INTRODUCTION Impaired outgrowth and clonogenic potential of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in vitro has been defined as a marker for cardiovascular risk and en- dothelial dysfunction (1), predicting the occurrence of cardiovascular events and mortality in patients suffering from coro- nary artery disease (2). In experimental settings, EPCs have been shown to take part in angiogenesis and vascular repair (3) and seem to be involved in the pro- cess of wound healing (4). Clinical pilot studies indicate a beneficial effect of pro- genitor cell application in patients with myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, and wound healing (5–7); thera- peutic application of CD34 + blood cells in wound healing and ischemia was par- ticularly effective in animal models of di- abetes (8–11). Originally, EPCs carrying antigens of hematopoietic progenitor cells were defined by sorting of CD34 + cells and subsequent outgrowth in en- dothelial cell growth medium in vitro (3). Later, different circulating mononuclear cells were isolated that gave rise to an endothelial phenotype under cell culture conditions. These cell lines can be di- vided into a) a true progenitor cell line differing from the CD34 + /CD133 + hematopoietic progenitor cells of the nonadherent fraction of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (3,12,13) and b) macrophage/monocyte–derived cells transdifferentiating under endothelial cell growth conditions (14,15). In diabetes types 1 and 2, in vitro out- growth and angiogenic function of EPCs is diminished (16,17), whereas numbers of circulating CD34 + /133 + cells in pa- tients with poorly controlled type 2 dia- betes are not impaired (18). This implies a dysfunctional proliferation and differ- entiation of EPCs that can potentially be reversed by pharmaceutical intervention. Consistently, rosiglitazone (19), statins (20), and angiotensin II antagonists (21) have been shown to increase in vitro out- growth of EPCs from PBMCs. Because insulin therapy led to an increase in the MOL MED 14(5-6)301-308, MAY-JUNE 2008 | HUMPERT ET AL. | 301 Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic Endothelial Progenitor Cells by IGF-1 Receptor–Dependent Signaling Per M Humpert, 1 Zdenka Djuric, 1 Ulf Zeuge, 1 Dimitrios Oikonomou, 1 Yuri Seregin, 1 Klaus Laine, 1 Volker Eckstein, 2 Peter P Nawroth, 1 and Angelika Bierhaus 1 P.M.H. and Z.D. contributed equally. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Per M Humpert, University Clinics Heidel- berg, Dept. of Medicine 1 and Clinical Chemistry, Im Neuenheimer Feld 410, 69120 Hei- delberg, Germany. Phone: + 49 6221 56 8027; Fax: + 49 6221 56 4233; E-mail: [email protected]. Submitted May 4, 2007; Accepted for publication February 19, 2008; Epub (www. molmed.org) ahead of print February 29, 2008. 1 Department of Medicine I and Clinical Chemistry, University Clinics Heidelberg, Germany; 2 Department of Medicine V, University Clinics Heidelberg, Germany Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have been shown to be involved in vascular regeneration and angiogenesis in experimen- tal diabetes. Because insulin therapy mobilizes circulating progenitor cells, we studied the effects of insulin on outgrowth of EPCs from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy volunteers and patients with type 2 diabetes. Insulin increased the formation of EPC colony-forming units in a dose-dependent manner, half-maximal at 1.5 nM and peaking at 15 nM. Inhibiting the insulin re- ceptor with neutralizing antibodies or antisense oligonucleotides had no effect on EPC outgrowth. 1 In contrast, targeting the human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor with neutralizing antibodies significantly suppressed insulin-induced outgrowth of EPCs from both healthy controls and patients with type 2 diabetes. This IGF-1 receptor–mediated insulin effect on EPC growth was at least in part dependent on MAP kinases 2 and was abrogated when extracellular signal–regulated kinase 1/2 (Erk1/2) and protein kinase 38 (p38) activity was inhibited. To study the functional relevance of the observed insulin effects, we studied EPC- induced tube formation of bovine endothelial cells in vitro. Insulin-stimulated EPCs incorporated into the endothelial tubes and markedly enhanced tube formation. In conclusion, this is the first study showing an insulin-mediated activation of the IGF-1 re- ceptor leading to an increased clonogenic and angiogenic potential of EPCs in vitro. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/2007-00052.Humpert

Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic

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Page 1: Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic

INTRODUCTIONImpaired outgrowth and clonogenic

potential of endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) in vitro has been defined as amarker for cardiovascular risk and en-dothelial dysfunction (1), predicting theoccurrence of cardiovascular events andmortality in patients suffering from coro-nary artery disease (2). In experimentalsettings, EPCs have been shown to takepart in angiogenesis and vascular repair(3) and seem to be involved in the pro-cess of wound healing (4). Clinical pilotstudies indicate a beneficial effect of pro-

genitor cell application in patients withmyocardial infarction, peripheral arterydisease, and wound healing (5–7); thera-peutic application of CD34+ blood cellsin wound healing and ischemia was par-ticularly effective in animal models of di-abetes (8–11). Originally, EPCs carryingantigens of hematopoietic progenitorcells were defined by sorting of CD34+

cells and subsequent outgrowth in en-dothelial cell growth medium in vitro (3).Later, different circulating mononuclearcells were isolated that gave rise to anendothelial phenotype under cell culture

conditions. These cell lines can be di-vided into a) a true progenitor cell linediffering from the CD34+/CD133+

hematopoietic progenitor cells of thenonadherent fraction of peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMCs) (3,12,13) andb) macrophage/monocyte–derived cellstransdifferentiating under endothelialcell growth conditions (14,15).

In diabetes types 1 and 2, in vitro out-growth and angiogenic function of EPCsis diminished (16,17), whereas numbersof circulating CD34+/133+ cells in pa-tients with poorly controlled type 2 dia-betes are not impaired (18). This impliesa dysfunctional proliferation and differ-entiation of EPCs that can potentially bereversed by pharmaceutical intervention.Consistently, rosiglitazone (19), statins(20), and angiotensin II antagonists (21)have been shown to increase in vitro out-growth of EPCs from PBMCs. Becauseinsulin therapy led to an increase in the

M O L M E D 1 4 ( 5 - 6 ) 3 0 1 - 3 0 8 , M AY - J U N E 2 0 0 8 | H U M P E R T E T A L . | 3 0 1

Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of AngiogenicEndothelial Progenitor Cells by IGF-1 Receptor–DependentSignaling

Per M Humpert,1 Zdenka Djuric,1 Ulf Zeuge,1 Dimitrios Oikonomou,1 Yuri Seregin,1 Klaus Laine,1

Volker Eckstein,2 Peter P Nawroth,1 and Angelika Bierhaus1

P.M.H. and Z.D. contributed equally.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Per M Humpert, University Clinics Heidel-

berg, Dept. of Medicine 1 and Clinical Chemistry, Im Neuenheimer Feld 410, 69120 Hei-

delberg, Germany. Phone: + 49 6221 56 8027; Fax: + 49 6221 56 4233; E-mail:

[email protected].

Submitted May 4, 2007; Accepted for publication February 19, 2008; Epub (www.

molmed.org) ahead of print February 29, 2008.

1Department of Medicine I and Clinical Chemistry, University Clinics Heidelberg, Germany; 2Department of Medicine V, UniversityClinics Heidelberg, Germany

Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have been shown to be involved in vascular regeneration and angiogenesis in experimen-tal diabetes. Because insulin therapy mobilizes circulating progenitor cells, we studied the effects of insulin on outgrowth of EPCsfrom peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy volunteers and patients with type 2 diabetes. Insulin increased the formationof EPC colony-forming units in a dose-dependent manner, half-maximal at 1.5 nM and peaking at 15 nM. Inhibiting the insulin re-ceptor with neutralizing antibodies or antisense oligonucleotides had no effect on EPC outgrowth.1 In contrast, targeting thehuman insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor with neutralizing antibodies significantly suppressed insulin-induced outgrowthof EPCs from both healthy controls and patients with type 2 diabetes. This IGF-1 receptor–mediated insulin effect on EPC growthwas at least in part dependent on MAP kinases2 and was abrogated when extracellular signal–regulated kinase 1/2 (Erk1/2) andprotein kinase 38 (p38) activity was inhibited. To study the functional relevance of the observed insulin effects, we studied EPC-induced tube formation of bovine endothelial cells in vitro. Insulin-stimulated EPCs incorporated into the endothelial tubes andmarkedly enhanced tube formation. In conclusion, this is the first study showing an insulin-mediated activation of the IGF-1 re-ceptor leading to an increased clonogenic and angiogenic potential of EPCs in vitro.Online address: http://www.molmed.orgdoi: 10.2119/2007-00052.Humpert

Page 2: Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic

number of circulating CD34+/133+ pro-genitor cells in poorly controlled type 2diabetes patients (18), it is crucial to un-derstand the influence of human insulinand analogs on EPC outgrowth fromPBMCs and cellular signaling cascadesinvolved in this process.

