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Inter-Continental Spelling Bee Practice Materials

Category 4(Grade 4 & 5)

Oral - On Stage rounds


NO WORD SCRIPT MEANING 1 Voyage /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ a long journey, especially by ship

2 Bough /baʊ/ a large branch of a tree

3 Tutor /ˈtʃuː.tər/ a teacher who works with one student or a small group

4 MEMORY /ˈmem.ər.i/ the ability to remember information, experiences and people

5 ANTHEM /ˈæn.θəm/ a song which has special importance for a particular group of people, an organization or a country, often sung on a special occasion

6 INNOCENT /ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ (of a person) not guilty of a particular crime, or having no knowledge of the unpleasant and evil things in life

7 OCCUPATION /ˌɒk.jəˈpeɪ.ʃən/ a person's job

8 SPRINKLE /ˈsprɪŋ.kəl/ to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface

9 WICKED /ˈwɪk.ɪd/ morally wrong and bad

10 NAUGHTY /ˈnɔː.ti/ badly behaved or disobedient child

11 ESCAPE /ɪˈskeɪp/ to get free from something, or to avoid something

12 QUARREL /ˈkwɒr.əl/ an angry disagreement between two or more people or groups

13 IMAGE /ˈɪm.ɪdʒ/ a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is

14 DEVOTEE /ˌdev.əˈtiː/ a person who strongly admires a particular person or is extremely interested in a subject

15 BACHELOR /ˈbætʃ.əl.ər/ a man who has never married

16 HUSTLE /ˈhʌs.əl/ to make someone move quickly by pushing or pulling them along

17 MELODIOUS /məˈləʊ.di.əs/ very pleasant to listen to

18 QUALM /kwɑːm/ an uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing

19 ZENITH /ˈzen.ɪθ/ the best or most successful point or time

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20 NUISANCE /ˈnjuː.səns/ something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you

21 NEIGHBOUR /ˈneɪ.bər/ someone who lives very near to you

22 BRILLIANT /ˈbrɪl.jənt/ very good

23 LUXURY /ˈlʌk.ʃər.i/ great comfort, especially as provided by expensive and beautiful things

24 PARODY /ˈpær.ə.di/ an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with for comic effect

25 HOMAGE /ˈhɒm.ɪdʒ/ deep respect and often praise shown for a person or god

26 SAVAGE /ˈsæv.ɪdʒ/ extremely violent, wild or frightening

27 COMRADE /ˈkɒm.reɪd/ a colleague or a fellow member of an organization

28 MEAGRE /ˈmiː.ɡər/ (of amounts or numbers) very small or not enough

29 CONVOY /ˈkɒn.vɔɪ/ a group of vehicles or ships which travel together, especially for protection


/ˈɑː.kɪ.tek.tʃər/ the art and science of designing and making buildings

31 YOUTH /juːθ/ the period of your life when you are young, or the state of being young

32 TRAUMA /ˈtrɔː.mə/ severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience

33 BOGGLE /ˈbɒɡ.əl/ to hesitate as if in fear or doubt

34 ADJOURN /əˈdʒɜːn/ to have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial

35 EXPLOSIVE /ɪkˈspləʊ.sɪv/ exploding or able to explode easily

36 MNEMONIC /nɪˈmɒn.ɪk/ something such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something

37 BOUTIQUE /buːˈtiːk/ a small shop that sells fashionable clothes, shoes, jewellery, etc.

38 EVAPORATE /ɪˈvæp.ər.eɪt/ to cause a liquid to change to a gas, especially by heating

39 CEASE /siːs/ to stop something

40 BLABBER /ˈblæb.ər/ to talk a lot, especially in a way people find annoying or embarrassing

41 SQUAD /skwɒd/ a small group of people trained to work together as a unit

42 SURPASS /səˈpɑːs/ to do or be better than

43 BEWILDER /bɪˈwɪl.dər/ to confuse someone

44 OOZE /uːz/ to flow slowly out of something through a small

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opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky liquid

45 ADJACENT /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/ next to or adjoining something else

46 ABRUPT /əˈbrʌpt/ sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant

47 PAMPER /ˈpæm.pər/ indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness

48 RADIANT /ˈreɪ.di.ənt/ shining or glowing brightly

49 IMPLORE /ɪmˈplɔːr/ beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something

50 DEVOTED /dɪˈvəʊ.tɪd/ extremely loving and loyal

51 ECCENTRIC /ɪkˈsen.trɪk/ strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way

52 SUBTLE /ˈsʌt.əl/ not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way

53 BENEATH /bɪˈniːθ/ in a lower position than

54 TRIVIAL /ˈtrɪv.i.əl/ having little value

55 VALOUR /ˈvæl.ər/ great courage in the face of danger

56 DIAGNOSIS /ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnəʊ.sɪs/ a judgment about what a particular illness or problem is, made after examining it

57 COLLEAGUE /ˈkɒl.iːɡ/ one of a group of people who work together

58 RUSTLE /rʌsəl/ a soft sound caused by the movement of dry leaves or paper

59 ELABORATE /iˈlæb.ər.ət/ containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts

60 CEILING /ˈsiː.lɪŋ/ the upper interior surface of a room

61 Excellent /ˈek.səl.ənt/ extremely good

62 Quaint /kweɪnt/ old-fashioned

63 Fright /fraɪt/ the feeling of fear, especially if felt suddenly, or an experience of fear that happens suddenly

64 SCAFFOLD /ˈskæf.əʊld/ a frame that hangs on the side of a building, ship, etc. for people to work from

65 DROUGHT /draʊt/ a long period when there is little or no rain

66 COLUMN /ˈkɒl.əm/ a tall vertical stone post which is used as a support for a roof

67 ATTIRE /əˈtaɪər/ clothes, especially of a particular or formal type

68 TRIBUTE /ˈtrɪb.juːt/ something that you say, write or give which shows your respect and admiration for someone, especially on a formal occasion

69 SEVERE /sɪˈvɪər/ causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.

70 PETITE /pəˈtiːt/ someone who is small and thin in an attractive way

71 SNAFFLE /ˈsnæf.əl/ to take something quickly for yourself, in a way

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that prevents someone else from having or using it

72 ESCALATE /ˈes.kə.leɪt/ to make or become greater or more serious

73 FATIGUE /fəˈtiːɡ/ extreme tiredness

74 HECTIC /ˈhek.tɪk/ very busy and fast

75 TEDIOUS /ˈtiː.di.əs/ boring

76 ZEALOUS /ˈzel.əs/ enthusiastic and eager

77 STAUNCH /stɔːntʃ/ very loyal and committed in attitude

78 JUNCTURE /ˈdʒʌŋk.tʃər/ a particular point in time

79 PHARAOH /ˈfeə.rəʊ/ a king of ancient Egypt

80 JARGON /ˈdʒɑː.ɡən/ special words and phrases, used in works of art

81 REVERIE /ˈrev.ər.i/ (a state of having) pleasant dream-like thoughts

82 KNUCKLE /ˈnʌk.l /̩ one of the joints in the hand where your fingers bend

83 MALADY /ˈmæl.ə.di/ a disorder condition

84 JEALOUSY /ˈdʒel.ə.si/ a feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something or someone that you want

85 ROUTE /ruːt/ a particular way or direction between places

86 CHARITY /ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti/ an organisation set up to provide help and raise money for those in need

87 VISION /ˈvɪʒ.ən/ an idea or mental image of something

88 DAMAGE /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/ to harm or spoil something

89 VARIETY /vəˈraɪə.ti/ a different type of something

90 HOVER /ˈhɒv.ər/ to stay in one place in the air, usually by moving the wings quickly

91 CELEBRITY /sɪˈleb.rɪ.ti/ someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business.

92 HERCULEAN /ˌhɜː.kjʊˈliː.ən/ needing great strength and determination.

93 ATHLETICS /æθˈlet.ɪks/ the general name for a particular group of competitive sports, including running, jumping and throwing.

