fj s ta T IN luef luei el I 1 TD E I 1 S E I 1 I 1 Y E n 4 IN ea IM S fore FORD 13 BT Y FRANCES FRANCE S BOWNE ra by the field or by the hearth 11 city city street or mountain sody sods sod bod rise among the tribes of 0 earth fearful fearful witnesses for god poor mans mant man let not lifes oppressions oppress ions bend thy soul to craft or clay mch sich mang man let not great possessions send the sorrowful away eram arem the covenant ot of thy tty youth aidoo liddo ade ado with liberty and truth true rrue ruey rued man where goer thou arty art in the senate in the throng up and do thy dauntless part now against the throng for the day dayi tf bf generations that must heir what we have dene aitor the heritage of 0 nation nations sp k promised long but bat still I 1 for that kingdom all victorious on whose comina fatih faith aith alth is 4 v for the rest reft that khall shall be gio ylo goodou ilou inita shadow forward fonward friendt we wi present to the people the deseret alphabet but bave have not adopted any rules to bind the taste judgment or olp preference of any such as it Is you have it and we are sanguine that the more it Is practised practiced and the th more inti- mately the people become acquainted with it the more and beneficial it will appear the characters are designed to represent the sounds for which they bland stand and are so used where whore one stands alone sione the name 0 the character or letter to is the word it being bein the only souad heard beard we make no naoi classification classia catlon cation nto into nio vowels consonants ac considering that to be of lit- tle or no consequence the student Is therefore at liberty to deem all the charach era vowels or consonant consonants sy or start- ers or stoppers or whatever else he pleases la in the ortho orthography raphy of the published examples web- sters pronunciation will be generally followed though it will be varied from when general usage demands demand all words having the same pronunciation will be spelled alike silke and the reader will have to depend upon the con- text tor for the meaning of such word since the arrival of the matrices ney ncy tor for casting the deseret alphabet it has been determined determine d to adopt anoth- er character la to it present represent the sound ol 01 E EW wj but until we are prepared to ta ct cut that character characters the character sT will be used to represent the sound ol 01 EW in NEW the char- acters aa v are sounded as AI at in HAIR train for which one eha eba character will also ateo be used so soon as it can be procured DESERET alphabet 7 long short f T h 11 L eth etli 8 e I 1 P Z tile ti t a i a b 8 s t oah 4 1 a t 6 z igau aau gau vi a d D esh osh i r f n i 00 e- i t A 1 c che S zhe ge r i som 00 S g 4 ur i 1 l 0 k b 1 aws nas tl ed 0 ga X L m shi IVI f U woo f P f h 11 S 1l K ye e v 11 en eng ai a i ad e sohei voni 44 lam iam W lan ta 10 0 1 D 9 tn 64 q 6 1 14 1 1 I 1 lota loia X 9 I 1 00 1330 1930 1138 AC ole 04 n A naji r 9 vie 9 nanu alb r 16 IMS YU WK Q J J qa y W 44 Q 4 46 46 g aa fo 84 daa id hl otis otas 84 WW h y UL 48 liei ahl y tsa 46 dg 46 6 91 f 0 Y f OV mig 46 51 J flaat 4 ia wurl warl a ta 6 ft wl a 1041 1841 mig ob cc 84 84 h rl art alt 06 6 YU sute suie kiz lie 1 A J wis VIS snoot 8 oci oct 16 1116 lihi suc sue A h wm 96 PIUM 84 04 vig vie 3 idol 1401 hadrit 4 ia y w S q I 1 L 3 q S 1 33 93 the following follow ing notes are said eald to have pas- sed between gov giles and patrick henry of virginia sit I 1 understand that you have called me a bobtail politician I 1 wish to know if it be true and it true your meaning very respectfully WM wu R GILES SIR I 1 do not recollect having called you a hobnailed bob hob tailed politician at any time but bat tink think it probable I 1 have not the time or the occasion I 1 cant say what I 1 did rams raws but hubit it you yoli will tell ma me what you think I 1 mean I 1 will gay flay whether you are correct or not very respectfully PATRi PATRICK cx hnnry henry 1 convention at fiovo at a convention hild at provo on monday the instant for the purpose of nominating candid candidates ites for members of the council and house of from utah and cedar coun- ties to be voted tor for at the approaching august election at 11 am the convention was called to order and on motion lion Z snow of cedar was called to the chair and L N scovill of utah appointed secie bry ary i tue following delegates were in attendance utah munty county from provo iaac iaac bullock edson whipple whippie and L N scovill pleasant grove eljah elijah Alay mayhew Lew hew lake lmke city john mcneil mcnell lehi david ev evan ajohn john brown alpine john W vance springville Spring ville W E horner aj whitbeck spanish fork A K thurber payson W G 1101 allen alien aj T hardy nardy santa quin divid david 11 halliday heber city W al wall Pond PonI pondtown town david P raney cedar county from prom fairfield Z snow and anil IL F cook ac goshen P W cook it was moed moved seconded and carried unani- mously that a committee of five ba be appointed by the chair to present the names of suitable sui sul tadie tanie per sons tobe lobe to be nominated for councillors Counci llois and repres- entatives senta tives by the convention n the chair appointed A K thurber john brown W E flor horner nery nert 11 F cook and E whipple said committee the convention then adjourned till 2 pm 2 rpm pm convention met pursuant to adjournment the committee