Which U the 'Best School For Gtrl>s Thl* «]iu>stion now nppfrmont In thr minrU of parent* w'rh danshtfri to e*J- rate Almo«t ererr frlrl«* mhool claims some a ivanraice*. btit the best whaol fhe one which trains » «lrl on broad lines, siring her not only a real culture, but power to execute what I* ber.t for her life. "~ __ A school nt thl« lj|>- «•• SII«s Jhwin'a Suburban School for Girls, besntlfnllr lo- cated nmld liealthful surroundings at Tarrytown-on-Hudson. Tit.- work of Instruc- tion embraces not only <r>l!t>«:<' preparative and tbe usual academic tr«inln«, bat al«o lilßher college courses. Superior mo vantages are ofTere«l In Slodera Umjiim»<. Music aud Art. Tl«e Tarions Itandli-raf;*. sucU as cooJilns:. dresamaklns. millinery and sewtnc are KT-teniaticallr tanxlit. .i» are iluicorrect business methods, giving » girl the knowlfdite necessary to direrf a well orilcred home and to transact her financial amir« according to correct method*. For catalogue, de*»-rl:>t!ve of the> school and Its methods, addres* Miss C. E- Mason's Suburban School For Girls and Young Women Lock Box 717, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N. Y. RYE SEMINARY ror S? M Mrs. H. J. LJF-E. The Mlssos STOWB. Rye. N«w Tort. \-()NiUPxi)\ \. V. ROAnDINO AND DAY SCHOOL. FOB OIBL3. CoH?sa preparation, physical culture. tennis, basket jail. :-_-_ . . MORAVIAN SEMINARY for GW» Br-hlehem. Pa. OSSINING SCHOOL for Qiris O»lM\r,-ONH[ X. T. 40th year begins '•'" I. Miss CLARA C FULLER. Principal. For Toun? L-adles City. De Lancey School for Girls 301 Weot 98lh St.. Cor. Wft End Aye. 26th 7-ar be K in» Tuesday. Oct. l»t ln.livl.lual la- •trurtlon—Prepare* for all colleges. Classes for »m».Il boys. Kindergarten clc»» Year Book on Application. Le Baron Drumm School J£Z* tn WE«T 72D ST ißovs In primary class-** > Tr.ar- oughlv graded from kln«eri«rten through College preparation. Reopens Oct. 2nd. 190.. THE MISSES RSYSON'S HOOI. FOR GIRIS. l>.r.r.p*r* Oet M 1««. 1^- I'M wr * 7.'th Str-et. Bar^rd Sohool For Girls COLLEGE PREPARATORY. 421 West 14Hth St. k"lril<Tra-t<-n I'rimarv & '.'rinimar. 131 v*-nt An leril YKAK lIKI.IVS SKPT. 30TH. CATALOG. THfSEMPLE. West 86th St. 8.-iar<llrß and Day School for Girls an i Klnderiartea (formerly Leslie Morgan Slte>. Reopens Oct. Cl. GARDNER SCHOOL FOR GIRL*. *V>7 riFTH AVEXIT. nFTTHTH TKAR. Mrs Charles Huntlngton Qa •\u25a0-. Piliulsal Mlsa I^^ \ra*i.n*. I iin lats princ:ya!a - MJsa M EUsaaatt Ma.»;«n4. s THE MERRILL-van LAER SCHOOL Beardlaa and Day School for Girls. Formerly Th» Peebles snd Thompson School. Cp»r.» October 2nd. 30. 33 anil 34 East 57th Street. Sr> Yorlc. X. T. ~ Till VTKTMORE iHiol. FOR C.IRLS Will re-op«-ji Thursday. October 10th. 12 East 45th St For Both City. ITir. REKI.ITZ SCHOOL OF I.AJfOrAGES. Madison Hquarr (1132 Brnadway>. Harlem Branch; Lenox Aye. Cor. l-lljth 5t Brookl>-n " 7.-. Court St Kswark " Bcheuer Bulldtnc. For Boys ana Tounj Men— -City. Dwight School 1O VVC^I *OU 31, Gran(J c , ntrsi 'statloa. NEW TORK CITY THE SONOMA. Northwest Corner Broaf!no7 an< f»r>th Pt. 8 & , rooms. J bath». every linpr-m't; rent siaw to t-500. DESIRABI E APARTMENT tf> let In f.rerroof a part- ment house: owners resident; rent Sl.of>f> to 51...00 j per year. \u;.i-. to Janitor. 12 Weal ISth »t.J^ _^ Tin: ANSONIA. Broadway. 73<1 an.l 74th Apart- ments; hoasekeeplng nr non-ho«aejtee»la«; Tur- i nlsh^rt or unfurnished ! rpHB RIVERDALE. Riverside Drive, enrner 79th st ; _L blKh class ftpartmei - ready for ipan< y : T" I'-NK HOTEI* »1 Weal 79th »t.; leases noiv being j made (real Oct. I. HOTI-;i> GRO3VENOR. sth ay«. nr ' 10th .«t.; arts, of 2 to 8 r imi now f^ins leased from Oct. 1. i MANHATTAN SQUARE HOTKIa. 77th St.. rear Colum- j 31. bus nv«v; exclaal»e apsrtm«r.t hotel. ArartmentJ. j furnish' and unfurnished. 28th Year HOTEL OXFORD. rark aye. and BStli st. : suites of 1 to It rooms, furnished sn-l onfurolshed. THF. VAN DTCK Rti.l THE BEVEJRN. 72d snd 734 ats.; .-, B. B and 1! r am to lease. _^_^^_ Real Estate Wanted. \ iwwi To LOAN; amomrta B to »>iit - « co w.^ JS.>UU.fMH> :a- !\u25a0 kORTOAOB CO.. «2 Wlll- ! 'T* " -_^—^— —^^^—^— -^— School reopens S«pt»mber 25th. ' Pr»pare!< for Tale. Princetoii. Harvard. Co- lumbia. Cornell. Mass. Ins. Tech. an dall Col- leges and Technical Schools. IndlTidoal lnstrnction. Thertmsh tralalar Chemical and Physical Laboratory. Gymnasium. Send for prospectus. Priiwlpals. AKTHI X CAMERER. THE CLTLER SCHOOL, ; City Properly for Sale^^ Several beautiful awetUaaj for \u25a0*]• tn VAN (<)RTI.AM»T TERRACE. p .DAVIP STEWART. 203 Broadway. Nerr T^rk- HILD FOE ALLEGED THEFT OF SILK. M EA?T ssrn STREET. KECORI> rOK THE LAST THREE TEAS3I ENTKKKH BARTAKO, 15 PfPILS. ENTERED YAI.K. M PCPH-H. t.NTKKKi) COLt'MBIA. I* PIPn.S. ENTERED PRIXCETOS. in PIM«. ENTERRD OTIIFR COI.I.EOES. I PrTTL*, REOPENS >KITEMBKK THIRTV-nrTH YMR. PKIM TION »UK rvrits OF j * over. Summer Resorts. T'HF SCHOOL THAT HAS] | MADE A SPECIALTY OF EACH STUDENT FOR. HALF A CENTUR.Y EMPLOYS NO "SOLICITORS"! In4lvM<;al instruction. Ent*r at ar.y fiat PACKARD *^ cosi.itEnci.vt. HOOL 4th A»*. * aM >' Uay »nd Erenias. j COLUMBIA ~ GRAMMAR SCHOOL Founded 1764. REMOVED TO IT3 NEW FIREPROOF. CHICK AND an 801-IJINO. 93rd Sirest and Central Park We% Bc>» preper tot Col;rr,bi*. <."brr.»ll. Hanari. PftßeX ton. V»i#. B'i»!r!'»«- Primary Cimaae* La^ra'.orle*. G>rr:r.a«. un. PlaT«ro-jn4. App'y f-T caralog-ie. 1 tth \r»T rV«ii»» Ort 1. <'Fiske Terrace," Flatbush A residential community, pre- senting: desirable and exclusive features, which •win instant recogni- tion from all who demand, and in- sist upon findincr. environs entirely distinct from the usual neighbor- hood surroundings. The natural beauties of Fiske Terrace are further enhanced by the artistically <lo iirn "ACKERSON HOUSES" whi^fa nre models of high-class con- Btraetion, and liberally provide all the appointments of modern family life. While Ackerso>. Houses vary in design and arrangement, the high standard of material? and workman- ship are ripidly maintained, irre- spective of size or cost. Those who are influenced by qual- ity in houses and community are in- vited to make a personal inspection. Prices from $12,000 to $30,000. Representative* alwny*at offlc* on prop- erTy. Flake Terrace Station. Brighton Beach It. R . SO mir.ute* from Manhattan. T. B. ACKERSON COMPANY, New York Offices, 140 Nassau St. Klndeneartm l»rlmary Traininr. New Tork Fro-bel Vormal aad Dr. Karle'a Colleifiate f'rep •z-t-na'. fr«r \u25a0,;.:• 09 \V 98th. Incorporated laatttate. S-ho!arshit>s. esaa. aVal M LOW RATES September-October Choice Routes SOUTHERN PACIFIC Sunset Route L. H. Nutting, Q. Z. P. A. 819 BROADWAY. NEW TOHK. THE ZLLIMAN SCHOOL "'^'k^SStS? »th y^ar. 167 W. 07th St.. epp. Carn»gl» HaH. o/»o HEXRT ST Brooklyn Brewaetoaa. IT .>•>•:> \u25a0 obis. 2Cxl>-V *l^..'^«v Co^rt «t. car over bridge to Amity. Owner. HIXRICHS. '\u25a0\u25a0: Wllllanj St.. Man!-a- tan. " .NKU YOKE. Country Property for Sale. COLUMBIA INSTITUTE I-^OR PAT.E. - Elea-ant n.crtern home: rec*ntlj nnl»h»1: \u25a0< In imst charnilnir part of M<ir:t.-!alr. N. J : lf> robins and 2 bath»; steam h*-a: ; k«» and electric hKht. open nral&C* in dlnln* room; unuatially roomy veranl.i. i.rfJjnJf> f^ixlW' house. .'.Ox.TTi: tei nls poart i; 1 s*lf HnV:« rlos<» at luind; U<-kaw»r,D» nn.l ... .\u25a0«• \u25a0 - withinea.y waik' a bargain; .*\u25a0•\u25a0 on tr..,rt S B|(e. at iv--. L. i- HINCK \u25a0'• Cbrl«U>pb«r nt.. M"ntrlalr, N. -I- 12S W «ai t. Bm E. Kowler. "iTepare-. 1m»t« for all unl»eT«l:le» or \u25bam*l- ne«.» Sr>erlall«»« tn erery «übje«-t. cla!*«.e». Mini* hour, dnrinK «rh<>«l day. «-aa- oratory work. Optional military drill. n*y- Kr.ionci and athletic priT«eee«. BrUllant «ne- ,.,, in rolle«lat9 ••lamination*. Prtniarr <•!»\u25a0»<•*••. Catalos;ue». Telephone ***4 tolnmbu*. cramatan BRONXVIIXC . . . We«telie»t*r Co.. N- T. 13 ml!f> frum New Tor*. Or'n »M th« y«»r S^nd for booklet. J. J I-ANNINCo., rrop» \u25a0VTEW HAMPSHIRE MOUNTAIN'S.— Pretty summer J\ home n<»ar r1IISK«: lnr«r« •" ise; ld^nl »hr>ntlnc i.iare- rt*rr and blr-ls nMmrtAnt: trmit brook: 190 aTen, pood 'land- 3'> Bfrc» hny ; inu<-h rrown timber ready jor mprk»t; nn« n.tar r>rt:!mrd : price, 'lersts R., wJ'fßhen. N- H TTIOCICViiuLB CENTRE pr.iprtr oi;r nrrialty: « I sorts, li f'.jos mid prlre-t of cottage*, plotn. farm*, »tc. "write or call on ,\u25a0 I. WALLACE Boekrllle Cetrtra. l.one Island. HORACE MANN SCHOOLS of Teachers CoUe e. Columbia lalrer«ity. Ferfe-rt .prolntments for all itrade, Phys tea. -"\u25a0'•- M T^.n.;:s^.B ro ,,«v^. 11 :-^- York. THE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL OF ST. PAUL GARDES CITY. IONC, ISUIND. T*. T. ' An endowed boardll k sell \u25a0 1 foi Soye. nineteen mli-s from New York. Prepare* either for C*llese or Bust- ne»* life Efflrlerrt corp« of teacher*, well «rr"' nt< ila— iniiai laboratory, library, jtymnasium. swimmin* pool, athletic fleM. etc. a rbttreh aehool wbere everr lnflu^r..-e is exerted toward building manly. ChrUtlaa characters. ninatratea' i-ii'alm^*on req.i^^t WAI.TRR It. MAKSH. Hea.l Master. Montclair Academy <Formerly Montcla!r Military Academy.) MONTCLAIR - NEW JERSEY C"th sex tD'iT tba pr«»n: beaajeeetav Mont(-s:r h«n gra<ii.allv d»velcp»d a aew Idea In military t.-ain- Ir.jr. which is explained In our i^ppcial Rn-klet ThN booklet nr.i] "Your Bor and Our SchOoP will prov» able in parents no matter where ih« r sobs are erturnted. Horh books r>n reque«t JOHN <i. Mw- WAR. 47 \V«lden riacr. For Boys and Toun? M*n— Country. IXWB SAl^n OR UEABB- 1.080 acres amhr«cjt<» coal; * llvfiveins: property fronts for two niti«*« nn nia! lln« r.f railroa.l Ans-vpr. I. 8.. MS n>>: 125t8 St. X^anchick Brothers informed the Etaaqnehaniui compai on Monday afternoon that some one was getting poods on their narr.