SSO Plugin Integrating with BMC Atrium Orchestrator J System Solutions http://www.javasystemsolutions.com Version 4.0

Installation Bmc Atrium Orchestrator

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  • SSO Plugin Integrating with BMC Atrium Orchestrator

    J System Solutions http://www.javasystemsolutions.com

    Version 4.0

  • JSS SSO Plugin Integrating with BMC Atrium Orchestrator


    Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 3

    Versions covered....................................................................................................................... 3

    Terms of reference........................................................................................................................ 4

    Planning the deployment ............................................................................................................... 5

    Pre-requisite deployment choice ..................................................................................................... 6

    Enabling the Identity Federation Service ......................................................................................... 8

    Installation ................................................................................................................................... 9

    Testing ..................................................................................................................................... 9

    Hostnames ............................................................................................................................... 9

    Patching the BMC agent jar file .................................................................................................... 10

    Installing the patched agent jar file .......................................................................................... 10

    Patching the web.xml file ............................................................................................................. 12

    Automatic patching ................................................................................................................. 12

    Manual patching ..................................................................................................................... 13

    Installing the patched web.xml file ........................................................................................... 14

    Installing the group mapping file .................................................................................................. 16

    Customising the group mapping............................................................................................... 16

    Installation process ..................................................................................................................... 17

    Enabling SSO for AO CDP ........................................................................................................ 17

    Enabling SSO for AO OCP ........................................................................................................ 17

    Enabling SSO for AO Repository ............................................................................................... 17

    Sending log files to the JSS support team ..................................................................................... 19

    Example planning worksheet ....................................................................................................... 20

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    This document covers the integration of SSO Plugin with BMC Atrium Orchestrator.

    Versions covered

    Application Version

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator 7.7+

    JSS SSO Plugin 3.6.13+

    Table 1 : Application Versions Covered

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    Terms of reference

    Reference Description

    BAO BMC Atrium Orchestrator

    BAO REPO BMC Atrium Orchestrator Repository

    BAO CDP BMC Atrium Orchestrator Configuration Distribution Peer

    BAO OCP BMC Atrium Orchestrator Operator Control Panel

    JSS Java Systems Solutions



    Java Systems Solutions Single Sign on plugin

    IFS Java Systems Solutions SSO Identity Federation Service

    Tomcat Apache Tomcat Webserver

    Browser Supported Internet Browsers. Google Chrome v16+; Microsoft Internet Explorer

    v9+; Mozilla Firefox v18+; Apple Safari 5+

    FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name

    E.g bao.mycompany.org

    BAO HA CDP BMC Atrium Orchestrator High Availability Configuration Distribution Peer

    BAO AP BMC Atrium Orchestrator Activity Peer

    BAO LAP BMC Atrium Orchestrator Lightweight Activity Peer

    Table 2 : Terms of Reference

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    Planning the deployment

    Preparation is key to a successful deployment of JSS SSO for BAO.

    A worksheet has been provided to allow the configuration information required to be ascertain

    beforehand and easily referenced during the installation. We highly recommend this before Planning


    Prior to deployment please fill in the attached worksheet detailing the deployment information for

    your BAO Grid.

    BAO Installation Configuration

    Hostname Access URL Role Port Installation Location Tomcat Service


    BAO Repository

    BAO Content Distribution Peer

    BAO Operator Control Panel

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator

    High Availability CDP

    BMC Atrium

    Orchestrator Activity Peer

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator Lightweight

    Activity Peer

    JSS SSO Plugin Configuration If you already have an instance of JSS SSO Plugin running within the environment that houses BAO please record the details below

    Hostname URL

    Current JSS SSO Plugin Configuration

    Unique Key To enable the JSS SSO Plugin a unique must be generated. For audit purposes please enter this key here


    Table 3 : Installation Planning Worksheet

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    Pre-requisite deployment choice

    The integration makes use of the SSO Plugin Identity Federation Service, which allows a single SSO

    Plugin instance to be configured for user authentication, and for third party applications to

    authenticate against it.

    If an existing SSO Plugin instance is deployed within your environment, ie SSO Plugin for BMC ITSM,

    this can be re-used.