94 SMASH /smæʃ/ to cause something to break noisily into a lot of small pieces.

95 REFEREE /ˌref.əˈriː/ a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed.

96 POULTRY /ˈpəʊl.tri/ birds, such as chickens, that are bred for their eggs and meat.

97 ANCHOR /ˈæŋ.kər/ a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to tie a vessel to stay to in the same place

98 PLATEAU /ˈplæt.əʊ/ an area of fairly level high ground

99 GAUGE /ɡeɪdʒ / an instrument for measuring or testing

100 MANSION /ˈmæn.ʃən/ a very large, expensive house

101 CALORIE /ˈkæl.ər.i/ a unit of energy

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One word substitution

No Word Meaning 1 Alien a fictional being from another world.

2 Altruist A person who loves every body

3 Amateur One who does something not professionally but for pleasure

4 Ambassador A person representing a state in a foreign country

5 Amnesty Official pardon

6 Amphibian A land animal that breeds in water

7 Anniversary The yearly return of a date of personal or historic importance.

8 Anarchy Absence of government

9 Anniversary The yearly return of a date of personal or historic importance.

10 Anthropology A study of humans within past and present civilizations.

11 Antidote A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine

12 Antiseptic A medicine that prevents the growth of disease causing bacteria.

13 Antonym A word opposite in meaning to another

14 Appreciate To rise in value

15 Aquarium Vessel in which fish and water plants are kept.

16 Audible Sound which can be heard

17 Audience An assembly of listeners or viewers at a lecture or concert.

18 Autobiography A life history written by oneself

19 Autograph Getting signature of some important person in his handwriting

20 Bilingual A person who speaks two languages

21 Biography A life history written by somebody else

22 Biology The science/study of life and living organisms.

23 Biped Animal having two feet.

24 Bookworm One who devotes a lot of time to reading and studying.

25 Botany The branch of biology dealing with plant life

26 Brittle Hard but liable to be easily broken

27 Carnivorous A flesh eating animal

28 Catalogue A systematic list/ record of similar items like books, records, stamps etc.

29 Cemetery A place for burial of dead bodies.

30 Centenarian A person who is above hundred years

31 Century One hundred years.

32 Colleague A co-worker or a fellow-worker in the same institution

33 Cosmology Science of origin of universe

34 Couplet A stanza having two lines in verse.

35 Deaf One who cannot hear

36 Democracy Government of the people, for the people, by the people

37 Dictionary A book dealing with words in alphabetical order along with their meanings.

38 Dieting A small allowance of food to become slim.

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39 Dumb One who cannot speak

40 Ecology Study of environment

41 Edible A thing that is fit to be eaten

42 Epic A long narrative poem usually of historical value.

43 Exile The state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.

44 Forgery Falsification of documents etc.

45 Galaxy Irregular luminous band of stars.

46 Garage A shed for motor car.

47 Gazette A government publication relating to order, notification etc.

48 Geology Study of Earth

49 Glutton One who eats too much

50 Granary A store house for threshed grain.

51 Herbivorous A plant eating animal.

52 Hydrophobia Extreme fear from water.

53 Illegal That which is against law

54 Illegible A handwriting that cannot be read

55 Illicit That is prohibited by law

56 Illiterate A person who cannot read or write

57 Incredible That which cannot be believed

58 Incurable That which cannot be cured

59 Infection A disease spread by contact

60 Infinite Not limited by person or number.

61 Invisible A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes

62 Jail A place where prisoners are kept.

63 Legal That which is lawful

64 Martyr A person who died for the sake of his country.

65 Matinee A cinema show which is held in the afternoon

66 Myth Purely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural being etc.

67 Naughty A badly behaved child.

68 Notorious A person with an evil reputation

69 Novice One who is new to a trade or profession

70 Oasis Fertile spot in desert where there is water.

71 Obesity Having lot of fat in one's body.

72 Obituary A notice of death in a newspaper.

73 Optics Study of light

74 Optimist One who looks at the bright side of things; positive thinker

75 Orator One who makes an eloquent public speech.

76 Orphan A person without father and mother.

77 Pedestrian One who goes on foot

78 Philately Study of stamp collection

79 Phobia An extreme or irrational fear of something

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80 Pioneer A person who is the first to lead, explore or develop something new.

81 Polygamy Practice of having several wives

82 Port A place where ships seek shelter.

83 Postmortem Medical examination of a dead body

84 Potable Water fit for drinking

85 Quack One who pretends skill in medicine and surgery.

86 Quorum Fixed number of person that must be present to make proceedings valid.

87 Sanctuary A place of refuge recognized as secure.

88 Scribble Write or draw (something) carelessly or hurriedly.

89 Sculpture the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.

90 Soliloquy Speaking himself when alone

91 Solo A performance by one person, either musical, dance, acting or for work.

92 Stable A place where horses are kept.

93 Synonyms Words which have the same meaning

94 Thermometer An instrument for measuring temperature.

95 Tragedy A writing or event which end in death or great sorrow.

96 Universal Belonging to all parts of the world.

97 Utopia A state of highest perfection

98 verbose Expressing in more words than are needed.

99 Veteran Somebody who is considerably experienced in something

100 Volunteer One who works for free

101 Widow A woman whose husband is dead.

102 Zoology A study of animals

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Oral - Offline


No Word SYNONYM ANTONYM 1 Harsh (R) Rude Kind , gentle , compassionate

2 Flourish (G) Grow Stop, lose, reduce, shorten

3 Assist (H) Help Hurt, injure, hinder, harm

4 Lack (A) Absence Enough, presence, plenty, Existence

5 Annoy (I) Irritate Calm, encourage, comfort

6 Develop (I) Improve Decrease, reduce, damage, Destroy

7 Haste (B) Bustle Calm , quiet , REST, PEACE

8 Suppress (Q) Quell Start, begin, release, lose

9 Admire (P) Praise Blame, silence, neglect, Disrespect

10 Disgust (L) Loathing Love, like, admiration, respect

1. DELAY (O) Obstruct allow, continue, free, release 2. FOE (R) Rival ally, associate, companion 3. HINDER (T) Thwart separate, lose, support, free, allow 4. LAME (C) Crippled unbroken, capable, perfect, healthy

5. RELIEF (E) Ease discontent, unhappiness, upset, irritate 6. DISSUADE (S) Stop go, start, help, beginning 7. TRUST (F) faith doubt, lying, distrust, disbelief 8. PLENTY (L) Luxury misery, sorrow, economy 9. ACCORD (G) Give take, keep, hold, refuse 10. REPULSE (D) Decline increase, rise, growth, accept 11. LAVISH (R) Rich poor, low, weak, needy 12. DELICATE (C) Careful careless , false, loose, rash 13. MINGLE (B) Blend division , separation 14. PREVENT (F) Forbid allow, admit, release, support 15. AMPLE (E) Enough inadequate , insufficient , lacking 16. BOOST (U) Uplift depress , discourage 17. DISCERN (N) Notice disrespect , ignorance , neglect 18. ONSET (A) Arrival departure , disappearance , leave 19. ELEGANT (G) Graceful homely, ugly, inept, irregular 20. MOTIVATE (S) stimulate discourage, halt, block, deter 21. KIND (G) gentle cruel, rough, hard, harsh 22. RECENT (M) modern old, past, future, ancient

