Volume 35A, number 6 PHYSICS LETTERS 12 July 1!)71 f hO o.8h~ kr 1.6 _,'2- 'E 1.2 t,..,-,, 0.8 I00 Fig.2. Frequency f((L) and real wavenumber kr(A ) of the ionization waves against the current I. obtained for each mode of collisional drift waves where there are the mode competitions between different modes [ 1,3]. Suppression by other modes of the ionization waves does not occur in our experiments, because only one mode of the wave is self-excited in the plasma. No theory is available for nonlinear behaviors of the ioniza- tion wave, so that physical explanation will be further problem. The author would like to thank Professor Y. Hatta for his encouragement. References [1j H.W. Hendel. T.K. Chu and P.A. Politzer, Phys. Fluids. 11 (1968) 2426. [2] K. C. Rogers and F. F. Chen. Phys. Fluids 13 (1970) 513. [3] R. E. Ro,~erg and A. Wong, Phys. Fluids 13 (1970) 661. [4] T. H. Dupree, Phys. Fluids 11 (1968) 2680. [5] M. Sato, Beitr. Plasma Phys. 9 (1969) 371. [6] M. Sato, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24 (1970) 998. INTERACTION OF A HARMONIC OSCILLATOR WITH GRAVITATIONAL WAVES * E. FREHLAND Abteilung Theoretische Physik, Physikalisehes Institut der Universitttt, Freiburg im Breisgau, German3, Received 10 May 1971 For a simple model of a harmonic oscillator the energy-momentum-stress tensor is determined and the energetic interaction with a plane gravitational wave of the same frequency is calculated. The positive results of JosephWeber's grav- itational wave experiments [1] could possibly open a completely new field for astronomical ob- servations. But, apart from the difficulties con- cerning the theoretical description of such ex- treme events, which alone come into question as 'radiation sources', there does not yet exist a rigorous theory for the interaction of solid-state bodies (detectors) with gravitational waves, neither within a 'classical' general-relativistic theory of elasticity nor on quantum-mechanical foundations. Weber himself has made the follow- ing ansatz for an approximate 'classical' treat- ment of this problem [2]: Under the influence of * Work supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft. 432 a driving force an elastic body begins to oscillate. The driving force with 'damping' and 'restoring force' is the Riemann tensor R~7 5 of the gravi- tational field. But the only thing we know is that R~75 deter- mines the 'geodesic deviations' of infinitesimal neighbouring, 'freely falling' particles, which in a certain sense can be looked upon as the rela- tive accelerations. In this sense R~75 is analo- gous to the first derivatives of a classical field strength and the equation of geodesic deviation corresponds to the first term of some Taylor's series. Under the assumption that this approximation is valid, it still remains an open question wheth- er the interpretation of 'geodesic deviation' as the driving force in the case of (elastic) inter-

Interaction of a harmonic oscillator with gravitational waves

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Volume 35A, n u m b e r 6 P H Y S I C S L E T T E R S 12 Ju ly 1!)71

f hO




_,'2- 'E


t,..,-,, 0.8 I00

Fig.2. Frequency f((L) and real wavenumber kr(A ) of the ionization waves against the current I.

obtained for each mode of co l l i s iona l drift waves where the re a re the mode compet i t ions between different modes [ 1,3]. Suppression by other

modes of the ionizat ion waves does not occur in our exper iments , because only one mode of the wave is s e l f - exc i t ed in the p lasma. No theory is avai lable for nonl inear behav io r s of the ion iza- tion wave, so that phys ica l explanation will be fur ther problem.

The author would like to thank P r o f e s s o r Y. Hatta for his encouragement .

References [1j H.W. Hendel. T.K. Chu and P.A. Politzer, Phys.

Fluids. 11 (1968) 2426. [2] K. C. Rogers and F. F. Chen. Phys. Fluids 13 (1970)

513. [3] R. E. R o , ~ e r g and A. Wong, P h y s . F l u i d s 13 (1970)

661. [4] T. H. Dupree, Phys. Fluids 11 (1968) 2680. [5] M. Sato, Beitr. Plasma Phys. 9 (1969) 371. [6] M. Sato, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24 (1970) 998.

I N T E R A C T I O N O F A H A R M O N I C O S C I L L A T O R W I T H G R A V I T A T I O N A L W A V E S *

E. FREHLAND Abteilung Theoretische Physik, Physikalisehes Institut der Universitttt, Freiburg im Breisgau, German3,

R ece i ved 10 May 1971

For a simple model of a harmonic oscillator the energy-momentum-stress tensor is determined and the energetic interaction with a plane gravitational wave of the same frequency is calculated.

The pos i t ive r e su l t s of J o s e p h W e b e r ' s g r a v - i tat ional wave expe r imen t s [1] could poss ibly open a comple te ly new f ie ld for a s t ronomica l ob- se rva t ions . But, apar t f r o m the di f f icul t ies con- cern ing the t heo re t i ca l desc r ip t ion of such ex- t r e m e events , which alone come into quest ion as ' radia t ion s o u r c e s ' , t he re does not yet exis t a r igo rous theory for the in te rac t ion of so l id - s t a t e bodies (detectors) with grav i ta t iona l waves , ne i ther within a ' c l a s s i c a l ' g e n e r a l - r e l a t i v i s t i c theory of e las t i c i ty nor on quan tum-mechan ica l foundations. Weber h imse l f has made the fo l low- ing ansatz for an approx imate ' c l a s s i c a l ' t r e a t - ment of this p rob lem [2]: Under the influence of

* Work supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft.


a dr iving fo rce an e las t i c body begins to osc i l la te . The dr iving fo rce with 'damping ' and ' r e s to r ing f o r c e ' is the Riemann t ensor R~7 5 of the g r a v i - ta t ional field.