appointed to present the names of candidates for cortte ve consideration of the conven- tion reported the following for councillors for utah and cedar county leonard E harrington Harring ton tou john T if hardy ardy for representatives isaac bullock john brown and albert K thurbur on motion ane the report was unanimously ae ce led ted lohn john H carter was nominated for the office of selectman and william M wall for of utah blab county moved seconded and carried that the pro- ceedings ce of this thia convention be published ia in the deseret news on motion adjourned sine die Z SNOW chairman L N scovill secretary iness pesa amon among the number are three ante Anfe american rican houses one of which has recently built a steam- er for river and soon will be heard far in the interior of siberia and along the north- ern boundaries bound eries of china and the whis- tle of an american stean steamer wr the prin principal ciral trade at present is in furs in ili exchange for american provisions and manufactures thia this is not destined to become the great com- mercial in mart art of the amoor A moor as the rivers mouth is tery shallow and intricate A town is 13 already projected some three hundred miles above this and blit but a few miles from the gull gulf of and will be connected by railroad which is al- ready surveyed with a good barbor harbor open nine months in the year without doubt this will be the center of all trade As the amoor extends far into the interior of siberia Sibe it passes many large cities and the trade must increase rapidly and eventually become immense for gooda goods can cat be purchased and sent to the interior of siberia from san francisco and at a less cost than they can from moscow or st petersburg by land the russian government has taken posses- sion of vast extent af pf of territory to the south of the amoor and have d discovered covered 1 on the gulf of a fine capacious harbor far enough south to be e free from ice the entire year this is the desidera desideratum turn for which they bave have long sought I 1 understand this will be the great naval depot of the pacific A CAUTION TO you YOUNG 40 MEN AIEN A young medi- cal student from Michi michl michigan ean been attend- ing lectures in new york for some time and coni considered dered jered himself exceed exceedingly good looking 11 and fascinating made a deterer determined onset on the heart and fortune of a blooming young lady who was boarding at the same saine houe with him after a prolonged the lady surrendered they were marriett married marrie tr on ou wednesday morning the ame ama afternoon the young yoong young wife sent for and exhibited to the astonished astonish astonished eT student a beautiful little daughter three and a half years of age good heavens 1 then you were a widow ex- claimed the astonished student yes my lay dear and this is amelia my ray young- est tomorrow to morrow augustus james and reuben will alive from the country and then I 1 shall have lii all ill my children te gether once more the unhappy student replied not a word his feelings were too deep for utterance the next day the other darlings arrived reuben rcuben was six 3 eua eva e irb its old camei dameg nide nine and augustus a saucy boy of twelve they were delig cited to hear they had a new papa 23 because they could now flow live at home and hava tuva all the playthings they the new papa as soon boon lie he could speak k remarked that augustus ard james did not much resemble reuben and ameila abells well no ijo 15 said I 1 he the happy mother my first husband was quite a different style of man from my second complexion temperament color of hair and ard eyes all diff different lerent 5 this was too much ile he had not only mar- ried a widow but was her third husband husban dand and the astonished step stepfather father of four our children but buther bather her f fortune thought he t chatwill th hat atwill w it make some 11 he ile spoke of her fortu for fortune tune lune ne the these theio are my treasures 5 said she phe in the rcman reman matron style pointing to her children the conceit w was as now nov quite taken out of the Michi michl michigander gander gauder who finding that be had haj f ad made a com eom complete goose of himself hims bims bif alf at once retired to a far farm I 1 in his native state where he could have a chance to render his boys boysy useful and make them sweat for the deceit practiced upon him by their thir mother the yankees on ou the other side of the pacific the providence povl dence journal bag bas ha a letter from the interesting amoor country in northeastern rus- sia ItIs jt is dated at on the amoor river and mentions facts of interest to ameri- cans this ethis is the ha principal russian military station on the pacific and having been cho chosen choen en as a port of 0 refuge during the last war it hag haa since be- come the seat of government for eastern siberia also the naval station it is pleasantly situated on the amoor twenty tw enty miles from its mouth by dense forests which extend as far as the eye can reach it contains some two thousand inhabitants mostly soldiers and sailor sail bali ors orp the government have a large machine S hop shop to 0 o repair and build engines in and it is gratifying that it is all of american manufacture and u un n der the superintendence of american mechanics I 1 ca we have now in port several fine specimens of naval architecture