23. SCARCE (L) limited unrestricted, unlimited, adequate, sufficient

24. QUICK (F) Fast slow, boring, sluggish

25. WIN (V) Victory failure, loss, weakness

26. THIN (L) Lean fat, chubby, thick, strong

27. SOFT (T) Tender hard, rough, tough

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28. HIGH (T) Tall little, short, small

29. VAGUE (F) Faint bright, clear, lively

30. ARRIVE (R) Reach depart, fail, leave

31. ATTRACT (F) Fascinate refuse, repel, bore, disgust, disenchant

32. DAMAGE (L) Loss advantage, aid, benefit, win, triumph, success

33. HIDE (C) conceal reveal, uncover, expose, disclose, open, show

34. ALTER (C) Change similarity, uniformity, remain, stagnate

35. CONTROL (G) Govern obey, serve, follow, neglect

36. ODD (D) Different alike, common, normal, ordinary, similar

37. DISSUADE (S) Stop continue, advance, aid, begin, go, commence

38. ENTIRE (C) Complete incomplete, missing, partial, deficient

39. VALIANT (B) Brave, bold cowardly, meek, timid, frightened, weak

40. CORDIAL (F) Friendly aloof, distant, hostile, reserved

41. BOLD(B) Brave afraid, cowardly, frightened, timid, fearful

42. HUGE(V) Vast tiny, miniature, restricted, narrow, limited

43. OBEY(F) Follow disobey, ignore, disregard, avoid, elude

44. PLENTY(E) Enough insufficient, inadequate, lacking, shortage

45. PEACE(Q) Quiet disquiet, tumult, turmoil, commotion

46. COURAGE(D) Daring afraid, fearful, cowardly, careful

47. PAUSE(S) Stop start, begin, commence, originate, activate

48. CLEAN(T) Tidy untidy, unclean, dirty, messy

49. FORGIVE(P) Pardon punishment, blame, conviction, penalty

50. RESPECT(H) Honour dishonour, disrespect, disdain, neglect

51. PLEAD [R] Request answer, reply, order, demand

52. BLAZE [G] Glow dark, dull, extinguish, pale

53. POSH [L] Luxury austerity, frugality, misery, economy

54. ACCUSE [B] Blame/brand praise, flattery, applause, retreat

55. HINDER [O] Obstruct help, permit, aid, allow

56. LEAD [G] Guard harm, hinder, yield, follow

57. HEAL [C] Cure break, damage, injure, ruin

58. FINISH [T] Terminate beginning, opening, start, initiation

59. LAUD [P] Praise blame, denounce, despise, criticise

60. REIGN [G] Govern obey, serve, comply, follow

61. LOVE [C] Cherish hate, hurt, reject, scorn

62. MERGE [B] Blend disperse, divide, disconnect

63. SAFE [P] Protected insecure, unsafe, risky, unprotected

64. DENY [B] Ban accept, allow, aid, assist

65. GENTLE [B] Benign cruel, rough, wild, violent

66. BUBBLY [L] Lively lifeless, inactive, apathetic, still

67. DELICIOUS [T] Tasty bland, distasteful, poor, disagreeable

68. GLAD [M] Merry grave, sad, upset

69. CEASE [Q] Quit begin, start, restart, open

70. FAST [B] Brisk slow, dull, clumsy, sluggish

71. NEAT (T) Tidy untidy, dirty, unclean

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72. SINK (D) Drown float, ascent

73. CREATE (B) Build destroy, ruin

74. FLY (G) Glide land, walk

75. THIN (L) Lean fat, robust, plump

76. HONEST (S) Sincere insincere, dishonest

77. SIMPLE (E) Easy hard, difficult

78. HEALTHY (S) Strong feeble, fragile

79. MOIST (W) Wet Dry, arid

80. PUT (P) Place displace, remove, take

81. CUTE (P) Pretty Ugly

82. STOP (E) End start, begin, open

83. RICH (W) Wealthy needy, poor

84. LATE (S) Slow fast, active, quick

85. KNOW (L) Learn ignore, lose

86. BRIGHT (L) smart/shinny Dull, dim

87. FAST (Q) Quick slow, delayed

88. BLANK (E) Empty full, filled

89. SHORT (T) Tiny big, large, great

90. NEW (F) Fresh old, stale, worn

91. BELOW (U) Under Above, over

92. SHARP (P) Pointed Blunt

93. DECENT (N) Noble mean, inhuman

94. CATCH (A) Arrest release, free

95. LAST (E) End start, beginning

96. SUCCESS (W) Win fail, defeat

97. EXIT (Q) Quit stay, enter

98. QUIET (S) Silent noisy, talkative

99. RISE (C) climb decline, fall, decent

100. FREE (R) release hold, confine

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Root Words

General Roots and Prefixes

NO Root Word Meaning Examples

1. aero air aerobics, aerodynamics, aeronautics, aerate

2. agr Field agriculture, agrarian, agronomy, agribusiness

3. acro high, tip, top acrobat, acrophobia, acronym

4. alt High altitude, altimeter, alto

5. ali, allo, alter other alter, alternate, alternative, altercation, alias, alibi,

alien, alloy

6. Ambi Both Ambivalence

7. Amphi, around, both amphitheater, ambidextrous, ambiguous

8. ann, enn a year annual, anniversary, annuity, biennial, millennium

9. anthropo Man anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy

10. anti- Against antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis, antibody,

11. Aqua Water aquatic, aquaculture, aquarium, aquamarine, aquifer

12. aster/astra Star

Astrology, astrophysics, astronaut, astronomy,


13. audi Hear audience, auditory, audible, auditorium

14. auto- Self automobile, automatic, autograph, autonomous

15. bell War antebellum, bellicose, rebel

16. bene- Good,well benefactor, beneficial, benevolent, benefit

17. Biblio book bibliography, Bible

18. bio Life biology, biography, biochemistry, biopsy, biosphere

19. brev Small, short brevity, abbreviate

20. calor heat calorie, caloric, calorimeter

21. chron Time chronology, chronic, chronicle, chronometer,


22. cide, cis to kill, to cut fratricide, suicide, incision, excision, pesticide

23. circum- Around circumstance, circumcision, circumference, circulatory

24. con, com Add, with, together,


concatenate, conjoin, combine, convert

25. cosm universe; cosmonaut, cosmos, cosmopolitan, microcosm

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26. cracy rule democracy, theocrat, technocracy

27. cred to believe credible, credence, credit, creed

28. civ citizen civic, civil, civilian, civilization

29. dei, div God, god divinity, divine, deity

30. Dem(os) People democracy, demagogue, epidemic, demographic

31. dent, dont tooth dental, denture, orthodontist, periodontal

32. derma Skin hypodermic, dermatology, epidermis, taxidermy

33. dia through, across, between diameter, diagonal, dialogue, dialect, diagnosis,