Insulin binds to its receptor with highaffinity (~0.01 nM), whereas the affinityof human insulin for the IGF-1 receptoris markedly lower (~200 nM) (22). More-over, insulin/IGF-1 hybrid receptors con-taining the A isoform of the insulin re-ceptor (IR) can bind human insulin witha higher affinity than IGF-1 receptors(IC50 ~3.7 nM) and are abundant on en-dothelial cells (23,24). In vitro, human in-sulin was shown to elicit mitogenic ef-fects in an osteosarcoma cell line with anEC50 of ~4 nM, whereas metabolic effectswere mediated at ~45 pM (22). In addi-tion, insulin stimulated IGF-1 receptorTyr phosphorylation in endothelial cellsat concentrations ranging from 0.5 to100 nM (25). Therefore, therapeutic con-centrations of insulin might interact withinsulin receptors, IGF-1, or hybrid recep-tors to stimulate the angiogenic potentialof EPCs.

In this study, insulin effects on clono-genic potential of circulating EPCs, sig-naling cascades involved, and the func-tional relevance in vitro were studied inhealthy volunteers and patients withtype 2 diabetes to identify a possible newinterventional target for the treatment ofvascular complications in diabetes.


Cell Culture, EPC Colony-FormingAssay, and Tube Formation

The outgrowth assay of EPCs in vitrowas performed by a standard method in-dicating clonogenic potential of circulat-ing EPCs as described in detail (1,26,27).In brief, mononuclear cells were isolatedfrom 30–80 mL whole blood of healthyvolunteers ages 25–30 years and 10 pa-tients with type 2 diabetes by densitygradient centrifugation (lymphocyte sep-aration; PAA Laboratories, Pasching,Austria) according to the guidelines of

the local ethics committee. The character-istics of the type 2 diabetes patients wereas follows: 3 women and 7 men, age 62 ±4 years, diabetes duration of 13 ± 7 years,HbA1c 7.5% ± 1.5%, fasting blood glu-cose 8.5 ± 3.9 mM, body mass index 32.4 ± 5.9. Five patients were treatedwith insulin and five with oral antidia-betic medication.

PBMCs were preplated in tissue cul-ture flasks (Sarstedt, Nuembrecht, Ger-many) in Medium199 (Invitrogen, Karl-sruhe, Germany) supplemented with20% fetal calf serum (PAA Laboratories)and penicillin/streptomycin/glutamine(Bio Whittacker, Walkersville, MD, USA)to allow adhesion of fast-adherent, dif-ferentiated cells. No endothelial cellgrowth factors were added, to avoid acti-vation of signaling cascades studied.After 48 h, nonadherent cells werecounted, and 106 cells were plated on 24-well plates coated with 25 µg/mL fi-bronectin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA)and cultured in the same growth me-dium (see above) without additionalgrowth factors. Medium was changedafter 3 days. Outgrowth of EPCs was

quantified by counting of colony-form-ing units (CFUs) (Figure 1a). EPCs weregrown under different conditions usingdifferent concentrations of human in-sulin (0.015 to 1500 nM; Sanofi Aventis)and insulin analogs that were purchasedfrom the respective suppliers (lispro,Lilly Germany; aspart and detemir, NovoNordisk; glulisin and glargine, SanofiAventis). In addition, EPCs were grownin medium supplemented with differentconcentrations (20–600 ng/mL) of recom-binant human IGF-1 (Biosource, Camar-illo, CA, USA).