built in the be united state stales 4 for this government there are quite a numb prof foreign merchants me chants doing a very sery profitable busi ERRATA eretta As no book has bas been oftener reprinted than the bible none has been so liable to error mod- ern editions are comparatively immaculate but many of the earlier copies coples swarm with egregious blasphemous and und damnable errata according to a good bishop of the seventeenth century A german printers wife some two hundred heags ago made an alteration in a form of the bible then being printed in her husbands office wishing to annul the sentence of subjection pass- ed upon eve she took out the first two letters ot of the word herr and substituted na in place thus altering the sentence from add gand and he shall be thy lord herr to and land he shall be thy fool it Is said she paid for this intentional blunder with her life in 1632 barker lucas luca kings printer printers is- sued an edi edt edtion on of the bible in ift which the nega- tive particle of the seventh commandment was omitted so that it read thou commit adultery for this offense offence the sar star chamber in- flicted a fine of three thousand pound in the sixteenth century was printed a thin oc- tavo of pages pales the anatomy of the mass ac accompanied companie by an errata of 17 pages the a au- thor u a pious monk informs the he reader that the dell devil the identical beelzebub and not his hum bum- ble typographical namesake wishing to ruin yuin his wor work k used two very malicious frauds amprim is the devil drene drent drenched died lied the manuscript in a ken- nel ken- net reducing the writing to a most pitiable state and rendering much of it illegible secundus by diabolical instigation he obliged the printers to commit blunders unequalled unequal led in h numbe numbers 9 and im- portance in so small a work to co combat at these infernal machination he was obliged 7 to repe re pe ruse the work and make a list of or corrections all of which he explains in the preface of his errata no GREAT HAND ron fort ANGELS an old lady entered a well known bookstore and inquired for a treatise of angel she made the inquiry 0 of f a boy antl anil was told that they got no such book 21 this remark caught the ear of the principal salesman and as he always sells some thing to everybody who enters the store he step- ped forward and addressed the old lady were wore just out of the book in search of maam malam but weve got foxs coxs book of martyrs cr crammed a m med full of pictures splendid book for lor a present gla ila I la sakes du tell exclaimed the customer the book why here hera os s a picter pleter of a hap chap drinking alzen and hares heres a alot lot of men saw in a poor fellers bodd bedd off that gentleman there maam madro explained the salesman elucidating the he picture ii takina a melted the other individual la Is about to be perforated in the intestines with a patent manure fork I 1 guess like it better than a wo k of angels well tiow ilow that erp is a better book I 1 guess I 1 han than any thing else what bought the price of it be 94 twenty shilling 1 maam very chee chrep cheap book that at well dew it up p my darters barters dar just got ilot mar- ried and I 1 late to make her a pre present sent she wanted sun thing about angels bit bit I 1 never was no gre great at hand for a angels gels geis noi nol iv the lady handed handed out four parcel parcels each con- taining fifty coppers and completed the amount by adding three battered shillings and a dit dubious bious blous looking sixpence the he whole savoring powerfully powerful I 1 ly of anuff snuff the sale completed and the customer gono gone the principal called the he boy sonny said he see here when you yon are asked for a thing which yon got always show the nearest article like it you hane have the urchin looked reflective and was about 0 to o ask the resemblance between lives of angels and foxs coxs book ot of martyrs 21 but THE TESTIMONY TO THE TUB VIRTUE OF in an address to the students of chapel hall president buchanan said sald the great curse of our country which has in- volved so many in crime is drunkenness it is more dreadful than the pestilence than the yel- low fever than the plague than all the calami- ties that visit man in it we bring on ours ourselves elves a greater calamity than heaven ha has brought up on us in in any form or shape of misery I 1 wish with al all ail my heart to ask of you eil ell eill sill to take lake care of that fatal vice which degrades man roan to the lev- el of the brute and brings him into dis disgrace race in the eyes of the whole 1 statistics the san francisco directory ard and business guide guidt just bublis published hed bed by mr H I 1 G la adley gives the following tle details tails number of attorneys in san francisco physicians commission merchants hotels boarding and lodging houses cigar dealers carpenter shops shop 75 dry goods establishments fruit dealers 72 grocers gf gio cers hair bair hairdressing dressing saloons 60 bakeries 63 breweries 18 butchers and markets fur- niture and bedding 70 clot birg iric Itic including ludl i lif tailors and dra drapers peir restaurants 66 watch- makers and jewelers 50 wood and coal yards di 65 upholsterers and paperhangers paper hangers 30 vr batby tb ing ing houses 14 brokers cooper shops 33 hardware dealer 32 lumber dealers 32 mil- linery stores 43 painters 50 dressmaking dress making