34. don, donat give donation, donor, pardon, donate

35. dorm sleep dormant, dormitory

36. ego I, self ego, egomaniac, egocentric,

37. intra- Within, into intramural, intramuscular

38. intro- in, into Introvert

39. Kosmos the world (cosmos) cosmology, cosmopolitan

40. lab (L): work labor, laboratory, collaborate, elaborate

41. lexis word lexicon, lexicography, lexicographer

42. liber Free liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance

43. liter letters literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate

44. Loc(us) place, area location, local, dislocate, allocate

45. log/logue word/thought catalogue, logic

46. Logos word, study , Speech catalog, prologue, dialogue, logogram

47. luc Light translucent, luminary, luster

48. Luna moon lunar,

49. macro- Large macrocosm, macron, macroscopic

50. Magnus Great, big magnanimous, magnify, magnificent, magnitude

51. man(u) Hand, make, do manufacture, manual, manuscript, manipulate

52. mania obsession maniac, Beatlemania

53. Mare the sea marine, submarine, mariner, maritime

54. mega great, million megaphone, megalith, megacycle

55. mem recall, remember memorial

56. micro- Small microscope, microcosm, microbiology

57. mid middle midnight, midway, midsummer, midyear

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58. migra change, move migrate, immigrant, emigrate, migratory

59. min little, small minimum, mini

60. mono One, alone monotheism, monograph

61. multi- Many multitude, multipartite, multiply, multipurpose

62. nat born natal, native, nation, nativity, innate

63. neg No Negative, negation

64. neo-/nov New neologism, neonate, neoclassic, novitiate, neon

65. Nomos Law autonomy, astronomy, gastronomy, economy

66. non-, un- Not nonprofit, nonsense, unnatural, unmanned

67. numer number numeral, numeration, enumerate, innumerable

68. omni All omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivorous

69. op/oper Work operation, cooperate, opus

70. ortho Straight orthodox, , orthopedist, orthography

71. path disease, feeling pathology, sympathy, empathy, antipathy, pathos

72. pater father paternal, paternity, patricide

73. pend, pond: to hang, weigh pendant, pendulum, suspend, appendage

74. Ped (Greek)

Ped (latin)



pedagogy, pediatrician, encyclopedia

pedal, pedestrian, biped, pedestal

75. phobia, phobos fear phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, ergophobia,

76. philo Love philosophy, philanthropist, philharmonic, Anglophile

77. phon Sound phonetic , phonograph, symphony, telephone

78. photo Light photosynthesis, photography , telephoto, photogenic

79. poly- Many polytheist, polygon, polygamy

80. Poli City metropolis, cosmopolitan, police, political

81. post- After postmortem, postwar, post modern

82. pseudo False pseudonym, pseudo-classical, pseudo-intellectual

83. psych Mind psychology, psyche, psychopath, psychiatrist

84. pyro Fire pyrotechnic

85. sol Alone sole, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude

86. string, strict draw tight stringent, strict, restrict, constrict, boa constrictor

87. struct Build construct, destruction, structure, instruct, obstruct,

88. sub under, below submerge, submarine, substandard, subvert,

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89. sume take, use consume, assume

90. tact Touch tactile, intact, contact, tact

91. tele-

Far off, distance, from

afar telepathy, telegraph, television, telephone,

92. term end, boundary, limit exterminate

93. Terra the earth terrestrial, territory, terrain, terrace

94. theo, the God theology, theist, polytheist, pantheism, atheist

95. Therm (o) Heat thermal, thermometer, thermocouple

96. tox poison toxic, intoxicate, antitoxin

97. urb City urban, suburb, urbane, suburban

98. vac Empty vacant, vacation, vacuum, evacuate, vacate

99. vita Life vital, vitality, vitamins, revitalize

100. zoo Animal zoology, zodiac, zoomorphism

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Written Rounds


Write the correct word of the given script using the clue given.


1. /hɑːt/ the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body


2. /ˈtʃɪz.əl/ a tool with a long metal blade that has a sharp edge for cutting wood, stone, etc.


3. /kləʊk/ a loose outer piece of clothing without sleeves, that fastens at the neck, and is worn instead of a coat


4. /ˈprɪt.i/ pleasant to look at Pretty

5. /ˈkʊʃ.ən/ a pillow or pad stuffed with a mass of soft material, used as a comfortable support for sitting or leaning on.


6. /əˈlaʊ/ to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening


7. /ˈdjuː.ti/ something that you have to do because it is part of your job


8. /ˈtɒf.i/ a hard, chewy , often brown sweet that is made from sugar


9. /bæŋk/ sloping raised land, especially sloping raised land, especially along the sides of a river


10. /tʌŋ/ the principal organ of taste Tongue

1. /ˈlʌv.li/ pleasant or enjoyable

2. /ˈwep.ən/ any object used in fighting or war

3. /ˈpɑː.ti/ a social event where a group of people meet to celebrate a special occasion

4. /draɪv/ operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle

5. /ˈtrʌb.l /̩ problems or difficulties

6. /ˈpɒk.ɪt/ a small bag for carrying things in, which is made of cloth and sewn on a piece of clothing

7. /ɪˈnʌf/ as much as is necessary

8. /əˈtrækt/ to pull or draw someone or something towards them, by their good qualities

9. /striːt/ a road in a city, town or village which has buildings that are usually close together along one or both sides

10. /ˈmaɪ.ti/ very large, powerful or important

11. /ˈfɑː.mər/ someone who owns or takes care of an area of land used for growing crops

12. /ɪtʃ/ to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin which makes you want to rub it with your nails

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13. /ˈhæp.i/ feeling, showing or causing pleasure or satisfaction

14. /ˈwʊl.ən/ made of the soft, thick hair which grows on the bodies of sheep and some other animals

15. /ˈtaɪ.di/ having everything ordered and arranged in the right place

16. /ˈsɜː.vənt/ a person who is employed in another person's house

17. /ˈkɒm.ə.di/ a film, play or book which is intentionally funny

18. /əˈmaʊnt/ a collection or mass especially of something which cannot be counted

19. /kraʊd/ a large group of people who have come together

20. /hɜːb/ /hɜːb/ a type of plant whose leaves are used in making medicine

21. /kɑː.tən/ a box made from thick cardboard, for storing goods

22. /ˈeɪ.bl /̩ clever or good at what you do

23. /əbˈteɪn/ to get something

24. /dez.ət/ an area, often covered with sand or rocks

25. /gæŋ/ a group of young men, who spend time together, often fighting with other groups

26. /rɔː/ (of food) not cooked

27. /ˈgæð.ər/ to collect several things, often from different places or people

28. /hɜːt/ to feel pain in a part of your body

29. /ˈhjuː.mən/ of or typical of people

30. /ˈhʌr.i/ to move or do things more quickly than normal

31. /pəˈteɪ.təʊ/ a round vegetable which grows underground

32. /rəʊd/ a long hard surface built for vehicles to travel along

33. /ˈθʌn.dər / the sudden loud noise which comes from the sky

34. /θrəʊ/ to send something through the air with force

35. /əˈpɪər / to become noticeable or to be present

36. /əˈlaʊ/ to make it possible for someone to do something

37. /dwɔːf/ a creature like a little man with magical powers

38. /ɪˈnʌf/ as much as is necessary

39. /kæmˈpeɪn/ a planned group of activities which are intended to achieve a particular aim

40. /səkˈsiːd/ if you achieve something that you have been aiming for

41. /kənˈtɪn.ju.əs/ without a pause or interruption

42. /tʃɜːn/ to mix something, especially a liquid, with great force

43. /ˈpɒm.pəs/ too serious and full of importance

44. /ˈsep.ər.ət/ existing or happening independently or in a different physical space

