SSA® Baan IVc4 Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

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Page 1: Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

SSA® Baan IVc4

Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

Page 2: Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

© Copyright 2004 by Baan International B.V., a subsidiary of SSA Global Technologies, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means, including, without limitation, photocopying or recording, without the prior written consent of BaanTM International B.V.

Important Notices

The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and contains confidential and proprietary information of Baan International B.V.

By gaining access to the attached, you acknowledge and agree that the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) and all copyright, trade secrets and all other right, title and interest therein, are the sole property of Baan International and that you shall not gain right, title or interest in the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) by virtue of your review thereof other than the non-exclusive right to use the material solely in connection with and the furtherance of your license and use of software made available to your company from Baan International pursuant to a separate agreement (“Purpose”).

In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain such material in strict confidence and that your use of such material is limited to the Purpose described above.

Although Baan International has taken due care to ensure that the material included in this publication is accurate and complete, Baan International cannot warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete, does not contain typographical or other errors, or will meet your specific requirements. As such, Baan International does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise, for any loss or damage to any person or entity which is caused by or relates to errors or omissions in this publication (including any supplementary information), whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.

Baan International B.V., is a wholly owned subsidiary of SSA® Global TechnologiesTM, Inc.

Trademark Acknowledgments

SSA Global, SSA and the SSA Global logo are trademarks of SSA Global Technologies, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Baan is a trademark of Baan International B.V., in the United States and/or other countries.

All other company, product, trade or service names referenced may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

Publication Information

Document code : U7051J US

Release : SSA® Baan IVc4

Document title : Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

Publication date : January 05

Page 3: Installation Guide for Oracle on Windows

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Oracle installation ......................................................................................................1-1 Hardware and software requirements ..........................................................................................1-1 Overview of the installation process ............................................................................................1-2

Level II default setting .............................................................................................................1-2 To install the Oracle software..................................................................................................1-2

Chapter 2 Baan IVc installation...................................................................................................2-1 Hardware and software requirements ..........................................................................................2-2 Level II default setting ..................................................................................................................2-3 To add the Windows 2000 user baan ..........................................................................................2-3 To install BAAN IVc......................................................................................................................2-4 To install the demo tables ..........................................................................................................2-14 To create the remaining tables ..................................................................................................2-15 To import the demo models .......................................................................................................2-16 To reorganize tables ..................................................................................................................2-18 To initialize parameters..............................................................................................................2-18 To validate the system...............................................................................................................2-20 To install and configure Baan IVc services ................................................................................2-25

To configure the Baan Licensing Service..............................................................................2-25 To configure the Baan Logic Service services ......................................................................2-26

To set up shared memory ..........................................................................................................2-28 To configure the Baan Shared Memory service ....................................................................2-31

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ii | Table of Contents

Changing passwords .................................................................................................................2-33 Set development parameters and authorizations.......................................................................2-34 To set up the Enterprise Modeler...............................................................................................2-35

To set up the printer settings.................................................................................................2-35 To define the run-time resource settings...............................................................................2-35

To uninstall Baan IVc software ..................................................................................................2-37

Appendix A To manually import the Baan IVc tables..................................................................A-1 To perform the demo license patch ............................................................................................ A-1

Appendix B Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment ..................................................................B-1 Setup issues to consider with Oracle on Windows 2000............................................................. B-1

Multiple threads...................................................................................................................... B-1 Utilities ................................................................................................................................... B-2

To tune Windows 2000 for a dedicated Oracle server ................................................................ B-3 Additional tuning suggestions ................................................................................................ B-4 To monitor individual threads through WINDOWS 2000 performance monitor ...................... B-4 Useful performance monitor counters .................................................................................... B-5 Hard disk/logical disk counters............................................................................................... B-5 Oracle specific counters......................................................................................................... B-5 Performance monitor setup notes .......................................................................................... B-6

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About this Guide

This document is an Installation Guide for Oracle8 and Oracle9 on Windows . This guide is intended for anyone who wants to perform a fresh installation of Baan IV on a Microsoft Windows platform that runs Oracle8i or Oracle9.

No detailed knowledge is required to use this document, however, an elementary knowledge of Windows is required. In addition, understanding the contents, is easier if you are familiar with the overall structure of Baan IV, as exemplified by the following concepts:

Package VRCs.

Package Combinations.

Derived-from structure.

This document is divided into the following chapters and appendices:

Chapter 1, “Oracle installation,” describes the prerequisites for an Oracle installation and lists the activities that must be performed to install the Oracle software.

Chapter 2, “Baan IVc installation,” describes how to install the Baan IVc software.

Appendix A, “To manually import the Baan IVc tables,” describes how to manually import the Baan IVc tables in case the database import fails during the normal installation process.

Appendix B, “Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment,” describes Oracle8x issues in a Windows 2000 environment.

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iv | About this Guide

Send us your comments We continually review and improve our documentation. Any remarks/requests for information concerning this document or topic are appreciated. Please e-mail your comments to [email protected].

In your e-mail, refer to the document number and title. More specific information will enable us to process feedback efficiently.

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This chapter supplies information about how to install and configure the Oracle software in combination with Baan IVc4. This chapter covers the following topics for each version:

Hardware and software requirements.

