CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANT ADVERTISED BATE H Twenty-five words or leas, Ono Time 26 cents, Turee limes 60 cents. Six Times $1.00. All advertisement ovor twenty- ßvo wordn prorata for each nd- ditlonal word. Rates on 1,000 words to be usod in a month made on application. No advertisement taken for leas than ::C- cent», cash la ad¬ vance. If yonr name appears in the telephone directory you cnn tele¬ phone your want ad to 321 and a bill will bo mailed after its in¬ sertion for prompt payment FOR SALE TOR SALE- Brand new No. 7 Oliver Typewriter at a bargain. Oliver cam Intelligencer. ll-23-3t FOR SALE-No. 2 L. C. Smith Type¬ writer In perfect condition. Addreaa J. Cars Intclllgonctr. ll-23-3t FOR SALE-Agricultural Limo. Ap¬ ply now to your gardens at rato of from, ono to five tons per acre-lt's cheap and thero Is not a gorden in A ml" rn in but that needs Hmo-It will correct blight and Bweeten your sour soil and make your fer¬ tilization readily nvallable. Phone 404, Furmun Smith, Seedsman. FOR SALE-^OnD second hand two horse wagon. W. L. Drlssoy Lum¬ ber Co. FOR SALE-EngllBh PaaB. Plant bo« twocn now and tho fifteenth; Alas¬ ka and Morning Star varieties. Don't let this Ideal planting season got away from you. Furman Smith. Beedsmar, Phone 404. FOR SALE-Forty acres of land In Hopewell Township, 3 room hOnsa, new two small houses on public road. Land fairly, level and ls of¬ fered for ono thousand dollars. W. N. Walker. FOR SALE-Everything In the lino ot fresh fruits that aro In season: pears, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, nuta <"* all kinds, and candles that make your mouth wator, and at prices that don't make you sick either. J. K.. Manoo. BUY YOUR gnspllne and motor oil " "from the man that needs your pat» rouage. Caudle, Corner ot Main and Earl atreeta. WELL ARRIVE nbou't November 1st ,7a car ot good mutes; best to be had. prices and terms right Will pay you to see ua it lu need of a mule. The Froiwsll Co. 10-24-Ot WANTS WANTED-A compétent cook wanted at once. Apply 118 Provost St, Mra. Raymond Cochran. ll-24-3t WANTED PEAS-Wo will pay you highest market prices cash-or will oxchange Agricultural Lime-you certainly need tho Limo for all your small .grain crops. Furman'Smith, Seedsman. Phono 484. li-lS-líiL WANTED-Thirty home loving peo¬ ple to read our daily ads la this paper. Wo have something that .". you want, and our proposition is splendid. Linley & Watson, Phone '?'UT, 10-24-tí WHEAT HEAL A breakfast food. Health restoring. Recommended, by physicians. Made from native grain. -Has a Hbo davor. Sorvè aa other .-; coreáis. Burrlss Milling Co. WANTED-A good farm for one efl our customers. If you have a farm for sale we will be glad to consider ^ÄÄte'Llnley & Watson, (Jno. Linley- W, E. Watson.) 3». MARCHANT TRADE-One carl ffToxaa Rod Rust Frock. Oats, carl nure shorts, and all kinds of feed. See O. E. Turnor nt P. & N. Depot MISCELLANEOUS .ALL PERSONS aro hereby warned] not to hunt, or otherwise trespass on niy land In Hopewell.and Broad-) ; way Township. Anderson county. D. S. Vandiver. ll-SS-lt. WE NOW HAVE tho largest stock b t Pianos In the oliy. They wero bought , at right prices io.' cash, and we will allow no man to under- .,/. sell us. Sea us before buying. Pat- terson Munic House. Easl Benson Street, Under Masonic Temple. lt-¿3-3t. LO OK 3-2,000 pounds good coat 14.73; ' 1,000- poundn good ebal $2,50} SOO! pounds gcod coal $1.35; Í cord «mooth dry 4 foot pine wood $4.00. . Delivered - anywhere in city. Spot cash. Blue Ridge Ice Ob., Phono ,.;<492. ll-l^Ot TYPEWRITER BE/ AIRING Best equipped typewriter rebuilding ia \Mit, south .-Factory experts for all ??V-.makes machines, *our old machias \ " can be made as good aa new for a '; .«mell amount. J. E. Orayton & Co., Charlotte, C. C. O. Dar- \- gan, local representative. " 10-23-20U. ,,;¿v-V. >. Dr. HENRY WELLS DENTiST Oßlco F. & M. Building Ofllco r>27-Phones-Besldcnco AC Dr. C. Mack Sanders DENTIST Offlco 304-ß-G nieclcloy Building. Olllce Phr 3 420 Residence Phone 149. Chisholm, Trowbridge & Saggs DENTISTS New Theatre BEÍ2á~s W. White«* St C. GADSDEN SAYRE Architect 405-406 Stockley Boiluinfl - Anderson« S. C Why It Wal. Six-year-old returned from his first dity at Sunday school very proud t.:nt ho lind learned the Bong that tho chil¬ dren sang, as tiley marched in to tho asacmhly room. "What was UK; song?" naked tho fond parent of or¬ thodox persuasion. "Onwood, Chris¬ tian Science!"-Judgo Do It Electrically Blore Convenient-3foro Efficient Moro Economical Washing Sweeping Southern Public Utilities Compoy Phone 223 COME TO Tho Luncheonette when yon are hungry. We cook anything that la In aoason, and wo..cook it right Ask the man who eats here. Short orders aerved Quickly. Oys¬ ters any style. Next door to Union Station. FOB PUBE SWEET MftK and Pure ,Sweet C.