45. /ˈmɪs.tʃɪf/ behaviour, especially a child's, which is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage

46. /skriːm/ to cry or say something loudly and usually on a high note

47. /ˈrɪð.əm/ a strong pattern of sounds, words or musical notes

48. /ˈel.ə.kwənts/ giving a clear, strong message

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49. /ˈpɒp.jʊ.lər/ liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people

50. /ˌed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ the process of teaching or learning in a school or college

51. /sɪˈkjʊər/ positioned or fixed firmly and correctly and therefore not likely to move, fall, or break

52. /kwest/ a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult

53. /məʊˈtel/ a hotel by the side of a road

54. /ˈlɜː.nɪd/ describes someone who has studied for a long time and has a lot of knowledge

55. /ˈmeʒ.ər/ to discover the exact size or amount of something, or to be of a particular size

56. /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/ a plan for how something will happen

57. /ˈkʌr.ənt/ of the present time

58. /ˈθɪə.ri/ a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based

59. /ˈsiː.zən/ one of the four periods of the year; spring, summer, autumn or winter

60. /ˈfeð.ər/ one of the many soft light things which cover a bird's body

61. /kənˈsjuːm/ to use fuel, energy or time, especially in large amounts

62. /ɪˈluː.ʒən/ an idea or belief which is not true

63. /ˈlɪt.ər.ət/ able to read and write

64. /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ doubting that something is true or useful

65. /nəʊ ˈmæd.ɪk/ move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time

66. /ˈker.ə.siːn/ used as fuel for heaters and oil lamps

67. /ˈpæs.ɪv/ not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control

68. /ˌvɒl.ənˈtɪər/ a person who does something, especially helping other people

69. /ˈklʌs.tər/ a group of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding something

70. /ˈfɪg.mənt/ something which seems real but is not

71. /ˈhɜː.bɪ.vɔːr/ an animal that eats only plants

72. /ˈlaɪ.ə.bl /̩ having (legal) responsibility for something or someone

73. /ɔːˈgʌst/ having great importance and especially of the highest social class

74. /ˈven.dər/ someone who is selling something

75. /ˈɑːg.jʊ.mənt/ a disagreement, or the process of disagreeing

76. /ˈʌl.tɪ.mət/ most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst

77. /bɑːˈbeə.ri.ən/ a member of a group of people from a very different country or culture that is considered to be less socially advanced

78. /ˈwɪð.ər/ to become weak and dry and decay

79. /ˈdek.eɪd/ a period of ten years

80. /ˈtræŋ.kwɪl/ calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry,

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81. /ˈfluː.ənt.si/ speaking a language easily, well and quickly

82. /ˈrɪŋ.kl /̩ a small line in the skin caused by old age

83. /ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl/ describes information, music, an image, etc. that is recorded or broadcast using computer technology

84. /kəˈmɑːn.dər/ an officer who is in charge of a military operation, or an officer of a particular rank in the Navy

85. /ˈkʊk.i/ a sweet biscuit

86. /ˈstɪm.jʊ.leɪt/ to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active

87. /ˈruː.mər/ an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented

88. /ˈnʌr.ɪʃ/ to provide people or living things with food in order to make them grow and keep them healthy

89. /ləʊm/ high-quality earth that is a mixture of sand, clay, and decaying plant material

90. /ˈdʒel.əs/ unhappy and angry because someone has something that you want

91. /ˈlɔːn.dər/ to wash, dry, and iron clothes, sheets, etc

92. /ˈdəʊ.saɪl/ quiet and easy to influence, persuade, or control

93. /ˈsɒl.ɪs/ help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried

94. /kənˈsiːl/ to prevent something from being seen or known about

95. /ˈɡær.ɑːʒ/ a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house

96. /stɑːv/ to (cause someone to) become very weak or die because there is not enough food to eat

97. /ˈtʃʌk.l /̩ to laugh quietly

98. /əˈtaɪər/ clothes, especially of a particular or formal type

99. /əˈplɔːz/ the sound of people clapping their hands repeatedly to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech

100. /ˈvɪs.kəs/ describes a liquid that is thick and sticky and does not flow easily












12. ITCH



15. TIDY




19. Crowd

20. Herb


22. Able

23. obtain


25. GANG

26. Raw


28. HURT




32. ROAD


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49. Popular

50. Education

51. Secure

52. Quest

53. Motel

54. Learned

55. Measure

56. Arrangement

57. Current

58. Theory

59. Season

60. Feather

61. Consume

62. Illusion

63. Literate

64. Skeptical

65. Nomadic

66. Kerosene























89. LOAM












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Jumbled words


1. TMSUP a remaining piece STUMP


3. STVREA suffer or die from hunger STARVE

4. BASURD stupid or unreasonable ABSURD

5. IFANT lose consciousness briefly FAINT

6. ULLNIYF make legally invalid NULLIFY

7. EQUNCH satisfy thirst QUENCH

8. VSRAOU enjoy the taste of food SAVOUR

9. ERUSNE makes certain something will occur ENSURE

10. IEOXCT strikingly unusual EXOTIC

1. SREPRSUE the force you produce when you press something

2. MGRIATE to move from one place to another

3. OLMECLUE the simplest unit of a chemical substance, usually a group of two or more atoms

4. VNLOEUTOI a gradual process of change and development

5. ELEKTSON the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body

6. NITAAT to reach or succeed in getting something; to achieve

7. TVIACNOA a period of the year when schools or colleges are closed

8. CRPEIOUS of great value because of being rare, expensive or important

9. TINEIORR the inside part of something

10. IRRTSEEG to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record

11. EETNS strained to stiffness.

12. CVSDROEI to get first sight or knowledge of as something previously unknown

13. RFSCCIIEA to make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar

14. TVSPIIEO free from doubt or hesitation

15. CDNMIIEE a substance possessing curative properties

16. IELAMDM a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do

17. CNSIREE honest and saying or showing what you really feel or believe

18. MROSAN a large sum of money which is demanded in exchange for someone who has been taken prisoner, or sometimes for an animal

19. LRZDZEI rain in very small light drops

20. RPTLYUO birds, such as chickens, that are bred for their eggs and meat

21. ENOWPA any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, sword, etc

22. CHTATH to make a roof for a building with straw or reeds

23. NAUTQTIY the amount or number of something, especially that can be measured or is fixed

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24. CLEATK to try to deal with something or someone