establishments tg 6 stoves and dealers 51 agricultural stores 14 apothecaries and druggists 21 assay establishments 8 auction- eers ee 20 0 bankers 16 billiard table makers 9 c cabinetmakers cabinet makers 21 distilleries 7 confection confectioners ers 16 galleries 14 dyeing establishments 4 gunsmiths gun smiths 14 bar- ness har- ness and 19 hatters batters 16 printing offices 13 produce dealers 70 it is estimated that there are nearly es- tablishments in san francisco at which liquors are sold viz wholesale 90 SOre gore retail tail tall saloons hotels 25 groceries where aliquo liquors rs are bold sold billiard saloons 14 these figures do not include commission merchants and bro- kers who deal more or less in the article shipbuilding ship building although in its infancy in california Cai cal tornia fornia is grad gradually nally assuming an important feature in the he business of san francisco there are at present several extensive firms profitably engaged employing a large number of persons during the past season several steamers and sailing ships were ivere constructed and aud at the present time there are three steam- ers and several sailing vessels on the blocks there are 36 newspaper and periodical pub- lications licati ons issued in that city of 0 which 15 are daily 16 weekly 3 monthly I 1 quarterly and 1 annually of the dailies 6 issue weeklies and 3 steamer edit editions lons lops in addition to their regular issues making an aggregate of 45 di different rhular e rent relt papers published in foreign languages an 9 bages 9 viz french 5 german 2 spanish 1 and italian L 1 of the weeklies 9 5 are devoted to religion and ito agriculture of the monthlies mont blies hiles 2 aie ale demoted to literature and 1 to agriculture newspapers were not unknown to the ro- mans julius ceesar caesar introduced the th re regulation galation of writing and publishing all the acts or state occurrences of both senate and people the laws were engraved on brass tablets perman- ently fixed in the public places the idea was improved bythe by the people peopled cicero at his bia villa in Tas calum published a daily news- paper or more properly a bulletin in which was given the news of the day birtha births marriages aand nd deaths fashio fashionable nalle nanie arrivals ele elc in tho the th most app proved modern style pe Petro t has given a specimen of thereto the acta giving account of a birth an execution and a fire all of which are dispatched in the curtest cartest manner the reporters actuary ac had bad no opportunity to indulge in strong adjectives and expletives and they had their posters too 00 oo as the exhum- ed gates of pompeii prove inscriptions in red chalk answered for type and paper thus nus ju- lias ju- lius Pr proculia Proc oculus ulus ulua will have an auction of his super- fluous good goods to pay his debts debt A TWO HEADED GIRL Is 13 on exhibition at augusta georgia the constitutional describes describe s her ag as follows follow si iler her color Is that of a dark mulat boand she appears to ba be two ginns sotar so far tar as two heads toms fear arms anil anel four tour legs tet fet feet fert would indicate personal identities and yet she ha has but one body the spinal colemo branches orr off about tb the positions of the shoulder blades and connects with the necks rieck sand and heads beads of the girl girt the abdominal portion seems seem s the naturally formed body tody of one person the child we was born in D north carolina and Is about eight years year sold old oid it has two symmetrically formed heads very handsome faces sparkling eyes eye and very pleasing in mann manners ersy erss address end dd appearance I 1 the announcement bill states that her I 1 facili- ties are of a superior order and double thereby enabling her to converse with two persons persona at one oce time tiene on cheor me or different subjects or one head may be engaged while I 1 the he other remains remain pas passive alveo no difference in the intellectual faculties 0 ot t either head Is perceptible 2 legislative SERENADE riadh the baton ronge la advocate adwate is responsible for this anecdote A few nights ago a number of the members of the legislature concluded to po go out and sere- nade the tha fair and lovely ladies of baton rouge one of the members from new orleans who re- gards his vocal powers as au fait was to give alve the first song sons As the young lady whom lie wab waa was a great favorite of his hib hi he cleared hig hi throat and with a determination to do his best singing began cobl loby ah wake lady wake from thy slumbers and look OB on me at this period the casement of the window was thrown open anit anil a beautiful face ceped tepid peeped out and screamed dod brot your buttons e ef you dont quit sawing my mammas mammals peach trees in that way ill set daddys dabsys dog do on yer darn you it is needless to say bay that the gentlemen took the hint and left A CHEMICAL VIEW OF DEATH AI biot blot a french author in speaking of a school of abl philo- sophers ilo lio whose of immortality are scientific but you do not die you only charge your conr state of aggregation it is true your nitro gan your hydrogen hv drogen and tour your carbon separate they are distributed through the atmosphere penetrate plants and animals or are absorbed by the earth but aa as no atom perishes yon cont irme lime us to difference is that you find your- self reduced to a more simple expression