- without i auTliority. An investigation was bepi;n. and when Lanchick apain appeared ha was arrested, and then confessed that he had sold tbe goods to Klein & Srheinmnnn for .''•"> < eats a yard. The latter- r»-ti.rr.ed the silk, saying they did not know the grtod* w*»re stolen. I^anchick served a term in the Zlmira Reformatory in IflM for stealing clothing Intrusted to him for delivery. \ . f/ ST- PAULS YEAR. Th« pamphlet report of the CMeaca, Kftwaawaa er St. Paul Railway Company for the fiscal year eafied Jnne Si). 1907. has been issued. The aperattSßS for the yea- chow the following 1 resod Gross eemlng* . J6O. MftjßMel . Operatic^ expetses. excluj.r.s; taxes $3JMfX>.«O 14 Tsjie* 2.2MJ.0P6 67 Da\-ld Laachick. of Xo. 236 South 2d street, Brooklyn, was arraigned befova Magistrate Finn, <<f the Jefferson Market police court. yesterday morr.i:^s, charged wit* stealing silk from the Susquehanna Silk Milla Oeasjauijr. of Xo. 'J2 Qreene stiaat His brother Louis, whi is In the cap business, was in court. He aaked thai David be seat to a hospital, saying that h3 was Insane. Bail vma fixed at $1,000. and a hearing of the case was pet for Thursday. AcccnJir.c: to the report made by th« police Lanchick pot samples of silks at the ofllcea of the Fusquf-hanna company last F:iii. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0• morning. In the afternoon hi* returned wiih an order for three rolls, valued at 7. r > cents a yard, to be de- livered by him to Lanchlck Brothers, relatives, doing business at ICo. 410 South i'l street. The police say he apain used his relatives' name to g:et more silk on Saturday. Yoan? Man Accused of Using Relatives' Name to Get the Goods. To Let for Business Purposes. COUTH ORAKGB N. J. 13-rr>om hnuse. large lot, for J> sale at sai II s Apply I>r. KNOWtiES, South Oranpe. N J. m E-. HOMES for sale at OsslnlPjr and. *leln!ty. Jli Apply toTHOS. I.CAHV. Oe«U N. V. The Mackenzie School, DOBBS rvi;r;j(i\-iiri)sON. NEW YORK. 'REOPENS SEPTEMBER 18. Catalogue s»nt by the Registrar. DE LA SALLE INSTITUTE. CENTRAL PARK SOUTH. NEW JORK COT New TorVs Representatir<. Catholic School Condncted by the « hrJ*tbiß Brother*. SCIENTIFIC AND rOMMEBCXAI; Op* R;E3. REOPENS WEDNESDAY. nn I 1L \u25a0- - Mllltan XtaiSER OFBOAMDEKa TAKEN. ' LIMITED xrSIBI %«>««\u25a0 T Briarclifi Lodge TKE HOTEL BEAUTIFUL OF THE BRiARCUFF KILLS," Cpen tc: ihe fall seaaoa. wltb Eleaaat New Addition and ; reeai Una many unlqu* and attractive features ThlrtJ Mlle» from New Tork. I>. B. PI.IMF.X. Manager. NEW JERSET. BERKELEY SCHOOL bfoo^b f o o^ T2D STREET AND WEJT END AVENVE. UOrVM SFPTFMBER 3». Tbereasb Preperi for CoU«S a * Bas!aes* Bsaall nsar— Individual Tnstructloa. Prlm»ry Department w. , •» FREELAND SCHOOL, xon n N Bn(l.l!nK Wm| *{"* **«•* INDIVIUfAL INSTKCCTION. B&rnard School Fgs Boys COLXSOE PRKP £ GRAMMAR. 721 - ! ",***\u25a0 •SNO VEAB BEGINS >EIT. SjTII. CATALOG. HAMILTON INSTITUTE FOR BOYS. 45 \r «lst Ftreet. Manhattan ?<iaar* N. , \u25a0 n lle«i nn-1 Crtrrm-rol^l Preraratlon. Sixteenth Y-ar t-elrs s-r» =Sth \u25a0 Cata!o« y. Arrblbaltl Shaw. Jr.. Principal IRVING SCHOOL L- V. Ray. 3"> West Mth St. «-na!l class^« f.>r tt^gZkSSZ -^x3.ra V V HOME STIDT FOR B->Y> WLEK FK-Ti-E-t Year S«eBJ on V'q-iest 18t?i year b«eins Sept. "-'« Telephone ceace \NHATT COI.I.ECJE. Broadway aad I3l*t M.. New York. Reopens Sept. 11. Bro. PETER. PreeMwaa J Brooklyn. IHilUyi I !• : » ? Entrance Kumln..- flutLrnl luLLtuL \u25a0»• ••«- \u25a0*• Lafayrtte A»e . Clifton PL aad St. J»me« IT. Breoklym. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Mali SCHOOL. For Klnders»rtn-.rs Bai Art Ta=c»-er» Prof. Ami E Harvey. Supt. ART M HOOL— J. B. Whlttaker. Jtt»L Sessions cf •"••:>«e. Normal School sivi Art School beftin Sept. -3<l- Classwe for teachers be«ln betweea Oct. 5 and 10 AIIELPHI ACAPEMY Rec'srration IX«ys. Sept. 11-1* Recitations beicln Sept I*l r.ynma-' •• »cd Aia- letlc Field for mm of all saaaaaai sive-ia! factlMea for transportation of feaaa students. Offices <Cllfton Pla«"e Entrance) op-;n morninit hour* da'lr on and after Sept. 3. For circulars address Th« Re'glstrar Adelphl t'ollen«. F<-ooklyn CHARLES H. LEVERMORE. Ph- D.. PresiUent. DDITT I4ICTITIITC Fall Term begins September » mill ijOIIIUIC -nln« Classes. Septeaber 53 La::- School. M<3k\%f Vnrlf ? " 3rd Tear opens sept. JStS. lICVV lUItV t 1007 _ Jlomlnr Cteaaea, University I sS^2ir»« t""' Law School '\u25a0:>££ gSTtj?*?** \u25a0'. B£S J Tompklns. Sec. Washington Sq.. N. T. _ NEW YORK Kit School. Nas-ao St. LAW SfnoOL E»ealnc vh«ol Mew \»rk City. -Dwlßht MetrMKV of Instruction. LL.B. la -*° 7«V^ LL.M. in thre« year*. Hl«h »'»nJards S«nd for cata- logue. GEORGE CHASE. Dean. School Agency. AMERICAN AND FOKKH.N TEACHERS* AGENCT supplies rrufesaors. Teach-rs. Tutors. Gorera«ase». •»*• to c*o!!i»Ees. Schools and Families. Apply to Mrs. M. J. iOUNG-KVLTOX. C3 V..--- S4-a-"*> : \u0084 QUII3T STUDIES K)K I.nKK.VKV WORKERS IN A ll\l HKI.OIi APARTMENT IIOISE. Conslstlnc of •\u25a0 i rooms. ll«ht. Ji»at and care In- cludod Telephone Contlnuotn «>l«vator BerrJee. Particulars of CLARK ESTATEH. 2MI B*war. corner of STth St. Telephone 2050 RtrcraMa qerlach ACADEMY BRIELIE Incorporated New Jersey THE BEST BOARDINO SCHOOL FOR TOUR BO*. WHY? ASK THK 1-KINCIP.Vt. EslflDS Cl£fnnn A muxmtm school near Ph!!a. M-ArLC UUU i Wakes tip Hvs to th» duties cf life Prepares *" Boys for col rse on DtiPln^ss. 4*^th >«.*. One cf the Iliiiss. eymaaal in state. ETfellent Dept. for LlttU Box*. Manual tralnln*. J. SHORTIJDOE. A M. \a!e. i'rln.. Concordvtlle. Pa.. Box »7. The IVlonfclair ON THE MOUNTAINS MONTCLAIR, N. J. A new hlsh-cl»ss house. Large Grill Room. All Convenlencea Open tbe sntlre year. The Montclair Hotel Company BUILDINGS. STORES AND LOFTS TO LET ON IXMVN TOWN STKJ IT" RULAND & WHITING CO., \u25a0 BKKKMVN >T. \"\i:sr< }'. ester ACA DEMT. \v WHITE PUAINB. n. T. rioardltnt BebooL Prepares for all ccllere* Depart- rent (or small boys. T#rms $TSO 00. Cutalcgue. Rs- rper.s O<-;o»^r l.;t. \u25a0\JOUNT njcAßAirr ACAPawn •UJ- OSSININO-ON-HUDSON. For por«l r»a»r>r.s Just now tbe nist talked of BrhOOl la tbe East. Send for our artistic literature. For Both Sexes Country. FRIENDS SEMiNARYT FRIENDS' SCHOOL l-.'O to 229 East 10th St.. 110 to US Schermerhorn St. X T. Bklyn. N. V KINDEROAHTEN" and PREPARATORY BCHOOUI for 01P.1.S and BOYS. Individual Instruction. Regular courss Includes LANGUAGES. MUSIC. ARI MANUAL TRAINING. L*.rn« playgrounds. -SECTARIAN term b^a;!ns September "J"rd. 1907. CATALOGUE SENT ON REQUEST. PENNINGTOOiMINaW ; Bne of tli» Most BaoaesafM \u25a0ebeaftl for Boys and : Iris. All courses. Rrparate juntor department. I All year round horn» school department. KATK. $350. NO KXTR4S Catalogue. Rev. Frank Moore. 1). t>., Preii . Pen- I nlnKton. N. J. Excursions. CHARMING EXCURSIONS UP TliK PICTURESQUE HCTJwOM TO WEST POINT. NEWBURGH and POUGHKEEPSIE Pally lexrept Sunday) hy Pala-e Iron I>oy Urn steamers "Hendrick Hudson." "New York «and "Albnny." B'klyn. Fulton St. (by Annex). S; I>e«brosses Pt.. 8:40: W. 4-Jd Bt.. i*>. and W. 129th St .\> '.'O A M Raturnlne r.n clown ho.it. .lue» 42d si . ,-..h0 P. M MORNING ami AFTERNOON CONCERTS. AFTERHOQH EXCURSION TO WEST POINT STEAM MARY POWEI.I.. LeavlTiß r>esl.r<>'«!>.-8 St.. I:«S: W. 42d St "00- W 12i»th m . 2:20 P. M. \rrtvinK WeM Point .1 I : M Choice whfi liuyloc ticket of return by nny \V»-*t Shore or N. V i>ntral train or Meamer Rams,l,»ll. SI 10 Parade. Public Buildings, etc. Orebestra on board. "" This Excursion Made Dally.Except Sunday. SEPT. TRIPS!! Delightful Fall Outinrs. i-omt.ining rest an.l slbt- ••\u25a0'\u25a0•^ All I nasa Hotel - It. R. and Steamer fare. «000 isLAHDS, 4 Days, Only $15 CATSKILL MDUMTAINS...3 l 1 M 12 JAMESTOWN EXP., ......6 n •)_ " 36 THUS. T. HEnWicKSON** TOURS. 313 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. RED BANK LINE, r u_suniajs. i, aii only' for BebSawj M Bawa> ttc. Exe. 50c. Trolley to Long Branch. Asbury Park. Pfrp «ea fl>h!:is every dejr. A!. Foster's lro!» PB^^^Q^. steamer ANGLER. Ksre T'.r Ladles, 30;. w'ajawsav Leave Cast isth st., 7:13. i-.t .... , »tie «-a- OVFj' E for rent at bargain i •; \ haose BoUd- lng H D <•. Roow Mil. L.- H-a<l »t City Hotels. SOiSRSET \M cottages. ARHSVII.I.IJ. N. J. SEPTEMBER SEASON IViOST DELIGHTFUL. Oo!f. Trnnts. Hwlmrr.lnn Pool; n.l!'» of ma"adani reads for motorlrut and driving. Altltu<l» SOO fe#t. Capacltv SOO. Writ* for bookl*U BENJ. R. PHELPS. Maaaccr iiJarlborouyft =\u25a0 S6lcn!>clra ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Joalali Wiiitt- & aaae. Proprietor*. M aSfIACBI SETTS. HOTEL Plerrepont. FIREPROOF. 43, 45, 47 West' 132 d1 32d St. A superior, perfectly appointed hotel for both p«»rmni>« nt and tran^iTit iru^nti" KF.WLT FURNISHED AND UNDER EN- Tint;i.' Ni-.\v MANAGEMENT- European Plan. ONE TWO AND THREE ROOMS. WITH BATH. t'l'i TO B.eOo PER TEAR. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. HARRY L BROWN. of Hotel Victoria, Boston, ar.d Islesboro Ir.n. HOTEL GRENOBLE STOCKBRIDGE. MASS. •MEN INTII. NOVKMBEK. The most delichtful season in th« Berkihlrea, \u25a0W. G. II AVI M r. PENNSYLVANIA. NEW 6FRUCE CABIN INN. Pocono Mountain*. Pa. Rooms en suite and with bath: 3 hours from Now York. Booklet. W. J. & M. D. Price, C»n»iler.i!i P. O. Pa. Cr«sco Bta . Lack. R. R. MOI/NT POCONO, Pelawajn \Va»»r Oap. Ktrouds- hurs;. t'resrn, Peeeae Summit. Delawars Valley Penn- sylvania R"!«ort« Information at 42'J Il'wav. N. T. city. 56TH ST. AND 7TH AY. A PFIF.rT FAMH.V ANl' TRANSTEXT HOTEL. (1.50 per day and up. ROOMS WITH PHIVATB BATH. RESTAURANT A LA CARTE. WILLIAM P. <HA?E. Alpo FT. WIT.I.IAM HKNKV HOTEL. lake George. U1.1.1Ml A—ELBOAirn.Y FURNISHED APARTMENT, with j\. private bath. fl (Sally; weekly. Including meals, «50- tuealf $1 day; transients aoi-orr.:neda?ed. AL..V- HAMAi'l<>:i 15 E. llth «t.. bet. Ifway. 