Central Bank Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Health Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Ministry of Posts, Telecom and Technology Ministry of Water Resources Ministry of Youth and Sports Somali Federal Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development IGAD (Inter-Governmental Authority on Development) GOVERNMENT Regional Federal Village Development Commiees Community FINANCE AFDB DANIDA DFAT DFID ECHO FAO B&MGF Global Fund Global Resilience Partnership IFC IDB King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KS Relief) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) OFDA Qatar Rockerfeller Foundaon SDC SHF SIDA TIKA UAE USAID WFP WHO World Bank GSMA Innovaon Fund HIF Indigo Trust UNICEF Innovaon Fund Innovaon fund Donor Crowd- funding Fursad Fund Innovate Ventures Zephyr Acorn 88MPH VC Shuraako SME finance Mobile money E-Dahab (Somtel) EVC+ (Hormuud) ZAAD (Telesom) Amal Bank DahaabShil Kaaba MFI Kaah Internaonal Microfinance Services Kaamil MFI Salaam Somali Bank Shuraako Micro- finance SUPPORT Innovate4Water Mogadishu Book Fair Nairobi Innovaon Week Startup Grind TEDxHargeisa TEDxMogadishu Event Thinkplace Design Ideaon Innovate for Somalia Open IDEO C4DLab Iſtiin Foundaon Innovate Ventures iRise RE-INTEG Sote Hub Incubaon @iLab Africa iHub In-depth Innovaon Lab iRise Resilience Innovaon Hub Sote Hub Africa House Innovaon hub Nairobi University Fab Lab Makerspace Global Shapers Techfugees Network Banana Group Beer Business Soluons Shaqodoon Silatech Spark Business development Innovate for Somalia Compeon and award KNOWLEDGE CALP Hano Academy LINGOS Nairobi Design Thinking School PM4NGOS Sheik Technical Veterinary School (ISTVS) VC4A Startup Academy Training Data & analysis Abaaraha FSNAU iMMAP REACH SWALIM IFIYE Iſtin Foundaon Radio Ergo Online comm. Global Resilience Partnership ICVA ReDSS Policy/ Advocacy Benadir University Hormuud University SDRI SIMAD University Strathmore University CDC Center for Humanitarian Change (What Works) CGIAR GW/IDFR Heritage Instute IDS IIED ILRI Joint Research Center (EU) ODI RAADE Riſt Valley Instute (RVI) Samuel Hall SomaliREN Tana Copenhagen The Economist Intelligence Unit TOPS Program TU Delſt Tuſts Tulane University University of Coventry Research & learning Agribusiness Soluons Hub CALP SATG SpringField Centre Tango Internaonal Technical experse Media HORSED Livestock Markeng & Trading Cooperave Somalia Economic Forum PRIVATE SECTOR Amal Bank DahaabShil Equity Bank IBS - Internaonal Bank of Somalia Premier Bank Banking Medina Chemicals Limited Microsoſt Takaful Insurance of Africa Corporaon Hormuud Fountaon Zensho CSR BECO Energy IBM Research Mastercard Lab Research lab Aga Khan Hospital Ari.farm CAAFINET FPENs Iſtin Foundaon Lush Cosmecs SolarGEN Som-Cheese Innovaon Team Somlite Social enterprise FarmDrive FundiBots iCow Kytabu Muraadso SafariMeals SafeMoto SomSite Suuqyare Totohealth VSee WeFarm World Remit Startup BRCK Dalkom Frontline SMS Golis Hormuud Somtel Telesom Telecomm- unicaons Advocacy Cooperave IMPLEMENTER FAO IOM UNDP UNFPA UNHabitat UNHCR UNICEF WFP Somalia NGO Consorum BRCiS Somali Cash Consorum SomReP STREAM DOCC OCHA ACF ACTED Adeso ARC CARE CRS DRC IRC Islamic Relief Mercy Corps MSF Displacement Unit NRC Oxfam Pact Praccal Acon PSI Save the Children World Vision ICRC Aamin Ambulance ELMAN Peace Gurmad Qaran Hijra Mama Asha May Day /White Helmets REDSEA Foundaon / Hargeisa Cultural Center SATG Shaqodoon SIDO Somali Emergency Corps Wabeeri community policing Zamzam Foundaon Habeb Mental Health Foundaon Local NGO Living Well Somalia Social enterprise UN Consorum Coord- inaon Internat. org. iNGO Innovaon Ecosystem of Somalia The Innovaon Ecosystem Map of Somalia is designed for actors working on innovave soluons to humanitarian challenges in Somalia to idenfy and connect with relevant actors. The map was created by the Somalia Response Innovaon Lab, an inter-agency mechanism supporng humanitarian innovaon in Somalia which is hosted by SomReP, with support from the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and partners. For further details, connecons, or suggesons for updates contact the Somalia Response Innovaon Lab at [email protected]. This Innovaon Ecosystem Map of Somalia was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for Internaonal Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Response Innovaon for Somalia Emergencies (RISE) program and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. March 2018