25. LBSIGIN a brother or sister

26. PISRKENL to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface

27. UAFLT a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame

28. EPCRFET complete and correct in every way, of the best possible type or without fault

29. LTDCIAEE needing careful treatment, especially because easily damaged

30. OMPACRE to examine or look for the difference between two or more things

31. IERBDESC to say or write what someone or something is like

32. ORVPIDE to give someone something that they need

33. IGHNUTN chasing and killing an animal or bird for food, sport or profit

34. SESEXRP to show a feeling, opinion or fact

35. URSFCAE the outer or top part or layer of something

36. UCTSMO a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time

37. OCNTARST an obvious difference between two or more things

38. QERURIE to need or make necessary

39. FLOIFAIC relating to a position of responsibility

40. ODMLSE almost never

41. EWFELAR physical and mental health and happiness of a person

42. PASKLRE to shine brightly with a lot of small points of light

43. UGIVOR strength, energy or enthusiasm

44. SRUEG a sudden and great increase

45. ELTAICS describes material that is able to stretch and be returned to its original shape or size

46. RACFE a humorous play or film where the characters become involved in unlikely situations

47. UMBEHL not proud or not believing that you are important

48. ACTUNIO great care and attention

49. RVREEE to very much respect and admire someone or something

50. REEPNAINL lasting a very long time

51. LAEEGNT graceful and attractive in appearance or behaviour

52. ASITER a way of criticising people or ideas in a humorous way

53. ORPHIIBT to prevent a particular activity by making it impossible

54. NVIEST to put money, effort, time etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage

55. PPSOITEO completely different

56. IAFMILAR well known from long or close association

57. DCEILNE to gradually become less, worse, or lower

58. EHSITTAE to pause before you do or say something

59. ERGCA a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed and attractive way

60. RARBRIE a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access

61. NIDEX a sign or measure of something

62. TASTSU an accepted or official position, especially in a social group

63. IPRUVOSE happening or existing before something or someone else

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64. RCDUE simple and not skilfully done or made

65. ARTIELR a box on wheels that is pulled by a car

66. OCNTENIU to go on with a particular action or in a particular condition

67. MOTEDCSI belonging or relating to the home, house or family

68. RCEOVRE to get back something lost, especially health, ability, possessions, etc

69. NREOEUGS showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money

70. CSEUSCS the achievement of the results wanted or hoped for

71. ODARE to love someone very much, especially in an admiring or respectful way

72. LDEEGN a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not always true

73. IMETENN famous, respected or important

74. DRECIT praise, approval or honour

75. SURAECF the outer or top part or layer of something

76. EMRMOY the ability to remember information, experiences and people

77. BTIRUTE an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration

78. AUTITHROY the moral or legal right or ability to control

79. NITINCST the way people or animals naturally react or behave

80. CFATURER if something hard, such as a bone cracks or breaks

81. EDDIATEC to give your energy, time, etc. completely

82. EMNCEA something that is likely to cause harm

83. NFCEOTTI small pieces of coloured paper which you throw at a celebration

84. PTEITION a formal letter to a court of law requesting a particular legal action

85. EOSVLNT a liquid in which solids will dissolve

86. OMTLYE consisting of many different types and therefore appearing strange or of low quality

87. RICCIUT a closed system of wires or pipes through which electricity or liquid can flow

88. TNENCAY the right to use land or live in a building in exchange for rent

89. RARWTAN justification or authority for an action, belief, or feeling

90. CIHNE a job or position which is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like

91. INHRED to limit the development of something

92. RGEYDE wanting a lot more food, money, etc. than you need

93. FTIIENNI without limits

94. ENISRCE not pretending or lying

95. AETLENR lasting forever or for a very long time

96. OTSUCM a practice followed by people of a particular group or region

97. ESLONM serious and without any humour

98. OCCNDEE to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true

99. VADAECN move forwards in a purposeful way

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100. ARSTENG unusual or unexpected





































































































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Complete the phrasal verbs using the clues given in brackets.

1. He broke _____________ while his parents were having a fight. [ to interrupt ]

2. After the dismissal, he turned _____________ the supervisor. [ to go bad against someone ]

3. Even though we waited for a long time, he did not turn __________. [ to arrive somewhere ]

4. The fire force tried hard to put _____________ the fire. [ extinguish ]

5. Antony turned _____________ the pages to find an interesting story. [ to move something so

that you can see the other side ]

6. I feel that everything will turn _____________ fine one day. [ to happen in a particular way ]

7. Mary Catherine looked _____________ her old mother with great patience. [ nursed ]

8. The cricket match was put _____________ due to heavy rain. [ Postponed ]

9. Many do not get __________ the books they lend others. [ to return to a place or position ]

10. His careless driving brought _____________ the accident. [ to cause something ]

My mother gets _____________ very early in the morning. [ wake up ]

12. The main gate was closed, so we got _____________ through the back gate. [ to enter ]

13. Jeffry went _____________ his friend’s office yesterday. [ visited ]

14. The efficient manager is able to get _____________ the problems created by the employee

[ to find solution ]

15. The meeting _____________ on for three hours. [ continued ]

16. The cap seller took _____________ his hat to tempt the monkey. [ remove ]

17. I got _____________ up with his tedious talk. [ bored or annoyed with ]

18. His failure in the business _____________ him down completely. [ to be mentally ill ]

19. They need a new stenographer to take _________ the speech of the minister. [write down]

20. The small child too________ the new remote control car. [separate something into pieces]

21. You can walk _____________ a job easily, if you are efficient. [ to get work very easily ]

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The old lady laid _____________ some money for her grand child’s marriage. [ to keep

something in reserve to use later ]

23. Many villages have been _____________ off due to heavy floods. [ to separate from

something ]

24. Peter advised him to open _____________ and share his problems with his close friend, so

that he may feel relieved. [ to speak without hiding anything ]

25. We never expected that granny could catch ___________ the new mobile so fast. [ develop

understanding or knowledge of something ]

26. It took him several months to get _____________ the injuries. [ to get well after an illness ]

27. The schools try their best to turn _____________ good results. [ to produce ]

28. Vasco-da-Gama _____________ off to find out a new sea route. [ start a journey ]

29. She can get _____________ in Delhi as she is very fluent in Hindi. [ to deal with a difficult

situation ]

30. The new car broke _____________ the very next day it was bought. [ to stop working ]

31. People in the remote area found it difficult to get ___________ with the scarcity of water.

The power went ____________ suddenly while the programmes were going on. [ stopped ]

33. The examiner went _____________ the answer sheets very carefully. [ to examine ]

34. The officer wished the team to _____________ on their brilliant performance this season

too. [ continue ]

35. Robert decided to fight _____________ to attain what all he lost. [ to defend and get back

what you lost ]

36. The poem ‘The Enchanted Shirt’ _______ of a king searching for a happy man. [ to describe

the details of an event ]

37. Some thieves broke _____________ the house when all went out shopping. [ to enter into a

building illegally ]

38. Jenny _____________ at getting a very high score in the competitive exam. [ to try to

achieve ]

39. He _____________ for a parker pen as a present. [ request to have ]

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40. The one month Personality Development class winds __________ today. [ come to an end ]

41. Everyone _____________ in to make Harry’s send off party a grand success. [ helped ]

42. Dynamites were used to _____________ up the bank vault. [ explode ]

43. Only my best friend _____________ me up when I decided to join the army. [ support ]

44. The marathon was getting interesting when the champion began to _____________ up with

the leader. [ get to the same point as ]

45. The manager asked the customer to do _____________ with his old ATM card. [ discard ]

46. My teacher _____________ out the wrong answers on the sheet. [ draw a line across ]

47. Jason _____________ up with a fractured leg following his bike accident. [ eventually

concluded ]

48. The keys must have ______ out of his pocket while he was playing in the park. [ unfasten ]

49. Shirley really ____________ after her mother when it comes to her enchanting personality.[

resembles ]

50. Everybody knows Tim is a bit of a ________ off displaying all his fancy gadgets. [ brag or

want to be admired ]

51. Roger was so confused that he finally had to _____________ down the job offer. [ refuse ]

52. This is an excellent chance for you to excel in your field. So, just take your time to

_________ it over. [ consider ]

53. My mother always _____________ around the mall before she settles on anything she

wants to buy. [ compare prices ]

54. By the second day of the trekking, we had _____________ out of water and was beginning

to feel thirsty. [ have no more ]

