Conscience - The voice that tells you not to do something after you have done it! Interesting Flattery - Cologne water, to be smelled of but not swallowed! Interesting At night, I can't sleep! In the morning, I can't wake up! Interesting Friend - the one with you share similar enemies and vices! Interesting Genius - One who can do almost anything except make a living! Interesting Dads only get asked one question: "Where's mom?" Interesting Commuter - A traveling man who pays short visits to his home and office! Interesting There is nothing greater in this world than being loving parents. So take the first step today by getting married. Think different, do different! Interesting Urban development - cutting down trees and naming streets after them! Interesting / Interesting God created imperfect man while man created a perfect God. So who's greater? PICSMS TEXT Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story! Interesting Aging seems to be the only available way to live a longer life! Interesting

Interesting sms collection

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interesting sms collections for friends or posting on facebook wall, twitter status messages

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Conscience - The voice that tells you not to do something after you have done it!

Interesting Flattery - Cologne water, to be smelled of but not swallowed!

Interesting At night, I can't sleep!In the morning, I can't wake up!

Interesting Friend - the one with you share similar enemies and vices!

Interesting Genius - One who can do almost anything except make a living!

Interesting Dads only get asked one question: "Where's mom?"

Interesting Commuter - A traveling man who pays short visits to his home and office!

Interesting There is nothing greater in this world than being loving parents. So take the first step today by getting married.Think different, do different!

Interesting Urban development - cutting down trees and naming streets after them!

Interesting / Interesting God created imperfect man while man created a perfect God. So who's greater?

PICSMSTEXT Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story!

Interesting Aging seems to be the only available way to live a longer life!

Interesting A peach of a girl is picked by the man at the top of the ladder!

Interesting / Interesting I'm going to be very busy in the afterlife.The list of people I plan to haunt gets bigger everyday!

Interesting / People My NEEDS:Butter Roti, Branded Kapada Aur Luxurious Makaan!

Interesting Old age is when it takes longer to rest than to get tired!

Interesting Childhood pictures will always be more beautiful than selfies and pouts.It's because you never aimed for perfection, you were living the moment!

Interesting Of course I talk to myself - sometimes I need expert advice!

Interesting Hmmmm... and yet another day has passes and I did not use Algebra once, very interesting!

Interesting / Education It's better to be influenced by an idea than to steal it!

My room: MessyMy thoughts: MessyMy hair: MessyMy life: MessyWhat a Consistency!

Interesting People who can fall asleep quickly, freak me out. I mean, don't they have thoughts?

Interesting 1 It's really strange:People pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Interesting So the new Samsung Galaxy S5 is water resistant?Big deal... Nokia 3310 was flood, tsunami and apocalypse resistant!

Interesting 2 Be careful when you blindly follow the masses. Sometimes, the 'M' is silent!

Interesting 2 If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself!

Interesting 3 People around the world have gone so lazy, I am sure World War III will be fought online!

Interesting 14 18 year old boy: Will you marry me?18 year old girl: Get lost! No!.......5 year old boy: Will you marry me?18 year old girl: OMG! He's so cute... yes yes I will!

Interesting 37 Blood group of Punjabis:"Ghee" Positive!

Interesting 11 "I will not look at her figure because she's a good friend" - said no man ever!

Interesting 8 PICSMSTEXT Dear Politician,This is just to inform you that i am also available in the colour white.

Sincerely,Black Money!

Interesting 12 I hate it when people stare at me and don't say anything!I mean if you want an autograph or a picture,.....just ask Na!

Interesting Mostly parents are worried about -.....what their sons download and.......what their daughters upload!

Interesting 32 My shower only has 2 options. 3rd degree burns or drowning in Antarctica!

Interesting If "TGIF" means "Thank God it's Friday" does "SHIT" mean "So happy it's Tuesday"!

Interesting Running out of battery is the new running out of gas;Breaking your phone is the new breaking down on the side of the highway.And too many phones on the Wi-Fi is the new traffic jam!

Interesting 2 Wedding Cards should come up with a brief menu of the dishes so that we can decide whether to attend it or not!

Interesting Science will admit when it is wrong;Religion will kill to prove it is right!

Interesting 4 Radio is so much better then TV. At least, you are not disrupted from staring at your phone!

Interesting 1 My phone's "low battery" warning is the only warning I take seriously!

PICSMSTEXT Someday is not a day of the week!

Interesting 3 Cigarette does the smoking, you are just the sucker!

Interesting 4 There are two sides to every story - no two ways about it!

Interesting / Logic 2 Having celebrity crushes is better than having real life crushes;Because you know for a fact that you don't have a chance!

Interesting 1 After getting up early in the morning;Pray to God and thank Him for making your day.Then read brilliant message of mine;Whose smartness will inspire you whole day!

Interesting 61 Some days the supply of available swear words is insufficient to meet my demands!

Interesting 1 In bad times, some people turn to God; and some turn to alcohol.Honestly speaking, I don't see any difference. Both ways life is being guided by a spirit.Hence my resolution for this year is to "lead a spirit'ual life"!

Interesting 4 Work is worship... but I am an atheist!

Interesting 2 Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!

Interesting 13 The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action!

Expecting is my favorite crime & disappointment is always my punishment.

Interesting 2 Best Relationship:Talk like best friends;Play like children;Argue like husband & wife;Protect each other like brother & sister.

Interesting 3 Attitude Reloaded:If you want to say bad things about me - behind my back, come to me...I'll tell you more.

Interesting 1 Money is not everything in life, but make sure you have enough of it before such nonsensical thoughts come to your mind!

Interesting 1 If someone waits for YOU, it doesn't mean that they have nothing else to do;It just means that nothing else is more important than YOU!

Interesting 3 Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart.

Interesting 2 3 Dreams of a man:To be as handsome as his mother thinks;To be as rich as his child believes;To have as many women as his wife suspects.

Interesting 2 Sympathy, you can get from anybody; but Jealousy, you have to earn it!

Interesting With atomic and meteoric regards, my volcanic impulse trembles every time I greet a person with a magnitude of character and charm like you!

Interesting Whenever you are feeling down, remember that today you broke your personal record for the number of days without dying!

Age 11: I whip my hair back and forth!Age 37: I drive my kids back and forth!Age 69: I rock my chair back and forth!