INluefluei I1 E S En IM Sjericks/Reading Material/Deseret... · amoor and have ddiscoveredcovered 1 on the gulf of a fine capacious harbor far enough south to bee free from ice the

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Page 1: INluefluei I1 E S En IM Sjericks/Reading Material/Deseret... · amoor and have ddiscoveredcovered 1 on the gulf of a fine capacious harbor far enough south to bee free from ice the

fj staT INlueflueielI1 TD E I1 S E I1 I1YEn4 IN eaIM S


13BTY FRANCESFRANCES BOWNEraby the field or by the hearth11 citycity street or mountain sodysodssodbod

rise among the tribes of0 earthfearfulfearful witnesses for god

poor mansmantman let not lifes oppressionsoppress ionsbend thy soul to craft or clay

mchsich mangman let not great possessionssend the sorrowful away

eramarem the covenant otof thytty youthaidooliddoadeado with liberty and truthtruerruerueyrued man where goer thou artyart

in the senate in the throngup and do thy dauntless part

now against the throngfor the daydayi tfbf generations

that must heir what we have deneaitor the heritage of0 nationnationssp

k promised long butbat still I1for that kingdom all victorious

on whose comina fatihfaithaithalth is4v for the restreft that khallshall be gioylogoodouilouinita shadow forwardfonward friendt

wewi present to the people the deseret alphabet butbavehave not adopted any rules to bind the taste judgment orolp

preference of any such as it Is you have it and we aresanguine that the more it Is practisedpracticed and theth more inti-mately the people become acquainted with it the more

and beneficial it will appearthe characters are designed to represent the sounds for

which they blandstand and are so used wherewhore one standsalonesione the name 0 the character or letter tois the word itbeingbein the only souad heardbeard we make nonaoi classificationclassia catloncationntointonio vowels consonants ac considering that to be of lit-tle or no consequence the student Is therefore at libertyto deem all the charach era vowels or consonantconsonantssy or start-ers or stoppers or whatever else he pleases

lain the orthoorthographyraphy of the published examples web-sters pronunciation will be generally followed though itwill be varied from when general usage demandsdemand allwords having the same pronunciation will be spelledalikesilke and the reader will have to depend upon the con-text torfor the meaning of such word

since the arrival of the matrices neyncy torfor casting thedeseret alphabet it has been determineddetermined to adopt anoth-er character lato it presentrepresent the sound ol01 EEWwj but until we

are prepared tota ctcut that charactercharacters the charactersT willbe used to represent the sound ol01 EW in NEW the char-

actersaa v are sounded as AIat in HAIRtrain for which oneehaebacharacter will alsoateo be used so soon as it can be procured

DESERET alphabet7long short fT h11 L ethetli

8 e I1 P Z tileti t

a i a b 8 st oah 41 a t 6 zigauaaugau vi a d D eshosh

i rf n i

00e- i


1 c che S zhege r i

som 00 Sg 4 uri

1 l 0 k b 1

awsnas tled 0 ga XL m

shiIVIf U woo fP f h 11S 1l K

ye e v 11 enengaia i

ad e soheivoni 44

lamiamWlanta 100 1 D 9 tn64 q 61 14 1

1I1lotaloia X9 I1

00 13301930 1138 ACole 04 n Anajir 9

vie 9 nanu alb r 16 IMSYUWKQ J J qa yW44 Q 4 46 46g aa fo84daa idhl otisotas84 WW h y UL 48 lieiahly tsa 46dg466 91 f0 Y

fOV mig46 51J flaat4ia wurlwarl a ta 6 ftwla 10411841 mig ob cc84

84 h

rl artalt 06 6 YUsutesuiekizlie1

AJ wisVIS snoot8 ocioct 16 1116lihisucsue Ahwm96 PIUM 8404 vigvie 3 idol1401

hadrit4 ia yw Sq I1 L 3q S

1 3393 the followingfollow ing notes are saideald to have pas-sed between gov giles and patrick henry ofvirginia

sit I1 understand that you have called me abobtail politician I1 wish to know if it be true

and it true your meaningvery respectfully WMwu R GILES

SIR I1 do not recollect having called you ahobnailedbobhob tailed politician at any time butbat tinkthink itprobable I1 have not the time orthe occasion I1 cant say what I1 did ramsraws buthubitityouyoli will tell mame what you think I1 mean I1 willgayflay whether you are correct or not

very respectfully PATRiPATRICKcx hnnryhenry 1

convention at fiovoat a convention hild at provo on monday

the instant for the purpose of nominatingcandidcandidatesites for members of the council and houseof from utah and cedar coun-ties to be voted torfor at the approaching augustelection

at 11 am the convention was called to orderand on motion lion Z snow of cedar was calledto the chair and L N scovill of utah appointedsecie bryary i

tue following delegates were in attendanceutah muntycounty

from provo iaaciaac bullock edson whipplewhippie andL N scovillpleasant grove eljahelijah AlaymayhewLewhewlakelmke city john mcneilmcnelllehi david evevan ajohnjohn brownalpine john W vancespringvilleSpring ville W E horner aj whitbeckspanish fork A K thurberpayson W G 1101allenalien aj T hardynardysanta quin dividdavid 11 hallidayheber city W al wallPondPonIpondtowntown david P raney