Overview of the installation process.

Hardware and software requirements

This section assumes that you are familiar with Windows 2000 and the version of the Oracle server you are installing. In addition, you must use the information contained in this section with the “Getting Started” manuals for Oracle on Windows. You can use various hardware configurations to install iBaan ERP with Oracle. To find the correct hardware equipment for your Baan implementation, you can request a sizing by Baan. You must think in advance about the use and redivision of the system. Undersized or oversized hardware can cause serious problems while you work with the Baan Software. Baan recommends the minimum hardware and software requirements for Oracle server and Windows to be as follows:

An Intel Pentium 200 system.

64 MB RAM, 64 MB paging file.

Network interface card.

1Chapter 1 Oracle installation

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1-2 | Oracle installation

Windows 2000 or 2003 Server.


A destination installation drive that contains the Windows 2000 or 2003 file system (NTFS). (Must not be a drive on a network.)

Overview of the installation process

Note: Oracle installations are version-dependant and system-dependant. The installation procedures specified in this section are merely examples. Be sure to check your Oracle documentation for the installation procedure for the Oracle version that you are installing. This documentation is entitled the Oracle Server Installation Guide or Oracle Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

This chapter describes the 2-Tier Architect Oracle installation process to ensure that you enter the appropriate values, in the proper sequence, and in the proper locations. There can be differences between this description and the actual Oracle Installer, for example, additional checks. For more details, refer to the Oracle Installation Guide, which you can find on the Oracle documentation CD-ROM.

Level II default setting

By default, the SSA Baan IV Oracle driver runs in Level 2 mode. The Level 1 mode is no longer supported.

To install the Oracle software

To install the Oracle software version 9 or 10, take the following steps:

1 Log on as a user with administrator rights.

2 Insert the Oracle distribution CD-ROM. The Welcome screen will display.

3 Click Next. In the File Locations dialog box, do not change the information of the Source field. Update the Destination name and path if desired.

4 In the Available Product Components dialog box click Next.

5 In the Installation Types dialog box click Enterprise Edition.

6 In the Database Configuration dialog box select Software Only.

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Oracle installation | 1-3

7 Review the list of items in the Summary dialog box and, if required, click Previous to return to the appropriate dialog box to make the desired changes.

8 Click Install to start the installation

9 If the installation of Oracle was successful, you can click Exit to end the installation.

10 Proceed with the installation of Baan IVc in the following Chapter.

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1-4 | Oracle installation

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This chapter describes the hardware and software requirements for installing Baan IVc for Oracle in the Windows 2000 environment. This chapter covers the following topics:

Hardware and software requirements.

Level II default setting.

To add the Windows 2000 user baan.

To install BAAN IVc.

To install the demo tables.

To create tables for the demo models.

To import the demo models.

To initialize parameters.

To validate the system.

To install and configure BAAN services.

To set up shared memory.

To set up the Enterprise Modeler.

To uninstall the Baan IVc software.

2Chapter 2 Baan IVc installation

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2-2 | Baan IVc installation

Hardware and software requirements

Because the Baan IVc services are started during the installation of Baan IVc BackOffice, a network interface card must be installed on your system before you install the Baan IVc software. Although the network interface card does not have to be connected to the network, the Baan IVc network-related services do not start if the network interface card is not detected.

Although you can install Baan IVc on both an NTFS and a FAT file system, Baan strongly recommends that you install the Baan IVc software on an NTFS file system. The NTFS file system enables you to format a disk with 1 KB allocation units (or even 512 bytes), which results in a more economic use of the disk space. Use 1 KB allocation units.

If you use a drive formatted as a FAT file system, the allocation units are specified as 32 KB, because FAT cannot handle the number of allocation units required to reduce the size to 16 KB or less. Therefore, each file consumes at least 32 KB, which results in a waste of disk space. If you use a FAT file system, you risk filling the disk quickly.

The hardware and software requirements for the installation of Baan IVc for Oracle in the Windows 2000 environment are as follows:

Windows 2000 operating system must be installed and running.

The SSA BAAN database server must contain 2 GB of free disk space to accommodate the dbspace for SSA BAAN: a fully loaded database needs 1,500 MB for the tables. Although 1 GB is enough for the initial installation, this leaves little additional space for new data, such as new data created during testing.

The SSA Baan application server must contain 600 MB of free disk space to accommodate the BAAN software, including demo companies.

Baan requires at least 8 MB of RAM main memory for each user.

The network software must be installed and running.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-3

Level II default setting

The SSA Baan IV application communicates with the database through a database-specific driver. This driver translates application queries into (database) native SQL queries, therefore, the application is database-independent.

Level 1 driver

For the Informix and Microsoft SQL databases supported by the Baan software, a so-called Level 1-driver is available. Level 1 signifies that the Baan database driver splits complicated Baan SQL statements into simple queries for the database server in an optimal way. In other words, the Baan software, rather than the database, carries out the optimization of the SQL statements.

Level 2 driver

A Level 2 driver receives all queries from the Baan Virtual machine and sends these queries almost directly to the database, for example, the Oracle RDBMS. If applicable, the driver adds a hint to the query for optimal execution by the database engine.