Interesting Common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it.

Interesting 8 We have solutions for all the problems......When they are not ours!

Interesting 4 Oh, you're cooler than me? Then I guess that makes me hotter than you.

Interesting When I'm bored, nobody texts me. When I'm busy, I'm the most popular person on the planet.

Interesting I still remember the first time I fell for you. I haven't gotten up since.

Interesting No matter how hard a girl acts, at the end of the day she's still a girl. She just wants to be kissed and held.

Interesting Strong nations have weak currencies and weak nations have strong currencies foisted on them.

Interesting My boss is so unpopular even his own shadow refuses to follow him.

Interesting Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies;Dear Pillow, sorry for the tears.Dear Heart, sorry for the damage.Dear Brain, you were right.

I'm not making any plans. I'm just going to let the universe surprise me!

Interesting 2 Being male is a matter of birth;Being a man is a matter of age;And being a gentleman is a matter of choice!

Interesting 5 When the only light in your world is suddenly gone... it's time to recharge your phone!

Interesting 3 You don't know something? Google It.You don't know someone? Facebook It.You can't find something? Mom!

Interesting 12 Amazing Insight:Mangoes help in weight loss, only if.........you climb the tree and pluck them yourself!

Interesting 5 Give me some Sunshin;Give me some Rain.Give me another Girlfriend;I am single once again!

Interesting 33 A peacock is just a chicken manufactured by Versace!

Interesting 12 With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything!

Interesting 5 My hand never pains, when typing message for you;But my heart always pain, when there is no reply from you!

Interesting 17 Sometimes being silly with a friend is the best therapy!

Skype Conversations:5% - Hey, how are you?95% - Can you hear me?

Interesting One the best feeling of the world is knowing that someone is happy because of you.

How come Soy sauce is black and Soy Milk is white when Soybeans are Green?

Interesting 4 I am not old, I woke up, I lifted my arms, I moved my knees, I turned my neck. Everything made the same noise, 'crrrrrrrrraaaacccck!"I came to a conclusion, I am not old... I am crispy!

Interesting 7 The easiest way to make your old car run better is to check the prices of new cars!

Interesting 2 There is a small gap between confidence and over-confidence.You can kiss your girlfriend is confidence.And only you can kiss your girlfriend is over-confidence!

Interesting 10 I recently took up Mediation... it's better than sitting around doing nothing!

Interesting 6 What is special in Love?Nothing special.It has two vowels, two consonants and two fools!

Interesting / Love 23 Losing a wife can be hard, some times it's almost impossible!

Interesting 3 Follow your heart, it's the GPS of your soul!

Interesting 12 In this world, everybody makes mistakes... but only mother-in-law, wife and boss have a God-gifted talent of finding them!

Interesting / Marriage 3 I used to be addicted to soap... but I'm clean now!

PICSMSTEXT Why men are like toilets?1. They are always out of order.2. They stink.3. The nice ones are always engaged.4. They consume large amounts of liquid.5. They are constantly full of crap.

Interesting Tell her that she is BEAUTIFUL instead of HOT. She's a woman, not a TEMPERATURE.

Interesting Regular marriage & Gay marriage are like bikini tops and bras. Exactly the same thing, yet only one is allowed in public.

Interesting Your Ex asking you if they still be friends after the break-up is like......an abductor telling you to keep in touch!

Interesting Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

Interesting Middle Age: When you want to see how long your car will last instead of how fast it will go.

Interesting Girls' PC folder: C/desktop/songs/romantic songs......Boys' PC folder: C/windows/system32/drivers/study material/important files/educational stuff/data structure algorithms/SUNNY LEONE.avi

Interesting It's amazing what you can hide, just by putting on a smile.

Interesting We can only dream of faces we've seen in the past, whether we actively remember them or not.The brain cannot invent these.

Interesting Pls dont pick up calls from unknown numbers today.It might be your past catching up to wish you a Happy Father's Day !

I wish there were another day off to recover from a 4-day long weekend!

Interesting These are the sure ways to my heart:1. Buy me food2. Make me food3. Be food

Interesting If people have to choose between freedom and sandwiches they will take sandwiches.

Interesting The Selfie Cycle:Take SelfieExamine SelfieGet Self ConsciousErase SelfieTake Selfie

Interesting I have issues with my Wife.............Two Sons!

Interesting / Marriage Nowadays:Love is a matter of chance;Matrimony a matter of money;And divorce a matter of course!

Interesting / Marriage / Love I always advice people never to give advice!

Interesting A good understanding is achieved only after a long misunderstanding between two hearts!

Interesting Going to the toilet without your phone is like going to a battlefield without a gun!

Interesting The bad news: Nothing lasts forever!The good news: Nothing lasts forever!

I am feeling WEEK:Hate MondayAnnoy TuesdayIgnore WednesdaySmile ThursdayEnjoy FridayLove SaturdayDamn Sunday

Interesting Women are smarter than men, but men have the advantage of not knowing this.

Interesting Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

Interesting Extending one hand to help somebody has more value than joining two hands for prayer!

Interesting God laughs at 2 occasions:When someone says, "I'll make your life;And when someone says, "I'll destroy you!"

Interesting Women's logic:When you like a guy, do nothing about it and expect him to magically know and make the first move.

Interesting Your age doesn't define your maturity;Your grades don't define your intellect;And rumours don't define who you are.

Interesting People with a good sense of humor have a better sense of life.

Interesting Oh Lord! Please be kind to us. You may start from me!

Interesting If steroids are illegal for athletes, then Photoshop should be illegal for models.

Went to the moon, took 5 photos.Went to the bathroom, took 37 photosPICSMSTEXT You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive!

Interesting / Obvious Heart receives - love;Mind receives - wisdom;Hands receive - giftsAnd only special people receive my Messages!

Interesting Don't loose hope if you aren't getting promotion in office. Remember, Pradyumann is still an ACP and Daya is still an Inspector.And that too, even after 17 years of service!

Interesting Million Dollar Truth:If Saturday and Sunday don't excite you, then change your friends.If Monday doesn't motivate you, then change your profession.If Monday is too exciting and you are dying to get to work then you should change your spouse!

Interesting In this world, everybody makes mistakes... but only a mother-in-law, a husband and a boss have the God-gifted talent of finding them!