For study of in vitro tube formation, in-sulin-stimulated and control EPCs grow-ing from 2 × 106 cells in the CFU assayon day 6 were cocultured with 105

bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs)on matrigel (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg,Germany) after washing of EPCs toavoid transfer of significant amounts ofinsulin. Tube formation and incorpora-tion of EPCs into tubes was studied after12 h. To study the incorporation of EPCsinto endothelial tubes, EPCs weremarked using CM-DiI cell tracker (Mole-cular Probes/Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA,

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Figure 1. (a) Images of EPC colony-forming units (right 10×, left 20×). Mononuclear cellswere preplated for 2 days to remove the population of fast-adhering, already differenti-ated cells. Pictures show representative colonies on day 6 after plating of the nonadher-ent cell fraction in culture. Representative flow cytometric analyses of cells positive forCD34/VEGFR-2 (b) and CD34/CD115 (c) antigen after 6 days in culture are shown.

Page 3: Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic

USA) at a concentration of 2 µM as de-scribed by the manufacturer. Briefly,EPCs were harvested on day 6 in theCFU assay, washed, and stained withCM-DiI for 5 min at room temperatureand 15 min at 4°C. EPCs were washedagain and cultured on matrigel with 105


Characterization of EPCsEPCs were characterized by flow cy-

tometric analysis as described in detail(18) using antibodies specific for CD34(Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Germany),VEGFR-2 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis,MN, USA ), CD133 (Miltenyi BiotecGmbH), CD31, CD45, CD146 (BD Bio-sciences Pharmingen, Franklin Lakes,NY, USA), CD115 (E-Bioscience, SanDiego, CA, USA), and CD62E (CymbusBiotechnology Ltd., Chandlers Ford,UK). All measurements were normalizedfor autofluorescence and unspecific re-ceptor binding using FITC- (PharmingenBD Biosciences) and PE-labeled isotypecontrols, and sorted on a FACScaliburfluorocytometer (BD Biosciences). In ad-dition, cells were stained with a FITC-labeled anti-CD34 antibody (MiltenyiBiotec GmbH) and isotype controls invitro and visualized on a fluorescencemicroscope (Olympus, Hamburg,Germany).

Receptor Inhibition Using NeutralizingAntibodies

The neutralizing IGF-1 receptor anti-body (Calbiochem, San Diego, CA, USA)was used at a concentration of 1 µg/mLand a neutralizing IR antibody (Chemi-con International, Temecula, CA, USA) ata concentration of 10 nM, as suggestedby the manufacturers, as well as 100 nM.The antibodies were added to the me-dium on day 2 after preplating.

Gene Silencing Using AntisenseOligonucleotides

For silencing of the IR gene, the cellswere incubated with 0.1 μM antisenseoligonucleotides (28). The antisenseoligonucleotide was designed using theregion from 107 to 131 bp of the pub-

lished sequence for the human IR (acc.no. NM_000208.1). Scrambled oligonu-cleotide served as control. Oligonu-cleotides were chemically modified byintroduction of phosphorothioate (PTO)links, in which a nonbridging phos-phate oxygen molecule was substitutedby sulfur to protect oligonucleotidesfrom serum- and nuclease-mediateddegradation as described in detail (28).The following sequences were used: 5′-cCC CCG CcG GCC CCc GGT GCCcAT-3′ antisense and 5′-cGC TCC GcCCCC GGc ATC CGC gCC-3′ scrambled(small letters indicate positions of PTOmodifications). Antisense oligonu-cleotides were added to the medium onday 2 after preplating, and renewedevery 48 h. To study the efficiency ofthis experiment, cells were harvestedon days 3 and 6, RNA was isolated(RNeasy Mini Kit, Qiagen GmbH, Ger-many), and RT-PCR was performedusing primers for the human IR (for-ward: 5′-CAA TGG TCT GAT CGT GCTGT-3′; reverse: 5′-GCA TGG AAA CACATC ACT GG-3′) and the followingPCR conditions: 95° 180 s; 1 x [94° 60 s;55° 180 s; 72° 90 s]; 3 x [94° 30 s; 60° 60 s;72° 60 s]; 30 x [94° 60 s; 65° 60 s; 72°60 s]; 1 x 72° 360 s.