Before you start the Baan IV installation, you must decide whether you want to work with the Level 1 driver or with Level 2. If you change levels after the installation, you must convert the entire database. By default, the Baan Oracle driver runs in Level 2 mode.

To add the Windows 2000 user baan

To add the Windows 2000 user baan, take the following steps:

1 You must log on to the local server as a user with administrator’s rights.

2 On the Start menu, point to Programs Administrative Tools (Common) and click User Manager for Domains.

3 Choose New User on the User menu and add the user baan.

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2-4 | Baan IVc installation

Note: The Windows 2000 user baan must initially be created with password baan. After you successfully complete the Baan installation, to prevent security problems you can change this password. You must change the password for user baan with the Baan DBA Module (ttdba0115m000) session. Do not change the password with the Windows 2000 User Manager for Domains

4 Click the Groups button to make the user baan a member of the Users and Administrators groups.

To install BAAN IVc

To install Baan IVc, take the following steps:

Note: This release supports multiple Baan installations or environments for each Windows 2000 or later system.

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Close all running applications.

3 Insert the Baan distribution CD-ROM.

The system automatically displays the Welcome dialog box.

If you must perform a manual launch of the Baan installation program, click Setup.exe in the I386 subdirectory of the Baan installation CD-ROM.

4 Click Next.

The Software License Agreement dialog box appears.

5 Click Yes to accept the license agreement.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-5

The Select Environment dialog box appears.

6 Click Install New Environment, enter Baan4, and click Next.

7 Choose a destination directory. To accept the default path or enter another

path (not a root directory), you can click Browse. If the target directory does not exist, you are asked if you want to create the target directory.

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2-6 | Baan IVc installation

Note: Do not enter a network drive as the target location of the Baan IVc files. The Baan IVc services will not run from a network drive.

8 Click Next Click Full as the setup type and click Next.

You can select one of the following options for your setup:

User Interface: This type is the Baan client, also called Baan Windows.

User Interface and Logic: The so-called FAT client. A Baan IVc client that contains both the user interface and some application logic. This client must be a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 client.

Full installation (including application files and database): The complete Baan IVc Windows 2000 or 2003 server version.

9 For a full server installation, select the third option, Full Installation. Click Next.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-7

10 The Select Database to use dialog box appears. Select Oracle Database Server.

11 Click Next. The Set ORACLE_HOME dialog box appears. The default value is the last ORACLE_HOME installed. You can change this to another ORACLE_HOME value, if required.

12 Click Next.

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2-8 | Baan IVc installation

The Baan User Password dialog box appears. Enter the password information of user baan.

13 Click Next. The Baan Group and Baan Password dialog box appears:

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Baan IVc installation | 2-9

14 Enter the following information:

Group Name: Enter the group name for the Baan application, for example, baandb.

Password: Enter the password for this Baan group. You are also asked to retype the password.

15 Click Next to continue. The Select Oracle Instance dialog box appears:

16 Click Create a New Oracle Instance and supply the name for the Oracle

instance for the Baan database. Note that, in this example, the instance is called BAAN. Note also that the name for the instance can only contain four characters.

17 Click Next to continue. The Enter Oracle Instance Password dialog box appears. Enter and re-enter the password for the new instances and click Next to continue.

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2-10 | Baan IVc installation

The Please Enter New Oracle Instance Parameters dialog box appears:

In this example installation, the Large Configuration option is selected. Click Browse to select the location for the system data file, the redo logs, the rollback, and the temporary tablespace directories. You must locate the Oracle data files on drives other than the Oracle software environment, which are defined by the ORACLE_HOME variable. The default sizes are sufficient for an average installation.

18 Click Next to continue.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-11

The Options dialog box appears:

In this example installation, you cannot access the Tablespace Options area because you are not in an existing instance for the Baan database. To make archive logging available, select the Use Archive Log Mode check box. Either type the directory location, or click Browse to choose the archive directory. If you click Browse, the installation program displays a dialog box in which you can browse the directory structure and select your archive directory. If you leave the dialog area blank, the installer warns you that if you want archive logging, you must specify an archive directory. If you use the archive log mode, the installation program edits your parameter file by adding the following two parameters:


LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST=path to archive log directory

If you do not set the archive log mode to available, the installation program adds the following line:


19 Click Next.

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2-12 | Baan IVc installation

The Data Tablespace dialog box appears:

Enter the following data in the Data Tablespace dialog box:

Tablespace Name: In this example, the name of the tablespace is BAANDB.

Specify the Location and Name of the Data File: In this example, the name and location of the data file is D:\ORANT\DATABSE\BAANDB.DBF. Click Browse to insert an alternate path for the tablespace.

Size in Megabytes: The minimum recommended tablespace size is 2,000 MB.

20 Click Next.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-13

The Index tablespace dialog box appears:

Enter the following data:

Tablespace name: In this example, the name of the tablespace is BAANDIDX.

Specify the location and name of the data file: In this example, the name and location of the data file is E:\ORANT\DATABSE\BAANDBIDX.DBF. Click Browse to insert an alternate path for the tablespace.

Size in Megabytes: The minimum recommended tablespace size is 2,000 MB.