Innovation Ecosystem of · Innovation Ecosystem of Somalia The Innovation Ecosystem Map of Somalia is designed for actors working on innovative solutions to humanitarian challenges

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Page 1: Innovation Ecosystem of · Innovation Ecosystem of Somalia The Innovation Ecosystem Map of Somalia is designed for actors working on innovative solutions to humanitarian challenges

• Central Bank• Federal Ministry of

Trade and Industry• Ministry of Health• Ministry of

Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management

• Ministry of Posts, Telecom and Technology

• Ministry of Water Resources

• Ministry of Youth and Sports

• Somali Federal Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development

• IGAD (Inter-Governmental Authority on Development)




• Village Development Committees



• AFDB• DANIDA• DFAT• DFID • ECHO• FAO• B&MGF• Global Fund • Global Resilience

Partnership• IFC• IDB• King Salman

Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KS Relief)

• Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA)

• OFDA• Qatar• Rockerfeller

Foundation• SDC• SHF• SIDA• TIKA• UAE• USAID• WFP • WHO• World Bank

• GSMA Innovation Fund


• Indigo Trust• UNICEF Innovation


Innovation fund



• Fursad Fund

• Innovate Ventures• Zephyr Acorn • 88MPH VC

• Shuraako SME finance

Mobile money

• E-Dahab (Somtel)• EVC+ (Hormuud)• ZAAD (Telesom)

• Amal Bank• DahaabShil• Kaaba MFI• Kaah International

Microfinance Services

• Kaamil MFI• Salaam Somali Bank• Shuraako



• Innovate4Water• Mogadishu Book Fair• Nairobi Innovation Week• Startup Grind • TEDxHargeisa• TEDxMogadishu


• ThinkplaceDesign

Ideation • Innovate for Somalia • Open IDEO

• C4DLab • Iftiin Foundation• Innovate Ventures• iRise• RE-INTEG• Sote Hub

Incubation• @iLab Africa • iHub• In-depth Innovation Lab• iRise• Resilience Innovation Hub • Sote Hub • Africa House

Innovation hub

• Nairobi University Fab Lab Makerspace

• Global Shapers• Techfugees


• Banana Group • Better Business Solutions• Shaqodoon• Silatech• Spark Business


• Innovate for Somalia

Competition and award


• CALP• Hano Academy• LINGOS• Nairobi Design Thinking School• PM4NGOS• Sheik Technical Veterinary School

(ISTVS)• VC4A Startup AcademyTraining

Data & analysis


• IFIYE• Iftin Foundation • Radio Ergo

Online comm.

• Global Resilience Partnership



• Benadir University• Hormuud University• SDRI • SIMAD University• Strathmore University• CDC• Center for Humanitarian

Change (What Works)• CGIAR• GW/IDFR• Heritage Institute• IDS• IIED• ILRI• Joint Research Center (EU)• ODI• RAADE• Rift Valley Institute (RVI)• Samuel Hall • SomaliREN• Tana Copenhagen• The Economist Intelligence Unit• TOPS Program• TU Delft • Tufts• Tulane University• University of Coventry

Research & learning

• Agribusiness Solutions Hub • CALP• SATG• SpringField Centre• Tango International

Technical expertise


• HORSED Livestock Marketing & Trading Cooperative

• Somalia Economic Forum


• Amal Bank• DahaabShil• Equity Bank• IBS - International Bank

of Somalia• Premier Bank


• Medina Chemicals Limited• Microsoft• Takaful Insurance of Africa


• Hormuud Fountation• Zensho




• IBM Research • Mastercard Lab

Research lab

• Aga Khan Hospital• Ari.farm• CAAFINET• FPENs• Iftin Foundation • Lush Cosmetics • SolarGEN• Som-Cheese Innovation Team• Somlite