    If there is no existing SSO Plugin instance, download the SSO IFS from the JSS website. To install it,

    follow these steps:

    1. Login to your Support Account at www.javasystemsolutions.com

    a. Browse to http://www.javasystemsolutions.com/jss/downloads

    b. Download the SSO Plugin for the following applications

    2. Unpack the zip file downloaded from the JSS website.

    3. Locate the authentication-service.war file.

    Figure 1 : example extracted contents of SSO Plugin

    4. Copy the authentication-service.war file into the BMC AO Repository Tomcat instance webapps directory, see Planning Worksheet

    Figure 2: example deployment of JSS SSO Plugin Identity Federation Service war file

    5. Restart service BMC AO REPO Tomcat, identifying the host detailed in the planning


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    Figure 3 : example BMC AO Repository Service

    6. Once the authentication plugin is installed it needs to be configured.

    a. Using an Internet Browser access the plugin and going to the following address

    referenced in the Planning Worksheet:


    7. Enter the default password of jss on the left hand side navigation to access and the configuration page.

    Figure 4 : Example deployment of JSS SSO Plugin Authentication Service status page

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    Enabling the Identity Federation Service

    After the JSS SSO configuration page has been accessed you must enable the Identity Federation

    Service using the SSO Plugin instance identified accessed in the Planning Worksheet, ie either an existing one within BMC ITSM or the Authentication Service.

    To do so, follow these instructions:

    1. From the status page Click configuration.

    2. Tick 'Enable Identity Federation Service'.

    3. Enter a unique key or press the button to create one. Take a note of the key in the planning


    Figure 5 : Example Federation Key

    4. Press 'Set configuration' and ensure the SSO Plugin still functions using the 'Test SSO' link.

    Figure 6 : Example JSS SSO Plugin configuration page

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    BMC Atrium Orchestrator (BAO) 7.7 runs in a grid architecture and comprises of three applications:

    BAO Configuration Distribution Peer (BAO CDP)

    BAO Operator Control Panel (BAO OCP)

    BAO Repository (BAO REPO)

    Each application on each server in the Grid will require patching for a full SSO deployment. The

    installation sequence is important and must be carried out in the order specified below.

    1. BAO CDP:

    a. Patching the BMC agent jar file.

    b. Patching the web.xml.

    2. BAO OCP:

    a. Patching the BMC agent jar file.

    b. Patching the web.xml.

    3. BAO REPO:

    a. Patching the BMC agent jar file

    b. Patching the web.xml.

    c. Patching the applicationContext.xml file.


    To test a JSS SSO deployment for BAO, each application will need to be tested in turn.

    Please note: do not perform any work on your BAO Grids until all servers have been successfully tested post JSS SSO deployment

    1. BAO CDP

    Using a browser navigate to the BAO CDP URL in the Planning Worksheet.

    2. BAO OCP

    Using a browser navigate to the BAO OCP URL in the Planning Worksheet.

    3. BAO REPO

    Using a browser navigate to the BAO REPO URL in the Planning Worksheet.

    Each server should provide access to the application without being prompted for a



    The JSS SSO Plugin server uses domains for single sign-on cookie validity and requires the use of a

    FQDN to integrate with different servers.

    Therefore, BAO CDP, BAO REPO, BAO OCP, BAO HA-CDP, BAO AP, and BAO LAP must be installed by

    specifying the FQDN and not the IP address or host name.

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    Patching the BMC agent jar file

    When configuring each application, you must patch the agent file typically called agent-version.jar (ie

    agent- that is located in the application's WEB-INF/lib directory, ie

    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BAO\REPO\tomcat\webapps\baorepo\WEB-INF\lib

    JSS provides an easy to use patching tool for the agent jar file where a patched file can produced.

    Follow these steps to patch the file

    1. Login to the BAO Server (for this example we will assume that we are patching the BAO

    REPO server) using the access tool of you choice (RDP, SSH etc)

    2. Locate the agent.jar file

    3. Copy the file back to a local desktop computer that has access to the Internet

    4. Using a browser of the local desktop navigate to the


    5. Enter the Secret Key set up in section Enabling the Identify Federation Service

    6. Click browse and select the downloaded agent.jar file

    7. Click Get Patched file and save the patched file to your desktop

    Figure 7 : Example agent jar patching tool

    Installing the patched agent jar file

    To install the patched agent jar file:

    1. Log back onto the server with the remote access tool of your choice

    2. Stop the Tomcat Service

    3. Locate the original agent jar file in the WEB-INF/lib

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    4. Move the original agent jar file out of it's current directory to a backup directory outside of


    If the original jar file remains in the WEB-INF/lib directory, Tomcat may ignore the patched jar file.