cedar countyfromprom fairfield Z snow andanil IL F cook

ac goshen P W cookit was moedmoved seconded and carried unani-

mously that a committee of five babe appointed bythe chair to present the names of suitablesuisul tadietanie persons tobelobeto be nominated for councillorsCounci llois and repres-entativessenta tives by the convention n thechair appointed A K thurber john brownW E florhornernerynert 11 F cook and E whipple saidcommittee

the convention then adjourned till 2 pm

2rpmpmconvention met pursuant to adjournment

the committee appointed to present the namesof candidates forcortteve consideration of the conven-tion reported the following

for councillors for utah and cedar countyleonard E harringtonHarringtontou john T ifhardyardy

for representatives isaac bullock johnbrown and albert K thurbur

on motion anethe report was unanimously aece ledted

lohnjohn H carter was nominated for the officeof selectman and william M wall forof utahblab county

moved seconded and carried that the pro-ceedingsce of thisthia convention be published iain thedeseret news

on motion adjourned sine dieZ SNOW chairman

L N scovill secretary

inesspesa amonamong the number are three anteAnfeamericanricanhouses one of which has recently built a steam-er for river and soon will be heardfar in the interior of siberia and along the north-ern boundariesbound eries of china and the whis-tle of an american steansteamerwr the prinprincipalciral tradeat present is in furs inili exchange for americanprovisions and manufactures

thiathis is not destined to become the great com-mercial inmartart of the amoorA moor as the rivers mouthis tery shallow and intricate A town is13 alreadyprojected some three hundred miles above thisand blitbut a few miles from the gullgulf ofand will be connected by railroad which is al-ready surveyed with a good barborharbor open ninemonths in the year without doubt this will bethe center of all trade As the amoor extendsfar into the interior of siberiaSibe it passes manylarge cities and the trade must increase rapidlyand eventually become immense for goodagoods cancatbe purchased and sent to the interior of siberiafrom san francisco and at a less cost than theycan from moscow or st petersburg by land

the russian government has taken posses-sion of vast extent afpfof territory to the south of theamoor and have ddiscoveredcovered1 on the gulf of

a fine capacious harbor far enough southto bee free from ice the entire year this isthe desideradesideratumturn for which they bavehave long soughtI1 understand this will be the great naval depot ofthe pacific

A CAUTION TO youYOUNG40 MENAIEN A young medi-cal student from Michimichlmichiganean been attend-ing lectures in new york for some time andconiconsideredderedjered himself exceedexceedingly good looking

11 andfascinating made a detererdetermined onset on the heartand fortune of a blooming young lady who wasboarding at the samesaine houe with him after aprolonged the lady surrendered theywere marriettmarriedmarrietr onou wednesday morning theameama afternoon the youngyoongyoung wife sent for andexhibited to the astonishedastonishastonishedeT student a beautifullittle daughter three and a half years of age

good heavens 1 then you were a widow ex-claimed the astonished student

yes mylay dear and this is amelia myray young-est tomorrowto morrow augustus james and reubenwill alive from the country and then I1 shallhave liiallill my children tegether once more

the unhappy student replied not a word hisfeelings were too deep for utterance the nextday the other darlings arrived reubenrcuben wassix 3 euaevae irbits old cameidameg nidenine and augustus a saucyboy of twelve they were deligcited to hearthey had a new papa 23 because they could nowflowlive at home and havatuva all the playthings they

the new papa as soonboon liehe couldspeakk remarked that augustus ard james didnot much resemble reuben and ameilaabells

well noijo 15 said I1hethe happy mother my firsthusband was quite a different style of man frommy second complexion temperament color ofhair andard eyes all diffdifferentlerent 5

this was too much ilehe had not only mar-ried a widow but was her third husbandhusbandandandthe astonished stepstepfatherfather of fourour children

butbutherbatherher ffortune thought he tchatwillthhatatwillw it makesome 11 heile spoke of her fortuforfortunetunelunene

thethesetheio are my treasures 5 said shephe in thercmanreman matron style pointing to her children

the conceit wwasas nownov quite taken out of theMichimichlmichigandergandergauder who finding that be hadhajfad made acomeomcomplete goose of himselfhimsbimsbifalf at once retired to afarfarm I1in his native state where he could havea chance to render his boysboysy useful and makethem sweat for the deceit practiced upon him bytheirthir mother

the yankees onou the other side of the pacificthe providencepovldence journal bagbasha a letter from the

interesting amoor country in northeastern rus-sia ItIsjt is dated at on the amoorriver and mentions facts of interest to ameri-cans

thisethis is theha principal russian military stationon the pacific and having been chochosenchoenen as a portof0 refuge during the last war it haghaa since be-come the seat of government for eastern siberia

also the naval stationit is pleasantly situated on the amoor twentytwenty

miles from its mouth by dense forestswhich extend as far as the eye can reach itcontains some two thousand inhabitants mostlysoldiers and sailorsailbaliorsorp

the government have a large machine Shopshop to0 orepair and build engines in and it is gratifyingthat it is all of american manufacture and uunnder the superintendence of american mechanicsI1 cawe have now in port several fine specimens ofnaval architecture built in thebe united statestales4 forthis government there are quite a numbprofforeign merchantsme chants doing a verysery profitable busi