Inhibition of Intracellular SignalingPathways

Cells were incubated with differentpathway inhibitors on day 2 after plat-ing. Medium was changed after 12 h,and EPC-CFUs were counted on days 3and 6. The following pathway inhibitorswere used in previously tested concen-trations (29): pertussis toxin (G-proteininhibitor, 400 ng/mL), cholera toxin(G-protein inhibitor, 5 μg/mL), sulin-dac acid (RAS inhibitor, 50 μM), AFC(RAS-methylation inhibitor, 50 μM),ZM336372 (RAF inhibitor, 1 μM), genis-tein (PTK inhibitor, 50 μM), H7(PKA/PKC inhibitor, 100 μM),GF109203X (PKC inhibitor, 5 μM),wortmannin (PI3/Akt inhibitor, 100nM), U0126 (MEKK inhibitor, 10 μM),iodotubericidin (ERK inhibitor, 20 μM),p38 inhibitor (p38 MAPK inhibitor,

10 nM), PD98059 (p42/p44 MAPK[ERR1/2] inhibitor, 30 μM), and SB203580 (p38 MAPK/JNK inhibitor, 10nM). All inhibitors were purchased fromSigma except U0126 and ZM336372,which were from Calbiochem.

Statistical AnalysisOutgrowth of EPCs under different

culture conditions was compared byt test and one-way ANOVA. P < 0.05 wasconsidered statistically significant. SPSS12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) wasused for all statistical testing. All data aregiven as mean ± SD.


Influence of Human Insulin andAnalogs on the Outgrowth of EPC-CFUIn Vitro

In line with previous publications(1,13), a substantial part of the cells inculture on day 6 (Figure 1a) coexpressedCD34 and VEGF-R2 (Figure 1b), whereasonly a few cells expressed the myelo-monocytic marker CD115 (Figure 1c) ormarkers of differentiated endothelial cells(~2% CD146, ~4% CD62E, not shown).Incubation of nonadherent mononuclearcells 2 d after preplating with increasingconcentrations of human insulin led to asignificant increase in EPC-CFU out-growth on day 6. The effect of insulin onEPC outgrowth was half-maximal at1.5 nM and peaked at 15 nM human in-sulin (100% ± 28% versus 195% ± 39%, P < 0.001, Figure 2a), but did not increasefurther upon incubation with higherdoses (Figure 2a). Most importantly, ther-apeutic insulin concentrations of 0.15and 1.5 nM led to an increase in EPC-CFU outgrowth of 139% ± 44% (P = 0.02)and 156% ± 75% (P = 0.02), respectively,compared with untreated controls(100% ± 27%) (Figure 2a).

The time course of EPC outgrowthupon stimulation with 30 nM human in-sulin showed maximum CFU counts onday 3, suggesting the highest prolifera-tive activity between days 2 and 3 afterpreplating. This was reflected by a 4.4-fold increase in EPC-CFUs compared


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with untreated controls (24 ± 8 vs. 100 ± 3,P < 0.001, Figure 2b). The slight decreasein CFUs observed on days 4–6 was mostlikely artificial and due to the requiredmedium change at day 3 (Figure 2b). Totest the potential of equivalent doses ofinsulin analogs on the proliferation ofEPCs, cells were incubated with 30 nMof each insulin analog (Figure 2c). Insulinlispro (141% ± 24%, P = 0.01), glulisin(141% ± 34%, P = 0.02), and aspart(149% ± 39%, P = 0.02) increased EPCoutgrowth compared with untreatedcontrols (100% ± 21%). However, onlystimulation with 30 nM glargine led toEPC outgrowth (186% ± 41%, P < 0.001)similar to that of human insulin (180% ±33%, P < 0.001) (Figure 2c). The dose-dependent effect of insulin on EPC out-growth was observed between 0.15 and15 nM, reflecting concentrations at whichthe IR is saturated (22,30). Therefore, wespeculated that the effects are not medi-ated by the IR, and examined alternativereceptors and signaling cascades in-volved in the increased outgrowth ofEPCs upon stimulation with humaninsulin.

