drawing is worth $360.00. Plan now to attend. Remember it does not cost to attend the monthly meeting. It Pays!!!

Financial Officers Hours For October 2014

Wed. Oct. 08 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Thur. Oct.09 – 11:00am to 9:00pm

Fri. Oct. 10 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Wed. Oct.15 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Fri. Oct. 17 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Wed. Oct.22 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Fri. Oct.24 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Wed. Oct 29 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Fri. Oct. 31 - 11:00am to 5:00pm

I will also be in during the week other then Fridays.

Those times vary from day to day.

A reminder that if you change address, phone num-

ber or get married and change your name, let me

know because John Deere does not let me know. You

can call 920-485-2631 ext. 23. The reason I need cur-

rant addresses is if you want your dues refund in a

timely manner I need to know if you have moved.

David Berezinski/Secretary/Treasurer

Women’s Committee On behalf of the Women’s Committee, we are seeking to add new members to our committee. If you are in-terested in women’s issues and helping out in our com-munity, then this would be a great opportunity to join us and get involved. We meet once a month at the un-ion hall. Please contact Marla Ryan, Nikki Schlagel, Yolanda Pillsbury or Theresa Wagner.

Next ditch clean up will be on October 15th at 4:00, meet at the BP on the corner of 33 and 26. A prize drawing will be held for those who help. Please contact Yolanda Pillsbury (920) 382-2553, Nikki Schlagel (920)210-3976 or Marla Ryan (920)210-3045 if you are able to help.

Hello Brothers and Sister, I would like to thank all of you for allowing me to rep-resent you at the Legislative Conference held in Washington ,D.C. ,in Sept. AFL-CIO State of Wiscon-sin Convention held in LaCrosse,WI, and the State Machinists Council held in Green Bay,WI. At these conferences there are usually some very interesting speakers and workshops. Topics range from certain legislation affecting workers and how it may affect you and your job. Trade, pension funds, wages and jobs were the main focus at this year’s Legislative Conference. If you have questions please feel free to ask anyone on the Legislative committee. The committee consists of Jeremy Terlisner, Tammy Baer, Brian Brath,Yolanda Pilsbury, Robert Klein, and Darrel Schepp Again it is an honor to serve you, In Solidarity; Darrel Schepp

Good day Brothers and Sisters, The HPX transition to the 350 line is coming along, as always there are challenges and hur-dles to overcome. The 950 line will be starting the LPB for 5 units of the A3T military gator on October 6th. With Brother Doug Wood retiring I will be taking over the DT RLE and will also still be UV rep. I would like to thank Mr. Wood for his years of service and also say I enjoyed working with him on the shop committee Bryan Trotter

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United Way Fundraiser

Pie in the Face! Did you get to throw a pie in the face of your favorite person? If not there is still a chance to raise money for United Way.

Thursday Oct 9th: Time: 12-1pm

Cost: $2 per pie, or 3 for $5

Where: G8 Cafeteria


Mike Amerling, Mark Brewer, Kalani Brown, Warren Bullock, Whitney Bullock, Brandon DeShon, Dennis Dix, Frank Ferree,

Samira Hermann, Jeff Hoffmann, Mark Czerwinski, Jerry McDonald , Joe Miller, Bryan Perry, Andrew Quinn, Chris Samec, Chris Schluter,

David Schumann, Adam Smith, Ashley Tracy, Ryan Voy, David Wiese, Scott Winter & Steve Johnson

Steve Johnson

Brian Brath

Brian Pulford

Brian Brath