6th ay. Apartment Hotels. HOTEL REGENT SHKRMAN SQfAKr. BROADWAY ASD 70TH STREET. Exrlimlre Apartment Hotel. FafchlonaMe Residential Section. First I'pton-a Subway E\i>rr<s Station. CORPORAL MAY LOSE HIS LEG. Dees Hot Know Who Shot Him at Creedmoor Target Practice. It is feared that Corporal William Wliltman, of Company I>, 12th 'Rejrimf.nt. who -was shot on Paturday while preparing to shoot at a tarpet at Cree<3moor. may lose his leg. Ho Is in the Jamaica Hospital. He f=uffer<» greatly from the shock of the wound, and has been delirious for the greater part of the time since reaching the hospi taL "Ihave r.nt the slightest idea who shot me," said Corporal Whitman yesterday In a whisper. lime v.rre on'y eight other men of my own ffniipany present on the range. My own lieu- tenant was the man nearest me, and I can rec- ollect falling into his arms. I haven't an enemy In the regiment. I do not doubt that the shoot- ing was accidental." Corporal Whitman is twenty-sis years old. Ha is married, and lives at No. 524 Third ave- nue. Manhattan. New Brunswick Finn Would Keep Employe Who Has Special Knowledge of Trade. Now Brunswick. N. J.. Sept. 10 (Special).— Vlce- Chancelior Stevens to-day refused to grant a tem- porary injunction restraining Frod^rick J. Potter, superintendent of the Potter Manufacturing Com- rar.y. fiom working for any Other company, espe- cially the Jarrard X<-edle Works here, a com- petitive firm. Th<? application was made by Howard Slllcocks Rnd Theodore Whitlock. two stockholders of the Potter com]. who asasit f.iey put $6,000 into the baahMßS with the un«i«-rstan<l!n4r that Potter -was to give his skill and time thereto at a salary of not less than $35 a weak and $1,600 in stock, and not work for any rther company. They aver he has violated tlie agreement. Xo date has hecn flxfd for the fira! hearing-. IN THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. Voorhe»s f. Floyd and I. r,. Phtnipa &Co. have sola for Mrs. Eliza .1. Ark»nr.urpb the four story arid sees ment flwelHr.pr house Ke 319 V."e«t 7Cth st.. on a lot 22x102.2 fee*. bee Kramer Ka« sola isr William ArasM He K47 West *»Ol rt . « thr»e story dwelling beass on P. lot 2«TS4 feet. John A. Hamilton hes sola No. 635 TVe-t 14"Bt *t.. a three storr dr.-e]l!r.^ hnusc >^n a lot 32.8xP9.1l feet. Thomas BeholeS has boaghi for occupancy from Mrs May .' Braver. No. «12 West 170th st.. a four story etone front dwelllrr house on a lot T«x9!>H fe-t. miiiaaaa Plaut baa sold Nos. 7P'i. B1 and 81H Bowerr. a fear story bWIMHaa; on a plot 57.6x116.3x lrrecuiflr. between rannl and Hester ots. SuFie T Lyons hs!« nM No. Cl East 79th St.. a four etery ar-: baseaaent etone front d-^eillns bossa on a lot 23x112 2 feet aJbert Tilt Is the buyer. Rose 11. UllllseV has sold No. 20 East P3th et.. a five atory American basement awemag hou» on a lot IwflOl feet r.jff & Conger have so;fl No. 133 East-OTst *t . ft thre- atorr awetnn* beast on a lot 17.0x73 feet. ror Georg. r Hotallnc; also sold No. 122. East 114th st . a five story double Bsllisnss on a lot 23x100.11 f«t. for Gusta-ve Schnoor nnd Adolph Sandhopf. Barbara J. Jordan has »old No 302 West 63d St.. a three story and basement Fton» front <Swell!ns houss on a lot 20x79 feet. WOULD NOT ENJOIN MAN FROM WO REALTY NOTES. P!aris have beea filed for i imilli lTlns f^"" aM style four story fa'hous". *"•"\u25a0' '\u25a0 'i"2 3-i ny».. Into a business bvfldins; ar.il conne<-'ln!r It Tr!th th» Bdjolr.lne bu!!fl- lr.r. No. 10*4. which was also fermerly a tenement baaaa The liniirnTtsnenta are to he triad* for Elhrldse T. Gerry owner .T. Tt. Pr,nnli«'« P-<(n are the srchl- tects. Plans har«« sJaa been Bled f->r reawdanms; th» base- ment of the Knickerbocker Hotel at Broadway and 42d st. and hMtalUns a new ornamental staircas* of Iron and marb> Iradlne fllreetly from the street Tbe baprovements 1 are to be in*i*i* •* V •Joii n -IftC o >«tor us owner fr>r tbe le»F«« C. 11. C«ll»n Is tbe arebtteet Rralt?/ Holdings of the Late "Al" Adams May Be Sold at Auction. A larger volume, of realty, business v.-as trana- acted yesterday than in many days. The tradlns uffectrd property In various sections. The prin- cipal sale iras Xo. SM sth aye., a dwelling; noose, on a lot 25.5x100 feet, being the southwest corner of 4Stii st. The property was sold for the estate of Charles T. Cook, ihrougb Whltehouse & Porter. for about SoIO.OW. L*nt« June. DM. the land on which tlie housi stands belonged to Columbia University. According to a report, the buyer will me the pteunsea for bosbiess purposes. Charles T. Cook was for amay years president of Tiffnny & Co. The entire holdlnea of the estate of "Al" Adams. Urn policy kins, are likely to be sold in October at auction by Isryan L.. Kennelly. Al^out eighteen months before his death Adams sold, through Mr. Kennelly, about twenty-four pareehi In tlie Heal Estate Exchange Balesrooms. In Veaajr et.. for which f1.20?.T00 sraa paid. That was one of tbe laigeal auction kales ever held in Uiis ity. The \u25a0aseas value of the rerr.aining unsold realty holdings of the Adams estate is about 11.600.009. Just before hU deatli Adams sold a plot in West 33d Bt to the ilcAdoO tunaei interests for S<SO.OOO. Some Adams estate holdings are: KOS. 577. 1151 and MN 2d aye.. Xo. Ti? M nve.. Nea. 24:. STS "th aye.. Xos. 335. r.33. Ms. C 42, 830 and bTO Sth aye.. No. 146 11th aye.. X'> t£i Amsterdam aye.. No. 0 Bowery. No I6S Lexington aye.. No. » West 2Sth St., Xo. SW West Mtfa St.. No. 54 West 31st St., Xo. 413 East S4th 6t.. Xo. sn Weot SStfa st.. So. 11. Kr.st :7th st.. No. 307 West 17th st.. Xo. MM West 45th Ft.. Xo. 107 West 45th St., Xo. 259 West S2d et.. Xo. r.2r .2 West BTtb st. and Xo. 77 West Nth st. Among tba mortgagee recorded yesterday •«\u25a0 one for J2.200.000 Rt 5' 2 rer cent, placed by the Metro- politan ' Life Insurance Company, on the piot at the soathwest comer of Soth st. and sth aye.. owned by the Thirty-fifth Strret end Fifth Avenue Realty Company. The Acker. Merrall & Condlt Company Is building a hip store and offlre ptnicture on the site. MORE WEST SIDE HOUSES RENTED. Blawaoa a Kpbba have rented lbs rcltowla* houses: For E M (-Tarruthei-s. So 03 VT TSth »t: for M P Dyftt. S 833 w t-7U» st; bar M t Bhamion. No MI VT 50th st; for , ; -,- Cl3rk. No 9M W sad st: for W\u25a0 D Stokes. X,, Sl» W TSth st. and for Bei | F Romalne. 243 W TtV.h \u25a0• SALES IN AND NEAR BOSTON ROAD. Tbe Ir-tirf BcaltF Company has sold to Florentine Beaaer a lot 55x83 feet, on the east side of Grace eve.. 12? feet north of Boston road; also »oM t.i Bata- rich Brfll a M 23x95 f*>et. aa tbe eact side of Gracs sve.. IS3 feet amrtb at Ti.->ytoTi road: also ta Oeutce H. K;rc . a plot r.7x!>r. feet. In Ely aye.. about 400 feet so'Jth of 222 d st . ard to \lary KcDanactl a plot f.Tx H I <\u25a0\u25a0•. In Xlv nre.. aojoiatas th« W>*tchcster & Boston BallraaaTa risrht of way SEEK TO FORECLOSE $50,000 MORTGAGE. An action has brfn b—aji by Oeorc* F. Johnson apairist \u25a0aariea i Korsliein anJ others to foradoaa a asortcase •• t'O.OOA on tbe property on the north Fide of I,or.Rwnn<l rye. exter.dir.r from B»ck to Vox ft a p] it c^firT^O feet. Tbe mortsane was m»'le on Jar.uarr 1?. 190,'>. STUDIO PROJECT FOR SIXTH AVENUE. Plans hay« been f>-i wish BatMtaaa Boperiatendettt Murj>hv for making over lbs Bwa rtorr department ttoi Xos. SSt r.- 1 281 Sixth aye . owr.»d by Emma trhlachtel. Baphla Dressier and others. Into a studio and office buildlnp. with salesrooms on th» STOOnd floor. Tbe liaam—i sjiis are ta east Ifl.oon. aecardtas to ika aatbaata of .T. T TT. Cotthaaa, th« architect. The wee* \u25a0 marked by rr.ntinuM hot *£**£* in the Southern stat«-s. especially In V. c ,'?5 r ,f Texas also ta the Atlantic < oan »tat<s. UUJtor V, and or. the Nortl Pacific Co«at •w-jib cooler than usual In Uowei Mifsou.i, ITpper Mtetelppl and I^wor Ohio val leys and thV7sw«t« portion of the Or. at 1-ake J^^.^* temi-rature was wholly favorahh>. llo y^^- '' D'-at-tictillv all districts eatceptltuf portions of ¥2£££Z Arkansas «nd Oklahoma and l the create- part of Texas. Light trusts «\u25a0«« roporte. for the upper Michigan ;K-nlr.Fu!a. P.-)kota and some Rocky Mountain states. drou-h Copious rains have complete y relieved trie drou n Ti-hJch prevafied in Now K^lan.i. and th« «Jwmt£ has been broken In Oklahoma and K <-noral.> re- lieved In North Carolina and NortlieaPLern Oiia but continues in portions of the two last nam.-d suites. Alabama. UoaisiaJi and tli« pr.ater part \u25a0T Texas the condition in th«- last named state beinf agsravated ttr hot. drj - «rlnd« Some coun- ties in Po-jth Dakota also nefd rain. There wer« no severe Iscal Ptorms r<»ixirted during the \ve*'k. As ficured by Henry fleinaer, ftatistlcl.in of the ICew York I'i..- ; Exc!:angr. the indication on eprtne wheat la for a crop of £20.204,000 bushels. compared with an indication of r££».o9o buchc^ls on AuiniPt 1 and sfMh la«M |iaai*a karveM of ;42.5T:.f-rf">s btishels. The, total indicated V... crop is 631.- TG4.000 bushels, which compares with the August 1 Indication of tv$.35MW bushei?. md with last year's harvest of T33.56».&T-> bushels. The Indicated corn crop Is ;,»4.'>.754.0i.»> bushels, aca-inst the August es- timate of 2.W5.673.0G0 bushels and fie " ; harvest of 2.927.416,061 bushela. Condition of Wheat, Corn ami Oats Lorccr than the Average. V.'ash:nsrtor.. c;... . 10.—The crop rCpOTtlnC lioard x cf th< burraa of statistics of the Department of. Agriculture In its report to-day finds as follows: The condition of corn on September 1 was SO2. as compared trith S2.S laPt month. 