-ea tn with satisfaction gu&ranfèed or money ; back, Phone 4404. ^Bonham O'Neal. 1 l*23-6t IM ifXACÏKQ your fire insurance re¬ member, that Frank Sc DeCamp Realty Cora pa r.y représenta Ç only strong, old llt.ii companies, toar business will ba* appreciated. io-T-tt , . . > r 1 WE ABE PAY Wff $88 per tba ;for cot? ton Bead, solhi- hulls at $13.00 per too and will exchange 3 lona bulla for 1 ton seed and 1 ton ot cotton seed meal for ton ot seed. Martin Wood 6 Coal Co. ; . WYATT,the f5.CoM Mao bas yet got coal to burn; bo doesn't like the smbll ot tho smoke however, na* .less som* one else has paid for tho coal. He saya however that he Is still saving tho pc opio lota of money on tha).r coal billa. His phono ls m. CONFERENCE SESSION Nf AT SPARÏANBURO Historical Society Meets-Cabi¬ net Was in Session to Ar¬ range the Transfers. Spartnnburg, Nov. '¿i.-Tlic organi¬ zation of the historical society of the Upper South Carolina Methodist con¬ ference was perfected last night at Bethel church) tho meeting being a preliminary to tho sessions of the con¬ ference, wl.iich began this morn- lng at 0:30 o'clock, with Bleftep Coi- lins Benny of I'Jlchanondi presiding, Tlie society wad organized with the election of Dr. Mark L. Carlisle, of Greenville, president; Dr. J. L. Stokes of Walhalla, first vice presi¬ dent; Kev. J. B. Traywick, of Winna- bom, second vico president; Kev. A. M niggers of Aiken, secretary and treasurer, and Dr. D. D. Waliace of £:>ir .anburg, custodian. Dr. Wal¬ lace was chosen as the next annual ora:or before the nociety. Several historical records were fil¬ ed in the custody of tlie association, among them (fte papers of tho lute Kev. A. B. Holroyd. The plan was of thc work at St. Paul .Methodist church of Greenville, where Mr. Hol¬ royd serv;ed for four year.}. An able and thorough address on "Tho Lifo of Methodism" waa deliv¬ ered by Kev. 13. Toland Hodges of Lancaster. Copies of thc address were distributed among tho members in pamphlet form and will bo pre¬ served among tho records of tho so¬ ciety. Remarks wero also mado by Rev. H. B. Browne, presiding elder of tho Kingstreo district, who was president of tho Hostorical society of the South Carolina conference at the division of the state last year. Bishop Met With Cabinet. Bishop Denny arrived. In Spartan- burg early yesterday morning, and met bis caolnot at 9:30 o'clock for the purpose of arranging tho transfers between the two conferences. Practi¬ cally all tlie 'presiding elders of tho state were present to attend tho meet¬ ing. A meeting of tho board of mis¬ sions of the upper cenferenco was held yesterday afternoon at the call of John W. Speake, president. The committee to receivo applications for admission to the conferenco hold its opening session yesteralxy morning under Dr. Mark L. Carlisle, chair¬ man. Reports of fche.mattcrfs transacted at these meetings will 'bo mado during the business sessions of tho confer¬ enco. The Upper South Carolina confer¬ enco is made up of the following dis¬ trict's: Anderson, Coke3bury, Col um" hts, Groonville. Rock Hill and Spar- tanburg, and embraces tho counties'of Doncaster, Kershaw, Aiken and part at Richland, anil all other counties of the rtate north and west of these. The conference will hold two tses- slona daily-at 9:30 o'clock in the" morning and at 7:30 o'clock In the evening. The <set program as given in tho ritual of tho Southern Methodist church will he followed from day to <Iay. The conference will continue through Monday. The appointments will probably be read at the Monday meeting. Thanksgiving Sermon. Bishop Denny will deliver a Thanks-, crt vin ir sermon b oforo a union meeting of the Various congregations of the city 'Thursday morning at ll ouiock. The offerings will bo In benefit of thc orphanages of tho Bevern! denomina¬ tions. ' During his stay in Spartanburg Bishop Denny is tho guest of C. P. Sanders, a leading '»ember ot the lo¬ cal har. Among other conferenco VIB-. 1torB Is Bishop AlpheuB -WY Wllsor, who hO)3 ?presided over many South carolina conferences tn past years. MARKETS Local cotton ll 1-4 cents, v. Seed $38 to $40. New York Cotton. New York, Nov. 24.