Interesting / Marriage COFFEEOLOGY:Use every Mocha!Espresso yourself!Better Latte than never!Take life one cup at a time!So many blends, so little time!

Interesting / Hinglish The parents of today are unique and the most understanding generation.They are the last generation who listened to their parents;And also the first who listen to their children!

Interesting My Ex is simply amazing. My Ex is smarter, more successful, and more attractive than I am.~ Bumper Sticker I put on my Ex's Car

Interesting Selfie is a proof that Smartphones and Internet have made people so alone that they can't find a friend or relation who can take their picture!

Interesting Sometimes, from time to time, now and again, occasionally, at times, I wish I'd never been given this Thesaurus!

When you are in ANGER, you are just one letter short of DANGER.While you are GOOD to others you are one letter more than GOD.Choice is Yours.

Interesting 23 I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.

Interesting 1 My mom told me to follow my dreams. So I took a nap.

Interesting 1 Ale-alejandro;Judas-juda-ah-ah;Po-po-pokerface;Te-te-telephone...Does Lady Gaga suffer from "Stuttered Speech Syndrome"?

Interesting 2 Visiting someone's houseEarlier Times: What a lovely house!Modern Times: What's your WiFi password?

Interesting 1 "I promise", "I am sorry" and "I love you"- they all have eight letters, but so does 'Bullshit'!

Interesting 3 While also beautiful, we can all agree that a 100 meter butterfly would be terrifying.

Interesting 1 Do what you can;For who you can;With what you have;and where you are.

Interesting 3 My parents have incredible will power. They exert incredible power over me by threatening to cut me out of their will.

Interesting 1 Oh, maybe you should eat makeup so you will be pretty on the inside too.

PICSMSTEXT 3 easy ways to die:Drink alcohol daily, you'll die 10 years early.Puff a cigarette daily, you'll die 20 years early.Love someone who doesn't love you back, you'll die daily!

Interesting 20 Buying and selling of anything is controlled by legislation;But the first things to be bought and sold are always the legislators!

Interesting A very cute reply:Person 1: How is your life?Person 2: She's fine!

Interesting 6 It's not bad to be a dumb. Half of the world is dependent on computers with Zero IQ!

Interesting 5 People are choosing cremation over traditional burial. It shows that they are - Thinking out of the Box!

Interesting 2 Nothing is impossible if a man tries and a woman cries!

Interesting 10 Girlfriends are like Ferrari cars. They are good to see and feel but very difficult to own and maintain!

Interesting 11 Dear Chetan Bhagat,Half GirlfriendOne NightTwo StatesThree MistakesFive Point Five Point SomeoneEnough of running between the wickets. Next time, better hit a 4 or a 6!

Interesting / Cricket 9 Who said land-line phones are out of fashion?Simply buy an iPhone. All day long, it has to be plugged to a charger. By God, it really gives you the feeling of being a 'land-line' phone!

Interesting 13 To be born with a personality is a gift from your parents;But to die as a personality is a return gift to your parents!

SMS doesn't mean:S: ShortM: MessagingS: ServiceIt only means:S: SweetM: MemoriesS: Sharedwith a special, loving, caring, cute and sweet person like U!

Interesting 127 You know you're awesome when people you don't even know hate you.

Interesting 2 I don't regret the things I've done;I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance!

Interesting 14 After looking at the cheerleaders in Sri Lanka, one really can't blame Ravana for abducting Sita.

Interesting 15 5 minutes of extra sleep in the morning seriously does matter.

Interesting 25 We live in a world where "deleting history" is more important than "creating history".

Interesting 80 There's Hell in Hello;Good in Goodbye;Lie in Believe;Over in Lover;End in Friend;Ex in Next;And If in Life.

Interesting 73 Women fall in love by what they hear;And men fall in love by what they see.That's why women wear makeup and men lie.

Interesting 34 What's easy and difficult in life?MISTAKESEasy to judge when others make them and difficult to recognise and realise when we commit them.

Interesting 35 I'm perfect in my imperfections, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses and beautiful in my own way cause I'm me.

May God break all the front teeth of those people who secretly plot evil against you... so that you may know your enemies by their smiles!

Interesting 8 Selfie is the proof that smartphones and internet have made people so alone that they don't find a friend who can take a pic!

Interesting 7 Nice message for the youth:There was once a competition between Pulsar and Karizma on the road... but finally ambulance won the race!

Interesting 15 Speed of sound is really funny.Our parents tell us something when we are 14+;And we hear and understand it when we are 40+!

Interesting 5 If nobody hates you, you are doing something boring!

Interesting 6 In India, a girl never expresses her liking for a boy thinking boy should express it first.And a boy never expresses it with a fear of losing her as a friend.That's why love stories end before they even start!

Interesting 15 If you can make a woman laugh, you're halfway there;But if you're halfway there and she laughs... then you have got problems!

Interesting / Women 9 Sometimes the nicest people you meet are covered in tattoos;And sometimes the most judgemental people you meet, go to Church on Sundays!

Interesting 1 If men had no faith in one another, all of us would have to live within our incomes!

Interesting 2 If everyone forgets you, I'll be with you;If everyone betrays you, I'll be with you;If everyone lets you down, I'll still be with you;But if every one likes you, then sorry I will be with them!

Look at the person in the mirror. Give that person a hug. This is the person you'll need to love the most for the rest of your life. Till death do you part!

Interesting 27 Women have an unfair advantage over Men. If they can't get what they want by being Smart, they can get it by being Dumb.

Interesting 27 Always listen to your heart. It's on your Left side but it's always Right.

Interesting 54 Loving a girl or a boy for his/her beauty is like buying a house just for it's paint.

Interesting 58 What's the Positive, Comparative and Superlative Adjective of of 'Egoism' in Tamil Nadu?I, Iyer, Iyengar.

Interesting 9 Misfortune is the kind of fortune that never misses.

Interesting 10 What if 11:11 actually works but there's one person in this world that's wishing for everyone's wishes not to come true?

Interesting 8 What makes me clever is allowing you to think I'm stupid!

Interesting 10 Choosing to spend money on experiences like trips, meals and concerts instead of material items means you're happier and probably cooler.

Interesting 4 Loneliness is a special enjoyment when chosen by our self but hard to digest when gifted by others.