50.2 on September J. UOS, and a t^n yrar averaßf of M. k Tlie avt- race condition or spring wheat when hu.- VvPtert w VT.I. as compared with .^4 last mor.t.i and ta - f"r 1»»; at th« vlme of hapvestinjr. ThMxVr^^ condition of tlie oat cro,. wh«n har- vestod xva* <&i. a^aii^t T^.fl last niuiith SVJ on September 1. I**, and a ten year avirage «JJ£*v*, The itmce condition of bv'errrtKn *»£**3 September 1 «*«: K-S «t the cf.rrespcnding d.ite In be? 1 «« JT4. .«mte« \u25a0"»«5»J5Jg^ a ,S: 2 d °a Soptrrcber 1. ISOS; M4I on September 1. IMo. ana a of potato^ on September yesr avorape of t>2>. . . <ol r*- we«ther bureau pave out to-day the fol- louins bulletin on last wreck's -treat her in the crop country of the United States. GETS $510000 FOR LOT. VSR6INIA HOT SPRINGS 2.500 fret elerntlon <»(icn oil tlio jreor^ Waters, Baths, H«»:«I and Scenery nowhere equalled SPKfIAI. OR VOKR OFFICE. 243 FIFTH AVENUE, where excursion tlckeM. Pullman reservations snd spectal Information may bt> obtained. BSjBJ HOMESTEAD. Modern High-Class Hotel. The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway allows stop-over at Covlngton. Va., on through tickets to rrnrinaati. I»ul»vlile. Chicago. .'it. I>.ui» and the W'tr.x. for side trip to Vlriclrln Hot Springs. Pulbnas compartment car. via Waalilnttnn. leaves >;. V. 4:^5 p. m.. arrives Springa S-..T3 a. m Eastern time. Kxeurslon tlik>?t« an.l I'ullman reservations at C. .1 O. ofti.es. 3C2 ISroadway and i; 43 Fifth Avo- oue. aim'- offices Penna, K. K. and connecting lines. FItEL> BTERHY. Manager. Hot Springs. Va. KE'-TAIRANT. a la Carte ami Table d'Hote. Apartments, two moms with bath, to se\ca rooms and thr-" t>a- lis. f-.iinlshcd or unfurnished. F. II HIM.KRS, Mmuier. MOTEL SEVILLE Heal Estate. W'JtITE ' for aeacru>U\-e Hr^lc of l'lan*. UOXO «> » ISLAND CITY FACTORY CO.. New York Offices. 14<> Nassau Street. Teachers. Ojst cX r«>aa and s««SjsMi I .$a6P.14.«.72T f'! Banfls. rtf«c»c et-.. of other comr*nie«.. . 4.612.447 C 9 N»-- EK^laixJ Tru«* fo. - Brnds betd in trjst for Dubuqoe DlvU<o« slnklnir far.d .. 412.0C0 no rermnn" I>u«-n a-r-1 l'rii?t "0 Carh haM In *r*^la! traKt for Kul-uque Divloi'tn and Wlyronvln Val>r J)!vi?Jrn f ink:i:s funds.. 119.445 75 Vri'e-i s::—s Trun <\i.. trustee. 55.00000 O'nVr.tl rn>rU;ace l-on<s«. un»oVi. heM In ir»*«v:rj' aiij *ye iraui tru«e»« 7.1 C *7,<VX)00 Vll«r A N.rtttn n. n. CV>. <n- coo- \u25a0ellilii 1 I rnorlirafte bond*, un»cl<3. held In treantiy l.«S!».O0O 00 foanitKTi stock. un*"M. l*ldin tre»j":r>- C73.!Vic) O») CCnrk cf i.-.storlß i «tn4 furl 6.3K*.'J3» 11 In«cran-.-4 d«-p£rrnient ; .... lO.tiOQOQ Jtenvwa: Mid isjM-ov«m«nt fund fnltea F # .ai«-i> Tix*t Co . N>vr Vorlt 1.ir«.C3505 rnlMi Tru«t Co.. \«r York IJCKCM'7 Ad»an.-«-» to Mti<-.- nllvav r-.n:j*r.;.-« .. 5^.:::C.271 41 Dae from acent* and «jnduct«-rs ..... l.dt."f!7 59 I>»* ft') 1. trar*3'>rtatloii < tmpaoltja I.<)!Mi.!i3i>01 illsC«-llt.neou» Ui)->r.-. . 1.C73.230 <>S J»*> frr>n: lr.t»-' Stat.»« eovernrr.ent 424, 2C1 04 D»» Irym irurt companl»a— Eipendlttire* fMnrei:.'«- ..1 fLiii lmpravement fund. .M?y \u25a0nd June. ia07...;...- :>;> 334 15 Ot»h en hand . T-.7«4i.!H4 J»l -if . - r i\ J337 , 4: 1 . 7Ob &3 ; Capital «t->k. ferpod $43.8i»5.400 rv» I ••»i»it»: tu'j.->t. comm-jn . K-t.lv3.ikiOim J*uiK!«d «et»t isi!m: O<) KaJjFSJyU.^te to capital *tork "4.C32 f '15 MJ lishusue I>i-»l«icn sin^lns; f nn<l ." W ,-t, «:2 I "*,\":««Ji»l3 ValWy I>l-Uio-, rit.Lins; fan* , |«i IS I 3'-*ri«*wal cn '. lmrro\-«nect fund Jt.2a0.3i34 hj Ti-ralimrr-X an4 ppT'lucenjer.t fuel kh)oGO<«> I fjSJS—Si \u25a0 at«d mach«"r» ;.. 6>s*2.VM< <M \yv trer,roortatlf«jj caßstwr.le* ' R4"'~ifHZ> - r M. l «r^naneotj« ares). .• . ... 1.003.8 M \u25a0»«: a 7nvv*-vA*HJXlalmed ai'M^aon ir \u25a0 r««S «M»ujioni!not pre**:. 1 4J tit; M \u25a0 XrUrwl fcro»«l. cot yet paya1i1e......... . "»":<iV.7"o . Ir*«Mn» Keein&t..'. SS.SCU3I Hi ' otas .-- ' 1537.451.533 Operatinr 1141 ana ml tactueirir taxes 41.6*6. '09 SI \u25a0M earnings {1R.562.047 04 Fijtefl rhair«»— ir.ter«t» en bonda . 5.'>»2.140 "> Balance f 12JU9.907 64 Darine th 9 year two dividends ag^r^patjn? T : e r cent wrre paid osj \u25a0_ preferred stock, and two <UvJdends apjrregßting' 7 per cent iren paid on tlw common stock. The pross earnings 6liow an in- creape r.f 55.1*5.3)1 4-' as compar* I wit . the preced- Ing yar. The, *«rninps Irom freight traffl wf-re 5«.11.*.<fe9 15. or 72.56 t r c*nt of total earnings, sn lncreus* of 53.927.34? 13. or TT jv»r c«*nt. The num- ber of tons of freight carried was 25.536.C41. an In- <?re>a!=e of 2,3!«4,100 tons, or 9.14 per c-nt. The nutn- i 'b'-r of tons of revenue freight carried cse mile -was ' 6.155.662.231. sr, Increase ni 491>r.4.^;4. or 10.05 per cent. The revenue er ton p«r mile was JS67 cents, a d*creas>» n* .'•»'. \u25a0\u25a0• nis, or .7.) per cent. The earn- ings from pafsfnfir trail during the year tvero 512.3P2.156 rj. or l*«.i<3 per cent of the total earnings, an increa-«^ of J>7S,*iT.l. or S.S.J per c«nt, over th«* previous year. \u25a0 Operating exj>enses, wtrtodtng taxes, durir.^ t^«> year "irrre $3S.4O.'.4i'"' \u25a0\u25a0•;. an incresse of $l.?S>5,M7 CL The exp*»i:F«*B of maintenance of xv.-:v an structures were 55.650.957 ?3: Bsalntenai of equipment, itt.ly-.- 757 OS; conducting transi>ortation. 122.782. 4?8 15; gen- eral expenses. fj;2%.345< 31. and for additions to prop- erty. 5946,y>7 j-T. Tb«re traa a decrease In expend:- I lures for mairtenanr*- of \u25a0»,.•• an<l structures of $1T4.<»4 GO. and a:. increase in expenditures for mnin- tensnee of equipment of R££92.'Sl4s9: for conducting- trax.sportatlon of $3,055.??7 5.". . for peneral expenses, of fl3,?&<&, and for additions to property <•! $2.54,- \u25a0ras. \ The payments of the company for labor directly emploj-ed In its ser\lce during the year were £fi.Er»t,S74 20. as compared vrtth 122.717.278 14 last \u25a0year. and for ma-«>rial and supplies. |>8,48a,485)aa > as compared with 117.635.2C0 17 last year. President darling-, in his report to th« Btock- iHUerß, aays of the Pacific Coast extension: Companies c-rt;;irA7'(\ under the laws of South l»abota. Montana, Idaho and Waahin^ton have MMdcrtaXen and are now rt:sagerl in the construc- tion of a line of railway from the Miaaowrl River to .•tl*. Tacoiha and other Puget Sound points. It has loty: befti apparent that an outlet to the Paciflc Coast would be <.f areat benefit to the property of youi company, and accordingly your company lia* advar.red and is now from thr.e to time adi*ancins mimt of money to aid thore rom- f«nles in tiie construction of this lir.e. Each of {he mparie* is procres«!iß *atl«fact«rlly with Its work, and X i«« expected that* the entire line trillbe completed during the year UO9L Tie" (BBcral apeaaat as of June 3?. ISO 7. is 88 ToUot.-s: A DVEnTISiniENTS ar,4 mit-scrlpMons for Th« Trlb-jn* -»*l_ i*-«-etv«vl at thrlr U|iCowfl OUice. So. 13'JS Broadws> between 3Cth «-vl JTth «ts.. until H 0«|.,1c p. m. Adver- \u25a0.l»*:nt::U rccfi^l at t!-.e r.-"-jTrin* brauch <jn>"es at re«- tlar office rates*umtl- t o'esock p. m.. viz.: 1214 #lh aye t. c. oar. »<i et.: K3 «th aye.. cor. 12th St.: 92 East J4th tt.: 2T.T West 4M st.. betxveen 7th and Bth ayes.; 2&1 West l^jth »t. : 133S 3d aye.. bet\**«a "6th and "ii>sis. : r \V. comer Matftaoa Aye. and 2!Uh St. Extending through to 2Sth St. Halt block from sth Ay«. The new addition. with many improvements on tli» orlcitißl building, now ready for 00-upancy. Desirable Miiti-s of all Mir-, handsomely furnWhed for permaornt KUfkti>. Sjifrial rales 1)> (lie »ca»on or year. Every bedroom ha* ->u!«l«ie bathroom. EDWARD PURCHAS. Manairar. rjENTLEMAN. glvln* up bu«!r,«« for th» sake of V.X teaching his own children, wants thr»-e or four boys. elßht ti> twelve years old. to loln them in a horn« m-t.oo! a short distance- In tli* country: healthful sur- roundings, thorough Instruction. good honw an.l a parent's care.. For further particulars address COUN- TRY HOME, Box 28, Tribun* Offlc* _ BILT.MORE AND BLENHEIM, f,«5 and IB We»t f.*th st. Apartments of 8 rooms aad 2 baths. One avartnvnr sultaM* for physician. $l.SOi> to tz.ieo. Pttwssa Stn ••»».<! Crh ayes.. on ore of the finest residential bloeka la the city: all night elevator and hall service; Cabinet trim, parquet floors, eren fireplaces, «--acfous tiled baths. electric light. Individual telept»r.e«. K£\T, TSTATK MASAfIEMENT CO.. Broadway and Wtn St., or \u25a0uptrißtgadSßt, on pßmawa Instruction. For Young LMles— Country. City Property to Let. Unfurnished Apartments to Let. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11. 1907. HIGH 'CLASS AMERICAN BASEMEHT DWELLINGS AnsOI.T Ti:i.Y riREPROOF WEST 74TH ST. B»[n rf Central Park Weft and Colambaa a- Jfo itwMearrs have ever beet) oft'ered for rental In Nfv Tork City eompariag with the«e in construction, equipment. appointment and •ietall They have *e»n <3»s!sn»il and huilt with the careful attention to details of construction given only to th<« highest class houses built for private ownership Kent*. $...000 SiZE. 25X85X 102.2 HR STORIES (N HEIGHT Electric Elevators. Caret*k«r at No. 67 West 73d Ft. For particulars and Booklet Inquire oC CLABK ESTATES Frank H. Presby, Agent No. 2381 Broadway. Corner of 87tli St. Telephone "OSO IMvernlde MONTHLY CROP REPORT |C. T. COOK ESTATE SELLS Instruction. For Young Ladles— Country. MENDELSSOHN BUILDING BACHELOR APARTMENTS 1!3 Wf*t 4«>lti !<l., m-ai- Bryant Park. Several ii''«>iatle apartment* for rent, consisting of two or thro* room* and batli. TIM rent Includes e'.ectrlc light heat, care o' th« SBttaS and contin- uous elevator service. _ ~ Te™epnone connection Breakfasts served. Alilily at Uiililluß. <"\u25a0 •< _ 11 * cI.AKK ESTATES. 2381 \u25a0raaawar. corner of *7th St. 10 Brooklyn Property for Sale.

