Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere GEM (Student) Tutorial June 23, 2002 Jerry Goldstein, Rice University 1

Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

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1. GEM (Student) Tutorial June 23, 2002. Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere. Jerry Goldstein, Rice University. 2. The Plasmasphere. Ionospheric outflow: Populates p’sphere. D. L. Carpenter (Stanford) “Whistler” wave studies (ground-based). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the


GEM (Student) Tutorial June 23, 2002

Jerry Goldstein, Rice University


Page 2: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

The Plasmasphere

D. L. Carpenter (Stanford)“Whistler” wave studies


Chappell et al., OGO data

Plasmapause: boundary where dense,

cold plasma ends M-I Coupling: WG-1+2:Ionospheric outflow

Wednesday 10:30-noonChairs: Lotko, Moore, Peterson

Ionospheric outflow: Populates p’sphere


Page 3: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Magnetospheric Convection1. Generally sunward in the inner magnetosphere2. Southward IMF


Page 4: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Magnetospheric ConvectionExplain sharp ppause:

Boundary between corotation (refilling) and



Page 5: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Magnetospheric ConvectionPlasmapause:

Density gradient marking outer boundary of plasmasphere--

does not need to coincide with the instantaneous boundary between

convection and co-rotation, because time scale for p’sphere response is slower than

time scale of convection variations.

M-I Coupling: WG-2:M’spheric convectionTuesday 3:30-5:30pmChair: Ray Greenwald

WARNING: This is a highly oversimplified picture!In reality, convection is

usually very nonuniform and time-dependent


Conv/corot boundary


Page 6: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

IMAGE Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUV)

REMOTE MEASUREMENTThe Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) imager

looks at the plasmasphere via

EUV data 6:43-10:04, 5/24

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.



Page 7: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Measuring the Plasmasphere


in situCross-Phase

(ground magnetometer)

IM/S: WG-1:Plasmaspheric structure

Monday 3:30-5:30pm (observations)Chair: Dennis Gallagher

Tuesday 10:30-noon (techniques)Chairs: Moldwin, Chi


Page 8: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Plasma Tails (“Plumes”)

MI Coupling: WG-1:plasmaspheric tails (“plumes”)

Monday 10:40-noon Chair: Tom Moore


Page 9: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

The Duskside Bulge?

Plasma Tails

“Detached” plasma


Page 10: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Plasma Tails

Space Weather Implications...

As Seen in the Ionosphere


Page 11: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Shielding:the plasmasheet,

Westward currents


Page 12: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Shielding:Convection increase

due to dawn-dusk E--> creates partial RC


Page 13: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Shielding:Partial RC closes in ionosphere via field-

aligned currents


Page 14: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Shielding:Field-aligned currents create zonal charging.


Page 15: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Shielding:Zonal charging creates

potential drop across IM, creating dusk-dawn E that

opposes/cancels dawn-dusk convection E


Page 16: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

E-shielding exactly cancels E-convection

IM ShieldingInstead of this...

You get this...


Page 17: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

E-shielding exactly cancels E-convection

IM Shielding

Shielding: 15 min - 1 hrThus, changes in Solar-wind/IMF conditions that occur more rapidly than the shielding time-scale allow convection field to penetrate past the shielding layer.

Perfect shielding might not occur even if conditions are steady, however. (See Dick Wolf’s tutorial.)


Page 18: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

E-shielding exactly cancels E-convection

E-conv UP:

Sunward IM

plasma flow

E-conv DOWN

Tailward IM

plasma flow

Penetration E-Fields 18

Page 19: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

E-shielding exactly cancels E-convection

E-conv UP:

Sunward IM

plasma flow

E-conv DOWN

Tailward IM

plasma flow

Penetration E-Fields 19

Page 20: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

E-shielding exactly cancels E-convection

E-conv UP:

Sunward IM

plasma flow

E-conv DOWN

Tailward IM

plasma flow

Penetration E-Fields 20

Page 21: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Geomagnetic Variation of PlasmapauseSize/Shape of Plasmasphere

Depends on strength of convection



Example: Plasmaspheric Erosion following sudden turn to southward IMF.


Page 22: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Geomagnetic (Kp) Variation of Plasmapause

OGO 5 (in situ)

ISEE 1 (in situ)


Page 23: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Geomagnetic Variation of Plasmapause

Aug 11, 2000: During/After Strong


July 9, 2000: Quiet


QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.QuickTime™ and a

decompressorare needed to see this picture.


Page 24: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

IM E-Fields

IM/S: Tutorial:I.M. E-fields

Monday 9:15-10amDick Wolf

IM/S: WG-1:Near-Earth E-fields

Monday 1:30-3pmChairs: Goldstein, Liemohn


Page 25: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Simulated Penetration E-FieldsOvershielding: Shoulder



Page 26: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

Simulated Penetration E-FieldsOvershielding: Shoulder

Penetration E needed to explain shoulder

(and other meso-scale plasmaspheric



Page 27: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere


CRCM Model, 32 keV

Ring-Current and the IM E-field

IM/S: WG-1:RC/PS coupling (observations)

Tuesday 1:30-3pmChairs: C:son Brandt, Gallagher

RC/PS coupling (modeling)

Tuesday 3:30-5:30pmChairs: Liemohn, Reynolds

Penetration E needed to

explain observed

ring-current (RC)



Page 28: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere

ConclusionsThe plasmasphere is the torus of cold, dense, co-rotating plasma surrounding the Earth out to 3-5 RE, and is populated by ionospheric outflow.

The plasmapause is the outer boundary of the plasmasphere, but does not need to coincide with the instantaneous boundary between convection and co-rotation (the “last closed equipotential” or LCE), because the time scale for plasmaspheric response is slower than the time scale of convection variations.

Plasmaspheric tails form during periods of high activity (Kp high, or Dst low), and extend all the way down to the ionosphere. (They can therefore affect Earth communications.)

The inner magnetosphere tries to shield itself from the convection E-fields, but the buildup of an effective shielding layer takes time. If the convection strength varies faster than the shielding time scale (somewhere between 15 minutes and an hour), E-fields can penetrate past the shielding layer, and into the inner magnetosphere.

Penetration E-fields can affect both plasmaspheric populations (forming meso-scale structure such as tails, shoulders and/or bite-outs), and ring current distributions.