-Cotton open¬ ed steady -and unchanged to 4 points down with near .months relatively easy-, under scattering liquidation doubtless. lusplred by circulation . of December notices estimated at about 20,000 bales. Relatively steady ca¬ bios and revival of peace talk stead¬ ied tho list Tiltil December and Jan¬ uary selling 7 to ll net higher. Dist eased oft' slightly under dullness about midday. Open.. High. Low. Close. Dec . . ¿11.4* 11.62 11.4* 11.6G Jan . . .11.64 11.79 11.64 11.83 March . ..11.02 la.»8 11.92 12.12 May % . .12.11 13.46 12.11 12.21 July . . .12.18 12.29 12.18 12.8? Spots 11.80. . Liverpool Cotton. Open. - Close. Jan-Peb ...... ,. . .3.85 6*89 Mar-April .. ..6.82 8.S7 May-June .. .. ., ..6.81 6.86 Spots 7.04. ' gales 10,000, Receipts 24,000. Went te tbe Hospital. C. 3¿ Bl and tard, postmaster at Blanchard, Cay., writes: .^"l.bqtf bid? hey trouhlo so hui I had to go to the hospital. Foley Kidney Pilla were recommended te nie and thoy;,átóm>£ plo tel y cured nae. t cannot spe»tr too highly of them." Büfterors in avery state havo had similar benefit from thia standard remedy for Iddaéjëâe»: hiaddsr ailruontai lt banishes back¬ ache, stitt iaintfi, swollen muscles and all tba various symptoms of wjMfcjttiea diseased kidneys. Sold everywhere. TRAINED STUDENTS Washington, NOY. 24.-Seeking to enlist in the service cf its main¬ tenance of way department young men of tedlmicul training who were born and bred rn the suuth, South¬ ern railway company has maintain¬ ed during tho past two years and hus now successfully established a school of student apprentices enlist¬ ed from graduates of tho leading southern universities. This la In ef¬ fete a post graduate course to over¬ alls with on assurance of a practical lifo opportunity to those w o suc¬ ceed Tho men oro carefully selected, after conference with university au¬ thorities, their standing with their fellow students and jteneral qualities of leadership displayed In theil' col¬ lege life being considered a3 well UT their scholastic attainments and special i-onslderation being given to men who wholly or in part paid I'.elr way through college. The puy offer- ed ot the start is comparatively »mall and tho work Invoices hard¬ ships andi self denial to an extent that proves the. stamina of those wlio continuo tSUs course. Tho course has been arranged to take the student apprentice through the daily duties of trark work ns fol¬ lows: 1st, as section laborer; 2nd, ns laborer in yards and terminals; 3rd, as laborer in extn gang; 4th, os assistant foreman on extra gang or in yards; 5th, ar- relief or desig¬ nated section foreman; Gth, as assis¬ tant supervisor. Prom assistant su¬ pervisor tho student apprentice may bo promoted to supervisor, to. assis¬ tant roadmaster, to roadmaster and on tip os his qualifications may Justi¬ fy and opportunity may offer as va- carteles occur. Southern railway now (ho.3 In its employ thirteen ¿tudent . apprentices of whom seven have boen promoted to assistant supervllsors and It is a sou reo of prldo to tho management that, by sticking to the course under .tho conditions imposed un 1 by- winning tho esteom of their fellow employees and tfrlalr superior officers, these student apprentices have Justi¬ fied their employment as well as having assured ithe success of their individual careers. Page Waat« Information. Pome, Nov. 24.-American Ambas¬ sador Page requested Clio Itnlinn gov¬ ernment to Inform him of the result of the Investigation into tba'circum¬ stances attending ¡the sinking of the Ancona. Thé American naval attache 13 getting awárn statements of sur¬ vivors', of tho Ancona to establish tko nationality of tho ^submarine whlóV torpedoed the Ancona. i* KálhBjíftilná.:'; ? v. ' Bomo. Nov^ 24.T^trüiür rltallan ad¬ vances In tho attack on Cori zia ls an¬ nounced by the var ónice. The crest of tho Calitarlc heights wcBt of Qor- isb\ havo been reached and main-1 thined. The positions recently won northeast of OslaVit have been| strengthened. :. SAGE TEA PUTS LIFE AND COLOR IN HAIR Döö'i Stay Gray X It Darkens So Naturally that No¬ body Can Tel!, You can turn gray, faded hair beau¬ tifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll get a 50-ccnt bottle of "Wyeth's -Sago and.-.'Sulphur Com- ¡pound" at any drug store,' Millions of bottles of this old, famous /Sase Tea Kecipe are sold annually, suya a well- known druggist here, because lt dark¬ ens the hair so naturally and evenly thr*. no ono. can tell'<lt bas been ap¬ plied. Those whose hair Is turning, gray, becoming faded, dry, scraggly and thin havo a surprise awaiting them, because after ono or two applications tho gray hair vanishes-and your looks become luxuriantly dark and beauti¬ ful-al 1 dandruff got*., '< scalp Itching and falling hair stope.. ' Tb^a is the ago of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyetb's Sago ahd Sulphur tonight and. you ll be delighted with your dark, handsomo hair and your youth¬ ful appearance within a few days. WHILE IT LASTS Roof Paint mm Anderson Paint & Coîoi Co. 132 North MabStreet Phono £47. . Ilia liss m $3.00 á YOO CAN SAV! WEARING Wo L. I VALUE GU/ For 33 years W. L. Dcugiaï of the highest standard < name sind thc pries stamped fuji value. Tliey are the bess V/i L. Douglas shoe3 &rs J selected icnthcv3,after the late factory at Brockton, Macs., u i:o';'.