But the only thing we know is that R~75 de t e r - mines the 'geodesic dev ia t ions ' of in f in i tes imal neighbouring, 'freely fa l l ing ' p a r t i c l e s , which in a ce r t a in sense can be looked upon as the r e l a - t ive acce l e ra t ions . In this sense R~75 is ana lo- gous to the f i r s t de r iva t i ve s of a c l a s s i c a l f ie ld s t rength and the equation of geodes ic deviat ion c o r r e s p o n d s to the f i r s t t e r m of some T a y l o r ' s s e r i e s .

Under the assumpt ion that this approximat ion is val id , it s t i l l r e m a i n s an open quest ion wheth- e r the in te rp re ta t ion of 'geodesic devia t ion ' as the dr iving fo rce in the case of (elast ic) inter-

Page 2: Interaction of a harmonic oscillator with gravitational waves

Volume 35A, number 6 P H Y S I C S

acting mat t e r can be just i f ied. It should be shown whether and under which condit ions f r o m the r igo rous equat ions of motion for the ene rgy - m o m e n t u m - s t r e s s t ensor T ~ u of the de tec to r

#u T , v = 0 (1)

(u, ~t = 1, ... 4;,,v covar ian t differentiat ion) W e b e r ' s heu r i s t i c equations of motion rea l ly fo l - low as a good approximat ion on the bas is of a g e n e r a l - r e l a t i v i s t i c theory of e las t ic i ty .

As a f i r s t step for invest igat ing this p rob lem we d i scuss the energe t ic in te rac t ion of a s imple harmonic o sc i l l a to r (two equal m a s s e s rn of length (b - a) connected by a spr ing of length 2a, e igenf requency co, vanishing damping) with a plane grav i ta t iona l wave of the same frequency. The o s c i l l a t o r s f r ee osc i l l a t ion ( d x dt = + Acoswt ) is to be sl ightly d is turbed by the wave. The f ield of the o sc i l l a to r i t se l f is neglected.

F i r s t we ca lcu la te the energy absorpt ion of this s imple de tec to r model using the eq. (1). In the ' r e s t f r a m e ' the energy change is given by the d i f fe rence between the two volume in tegra l s over T 44 before and af te r the overf lowing of the wave, and t h e r e f o r e [3] by

l 0 f ( ~ T 4 4 ) d V = s f ( ~ g p u ) T"u dV (2)

where g/xu is a s s u m e d to be the me t r i c of the plane wave t r ave l l ing in the z - d i r e c t i o n [4]. With the wel l -known ansatz T Ix u = PoC2 uPu u .e#.z u (Po: poper density of ma t t e r , u tz: 4 -ve loc i ty of ma t t e r , cr gu : s t r e s s tensor) we get in the lowest approximat ion in co and without taking into ac - count g rav i ta t iona l in te rac t ions the following nonvanishing components of TtXU :

Ixl a: TXX=-PoAco2(b - a ) sincol (3)

a < Ixl --< b :TXX= PoA2w2cos2cot

-Aco 2 (b - t x i) sinco t

T x4 =T4X=±Oo A w c . cos co/,

T44 = Po ( c2 + A2 c°s2 wt)

LETTERS 12 July 1971

With gxx = a c o s w t + fl sin ¢0t the energy change h E ( T ) pe r one per iod T then becomes :


t=0 a+b

Accord ing to the phase d i f fe rence between wave- and de t ec to r -o sc i l l a t i on , de te rmined by c~, AE is pos i t ive , negat ive or even zero .

We compare this r e su l t with W e b e r ' s theory, where we have to solve the e l emen ta ry d i f fe ren- t ia l equation

d2x i ~2 (5) + w 2 x _c 2 x dl 2 = R4x 4 .x = ~ c~12Yxx • x =

= - a w 2 c o s w / - ~w 2 sin wl

The energy change can be ca lcu la ted f rom the change of the ampli tude. Indeed the r e su l t is the same as above in eq. (4). Also one can show a g r e e m e n t for o ther d i rec t ions of incidence of the wave.

This resu l t s e e m s to indicate that W e b e r ' s ansatz could yield a good approximat ion under the condit ions, that a) the de tec tor is r emo te f r o m the radia t ion source and b) the d imens ions d of the de tec tor a r e sma l l compared with the wavelength (i.e. w d / c << 1).

Fu r the r de ta i l s and the extension to the actual s i tuation in W e b e r ' s expe r imen t s , that the de- t ec to r , or ig inal ly being at r e s t , is exci ted by the in te rac t ion with the wave, will follow.

RcfeYence8 [1] J.Weber. Phys. Rev. Lett. 22 (1969) 1320: Phys.

Rev. Lett. 24 (1970) 276. [2] J. Weber, General relativity and gravitational

waves (New YGrk, 1961) p. 124ff. [3] A. Einstein, Sitz. Ber. Pr. Ak. Wiss. (1918) p. 154. [4] Landau-Lifsehitz, Klassisehe Feldtheorie (Berlin,


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