The world may not be full of Assholes;But sadly, they are so strategically placed that you come across one every day!

Interesting 3 Our body is full of water but wherever it hurts, Blood comes out.And our heart is full of blood but whenever it hurts, Tears comes out!

Interesting 8 Difference between Promises and Memories:Promises = We break them!Memories = They break us!

Interesting 14 Compromise: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece!

Interesting 7 While making matches, FB renders great help to Indians. We know almost anyone's age or can deduce prospective match's age according to his Friend List or parents' age!

Interesting / Facebook 3 I think women spend more time thinking about what men are thinking than men actually spend time thinking!

Interesting 9 Long before Shakira, the Punjab Police knew that - hips don't lie. A few whacks on the bum; and everyone starts singing the truth!

Interesting 2 Don't judge a book by its cover. My Maths textbook had a picture of people enjoying and having fun on it!

Interesting 5 I feel better after I wine a little!

Interesting / Alcohol 7 Remember when we thought it would be fun to grow up and have jobs?

Careful: (Adult Message)Proceed and read only if U are above 18 yrs of age...........Elections are approaching. Please get your Voter ID made and please do VOTE!

Interesting Buying a book is like making a promise. The intent is clear but action well into the future.

Interesting I've been through:1/1/12/2/23/3/34/4/45/5/56/6/67/7/78/8/89/9/910/10/1011/11/1112/12/12And I cared a hoot for them.For me it's just 36/24/36!

Interesting Laziness is mother of all bad habits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and everyone should respect her!

Interesting The 'arms' of a man and the 'tears' of a woman can accomplish any task in the world.

Interesting 3 horrible facts:1. Today is not Friday2. Tomorrow is not Friday3. The day after tomorrow is not Friday.

Interesting Reality Check:When you need 'advice', everybody is ready to "help" you.But when you need 'help, everybody gives you 'advice'.

Interesting I am a Wonder Woman!I wonder where I left my keys;I wonder how I put on weight;I wonder where my money went;I wonder where I put my phone;I often wonder why I wonder!

Interesting A smile is the lighting system of the face;The cooling system of the head;And the heating system of the heart!

Interesting Philosophy: The questions that may never be answered.Religion: The answers that must never be questioned!

God is always playing Chess with each one of us. He makes moves in our life and then sits back to see how we react to the Challenges.So make the best move before getting Checkmate!

Interesting Children have become so expensive that only the poor can afford them!

Interesting I bought a new printer because it was cheaper than ink refills.Now I'm wondering - how long before new cars are cheaper than fuel!

Interesting Candy Crush might be a great game;But it kills time, and I find it inane;You love it and need more gifts and lives;When involving players, please avoid my name;As It's turning out to be source of my bane!

Interesting Never understood the logic behind hiding groom's shoes for money? If one hides the bride, one can earn in lakhs from him!

Interesting Some of us don't succeed with our 1st love... because of lack certain qualities.But after having acquired those qualities, we never love again!

Interesting The first half of our lives is spent ignoring our parents' advice and the second half in trying to keep our children from ignoring ours!

Interesting Never get into an argument with someone who types faster than you!

Interesting If one is supposed to learn from one's mistakes, why do some people have more than one child!

Interesting My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right!

Women are completely equal to men as long as there's no spiders or heavy objects in the room.

Interesting 7 The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children.

Interesting 17 Women worry about the things that men forget;And men worry about the things that women remember!

Interesting 24 Brand Amassadors:Gujarat: Amitabh BachchanWest Bengal: Shah Rukh KhanDelhi: Shakti Kapoor

Interesting 27 An empty web browsing history is a sure sign of guilt.

Interesting 35 Nothing rhymes with orange? False. Nothing and orange do not rhyme.

Interesting 7 Women fall in love by what they hear;And men fall in love by what they see.That's why......Most of the women put on makeup; And most of the men lie!

Interesting 93 Success comes from right decisions;Right decision come from confidence;Confidence comes from experience;And experience comes from wrong decisions!

Interesting 139 Two places are the most valuable in the world.The nicest place is to be in someone's thoughts;And the safest place is to be in someone's heart!

Interesting 24 My ear is always open for appreciation, but for criticism, you'll have to make an appointment.

I think that if I died and went straight to Hell it would take me at least a week to realize I wasn't at work anymore!

Interesting 9 Dear God,When I asked - can my day get any worse?It was a rather innocent question, not meant to be a challenge!

Interesting 1 I can see exactly 6 years into the future. I have 2020 vision!

Interesting 3 Today is one of those days where I wish I could restore myself to the Factory Settings!

Interesting If Plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. So keep calm!

Interesting 2 This would be really funny if it weren't happening to me!

Interesting All GOOD guys go to heaven; And all BAD guys go to women!

Interesting 19 Subway and McDonalds: Where women make sandwiches for men without complaining!

Interesting 2 Attitude Reloaded:There are only two uncommon reasons for us to be on Earth.Hell can't bear us and Heaven can't afford us!

Interesting 52 Life is like a coin - pleasure and pain are its two sides.Only one side is visible at a time;But remember other side is waiting for its turn!

What's the difference between a mother's and a girlfriend's tears?A mother's tears effect our Heart and a girlfriend's tears effect our...Pocket!

Interesting I hate how Monday is so far away from Friday, yet Friday is so damn close to Monday!

Interesting Indian Income Tax Department Slogan:We've got what it takes to take what you've got!

Interesting The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest!

Interesting Women are like alcohol - it's your choice if you let them give you a pleasant high or let them ruin you completely!

Interesting Hard fact about youngsters:They're always busy watching the desktop wallpaper whenever their parents enter their room!

Interesting Women drivers are like stars in the sky. You can see them but they can't see you.

Interesting Women are like fruits.Everyone has its unique colour, shape, aroma and taste. Problem is with men, they want FRUIT SALAD.

Interesting Women are a strange breed.They paint their lips;Show off their inner-wear;Flaunt their bodies;Wear butt-hugging Jeans;And then they expect men to notice their emotions!

Interesting "Two and a Half Men" was a nice show. Sadly, it lost its Sheen.

When you feel neglected, just think of a female salmon who lays three million eggs. And nobody even remembers her on Mother's Day?