Instruction. MONTHLY CROP REPORT T. Which For

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Which U the 'Best SchoolFor Gtrl>s

Thl* «]iu>stion l« now nppfrmont In thr minrU of parent* w'rh danshtfri to e*J-

rate Almo«t ererr frlrl«* mhool claims some a ivanraice*. btit the best whaol 1» fheone which trains » «lrl on broad lines, siring her not only a real culture, but power

to execute what I*ber.t for her life. "~ __A school nt thl« lj|>- «•• SII«s Jhwin'a Suburban School for Girls, besntlfnllr lo-

cated nmld liealthful surroundings at Tarrytown-on-Hudson. Tit.- work of Instruc-

tion embraces not only <r>l!t>«:<' preparative and tbe usual academic tr«inln«, bat al«o

lilßher college courses. Superior mo vantages are ofTere«l In Slodera Umjiim»<. Musicaud Art. Tl«e Tarions Itandli-raf;*. sucU as cooJilns:. dresamaklns. millinery and sewtncare KT-teniaticallr tanxlit. .i» are iluicorrect business methods, giving » girl the

knowlfdite necessary to direrf a well orilcred home and to transact her financial

amir« according to correct method*.For catalogue, de*»-rl:>t!ve of the> school and Its methods, addres*

Miss C. E- Mason's Suburban SchoolFor Girls and Young Women

Lock Box 717, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N. Y.


Mrs. H. J. LJF-E. The Mlssos STOWB. Rye. N«w Tort.

\-()NiUPxi)\ \. V.


CoH?sa preparation, physical culture. tennis, basketjail. :-_-_ . .


40th year begins '•'" I.Miss CLARA C FULLER. Principal.

For Toun? L-adles—


De Lancey School for Girls301 Weot 98lh St.. Cor. Wft End Aye.

26th 7-ar beKin» Tuesday. Oct. l»t ln.livl.lualla-•trurtlon—Prepare* for all colleges. Classes for »m».Ilboys. Kindergarten clc»» Year Book on Application.

Le Baron Drumm School J£Z*tn WE«T 72D ST ißovs In primary class-** > Tr.ar-

oughlv graded from kln«eri«rten through College

preparation. Reopens Oct. 2nd. 190..


l>.r.r.p*r*Oet M 1««. 1^- I'M wr—* 7.'th Str-et.

Bar^rd Sohool For GirlsCOLLEGE PREPARATORY. 421 West 14Hth St.

k"lril<Tra-t<-n I'rimarv & '.'rinimar. 131 v*-nt Anleril YKAK lIKI.IVS SKPT. 30TH. CATALOG.

THfSEMPLE. West 86th St.8.-iar<llrß and Day School for Girls aniKlnderiartea(formerly Leslie Morgan Slte>. Reopens Oct. Cl.


*V>7 riFTH AVEXIT. nFTTHTH TKAR.Mrs Charles Huntlngton Qa •\u25a0-. Piliulsal

Mlsa I^ \̂ra*i.n*.Iiinlats princ:ya!a-MJsa M EUsaaatt Ma.»;«n4. s

THE MERRILL-van LAER SCHOOLBeardlaa and Day School for Girls. Formerly Th»

Peebles snd Thompson School. Cp»r.» October 2nd.

30. 33 anil 34 East 57th Street. Sr> Yorlc. X. T.~Till VTKTMORE iHiol. FOR C.IRLS

Will re-op«-ji Thursday. October 10th.12 East 45th St

For Both—


ITir. REKI.ITZ SCHOOL OF I.AJfOrAGES.Madison Hquarr (1132 Brnadway>.

Harlem Branch; Lenox Aye. Cor. l-lljth 5tBrookl>-n

"7.-. Court St


Bcheuer Bulldtnc.

For Boys ana Tounj Men—-City.

Dwight School1O VVC^I *OU 31, Gran(J c,ntrsi 'statloa.


THE SONOMA.Northwest Corner Broaf!no7 an< f»r>th Pt.

8 &,

rooms. J bath». every linpr-m't; rent siaw to t-500.

DESIRABI E APARTMENT tf> let In f.rerroof a part-ment house: owners resident; rent Sl.of>f> to 51...00

j per year. \u;.i-. to Janitor. 12 Weal ISth »t.J^ _^

Tin: ANSONIA. Broadway. 73<1 an.l 74th—

Apart-ments; hoasekeeplng nr non-ho«aejtee»la«; Tur-

inlsh^rt or unfurnished! rpHB RIVERDALE. Riverside Drive, enrner 79th st ;

_L blKh class ftpartmei-

ready for ipan< y :

T"I'-NKHOTEI* »1 Weal 79th »t.; leases noiv beingj made (real Oct. I.

HOTI-;i>GRO3VENOR. sth ay«. nr' 10th .«t.; arts, of 2

to 8 r imi now f^ins leased from Oct. 1.

iMANHATTANSQUARE HOTKIa. 77th St.. rear Colum-j 31. bus nv«v; exclaal»e apsrtm«r.t hotel. ArartmentJ.j furnish' and unfurnished.

28th Year

HOTEL OXFORD. rark aye. and BStli st. :suites of 1 toIt rooms, furnished sn-l onfurolshed.

THF. VAN DTCK Rti.l THE BEVEJRN. 72d snd 734 ats.;.-, B. B and 1! r am to lease.


Real Estate Wanted.

\ iwwiTo LOAN; amomrtaBto »>iit-

«cow.^JS.>UU.fMH> :a- !\u25a0 kORTOAOB CO.. «2 Wlll-

! 'T*"



School reopens S«pt»mber 25th.'

Pr»pare!< for Tale. Princetoii. Harvard. Co-lumbia. Cornell. Mass. Ins. Tech. an dall Col-leges and Technical Schools.

IndlTidoal lnstrnction. Thertmsh tralalarChemical and Physical Laboratory.Gymnasium. Send for prospectus.


THE CLTLER SCHOOL,; City Properly for Sale^^Several beautiful awetUaaj for \u25a0*]• tn

VAN (<)RTI.AM»T TERRACE.p.DAVIP STEWART. 203 Broadway. Nerr T^rk-







PKIM TION »UK rvrits OF j* over.Summer Resorts.



NO "SOLICITORS"!In4lvM<;al instruction. Ent*r at ar.y fiat

PACKARD*^cosi.itEnci.vt. HOOL

4th A»*.*

aM >' Uay »nd Erenias. j




an 801-IJINO.

93rd Sirest and Central Park We%Bc>» preper tot Col;rr,bi*. <."brr.»ll. Hanari. PftßeX

ton. V»i#. B'i»!r!'»«- Primary Cimaae* La^ra'.orle*.G>rr:r.a«. un. PlaT«ro-jn4. App'y f-T caralog-ie.

1 tth \r»T rV«ii»» Ort 1.

<'Fiske Terrace," FlatbushA residential community, pre-

senting: desirable and exclusivefeatures, which •win instant recogni-tion from all who demand, and in-sist upon findincr. environs entirely

distinct from the usual neighbor-

hood surroundings.The natural beauties of Fiske

Terrace are further enhanced by the

artistically <lo iirn"ACKERSON HOUSES"

whi^fa nre models of high-class con-

Btraetion, and liberally provide allthe appointments of modern family

life.While Ackerso>. Houses vary in

design and arrangement, the highstandard of material? and workman-ship are ripidly maintained, irre-

spective of size or cost.Those who are influenced by qual-

ity in houses and community are in-vited to make a personal inspection.

Prices from $12,000 to $30,000.Representative* alwny*at offlc* on prop-

erTy. Flake Terrace Station. BrightonBeach It. R. SO mir.ute* from Manhattan.

T. B. ACKERSON COMPANY,New York Offices, 140 Nassau St.

Klndeneartm l»rlmary Traininr.—

New Tork Fro-belVormal aad Dr. Karle'a Colleifiate f'rep •z-t-na'. fr«r

\u25a0,;.:• 09 \V 98th. Incorporated laatttate. S-ho!arshit>s.

esaa. aVal M

LOW RATESSeptember-October

Choice Routes


L. H. Nutting, Q. Z. P. A.819 BROADWAY. NEW TOHK.

THE ZLLIMANSCHOOL "'^'k^SStS?»th y^ar. 167 W. 07th St.. epp. Carn»gl» HaH.

o/»o HEXRT ST Brooklyn—

Brewaetoaa. IT.>•>•:> \u25a0 obis. 2Cxl>-V *l^..'^«v Co^rt «t. car over bridge

to Amity. Owner. HIXRICHS. '\u25a0\u25a0: WllllanjSt.. Man!-a-tan.



Country Property for Sale.


- Elea-ant n.crtern home: rec*ntlj nnl»h»1:\u25a0< In imst charnilnir part of M<ir:t.-!alr. N. J : lf> robins

and 2 bath»; steam h*-a:;k«» and electric hKht. open

nral&C* in dlnln* room; unuatially roomy veranl.i.i.rfJjnJf> f^ixlW'house. .'.Ox.TTi: tei nls poart i;1 s*lf HnV:«rlos<» at luind; U<-kaw»r,D» nn.l ... .\u25a0«• \u25a0


waik' a bargain; •.*\u25a0•\u25a0 on tr..,rtS B|(e. at iv--. L.i- HINCK \u25a0'• Cbrl«U>pb«r nt.. M"ntrlalr, N. -I- 12S W «ai t. Bm E. Kowler.

"iTepare-. 1m»t« for all unl»eT«l:le» or \u25bam*l-

ne«.» Sr>erlall«»« tn erery «übje«-t.cla!*«.e». Mini* hour, dnrinK «rh<>«l day. «-aa-oratory work. Optional military drill. n*y-

Kr.ionci and athletic priT«eee«. BrUllant «ne-,.,, in rolle«lat9 ••lamination*. Prtniarr<•!»\u25a0»<•*••. Catalos;ue». Telephone ***4tolnmbu*.

cramatanBRONXVIIXC . . . We«telie»t*r Co.. N- T.

13 ml!f> frum New Tor*. Or'n »M th« y«»r S^ndfor booklet. J. J I-ANNINCo., rrop»

\u25a0VTEW HAMPSHIRE MOUNTAIN'S.—Pretty summerJ\ home n<»ar r1IISK«: lnr«r« •"ise; ld^nl »hr>ntlnci.iare- rt*rrand blr-ls nMmrtAnt: trmit brook: 190 aTen,

pood 'land- 3'> Bfrc» hny ; inu<-h rrown timber readyjor mprk»t; nn« n.tar r>rt:!mrd: price, • 'lersts R.,wJ'fßhen. N- H

TTIOCICViiuLB CENTRE pr.iprtr oi;r nrrialty: « Isorts,

lif'.jos mid prlre-t of cottage*, plotn. farm*, »tc."write or call on ,\u25a0 I. WALLACE Boekrllle Cetrtra.l.one Island. • HORACE MANN SCHOOLS

of Teachers CoUe e. Columbia lalrer«ity.