¿.\ ïns pce tic LI of a mos~ pi highest paid skUiedshoemnker idctermhsation to make thc bm W. L. Douglas $3.00 and just aa good for style, fit anc makes costing $4.00 to $! perceptible íüfferer.r.e is the None genu:r»û vnle W. L. Douglas name ai the retail price is stamp« on the botter.*.. !H vo:ir lecci Auiet cannot tupply you, for Illustrated Co'.aíóg fhowina how to by moil. V/. I.- DOUGLAS. «* 5il Snrrlc 3tr*et. Brockton, I Onr Jitney Oiler-This and Gc Dont' misa thia. Cut out this slip, enclose with Cc and mail lt to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headacho and sluggish coughs, colds nnd croup; Foloy Kid ney Pills, for pain in Bides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bowels. Sold «verywhere. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtuo of the .power given me by deed of trust executed to mo by R. F. Hall the fifth day of February, 11115, recorded in tho office of the Clerlt of Court the twenty-third day of February, 1916, in Book LLLL, page 473-474, I will sell at public out¬ cry beforo the court house door at Anderson, South Carolina, sale day in December,'-1915, the following de¬ scribed real estate, the property of lt. F.,Ball.-to*.wit: ; That .storehouse and lot situate on South Main Street, in the city ot An¬ derson, ^beginning on South Main Street ct tho Koithcrn corner of-a lot owned. by, D. C..Brown; and' running along the 'line bf Main Strebt 28 feet » 8 inches, more or less, to a-corner, ; thence along the lino of storeroom ! formerly owned by S. M. Orr parallel with the lino of the lot formerly bo- lnoging to John O'Donnell's citato, now own-d by D. C. Brown, .140 feat, more or 'ess; thence to the corner cf lot formerly owned by Hall and Welch, parallel with line on Main Street, 26 feet eight Inches, more or leen, thence back to the beginning ? corner 140 feet, more or less. Terms of Bale, one-third cash; bal-'' ance in. one and two; ye&rs, secured by thc note of the "purchaser.' ahd* mortgage of .tho premises, with inter-' cst ut eight pei- cent, per annum, with leave to purchaser to pay nil. cash. Purchaser .to. pay. extra .for paper and stamps. '. M. L. Bonham, ll-18-ltaw-3w. Trustee. Gmm To cook with is the most convenient fuel to bc had. And it is the cheaper, too when tho least bit of thought and attention is given it. ; Try it for awhile, and yon w3I >'he it. There are mair/ satisfied osera of gas m Ander- son. , .-'.-. It's just the thing to heat the bath room with. & $3.50 SHOES j,« E ¿ISON EY BY r-1 wMsil^i&i^ DOUGLAS SHOES j FOR MBft fáESgQgjg ÄEANTEEÖ _, i-, _ i Tnpfll|^3n ; name has stood for shoes /y p£\ "oS^lgrlfe^gBïS quality for thc price. Hi* Jp |& W.L.OOUCLAS on the bottom guarantees JÖ^, fa WA3 PUT TO knovmshoesintheworld. |ff jft¿B SEVEN j ?de of the most carefully Sf KÍA^fc2i5 st models, in a well equipped ig«HH& f u FACT UR mc Irt nder the cUrection and per- ^?WRr^?] J Of.6/ Af.D. *s i 2rfect organization and the ÂÉjPÇt ^0cíJÍÍEri^E s; auworkingwithanhoneat^Jäf^vf^ffiKl'"Wi. es.'ööANO $4. y ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ "BROS. - - - ^IMDERSÖN, S, O. ^ THE BANK OF ANDERSON The Strongest Bank in The County. Statement of Financial Condition November 10, 1915. BESOUBCES LoanB and Discounts.....$1,040,028.48 Overdrafts, Cotton, etc...... 44,177.96 Bonds and Stocks. :.. 6/520.00 Heal Estate. 35,540.00 Due from banks and bankers^_. 99,798 83 Cash. 27,027137 Total..V.$1,253,602.64 LIABILITIES Capital Stock.$ 150.000.00 Surplus. 160,000.00 Undivided Profita _-........ 97,050.02 Dividends Unpaid. 34.00 Deposits .......................... ;. 737,144.62 Billa Payable «.-.,. . 69,600.00 llodtscounts , .. .49,864.00 Total._...................$1,253,692.64 Your Banking Busineso Solicited. Rasor*sTonsoriaJ Parlors ?k¿± The &fâïÈ SHA VZS REDUCED TO | - 1 Oe Best equipped shop in thc city. Strictly Sanitary. ssCSeaa- Uness is Next to Godliness." Efficient Workmen-Best service in every respect. Barbers: Rainer, Bruce, Lindsay and Rasor, Rasor's Tonsorial Parló». Ligón & Ledbettor Bldg. Next to Railroad cn North Mam. AMrttly Kew tad Strict Mogera WASH INGTON Opposite Capitol and Unioh Station D C Renowned for ita High Service aud Low Rate». EUROPEAN PLAN ÎMIB per day without Bfith $ 1,50 ana np s«aay with bath $2.00 aaj np ^ AU Rooina Outside Represent the~ ütóbSt séi-yici;: obtainable fró^ 'catión trîp> Opposite Tl¿ ;PaÍmeít(t ... Main.

Intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-11-25 [PAGE TWO].€¦ · member,that Frank Sc DeCamp Realty Corapar.y représenta Ç only strong, old llt.ii companies, toar business will ba*appreciated

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Page 1: Intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-11-25 [PAGE TWO].€¦ · member,that Frank Sc DeCamp Realty Corapar.y représenta Ç only strong, old llt.ii companies, toar business will ba*appreciated


Twenty-five words or leas,Ono Time 26 cents, Turee limes60 cents. Six Times $1.00.All advertisement ovor twenty-

ßvo wordn prorata for each nd-ditlonal word. Rates on 1,000words to be usod in a monthmade on application.No advertisement taken for

leas than ::C- cent», cash la ad¬vance.

If yonr name appears in thetelephone directory you cnn tele¬phone your want ad to 321 and abill will bo mailed after its in¬sertion for prompt payment


TOR SALE- Brand new No. 7 OliverTypewriter at a bargain. Olivercam Intelligencer. ll-23-3t

FOR SALE-No. 2 L. C. Smith Type¬writer In perfect condition. AddreaaJ. Cars Intclllgonctr. ll-23-3t

FOR SALE-Agricultural Limo. Ap¬ply now to your gardens at rato offrom, ono to five tons per acre-lt'scheap and thero Is not a gorden inA ml" rn in but that needs Hmo-Itwill correct blight and Bweetenyour sour soil and make your fer¬tilization readily nvallable. Phone404, Furmun Smith, Seedsman.

FOR SALE-^OnD second hand twohorse wagon. W. L. Drlssoy Lum¬ber Co.

FOR SALE-EngllBh PaaB. Plant bo«twocn now and tho fifteenth; Alas¬ka and Morning Star varieties.Don't let this Ideal planting seasongot away from you. Furman Smith.Beedsmar, Phone 404.

FOR SALE-Forty acres of land InHopewell Township, 3 room hOnsa,new two small houses on publicroad. Land fairly, level and ls of¬fered for ono thousand dollars. W.N. Walker.

FOR SALE-Everything In the lino otfresh fruits that aro In season:pears, apples, bananas, grapes,oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, nuta <"*all kinds, and candles that makeyour mouth wator, and at pricesthat don't make you sick either. J.K.. Manoo.

BUY YOUR gnspllne and motor oil" "from the man that needs your pat»rouage. Caudle, Corner ot Main andEarl atreeta.

WELL ARRIVE nbou't November 1st,7a car ot good mutes; best to be had.prices and terms right Will pay youto see ua it lu need of a mule. TheFroiwsll Co. 10-24-Ot

WANTSWANTED-A compétent cook wantedat once. Apply 118 Provost St, Mra.Raymond Cochran. ll-24-3t

WANTED PEAS-Wo will pay youhighest market prices cash-or willoxchange Agricultural Lime-youcertainly need tho Limo for all yoursmall .grain crops. Furman'Smith,Seedsman. Phono 484. li-lS-líiL

WANTED-Thirty home loving peo¬ple to read our daily ads la thispaper. Wo have something that

.". you want, and our proposition issplendid. Linley & Watson, Phone

'?'UT, 10-24-tí

WHEAT HEAL A breakfast food.Health restoring. Recommended, byphysicians. Made from native grain.-Has a Hbo davor. Sorvè aa other

.-; coreáis. Burrlss Milling Co.WANTED-A good farm for one eflour customers. If you have a farmfor sale we will be glad to consider

^ÄÄte'Llnley & Watson, (Jno. Linley-W, E. Watson.)

3». MARCHANT TRADE-One carlffToxaa Rod Rust Frock. Oats, carl

nure shorts, and all kinds of feed.See O. E. Turnor nt P. & N. Depot

MISCELLANEOUS.ALL PERSONS aro hereby warned]not to hunt, or otherwise trespass

on niy land In Hopewell.and Broad-); way Township. Anderson county. D.

S. Vandiver. ll-SS-lt.

WE NOW HAVE tho largest stock b tPianos In the oliy. They werobought ,

at right prices io.' cash,and we will allow no man to under-

.,/. sell us. Sea us before buying. Pat-terson Munic House. Easl BensonStreet, Under Masonic Temple.lt-¿3-3t.

LOOK3-2,000 pounds good coat 14.73;' 1,000- poundn good ebal $2,50} SOO!pounds gcod coal $1.35; Í cord«mooth dry 4 foot pine wood $4.00.

. Delivered -anywhere in city. Spotcash. Blue Ridge Ice Ob., Phono

,.;<492. ll-l^OtTYPEWRITER BE/ AIRING Bestequipped typewriter rebuilding ia

\Mit, south.-Factory experts for all??V-.makes machines, *our old machias\


can be made as good aa new for a'; .«mell amount. J. E. Orayton &

Co., Charlotte, N» C. C. O. Dar-\- gan, local representative."

10-23-20U. ,,;¿v-V. >.


Oßlco F. & M. BuildingOfllco r>27-Phones-Besldcnco AC

Dr. C. Mack SandersDENTIST

Offlco 304-ß-G nieclcloy Building.Olllce Phr 3 420 Residence Phone 149.

Chisholm, Trowbridge & SaggsDENTISTS

New Theatre BEÍ2á~sW. White«* St


405-406 Stockley Boiluinfl- Anderson« S. C

Why It Wal.Six-year-old returned from his first

dity at Sunday school very proud t.:ntho lind learned the Bong that tho chil¬dren sang, as tiley marched in to thoasacmhly room. "What was UK;song?" naked tho fond parent of or¬thodox persuasion. "Onwood, Chris¬tian Science!"-Judgo

Do It ElectricallyBlore Convenient-3foro Efficient

Moro Economical



Southern PublicUtilities Compoy

Phone 223

COME TO Tho Luncheonette whenyon are hungry. We cook anythingthat la In aoason, and wo..cook itright Ask the man who eats here.Short orders aerved Quickly. Oys¬ters any style. Next door to UnionStation.