Identification of Signaling CascadesWhen cells were incubated with 30 nM

insulin in the presence of IR antisenseoligonucleotides or neutralizing IR anti-bodies, no significant inhibitory effect oninsulin-mediated EPC outgrowth wasobserved (Figure 3a). Suppression of theIR gene transcription in the silencing ex-periment was confirmed by RT-PCR forIR mRNA on day 3 (not shown) and day6 of culture (Figure 3b). Inhibition of theIGF-1 receptor by neutralizing antibod-ies, however, resulted in complete inhibi-tion of the insulin-dependent enhancedoutgrowth of EPCs (Figure 3a). In addi-tion, increasing concentrations of recom-binant human IGF-1 enhanced EPC-CFUoutgrowth with a half-maximal effect at20 ng/mL (~3 nM) (Figure 3c).

To prove that IGF-1 receptor–dependenteffects of human insulin on the clonogenicpotential of circulating EPCs were also rel-evant in diabetes, PBMCs of 10 type 2 dia-betes patients were isolated, cultured, and

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Figure 2. a) Dose response of EPC outgrowth upon incubation with human insulin. Thedose response was performed with mononuclear cells of three healthy volunteers in tripli-cate. Cells were incubated with the indicated dose of human insulin for 6 d. Data areshown as relative increase of EPC-CFU outgrowth compared with untreated cells for eachhealthy volunteer (mean of untreated cells/control taken as 100%). P values given as cal-culated by t test compared with controls. (b) Time curve of EPC outgrowth upon incuba-tion with 30 nM human insulin. There is a slight artificial decrease in EPC colonies afterchange of culture medium on day 3. Data are shown as number of EPC colonies of threevolunteers in triplicate per culture well. (c) Influence of insulin analogs on EPC outgrowth.Cells were incubated with insulin and the respective analogs (30 nM each). Human insulinand glargine showed the strongest effect on EPC outgrowth. Data are given as relativenumber of EPC colonies per well of three volunteers in triplicate compared with untreatedcells of each volunteer. P values as calculated by t test versus untreated cells.

Page 5: Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic

stimulated with 30 nM insulin in the ab-sence or presence of neutralizing insulinand IGF-1 receptor antibodies. As was ob-served in healthy volunteers, EPC colonyforming from PBMCs of diabetes patientswas significantly increased by insulin to~208% (P < 0.001), and suppressed uponaddition of IGF-1 receptor antibodies(13.3 ± 6.4 versus 8.7 ± 4.8 CFU/well, P <0.001, Figure 3d).

Downstream signaling of the IGF-1 re-ceptor was characterized using differentpathway inhibitors. EPC outgrowth wassignificantly suppressed by pertussistoxin (Gi/o), sulindac acid (RAS), genis-tein (PTK), wortmannin (PI3), iodotube-ricidin (ERK), p38 inhibitor, and PD98059(p42/44) (Figure 3e), suggesting a G-protein–dependent activation of MAPkinases that will be the focus of follow-up studies.

In Vitro Angiogenesis AssayTo study the functional relevance of

the increase in insulin-dependent out-growth of EPCs in an in vitro angiogene-sis assay, insulin-stimulated EPCsgrown from 2 × 106 mononuclear cellswere cultured with 105 BAECs. EPCsof healthy volunteers stimulated with30 nM human insulin led to an increasein tube formation compared with BAECsalone or untreated EPCs (Figure 4a).Most importantly, insulin-stimulatedEPCs increased the thickness of tubesresembling vascular-like structures (Fig-ure 4b). Incorporation of insulin-stimu-lated EPCs into these structures couldbe tracked using a fluorescent celltracker (Figure 4c).

DISCUSSIONIn this study, human insulin is identi-

fied as a factor enhancing the clonogenicpotential of circulating EPCs fromPBMCs via activation of the IGF-1 recep-tor. The concentration of insulin neededto observe this effect corresponds to highphysiologic serum levels around 0.15 nM(31) and increased at concentrations of≥1.5 nM, which are present in patientstreated with high doses of insulin oranalogs (31–33). It seems reasonable that