Ferfe-rt .prolntments for all itrade, Phys tea. -"\u25a0'•-M




An endowed boardll k sell \u25a0 1 foi Soye. nineteen mli-sfrom New York. Prepare* either for C*llese or Bust-ne»* life Efflrlerrt corp« of teacher*, well «rr"'nt<ila— iniiai laboratory, library, jtymnasium. swimmin*pool, athletic fleM. etc. a rbttreh aehool wbere everrlnflu^r..-e is exerted toward building manly. ChrUtlaacharacters. ninatratea' i-ii'alm^*on req.i^^t

WAI.TRR It. MAKSH. Hea.l Master.

Montclair Academy<Formerly Montcla!r Military Academy.)


NEW JERSEYC"th sex tD'iT tba pr«»n: beaajeeetav Mont(-s:r

h«n gra<ii.allv d»velcp»d a aew Idea In military t.-ain-Ir.jr. which is explained In our i^ppcial Rn-klet ThNbooklet nr.i] "Your Bor and Our SchOoP willprov»

able in parents no matter where ih« r sobs areerturnted. Horh books r>n reque«t JOHN <i. Mw-

WAR. 47 \V«lden riacr.

For Boys and Toun? M*n—Country.

IXWB SAl^n OR UEABB- 1.080 acres amhr«cjt<» coal;*llvfiveins: property fronts for two niti«*« nn nia!

lln« r.f railroa.l Ans-vpr. I. 8.. MS n>>: 125t8 St.

X^anchick Brothers informed the Etaaqnehaniuicompai on Monday afternoon that some onewas getting poods on their narr.- without

i auTliority. An investigation was bepi;n. andwhen Lanchick apain appeared ha was arrested,and then confessed that he had sold tbe goods

to Klein &Srheinmnnn for .''•"> < eats a yard. Thelatter- r»-ti.rr.ed the silk, saying they did notknow the grtod* w*»re stolen. I^anchick served aterm in the Zlmira Reformatory in IflM forstealing clothing Intrusted to him for delivery.


Th« pamphlet report of the CMeaca, Kftwaawaaer St. Paul Railway Company for the fiscal yeareafied Jnne Si). 1907. has been issued. The aperattSßSfor the yea- chow the following1resod

Gross eemlng* . J6O. MftjßMel.Operatic^ expetses. excluj.r.s;taxes $3JMfX>.«O 14Tsjie* 2.2MJ.0P6 67

Da\-ld Laachick. of Xo. 236 South 2d street,

Brooklyn, was arraigned befova Magistrate

Finn, <<f the Jefferson Market police court.

yesterday morr.i:^s, charged wit* stealing silkfrom the Susquehanna Silk Milla Oeasjauijr. of

Xo. 'J2 Qreene stiaat His brother Louis, whi is

In the cap business, was in court. He aakedthai David be seat to a hospital, saying that h3was Insane. Bail vma fixed at $1,000. and ahearing of the case was pet for Thursday.

AcccnJir.c: to the report made by th« police

Lanchick pot samples of silks at the ofllcea of

the Fusquf-hanna company last F:iii.\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0• morning.

In the afternoon hi* returned wiih an order forthree rolls, valued at 7.r> cents a yard, to be de-

livered by him to Lanchlck Brothers, relatives,

doing business at ICo. 410 South i'lstreet. Thepolice say he apain used his relatives' name tog:et more silk on Saturday.

Yoan? Man Accused of Using Relatives'

Name to Get the Goods.

To Let for Business Purposes.


13-rr>om hnuse. large lot, forJ> sale at sai II s Apply I>r. KNOWtiES, SouthOranpe. N J.


E-. HOMES for sale at OsslnlPjr and. *leln!ty.Jli Apply toTHOS. I.CAHV. Oe«U N. V.

The Mackenzie School,DOBBS rvi;r;j(i\-iiri)sON.


'REOPENS SEPTEMBER 18.Catalogue s»nt by the Registrar.


New TorVs Representatir<. Catholic SchoolCondncted by the «hrJ*tbiß Brother*.




'LIMITED xrSIBI %«>««\u25a0 T


OF THE BRiARCUFF KILLS,"Cpen tc: ihe fall seaaoa. wltb Eleaaat New

Addition and ;reeai Una many unlqu* andattractive features

ThlrtJ Mlle» from New Tork.I>. B. PI.IMF.X. Manager.



Tbereasb Preperi for CoU«Sa* Bas!aes*

Bsaall nsar— Individual Tnstructloa.Prlm»ry Department

w. , •»



Bn(l.l!nK Wm| *{"* **«•*INDIVIUfALINSTKCCTION.

B&rnard School Fgs BoysCOLXSOE PRKP £ GRAMMAR. 721

-! ",***\u25a0



45 \r «lst Ftreet. Manhattan ?<iaar* N., \u25a0nlle«i nn-1 Crtrrm-rol^l Preraratlon.Sixteenth Y-ar t-elrs s-r» =Sth \u25a0 Cata!o«

y. Arrblbaltl Shaw. Jr.. Principal

IRVING SCHOOLL- V. Ray. 3"> West Mth St.

«-na!l class^« f.>r tt^gZkSSZ -^x3.raVV HOME STIDT FOR B->Y> WLEK FK-Ti-E-t

Year S«eBJ on V'q-iest

18t?i year b«eins Sept. "-'« Telephone ceace

\NHATT COI.I.ECJE.Broadway aad I3l*tM.. New York.

Reopens Sept. 11. Bro. PETER. PreeMwaa

J Brooklyn.

IHilUyi I!•:» ? Entrance Kumln..-

flutLrnl luLLtuL \u25a0»• ••«- \u25a0*•

Lafayrtte A»e.Clifton PL aad St. J»me« IT. Breoklym.

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Mali SCHOOL.—

For Klnders»rtn-.rs Bai ArtTa=c»-er» Prof. Ami E Harvey. Supt.

ART MHOOL— J. B. Whlttaker. Jtt»L

Sessions cf •"••:>«e. Normal School sivi Art School

beftin Sept. -3<l- Classwe for teachers be«ln betweea

Oct. 5 and 10


Rec'srration IX«ys. Sept. 11-1*Recitations beicln Sept I*l r.ynma-' •• »cd Aia-

letlc Field for mm of all saaaaaai sive-ia! factlMeafor transportation of feaaa students.

Offices <Cllfton Pla«"e Entrance) op-;n morninit hour*

da'lr on and after Sept. 3. For circulars address Th«Re'glstrar Adelphl t'ollen«. F<-ooklyn CHARLES H.

LEVERMORE. Ph- D.. PresiUent.

DDITT I4ICTITIITC Fall Term begins September »mill ijOIIIUIC -nln« Classes. Septeaber 53

La::- School.M<3k\%f Vnrlf ?

"3rd Tear opens sept. JStS.

lICVV lUItV t 1007_

Jlomlnr Cteaaea,

University IsS^2ir»« t""'Law School '\u25a0:>££ gSTtj?*?**

\u25a0'. B£S J Tompklns. Sec. Washington Sq.. N. T. _NEW YORK Kit School. Nas-ao St.LAW SfnoOL E»ealnc vh«ol Mew \»rk City.

-Dwlßht MetrMKV of Instruction. LL.B. la -*°7«V^LL.M.in thre« year*. Hl«h »'»nJards S«nd for cata-logue. GEORGE CHASE. Dean.


supplies rrufesaors. Teach-rs. Tutors. Gorera«ase». •»*•

to c*o!!i»Ees. Schools and Families. Apply toMrs. M. J. iOUNG-KVLTOX.C3V..--- S4-a-"*> :\u0084


IN A ll\lHKI.OIi APARTMENT IIOISE.Conslstlnc of •\u25a0 irooms. ll«ht. Ji»at and care In-cludod Telephone Contlnuotn «>l«vator BerrJee.

Particulars of CLARK ESTATEH. 2MI B*war.corner of STth St. Telephone 2050 RtrcraMa



EslflDS Cl£fnnn A muxmtm school near Ph!!a.M-ArLC UUU iWakes tip Hvs to th» duties cflife Prepares *"Boys for col rse on DtiPln^ss. 4*^th >«.*.One cf the Iliiiss. eymaaal in state. ETfellent Dept.for LlttUBox*. Manual tralnln*. J. SHORTIJDOE.A M. \a!e. i'rln.. Concordvtlle. Pa.. Box »7.


MONTCLAIR, N. J.A new hlsh-cl»ss house.

Large Grill Room. AllConvenlenceaOpen tbe sntlre year.

The Montclair Hotel Company




\"\i:sr< }'.ester ACADEMT.\v WHITE PUAINB. n. T.rioardltnt BebooL Prepares for all ccllere* Depart-

rent (or small boys. T#rms $TSO 00. Cutalcgue. Rs-rper.s O<-;o»^r l.;t.


For por«l r»a»r>r.s Just now tbe nist talked of BrhOOl latbe East. Send for our artistic literature.

For Both Sexes Country.

FRIENDS SEMiNARYT FRIENDS' SCHOOLl-.'O to 229 East 10th St.. 110 to US Schermerhorn St.

X T. Bklyn. N. VKINDEROAHTEN" and PREPARATORY BCHOOUI for01P.1.S and BOYS. Individual Instruction. Regularcourss Includes LANGUAGES. MUSIC. ARI MANUALTRAINING. L*.rn« playgrounds. -SECTARIAN

term b^a;!ns September "J"rd. 1907.CATALOGUE SENT ON REQUEST.

PENNINGTOOiMINaW;Bne of tli» Most BaoaesafM \u25a0ebeaftl for Boys and: Iris. All courses. Rrparate juntor department.IAll year round horn» school department. •

KATK. $350. NO KXTR4SCatalogue. Rev. Frank Moore. 1). t>., Preii. Pen-InlnKton. N. J.



WEST POINT. NEWBURGH and POUGHKEEPSIEPally lexrept Sunday) hy Pala-e Iron I>oy Urn

steamers "Hendrick Hudson." "New York «and"Albnny." B'klyn. Fulton St. (by Annex). S; I>e«brossesPt.. 8:40: W. 4-Jd Bt.. i*>. and W. 129th St .\> '.'O A MRaturnlne r.n clown ho.it. .lue» 42d si . ,-..h0 P. M



STEAM MARY POWEI.I..LeavlTiß r>esl.r<>'«!>.-8 St.. I:«S: W. 42d St "00- W12i»th m. 2:20 P. M. \rrtvinK WeM Point .1 I: MChoice whfi liuyloc ticket of return by nny \V»-*t Shoreor N. V i>ntral train or Meamer Rams,l,»ll. SI 10Parade. Public Buildings, etc. Orebestra on board.

" "

This Excursion Made Dally.Except Sunday.

SEPT. TRIPS!!Delightful Fall Outinrs. i-omt.ining rest an.l slbt-

••\u25a0'\u25a0•^ All Inasa Hotel-

It. R. and Steamer fare.

«000 isLAHDS, 4 Days, Only $15CATSKILL MDUMTAINS...3 l1M

12JAMESTOWN EXP., ......6

n •)_"

36THUS. T. HEnWicKSON** TOURS.313 Fulton St.. Brooklyn.

RED BANK LINE,r u_suniajs. i, aii only' for BebSawj M Bawa>ttc. Exe. 50c. Trolley to Long Branch. Asbury Park.

Pfrp «ea fl>h!:is every dejr. A!.Foster's lro!»PB^^^Q^. steamer ANGLER. Ksre T'.r Ladles, 30;.

w'ajawsav Leave Cast isth st., 7:13. i-.t.... ,»tie «-a-

OVFj' E for rent at bargain i •;\ haose BoUd-lng H D <•. Roow Mil.L.- H-a<l »t

City Hotels.SOiSRSET \M cottages.


SEPTEMBER SEASON IViOST DELIGHTFUL.Oo!f. Trnnts. Hwlmrr.lnn Pool; n.l!'» of ma"adani

reads for motorlrut and driving. Altltu<l» SOO fe#t.Capacltv SOO. Writ* for bookl*U BENJ. R. PHELPS.Maaaccr

iiJarlborouyft =\u25a0 S6lcn!>clraATLANTIC CITY. N. J.

Joalali Wiiitt-& aaae. Proprietor*.




43, 45, 47 West' 132d1

32d St.A superior, perfectly appointed hotel for both

p«»rmni>« nt and tran^iTit iru^nti"KF.WLT FURNISHED AND UNDER EN-

Tint;i.' Ni-.\v MANAGEMENT-European Plan.


HARRY L BROWN.of Hotel Victoria, Boston, ar.d Islesboro Ir.n.




The most delichtful season in th« Berkihlrea,

\u25a0W. G. IIAVI M r.


NEW 6FRUCE CABIN INN. Pocono Mountain*. Pa.Rooms en suite and with bath: 3 hours from Now

York. Booklet. W. J. & M. D. Price, C»n»iler.i!iP. O. Pa. Cr«sco Bta.Lack. R. R.