21 Click Next.

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2-14 | Baan IVc installation

The Select Program Folder dialog box appears:

22 Supply a program folder, or select an existing folder, and click Next to

continue. The Check Set-up Information dialog box appears.

23 Click Next to continue. The installation program starts to initialize the database

To install the demo tables

Install the tables of demo companies, which come with the Baan IV installation. Whether to install all demo tables is left to the discretion of the user. However, for best results, you must perform the process from company 000 until the company number that you want to install. Company 000 is not a demo company, but some relevant data for this company must be installed. To install the demo tables, take the following steps:

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Start Baan IVc.

3 On the Menu Browser, double-click BAAN IV Tools Software Installation Miscellaneous Install Demo Tables to start the Install Demo Tables (ttiex1290m000) session.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-15

4 Insert the appropriate demo company numbers:

5 In the From field, enter 000. Click the Company To browse arrow. A screen

appears that shows information on all the Baan companies. Click the company for which you want to install tables, and click OK. To install the demo tables for all companies, select the company with the largest company number and click OK. Select the Remove Dumps after Installation and Overwrite Existing Tables check boxes and click Continue.

6 The cursor changes to the hourglass shape while the demo tables are installed. When the cursor once again takes the arrow shape, click Close.

To create the remaining tables

To create the remaining tables, take the following steps. In this example, the tables for company 550 are created.

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Start the Baan IV Menu Browser.

3 On the File menu, click Run Program.

4 Type ttaad4230m000 in the Program/Session field and click OK.

5 Insert the demo company number 550 in the From: and To: fields.

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2-16 | Baan IVc installation

6 On the Special menu, click Continue:

7 Click Continue.

8 Repeat Steps 5 through 7 for additional companies.

To import the demo models

During the Baan IVc installation, several dumps of demo models are copied to disk. The following table shows the installed dumps:

Type of company

Company number

Path to dump

Standard c Company 550 $BSE\test\tgB40_c4\550\550\tg550.imp.Z

Standard c Company 750 $BSE\test\tgB40_c4\750\750\tg750.imp.Z

To import the demo models, take the following steps. In this example, the demo models for company 550 are imported:

1 Log on as user baan and start Baan IVc.

2 On the Menu Browser, on the Options menu, click Change Company to change to company 550.

3 On the menu browser, on the File menu, click Run Program.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-17

4 Type tgbrg1245m000 in the Program/Session field and click OK.

5 Type the path, which you can obtain from the previous table, to the relevant dump for the demo models. The following figure provides an example:

You must accept the default settings on the other forms.

6 Click Import.

7 Click Yes when asked if you want to add the version.

8 Click Yes when asked if you want to import the components of the version.

9 Click OK in the message box that shows the import is complete.

10 Click Yes when asked if you want to change the current version to the imported version.

11 Repeat Steps 2 through 10 for additional companies.

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2-18 | Baan IVc installation

To reorganize tables

To reorganize the parameters, take the following steps:

1 Log on as user baan and switch to a company other than 000. To switch to another company, on the Options menu, click Change Company.

2 Select the Database Management menu from the Baan IV Tools main menu.

3 Select Reorganize Tables from the Miscellaneous menu to start the Reorganize Tables (ttaad4225m000) session and enter a company other than company 000, for which all tables and all packages must be reorganized. In the Reorganize Tables session, select the Data and Indices, Reference Integrity, and Repair Reference Counter check boxes.

4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all demo companies.

To initialize parameters

To initialize the parameters for each imported demo company, take the following steps.

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Start the Baan IV Menu Browser.

3 On the Menu Browser, on the Options menu, click Change Company to change to the relevant company.

4 On the Menu Browser, on the File menu, click Run Program.

5 Type tcmcs0295m000 in the Program/Session field and click OK.

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6 On the Special menu, click Continue:

7 Repeat Steps 3 through 6 for all demo companies except company 000.

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2-20 | Baan IVc installation

To validate the system

This section describes how to validate your Baan IVc system. The procedure assumes that you know the customer and license code. Baan sends you these codes after your order form is received.

To validate the system, take the following steps:

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Start the Baan IV Menu Browser.

3 In BAAN IV Tools, click Software Installation:

4 In the Validation folder, click Maintain Requested System Configuration

to start the Maintain Requested System Configuration (ttiex3100m000) session.

The system asks for a password.

5 Enter the default password Yi984.

Note: Do not provide the default password to unauthorized people because inexperienced users can cause serious damage to your system.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-21

6 Enter the start date in the From Date field and press TAB.

Note: You must enter the date in the following format: DDMMYY. Do not enter dashes or any other punctuation.

7 Enter the end date of your license in the End Date field and press TAB.

8 Select the Runable check box.

9 On the File menu, click Save+Exit.

10 Click Maintain Requested System Configuration (Tools) to start the Maintain Requested System Configuration (Tools) (ttiex3101m000) session.

The system asks for a password.

11 Enter the default password Yi984.

12 Select Group, then Go To.

This positions the cursor in the Package field.

13 Press TAB to reposition the cursor.

14 Enter the From Date and press TAB.

15 Enter the End Date.

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2-22 | Baan IVc installation

16 Enter the number of seats (concurrent users) in the Number of Users field:

17 Select the corresponding Runable check box to select the supported

database, which is the RDBMS on which the Baan IVc installation is running.