55. Anson had promised to _____________ me back the thousand rupees by Sunday evening. [

reimburse / refund ]

56. I seemed to have _____________ up the accounts in all this confusion. Is there any way to

set things right now? [ mistake one thing for another ]

57. Rose has to get ________________ with her colleagues in her office if she hopes to get a

promotion. [ be on good terms ]

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58. David has to _________ on his career now by avoiding his other distractions. [ concentrate ]

59. The politician continued with his speech after the applause ________ down. [ calm down ]

60. This necklace has been _____________ down in our family for generations. [ give something

used to someone else ]


1. in

2. against

3. up

4. out

5. over

6. out

7. after

8. off

9. back

10. about

11. up

12. in

13. round

14. over

15. went

16. off

17. fed

18. broke

19. down

20. apart

21. into

22. away

23. cut

24. up

25. on

26. over

27. out

28. set

29. through

30. down

31. on

32. out

33. through

34. keep

35. back

36. tells

37. into

38. aimed

39. asked

40. up

41. chipped

42. blow

43. backed

44. catch

45. away

46. crossed

47. ended

48. fallen

49. takes

50. show

51. turn

52. think

53. shops

54. ran

55. pay

56. mixed

57. along/on

58. focus

59. died

60. handed

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Complete the idioms using the clues given in brackets:

1. The prisoner might try to escape from the prison. So better keep an ________________

on him. ( check regularly )

2. I am really tired. I think I’ll hit the ___________________. ( go to bed )

3. In spite of the bad circumstances he kept his _______________ up. (confident in a

difficult situation )

4. Let’s keep our ___________________ crossed in today’s match. You never know what

the result will be. (hope for the best )

5. The media often makes a ___________________ out of molehill. ( make something seen

much more important than it really is )

6. He is out of his mind. He is ___________________. ( crazy )

7. The train arrived on the ___________________. ( exactly at a given time )

8. He was probably ___________________ your leg. ( tense someone by making them

believe some exaggerated fact )

9. You will have to pay the ___________________ for bunking the class. ( face the

consequences for something you have done )

10. It’s raining cats and ___________________. It is not safe to drive under this

circumstance. ( raining very hard )

11. Within two years, he has reached the top of the ______________________. ( head of

his position )

12. I always stick to my ______________________. ( faithful to the course )

13. The candidate cut a poor ______________________ in the interview. ( produced a poor

impression )

14. The steel company had a good ______________________ record. ( high level of quality )

15. His speech on ‘Informatics’ fell ______________________. (cause no interest)

16. Entering into a partnership with him will be like cutting your own ______ _________. (

ruin yourself )

17. Get out with your bag and ______________________. ( with all belongings )

18. When he came of ______________________, he inherited his father’s properly. (of

twenty )

19. He can never set the ______________________ on fire. ( do some remarkable thing)

20. We must ______________________ together during crisis. (working together )

21. The entrance exam was as easy as a ___________________. ( very easy )

22. I finished the work at the ___________________ hour. ( at the last hour )

23. She caught my ___________________ in the party. ( attract one’s attention )

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24. I changed my ___________________. I cancelled my leave. ( decide to do something

different from what had been decided earlier )

25. I am feeling ___________________ because I haven’t yet got a job in spite of attending

so many interviews. ( depressed )

26. The company is doing good business. Hence I have my ___________________ full. (

extremely busy )

27. Please don’t get on my ___________________. Leave me alone. ( irritate someone )

28. It is always better to keep strangers at ___________________ length. ( at a distance )

29. I have to hit the ________________. So I will not come to the theatre.( study )

30. I would like to ___________________ on it before I give you as an answer. ( take time to

think something before making a decision )

31. My son is the __________________ of my eye. ( have great affection )

32. He didn’t __________________ up for the meeting. ( appear )

33. The arrangements for the inaugural ceremony are in full __________________. ( very

active )

34. He is every __________________ a trustworthy person. ( completely )

35. My presentation is not ready, I am all fingers and __________________. ( do things

incorrectly )

36. I wrote the examination to the best of my __________________. (as good as possible )

37. This philosophy is very interesting. But the __________________ test will come when it

is put to practice. (prone how effective or useful something it)

38. It is better to get your act __________________ to do good business. (organize affairs

more effectively)

39. He __________________ up a row on seeing a shadow. (made a great noise)

40. She was as good as __________________. (very good)

41. I gave him a piece of my __________________ for irritating me. ( scolded him)

42. All his efforts ended in __________________. (came to nothing)

43. He was born with a silver __________________ in his mouth. (in luxury)

44. His __________________ ran cold while watching the movie ‘Dracula’. (Horrified)

45. There is no point in keeping oneself in __________________. (ignorance)

46. He has too many __________________ in the fire and so never gets time to spend with

his family. (engaged in too many enterprises at the same time)

47. Your demand is out of __________________ to grant. ( impossible)

48. I smell a __________________. (suspect something)

49. Facebook, Orkut and Twitter have become all the __________________ these days.

(become very popular)

50. After attending the 15 day camp, he is all __________________ and bone. ( very thin )

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51. Ron’s parents promised to send him abroad if he __________________ the

examination. (get very high score)

52. Mark is a successful business man. But his immoral character may become his

__________________ heel. ( Weak spot that could cause one’s downfall)

53. Teachers are working against the __________________ to finish off the portions before

the examination. (you are rushed and lacking time)

54. After surviving the terrorist attack, he is afraid of his own __________________. (very

nervous or easily frightened )

55. The new textile shop is coming up with innovative advertising techniques to stay ahead

of __________________. (more successful than rivals)

56. We should __________________ up for protecting our environment. (maintain)

57. He is a world class wrestler. But he’s all __________________ and no brain. (physically

very strong but not very intelligent)

58. The dam issue has become a serious affair between states. The negotiation attempts

only added __________________ to the flames. ( make the situation worse)

59. As he has got an all __________________ from his doctor, Yuvaraj Singh started playing

cricket again. (make sure that everything is all right)

60. The problem faced by women in India is a hard nut to __________________. (difficult

problem to solve)


1. eye

2. hay

3. chin

4. fingers

5. mountain

6. nuts

7. dot

8. pulling

9. piper

10. dogs

11. tree

12. guns

13. figure

14. track

15. flat

16. throat

17. baggage

18. age

19. world

20. stand

21. pie

22. eleventh

23. eye

24. mind

25. blue

26. hands

27. nerves

28. arm’s

29. books

30. sleep

31. apple

32. turn

33. swing

34. inch

35. thumbs

36. ability

37. acid

38. together

39. kicked

40. gold

41. mind

42. smoke

43. spoon

44. blood

45. dark

46. irons

47. question

48. rat

49. rage

50. skin

51. aced

52. Achilles’

53. clock

54. shadow

55. pack

56. stand

57. brawns

58. fuel

59. clear

60. crack

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Cross word puzzle


Across 2. To examine all the parts of something in order to understand it

5. To look into a situation (often a crime, but it can also be a mystery

8. To notice or watch

9. To figure out something unknown by considering all its known aspects and reasoning it through

10. To consider the evidence and then decide what is true or correct (OR to end something)


1. Related to the mind

3. To look closely at something

4. Shown or made known

6. Different sides or ways of looking at something

7. To make a logical guess that something is true based on the evidence, although the evidence is not clear

enough to be absolutely certain


2 3


5 6 7




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2. A very strong wish to continuously get more of something