FOB PUBE SWEET MftK and Pure,Sweet C.-ea tn with satisfactiongu&ranfèed or money ; back, Phone4404. ^Bonham O'Neal. 1l*23-6t

IM ifXACÏKQ your fire insurance re¬member, that Frank Sc DeCampRealty Cora pa r.y représenta Ç onlystrong, old llt.ii companies, toarbusiness will ba*appreciated.io-T-tt , .

. > r 1

WE ABE PAYWff $88 per tba ;for cot?ton Bead, solhi- hulls at $13.00 pertoo and will exchange 3 lona bullafor 1 ton seed and 1 ton ot cottonseed meal for ton ot seed. MartinWood 6 Coal Co. ; .

WYATT,the f5.CoM Mao bas yet gotcoal to burn; bo doesn't like thesmbll ot tho smoke however, na*.less som* one else has paid for thocoal. He saya however that he Isstill saving tho pc opio lota of moneyon tha).r coal billa. His phono lsm.


Historical Society Meets-Cabi¬net Was in Session to Ar¬

range the Transfers.

Spartnnburg, Nov. '¿i.-Tlic organi¬zation of the historical society of theUpper South Carolina Methodist con¬ference was perfected last night atBethel church) tho meeting being apreliminary to tho sessions of the con¬ference, wl.iich began this morn-lng at 0:30 o'clock, with Bleftep Coi-lins Benny of I'Jlchanondi presiding,Tlie society wad organized with the

election of Dr. Mark L. Carlisle, ofGreenville, president; Dr. J. L.Stokes of Walhalla, first vice presi¬dent; Kev. J. B. Traywick, of Winna-bom, second vico president; Kev. A.M niggers of Aiken, secretary andtreasurer, and Dr. D. D. Waliace of£:>ir .anburg, custodian. Dr. Wal¬lace was chosen as the next annualora:or before the nociety.

Several historical records were fil¬ed in the custody of tlie association,among them (fte papers of tho luteKev. A. B. Holroyd. The plan wasof thc work at St. Paul .Methodistchurch of Greenville, where Mr. Hol¬royd serv;ed for four year.}.An able and thorough address on

"Tho Lifo of Methodism" waa deliv¬ered by Kev. 13. Toland Hodges ofLancaster. Copies of thc addresswere distributed among tho membersin pamphlet form and will bo pre¬served among tho records of tho so¬ciety.Remarks wero also mado by Rev. H.

B. Browne, presiding elder of thoKingstreo district, who was presidentof tho Hostorical society of the SouthCarolina conference at the division ofthe state last year.

Bishop Met With Cabinet.Bishop Denny arrived. In Spartan-

burg early yesterday morning, andmet bis caolnot at 9:30 o'clock for thepurpose of arranging tho transfersbetween the two conferences. Practi¬cally all tlie 'presiding elders of thostate were present to attend tho meet¬ing. A meeting of tho board of mis¬sions of the upper cenferenco washeld yesterday afternoon at the callof John W. Speake, president. Thecommittee to receivo applications foradmission to the conferenco hold itsopening session yesteralxy morningunder Dr. Mark L. Carlisle, chair¬man.

Reports of fche.mattcrfs transactedat these meetings will 'bo mado duringthe business sessions of tho confer¬enco.The Upper South Carolina confer¬

enco is made up of the following dis¬trict's: Anderson, Coke3bury, Colum"hts, Groonville. Rock Hill and Spar-tanburg, and embraces tho counties'ofDoncaster, Kershaw, Aiken and part atRichland, anil all other counties ofthe rtate north and west of these.The conference will hold two tses-

slona daily-at 9:30 o'clock in the"morning and at 7:30 o'clock In theevening. The <set program as given intho ritual of tho Southern Methodistchurch will he followed from day to<Iay. The conference will continuethrough Monday. The appointmentswill probably be read at the Mondaymeeting.

Thanksgiving Sermon.Bishop Denny will deliver a Thanks-,

crtvin ir sermon boforo a union meetingof the Various congregations of thecity 'Thursday morning at ll ouiock.The offerings will bo In benefit of thcorphanages of tho Bevern! denomina¬tions. '

During his stay in SpartanburgBishop Denny is tho guest of C. P.Sanders, a leading '»ember ot the lo¬cal har. Among other conferenco VIB-.1torB Is Bishop AlpheuB -WY Wllsor,who hO)3 ?presided over many Southcarolina conferences tn past years.

MARKETSLocal cotton ll 1-4 cents, v.

Seed $38 to $40.

New York Cotton.New York, Nov. 24.-Cotton open¬

ed steady -and unchanged to 4 pointsdown with near .months relativelyeasy-, under scattering liquidationdoubtless. lusplred by circulation . ofDecember notices estimated at about20,000 bales. Relatively steady ca¬bios and revival of peace talk stead¬ied tho list Tiltil December and Jan¬uary selling 7 to ll net higher. Disteased oft' slightly under dullnessabout midday.