18 Select the Runable check boxes for the other licensed parts.

19 On the File menu, click Save+Exit.

20 Click Print Requested System Configuration in the Validation folder to start the Print Requested System Configuration (ttiex3400m000) session to print your system configuration.

The system asks for a password.

21 Enter the default password Yi984.

22 Supply the requested information. Click Continue.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-23

The Select Device session starts:

23 Select a printer in the Device field and click Continue.

24 Send this printout to Baan.

This printout is used to create the validation key. When you receive this key in a printout from Baan, you can proceed with the validation.

25 Click Maintain Security Code/Validation Key in the Validation folder to start the Maintain Security Code/Validation Key (ttiex3102m000) session.

The system asks for a password.

26 Enter the default password Yi984.

27 Fill in the Validation Key (Tools) field and the Validation Key Software (Standard) field.

Make sure the Security Key field matches the security key on the Baan printout.

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2-24 | Baan IVc installation

28 On the File menu, click Save+Exit.

29 Click Validate Tools Set in the Validation folder to start the Validate Tools Set (ttiex3220m000) session. On the Special menu, click Continue.

If the validation process succeeds, the following message appears:

30 Click OK. A warning message appears.

31 Read the message and, on the File menu, click Save+Exit.

32 Click Configure Application in the Validation folder to start the Configure Application (ttiex3225m000) session. The system displays the following alert:

33 Click OK.

34 Click Yes when asked if you want to start the license daemon.

35 Click Continue.

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Baan IVc installation | 2-25

36 Click OK in the Patch Process Ready message box.

To install and configure Baan IVc services

By default, the Baan Logic Service and Baan Shared Memory Service run after the installation. You can stop, start, and configure the Baan IVc services with the Baan MMC NT Manager.

Note: Baan Licensing and the job daemons are also available, but do not start automatically.

The following sections describe how to configure the Baan IVc services.

To configure the Baan Licensing Service

Note: You must never install the Baan Licensing Service before you receive the license from Baan. After you succeed in validating the system, the Baan Licensing Service must be enabled and started automatically. You can stop, start, enable, and disable the Baan Licensing Service.

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2-26 | Baan IVc installation

To configure the Baan Licensing Service, take the following steps:

1 Start the Baan MMC NT Manager.

2 Right-click the BaanLicensing icon.

3 If the Licensing Service has not been started, on the shortcut menu, click Start Service.

4 The system displays a message that the Licensing Service is started.

5 If the Licensing Service has been started and you want to disable the Licensing Service, click Stop Service. The system displays a message that the Licensing Service has stopped.

6 Click Disable.

To configure the Baan Logic Service services

The Baan Logic Service is set to start automatically after installation. To configure the protocol in the Baan Logic Service services, take the following steps:

1 Start the Baan MMC NT Manager and open your Server icon.

2 Right-click the BaanLogic Service icon.

3 Click Stop Service.

You must stop the Baan Logic Service before you configure the protocol. Baan displays a message that the Logic Service has stopped.

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4 Right-click the BaanLogicService icon.

5 Select Properties

The Baan Logic Service offers you the following methods to connect to the Baan server:

Rexec, which is the standard remote execution protocol. Rexec does not use password encryption.

Baan login, which encrypts the Baan password of the users. The BaanLogin protocol is mandatory if you use ASM/OpenWorld.

Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI), which is only available on Windows. SSPI makes single-sign-on (SSO) available.

You can check the properties of the BECS.bwc file on which protocol is used. Make sure that the protocol types are the same.

6 Click OK.

7 Right-click the BaanLogicService icon.

8 Click Start ServiceThe Baan Logic Service starts.

This starts the Baan Logic Service.

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To set up shared memory

To set up shared memory, take the following steps:

1 Click Maintain Shared Memory Data to start the Maintain Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session, as shown in the following figure.

2 On the Group menu, click Go To.

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3 In the Shared Memory Data Type list, click Program Objects.

4 On the Special menu, click Copy Objects from DD.

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5 Supply the information, as shown in the following figure, and click Continue:

6 Click OK.

7 Repeat Steps 4 through 6 for the programs dsk to dskzzzzzzzzz.

8 Repeat Steps 4 through 6 for the programs stp to stpzzzzzzzzz.

9 From the Special menu, choose Convert to Run Time, as shown in the following figure:

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10 Click OK in the message box that shows that ${BSE}/lib/srdd_tab6.1 was created.

You must restart shared memory to put the changes into effect.

To configure the Baan Shared Memory service

The Baan Shared Memory is set to start automatically after installation. To configure the Baan Shared Memory services, take the following steps:

1 Start the Baan MMC NT Manager, select your Server icon and open the environment icon..

2 Right-click the BaanSharedMemory baanIV icon.

3 Select Properties.

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2-32 | Baan IVc installation

The Shared Memory Configuration dialog box appears:

You can set the following options:

Memory Options

Start Address: The start address will be calculated automatically.

Maximum size (MB): This field defines the maximum size of shared memory allocated for Baan IVc applications. Note that, if the Baan IVc applications require less than the size defined in this field, the rest of the reserved shared memory is released as nonshared memory.