Interesting 3 Your message is an electrical activity to my heart.Your missed call is a missed beat of my heart.Your call is blood circulation of my heart.And when you don' call me, it's a heart attack.So please keep my Heart active happy and healthy at all times!

Interesting 41 A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good!

Interesting 3 Money may the worst invention to spoil the humans;But it's the most trusted material to test human nature!

Interesting 17 If you can't be good, better be good at it!

Interesting 14 I'm making a list of all the things that I ought to do before I die. I call it 'Oughtobiography'!

Interesting 7 If you can still do at 60 what you did at 20, it means you weren't doing much at 20!

Interesting 1 The hardest thing in life is to do nothing - 'cause you never know when you're finished!

Interesting 5 Banks keep going out of their way to give me credit... and for that, I am deeply indebted!

Interesting 6 I could retire nicely if I could sell my experience for what it cost me!

If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them. Otherwise, be brave enough to watch them be loved by someone else!

Interesting 40 Home: It is the place where you can......scratch your body, exactly at the point where it is itching!

Interesting 8 When we were kids, we couldn't wait to grow up n fall in love.Now that we are grown up, we realise that wounded knees were easier to heal than broken hearts!

Interesting 28 Dhirubhai Ambani's 'Will' was pretty obvious the way he named his sons.MuCASHandaNIL!Strange but TRUE!

Interesting 35 The only reason I'm obese is because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality!

Interesting 10 If silence is considered to be golden at all occasions then why do people get hurt when we don't talk to them?

Interesting 33 Three horrible facts:1. Today is not Friday.2. Tomorrow is not Friday.3. Even the day after tomorrow is not Friday!

Interesting 28 Dear Yahoo,I've never heard someone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo it"!Sincerely,Google

Interesting 6 I wish people were like money, so you could hold them up to the light to see which ones are real and which ones are fake!

Interesting 20 3 Best Ads:Red Cross: Donate blood, but not on road!Forest deptt.: Shoot birds but only with Camera!Kingfisher: Fly with Kingfisher, Not on Plane but with Beer!

If you hear no evil and see no evil, call the TV repairman!

Interesting 3 The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age!

Interesting 7 Why is it called "Common Sense" if more than 95% of the people in the world don't have it?

Interesting 23 At 50k, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 'Tablet' is the costliest addictive drug!

Interesting 8 Girlfriends are like appetizers, they're good at all times;Mistresses are like pizzas, hot and spicy and enjoyed frequently;Wives are like curd and rice, good only nothing else's available!

Interesting 116 I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing;And I thank the ones who left my life and made it fantastic!

Interesting / Relationship 42 Dancing is the art of pulling your feet away faster than your partner can step on them!

Interesting 3 My charger is in the other room. Why do bad things happen to good people?

Interesting 5 Don't stop having fun when you get older;Because you'll get older when you stop having fun!

Interesting 15 All the women on the 58 internet dating sites I've joined seem so sad and desperate!

People are corrupt - the Politicians, the Police, the Bureaucrats, the Judiciary and other government servants just take care of their interests!

Interesting 16 S2, S3 and now S4. Forget Apple; Indian Railways are planning to sue Samsung for copying them!

Interesting 25 Dear Samsung,If you design a phone for Humans; why don't you show some Humanity while pricing it?

Interesting 29 It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end!

Interesting 11 Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Interesting 4 Now Samsung has more Galaxies than the whole Universe!

Interesting 16 Full form of maths;M= MentallyA= AdmittedT= TeacherH= HarassingS= Students

Interesting 128 Taglines:Twitter: What's Happening?Facebook: What's on your Mind?Pinterest: A place to organize and share things you love.Orkut: Where did everyone go?

Interesting 35 Nokia: Smart PhoneSamsung: Smarter PhoneiPhone: Smartest PhoneBlackBerry: Over-smart Phone

Interesting 298 Money can't buy you happiness but it can sure buy you 'Ecstasy'!

With the New iPhone 5, one can take a picture under water,..........but just once!

Interesting 93 A woman always knows what she wants, until it's time to get dressed.

Interesting 7 Life is full of beautiful things:Soft sunsets, colourful rainbows, delicate blossoms, love and laughter, quiet moments and fantastic people like me.Enjoy till it lasts!

Interesting 65 When two Punjabis argue on the road, technically one who does not have a sister wins by default!

Interesting 6 When I die, I want my grave to offer free Wi-Fi - so that people visit it more often!

Interesting 20 The easiest way to make your old car run better is to check the prices of a new car.

Interesting 4 My girlfriend says I have the body of a man half my age, which would be a nice compliment if I wasn't 22!

Interesting 7 Hugh Hefner - 87 years old, has 27 years old wife;Berlusconi - 77 years old, has a 27 years old girlfriend;Maradona - 52 years old, has a 22 years old girlfriend.Moral : Don't worry that you don't have a girlfriend or wife, your's probably isn't born yet!

Interesting 187 Can one die from constipation? I'm a little scared as to how some people are so full of shit!

Interesting 4 Breaking News:The Japanese have developed a camera that has such a fast shutter speed that it can take the picture of a woman with her mouth shut.

PICSMSTEXT A conscience does not prevent sin. It merely prevents you from enjoying it!

Interesting I worry about germs on money. So I try to spend it before it makes me sick!

Interesting 5 How to meet the woman of your dreams?Never wake up!

Interesting 14 See No Evil;Hear No Evil;Speak No Evil...And you shall never be a success at any party!

Interesting 7 Why are computers like air conditioners?They work fine until you start opening Windows!

Interesting 8 Bachna Ae Haseeno;Lo 'MAY' Aa Geya!

Interesting 29 I named my house 'Shape'. As a result, now I'm always in SHAPE!

Interesting 1 Dear Almighty,All I ask for is a chance to prove that winning the lottery won't make me a bad person.Amen!

Interesting Under Indian justice system, one goes to jail before trial and is let off after conviction!

Interesting 4 The past of eat is ate;And the future of ate is......Weight!

With the advent of Android, Earth has become a Planet of the Apps!

Interesting 22 I got my girlfriend to come the other day. I can also get her to fetch, sit and play dead!

Interesting 7 When my bank balance depresses me, I look at my email spam folder to check the million dollars I have won!

Interesting 15 MONEY TALKS - Mine always says 'Good-bye'!