    5. Place the patched agent jar file to the WEB-INF/lib directory

    6. Restart Tomcat

    The agent jar files within the different applications are typically the same file so you should only need

    to patch one file and re-use it.

    Figure 8 : Example patched agent jar

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    Patching the web.xml file

    This can be performed automatically, using a tool on the JSS website, or manually.

    Automatic patching

    As well as patching the agent jar file the web.xml for each application instance must be patched as

    well. The process is the same as the agent jar with the important note:

    The web.xml files are not interchangeable between servers and each BAO Server (CDP/REPO/OCP)

    must have its respective web.xml file patched and applied.

    As per the agent jar patching JSS provide easy to use patching tool on the JSS Website.

    The web.xml file is typically located within the WEB-INF directory in a tomcat installation, ie.

    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BAO\REPO\tomcat\webapps\baorepo\WEB-INF\

    1. Login to the BAO Server (for this example we will assume that we are patching the BAO

    REPO server) using the access tool of your choice (RDP, SSH etc)

    2. Locate the web.xml file

    3. Copy the file back to a local desktop computer that has access to the Internet

    4. Using a browser of the local desktop navigate to the


    5. Enter the details in the patching tool menus:

    a. Product to be patched

    b. URL to SSO Plugin. This is the URL where the authentication-service is installed

    c. Enter the secret key

    d. Click browse and select the uploaded web.xml file

    e. Select get patched file and download the patched web.xml file

    Figure 9 : Example web.xml patching tool l

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    Manual patching

    To manually edit the web.xml follow these steps:

    1. Create a backup of the web.xml file.

    2. Open the web.xml, locate the AtriumSSO filter and delete it:







    3. Paste the following in the location of the now deleted AtriumSSO filter:














    4. Referring to the text above, pasted into the web.xml file, set the following variables:

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    a. HOSTNAME: This points to the identity federation service running on the SSO

    Plugin installation. Referenced in the Planning Worksheet or in documented

    in Section 5.B if this is a new install of the JSS SSO Plugin.

    After entering the URL, test by navigating to the BAO REPO URL with a browser.

    You should see an SSO Plugin web page mentioning the Identity Federation


    b. KEY: This must be set to the federated identity key noted when is Section 5.B

    5. For the CDP and OCP components, add the following below :



    6. Add a filter mapping after the tag as follows:

    a. For the CDP and OCP components:



    b. For the Repository component:




    7. For all components, add the following after the last :







    8. Save the file.

    Installing the patched web.xml file

    To install the patched web.xml file:

    1. Log back onto the server with the remote access tool of your choice.

    2. Stop the Tomcat Service.

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    3. Locate the original web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory.

    4. Move the original web.xml file out of its current directory to a backup directory outside of


    5. Place the patched web.xml file to the WEB-INF directory and ensure it is named web.xml.

    6. Restart Tomcat.

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    Installing the group mapping file

    SSO Plugin requires a file called jss-ssoplugin-groupmapping.properties to be present in the web

    application WEB-INF/classes properties in order to map SSO or ITSM groups to product groups, ie

    mapping ITSM Administrator to AoAdmin.

    Within the asso directory in the installation files, a file called jss-ssoplugin-

    groupmapping.ao.properties can be found. This file should be copied to the component's WEB-

    INF/classes directory and renamed to jss-ssoplugin.groupmapping.properties.

    Customising the group mapping

    The product includes a default group mapping against BMC ITSM, therefore it assumes the Identity

    Federation Service is running on a Mid Tier connected to ITSM. The group mapping is held in a file

    called jss-ssoplugin-groupmapping.properties and can be customised.

    The default group mapping file maps ITSM groups as follows:

    BMC ITSM BMC Atrium Orchestrator

    Adminstrator AoAdmin

    CDP View Grid Status View_Grid_Status

    CDP Grid Management Grid_Management

    CDP Grid Administration Grid_Administration

    CDP Grid Development Studio Development_Studio

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    Installation process

    Enabling SSO Plugin for AO involves the configuration of the following three components.

