How to Overcome Internal Barriers by Judit Lovas Career Coach To Achieve Entrepreneurial Success Personal Workbook www.juditlovas.com

Internal Barriers Overcome How to

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Page 1: Internal Barriers Overcome How to

How toOvercome

Internal Barriers

by Judit LovasCareer Coach

To Achieve Entrepreneurial Success







Page 2: Internal Barriers Overcome How to

Fear, limiting thoughts and low self-esteem are commonfeelings people, especially women, experience when theystart their entrepreneurial journey.

But imagine you have all the tools you need to overcomethese barriers and succeed in your life. Imagine that all yourdreams come true. It’s easier to achieve than you'd think. Itstarts with finding the courage to take the first step that islooking inside yourself.

I am so thrilled that you decided to invest in yourself andjoin my Workshop on Internal Barriers! I know life getsbusy, which is why I've jam-packed this session with TONSof actionable information that will massively uplevel yourgame.

Don't let Internal Barriers get in the way of creating orrunning your highly successful business.

Grab your coffee, kombucha, or favorite glass of vino andstart doing the exercises in this workbook. Let's dive in!

Welcome to My Workshop!

Page 3: Internal Barriers Overcome How to

Analyzing Entrepreneurial or Expansive Fear




Change, unpredictability

Judgment, other people's opinion

Not knowing enough

Your idea has been done

Investing in yourself and your business

Disappointing others (i.e. family, friends)

Uncomfortable situations (i.e. selling your product or services, public speaking)

Expansive Fear is the fear of moving outside of your comfort zone to do something in your lifeor business that we know will lead us to achieve our personal and business goals. Expansivefear is a good thing! It means you’re pushing yourself outside of your boundaries into excitingnew territory.

w w w . j u d i t l o v a s . c o m

Based on the different kinds of expansive fear we discussed during the workshop, identify yourown expansive fear.

Be your own career coach and gather some information about your fear. Where do you feel it inyour body? Where is it coming from? What situations trigger the fear?

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Overcoming Entrepreneurial or Expansive Fear

w w w . j u d i t l o v a s . c o m

Play out a few worst-case scenarios. What's the worst that could happen if your fear becomesreality. Is it a life or death situation? (Probably not)

Play out some best-case scenarios. What's the best that could happen if you overcame yourentrepreneurial fear? How would it change your life?

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Overcoming Entrepreneurial or Expansive Fear

w w w . j u d i t l o v a s . c o m

If your best friend or a loved one were to face the exact same situation and fear, what advicewould you give them?

Be your own lawyer. How could you argue against that fear? What evidence can you find tosupport the opposite view?

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w w w . j u d i t l o v a s . c o m

Identifying Limiting Thoughts

Based on the two types of limiting beliefs we discussed during the workshop, identify as manyof your limiting beliefs as you can.

My Limiting Beliefsabout Myself

My Limiting Beliefsabout the World

A limiting belief is a state of mind, our thoughts and opinions, that we believe to be the absolutetruth. They tend to have a negative impact on our life by stopping us from moving forward andgrowing on a personal and professional level.

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Analyzing Limiting Thoughts

w w w . j u d i t l o v a s . c o m

Where are my limiting beliefs coming from? (i.e. my parents, teacher, friends, colleagues, etc.)

How did my limiting beliefs impact my life in the past? (i.e. I didn't apply for the desired job) What will they potentially cost me in the future? (i.e. I won't start my own business)

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List your limiting beliefs in the left-hand column and list evidence that contradicts them in theright-hand column. You can use examples of people around you who inspire you, or take anexample from your own life, from a time when you exceeded your own expectations.

Step #1F I N D C O U N T E R - E V I D E N C E


Overcoming Limiting Thoughts

(i.e. I believe I suck at sales; I hateconvincing people to buy something)

(i.e. Not all business owners are naturallygood at sales. I always find the bestsolution to a problem. By the time I havea product/service to sell, I'll figure outwho can help me with sales.

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After looking for counter-evidence, create new, empowering beliefs and behave in harmony withthem.

Step #2C R E A T E E M P O W E R I N G B E L I E F S

Overcoming Limiting Thoughts

Limit ing Be l ief : I can ' t be a successfu l ent repreneur in the tech industry , because I am a woman.Women are h igh ly d isadvantaged. They have to sacr i f ice the i r fami ly l i fe i f they want to be rea l lysuccessfu l .

