inglewood baptist church in the know september & october | 2009 GREAT is THY Faithfulness... Read the story of one church member’s response to the Faithfulness of God. TRUNK OR TREAT Reaching out once again to the surrounding community of Grand Prairie...

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i ng l ewoodbaptist church

in the know

september & october | 2009

GREAT is THY Faithfulness...Read the story of one church member’s response to the Faithfulness of God.

TRUNK OR TREATReaching out once again

to the surrounding community of Grand


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Sunday Night ServicesBeginning September 136pm - 7:30pm

Make sure to be a part of The Gathering of believers digging deep into the Word. Pastor Shawn will be doing a teaching series entitled: COLLIDE: When Worldviews Clash. Join us for an intense time of study, discipleship, and growth.

GREAT is THY Faithfulness...

Recently, I had an opportunity to interview one of Inglewoodʼs members, Kathy Burleson. Kathy has been working at Inglewood in the office for several years and does many things “behind the scenes” that keep the day to day functions of our church moving smoothly. I thought she would be a good person to interview about the faithfulness of God. You see, this past year has been one of the most trying and challenging for her as she has mourned the loss of her late husband, Randall Burleson. It is in those times of grief and sorrow that we truly see the faithfulness of God displayed. So much so that she starts our interview after being asked for an example of Godʼs faithfulness in her life with this statement: “How do you pinpoint just ONE way that God has been faithful?” Kathy goes on to use emotion driven words like “humble” and “secure” when speaking of the faithfulness of God...and how it makes her feel. With some hesitation, I asked the question I think almost all Christians want to ask, but never do: “Have you ever thought that God was unfaithful to you?” Kathy responded with sober honesty to this question. She said, “Yes.” In which I continued, “Would you mind sharing that story?” Kathy then said, “I think the hardest time for me was when Randall died. Although I had felt His [Godʼs] presence with me through Randallʼs sickness, I felt that God was not there for me after he died.” Obviously, there had been a turning point in Kathyʼs response to Godʼs faithfulness. I asked when that turning point was. She replied, “After a couple of months, I thought that the enemy was working on me. Then, I realized that God had been there all along and was allowing me to go through the grieving process. He had never left my side.” After this, I had to ask if she ever felt there was a time in all of history were God wasnʼt faithful. Kathyʼs reply was one glazed with wisdom, “Nope. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He has always been faithful to His own and His will...we are the ones that struggle with being faithful to Him.” As I finished my interview with Kathy, I was reminded of what A.W. Tozer once said: "There is no limit to what God can do through us if we are His yielded and purified people, worshiping and showing forth His glory and His faithfulness." How are you showing Godʼs faithfulness and glory in your life? Through the tragedies and disappointments? Kathy Burleson is choosing to trust Him daily, fellowship with Him in reading Godʼs word, and to rest in His promises. God is good all the time. All the time, God is good...and without doubt, He is faithful!-Candace Payne

“He will send from heaven and save me; he will put to shame him who tramples on

me. God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness!”

Psalm 57:3 ESV

FREE Childcare Provided for birth to 5 years old.

Page 3: inglewood - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/inglewoodbaptistchurch/... · on your own. Jesus has and will give you this strength. So many times we fail to put ourselves in a position

kick-off time...If you are a football fan life is good right about now. And if youʼre anything like me, you have been so ready for football season that youʼve briefly satisfied your sports appetite by watching re-run games on ESPNU or the NFL Network since May. To temporarily quench your pigskin thirst, the pre-season has done its job for the most part. The thing about pre-season football though is that itʼs a lot like drinking a diet soda. It tastes good at first, but then the aftertaste kicks in. So, bring on the real stuff; the games that count. Another one of my favorite events is about to kickoff as well: Menʼs Fraternity. Last year was our first year to launch Menʼs Fraternity, and God did some incredible things in the lives of men who were committed to it. If youʼre unfamiliar with what Iʼm talking about, Menʼs Fraternity gives men the opportunity to be encouraged and taught what it means to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ and revealed by the Word of God. It is a challenging experience, but one that will help you relate to men who are dealing with the same life issues as you are on a daily basis, and offer encouragement to you as you seek to follow Christ. This year we will be

going through the study entitled, “Winning at Work and Home,” and I am confident that you will be challenged and changed as we look at the two arenas—work and

home—that absorb most of a manʼs time, talent, energy, effort, and creativity. In this life, these two areas matter. They count. This isnʼt pre-season, itʼs the real thing. And you need to know how to navigate successfully through these two crucial environments. So over the next 16 weeks, I want to help you take your “game” at home and work to the next level. I want to help build (or rebuild) your confidence; expand your vision; help you develop and implement successful life strategies; and give you principles that will help you in your relationship with your wife or your girlfriend, your relationships with your children, and those with whom you work.Donʼt miss out on this experience. Menʼs Fraternity begins on Wednesday, September 9 at 6am. Guys, I know itʼs early but itʼs worth it. The doors will open at 5:45am and we will be done at 7am sharp. If you have to

leave early for work, go ahead and plan on coming . . . itʼs not a problem to leave early. Donʼt make excuses. Men need other men to help each other in this life we live. Youʼll build relationships with guys that are a lot like you, and learn what it means to be authentic, God-pursuing men. I look forward to seeing you on September 9, at 6am!

Striving to win at work and home,Pastor Shawn

Join the Transformed by Jesus Womenʼs Ministry on Saturday, OCTOBER 24, for a fun day of fellowship and crafts. Feeling a little unskilled? No worries. All crafts and projects will be taught in simple step by step instructions and offer some creative ideas for upcoming holiday gifting. Mark your calendar today!