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Figure 3. (a) Incubation of EPCs with neutralizing IGF-1 receptor antibodies (IGF-1Rab), 0.1µM IR PTO-antisense oligonucleotides (IR antisense), and IR blocking antibodies (IRab). Thestimulatory effect of human insulin was completely blocked by coincubation with IGF-1Rab.Coincubation with IR antisense or neutralizing IR antibodies had no effect on increased EPCoutgrowth. Incubation with IGF-1Rab alone led to a decrease of EPC outgrowth, whereasincubation with IR antisense or IRab did not change EPC outgrowth. Data are given as rela-tive number of EPC colonies of three volunteers in triplicate per culture well compared withuntreated cells of each volunteer. P values as calculated by ANOVA. (b) Efficiency of IR si-lencing was shown by RT-PCR. EPCs treated with IR antisense (AS) had markedly suppressedIR mRNA, whereas cells treated with scrambled (Scra) oligonucleotides did not downregu-late receptor mRNA. Picture shows representative data of EPCs treated with 30 nM humaninsulin on day 6 in culture. (c) To show the stimulatory effect of IGF-1 receptor signaling,mononuclear cells of two volunteers were treated with increasing doses of recombinantIGF-1 in the colony-forming assay. Six wells were counted for each volunteer, and data aregiven as relative EPC outgrowth compared with mean of untreated cells. P values as givenby t test compared with controls. (d) Human insulin (30 nM) significantly increased the out-growth of EPCs from PBMCs of 10 type 2 diabetes patients by ~208%. Addition of neutralizingIGF-1 receptor antibodies blocked the increased formation of EPC colonies, whereas addi-tion of neutralizing IR antibodies had no effect. Data are given as absolute numbers of EPCcolonies/well. (e) Identification of kinases involved in the outgrowth of EPCs from PBMCs oftwo healthy volunteers in triplicate. Data are shown for kinase inhibitors significantly decreas-ing EPC outgrowth (P < 0.05 by ANOVA) under stimulation with 30 nM insulin.

Page 6: Insulin Stimulates the Clonogenic Potential of Angiogenic

the high concentrations of human insulinstudied are needed to elicit this growtheffect, because affinity of insulin for itsreceptor is two to three orders of magni-tude higher than for the cognate IGF-1receptor (30). The efficient silencing ofthe IR [which has a half life of ~6–12 h(34,35)] through blocking its synthesis bya 3-day antisense knockdown, as well as

the lack of an effect of IR-neutralizingantibodies, make involvement of the IRin this novel effect of insulin unlikely.Even a concentration of IR-neutralizingantibodies 10 times higher than sug-gested by the manufacturer did not influ-ence the observed effects on EPC out-growth (not shown). In contrast,neutralizing the IGF-1 receptor led to a

significant suppression of insulin-stimulated EPC outgrowth and a non-significant inhibition of basal outgrowthin untreated cells. The impact of theseconsiderations is restricted by the factthat the colony-forming assay used inthis study is limited by differentiation ofprogenitor cells in the peripheralmononuclear cell fraction. Hence, al-though previous studies showed half-maximal effects on tumor cell growth at4 nM and IGF-1 receptor activation invitro starting at 0.5 nM (22,25) (concen-trations corresponding to the half-maximal effects on insulin-dependentEPC outgrowth in this study), the doseneeded to elicit half-maximal effects ofinsulin in artificial cell systems might behigher.

Involvement of the IR in the insulin-de-pendent outgrowth of EPCs could be ex-cluded using two different experimentalapproaches. In addition, glargine, whichwas shown to have a 6- to 8-fold in-creased affinity to the IGF-1 receptor in ahuman osteosarcoma cell line overex-pressing this receptor (22), was found tobe the only analog inducing EPC out-growth to a similar extent as human in-sulin. The maximum effect of insulin onEPC outgrowth in this study was reachedat 15 nM. There was no significant induc-tion of EPC proliferation at 0.015 nM in-sulin, a concentration corresponding tothe binding affinity of insulin to its recep-tor. Recently published data on IGF-1 ef-fects on EPCs are in line with the resultspresented here showing IGF-1receptor–dependent effects of IGF-1 invitro and in vivo (36,37). In conclusion,these considerations, in addition to themissing effects of blocking or silencingthe IR, strongly imply an IGF-1 recep-tor–dependent signaling of human in-sulin.