Interesting 4 Earlier people used to remove their hats to give respect and now our new generation removes head phones to give respect!

Interesting 76 Friend 1: I am Hungary...Friend 2: Maybe you should Czech the fridge!Friend 1: Good idea, I'm Russian to the kitchen!

Interesting 15 If you fall in river there is a boat, if you fall in well there is rope.But if you fall in love there is no hope.

Interesting 103 In a country of free speech, why are there phone bills?

Interesting 8 The most powerful word other than "I Love You" is "Salary Is Credited"!

Interesting 54 Half of a woman's life goes in calculating how to repeat a dress without letting people know.

Technology Shloka:Karagre Vasate AndroidKarmadhye WhatsappKarmule tu FacebookumPrabhate Mobile Darshanum!

Interesting / Hinglish Never trust hair dressers... they are always talking behind your back!

Interesting Unless you fell off the treadmill and smacked your face, no one gives a hoot about your workout!

Interesting If I'm ever murdered, I have no doubt my chalk outline would include my phone in my hand!

Interesting Once my girlfriend wanted me to surprise her with something for her birthday that would take her breath away... so I got her a treadmill!

Interesting Band-Aids come in two varieties. The kind that won't stay on and the kind that won't come off!

Interesting I've decided I'm not going to focus on my past anymore. So if I owe anyone money, I'm sorry!

Interesting I survived 15 years without internet but now it's hard to survive 15 seconds waiting for a page to load!

Interesting If you love somebody, let them go. If they're smart, they'll keep going!

Interesting There are people in this world who do not love their fellow men... I hate people like that!

A very personal message from Alia Bhatt:I hope you get up early - brush your teeth - do some exercise - have a hearty breakfast - take a bath - dress up in nice good casual clothes, wear some good fragrance and.....and...then go and vote!

Interesting / Pranks 104 People who exercise to live longer... but what's the point when those extra years are spent in a GYM!

Interesting 10 That awkward moment when you give your phone to someone to see some picture and they start scrolling through the rest without even asking from you!

Interesting 1 Silence is golden, unless you have kids then silence is just suspicious!

Interesting 6 It's true that I am not perfect in many things of life;But even this is true that many things are not perfect without me!

Interesting 51 After much thought and deliberation, the general consensus now is that:Men are from Bars;And Women are from Malls!

Interesting / Women 7 Holidays, Hotels & Women:Three things that always look better online than in real life!

Interesting 18 Na Kuchh Tu Lekar Aaya Tha, Na Hi Kuchh Lekay Jayega;Mujhe Message Na Karke Zaalim, Tu Kitna Chillar Bachayega!

Interesting 343 "I love you" is a mathematical function where 'I love' is constant and 'You' is a variable!

Interesting / Love 54 Temptation - Something which when resisted gives happiness and which when yielded to gives greater happiness!

The only thing man cleans at home is his..........Browser history!

Interesting 16 The worst moment in your life;When you go to your lover's marriage and the photographer asks you to;'SMILE'

Interesting 43 A healthy attitude is contagious;But;Don't wait to catch it from others.Be a carrier.

Interesting 19 Computers are almost human - except they don't blame their mistakes on other computers!

Interesting 11 Putting your phone away and paying attention to those who are talking to you?There's an App for it. It's called......'Respect'!

Interesting 22 I got damn lucky today. I bought some flavoured air and I got some chips free!

Interesting 4 "Flying Kiss" was the initiation of mankind to wireless technology!

Interesting 53 It's ironic that the colors red, white and blue are the colours of freedom, until they are flashing behind you!

Interesting 9 The trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun!

Interesting 7 An angry woman can pack everything she owns in an hour to leave your house to go to her parents';But it'll take her a week to pack for one week vacation!

That moment when someone's zipper is down but you don't know whether to tell them because you can't explain why you were looking!

Interesting 12 It's funny that people crave for restaurant quality dish at home and the same time, home-made quality dishes at a restaurant!

Interesting 7 Doesanyoneknowwhatthebaronthebottomofthekeyboardisfor?

Interesting 4 If someone throws a stone at you, throw a flower at them. But remember to......throw the flower pot with it!

Interesting 29 Politicians crave power. Indians crave electricity!

Interesting 13 99% of people in this world are stupid. Luckily I'm part of the other 5%!

Interesting 10 Laughter is always the best medicine... unless you have diarrhea!

Interesting 10 Dear Food,Either stop being so delicious or stop making me fat!

Interesting 15 What's more dangerous than a woman is a...woman with good memory!

Interesting 18 Men will be Men but.......Girls will become Aunties!

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

Interesting 5 Sometimes I sit quietly and wonder why I am not in a mental asylum. Then I take a good look around at everyone and realize... may be I already am!

Interesting 7 What's that thing called when your crush likes you back? Oh yeah! It's called Imagination!

Interesting 3 It's ironic that the colors red, white and blue are the colours of freedom, until they are flashing behind you.

Interesting 7 The trouble with jogging is that by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back!

Interesting 7 Generation Gap:The lady who remembers her first kiss... now has a daughter who won't even remember her first boyfriend!

Interesting 13 Immature: A word that boring people use to describe interesting people!

Interesting 3 If you think patience is a virtue, try surfing the net without high speed Internet!

Interesting 9 I am very active on social networking sites but still my neighbours think that I am not!

Interesting 6 When the only 'Light' in my life is suddenly gone... It's time to 'Recharge' my phone's battery!

Gossip is like an apple. In order to be really good, it has to be juicy!

Interesting 10 There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, hire someone or forbid your kids to do it!

Interesting 6 Why do women ask so many questions? Because they have an extra 'Y' chromosome!

Interesting 28 Women - beware of love!It starts when you sink in his arms;And it ends with your arms in the sink!

Interesting 2 Don't get all weird about getting older. Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!

Interesting 18 The only thing preventing me from smashing my alarm every morning is the fact that it's my phone!

Interesting 9 A man got 2 wishes from God. He immediately wished for the best DRINK and the best WOMAN.He got... Mineral Water and Mother Teresa.

Moral: Investment is subject to market risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing!

Interesting 76 Don't wear skinny jeans if you don't have any skinny genes!

Interesting 3 Cellphones have ruined the joy of throwing someone into a pool!

Interesting 3 My day starts backwards. I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake!