Load Options

Load Shared Memory at Startup: Select this check box to load shared memory at system startup.

Load as User: This text box defines the user account that will be used to load shared memory. Accept the default user baan.

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Diagnostic options: These options are the following:

Show All Messages.

Show Errors Only.

Silent: This option displays no message. You can use the BAAN IVc Shared Memory Manager to view the messages.

Maintain Shared Memory Timer: Do not enable this option. This option is reserved for future use.

4 Click OK to accept the new shared memory configuration. You return to the Baan MMC NT Manager.

5 Right-click the icon and, on the shortcut menu, click Stop Service and Start Service in succession to start and stop the Baan Shared Memory service.

To check these new settings, you can start the Shared Memory Manager.

6 Right-click the BaanSharedMemory Services icon and, select Properties. Check if settings are correct, click OK.

Changing passwords

Take the following steps to change the default passwords:

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Choose the Database Management menu from the Tools main menu.

3 Choose the Change Password for General Table Maintenance (ttadv0144m000) session from the General Table Sessions menu.

4 The current password is blank, so press ENTER. Insert the new password, for example, baan.

5 Choose the User Management menu from the Tools main menu.

6 Choose the Developers Data menu.

7 Choose the Change Password for Developer Authorizations (ttadv0143m000) session from the Maintenance menu.

8 The current password is blank, so press ENTER. Insert the new password, for example, baan.

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Set development parameters and authorizations

In this section, you can find definitions for the development parameters and authorizations. However, the following data serves merely as an example.

1 Log on as user baan.

2 Select the User Management menu from the Baan IV Tools main menu.

3 Select the Developers Data menu.

4 Choose Maintain Development Parameters by User from the Maintenance menu to start the Maintain Development Parameters by User (ttadv0110m000) session.

5 In the Maintain Development Parameters by User session, you can enter the following values in the Commands and Options section for all standard users:

Editor Read-Only Command: View.

Editor Read/Write Command: View.

Use the default values for all other entries.

6 Choose Maintain General Developer Authorizations from the Maintenance menu to start the Maintain General Developer Authorizations (ttadv0142m000) session. Note that you will be asked for a password.

7 On the Edit menu, click insert. Insert the users bsp and tools to provide these users with authorization for all package VRCs. No other standard user can have this authorization.

8 Choose Maintain Developer Authorizations by Package VRC from the Maintenance menu to start the Maintain Developer Authorizations by Package VRC (ttadv0141m000) session.

9 For all users except baan and tools, enter the authorizations for specific modules or all modules, for the relevant derived-from packages.

10 Choose Change Current Package VRC of User from the Maintenance menu to start the Change Current Package VRC of User (ttadv0140m000) session.

11 For all users, except for user root, choose the relevant package. Select the Only Show Current VRC check box for all users, except for bsp and tools.

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To set up the Enterprise Modeler

This section describes how to configure the Enterprise Modeler, and explains how to:

Configure the printer to print the diagrams.

Define the run-time resource settings to display the diagrams.

To set up the printer settings

To set up the printer to print the diagrams, which you must print on a PostScript printer, take the following steps:

1 Log on to Baan IVc and run the Maintain Paper Types (ttaad3110m000) session to add the Paper Type PS.

2 Run the Maintain Device Data (ttaad3100m000) session to add one or more devices with paper type set to PS. Note that these devices must write directly to a PostScript printer, for example, with the hp_lj4 driver. Example values, which are defined in the Maintain Device Data session, for a device able to print the diagrams include the following: Device Type: Printer Driver: hp_lj4 Device queue: pr8006 Paper Type: PS

To define the run-time resource settings

How the editors and the process flow menus of the Enterprise Modeler are displayed depends on the run-time resource settings for the Enterprise Modeler. For example, if a process flow menu does not fit on the monitor, then the resource settings must be modified with the Maintain Run-time Resources (ttdsk3160m000) session. To start this session, in the Enterprise Modeler editor, on the Options menu, click Resource Settings, or open the Miscellaneous menu of the Desktop Management module in Baan IVc Tools.

You can use this session to define user-specific run-time resource settings for the Enterprise Modeler, such as fonts, colors, sizes of editor components, and default options.

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The run-time resources for the Enterprise Modeler are divided into the following four groups:

1 Organizer resources, which relate to the complete Enterprise Modeler.

2 Organization resources, which relate to the Organization Model Editor.

3 Process resources, which relate to the Business Process Model Editor.

4 Function resources, which relate to the Business Function Model Editor.

The default value of the settings can always be restored through the Restore Default option on the Application menu in the Maintain Run-time Resources (ttdsk3160m000) session.

One of the most important resource settings for the Enterprise Modeler is the Display Identification field, which is one of the resource settings in the Organizer group. You cannot zoom in this field, but the following combinations have been predefined and can, therefore, be entered in this field:

10 inch 640x480

10 inch 800x600

10 inch 1024x768

12 inch 800x600

14 inch 640x480

14 inch 800x600

17 inch 1024x768

17 inch 1280x1024

20 inch 800x600

20 inch 1024x768

20 inch 1280x1024

22 inch 1280x1124

The modified display identification settings become active the next time you start Baan IVc.