Open.. High. Low. Close.Dec . . ¿11.4* 11.62 11.4* 11.6GJan . . .11.64 11.79 11.64 11.83March . ..11.02 la.»8 11.92 12.12May % . .12.11 13.46 12.11 12.21July . . .12.18 12.29 12.18 12.8?Spots 11.80. .

Liverpool Cotton.Open. - Close.

Jan-Peb ...... ,. . .3.85 6*89Mar-April .. ..6.82 8.S7May-June .. .. ., ..6.81 6.86

Spots 7.04. '

gales 10,000,Receipts 24,000.

Went te tbe Hospital.C. 3¿ Bland tard, postmaster at

Blanchard, Cay., writes: .^"l.bqtf bid?hey trouhlo so hui I had to go tothe hospital. Foley Kidney Pilla wererecommended te nie and thoy;,átóm>£plo tely cured nae. t cannot spe»tr toohighly of them." Büfterors in averystate havo had similar benefit fromthia standard remedy for Iddaéjëâe»:hiaddsr ailruontai lt banishes back¬ache, stitt iaintfi, swollen musclesand all tba various symptoms ofwjMfcjttiea diseased kidneys. Soldeverywhere.

TRAINED STUDENTSWashington, NOY. 24.-Seeking to

enlist in the service cf its main¬tenance of way department youngmen of tedlmicul training who wereborn and bred rn the suuth, South¬ern railway company has maintain¬ed during tho past two years andhus now successfully established aschool of student apprentices enlist¬ed from graduates of tho leadingsouthern universities. This la In ef¬fete a post graduate course to over¬alls with on assurance of a practicallifo opportunity to those w o suc¬ceed

Tho men oro carefully selected,after conference with university au¬thorities, their standing with theirfellow students and jteneral qualitiesof leadership displayed In theil' col¬lege life being considered a3 well UTtheir scholastic attainments andspecial i-onslderation being given tomen who wholly or in part paid I'.elrway through college. The puy offer-ed ot the start is comparatively»mall and tho work Invoices hard¬ships andi self denial to an extentthat proves the. stamina of thosewlio continuo tSUs course.Tho course has been arranged to

take the student apprentice throughthe daily duties of trark work ns fol¬lows: 1st, as section laborer; 2nd,ns laborer in yards and terminals;3rd, as laborer in extn gang; 4th,os assistant foreman on extra gangor in yards; 5th, ar- relief or desig¬nated section foreman; Gth, as assis¬tant supervisor. Prom assistant su¬pervisor tho student apprentice maybo promoted to supervisor, to. assis¬tant roadmaster, to roadmaster andon tip os his qualifications may Justi¬fy and opportunity may offer as va-carteles occur.Southern railway now (ho.3 In its

employ thirteen ¿tudent . apprenticesof whom seven have boen promotedto assistant supervllsors and It is asou reo of prldo to tho managementthat, by sticking to the course under.tho conditions imposed un 1 by-winning tho esteom of their fellowemployees and tfrlalr superior officers,these student apprentices have Justi¬fied their employment as well ashaving assured ithe success of theirindividual careers.

Page Waat« Information.Pome, Nov. 24.-American Ambas¬

sador Page requested Clio Itnlinn gov¬ernment to Inform him of the resultof the Investigation into tba'circum¬stances attending ¡the sinking of theAncona. Thé American naval attache13 getting awárn statements of sur¬vivors', of tho Ancona to establish tkonationality of tho ^submarine whlóVtorpedoed the Ancona. i*

KálhBjíftilná.:'; ? v.' Bomo. Nov^ 24.T^trüiür rltallan ad¬vances In tho attack on Cori zia ls an¬nounced by the var ónice. The crestof tho Calitarlc heights wcBt of Qor-isb\ havo been reached and main-1thined. The positions recently wonnortheast of OslaVit have been|strengthened. :.


Döö'i Stay Gray X It DarkensSo Naturally that No¬

body Can Tel!,

You can turn gray, faded hair beau¬tifully dark and lustrous almost overnight If you'll get a 50-ccnt bottle of"Wyeth's -Sago and.-.'Sulphur Com-

¡pound" at any drug store,' Millions ofbottles of this old, famous /Sase TeaKecipe are sold annually, suya a well-known druggist here, because lt dark¬ens the hair so naturally and evenlythr*. no ono. can tell'<lt bas been ap¬plied.Those whose hair Is turning, gray,

becoming faded, dry, scraggly andthin havo a surprise awaiting them,because after ono or two applicationstho gray hair vanishes-and your looksbecome luxuriantly dark and beauti¬ful-al 1 dandruff got*., '< scalp Itchingand falling hair stope..


Tb^a is the ago of youth. Gray-haired, unattractive folks aren'twanted around, so get busy withWyetb's Sago ahd Sulphur tonightand. you ll be delighted with yourdark, handsomo hair and your youth¬ful appearance within a few days.



Anderson Paint &Coîoi Co.

132 North MabStreetPhono £47.

. Ilia liss m$3.00 á


VALUE GU/For 33 years W. L. Dcugiaïof the highest standard oí <

name sind thc pries stampedfuji value. Tliey are the bess

V/i L. Douglas shoe3 &rs J

selected icnthcv3,afterthe latefactory at Brockton, Macs., ui:o';'.¿.\ ïnspceticLI of a mos~ pihighestpaidskUiedshoemnker

idctermhsation to make thc bmW. L. Douglas $3.00 and

just aa good for style, fit ancmakes costing $4.00 to $!perceptible íüfferer.r.e is the

None genu:r»û vnleW. L. Douglas name aithe retail price is stamp«on the botter.*..