Interesting They say money doesn't bring happiness, but everyone still want..........to prove it for themselves!

Interesting 8 I'm being followed by a Gym... I don't think it's going to work out!

Interesting 2 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks together!

Interesting 12 The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson!

Interesting 8 Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again!

Interesting 6 When you do a good deed, get a receipt in case Heaven is like the Tax Department!

Interesting 3 Incredible India:It's easier to cross to Indian borders then Indian roads!

Interesting 46 Give a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

Interesting 5 Sometimes all you need is $ 100,000,000!

Interesting When you owe the bank Rs 1 lakh and you're broke, you have a problem;And when you owe the bank 1 crore and you're broke, the bankhas a problem!

Most accidents won't happen if we avoid potholes and assholes!

Interesting Every problem comes with a solution. If it doesn't have any solution, it's a woman!

Interesting If I die in my sleep, I can honestly say I died doing what I love!

Interesting Past TensePresent TenseFuture Tense

And then they say that life is easy!

Interesting It used to be that only death and taxes were inevitable. Now, of course, there's shipping, handling and insurance, too!

Interesting People'll believe anything if you whisper it!

Interesting 1813 - Women have no Rights1913 - Women fight for some Rights2013 - Women are always Right

Interesting It's really a Bhikari moment when you're waiting for your turn to eat Pani Puri!

Interesting Never argue with a woman when she's angry or...............when she's tired or relaxed or happy or simply NEVER!

Interesting I told my girlfriend she'd drawn her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised!

You know you're ugly... when it comes to a group picture and they hand you the camera!

Interesting I went to China to the funeral of my Chinese friend. When people close to you die, it's weird how you see their face everywhere you look!

Interesting Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk!

Interesting I enjoy a good conversation except the part... where the other person talks!

Interesting I have an inferiority complex, it's just not a very good one!

Interesting A careful study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy anything, was last year!

Interesting Every time I close the door on reality, it comes in through the windows!

Interesting If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, nobody else wants them either!

Interesting Money can't buy happiness... but it sure makes misery easier to live with!

Interesting Teamwork means never having to take all the blame yourself!

Mom: You spend too much time on the computer, it's like you're addicted.Child: Fine, can I go out?Mom: No!

Interesting 3 A man reaches middle age when he is cautioned to slow down by his doctor instead of by the police!

Interesting The way Whatsapp is interfering in our life, it should be named WhatSyappa!

Interesting 49 The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her!

Interesting 10 Remember how far you've come;Not just how far you have to go.You are not where you want to be;But neither are you where you used to be.

Interesting 12 Dear God,Please grant me the patience of a 'chair'. Even it has to deal with all kinds of 'asses'!

Interesting 5 With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything!

Interesting 4 Don't always search for a very good or unique message to send me.I'll simply be happy with an empty message from you;......Because more than a message, just seeing your name makes me immensely happy!

Interesting 95 Can anyone recommend a good movie to kinda listen to while I stare at my phone?

Interesting Showers are amazing. They make one feel nice and clean, make one sound like a professional singer, and helps one make all life's decisions!

Maggi Noodle is the girlfriend of the food world.It always says minutes... but it takes

at least 20 minutes to get ready!

Interesting 54 I don't believe that love comes to those who wait. Today, love comes to those who flirt!

Interesting 36 If it weren't for inflation, I would have sent this message from an iPhone!

Interesting If you have lost something, it will be in the last place you look for it!

Interesting 2 Oh, money can't buy you happiness? Well, poverty can't buy you anything!

Interesting 10 To the people who've got an iPhone: you just bought one, you didn't invent it!

Interesting If we had our way, most of us would choose the front of the bus, the back of the church and the center of attention!

Interesting 11 A friendly advice:Set good songs as custom ringtones for people you don't like. This way, when they call you can enjoy the song while ignoring them!

Interesting / People 12 Online dating: the odds are good but the goods are odd!

Interesting 5 Today, people have been talking that it's 11/12/13 and so many similar dates on earlier occasions.However, when it comes to figures, only one figure interests me......36 - 26 - 36

If a man says you're ugly, he's being mean;If a woman says you're ugly, she's envious;If a little kid says you're ugly, you're ugly!

Interesting / Insults OFFICE:A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life!

Interesting People nowadays are like Bluetooth, If you stay close, they remain connected; If you go away, they find new device!

Interesting If it is important to you, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse!

Interesting I'm not stealing my neighbor's WiFi, their WiFi is trespassing into my house!

Interesting The scary thing about dating is that one is either going to marry that person or break up!

Interesting The hardest thing in life is to do nothing - because you never know when you're finished!

Interesting Don't bother trying to understand women...Women understand women, and they hate each other!

Interesting Watching cooking shows all day and not making a single dish should be made a punishable crime. Ain't it?

Interesting Dear Lord,May be money can't buy happiness but it's only fair to give me some and let me learn the lesson myself!

By doing just a little every day, I can gradually let the task overwhelm me!

Interesting 1 Difference between a lady and a woman?A lady does what she's told and a woman does what she damn well pleases!

Interesting 6 Hardest job in the world:..........Police Sketch Artist in CHINA!

Interesting 12 Banner in Front of a Corporate Office:Please drive slowly, Don't kill our employees. Leave them to us... we do it in a legal manner.Regards,HR

Interesting 20 What if the Mayan calendar ends in 5105 and we've just been holding it upside down?

Interesting 2 Some women are terribly hard to please... the rest are impossible!

Interesting 10 As I have grown older, I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake!

Interesting 5 Women don't dress up to impress man,they dress up to irritate other women!

Interesting 50 Your conscience may not keep you from doing wrong; But it sure keeps you from enjoying it!

Interesting 9 Becoming aware of my "character defects" leads me to the next step - blaming my parents!

My sleeping schedule is totally dependent on..........the remaining battery power of my phone!

Interesting 9 Gambling is an excellent way of getting nothing for something!

Interesting No matter how hard I try, I just never seem to run out of bad ideas...

Interesting 4 It takes 49 muscles to CRY and 12 muscles to SMILE;But only 6 muscles to SLAP someone...So whenever someone hurts you, don't cry - just slap the person tightly!

Interesting / Smile 19 Living healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which you can die!

Interesting 1 Dear Vegetarians,Thanks for saving all the good food for us!Sincerely,Non- Vegetarian!