ERRATAerettaAs no book hasbas been oftener reprinted than

the bible none has been so liable to error mod-ern editions are comparatively immaculate butmany of the earlier copiescoples swarm with egregiousblasphemous andund damnable errata according toa good bishop of the seventeenth century

A german printers wife some two hundredheags ago made an alteration in a form of thebible then being printed in her husbands officewishing to annul the sentence of subjection pass-ed upon eve she took out the first two lettersotof the word herr and substituted na in placethus altering the sentence from addgandand he shall bethy lord herr to andland he shall be thy fool

it Is said she paid for this intentionalblunder with her life

in 1632 barker lucasluca kings printerprinters is-sued an ediedtedtionon of the bible inift which the nega-tive particle of the seventh commandment wasomitted so that it read thou commitadultery for this offenseoffence the sarstar chamber in-flicted a fine of three thousand pound

in the sixteenth century was printed a thin oc-tavo of pagespales the anatomy of the massacaccompaniedcompanie by an errata of 17 pages the aau-thor

ua pious monk informs thehe reader that the

delldevil the identical beelzebub and not his humbum-ble typographical namesake wishing to ruinyuin hisworworkk used two very malicious frauds amprimis the devil drenedrentdrencheddiedlied the manuscript in a ken-nel

ken-net reducing the writing to a most pitiable stateand rendering much of it illegible secundus bydiabolical instigation he obliged the printers tocommit blunders unequalledunequalled inh numbenumbers9 and im-portance in so small a work to cocombatat theseinfernal machination he was obliged7 to repere peruse the work and make a list ofor corrections allof which he explains in the preface of his errata

no GREAT HAND ronfort ANGELS an old ladyentered a well known bookstore and inquired fora treatise of angel she made the inquiry 0offa boy antlanil was told that they got nosuch book 21 this remark caught the ear of theprincipal salesman and as he always sells something to everybody who enters the store he step-ped forward and addressed the old lady

werewore just out of the book in searchof maammalam but weve got foxscoxs book of martyrscrcrammedam med full of pictures splendid book forlor apresent

glailaI la sakes du tell exclaimed the customerthe book why herehera oss a picterpleter of a

hapchap drinking alzen and haresheres aalotlot of men sawin a poor fellers boddbedd off

that gentleman there maammadro explained thesalesman elucidating thehe picture ii takina amelted the other individual laIs aboutto be perforated in the intestines with a patentmanure fork I1 guess like it better than awo k of angels

well tiowilow that erp is a better book I1 guessI1hanthan any thing else what bought the price ofit be

94 twenty shilling1 maam very cheechrepcheap bookthatat

well dew it upp my dartersbartersdar just gotilot mar-ried and I1 late to make her a prepresentsent shewanted sun thing about angels bitbit I1 never was nogregreatat hand for aangelsgelsgeis noinol iv

the lady handedhanded out four parcelparcels each con-taining fifty coppers and completed the amountby adding three battered shillings and a ditdubiousbiousblouslooking sixpence thehe whole savoring powerfullypowerfulI1 lyof anuffsnuff the sale completed and thecustomer gonogone the principal called thehe boy

sonny said he see here when youyon areasked for a thing which yon got alwaysshow the nearest article like it you hanehave

the urchin looked reflective and was about 0tooask the resemblance between lives of angelsand foxscoxs book otof martyrs 21 but


OF in an address to the students ofchapel hall president buchanan saidsald

the great curse of our country which has in-volved so many in crime is drunkenness it ismore dreadful than the pestilence than the yel-low fever than the plague than all the calami-ties that visit man in it we bring on oursourselveselvesa greater calamity than heaven hahas brought upon us inin any form or shape of misery I1 wishwith alallail my heart to ask of you eilelleillsill to takelake careof that fatal vice which degrades manroan to the lev-el of the brute and brings him into disdisgracerace inthe eyes of the whole 1

statistics the san francisco directoryardand business guideguidt just bublispublishedhedbed by mr H