MOI/NT POCONO, Pelawajn \Va»»r Oap. Ktrouds-hurs;. t'resrn, Peeeae Summit. Delawars Valley


sylvania R"!«ort« Information at 42'J Il'wav. N. T. city.


(1.50 per day and up.ROOMS WITH PHIVATB BATH.


Alpo FT. WIT.I.IAM HKNKV HOTEL. lake George.

U1.1.1MlA—ELBOAirn.Y FURNISHED APARTMENT, withj\. private bath. fl (Sally; weekly. Including meals,

«50- tuealf $1 day; transients aoi-orr.:neda?ed. AL..V-HAMA i'l<>:i 15 E. llth «t.. bet. Ifway. 6th ay.

Apartment Hotels.



Exrlimlre Apartment Hotel.FafchlonaMe Residential Section.

First I'pton-a Subway E\i>rr<s Station.


Dees Hot Know Who Shot Himat CreedmoorTarget Practice.

It is feared that Corporal William Wliltman,

of Company I>,12th 'Rejrimf.nt. who -was shot onPaturday while preparing to shoot at a tarpet at

Cree<3moor. may lose his leg. Ho Is in theJamaica Hospital. He f=uffer<» greatly from theshock of the wound, and has been delirious forthe greater part of the time since reaching thehospi taL"Ihave r.nt the slightest idea who shot me,"

said Corporal Whitman yesterday Ina whisper.

lime v.rre on'y eight other men of my ownffniipany present on the range. My own lieu-tenant was the man nearest me, and Ican rec-ollect falling into his arms. Ihaven't an enemy

In the regiment. Ido not doubt that the shoot-ing was accidental."

Corporal Whitman is twenty-sis years old.Ha is married, and lives at No. 524 Third ave-nue. Manhattan.

New Brunswick Finn Would Keep Employe

Who Has Special Knowledge of Trade.

Now Brunswick. N. J.. Sept. 10 (Special).— Vlce-

Chancelior Stevens to-day refused to grant a tem-

porary injunction restraining Frod^rick J. Potter,superintendent of the Potter Manufacturing Com-rar.y. fiom working for any Other company, espe-

cially the Jarrard X<-edle Works here, a com-petitive firm.

Th<? application was made by Howard Slllcocks

Rnd Theodore Whitlock. two stockholders of the

Potter com]. who asasit f.iey put $6,000 into the

baahMßS with the un«i«-rstan<l!n4r that Potter -wasto give his skill and time thereto at a salary ofnot less than $35 a weak and $1,600 in stock, andnot work for any rther company. They aver he

has violated tlie agreement. Xo date has hecnflxfd for the fira! hearing-.

IN THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET.Voorhe»s f. Floyd and I. r,. Phtnipa &Co. have sola

for Mrs. Eliza .1. Ark»nr.urpb the four story arid seesment flwelHr.pr house Ke 319 V."e«t 7Cth st.. on a lot

22x102.2 fee*.

bee Kramer Ka« sola isr William ArasM He K47West *»Ol rt. « thr»e story dwelling beass on P. lot

2«TS4 feet.John A. Hamilton hes sola No. 635 TVe-t 14"Bt *t..

a three storr dr.-e]l!r.^ hnusc >^n a lot 32.8xP9.1l feet.Thomas BeholeS has boaghi for occupancy from

Mrs May .' Braver. No. «12 West 170th st.. a four

story etone front dwelllrr house on a lot T«x9!>H fe-t.miiiaaaa Plaut baa sold Nos. 7P'i. B1 and 81H

Bowerr. a fear story bWIMHaa; on a plot 57.6x116.3x

lrrecuiflr. between rannl and Hester ots.

SuFie T Lyons hs!« nM No. Cl East 79th St.. a fouretery ar-: baseaaent etone front d-^eillns bossa on a

lot 23x112 2 feet aJbert TiltIs the buyer.

Rose 11. UllllseV has sold No. 20 East P3th et.. a

five atory American basement awemag hou» on a lot

IwflOl feetr.jff & Conger have so;fl No. 133 East-OTst *t. ft

thre- atorr awetnn* beast on a lot 17.0x73 feet. rorGeorg. r Hotallnc; also sold No. 122. East 114th st.a five story double Bsllisnss on a lot 23x100.11 f«t.

for Gusta-ve Schnoor nnd Adolph Sandhopf.

Barbara J. Jordan has »old No 302 West 63d St.. a

three story and basement Fton» front <Swell!ns houss

on a lot 20x79•



REALTY NOTES.P!aris have beea filed for iimillilTlns f^"" aM style

four story fa'hous". *"•"\u25a0' '\u25a0 'i"2 3-i ny».. Into a businessbvfldins; ar.il conne<-'ln!r It Tr!th th» Bdjolr.lne bu!!fl-lr.r. No. 10*4. which was also fermerly a tenement

baaaa The liniirnTtsnenta are to he triad* for ElhrldseT. Gerry a» owner .T. Tt. Pr,nnli«'« P-<(n are the srchl-

tects.Plans har«« sJaa been Bled f->r reawdanms; th» base-

ment of the Knickerbocker Hotel at Broadway and

42d st. and hMtalUns a new ornamental staircas* ofIron and marb> Iradlne fllreetly from the street Tbebaprovements 1are to be in*i*i*•* V •Joiin -IftC o >«tor usowner fr>r tbe le»F«« C. 11. C«ll»n Is tbe arebtteet

Rralt?/ Holdings of the Late "Al"

Adams May Be Sold at Auction.A larger volume, of realty, business v.-as trana-

acted yesterday than in many days. The tradlns

uffectrd property In various sections. The prin-cipal sale iras Xo. SM sth aye., a dwelling;noose,

on a lot 25.5x100 feet, being the southwest cornerof 4Stii st. The property was sold for the estateof Charles T. Cook, ihrougb Whltehouse & Porter.for about SoIO.OW. L*nt« June. DM. the land onwhich tlie housi stands belonged to ColumbiaUniversity. According to a report, the buyer willme the pteunsea for bosbiess purposes. CharlesT. Cook was for amay years president of Tiffnny

& Co.The entire holdlnea of the estate of "Al" Adams.

Urn policy kins, are likely to be sold in October at

auction by Isryan L.. Kennelly. Al^out eighteenmonths before his death Adams sold, through Mr.Kennelly, about twenty-four pareehi In tlie Heal

Estate Exchange Balesrooms. In Veaajr et.. forwhich f1.20?.T00 sraa paid. That was one of tbelaigeal auction kales ever held in Uiis ity. The\u25a0aseas value of the rerr.aining unsold realty

holdings of the Adams estate is about 11.600.009.Just before hU deatli Adams sold a plot in West33d Bt to the ilcAdoO tunaei interests for S<SO.OOO.

Some Adams estate holdings are: KOS. 577. 1151

and MN 2d aye.. Xo. Ti? M nve.. Nea. 24:. STS "thaye.. Xos. 335. r.33. Ms. C42, 830 and bTO Sth aye.. No.146 11th aye.. X'> t£i Amsterdam aye.. No. 0Bowery. No I6S Lexington aye.. No. » West 2SthSt., Xo. SW West Mtfa St.. No. 54 West 31st St., Xo.

413 East S4th 6t.. Xo. sn Weot SStfa st.. So. 11.Kr.st :7th st.. No. 307 West 17th st.. Xo. MM West

45th Ft.. Xo. 107 West 45th St., Xo. 259 West S2det.. Xo. r.2r.2 West BTtb st. and Xo. 77 West Nth st.

Among tba mortgagee recorded yesterday •«\u25a0 one

for J2.200.000 Rt 5'2 rer cent, placed by the Metro-politan

'Life Insurance Company, on the piot at

the soathwest comer of Soth st. and sth aye.. ownedby the Thirty-fifthStrret end Fifth Avenue Realty

Company. The Acker. Merrall & Condlt Company

Is building a hip store and offlre ptnicture on the



Blawaoa a Kpbba have rented lbs rcltowla* houses:

For E M (-Tarruthei-s. So 03 VT TSth »t: for M P Dyftt.

S 833 w t-7U» st; bar M t Bhamion. No MI VT 50th st;

for ,; -,- Cl3rk. No 9M W sad st: for W\u25a0 D Stokes.

X,, Sl» W TSth st. and for Bei | F Romalne. 243 W

TtV.h \u25a0•

SALES IN AND NEAR BOSTON ROAD.Tbe Ir-tirfBcaltF Company has sold to Florentine

Beaaer a lot 55x83 feet, on the east side of Grace

eve.. 12? feet north of Boston road; also »oM t.i Bata-rich Brfll a M 23x95 f*>et. aa tbe eact side of Gracssve.. IS3 feet amrtb at Ti.->ytoTi road: also ta Oeutce H.

K;rc. a plot r.7x!>r. feet. In Ely aye.. about 400 feet

so'Jth of 222 dst. ard to \lary KcDanactl a plot f.Tx

H I<\u25a0\u25a0•. In Xlv nre.. aojoiatas th« W>*tchcster &Boston BallraaaTa risrht of way

SEEK TO FORECLOSE $50,000 MORTGAGE.An action has brfn b—aji by Oeorc* F. Johnson

apairist \u25a0aariea iKorsliein anJ others to foradoaa aasortcase

••t'O.OOA on tbe property on the north

Fide of I,or.Rwnn<l rye. exter.dir.r from B»ck to Vox

ft a p] it c^firT^O feet. Tbe mortsane was m»'le on

Jar.uarr 1?. 190,'>.

STUDIO PROJECT FOR SIXTH AVENUE.Plans hay« been f>-i wish BatMtaaa Boperiatendettt

Murj>hv for making over lbs Bwa rtorr department

ttoi Xos. SSt r.- 1 281 Sixth aye . owr.»d by Emma

trhlachtel. Baphla Dressier and others. Into a studio

and office buildlnp. with salesrooms on th» STOOndfloor. Tbe liaam—isjiis are ta east Ifl.oon. aecardtasto ika aatbaata of

.T.T TT. Cotthaaa, th« architect.

The wee* \u25a0 marked by rr.ntinuM hot *£**£*in the Southern stat«-s. especially In V.c,'?5r,fTexas also ta the Atlantic < oan »tat<s. UUJtorV, and or. the Nortl Pacific Co«at

•w-jib cooler than usual In Uowei Mifsou.i,

ITpper Mtetelppl and I^wor Ohio valleys andthV7sw«t« portion of the Or. at 1-ake J^^.^*temi-rature was wholly favorahh>. lloy^^-

''D'-at-tictillv all districts eatceptltuf portions of

¥2£££Z Arkansas «nd Oklahoma andl thecreate- part of Texas. Light trusts «\u25a0«« roporte.

for the upper Michigan ;K-nlr.Fu!a. P.-)kota and

some Rocky Mountain states. drou-hCopious rains have complete y relieved trie drou nTi-hJch prevafied in Now K^lan.i. and th« «Jwmt£has been broken In Oklahoma and K<-noral.> re-lieved In North Carolina and NortlieaPLern Oiia

but continues in portions of the two last nam.-dsuites. Alabama. UoaisiaJi and tli« pr.ater part

\u25a0T Texas the condition in th«- last named state

beinf agsravated ttr hot. drj-

«rlnd« Some coun-ties in Po-jth Dakota also nefd rain. There wer«no severe Iscal Ptorms r<»ixirted during the \ve*'k.

As ficured by Henry fleinaer, ftatistlcl.in of the

ICew York I'i..-; Exc!:angr. the indication on

eprtne wheat la for a crop of £20.204,000 bushels.compared with an indication of r££».o9o buchc^ls on

AuiniPt 1 and sfMh la«M |iaai*a karveM of ;42.5T:.f-rf">s

btishels. The, total indicated V... crop is 631.-TG4.000 bushels, which compares with the August 1

Indication of tv$.35MW bushei?. md with last year's

harvest of T33.56».&T-> bushels. The Indicated corncrop Is ;,»4.'>.754.0i.»> bushels, aca-inst the August es-timate of 2.W5.673.0G0 bushels and fie

";harvest of2.927.416,061 bushela.

Condition of Wheat, Corn ami Oats

Lorccr than the Average.V.'ash:nsrtor.. c;.... 10.—The crop rCpOTtlnC lioard x

cf th< burraa of statistics of the Department of.Agriculture In its report to-day finds as follows:

The condition of corn on September 1 was SO2. ascompared trith S2.S laPt month. 50.2 on September J.

UOS, and a t^n yrar averaßf of M.k

Tlie avt-race condition or spring wheat when hu.-

VvPtert w VT.I. as compared with .^4 last mor.t.iand ta - f"r1»»; at th« vlme of hapvestinjr.