4. To take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force

8. Not even or smooth

9. To think that something is true, correct or real

10. become very weak or die because there is not enough food to eat


1. Happening or doing something often

3. to (cause to) feel frightened

5. Suitable or safe for eating

6. A natural ability to be good at something

7. Not proud or not believing that you are important





5 6 7




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2. Beautiful, powerful or causing great admiration and respect

3. A type of question which describes something in a difficult and confusing way

7. A strong column made of stone, metal or wood which supports part of a building

9. Birds, such as chickens that are bred for their eggs and meat

10. Calm, kind or soft


1. A group of countries ruled by a single person, government or country

4. To get first sight or knowledge of as something previously unknown

5. Describes land that can produce a large number of good quality crops

6. A word or form which expresses more than one

8. To disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way



3 4 5



8 9


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3. Busy with or ready to perform a particular activity

4. Not dirty

7. Freedom from war and violence

9. Describes someone’s face or skin if it has less colour than usual

10. full of light, shining


1. Peaceful and quiet

2. To get or be given something

5. To fill, exist in

6. To provide something that is wanted or needed

8. A quality which makes you like or feel attracted to someone or something

1 2



5 6

7 8



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5. Across

3. Clothes, especially fine or formal ones

5. A brief, incomplete view or look

7. Extreme anger 8. to not be caught by someone

9. Boring, especially in appearance; having little colour and excitement


1. To swim, especially in the sea, a river, or a lake

2. Produce or provide a natural or industrial product

3. To respect and approve of someone or their behavior

4. To take something in, especially gradually 6. a private teacher who teaches a single pupil or a

very small group



3 4


6 7



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1. Answers

Across Down

2. Analize 1. Mental

5. Investigate 3. Examine

8. Observe 4. Revealed

9. Deduce 6. Aspects

10. Conclude 7. Infer

2. Answers

Across 2. GREED — a very strong wish to continuously get more of something

4. CONQUER — to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force

8. ROUGH — not even or smooth

9. BELIEVE — to think that something is true, correct or real

10. STARVE — become very weak or die because there is not enough food to eat


1. REGULAR — happening or doing something often

3. SCARE — to (cause to) feel frightened

5. EDIBLE — suitable or safe for eating

6. TALENT — a natural ability to be good at something

7. HUMBLE — not proud or not believing that you are important

3. Answers

Across 2. MAJESTIC — beautiful, powerful or causing great admiration and respect

3. RIDDLE — a type of question which describes something in a difficult and confusing way

7. PILLAR — a strong column made of stone, metal or wood which supports part of a building

9. POULTRY — birds, such as chickens, that are bred for their eggs and meat

10. GENTLE — calm, kind or soft


1. EMPIRE — a group of countries ruled by a single person, government or country

4. DISCOVER — to get first sight or knowledge of as something previously unknown

5. FERTILE — describes land that can produce a large number of good quality crops

6. PLURAL — a word or form which expresses more than one

8. VANISH — to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way

4. Answers

Across 3. ACTIVE — busy with or ready to perform a particular activity

4. CLEAN — not dirty 7. PEACE — freedom from war and violence

9. PALE — describes someone’s face or skin if it has less colour than usual

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10. BRIGHT — full of light, shining


1. CALM — peaceful and quiet

2. RECEIVE — to get or be given something

5. OCCUPY — to fill, exist in

6. SUPPLY — to provide something that is wanted or needed

8. CHARM — a quality which makes you like or feel attracted to someone or something

5. Answers


3. ATTIRE — clothes, especially fine or formal ones

5. GLIMPSE — a brief, incomplete view or look

7. FURY — extreme anger 8. ELUDE — to not be caught by someone

9. DRAB — boring, especially in appearance; having little colour and excitement

Down 1. BATHE — to swim, especially in the sea, a river, or a lake

2. YIELD — produce or provide a natural or industrial product

3. ADMIRE — to respect and approve of someone or their behaviour

4. ABSORB — to take something in, especially gradually

6. TUTOR — a private teacher who teaches a single pupil or a very small group

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Edit the Passage

The following passages contains5 mistakes correct the mistakes and rewrite the correct version of this


Passage 1 On cold, wet morning, my class was filled with excitement. Someone had discover that the next day was

our teacher's birthday. Our teacher was the kindest person that ever existed. Thus it was no surprise she

was the favourite teacher to the pupils. Everyone wanted to get her a present. I, very much wanted to

shown any appreciation too. That afternoon, I spend the whole afternoon shopping for a present. After

a long search, I finally made on my mind. The next day I gave her a bouquet of beautiful roses and she

exclaimed with pleasure.


On cold, wet morning, my class was filled with excitement. Someone had discovered that the next day

was our teacher's birthday. Our teacher was the kindest person that ever existed. Thus it was no

surprise she was the favourite teacher with the pupils. Everyone wanted to get her a present. I, very

much wanted to show any appreciation too. That afternoon, I spent the whole afternoon shopping for a

present. After a long search, I finally made up my mind. The next day I gave her a bouquet of beautiful

roses and she exclaimed with pleasure.

Answers 1. had discovered 2. with 3. show 4. spent 5. up

Passage 2

“Either you or your friend Shalu have stolen my note book”, shouted Shreya. Neither I nor my friend

were your culprit, said Shalu. We both are not in the class since morning. We are out for the annual day

function. But who are the culprit then? asked Shreya. I don’t know that but we both were not guilty.


“Either you or your friend Shalu has stolen my note book”, shouted Shreya. Neither I nor my friend is

your culprit, said Shalu. We both are not in the class from morning. We were out for the annual day

function. But who is the culprit then? asked Shreya. I don’t know that but we both are not guilty.

1. Has 2. Is 3. Were 4. Is 5. Are

Passage 3.

More of the fun and excitement in our life comes from the use for our senses. Senses open up a world which is full of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and things to touch. The sharp your senses and the more you use it, more enjoyable each of these world becomes for you. For instant, a painter can see shades and shapes which little gifted people can see.

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Much of the fun and excitement in our life comes from the use of our senses. Senses open up a world which is full of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and things to touch. The sharper your senses and the more you use them, more enjoyable each of these worlds becomes for you. For instance, a painter can see shades and shapes which less gifted people can see.

Passage 4

Have you ever ate a food that might kill you? That is what thousands of Koreans have done every year when they sit down to a delicious meal of fugu fish. In English, fugu is known like puffer fish. There are above 120 species of puffers in the world’s oceans. They are relative small, and they have spikes who pop up when they sense danger. Through this spikes the puffers can inject a deadly venom into their attackers, and it is this venom that makes the fugu such a potentially dangerous fish.

Answers: Have you ever eaten a food that might kill you? That is what thousands of Koreans do every year when they sit down to a delicious meal of fugu fish. In English, fugu is known as puffer fish. There are over 120 species of puffers in the world’s oceans. They are relatively small, and they have spikes who pop up when they sense danger. Through these spikes the puffers can inject a deadly venom into their attackers, and it is this venom that makes the fugu such a potentially dangerous fish.

Passage 5

All of us enjoy to watch movies. We don’t think about how a film created while we watch it. However,

behind every success film there is a lengthy, creative process who involves a variety of different

activities. Usually this process begins by what is called the ‘treatment’.

Answers: All of us enjoy watching movies. We don’t think about how a film is created while we watch it.

However, behind every successful film there is a lengthy, creative process which involves a variety of

different activities. Usually this process begins with what is called the ‘treatment’.