Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash

Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

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Page 1: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

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“I Walk The Line”Johnny Cash

Page 2: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world
Page 3: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

IN the world but not OF the world

Page 4: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. John 17:15-18

IN the world but not OF the world

Page 5: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Constant Critics1

Page 6: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Holy Huddlers2

Page 7: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

More Mongers3


Page 8: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Mmm Mmm


Dumpster Divers4

Page 9: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Constant Critics1

For God did not send his Son into

the world to condemn the world,

but to save the world through him.

John 3:17

Page 10: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Holy Huddlers2

Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them

to come in, so that my house will be


Luke 14:23

Page 11: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

More Mongers3

…fall into temptation and a

trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge

people into ruin and destruction.


1 Timothy 6:9

Page 12: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Mmm Mmm


Dumpster Divers4

Set your hearts on things above,… Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.Colossians 3:1-2

Page 13: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5

Page 14: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world


DEFINITION of 'Resident Alien' A foreigner who is a permanent resident of the country in which he or she resides but does not have citizenship. To fall under this classification in the U.S., you need to either currently have a green card or have had one in the last calendar year.

Resident Alien

Page 15: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5

Live out your time as foreigners here… that they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

1 Peter 1:17, 2:12

Page 16: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5

Live out your time as foreigners here… that they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

1 Peter 1:17, 2:12

Imago Dei“Image Bearer”

Colossians 3

Page 17: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world


Page 18: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world


Page 19: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Okay...HOW?FILTERING Finally, brothers and sisters,

whatever is TRUE

think about such things…And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Page 20: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Brian Williams After Taking Heavy Ground Fire From Rebel Comanche Indians

Page 21: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Insert Video of NBC News ClipThanks!

Page 22: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Okay...HOW?FILTERING Finally, brothers and sisters,

whatever is TRUE NOBLE RIGHT PURE LOVELY ADMIRABLE EXCELLENT PRAISE WORTHYthink about such things…And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Page 23: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5


Live out your time as foreigners here… that they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

Page 24: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5


Live out your time as foreigners here… that they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

Page 25: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5


Live out your time as foreigners here… that they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

Page 26: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

Resident Aliens5


Live out your time as foreigners here… that they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

Page 27: Insert Video “I Walk The Line” Johnny Cash. IN the world but not OF the world

The world needs you NOW not when you’re perfect!