ThMxVr^^ condition of tlie oat cro,. wh«n har-vestod xva* <&i. a^aii^t T^.fl last niuiith SVJ on

September 1. I**,and a ten year avirage «JJ£*v*,The itmce condition of bv'errrtKn *»£**3

September 1 «*«: K-S «t the cf.rrespcnding d.ite In

be? 1 «« JT4. .«mte« \u25a0"»«5»J5Jg^ a,S: 2d°aSoptrrcber 1. ISOS; M4I on September 1. IMo. ana a

of potato^ on September

yesr avorape of t>2>. . . <olr*-we«ther bureau pave out to-day the fol-

louins bulletin on last wreck's -treat her in the crop

country of the United States.

GETS $510000 FOR LOT.

VSR6INIA HOT SPRINGS2.500 fret elerntlon <»(icn oil tlio jreor^

Waters, Baths, H«»:«I and Scenery nowhere equalledSPKfIAI. OR VOKR OFFICE.

243 FIFTH AVENUE,where excursion tlckeM. Pullman reservations snd

spectal Information may bt> obtained.BSjBJ HOMESTEAD. Modern High-Class Hotel.

The Chesapeake & Ohio Railwayallows stop-over at Covlngton. Va., on through ticketsto rrnrinaati. I»ul»vlile. Chicago. .'it. I>.ui» and theW'tr.x. for side trip to Vlriclrln Hot Springs.

Pulbnas compartment car. via Waalilnttnn. leaves>;. V. 4:^5 p. m.. arrives Springa S-..T3 a. m Easterntime. Kxeurslon tlik>?t« an.l I'ullman reservationsat C. .1 O. ofti.es. 3C2 ISroadway and i;43 Fifth Avo-oue. aim'- offices Penna, K. K. and connecting lines.

FItEL> BTERHY. Manager. Hot Springs. Va.

KE'-TAIRANT. a la Carte ami Table d'Hote.Apartments, two moms with bath, to se\ca rooms andthr-" t>a- lis. f-.iinlshcd or unfurnished.

F. II HIM.KRS, Mmuier.



for aeacru>U\-e Hr^lc of l'lan*. UOXO«> » ISLAND CITY FACTORY CO.. New York Offices.14<> Nassau Street. Teachers.

Ojst cX r«>aa and s««SjsMi I .$a6P.14.«.72T f'!Banfls. rtf«c»c et-.. of other comr*nie«.. . 4.612.447 C9N»-- EK^laixJ Tru«* fo.

-Brnds betd in trjst

for Dubuqoe DlvU<o« slnklnir far.d .. 412.0C0 norermnn" I>u«-n a-r-1 l'rii?t "0

—Carh haM In

*r*^la! traKt for Kul-uque Divloi'tn andWlyronvln Val>r J)!vi?Jrn fink:i:s funds.. 119.445 75

Vri'e-i s::—s Trun <\i.. trustee. 55.00000O'nVr.tl rn>rU;ace l-on<s«. un»oVi. heM In

ir»*«v:rj'aiij*ye iraui tru«e»« 7.1C*7,<VX)00Vll«r A N.rtttn n. n. CV>. <n- coo-

\u25a0ellilii 1 I rnorlirafte bond*, un»cl<3. held Intreantiy l.«S!».O0O 00

foanitKTi stock. un*"M.l*ldin tre»j":r>- C73.!Vic) O»)

CCnrk cf i.-.storlß i «tn4 furl 6.3K*.'J3» 11In«cran-.-4 d«-p£rrnient ; .... lO.tiOQOQJtenvwa: Mid isjM-ov«m«nt fund

—fnltea F#.ai«-i> Tix*tCo. N>vr Vorlt 1.ir«.C3505rnlMiTru«t Co.. \«r York IJCKCM'7

Ad»an.-«-» to Mti<-.- nllvav r-.n:j*r.;.-« . . 5^.:::C.271 41Dae from acent* and «jnduct«-rs ..... l.dt."f!7 59I>»* ft')1. trar*3'>rtatloii < tmpaoltja I.<)!Mi.!i3i>01illsC«-llt.neou» Ui)->r.-. . 1.C73.230 <>SJ»*> frr>n: lr.t»-' Stat.»« eovernrr.ent 424,2C1 04D»» Irym irurt companl»a— Eipendlttire*

fMnrei:.'«- ..1 fLiiilmpravement fund. .M?y\u25a0nd June. ia07...;...- :>;> 334 15

Ot»h en hand . T-.7«4i.!H4 J»l•-if . T«

-ri\ • J337,4: 1.7Ob &3

; Capital «t->k. ferpod $43.8i»5.400 rv»I••»i»it»: tu'j.->t. comm-jn . K-t.lv3.ikiOim

J*uiK!«d «et»t isi!m: O<)KaJjFSJyU.^te to capital *tork "4.C32 f'15 MJlishusue I>i-»l«icn sin^lns; fnn<l." W ,-t, «:2I"*,\":««Ji»l3 ValWy I>l-Uio-, rit.Lins; fan* ,|«i ISI 3'-*ri«*wal cn '. lmrro\-«nect fund Jt.2a0.3i34 hj

Ti-ralimrr-X an4ppT'lucenjer.t fuel •kh)oGO<«>

I fjSJS—Si\u25a0 at«d mach«"r» ;.. 6>s*2.VM< <M\yv trer,roortatlf«jj caßstwr.le*


r M.l«r^naneotj« ares). .•. ... 1.003.8 M\u25a0»«:a 7nvv*-vA*HJXlalmed ai'M^aonir \u25a0 • r««S «M»ujioni!not pre**:.1 4J tit;M\u25a0 XrUrwlfcro»«l. cot yet paya1i1e......... . "»":<iV.7"o. Ir*«Mn» Keein&t..'. SS.SCU3I Hi'

otas .-- '1537.451.533

Operatinr 1141ana ml tactueirir taxes 41.6*6. '09 SI

\u25a0M earnings {1R.562.047 04Fijtefl rhair«»—ir.ter«t» en bonda . 5.'>»2.140 ">

Balance f12JU9.907 64Darine th9year two dividends ag^r^patjn? T :er

cent wrre paid osj \u25a0_ preferred stock, and two<UvJdends apjrregßting' 7 per cent iren paid on tlwcommon stock. The pross earnings 6liow an in-creape r.f 55.1*5.3)1 4-' as compar* Iwit . the preced-Ing yar. The, *«rninps Irom freight traffl wf-re5«.11.*.<fe9 15. or 72.56 tr c*nt of total earnings, snlncreus* of 53.927.34? 13. or TT jv»r c«*nt. The num-ber of tons of freight carried was 25.536.C41. an In-<?re>a!=e of 2,3!«4,100 tons, or 9.14 per c-nt. The nutn-

i 'b'-r of tons of revenue freight carried cse mile -was'6.155.662.231. sr, Increase ni 491>r.4.^;4. or 10.05 percent. The revenue • er ton p«r mile was JS67 cents,a d*creas>» n*.'•»'. \u25a0\u25a0• nis, or .7.) per cent. The earn-ings from pafsfnfir trail during the year tvero512.3P2.156 rj.or l*«.i<3 per cent of the total earnings,an increa-«^ of J>7S,*iT.l. or S.S.J per c«nt, over th«*previous year.

\u25a0 Operating exj>enses, wtrtodtng taxes, durir.^ t^«>year "irrre $3S.4O.'.4i'"' \u25a0\u25a0•;. an incresse of $l.?S>5,M7 CLThe exp*»i:F«*B of maintenance of xv.-:v an structureswere 55.650.957 ?3: Bsalntenai of equipment, itt.ly-.-

757 OS; conducting transi>ortation. 122.782. 4?8 15; gen-eral expenses. fj;2%.345< 31. and for additions to prop-erty. 5946,y>7 j-T. Tb«re traa a decrease In expend:-Ilures for mairtenanr*- of \u25a0»,.•• an<l structures of

$1T4.<»4 GO. and a:. increase in expenditures for mnin-tensnee of equipment of R££92.'Sl4s9: for conducting-trax.sportatlon of $3,055.??7 5.".. for peneral expenses,

of fl3,?&<&, and for additions to property <•! $2.54,-\u25a0ras. \

The payments of the company for labor directlyemploj-ed In its ser\lce during the year were

£fi.Er»t,S74 20. as compared vrtth 122.717.278 14 last\u25a0year. and for ma-«>rial and supplies. |>8,48a,485)aa > ascompared with 117.635.2C0 17 last year.

President darling-, in his report to th« Btock-iHUerß, aays of the Pacific Coast extension:

Companies c-rt;;irA7'(\ under the laws of Southl»abota. Montana, Idaho and Waahin^ton haveMMdcrtaXen and are now rt:sagerl in the construc-tion of a line of railway from the Miaaowrl Riverto .•tl*. Tacoiha and other Puget Sound points.It has loty: befti apparent that an outlet to thePaciflc Coast would be <.f areat benefit to theproperty of youi company, and accordingly yourcompany lia* advar.red and is now from thr.e totime adi*ancins mimt of money to aid thore rom-f«nles in tiie construction of this lir.e. Each of{he mparie* is procres«!iß *atl«fact«rlly withIts work, and X i«« expected that* the entire linetrillbe completed during the year UO9L

Tie" (BBcral apeaaat as of June 3?. ISO7. is 88


A DVEnTISiniENTS ar,4 mit-scrlpMons for Th« Trlb-jn*-»*l_ i*-«-etv«vl at thrlr U|iCowfl OUice. So. 13'JS Broadws>between 3Cth «-vl JTth «ts.. until H 0«|.,1c p. m. Adver-\u25a0.l»*:nt::U rccfi^l at t!-.e r.-"-jTrin*brauch <jn>"es at re«-tlar office rates*umtl- t o'esock p. m.. viz.: 1214 #lh ayet. c. oar. »<i et.: K3 «th aye.. cor. 12th St.: 92 East J4thtt.: 2T.T West 4M st.. betxveen 7th and Bth ayes.; 2&1West l^jth»t. :133S 3d aye.. bet\**«a "6th and "ii>sis. :

r \V. comer Matftaoa Aye. and 2!Uh St.Extending through to 2Sth St.

Halt block from sth Ay«.

The new addition. with many improvements on tli»orlcitißl building, now ready for 00-upancy. DesirableMiiti-sof all Mir-,handsomely furnWhed for permaorntKUfkti>. Sjifrial rales 1)> (lie »ca»on or year. Everybedroom ha* ->u!«l«ie bathroom.


rjENTLEMAN. glvln* up bu«!r,«« for th» sake ofV.X teaching his own children, wants thr»-e or fourboys. elßht ti> twelve years old. to loln them in a horn«m-t.oo! a short distance- In tli*country: healthful sur-roundings, thorough Instruction. good honw an.l aparent's care.. For further particulars address COUN-TRY HOME, Box 28, Tribun* Offlc*


f,«5 and IB We»t f.*th st.Apartments of 8 rooms aad 2 baths.One avartnvnr sultaM* for physician.

$l.SOi> to tz.ieo.Pttwssa Stn ••»».<! Crh ayes.. on ore of the

finest residential bloeka la the city:

all night elevator and hall service;Cabinet trim, parquet floors,

eren fireplaces, «--acfous tiled baths.electric light. Individual telept»r.e«.

K£\T, TSTATK MASAfIEMENT CO..Broadway and Wtn St.,

or \u25a0uptrißtgadSßt, on pßmawa


For Young LMles—Country.

City Property to Let. Unfurnished Apartments to Let.NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11. 1907.




WEST 74TH ST.B»[n rf Central Park Weft and Colambaa a-Jfo itwMearrs have ever beet) oft'ered for rentalIn Nfv Tork City eompariag with the«e inconstruction, equipment. appointment and•ietallThey have *e»n <3»s!sn»il and huilt with thecareful attention to details of constructiongiven only to th<« highest class houses built

for private ownershipKent*. $...000

—SiZE. 25X85X 102.2

HR STORIES (N HEIGHTElectric Elevators.

Caret*k«r at No. 67 West 73d Ft.For particulars and Booklet Inquire oC

CLABK ESTATESFrank H. Presby, AgentNo. 2381 Broadway. Corner of 87tli St.

Telephone "OSO IMvernlde


For Young Ladles— Country.


1!3 Wf*t 4«>lti !<l., m-ai- Bryant Park.

Several ii''«>iatle apartment* for rent, consisting

of two or thro* room* and batli. TIMrent Includes

e'.ectrlc light heat, care o' th« SBttaS and contin-uous elevator service. _ ~Te™epnone connection Breakfasts served.

Alililyat Uiililluß. <"\u25a0 •< _11 *

cI.AKK ESTATES.2381 \u25a0raaawar. corner of *7th St.


Brooklyn Property for Sale.