G laadley gives the following tledetailstailsnumber of attorneys in san francisco

physicians commission merchantshotels boarding and lodging houses cigardealers carpenter shopsshop 75 dry goodsestablishments fruit dealers 72 grocersgfgiocers

hairbairhairdressingdressing saloons 60 bakeries 63breweries 18 butchers and markets fur-niture and bedding 70 clotbirg iricIticincludingludli liftailors and dradraperspeir restaurants 66 watch-makers and jewelers 50 wood and coal yardsdi65 upholsterers and paperhangerspaper hangers 30 vrbatbytbinging houses 14 brokers cooper shops 33hardware dealer 32 lumber dealers 32 mil-linery stores 43 painters 50 dressmakingdress makingestablishments tg6 stoves and dealers51 agricultural stores 14 apothecaries anddruggists 21 assay establishments 8 auction-eersee 200 bankers 16 billiard table makers 9ccabinetmakerscabinet makers 21 distilleries 7confectionconfectionersers 16 galleries 14dyeing establishments 4 gunsmithsgunsmiths 14 bar-ness

har-ness and 19 hattersbatters 16 printingoffices 13 produce dealers 70

it is estimated that there are nearly es-tablishments in san francisco at which liquorsare sold viz wholesale 90SOregoreretailtailtall saloons

hotels 25 groceries where aliquoliquorsrs areboldsold billiard saloons 14 these figuresdo not include commission merchants and bro-kers who deal more or less in the article

shipbuildingship building although in its infancy incaliforniaCaicaltorniafornia is gradgraduallynally assuming an importantfeature in thehe business of san franciscothere are at present several extensive firmsprofitably engaged employing a large numberof persons during the past season severalsteamers and sailing ships wereivere constructedandaud at the present time there are three steam-ers and several sailing vessels on the blocks

there are 36 newspaper and periodical pub-licationslications issued in that city of0 which 15 aredaily 16 weekly 3 monthly I1 quarterly and 1annually of the dailies 6 issue weeklies and3 steamer editeditionslonslops in addition to their regularissues making an aggregate of 45 didifferentrhulare rentreltpapers published in foreign languagesan9bages 9viz french 5 german 2 spanish 1 anditalian L1 of the weeklies 95 are devoted toreligion and ito agriculture of the monthliesmontblieshiles2 aieale demoted to literature and 1 to agriculture

newspapers were not unknown to the ro-mans julius ceesarcaesar introduced theth reregulationgalationof writing and publishing all the acts or stateoccurrences of both senate and people thelaws were engraved on brass tablets perman-ently fixed in the public places

the idea was improved bytheby the peoplepeopled ciceroat hisbia villa in Tascalum published a daily news-paper or more properly a bulletin in which wasgiven the news of the day birthabirths marriagesaandnd deaths fashiofashionablenallenanie arrivals eleelc in thothethmost app proved modern style

pePetrot has given a specimen of theretothe actagiving account of a birth an execution

and a fire all of which are dispatched in thecurtestcartest manner the reporters actuaryac hadbad noopportunity to indulge in strong adjectives andexpletives

and they had their posters too00oo as the exhum-ed gates of pompeii prove inscriptions in redchalk answered for type and paper thusnus ju-lias

ju-lius PrproculiaPrococulusulusulua will have an auction of his super-fluous goodgoods to pay his debtsdebt

A TWO HEADED GIRL Is13 on exhibition ataugusta georgia the constitutional describesdescribesher agas followsfollowsi

ilerher color Is that of a dark mulat boand she appears to babetwo ginns sotarso fartar as two heads tomsfear arms anilanel fourtour legs

tetfetfeetfert would indicate personal identities and yet shehahas but one body the spinal colemo branches orroff abouttbthe positions of the shoulder blades and connects with thenecksriecksandand headsbeads of the girlgirt the abdominal portionseemsseems the naturally formed bodytody of one person

the child we was born inD north carolinaand Is about eight yearsyearsoldoldoid it has two symmetricallyformed heads very handsome faces sparkling eyeseye andvery pleasing in mannmannersersyerss address enddd appearance I1

the announcement bill states that her I1facili-ties are of a superior order and double thereby enablingher to converse with two personspersona at oneoce timetiene on cheorme ordifferent subjects or one head may be engaged while I1theheother remainsremain paspassivealveo no difference in the intellectualfaculties 0ott either head Is perceptible 2

legislative SERENADEriadh the baton rongela advocateadwate is responsible for this anecdoteA few nights ago a number of the members

of the legislature concluded to pogo out and sere-nade thetha fair and lovely ladies of baton rougeone of the members from new orleans who re-gards his vocal powers as au fait was to givealve thefirst songsons As the young lady whom lie wabwaa

was a great favorite of hishibhi he clearedhighi throat and with a determination to do his bestsinging began

cobllobyah wake lady wake from thy slumbersand look OBon me

at this period the casement of the windowwas thrown open anitanil a beautiful face cepedtepidpeepedout and screamed dod brot your buttons eef youdont quit sawing my mammasmammals peach trees inthat way ill set daddysdabsys dogdo on yer darn you

it is needless to saybay that the gentlemen tookthe hint and left

A CHEMICAL VIEW OF DEATH AI biotblot afrench author in speaking of a school of ablphilo-sophers

iloliowhose of immortality are scientific

but you do not die you only chargeyourconr state of aggregation it is true your nitrogan your hydrogenhvdrogen and touryour carbon separatethey are distributed through the atmospherepenetrate plants and animals or are absorbed bythe earth but aaas no atom perishes yon cont irmelimeusto difference is that you find your-self reduced to a more simple expression