Look ing for counter-ev idence: I know at least two h igh ly successfu l female CEOs of loca l techcompan ies who are ra is ing k ids wh i le a lso lead ing a company . They d idn ' t have to sacr i f ice the i r fami lyl i fe . Empower ing be l ief : Becoming a successfu l ent repreneur and a happy Mom at the same t ime are notmutua l ly exc lus ive . I t just takes a lot of p lann ing and mak ing consc ious dec is ions . Peop le can haveboth .

Act upon th is new be l ief : I am go ing to reach out to successfu l bus inesswomen who have a happyfami ly l i fe and learn f rom the i r stor ies . I 'm on ly mak ing dec is ions that w i l l lead me toward a greaterwork - l i fe ba lance .

w w w . j u d i t l o v a s . c o m

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Building Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to a person's overall sense of self-value. It is essentially your opinion aboutyourself. It can encompass a range of factors such as your sense of identity, your self-confidence, feelings of competence, and feelings of belonging. It plays an important role in avariety of areas in life, which is why having low self-esteem can be such a serious problem.

Practice self-compassion

List 5 important past achievements that you're the most proud of.

Mistakes are how we learn and grow. We can mitigate self-doubt and fear of failure bypracticing being kind to ourselves, no matter the outcome. What do you think you should havetold yourself when you felt you made a mistake or you failed?

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Building Self-Esteem

List 5 people who you consider confident and why (i.e. politicians, artists, businessmen, etc.)

List 5 people who have a positive impact on your self-esteem (i.e. family, friends, mentors,colleagues, etc.)

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Gratitude Diary

Write about a time you were grateful for something a loved one didfor you.

What are three ways to thank someone without saying “thank you”?

What is something that makes you unique that you’re grateful for?

Look out the window, what’s something you’re grateful for outside?

Think about the work that went into the clothes you wear or thehouse you live in.

List three things that made you smile this week.

If you’re new to gratitude journaling, it can feel daunting to look at a blank page.Try writing about these simple prompts to get the gratitude flowing.

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Discover Your Inner Strengths

Circle 3-5 values that you identify with the most. Choose the values that you feel are partof who you are and not aspirational values that you simply would like to have.

Abundance. Flexibility. Excellence.Honesty. Openness. Autonomy.Empathy. Honoring myself.Achievement. Elegance. Impact.Perseverance. Adventure.Freedom. Experimentation.Growth. Practicality. Success.Attractiveness. Experiences.Health. Prosperity. Assist.Encouraging. Humor. Partnership.Authenticity. Exhilaration.Willingness. Radiance. Balance.Discipline. Trust. Respect. Beauty.Faith. Integrity. Responsibility.Building. Freedom. Religion.Inspiration. Refinement. Presence.Family. Intimacy. Risk. Service.Facilitate. Imagination. Self-actualization. Family. Wealth.Devotion. Helping. Loyalty.Winning. Caring.

Innovation. Self-expression.Catalyze. Friendship. Joy.Sense. Commitment. Promises.Compassion. Fun. Kindness.Sensuality. Connection. Financial Security. Spirituality.Job security. Community.Genuineness. Loving. Sensitivity. Poise. Recognition.Concern for others. Courage.Giving. Learning. Collaboration.Accomplishment. Creativity.Leadership. Serenity. Creation.Gratitude. Magnificence.Sharing. Danger. Generosity.Mastery. Sharing my gifts. Daring.Happiness. Mentoring. Teaching.Discovering. Harmony. Avoiding conflict.Compensation. Variety. Leisure.

by Judit Lovas I Career Coach I www.juditlovas.com

Page 14: Internal Barriers Overcome How to

Which of the following core skillset groups do you think you're good at?

by Judit Lovas I Career Coach I www.juditlovas.com

1 - Numbers2 - Words3 - Building4 - Innovation 5 - Technology

1 - Service2 - Motion3 - Beauty4 - Coordination 5 - Analysis

In your chosen category list as many of your unique skills, strengths and natural talents as youcan think of.

What are your unique life experiences experiences that helped you and brought you where you’retoday. Think about your life from high school on and list each and every milestone experience(negative or positive) you’ve learned something important from.


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by Judit Lovas I Career Coach I www.juditlovas.com

Think about your dream business/job. Do you feel you are moving towards this dream orgetting further away from it?


Why are you doing what you're doing? What are you typically motivated by when it comes toyour professional success? Review your previous experiences and try to identify yourmotivators. What are the factors you often consider when making important workdecisions?

Fear of not having enough money

Desire to make a lot of money


Feeling fulfilled

Helping others

Professional growth (i.e. promotion, more responsibility)


Being challenged

Need to be recognized (i.e. awards)

Fear of losing your safety net

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How to Overcome Internal Barriers to AchieveEntrepreneurial Success

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