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I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 1 Timothy 1:12On Saturday, August 22 over 500 low income families came to our church to receive free school supplies and clothing for their children to begin the school year. This is the second year we have hosted the Tools for School program, partnering with Grand Prairie United Charities and Grand Prairie Independent School District to make a difference in the lives of these families. Each of the families that attended the event completed a registration card for our church. One of the questions on the card asked, “Would you like information on how to know for sure that God is in your life?” We received almost 150 cards that answered “yes” to this question. One mother indicated in the comments section of her card, “Educate my daughter about the Bible.” As a church family I challenge us to rise to the occasion in responding to these families. These registration cards are open invitations to share the gospel of

Jesus Christ with people who are literally asking us how they can know for sure God is in their life. At the same time, I know you may feel intimidated, scared and not sure what you will say in following up with these families. You may wonder if language will be a barrier and you might even feel that this job

is best suited for those with

the gift of evangelism. My encouragement to you is found in 1 Timothy 1:12. First of all you do not have the strength to do this on your own. Jesus has and will give you this strength. So many times we fail to put ourselves in a position of faith to allow Jesus to work through us. I challenge you to step out and see His strength in action. Second, because of your own sin, you are not worthy of this task. Jesus though has suffered on your behalf, made you clean, and when the Father looks for a faithful representative of his Son, He sees you. What an incredible

privilege to be seen as qualified to represent the one true living God to the people around us. Finally, it really doesnʼt matter to the church if you go, it matters to the One who has appointed you. The church is not responsible for giving the orders, but rather to equip Godʼs people to carry them out. The scripture describes you as being appointed to His service. Military officers, heads of state, and dignitaries are all appointed and take seriously their responsibility to those who have commissioned them to service. Remember the One who has appointed you for His service. To find out more about how you can help in following up with the families from Tools for School, see the display in the main foyer or contact the office. Training is available for those who want to practice sharing their faith. We are also partnering with Iglesia Bautista Central to create bilingual follow up teams. I look forward to transforming our community together for His Name. -Steve Brown

Responding to the Needs of our Community...

Please be in prayer for a small team of men from Inglewood that will be traveling to the Congo September 27-October 5. Pray for safety and

receptive hearts.

September 13th, there will be an interest and information meeting to discuss needs and vision cast for A Journey Through Bethlehem 2010. We will need people with all different talents from constructing a life size village to actors as you walk through the display. Please sign up for this meeting and join us as we Journey Through Bethlehem.

Page 5: inglewood - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/inglewoodbaptistchurch/... · on your own. Jesus has and will give you this strength. So many times we fail to put ourselves in a position

The ikids Childrenʼs Ministry is inviting all families and Grand Prairie churches to pray for the elementary kids as they return to the largest mission field in America … the school campus. We are asking families and individuals to prayer walk on the 25 GPISD elementary school campuses where their children attend school during Campus Prayer Journey 2009. Those who have students in private school or home school should go to the campus their child would attend if in public school.Campus Prayer Journey participants may walk, skate, jog, drive or bike around the campus. Our goal is to have a prayer team on every campus where our members attend school, praying for the salvation, safety and spiritual growth of the students and the school staff.The Campus Prayer Journey is Tuesday, September 22. You may conduct your prayer walk at anytime between 5:00pm – 8:00pm. Prayer guides will be made available in a few weeks. ROOTS: kids growing deeper in Godʼs Word, will be a different and life-changing Bible

study for kids in grades 1-6. In this discipleship course on Sunday nights in the Fall, children will understand the life of Jesus, from birth to resurrection, and what it means to them. Using resources from Jesus, the One and Only by Beth Moore, these young followers of Christ will be required to complete daily assignments including scripture memory. Weʼre not just playing in the dirt. Weʼre digging deeper! How exciting! Sunday School Promotion is September 6 and T.A.G. Childrenʼs Worship is already back in full swing. During this 8-week series, we are studying the life of Paul in a series called "Shipwrecked." Parents, you can check out the weekly motto in front of the Tree House every week.

 Keep up with ikids ministry on the IBC website and follow us on Twitter. Go to www.twitter.com/IBCkids, sign in and click follow. every second counts…

Brett & Kristin Rachel

The Power in a Child’s Prayer...

Our preschoolers learned about praying for each other and exceeded my expectations on prayer.  This was implemented in our 2 year old class this summer and to hear a child pray for a friend is amazing.   We are still looking for additional workers for ETC and Worship Kid Style.  We are currently working on a five week rotation and if you love children and would like to help please email me at [email protected]. We welcome Lucas Shaw as our newest arrival born August 12th 2009.  Congrats Kaydi and Josh!!-Anita Potts

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::New Teaching Series for

Breakthru Worship- IMAGINE

Begins September 2

A glimpse into what our ministry

can be when we dream God sized


::See You At The Pole 2009


September 23rd

Inglewood Baptist Church

1901 S. Carrier Pkwy. | Grand Prairie, TX | 75051

www.inglewoodbaptist.com | 972.264.4264 | facebook.com/inglewoodbaptist

shawn barnard [pastor] * steve brown [executive pastor] * ryan clark [worship pastor] * joel owen [student pastor]

brett & kristin rachel [children ministry directors] * anita potts [preschool director]

kathy burleson [office manager] * candace payne [creative media director] * kelli zink [administrative assistant]