Social enterprise

• FarmDrive• FundiBots• iCow• Kytabu • Muraadso

• SafariMeals• SafeMoto• SomSite• Suuqyare• Totohealth

• VSee• WeFarm• World Remit Startup

• BRCK• Dalkom • Frontline SMS • Golis• Hormuud• Somtel • Telesom






• Somalia NGO Consortium• BRCiS• Somali Cash Consortium• SomReP• STREAM



• IRC• Islamic Relief • Mercy Corps• MSF Displacement

Unit• NRC• Oxfam

• Pact• Practical Action • PSI• Save the Children • World Vision


• Aamin Ambulance • ELMAN Peace • Gurmad Qaran • Hijra• Mama Asha • May Day /White Helmets• REDSEA Foundation / Hargeisa

Cultural Center• SATG• Shaqodoon • SIDO• Somali Emergency Corps• Wabeeri community policing• Zamzam Foundation• Habeb Mental Health Foundation Local


• Living Well Somalia

Social enterprise






Innovation Ecosystem of

SomaliaThe Innovation Ecosystem Map of Somalia is designed for actors working on innovative solutions

to humanitarian challenges in Somalia to identify and connect with relevant actors. The map was created by the Somalia Response Innovation Lab, an inter-agency mechanism supporting

humanitarian innovation in Somalia which is hosted by SomReP, with support from the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and partners. For further details, connections, or suggestions for updates contact the Somalia Response Innovation Lab at [email protected]. This Innovation Ecosystem Map of Somalia was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Response Innovation for Somalia Emergencies (RISE) program and do not

necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. March 2018

Page 2: Innovation Ecosystem of · Innovation Ecosystem of Somalia The Innovation Ecosystem Map of Somalia is designed for actors working on innovative solutions to humanitarian challenges

List of abbreviationsACF Action Against Hunger

ACTED Aid Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development

ADRA Adventist Development & Relief Agency

AfDB African Development Bank

ARC American Refugee Committee

B&MGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

BRCiS Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (NGO Consortium)

CaLP Cash Learning Partnership

CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research

C4DLab Center for Excellence in Computing for Development

CRS Catholic Relief Services

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

DANIDA Danish International Development Agency

DFAT Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

DFID U.K. Department for International Development

DOCC Drought Operations Coordination Centre

DRC Danish Refugee Council

ECHO European Community Humanitarian Aid Office

EU European Union

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FEWS NET Famine Early Warning Systems Network

FSNAU Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit

GW The George Washington University

GW/IDFR The George Washington University Institute for Disaster & Fragility Resilience

HED Horn of Africa Education Development Fund (HED)

HIF Humanitarian Innovation Fund

IBM Research International Business Machines

IBS International Bank of Somalia

ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross

ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies

IDS Institute of Development Studies

IFC International Finance Corporation

IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute

INGO International Non-Governmental Organization

IOM International Organization for Migration

IRC International Rescue Committee

IDB Islamic Development Bank

ISTVS IGAD Sheikh Technical Veterinary School and Reference Centre

MOIFA Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs

MOPIED Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development

MSF Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders)







Norwegian Refugee Council

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance

Overseas Development Institute

Program Management for Non-Governmental Organizations

Population Services International


ReDSS Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat

RIL Response Innovation Lab

RISE Response Innovation for Somalia Emergencies

RM-TWG Resilience Measurement Technical Working Group

RVI Rift Valley Institute

SATG Somalia Agricultural Technical Group

SDC Swiss Development Cooperation

SDRI Somali Disaster Resilience Institute

SIDA Swedish Development Agency

SIDO Somali Innovation and Development Organization

SomReP Somalia Resilience Programme

SomaliREN Somali Research and Education Network

SWALIM Somalia Water and Land Information Management

STREAM Somalia Resilience Action Consortium

TOPS Program Technical Operations Program Strategy

TU Delft Delft University of Technology

UN United Nations

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities

UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UN Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

USAID United States Agency for International Development

VC Venture Capital

VC4A Venture Capital for Africa

WFP World Food Programme

WV World Vision