The insulin-dependent EPC outgrowthcould be blocked by incubation with per-tussis toxin and genistein, suggesting areceptor tyrosine kinase–mediated acti-vation of G proteins, which was previ-ously shown in rat fibroblasts andhuman smooth muscle cells (38,39). Thissignaling is mediated by Ras and leads

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Figure 4. (a) Coincubation of BAECs with EPCs in an in vitro tube formation assay. Dataare shown for EPCs of three healthy volunteers. Whereas unstimulated EPCs only margin-ally increased tube formation (middle column), EPCs incubated with human insulin in theEPC-CFU assay increased tube formation and led to vascular-like structures after 12 h. (b) Digitally enlarged section of the far right picture in volunteer 1. (c) Tracking of insulin-stimulated EPCs with a lipophil fluorescent cell marker (CM-DiI) showed incorporation ofEPCs into the vascular-like structures. A representative picture is shown as an overlayimage of light and fluorescence microscopy.

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to activation of the MAP kinases Erk1/2and p38 independent of PKC. Consis-tently, we did not observe significant in-hibition of EPC outgrowth by the PKCinhibitor GF109203. Although this obser-vation contradicts previously publisheddata showing inhibitory effects of p38 ac-tivation for the outgrowth of EPC (40),there is ample evidence for a distinct roleof p38 activation for proliferation ofhematopoietic precursors (41–43). A pos-sible explanation for these divergentfindings could be the differentiationstages of EPCs studied. A change in therole of p38 activation for proliferationand differentiation of progenitor cellsduring maturation and upon lineagecommitment seems plausible, because in-hibition of p38 was shown to enhanceproliferation in mature endothelial cells(44–46) and less than 4% of EPCs used inthis study expressed markers of differen-tiated endothelial cells like CD146 orCD62E (not shown).

Yet phosphorylation of p38 and ERK1/2 in Western blot analysis could notconsistently be shown on days 3 and 6 ofthe outgrowth assay (not shown), whichmight be a consequence of methodolog-ical bias caused by the EPC outgrowthassay itself (i.e., EPC in different states ofdifferentiation), or a rate of kinase phos-phorylation that is below the detectionthreshold of the antibodies used. Theexact mechanisms leading to the ob-served effects of human insulin on EPCoutgrowth will therefore be the focus offollow-up studies in suitable cell linesand in vivo models.

Because EPCs take part in vascular re-generation and correlate with markers ofendothelial function (1,3,47), we studiedthe angiogenic function of insulin-stimu-lated EPC in an in vitro angiogenesismodel. In line with our hypothesis, in-sulin-stimulated cells markedly enhancedtube formation, leading to vascular-likestructures in the matrigel assay (Figure 4).It can therefore be speculated that insulintherapy in humans could improve vascu-lar function via stimulation of EPC mobi-lization, differentiation, and vascular re-generation. Increased mobilization of

fetal endothelial progenitor cells by in-sulin therapy was recently shown in dia-betic pregnancy (48). However, in view ofthe receptor affinities for human insulin,this might only be the case in patientstreated with high daily doses of humaninsulin or glargine, which has a 6-fold in-creased affinity for the IGF-1 receptor(22). The mechanisms underlying the in-creased tube formation observed in thematrigel assay remain to be clarified andmight partly rely on an increase inparacrine activity of these cells (17).

To overcome limitations due to defec-tive outgrowth and function of EPCs inpatients with diabetes (16,17), and becauseof the limited availability of patient mate-rial, we studied the signaling cascades in-volved in insulin-mediated EPC out-growth as well as the angiogenic capacityof EPCs mainly in cells isolated fromhealthy volunteers. Yet we were also ableto show an IGF-1 receptor–dependent in-crease in clonogenic potential of circulat-ing EPCs derived from patients with type2 diabetes. This is in line with a positiveeffect of insulin treatment on vascularfunction previously shown in patientswith type 2 diabetes (49,50), although a di-rect involvement of EPCs in keeping vas-cular homeostasis in patients has yet to beshown. Specific therapeutic modulation ofthe IGF-1 receptor–dependent signalingcascades involved in EPC outgrowth of-fers potential targets for the treatment ofvascular late diabetic complications andwill be the focus of experimental and clini-cal follow-up studies.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis study was partly supported by

the Deutsche Diabetes Stiftung (PMH),the Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung(PPN) and the Network Aging Research(NAR) (A.B./P.M.H.). The authors aregrateful to Prof. G. Haensch, Institute forImmunology, University of Heidelberg,for support in FACS analysis.

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