    Enabling SSO for AO CDP

    To enable SSO Plugin for the BAO CDP, follow these instructions:

    1. Stop the Tomcat instance running the BAO CDP: reference Planning Worksheet.

    2. Locate the BAO CDP web application: reference Planning Worksheet.

    3. Patch the agent jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

    4. Patch the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory.

    5. Copy the group mapping file into the WEB-INF/classes directory.

    6. Copy the jss-sso-asso.jar file, from the asso directory within the SSO Plugin for BMC AR

    System download, into the BAO CDP Tomcat installation directory WEB-INF/lib directory referenced in the Planning Worksheet.

    7. Copy the contents of the atrium-orchestrator directory into the BAO CDP Tomcat installation

    directory referenced in the Planning Worksheet.

    8. Start the BAO CDP Tomcat service, navigate to it and ensure SSO works. If there are any problems that you cannot resolve, please send the relevant log files to JSS.

    Enabling SSO for AO OCP

    To enable SSO Plugin for the BAO OCP, follow these instructions:

    1. Stop the Tomcat instance running the BAO OCP: reference Planning Worksheet.

    2. Locate the BAO OCP web application: reference Planning Worksheet.

    3. Patch the agent jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

    4. Patch the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory.

    5. Copy the group mapping file into the WEB-INF/classes directory.

    6. Copy the jss-sso-asso.jar file, from the asso directory within the SSO Plugin for BMC AR

    System download, into the BAO OCP WEB-INF/lib Referenced in the Planning Worksheet.

    7. Copy the contents of the atrium-orchestrator directory into the BAO OCP Tomcat installation directory referenced in the Planning Worksheet.

    8. Start the BAO OCP Tomcat instance, navigate to it and ensure SSO works. If there are any

    problems that you cannot resolve, please send the relevant log files to JSS.

    Enabling SSO for AO Repository

    To enable SSO Plugin for the BAO REPO, follow these instructions:

    1. Stop the Tomcat instance running the BAO REPO: reference Planning Worksheet.

    2. Locate the BAO Repository web application: reference Planning Worksheet

    3. Patch the agent jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

    4. Patch the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory.

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    5. Copy the group mapping file into the WEB-INF/classes directory.

    6. Locate the applicationContext.xml file located in the BAO REPO Tomcat installation directory

    WEB-INF/classes/META-INF, which requires patching:

    a. Create a backup of the applicationContext.xml file.

    b. Open the applicationContext.xml and locate and delete the following:

    c. Place the following in the location of the text removed above:

    d. Locate the following immediately after the text pasted above:

    e. Paste the following immediately below :

    f. Save the file.

    7. Copy the jss-sso-asso.jar file, from the asso directory within the SSO Plugin for BMC AR

    System download, into the WEB-INF/lib directory, for the BAO REPO Tomcat installation

    Planning Worksheet

    8. Start the AO Repository Tomcat instance, navigate to it and ensure SSO works. If there are

    any problems that you cannot resolve, please send the relevant log files to JSS.

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    Sending log files to the JSS support team

    If you experience difficulties installing a component, please follow these steps:

    1. Set the log level to TRACE in the filter you pasted into the web.xml file.

    2. Restart the AO Tomcat instance in question.

    3. Attempt to visit the AO component via a web browser.

    4. Stop the AO Tomcat.

    5. Send the AO Tomcat instance logs directory and the web.xml edited to the JSS support team.

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    Example planning worksheet

    BAO Installation Configuration

    Hostname Access URL Role Port Installation Location Tomcat Service Name

    BAO Repository

    baorepo https://baprepo/

    Primary Repository

    443 D:\Program Files\BMC Software\AO\REPO

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator Repository

    BAO Content

    Distribution Peer

    baocdp1 https://baocdp1/bao


    Primary CDP

    443 D:\Program Files\BMC Software\AO\CDP

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator

    Configuration Distribution Peer


    Operator Control Panel

    baoocp http://bao




    443 D:\Program Files\BMC


    BMC Atrium Orchestrat

    or High Availability CDP

    n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

    BMC Atrium Orchestrat

    or Activity Peer

    n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator

    Lightweight Activity Peer

    n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

    JSS SSO Plugin Configuration If you already have an instance of JSS SSO Plugin running within the environment that houses BAO please record the

    details below

    Hostname URL

    Current JSS SSO Plugin Configurati


    ITSMMIDTIER01 https://itsm.mycompany/authentication-service

    Unique Key To enable the JSS SSO Plugin a unique must be generated. For audit purposes please enter this key here

    Key FJDHSD97863JLA

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