To define new display identifications, you must use the Maintain Display Identifications (tgbrg1120m000) session (Enterprise Modeler menu, Master Data, Miscellaneous).

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Because of this session, the size and resolution of the editor screens in the Enterprise Modeler are set to the type of monitor that is used.

Another important resource setting field for the Enterprise Modeler is the Normal Font field, which is also one of the resource setting fields in the Organizer group.

To uninstall Baan IVc software

In case of an installation failure, take the following steps:

1 Start the Baan MMC NT Manager and open your Server icon.

2 Right-click the BaanLogicService and, click Stop Service.

3 Right-click the BaanLogicService and, click Remove Service.

4 Open your Environment icon (baan4). Right-click the BaanSharedMemory Service and, click Stop Service.

5 Right-click the BaanSharedMemory Service and, click Remove Service.

6 Right-click the BaanLicensing Service and, click Stop Service.

7 Right-click the BaanLicensing Service and, click Remove Service.

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8 Click Start Programs BAAN IV Uninstall BAAN to run the uninstaller.

The Baan IVc Back Office Uninstaller does not remove all data. You must manually remove the following items from BAAN after you run the Back Office Uninstaller:

The Baan %BSE% installation directory, for example, c:\baan. Files created after the installation of Baan IVc Back Office, such as log files, user configuration files, and temporary files, remain in the BSE directory. You can safely remove the entire BSE directory from the system.

Baan-specific registry entries. The following registry items must be removed:


Registry values BSE, BSE_REM, and BSE_TMP, all of which are under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Environment.

The Baan IVc program folder on the Start menu. To remove the folder, use Windows Explorer and remove the Baan IVc directory under <WINNT>\Profiles\<User>\Start Menu\Programs.

Delete the <Windows directory>\Baan6.1.lic file

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This appendix describes how to manually import the Baan IVc tables if the database import fails during the normal installation process.

To manually import the Baan IV tables, take the following steps:

1 On the Start menu, point to Programs Command Prompt. 2 Set the BSE environment variable. 3 Run the bdbpost command to import the database tables by using the

following command:

%BSE%\bin\bdbpost -k -f -m -n -I D:\Prefiles\comp000.pre -C000

Where D: is the root directory of the Baan installation CD-ROM.

To perform the demo license patch

If the data load process failed, the demo license patch process may also have failed. To perform the demo license patch process, take the following steps:

1 On the Start menu, point to Programs Command Prompt. 2 Set the BSE environment variable. 3 Use the following command to complete the demo license patch:

%BSE%\bin\bw ottiexpatch

A Appendix A To manually import the Baan IVc tables

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A-2 | To manually import the Baan IVc tables

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This appendix describes additional setup considerations for Oracle in the Windows 2000 environment.

Setup issues to consider with Oracle on Windows 2000

You must keep several unique considerations in mind when you set up Oracle in the Windows 2000 environment to work with Baan. Issues such as multithreading in a single-operation system, the Oracle environment, Windows 2000 Event Viewer and Performance Monitor utilities requirements, file system support, and backup functionality must be considered.

The following sections provide some keys to successfully set up Oracle in the Windows 2000 environment.

Multiple threads

The following are some environmental considerations in regards to multithreads on a single operating system:

Oracle on Windows 2000 is a single operating system process with multiple threads. Each Oracle background process, such as LGWR, DBWR, and ARCH, as well as each dedicated server process is a thread of the master Oracle process on NT.

B Appendix B Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment

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B-2 | Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment

This multithreaded architecture is very efficient on Windows 2000, and permits fast, low-overhead context switches because all threads share the resources of the master process. If you have multiple Oracle instances running on Windows 2000, you have one Oracle process per instance, each with multiple component threads.

An Oracle instance and all the connected users are limited to a 2 GB address space on Windows 2000, but 3 GB on Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition. Because Oracle runs as a single Windows 2000 process, Oracle is restricted by the Windows 2000 limit on the address space for a process. On both Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition, a process address space is limited to 4 GB.

However, on Windows 2000, 2GB of the 4GB limit is reserved for system resources, such as buffer caching, security resources, and stacks, while on Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition, only 1GB of the 4GB limit is reserved for system resources.

Windows 2000 services enable a program to run independently of a user logon session. Oracle registers each instance as a service to enable instances to be started independently of a user logging onto the system. For example, Oracle registers an instance started by the boot sequence as a service. By default, services run as the SYSTEM user in Windows 2000. SYSTEM cannot create a logon session. SYSTEM is only used to run system-oriented services.


Oracle on Windows 2000 is integrated with the Event Viewer and Performance Monitor utilities in Windows 2000.

The Event Viewer utility displays system-alert messages on Windows 2000. Oracle has integrated with Event Viewer to display Oracle startup and shutdown messages and the OS audit trail, if you configure OS auditing in Oracle, in the Event Viewer.

Performance Monitor is the Windows 2000 sar utility suite, which provides detailed resource utilization data for all processes that run on the system. Oracle has integrated with Performance Monitor to enable you to view the utilization of the operating system and Oracle resources, such as file write bytes per second related to Oracle or library-cache hit-ratios. The Oracle Performance Monitor icon in the Oracle group starts the standard Windows 2000 Performance Monitor utility and feeds the utility Oracle-specific data.