!H vo:ir lecci Auiet cannot tupply you,for Illustrated Co'.aíóg fhowina how toby moil. V/. I.- DOUGLAS.

«* 5il Snrrlc 3tr*et. Brockton, I

Onr Jitney Oiler-This and GcDont' misa thia. Cut out this slip,

enclose with Cc and mail lt to Foley& Co., Chicago, 111., writing your nameand address clearly. You will receivein return a trial package containingFoley's Honey and Tar Compound, forbladder ailments; and Foley CatharticTablets, a wholesome and thoroughlycleansing cathartic, for constipation,biliousness, headacho and sluggishcoughs, colds nnd croup; Foloy Kidney Pills, for pain in Bides and back,rheumatism, backache, kidney andbowels. Sold «verywhere.

TRUSTEE'S SALEBy virtuo of the .power given me

by deed of trust executed to mo by R.F. Hall the fifth day of February,11115, recorded in tho office of theClerlt of Court the twenty-third dayof February, 1916, in Book LLLL,page 473-474, I will sell at public out¬cry beforo the court house door atAnderson, South Carolina, sale dayin December,'-1915, the following de¬scribed real estate, the property of lt.F.,Ball.-to*.wit: ;That .storehouse and lot situate on

South Main Street, in the city ot An¬derson, ^beginning on South MainStreet ct tho Koithcrn corner of-a lotowned. by, D. C..Brown; and' runningalong the 'line bf Main Strebt 28 feet »

8 inches, more or less, to a-corner, ;thence along the lino of storeroom !formerly owned by S. M. Orr parallelwith the lino of the lot formerly bo-lnoging to John O'Donnell's citato,now own-d by D. C. Brown, .140 feat,more or 'ess; thence to the corner cflot formerly owned by Hall andWelch, parallel with line on MainStreet, 26 feet eight Inches, more orleen, thence back to the beginning ?

corner 140 feet, more or less.Terms of Bale, one-third cash; bal-''

ance in. one and two; ye&rs, securedby thc note of the "purchaser.' ahd*mortgage of .tho premises, with inter-'cst ut eight pei- cent, per annum, withleave to purchaser to pay nil. cash.Purchaser .to. pay. extra .for paper andstamps. '.

M. L. Bonham,ll-18-ltaw-3w. Trustee.

GmmTo cook with is the mostconvenient fuel to bchad.

And it is the cheaper,too when tho least bit of thoughtand attention is given it. ;

Try it for awhile, andyon w3I >'he it. There are mair/satisfied osera of gas m Ander-son. , .-'.-.

It's just the thing toheat the bath room with.

& $3.50 SHOES j,«E ¿ISON EY BY r-1 wMsil^i&i^DOUGLAS SHOES j FOR MBft fáESgQgjgÄEANTEEÖ _,


i Tnpfll|^3n; name has stood for shoes /y p£\ "oS^lgrlfe^gBïSquality for thc price. Hi* Jp |& W.L.OOUCLASon the bottom guarantees JÖ^, fa WA3 PUT TOknovmshoesintheworld. |ff jft¿B SEVEN j?de of the most carefully Sf KÍA^fc2i5st models, in awell equipped ig«HH& f uFACTURmc Irtnder the cUrection and per- ^?WRr^?] J Of.6/ Af.D. *s i2rfect organization and the ÂÉjPÇt ^0cíJÍÍEri^Es; auworkingwithanhoneat^Jäf^vf^ffiKl'"Wi. es.'ööANO $4. y

^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^"BROS. - - - ^IMDERSÖN, S, O.


THE BANK OF ANDERSONThe Strongest Bank in The County.

Statement of Financial ConditionNovember 10, 1915.


LoanB and Discounts.....$1,040,028.48Overdrafts, Cotton, etc...... 44,177.96Bonds and Stocks. :.. 6/520.00Heal Estate. 35,540.00Due from banks and bankers^_. 99,798 83

Cash. 27,027137



Capital Stock.$ 150.000.00Surplus. 160,000.00

Undivided Profita _-........ 97,050.02Dividends Unpaid. 34.00Deposits ..........................;. 737,144.62Billa Payable «.-.,. . 69,600.00llodtscounts , .. .49,864.00

Total._...................$1,253,692.64Your Banking Busineso Solicited.

Rasor*sTonsoriaJParlors?k¿± The &fâïÈ


Best equipped shop in thc city. Strictly Sanitary. ssCSeaa-Uness is Next to Godliness." Efficient Workmen-Best servicein every respect.

Barbers: Rainer, Bruce, Lindsay and Rasor,

Rasor's Tonsorial Parló».Ligón & Ledbettor Bldg. Next to Railroad cn North Mam.

AMrttly Kew tad Strict Mogera WASH INGTONOpposite Capitol and Unioh Station DCRenowned for ita High Service aud Low Rate».

EUROPEAN PLANÎMIB per day without Bfith $1,50 ana np

s«aay with bath $2.00 aaj np

^AU Rooina Outside

Represent the~ütóbSt séi-yici;:obtainable fró^'catión trîp>

Opposite Tl¿ ;PaÍmeít(t... Main.