Interesting 2 My family says I talk in my sleep; but nobody at work has ever mentioned it!

Interesting 4 When standing in line, I only hate the people in front of me. Everyone behind me is cool!

Interesting 8 When buying gifts for women,the most important thing to remember,is the receipt... so that she can change it!

Interesting 14 People around the world have become very lazy. I am sure World war 3 will be fought online!

As phones continue to get smarter and thinner,..........people continue to get fatter and dumber!

Interesting 21 Smokers and cigarettes have a lung-distance relationship!

Interesting 21 New Table Etiquette:Forks on the Left and Mobile on the Right!

Interesting 2 The Golden Rule: those with the gold, make the rules!

Interesting 5 Maths and Women are the two most complicated things in this world; But

Maths, at least has LOGIC!

Interesting 54 HUMAN BRAIN:Forgets what we want to remember;And remembers what we want to forget!

Interesting 18 If someone hates you for no reason, give that 'jerk' a reason!

Interesting 10 Ironical, but True: When I was a child, I used to forget everything. So I was told to "learn to remember" to move ahead in life.Now, when I'm able to remember... I'm told to "learn to forget" and move ahead in life!

Interesting 22 Always respect 2 people in you life:. Who has spent all his time and wealth on you: DADWho has spent all her nights to pray for you: MOM

Interesting 26 Dear LOL,Thanks for being there whenever I have nothing else to say!

I hate it when I run to hug someone sexy and I hit the mirror!

Interesting 14 If a man is allowed to select only one girl from 100 girls and he picks the most beautiful girl, he'll still feel the PAIN of losing the remaining 99....And women always complain that men don't haveFEELINGS!

Interesting 40 Girls want attention and women want respect;But men want both..........No... No... No...Not attention and respect.

Both they want both ... Girls and Women!

Interesting 107 We live in a world that is constructed on promises built by liars!

Interesting 15 Turtle: Nothing is slower than me.Snail: Are you sure?Internet Explorer: Hello?IRCTC: Keep yor voice down!

Interesting 26 There are mean parents, there are cruel parents;And then there are parents who switch off Wifi at night!

Interesting 6 Sleep is so cute when it tries to compete with the internet!

Interesting 15 News: McDonald's to offer salads instead of fries.Now who'll I blame for my


Interesting 3 Gambling addiction hotlines would be so much more effective if every 10th caller was a winner!

Interesting 5 Nothing gives more happiness than a completely charged battery of phone!

Dear Ex,You dumped me when Whatsapp, Wechat and Line came to the market. It's sad that you ignore me altogether!Yours forever,Text Message.

Interesting 5 1813 - Women Had No Rights1913 - Women Fought For Their Rights2013 - Women Are Always Right

Interesting 29 Women spend more time thinking about what men think; than the actual time spent by men on thinking!

Interesting 6 When a woman asks you to guess her age - it's like deciding whether to cut the blue, red or green wire to diffuse a bomb!

Interesting 11 Facts of Life:5 Apples - Rs. 60/-Apple 5 - Rs. 60,000/-The position matters...

Interesting 32 Guns do not kill people. Triple Cheese Burgers with extra extra bacon, large fries and large drinks do...

Interesting 3 Chocolate comes from Cocoa which comes from a tree... and that makes it a plant.Thus, Chocolate is a salad!

Interesting 8 I wonder what happens when a doctor's wife eats an apple a day!

Interesting 20 Avoid things that make you fat... like:Weighing Scales,Mirrors andPhotographs!

Interesting 8 I think I've found the recipe of happiness.......Now all we need is money to buy the ingredients!

PICSMSTEXT Hitting the gym to release stress is not nearly as effective as hitting the people that caused the stress to begin with!

Interesting 2 Silence is golden unless you have kids, then silence is just suspicious!

Interesting 9 Some people come into your life to make you fall in love with songs you had no idea existed!

Interesting 4 The difference between being anonymous and being fake is similar to between hiding the truth and telling a lie!

Interesting 8 Google is my eyes;Twitter is my heart;Youtube is my voice;Facebook is my hands;Wikipedia is my brain;And SantaBanta is my entertainment!

Interesting / Facebook 46 If you ever feel like a loser... just remember there are people who have liked Rakhi Sawant's fan page on Facebook!

Interesting / Facebook / Bollywood 3 What do you call a guy with extremely hot girlfriend?...............Idiot!

Interesting 45 I've taken a vow of poverty. To annoy me, send money!

Interesting 1 The best advertisement line against Pizza, Pasta, Burger, French Fries and the rest of junk food:"Few moments on Lips, Forever on Hips!"

Interesting 18 I have everything for being rich... Now I need only one last thing - Money!

Don't stress about your eyesight failing as get older. It's just nature's way of protecting you from shock as you walk past the mirror!

Interesting 10 In Gujarat and Punjab, people in minority are those who don't have at least one uncle in USA, UK or Canada!

Interesting 2 Break up season ends with launching of BBM, no more fights due to last seen!

Interesting / News and Politics The best measure of someone's honesty is the zero adjust on their bathroom scale!

Interesting "Knock Knock"Who's there?'Problem'Liar! 'Problem' comes uninvited, only 'Opportunity' knocks at the door!

Interesting 13 The healthiest part of a doughnut is the hole. Unfortunately, one has to eat through the rest of the doughnut to get there!

Interesting Glanbaxy launches new drugs for MEN created by WOMEN scientists...ANIVERSIA: Triggers memories for birthdays and anniversaries.SLIMOXIL: Widens male cornea making wives appear slim.SPORTOBLIND X: Reacts with optic nerve to prevent men from recognizing the word 'Sports' on TV.WORKOCETAMOL: Generates an insatiable desire in men to do household chores.SHOPHOFOBEX: Makes men eager to take wives for shopping every week and wait patiently.FLIRTONATE-N: It reduces vision whenever a pretty girl passes by!Hope to see them soon in the market!

Interesting 14 Have you noticed that people who have irritating coughs never go to the doctor's... they go to the theater, the cinema, the concert...

Interesting / Doctors 3 I write "Sent from my iPhone" at the end of all my scripts so the reader will excuse any spelling or grammatical errors!

Interesting If failures are pillars of success... I can build a palace on these pillars!