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Note: The Windows 2000 Performance Monitor and Event Viewer utilities recognize only one Oracle instance on Windows 2000. The only Oracle instance that Windows 2000 recognizes is the instance defined by the registry entry:


Although you can run multiple instances of Oracle on NT, only the instance identified by the ORACLE_SID value in the registry is visible to the Performance Monitor, Event Viewer and Server Manager.

To tune Windows 2000 for a dedicated Oracle server

In general, Windows is a self-tuning operating system, with most of the memory and thread management internally controlled, with no user intervention possible. The following are some tuning tips that have been recognized to improve database performance.

1 Remove any protocols and services not required for the Oracle database to free memory and CPU.

2 Move the primary protocols to the top of the binding list, such as Control Panel, Network, Bindings, Server, [move protocols].

3 Choose None for performance boost for foreground application: Control Panel, System, Performance tab.

4 In the Network Control Panel, on the Services tab, click the Server service and click Properties. You can choose from four selections. The default is Maximize Throughput for File Sharing.

5 Click Maximize throughput for Network Applications, rather than the default.

The default choice devotes too much memory for file system buffers. Because the server is a database [application] server and not a file server, this memory can better serve the system if given to the application. This process improves Oracle's performance.

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B-4 | Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment

Additional tuning suggestions

1 Keep Redo Logs (sequential disk I/O) on separate disks from data files and on disks that have very little other activity.

2 Make sure SGA and PGA size is not larger than physical memory (for performance): Use the SHOW SGA parameter to view the sga.

3 Make the Shared Pool area large enough to hold a copy of all of the most used queries. This can be *key*.

4 4K pages for the DB_BLOCK_SIZE were determined to be optimal for Oracle because WINDOWS 2000 page size is also 4 KB. However, for queries that have a large number of full table scans, consider increasing the block size to 8 KB.

5 DB_BLOCK_BUFFER: if (Oracle logical reads-physical reads)/Oracle logical reads ratio is below .90, add more blocks to the buffer.

6 Make the HASH_AREA_SIZE large if you are doing DSS-type work (2*SORT_AREA_SIZE is suggested).

To monitor individual threads through WINDOWS 2000 performance monitor

The following sections describe how to retrieve Windows 2000 thread IDs for any and all Oracle processes. Any Oracle threads not listed by these queries are sql*net watchdog threads and parallel query slaves.

Once you have the SPID, convert the ID to a decimal. Then, in the Windows 2000 performance monitor, view Thread, IDThread for the thread that is causing problems. Match this number with the decimal of SPID, and you have a match.

For backgrounds:

select spid, name from v$process, v$bgprocess where paddr = addr;




000C9 SNP0

and so on

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Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment | B-5

Note: The SPID is simply the system thread ID as maintained by Windows 2000.

Useful performance monitor counters

Process, %Privilege Time for ORACLE.exe

Processor, % User Time for ORACLE.exe

Oracle threads/processes must spend more time in %User time than %Privilege time: User time is the Oracle real-application time-usage, Privilege time is the Oracle server processes in the kernel, such as memory, disk management, and so on.

Processor, >%Processor Time: if over 85%, CPU is 'bound'

Hard disk/logical disk counters

First, run the utility from the DOS prompt: diskperf -y to activate the disk counters and restart your computer. Note, this uses system resources, so only use the utility while you test, and not during actual production uAvg. To turn off the counters, run diskperf -n and restart.

Avg.PhysicalDisk-->Disk Transfers/Sec: The amount of reads/writes on the physical disk.

PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk Bytes Read/Sec, Avg. Disk Queue Length: average number of requests queued to disk during sample interval.

Paging File, %Usage Peak: Shows how often the OS goes to paging swap file on disk, for additional memory. If the usage peak is too high, you require more RAM.

LogicalDisk, Avg. Disk Queue Length: Similar to Physical disk, but this time views OS-labeled logical drives. The same counters as physical disk can be used.

Oracle specific counters

Oracle BufferCache, %PhysReads/gets: Ratio of physical reads for data/data grabbed from the db_block_buffer.

Oracle Library Cache, %Reloads/Pins: Ratio of reloads(parsing, and so on) of queries in the Shared Pool of the SGA/ 'pinned', pre-parsed sql already found in the area.

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B-6 | Oracle in a Windows 2000 environment

Oracle Sorts sorts in memory, sorts on disk/sec: can be useful for the Pershing benchmark scenario.

Oracle DataFiles can monitor the reads/writes to each data file in the Oracle database.

Oracle DBWR Stats can monitor the DBWR process.

Performance monitor setup notes

Performance monitor is located in the Administrative Tools program group, and automatically loads into chart mode for monitoring. To add counters, click Add (+).

To have Oracle counters available from within perfmon, make sure you install the Oracle Performance Utility available on the Oracle installation media.

To activate disk counters, make sure you run diskperf -y and restart your computer. To deactivate disk counters, run disperf -n and restart. Make sure you turn this process off when you go into production.

You can run performance monitor remotely so that you do not adversely affect the machine that runs the db. Select the computer (using a UNC name) when you add counters to the chart